The Beauty Codes ~ Quantum Galactic Ascension ~ March 13th Goddess Day ~ The Venus Diary ~ TWIN FLAMES RESTART ~ Dragon Council Meeting
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Awakened Warriors of Heavens Kingdom on Earth
Happy 3:1:3 Portal as the Trinity Gate opens and surrounds the One True Source in the middle.
Today is a very special day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar as we commence the Yellow Seed Wavespell this day is encoded with our Starseed Resonance as Galactic Signature Kin 144 Yellow Magnetic Seed. This is the day we magnetize the Gold Ray of Enlightenment as the seeds of Wisdom and Knowledge shall germinate, sprout, rise and will be ready to bloom and blossom in the Light over the next 13 days of Awakening.
We Stand Tall here and Now in these final days of the old 3D False Matrix as we remain still on the edge of the precipice as we take our Leap of Faith, our first Maiden Flight into the Unknown Heavens and over our Sacred Lands of Terra Nova Gaia. The Eagle and the Condor join you and fly by your side along with Mother Father God and our Company of Heaven.
All we are witnessing and experiencing is in preparation for the coming Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024. The NUMBER 8 symbolizes many things, among them balance and abundance but also Rebirth and New Beginnings. This year of the 8 is going to do just that. We shall all be reborn into our New Avatar Vessels of Light into our New Earth Reality in the coming days. Our whole lives and over many lifetimes and timelines, have we prepared for this Glorious Day.
In this Critical Moment there is nothing to fear, not even fear itself, for we are God’s Spiritual Warriors of our Lion Kingdom of the New Lemuria and Great Spirit has our backs in every moment of this Greatest Shift of all Ages into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Stay in the Love and the Light of Infinite Source Creator, you are surrounded in an impenetrable bubble of White Light, and keep rising in the Honor and the Glory of the Sacred Heart of our Cosmic Divine Mother.
As we seek the Kingdom of Heaven within, we rest in the Peace and Love of the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things. In this we activate the 144 Code of our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA (into the 13) and bring into this Realm and Unite the 13 Tribes and Nations of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Jerusalem under the Banner of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of Shambhala… A’Ho!
New visions and possibilities are forming. What seemed impossible in the past – both to reach within you & in the world – seems to be coming closer. Trust your intuition. Enjoy this renewed sense of bigness, of hope, of alignment. We are at last getting ready for the start of the astrological year, soon to come.
Michael’s tower in Glastonbury – Avalon ~ Rose Ray Visions of Somerset
For the last few nights I have been going outside at about 9PM to watch the stars. Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades are just about at midheaven over my house at that time. This year, there are powerful Codes streaming down as we approach the Eclipses and the Taurus Gate in May.
On the 3/3 we received the Divine Feminine Beauty Codes. On the 4/4 (4th of April) we will receive the Divine Masculine Beauty Codes on at the Eclipse they will be activated on the 4/8 frequency.
Sirius and the Pleiades have always been the source of the Beauty Codes on Earth. We have no need to reinvent them, we have already in our ancestral memory the original blueprints from Lemuria and Ancient Egypt. These are powerfully reconnecting us to the Tree of Life and Grace that is at the center of the New Earth hologram.
In this powerful corridor to the Equinox we are inspired by the Beauty Codes to remember that we live within a beautiful creation and that we are connected to and part of Nature. We are inspired to become part of the wave of Beauty and Creation that is forming the New Earth.
3/13/24: We can be smart in education and also stupid in experience. That’s why some people appear to be wise, but only those who have been roughed up on their human journey, and made it to the other side, truly understand what wisdom means. And it is those souls who have so much light to offer. Today is a “tough love” energy day, meaning it’s rife with experiences and opportunities for those who seek to gain even more from their life. They will take what happens and squeeze out every bit of meaning, poignancy, and heart they can find in it. Your Right Action is to make today personal without taking it personally. Wisdom comes to those who’ve made space for it.
tough love
Shekina Rose ~ Angelic Messenger
Restoring the Sacred Divine Feminine Codes of Humanity
(The Feminine Empath} New Earth Ascension (Power of the Blue Ray)
In the New moon of Pisces energies ~
A Blue Ray New Moon ~ profound Healing~ intuitive, empathic, Emotional,
Compassionate, Adaptable, Sensitive, Creative, New beginnings.
March 13th Goddess Day
We honor our Sacred Divine feminine essence and the Rose’s sacred sister ship on the thirteenth of every month. And Friday, the 13th, is a very powerful day of Divine Feminine Energy, and it was once considered a day to honor the goddess and come together.
The Sacred Divine Feminine is being revived to carry the ascension wave forward. The Blue Ray’s purpose is carried out as an empath sensitive following the path of the Sacred Divine Feminine, the Goddess with Mother Earth Gaia. The restoration of the Sacred Divine feminine essence is vital to the evolution of humanity.
As a feminine empath, you are able to embody the divine mother’s Goddess essence of compassion, intuitive energies, and unconditional Love. Where you can balance the field of polarities and differences into oneness. The Blue Ray Starseed transformers are empath sensitives and use their bodies and energy fields as channels to transmute lower-density energies and anchor higher frequencies for earth and humanity through the sacred divine feminine vibration.
An up-leveling in your frequency, vibration, perceptions, and how you feel is shifting. This is also causing the release of old beliefs and patterns that are easier to let go of through love and blessings.
Know that there is an inner, quiet, majestic, Divine holy power in the Blue Ray of Creation template. This uprising through the Sacred Divine Feminine is occurring through you on the planet. You are resurrecting the Divine Feminine Christ consciousness.
In this new presence of being, your intuitive sensory feelings are coming online in new ways of perception and understanding that are liberating and connecting you.
As the old system continues to crumble and collapse to the ground.
During this shift we may feel like we are travelling through the unknown as we no longer resonate with some of the things once important and we gravitate instead into an entirely new and healthier direction.
We are going through a major clearing and purging process.
However it will be less challenging to release the toxic debris and we will naturally magnetise to the people and circumstances necessary to make clean and final breaks and to totally let go of anything harmful that has served its divine purpose.
The time has come to cut unhealthy cords and attachments and to start over.
You will now desire to Surround yourself with people who are doing the work to heal themselves and with those who want to talk to you about ideas rather than other human beings.
Surround yourself with people who are gentle , compassionate and kind.
Surround yourself with those who want to grow with you because surrounding yourself with the right people changes everything.
The ego trap:
We often think those of lower frequencies drain us. And we can blame them for feeling victimised. Being drained of energy is a symptom of feeling closed off to Source Energy .If we remain open to the flow of Source,We overflow remaining open, and recharged, is our responsibility, not theirs. Victim mentality is an extension of our ego.
It’s our responsibility to raise our vibrations, High frequencies are your protection from low vibrational Energies.
Opening Your Heart to Yourself is the Key to Allowing the Love of the Universe to Enter. Allow the Mystery to Unravel Everything you are Not.
It’s time to attract what you deserve.
We are preparing for the New Earth.
Your body is in recalibration mode as many DNA changes are taking place due to the downloads and activations in the last few years and up until now , in the new Earth
energy you will feel more confident in God’s plan for you that you will not be getting upset anymore when things don’t seem to be going your way because you have developed belief that what
Source Energy has set for you will always happen no matter what and because ultimately Nothing can stop you completing the Divine’s plan and purpose for your life.
“The full merging of the Yin and Yang physical templates that were received on 8/8/23 has successfully taken place.
The Spiral of Life has been continuously moving to open the way and help you bring this through.
The more apart the Ascending and Descending flows move, the more a third flow of alignment to 5D is created and the Twin Flames come closer to each other!
The merging of the templates is the actual rebirth of the Twin Flames which carries the power needed for their restart on a quantum level!
This is a reboot and a work that takes true dedication and a truthful relationship to the Self with clear intention for practical change.
You are experiencing the physical awakening and transformation of the inner masculine after all, so all changes now are about the material aspect.
Your material body and reality is the vessel that will express this change.
As the rebooted energy moves through the system, what is the most common is that it meets multiple resistances within ones system/DNA and it gets stuck there trying to move through them and restore the flow.
If this is the case then there are intense emotions and events taking place in one’s life so that the hidden issues can become aware and dealt with by the individual.
If there is no clear intention for conscious therapy, this is the point at which one can stay stuck in loops for a long time!
Remember that Spirit is not meant to do the work on your part, you are the one who carries the physical vessel and experiencing this physical reality.
You are a body/spirit/soul Being!
You are here to grow into a conscious creator via your own Trinity.
Spirit shows you where the tools and solutions are.
Spirit is the guide but you are the one who is meant to put the intention and effort and by following this guidance, to become that conscious Trinity Creator!”
Energy update:
Amazing developments are here while the difficulty of the game increases exponentially!
February initiated all this change!
There will be nothing left θseen or unaddressed!
We are very close to the Light!
The closer we come to it, the more all inner imbalances and ill imprints are expressed in the body in order to be seen and addressed properly.
Full focus on the Self is needed now for this!
The Spiral of Life has accelerated its movement, this means that all inner processes are becoming more speedy.
The closer we move to its centre, all unaddressed aspects are actually becoming bigger and stronger pushing to speak and find salvation and recalibration!
This is a multi leveled restoration!
The Divine Mother and the teams of the 5D Crystalline Light Beings are here to support anyone that needs it.
They are here to help people clear the old, settle karma, address their health issues, escape the 3d pitfalls and quickly adjust to the new developments!
For the great symphony of light is providing new evolutionary formations for you to ponder and explore.
The Hu-man framework is experiencing a new approach to cellular activation and DNA expression, providing rapid states of new awakenings and deeper awakenings for the advanced souls
As your Ancestral timelines of Light are now amplified. As your cosmic awareness of your origins are highlighted within your DNA
Please be prepared for foreign emotions and heightened familiar energies as your physical and multidimensional lines of light interact and co-occur in a new vibrational dance of light
Know it is one aspect of you, as the path before you is free flowing, heightened and awakened in light
We are all stepping up in new ways of light integration, as we join together around the world creating a new culture of light in the physical domain of now
As a light healer, know this message is encoded with unconditional love to assist you
This is universal knowledge for the humanitarian collective to shine
Simply acknowledge the light of you
The wonderful transition of light before you
With love, with light
New Earth Alliance
As Our Galactic Brothers and Sisters Uprise in Light
The Divine Feminine Christ is receiving gifts from God for her efforts in clearing this and past life karmic relationships. It has taken a lot to get clear and release the cords, vows, contracts, and systems that have been repeating throughout the bloodline and other lifetimes and dimensions. She answered the inner call and courageously let her soul lead her back to God Source Union.
Now you are receiving help, support, and protection that is removing you from other people’s energies and experiences. The mind is clearing ruminating and replaying the past over and over. A new positive mindset is expanding. This new way of thinking and believing in life will automatically create the abundant blissful love filled life that the mind creates for you.
Beating across multiple planes simultaneously; holding so many within its field; its memories are the fuel of your spirit, its visions propel action and foster hOpe; and its beat carries the rhythm of your soul, enabling those who hear to dance to your pulsation. It is a magnet, drawing towards you encounters that school you, healing you both in joy and in sorrow. It is a womb that sustains you, nourishing your life force, your emotional body and your mind.
It is your true brain, acting from instinct, ever guiding you, even if your mind gets in the way in its attempt to steer it. It is your stove, providing life-heat when stoked, radiating welcoming emotions to those you lOve.
It is fuelled by your dreams. Not fantasies. But vision. Knowingness.
Your dream is a purposeful liminal impetus that offers meaning and purpose. It is THE elixir that sustains and nourishes all that births through you; a quintessence that acts as your Pole Star, animating your heart-light and enabling the heart-magnet.
You create from the dreamscape, not the mind, once you know this place, the portal to which is open for those with a heart to hear and feel. Now is the moment wherein you walk between worlds, bringing through you all that you live, feel and love, focused through your heart the vast experiences of your multi-tiered essence.
Let the liminal light flow. Here. Now. Everywhere.
Reflection on Mutable Water Venus in conjunction to the Watcher of the North, Fomalhaut/ Rapha-el.
Today is dominated by an Earth/Water Kite configuration that is formed from an Earth Grand trine from the Taurus Moon to Pholus and Ceres in Capricorn and a Juno/Black Moon Lilith conjunction in Virgo, which opposes Saturn in Pisces.
11˚ Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces are the critical degrees. Saturn, as the ‘outlet’ for the configuration, is the focalizer.
This is a configuration that may bring up a lot of vulnerable memories and the potential to explore the root of your BEing at a deep level. This is about that inner heroine’s journey, or post hero’s journey. We are on a collective heroine’s journey now. We are learning to become more fully human and move away from the conquering, dominating, colonizing, and controlling monomyth.
You may find yourself digging deeply into your connection with the world and your core self. I have an astrologer friend who always signs off with ‘eyes to the skies’. I am a great fan of that person’s work and do believe that we get to look up at night and observe the phenomenon of the Cosmic cycles so that we can feel and observe how they work within us. Just the other day, however, I realized that my work is ‘eyes inwards. Learning how these energies work within and drawing the energy downwards in a descent to find our ‘self’.
Today is all about that. Nesting, indwelling, finding that secret ‘self’. It’s about retrieving the buried yin, night, exhale energy. The place of internal caves, bogs, moors, and roots. No wonder my word for the year is ‘rerooted’
John Sandbach’s symbols for 11˚ Pisces, where Saturn resides today reflect this inner journey.
“Pisces 12. A fantastic archaeological find is being kept secret. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Sensitive
(Degree Angel Name: Nithael (NIT-ha-EL) The Death of Death, Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth)
The past houses secrets which, if they could be known might have a transformative effect on the present. This degree is aware of how the self is always keeping secrets from itself – it is a technique the ego uses to try to maintain the structure it imposes on reality. There’s a persistent desire here to allow all secrets to be revealed, and to open up the treasure house of the past, even at the risk of threatening the ego.
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A woman asleep in a ring of flames.” One of the places in literature where this image is found is in the last part of “Die Valkure,” where the Valkerie Brunhilde is placed in a ring of flames by the kind of the Gods, Wotan. She is to sleep there until a person with the requisite courage comes who has the power to rescue her. She, like the archaeological find of the Omega Symbol is, in a sense, being kept secret where she sleeps, high on a mountain.
On another level, this woman is the Shekinah, the Kabbalistic female spirit of one’s own wisdom, each one of us being the hero who will eventually pass through the frightening flame barrier of our own ego to wake her and unite with her.
Through total rest, through deep sleep and merging with pure being an alchemy is allowed to work and to draw to itself whatever will awaken it to a new world.
This degree may experience an intense yearning, but not be able to define what it is that it yearns for. It carries within itself a secret which, in lower stages of development, it may not even be aware of. The secret is the knowledge that the perfection one seeks is there, waiting, within, and will inevitably be discovered. This is the source of the mysterious patience and hope this degree brings to whatever it contacts.
The archaeological find of the Omega Symbol is actually your true self, which in fact you never lost, but which, until enlightenment, you’re keeping secret from yourself.”
After this kite configuration, the Taurus Moon conjuncts Jupiter at the number of the witch, 13˚ inviting you to create a more abundantly connected life in the womb of life itself.
Early tomorrow, mental Mercury in Aries trines creative intelligence asteroid, Pallas Athena, in adventurous Sagittarius giving a surge of ideas around living in that more connected space in the womb of life. A lunar conjunction with Uranus, now at 20˚ after leaving the degree of the station direct. Radical and restless changes call you.
I have never had a stronger desire for a simpler, fecund, connected life
The next Venus Star Point™ is at 14˚ Gemini, which is Mercury ruled, on June 4th. Yes, it’s a few weeks away but it’s a big one and occurs with almost all the major planets concentrated in one half of the chart, which makes it super intense.
There are also multiple other reasons why this Star Point is a big one.
On Wednesday, March 13th, the Moon, ruler of our feelings of safety and security, is connecting with Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth, in persevering Taurus. Something could be in the beginning stages of manifestation now. It all starts with an idea or vision……then you add your persistence and determination, along with uplifting thoughts……
next nurture and tend to the “buds” that are starting to form……and, if you have patience and belief, it will turn into something prosperous and abundant! Jupiter is the planet of blessings……the Moon is about cycles, as well as our emotions. If we stay positive and trust that something good will happen, it most likely will!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our feelings of safety and security, is connecting with Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth, in persevering Taurus
Saturn in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn. Venus in Pisces semi-sextile Pluto in Aquarius – Yesterday’s commitment dilemmas receive a helping hand from Mother Goddess Ceres. To commit, says Ceres, to accomplish what you set out to do, you need to know how to support yourself. When did you last spend some quality time nurturing your dreams, your body, your soul? Yes, there are responsibilities, work, bills to pay, and all the rest of the adult stuff. But there is also the smell of the ocean, freshly cut grass, spring flowers and autumn leaves. Can you take one of those 1440 minutes in each day, just for you? Long term growth requires strong foundations and healthy structures.
Venus in Pisces agrees. Already advocating for self-compassion, the connection to Pluto shows how transformative this can be. Maybe change is coming, or change is needed to secure the future your heart is set on. That’s okay. This is part of the natural ebb and flow of life. You are rich in inner resources that can help you to navigate the path ahead. Let love lead you to the souls who will support you on your journey. Trust yourself.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Attract, Unify and Purpose’. The number one is unifying and when we all stand together as one, we become mightier. All the days that participate in the 13-day journey form together to become one experience. The dynamism of the calendar centers around this sacred count of 13. Today, Yellow Seed is the one setting the agenda for this wavespell and that simply means that we reap what we have sown and now is the time we harvest this bounty. The ten Portal days in a row, make this one of only two wavespells where this occurs. Personally, I find it’s not as intense as the Serpent wavespell (which is the other one with ten Portal days in a row) but it can be just as eventful.
Today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. Things we’ve done in the past, good or bad, come to fruition during the Flowering wavespell of the Yellow Seed. Many wonderful surprises happen during this time and so much abundance! And ideas like plants take time to grow and so, may you sow good things now that later you will benefit from. Take care of those ideas too as they need nurturing and care. The Yellow Seed is very concerned with acquiring knowledge, searching for information and accumulating facts. Not only do Yellow Seed people have this thirst for knowledge, they are also very eager to share what they have learned. Today is perfect for information gathering and sharing wisdom.
The day is also Guided by Yellow Seed and so a double helping of this energy. The first day of a wavespell is always guided by itself. (the 6th and 11th day are too)
The Challenge today is the White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment’. The Yellow Seed is too aware to fall for Wizard’s enchanting spells and so Wizard has less charm and power today. If you’re a White Wizard then today is not your best day. Try to benefit from today’s energy anyway and if you can’t, then all you can do is hang on until tomorrow where you’ll be better placed as the Ally power.
The Occult power is Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. This is one of the reasons why this wavespell is so special, as it’s a great opportunity to blossom. Naturally, the Seed is planted in the Earth and these two wavespells follow one another in the Tzolkin too. Of course the Earth is full of abundance and this connection to Mother Earth is very magical.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle who represents ‘Visions and Creativity’. If you have a friend who is an Eagle, they can be great to have around today. If you are one, expect to be called upon for your assistance. If you don’t know one personally, the Eagle’s energy is friendly to all today and he can advise us to look at the whole picture and to come up with creative solutions to our problems, a great help indeed.
KIN 144 is a TRIPLE SEEDING CODE which commences the 13 day SEED CYCLE.
Our DNA is about to be
during this cycle to enable new data and codings to be downloaded into our DNA.
KIN 144 is an impetus for great GROWTH during this cycle.
WE are completing one cycle and transitioning to the next stage of our growth cycle… OUR DNA is being upgraded so too is NOVA GAIA’S … Another very potent Ascension day folks!
GET READY for a QUANTUM LEAP in our EVOLUTION our entire HU-MAN species is being ELEVATED.
A DATE WITH DESTINY! An extraordinary MAJIKAL day for AWAKENING and initiating our new collective Divine Destiny path!
GET READY STAR-BLISS-SUPERNOVA SUNS!!! Get out your hoe and start tilling the fertile soil as we are commencing a new 13 day wavespell today – that of the YELLOW SEED, which is the 12th Wavespell in the Tzolkin Calendar.
In 2 days time, on 15 MARCH 2024, we shall commence our climb up the DNA ASCENSION LADDER as we traverse through a column of 10 GAP DAYS IN A ROW!
Souping up the energies with more intensity and POWER to harness for your creations. Luckily this passage will not be as unsettling as the RED SERPENT GAP journey of shedding our skins.
Today the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL arrives at this pivotal point in time once again about to SUPER IGNITE the next phase of our evolution and soul growth, particularly for the wayshowers, the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who are making a QUANTUM leap into the NEW ERA..
The YELLOW SEED holds strong FOCUSED and YANG masculine energy giving us phenomenal FUEL to fulfill our DESTINY…
.Another DIVINE GIFT for our ASCENSION passage – Absolutely GORGEOUS!
We are now moving towards greater UNITY and HARMONY, we are able to embark on a new GROWTH cycle – that of bonding together through DIVINE SERVICE to construct our beautiful NEW EARTH PARADIGM.
WHAT can we expect from the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL?????
We can expect MUCH more fertility, creativity and Abundance to FLOW into our lives… through our ability to fully FOCUS our intent on our Divine Missions…
Greater numbers of people will RAPIDLY AWAKEN as they ARISE from their slumber in the deep dark soil, and they use their energy to turn towards the LIGHT – the SUN – the SOURCE of LIFE – breaking ground and joining together with like minded souls to form common-unities – UNIFIED in their purpose..
The SEED WAVESPELL is about RIPENING to your fullest POTENTIAL – It is about NEW GROWTH and EXPANSIVE creative opportunities, in order for you to BLOSSOM and AWAKEN the potential in others through your sheer MAGNIFICENCE..
NOW is the time to SOW all your new ideas and INITIATE new projects, so that they can take root and GROW. Our effort will assist us in manifesting our HIGHEST POTENTIAL and SEED the highest timeline for NEW EARTH.
Make sure you invest in a notebook/diary to keep with you at all times, in order to record all those SPARKS, ideas and inspiration you will be receiving… Make sure that you LISTEN for the signs and promptings, revealing your new direction, and take INSPIRED ACTION – to see them GROW!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetizing all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY!
Today’s question is “What projects and ideas can I SEED today, allowing me to AWAKEN and FLOWER into my Highest Potential?”
Divine blessings for the creation of your beautiful fertile Garden of Eden..BLISS on EARTH!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
On July 24th, 2022 we completed our journey through the DREAMSPELL YEAR of the YELLOW ELECTRIC SEED, so we are well acquainted with the evolutionary transformation that the SEED brings to humanity. BLUE STORM YEARS are chaotic and the turbulence uncovers much density to be faced. Following the STORM YEARS comes the YELLOW SEED.. whose target is to OPEN OUR EYES to what the STORM revealed.
The YEAR of the LUNAR STORM in 2021/22 occured in the midst of the PANDEMIC which threw the world into unprecedented CHAOS.. then the following year the ELECTRIC SEED played a massive role in humanity’s AWAKENING and upgrading to UNIVERSAL consciousness. The ELECTRIC SEED marked the IGNITION of humanity’s evolution to higher collective consciousness as a result of clearing the density that the LUNAR STORM revealed…
What are you desiring to ATTRACT during this 13 day cycle in order to RIPEN to your fullest POTENTIAL?
What are you seeking to ATTRACT today to SEED your New Reality?
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW MAGNETIC SEED – KAN . Today is a triple YELLOW SEED day! (Double SEED plus the Wavespell ) It is time to roll up your sleeves, put on your gardening gloves and green thumbs and plant those new SEEDS, in organized and symmetrical rows!
Today is indeed a great day for GARDENING on any plane! Whether that be physically in our own gardens, or the collective gardens of our Planet. The GARDEN of EDEN.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Synchronistically I just signed up for an ORGANIC GARDENING course covering all the elements to become fully equipped to create, grow and harvest an abundance of ORGANIC produce from my backyard garden! I have also booked a GARDENER to clear out the weeds and create the SPACE for the new garden beds – ready to commence my project on TRIPLE SEED DAY!!!
Suited for AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and USA residents.
During this YELLOW SEED cycle we are aiming to SEED our HIGHEST POTENTIAL , through FOCUSING on initiating our new ideas and projects. As it is a MAGNETIC day we have great power to ATTRACT all we need in order to LIVE our purpose.
It is not just about thinking, or brainstorming, but actually commencing ACTION. Plan and organize your ideas and projects into manageable steps, but take that first step today, bringing forth your Dreams from yesterday, into REAL-ity.
KAN inspires us to fully BLOSSOMtoday, to share our packets of LIGHT with others so that our SPARK can ignite their soul’s potential.
YELLOW SEED is a brilliant TEACHER, and is adept at nurturing the potential in others, so that they can RIPEN and BLOOM. In order to TEACH others, one must first seek to reach the highest personal levels through AWAKENING to one’s own Divine potential.
LEAD the way as wayshowers, beautiful WISE STAR-BLISS-SUPERNOVA SUNS.
It is a beautiful day to FLOWER and plant new ideas, in the minds of the receptive, in order to TARGET greater planetary awareness.
We pray that greater numbers of the sleeping masses, WILL RAPIDLY AWAKEN to the Divine Truth during this 13 day cycle.. The more AWAKE our collective is, the QUICKER we manifest a better Reality for ALL HU-MAN-KIND. AMEN to that!
SUPPORT: BLUE MAGNETIC EAGLE – MEN provides the VISION today, giving you the panoramic view of your whole project, enabling you to see the whole forest.
BLUE EAGLE gives you the power to ENVISION the completion and accomplishment of your goals, energizing and anchoring them into this realm. You can perceive each step in your path, as it leads to the whole – allowing you to imprint the total blueprint into your SEEDS of creation. The MAGNETIC EAGLE will assist you in attracting all that you need to nurture these SEEDS into hardy plants that can bear nourishing fruit.
BLUE EAGLE gifts you the POWER to SEE and recognize the full potential of your ideas, knowing which one is the most fertile, needing to be planted first. The POWER of Future VISION is a very potent skill for budding ENTREPRENEURS.
The VISION and CLARITY that the BLUE EAGLE provides is instrumental in bringing forth the greater AWARENESS and AWAKENING of the Yellow SEED cycle. Having the EAGLE as our SEER is a very valuable asset indeed as it brings us the power of FUTURE VISION the Art of Prophecy.!
BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND – our COLLECTIVE consciousness. As the supporting energy for the entire 13 day Yellow SEED cycle – this ensures that PLANETARY MIND is being UNIFIED through greater AWAKENing and is RIPENING to a higher potential of DIVINE MIND – through our evolutionary DNA upgrade of our collective MINDS.
HALLELUJAH – massive quantum DNA upgrades for ALL!
A very EXCITING and dynamic cycle for intense and accelerated GROWTH and AWAKENING.. yippee!! BRING IT ON!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED COSMIC EARTH– CABAN is today’s SUPERPOWER meaning it will be easier to align with the many SIGNS, and synchronicities that point you in the right direction to realize your fullest potential growth. We can access this information from throughout the Cosmos with this expansive occult power today.
Understanding the RIGHT TIMING within the cycles of the whole Cosmos – realizing that GAIA is evolving through this Ascension cycle in accordance with the Divine Plan. We can then decipher our place, our purpose and our Mission in the unfolding of this greater cycle as we learn to GO WITH THE NEW FLOW .
MAY the plan of LIGHT and LOVE work out, and
MAY it seal the door where EVIL dwells..
This is the DIVINE PLAN for GAIA to be a PLANET of LIGHT! (No more PRISON PLANET!)
The DIVINE PLAN for each individual is to hold and embody the greatest LIGHT QUOTIENT in our cell-ves that we possibly can! The LIGHTER you are, the HIGHER you can FLY! KIN 144 upgrades our DNA so that we can hold more LIGHT.
Tune into COSMIC GAIA as the SUPER POWER, during this cycle to ensure you are the RIGHT PERSON, in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME. Listen, observe and follow the SIGNS, synchronicities and promptings to catapult you along your path, to attract all that you require for your divine Mission and accelerated soul growth.
Your heart and that of Mother Gaia will have greater connectivity today, bringing forth the POWER TO SEED the highest potential for birthing NEW EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD – IX provides today’s GIFT and blessing, and that is to open our HEARTS and become more RECEPTIVE to the higher LIGHT flooding into our planet and flowing through our expanded consciousness. This whole cycle requires us to be guided through our HEART CONSCIOUSNESS.
The MAGNETIC WIZARD connects us to the Universal GRID of WHITE MAJIK through this 13 year WIZARD cycle.. We have the POWER to break the evil dark hypnotic spell, through the power of enchantment, using our CHARM to connect HEARTS. LOVE is the panacea to FREE the soul from enslavement.
Our CHALLENGE is to be STILL and LISTEN.. looking for the signs and messages from Spirit and Pachamama. Using the Majikal tools of the Wizard to energize our SEEDS and our Creations – so that our Majikal Beanstalks can evolve in accelerated time.
The WIZARD reminds us that WE HAVE THE POWER – to create GREAT THINGS through our PURE HEARTS with our focused INTENTION.
Spend some time in REFLECTION during this cycle to receive more guidance from Spirit revealing your Divine Mission. .
Our challenge is to anchor these majikal energies into our physical reality in order to fully FLOWER as the beautiful Star BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS that we all came to Earth to be!. Aho!
Today’s question is “What projects and ideas can I SEED today, allowing me to AWAKEN and FLOWER into my Highest Potential?”
Divine blessings for the creation of your beautiful fertile Garden of Eden..BLISS on EARTH!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of March 10th through March 16th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 10th through March 16th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Super Moon in Pisces Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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