The Mothership is here and all 144000 Diamonds ! The Goddesses have Reclaimed their Positions * Emerald Heart Gateway of Love ~ DNA UP-RISING
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Ones of the Eternal Golden Buddha Ray
Happy 222 Angelic Portal!
After yesterdays most powerful Soultice Stargate opening and alignment we continue to be inundated with Higher Dimensional Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Infinite Light.
As our local Soualris begins his journey through Capricorn Season he continues to flood this realm with Adamantine Waves of Indestructible Diamond Light releasing 10 C Class Soular Flares and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.19 at 20:49 UTC.
On this Sacred day of the Sun we have a synchronicity of a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 168 Yellow Crystal Star as our Golden Sun within goes Crystalline SuperNova Expansion of Eternal Bliss Manifestation.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving the Golden Pearl Activation today directly from their Higher Self at One with Cosmic Consciousness.
The Miracle Codes of Freedom and Redemption are flowing into the Quantum Field from the most High Prime Source Creator for all our Good People of the New Earth…A’Ho!
Substantial ionized cosmic energy influx is anticipated today, characterized by a significant energetic wave. During this period, physiological symptoms may become more pronounced. Individuals may experience heightened dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, and unusual skin sensations. These responses are potentially linked to shifts in the cellular water index as the body adapts to the energetic changes. To mitigate these effects, maintaining adequate hydration is essential. Increased water intake is strongly recommended to support cellular processes.
Best regards,
Standing on the Threshold
We are in the midst of splitting timelines. Based on their level of consciousness and vibration, people are choosing which timelines they will experience, which realities they will be a part of. Paths will diverge even with those whom you once considered closest to you. It is alright. You will be making new friends, forming new relationships, as you meet others on the same frequency as you.
This time allows greater amounts of light to come through, and will see those who have chosen the path of ascension to reach higher realizations, embodying more of their Soul Self, as they reflect and free the few remaining energetical blockages, making final adjustments for the continuous rising into the higher timelines.
An immense negative clearing of this reality has concluded. The warmer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, as an energetic result of the Fiery Abyss openings, will now tend to cool as the Divine Purer Form of Energy replaces the vacancy of the cleared lower density. Divine Energetic Light is cold and even makes it snow in the deserts and warm climates.
Divine Feminine are once again going through a Higher Empowerment Process, to Equally Represent the New World of Divine Love, Law, and Stature, as this reality and Earth Ascends.
The Chosen Ones are All of Gods Children Worldwide and Equally Share simultaneously in deliverances of Abundance, Freedom, Peace, Harmony, and more Good Things from the Divine Vine, All found within Divine Love. The Second Coming is the Second Chance, the Chance to do everything in Divine Order and in Love, this time is prepared for You, as You for this Glorious Time. Love Thy Neighbour as You Love Yourself, do unto Others as You would like done unto You, impress and uplift Others, it is time.
The Light delivered to Earth/Gaia is NOW once again increasing and will continue to do so, bringing more into alignment with the Way of the New World at Your doorstep. The Twin Flame Relationships in Unity are the example and templates for All Human Relationships, transforming the world into Agape Love and Wisdom.
22.12.2024 This Solstice is a 4 day corridor of energetic activity felt by the pulse of the Earth and transcendent across dimensions of which soul alignments take place inter dimensionally, spanning realms of invisibility and calling awareness to beings across the arena that is time and space.
Expect to be called to release lower vibrational emotional states connected to memory of self narrative.
Know that Angels and Spirits everywhere are being awoken by the call to a purer state of being as life of Earth and that many new missions will be ignited.
Earth Angels become ignited by the fragrance of the radiant rose of the cosmic mother. The purpose will be to reset to harmony felt as peace and to release resistance felt as fear.
The balance of power shall be challenged but returned. The frequency of Mercy will shine as a burning flame transcending harsh and wronged judgement, cleansing our karmic past and creating space for healing through recognition of sorrows. Through our deepest wounds can pour our deepest love. This is the undertaking of vessel as a portal.
12/22/24: If you sense a heaviness today that feels like a burden of unmet responsibility or expectation, let it go. It’s actually the potential of your own power you’re feeling. But Old Earth is never satisfied no matter how much you’ve done, and can make you doubt your achievements and your worth. It always wants more from you. New Earth accepts who you are now and every version of yourself to come.
Any discomfort you feel today regarding your accomplishments and contributions is just leftover guilt and shame from judgments past. You owe no explanations, no proving, and no apologies to anyone. As much as you own your power moving forward will your simple presence be enough to speak for you.
The powers and rights of the Feminine Principle are returning to women!
The Goddesses have reclaimed their positions.
There is a huge recalibration taking place between the masculine and the feminine on all levels at the moment!
The Masculine within all will move through humbleness.
The Feminine within all will move through self sovereignty/independence.
The Child within all will move through warmth/breath/mobility.
This is the biggest 5D purification and restoration of our Being and Essence!
The Divine Parents are helping and supporting each and every one!
Try not to be affected by what will play out in the world in the next few days because it is meant to happen.
Instead it is better to slow down and keep your focus within.
Those ready are heading towards the point where for a tiny tiny tiny nanosecond they will experience a form of pause/death so that the new rotation in the inner worlds can begin!
The star of Venus has already connected and activated in the Crystalline portal for the Acropolis and then in the Great Pyramid.
The feminine pyramids got activated and
Her new calendar was announced too!
The Venus Star will show signs of change via the physical vision too!
This portal will open up more for the change in this realm!
The Mothership is here and all 144000 Diamonds will begin receiving direct guidance from their galactic teams!
True revelation begins now.
The physical reality is being transformed
and the physical senses are being altered.
She is the Phoenix rising and she no longer gives her consent to the misuse, misrepresentation, misinterpretation, limitation and abuse of Her Essence!
The Yoni is rising!
The Venus and Mars Love is on!
Blessings of matter and antimatter connection!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
High frequency energies have been filtering into EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING! These energies are forcing out extremely dense planetary energies, Collective 3D energies can at times make the ascending feel ungrounded jittery , triggered and out of vibrational alignment.
Navigating inner and outer polarity / duality can be challenging amid increasing world chaos. Maintaining inner peace amidst external turbulence is important. Focusing on healing inner wounds rather than mirroring external trauma is key. Choosing levels of engagement in external realities .
Some ascending may be feeling supercharged and wired up in these last few days of December , Difficulty in sleeping or needing to sleep a lot more – Extreme exhaustion – Ears ringing , head pressure , Energetic expansion in heart chakra – pressure and pain in the back – Itchy skin – Anxiety out of nowhere – sinus pressure , Headaches – Food sensitivity -Feeling stuck , Feeling blocked or experiencing the void , Vision and Auditory upgrades -Everything may feel challenging and struggling , this eases in the next few days.
The Earth grids are undergoing massive restructuring and new timelines are emerging while old ones now collapse. The world is in a revolutionary and transformative phase, with humans elevating their consciousness and becoming more attuned to subtle energies. This collective ascension is a shift towards higher vibrations and heightened awareness beyond the conventional senses. It is up to each individual to choose their reality in new earth amongst this global transformation.
In the journey of ascension, we have experienced transcendence in spirit form beyond the physical realm. However this unique time marks our ascension while still inhabiting physical bodies, requiring us to release all that hinders our elevation. This includes shedding false programmes , past traumas, core wounds, and lower vibrational emotions accumulated from this lifetime and past incarnations.
It’s important to recognise that feelings of laziness, lack of motivation, or being stuck are not inherent traits but reflections of prolonged survival mode existence, leaving the ascending feeling drained and depleted for a time . This distinction is so vital as we shift towards higher vibrational and preferred states of being .
As we transition into higher vibrating realities, it becomes more apparent that not all aspects of our current selves can accompany us. The process demands letting go of what and who no longer serves the ascension path, both on an individual and collective level. Gaia, our Earth, is orchestrating this transformational journey, guiding us as she ascends to her higher dimensional form in alignment with our own human evolutionary growth.
Gaia is on a path of ascension that she will undertake with or without humanity, as she prioritises her own conscious evolution. Those who have chosen to ascend alongside her will also release all that no longer serves as they shift into the conscious realms and realities of the 5th dimension and beyond. Clearing and healing stored density in the physical and energetic bodies is imperative for this process.
Trusting that you are exactly where you are meant to be, with no deviations from your path or mistakes. Everything is unfolding as it should, and your conscious awareness of this journey will become increasingly fascinating as we delve deeper into understanding the true self.
These times may prove challenging for some as more individuals on this planet will choose to stay within 3D structures while others caught in collapsing densities begin to exhibit erratic and unbalanced behaviours.
Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, many will turn to LightWorker service for genuine guidance and universal wisdom, counsel, and direction , leading to a rise in demand for their services .
In the upcoming ascension 2025 energies , The ascending can expect significant changes in connections, relationships and circumstances as people around them may begin to drift away, propelling the self into new trajectories and higher frequencies that align with new self realities .
The Universe is guiding the ascension path and orchestrating the next steps on ascending planet . Many will be led to their aligned soul tribe and star family, receiving the necessary vibrational support needed . Your inner light and connection to Source will be nurtured and strengthened, creating remarkable advancements in consciousness evolution over the next six months.
Preparing for heightened physical body changes, including shifts in food consumption and lifestyle, as ascending self undergoes a metaphysical transformation. Trusting in the divine process and allowing self to receive without resistance, knowing that the divine energy of Source Creator is guiding this journey.
Throughout this year, many have engaged in significant self ascension by outgrowing false conditioning , by living in truthful awareness and existence , by removing dysfunctional individuals and situations, prioritising self-care, and building a stronger foundation for positive experiences and connections to enter into new earth life. Embrace these changes as sadness and grief now lifts , leaving behind what was needed in human experience to awaken and to evolve .2025 activates new energies into our planet .
The Ascending continue to consciously and rapidly ascend , 2025 is a universal year 9 it will strongly represent completions without unnecessary stress or overthinking about the future. All answers reveal themselves in due time in a number 9 year , it will reward positive outlooks and unwavering beliefs with desired outcomes . Trusting in the process and strengthening faith towards a new desired destination.
Rest And Be Still, Observe The Great Immersive Light, All Around You
For Much is Uprising, Unfolding
The Global Projectory Is Awakening
This is a Multidimensional State of Higher Light Awareness, Reaching US
As The True Cellular Expression of US
Simply Align To This Multidimensional Light Alignment
Be In Light
With Love, Global Light Alliance
Thank You Light Family
Karen Lithika
Together In Light
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
The Greatest Love of Your Life
We are coming out of the 3 days of darkness to be reborn with Christ Consciousness. This is a huge week for us Starseeds and Lightworkers to receive a massive clearing and upgrades Collectively.
We are in the exact alignment on December 25 with our Cosmic Human Origins. This is why the elites create portals and rituals on this day to block and manipulate the alignment to our Home in the Stars.
However this year that won’t be happening. Instead Divine Intervention is ensuring we receive all the healings and activations that are rising us up into the 5th dimensional blueprint and a society, collective, and individually.
1221 -1225 is the Emerald Heart Gateway of love. During these days we are receiving a clearing and healing, mentally and emotionally, from the pain and suffering that shut us down, and has been holding us back in fear. As the new Sun of Man births on December 25, the Higher Heart Chakra will expose the truth to you – that you are a Quantum being of Love, made of Love, and are here to live the life you love.
This love is our original blueprint from our Cosmic Human Origins. Relationships of karma and duality that damaged this are transmuting now in preparation for you to have the greatest love of your life! Flow with the changes that are aligning you to receive the Love.
On Sunday, December 22nd, the Moon, ruler of our emotional nature, shifts into Libra the Scales at 2:08pm EST and will connect with Pluto, ruler of transformation, the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, and Mars, planet of action. Libra rules balance, equality, cooperation and partnerships. So, relationships could be highlighted today.
We may be feeling more empowered within our connections with others. Be mindful to not allow your ego to get in the way of peace and harmony. And, there is an opportunity to collaborate with the energy of fun and creativity. All of these energies could also take place within the relationship we have with ourselves as well.
Last Quarter Moon in Libra. Sun in Capricorn semi-sextile Pluto – At the last turn in the lunar cycle, the Moon is nestled close to the South Node and the Super Galactic Centre so we may feel compulsively drawn to the past. Old loves, old friends tug at the heart strings and yet the Capricorn Sun reminds us that we have a job to do, a duty, a responsibility. Take a minute to honour the past and all it taught you. Thank your younger self for their efforts. Find your centre, compose yourself then go back out into the fray.
You were born with the ability to endure, to withstand life’s hard knocks. You were born to make a mark on the world, to find people to journey with along the way. Maybe some who crossed your path left you with emotional scars but warded and weary you picked yourself up and started again. Let go of the last vestiges of disappointment. Remember those who built you up instead of those who knocked you down. Be proud of the changes you mastered. Own your shadow. Cultivate resilience.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. We are on the 12th day of the Red Earth wavespell and today is a Portal day. The number 12 is associated with groups and teamwork. Traditionally we gather on the 12th day and hold a ‘Crystal Court’. We discuss our experiences of the calendar and this deepens our understanding. If you don’t have a Crystal Court you can attend, hold your own. Even if it’s just one or two other people, you’d be surprised how much you can learn by sharing. Corporation is a keyword associated with this number and this reminds us to think about community. Do something for your community today, it is an ideal number for getting together with others.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are simply for appreciating the beauty in the world. As it is a Crystal day, it is a perfect time for making art with others today. Make your world more beautiful with the help of friends. Today is an opportunity for all of us to shine like the stars that we are, after all we are made of stardust! Yellow Star days are not complicated nor is it hard to decipher its meaning. The Universe is giving you permission to be in awe of this beautiful world. Remember, we are still in the wavespell of the Red Earth. Our planet is a beautiful thing worthy of our admiration. May you go forth today with that notion in mind, and celebrate the beauty around you.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment’. Whenever the Sun guides us, it illuminates the way which makes the day much easier to navigate. If you are a Yellow Sun, you’ll be showing the path to others. Following the light- leads to enlightenment of course! This is a very handy guide as we shall see easily which direction to go.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. Whenever Mirror is in the challenge position, look out for those who speak with a forked tongue. Don’t fool yourself over a truth you’ve been denying. Take a reality check today but be aware you may not like what you see. No matter how hard the truth is to handle, it’s always better to know where you stand even if it does hurt.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker who has an adventurous spirit and when in the magical position, Skywalker explores magical realms and explores the mind too. If you want to know more about magic, think outside of the box. Skywalker can show you places you’ve never been to before.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you need a friend, hang out with a Monkey. They’re in a helpful mood today. If you are a Monkey, everyone wants to hang out with you, you’ll enjoy being popular. If you don’t have a Monkey in your life, then Monkey energy can still be friendly to you today. Expect some magic to help you out.
MANTRA I dedicate in order to beautify Universalizing Art I seal the store of elegance With the Crystal tone of Cooperation I AM guided by the power of universal fire I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!
22/12/2024 = 22/3/8 = 22/11 = 4/2=6
22/11=33 =6
2.4.6 – READY SET GO
11. 22.33. MASTER CODES
22- Architect of PEACE/Master Builder 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic 6- Heaven/CHRIST/Fertility/Harmony/Happiness
What a beauty filled MAJIKAL day we have lined up today. We have a stellar alignment of magnificent majikal DIVINE codes opening HEAVEN’S STAR-GATE to the NEW TIME.
We have an 11.22.33 – doorway to MASTERY and a 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE on a GAP PORTAL DAY!!
BAM BAM – supercharge your new life.
Another beautiful HEAVENLY DIVINE GAP PORTAL day!!
The CRYSTAL clear communication grid is OPEN WIDE due to the GAP energies and YELLOW STAR -GATE TOO!!
This enables us to UNIVERSALIZE our ARTISTRY!
Day 12 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are focused on COOPERATING with our KIn to evolve a world of BEAUTY and HARMONY through our COLLECTIVE HARMONIC MINDS. .as we are highlighting our beautiful DIVINE relationships.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE healing through the power of LOVE. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge – that new thing is our ARTISTRY.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today, through the power of co-operation with others, SHARE your VISIONS, share your ideas, and share your solutions.
A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we use our MINDS to define what such a world of beauty would look like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
Our collective MIND is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, without the need to SPEAK, but rather through our creative expression. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into. Pure knowingness.
The CRYSTAL STAR reminds you that YOU ARE A STAR born of STARDUST!
NOW is the RIGHT TIME for you to SPARKLE and SHINE.
To find your Art and express your soul’s desires through your CREATIONS. Once you align your MIND with your H-E-ART you can then use your hands to dedicate your life to expressing your unique ART.
LAMAT is a portal to the STARS and GALAXIES and today we have a GAP day too. We have very powerful doorways to walk through, leaving the dross behind and choosing to EXIST and SHINE in a wonderful New World…
A world that glitters and glows with all the colours of the rainbow – where YOU ARE THE ARTIST .
You can PAINT your landscape anyway you desire. Let us all IMAGINE this wonderful place that DREAMS are made of. Keep your FOCUS there and MAJIK will HAPPEN sooner than you realize.
The more of us that hold this beautiful DREAM of the HARMONIC MATRIX the STRONGER it will become.
IT IS UBER IMPORTANT that you hold this VISION of HARMONY throughout the duration of this SOLSTICE gateway.
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN – AHAU is our Higher guide today working in tandem with the CRYSTAL STAR to OPEN our MINDS to more BEAUTY and LIGHT!
We are in the SOLSTICE passage and the SUN is calling us outside today, to receive the 5D solar pulses of harmony and beauty, in order to realign our minds into the new harmonic matrix. What a BEAUTIFUL marriage we have today with the union of the CRYSTAL STAR and the CRYSTAL SUN – huge YANG energies streaming forth to LIGHT our FIRE.. and activate our SOLAR PLEXUS POWER centre!
The CRYSTAL SUN is a very potent ASCENSION ACTIVATOR, bringing forth Solar codes through the power of UNIVERSAL FIRE, to enLIGHT-ON us, and LIGHT UP our DNA. To IGNITE our SPARK! There are HUGE and continuous record breaking CME”S being emitted lately… so today we can expect MORE BIG ONES igniting the CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND codes!! Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHAU shines a LIGHT on disharmonious patterns and systems within the old MIND Matrix. We awaken to the truth of all false programming and Mind control through distorted measures of time, such as the 12:60 Gregorian Calendar code which HAD (past tense!) entrapped us in an Artificial time Matrix.
Our MIND’s primary role is to look for and comprehend the patterns that arise in our world, so that we can understand our place in the Universe. Disharmonic patterns confuse our MINDS and keep us enslaved, whereas the Harmonic patterns help us EVOLVE through resonance with the natural cycles.
As we identify and recognize the harmonic patterns encoded through the 13 moon calendar, the Earth cycles of CABAN, and our Solar cycles, we begin to align and synchronize with these natural cycles leading to our greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. This helps us to find our natural FLOW.
We can then align with our I AM presence. AHAU frees us and elevates our independent thinking in order to claim full SOVEREIGNTY of MIND allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS and wayshowers in the NEW TIME!
Connect to your SOURCE to receive your ANSWERS and inspiration.
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY – CHUEN the Master Magician and illusionist gives us a CRYSTAL CLEAR LENS to SEE beyond the smoke and mirrors – to reveal the deception, lies and false container we have been operating in. Once EXPOSED we can choose to PLAY in a beautiful new reality – a more elegant playground with our friends..
Today we have 11.22.33 codes ACTIVATING our MASTER MAGICIAN powers SUPERBOOSTED through the MONKEY’S POWERS!!
CHUEN invites us to trust our intuition and to allow our MINDS to receive and play with the Earth Majik, pushing the edges of what is routine. Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars.
Today we are using our purity and innocence to connect with our SOURCE, to discover the TRUTH of Universal Lore. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
Let your DIVINE CHILD lead the way home.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER– BEN enables us to manifest the New Time through traveling, and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
The LUNAR SKYWALKER will reveal any resistance throughout the infinite realms, which may be impeding your MIND from attaining the Divine Truth, and your HEART from experiencing true BLISS and BEAUTY here on the Earth plane.
BEN shows us that the SKY’S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. EXPAND your MIND and REACH for the STARS. It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet, bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR– ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things and to hold POSITIVE and high vibrational thoughts in our MINDS! Choosing to FOCUS on the LOVE, the JOY, the FUN and the BEAUTY of a better reality. We are invited to peer through the LOOKING GLASS and choose a BETTER REALITY!
We choose to dedicate our cell-ves to reflect the order of our MINDS, guided through our precious hearts. Revealing the TRUTH of what is in total alignment, and what must be cut away. Releasing the FALSE ILLUSIONS and uniting in TRUTH and full authenticity.
We need to be co-operating with others, by reflecting those thought forms that bring the capacity to merge in common-unity! Seeing the beautiful New World that lies beyond the walls of separation and illusion.
We are FREEING our MINDS to live in symphonic HARMONY with each other in the most beautiful world imaginable.
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Sacred Mantra of the I AM Presence and the New Golden Age
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and place your hands over your heart or in a gesture of openness. Take a deep breath in and begin to recite the mantra aloud or silently, allowing its vibration to resonate deeply within your being.
Sacred Mantra
“I AM the Divine Presence,
I AM the Light of the New Golden Age.
I AM anchored in Love, Wisdom, and Power,
I AM the manifestation of Truth and Peace.
I AM one with the Infinite,
I AM the creator of my reality,
I AM the harmony within,
I AM the beacon of the New Earth,
I AM here to awaken, to heal, to transcend.
So be it, in the Light of the Eternal Now.”
Repeat the mantra as many times as you feel called to, allowing its energy to fill your entire being. Visualize golden light radiating from your heart and expanding outward, connecting you with all beings, the Earth, and the cosmos.
When you are ready, take a deep breath, express gratitude, and gently return to the present moment.
Optional Closing Affirmation:
“I AM one with the Divine. I awaken the Golden Age within me and radiate its light to all.”
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