Avalokiteshvara ~ FAMILY OF LIGHT ~ FORESTS OF LIGHT ~ 144,000 GREAT SOULS ~ Invocation of the Silver Aura Quartz Flame
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Soul Star Family of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth
We continue to get flooded with massive Gamma Plasma waves of Adamantine Light. The Codes and Keys flowing in are activating our Indestructible Diamond Bodies of Infinite Light.
Our local Solaris assists Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process as he releases one after another Solar Flare to blaze the Elysium Field with Higher Dimensional Light. The Sun released another series of C Class Flares and four more powerful M Class Solar Flares today with 2 very powerful flares the first an M 4.9 at 21:35 UTC and the most powerful of the day maxing at M 5.7 at 2:28 UTC.
Every day now, in every Way we are rising higher and higher into the Dawning of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. Nothing and no one can stop our Great Ascension and Awakening into the New Eden of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
In the Mind of Buddha, which is our True Nature, we walk the Middle Path with Heart, being connected to all things. Together as one United Force we Rise and Flow with the Sacred Kundalini of Infinite Source Creator. The Threefold Flame within burns bright as we blaze this realm with the Violet, Blue and Gold Flames of Healing, Transformation and Transfiguration.
With each moment Living our Bliss we consciously Co-Create the New Heaven upon the New Earth with our Pure Intent and Divine Will we Hold the Vision of Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Abundance for all Sentient Beings of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 0°06′ Virgo, Sun at 15°19′ Pisces
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
In a quite moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration.
Sabian Symbol for 16º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 16º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
In a portrait the best of a man’s features and traits are idealized.
Sabian Symbol for 1º Virgo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 1º Virgo.
If you can understand that throughout beginningless samsara, all sentient beings have been your mother in the past, and each one of them has loved and cared for you, it will help you cultivate equanimity towards them all.
If you can also understand that ultimately all sentient beings are no different than you, as they too have buddha nature, and that they all want to be happy and never want to suffer, it will help you cultivate even greater equanimity.
By focusing on these deepest similarities, instead of focusing on superficial differences that drive you apart, equanimity will easily arise. It will feel like on the deepest level every sentient being without exception is an equal part of one big family.
The greater your equanimity, the greater your love and compassion towards them all, no matter who they are, no matter where they are, no matter what form that they have, and no matter whether you had previously considered them to be a stranger or even an enemy.
UPDATE. The calling is getting stronger. It is still hard to know exactly how things could & will play out. But the calling of your name is clearer and clearer. It is soon going to be time to step up. To act accordingly. You have done this so many times already. You have the required inner ressources. Movement may feel scary — but it’s movement that will actually free you, ease the discomfort, heal your soul. You are ready.
Rainbow Light/Seven Sacred Rays Codices incoming. These are personal Codices to be integrated by the Individual first, then will be utilized later by the Individual in Divine Ground Crew Activations and other applicable Divine applications.
Whereas this affects the physical Vessel directly with nervous system upgrades, a common side effect is the sensation of insect bites, and more advanced, Christal coming out of the body like sand granules.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Aurora Borealis seen from Glacier National Park Montana
New Blue Tara Diamond Avatar Master Codes – Avatar CONSCIOUSNESS INTELLIGENCE Embodiment…
Blue Tara Diamond Liquid Light Codes
Blue Tara Diamond Avatar CONSCIOUSNESS Codes
Diamond Blue Platinum Avatar CONSCIOUSNESS New Super Quantum Computer System Activation ….
New Diamond Light New Transformational Timelines
All across Planet Earth…and right now…and right here…right in the very centre of your brain…
something is happening.
A new world panorama is birthing through your spinal column of light.
Every one of your bodily chakras will be required to step up to the epiphany of your unified soul.
From this glorious unification you will emerge a changed being,
completely cloaked not only in the original blueprint of your soul,
but with the spirits of past miracles in the driving front.
Your most miraculous aspects of glories revisited will be the driving force.
Joy to the world!
This 7 energy-point unification of soul family leads to the manifestation of your unique soul song, self actualization, purpose fulfilled, your questions answered. Ever since I received this activation from my own higher soul family, my life and work has turned to face the brightest light ever for me. My friends tell me how I seem to shine brighter these days. I feel like a beacon in these unprecedented times, and my higher soul family frequency is reaching out as a guide so that people right across the world are seeing me when they look into their spiritual space. We are all one, there is no denying it at this stage of the transcendence path, and as one we are very much shifting the entire earth. Yes, there are some very terrifying things happening right now in the world out there, but when you keep your focus off the inevitable debris, you can easily take hold of the brighter earth plane coming into form.
* They are on the ground… Great souls … The pure of the soul ..
* They come from the highest spheres of light. They have a magnificent mission. They have a powerful mission…
* They bring bridges that take people to a new dimension of life, more advanced, more evolved…
* They are the initiators of the New Higher Consciousness…
* They are tasked with creating a Divine model on Earth…
* 144,000 luminous souls, shining like thousands of suns! They will find a Golden Age on Earth that will last a thousand years!
* They have a key that unlocks humanity to a new era and a new consciousness..
* They have Love and Light to guide and bless everything and everyone in their path…
* Carriers of inner wealth… gold and diamond mines that everyone carries inside them…
*They are here to eliminate all manipulation or any negativity that has hurt humanity…
* They bring a magnificent mission of light!
*They are chosen to unite and connect the world in holy power…
*They are here to remind mankind of the treasures we carry within us as children of God..
*They are here to tell us that we are heirs of God’s kingdom, kings of all kings..
* The world is waking up. Inside out… even though sometimes you look back. After all this awakening taking over the world massively everything will be different. The spirit of UNITY will rule….
* We will become a race that will speak only one language: the language of LOVE …
* The only religion we will all worship and acknowledge.. and which we will all live without exception… it will only be LOVE!
* A powerful energy is coming! …
* We don’t care ! ! Giving us a bath!
* Many “Woke” are feeling it.. they take it in … they are getting it ! .. let him do his sacred “work”!
* The world will never be what it was!
*!! The old world is dead forever!!!
* There are 144,000 great, pure & divine souls on Earth… They are Masters of LIGHT and LOVE.
*They show the way. They show the direction you should follow. ..
Dear ones,
Each person has a past, and this forms their current reality. But when you want something different in your life, you have to leave this place behind.
Yes, you heard that right. You have to drop your whole past. It’s the only way to leave linear time and enter the 5th Dimension.
You can compare ascension with floating and becoming lighter and lighter in water. Achieving the lightness of the soul is like leaving behind your past and throwing it into fire, or drowning yourself in water. You will see that the “ego” will then disappear.
The ego is the continuity of the past, everything you’ve done, everything you’ve accumulated, all of your karmas, conditionings, desires, and dreams.
Holding on to the ‘Past’ is the equivalent of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Whatever you do, unless you are willing to let go of the past, your life will follow the same pattern.
People can’t just come here with their human baggage and expect to move into the higher 5th dimensional plane of existence. This place is different. You have to be vaporized and reformed.
In the 3rd dimension, as you know it, time is a straight line. In 5D, there is no time; there is only the NOW. The 5th dimension isn’t a movement of time, rather a movement of consciousness.
Consciousness is the present, awareness, it is the pure witness of what is happening this moment. Consciousness is the eternal part of you. It does not accumulate anything. It is always new and fresh.
It’s not concerned with your past or future, but with the Now. The Now is the only time that exists because it’s the only time that’s real. In fact, if you’re reading this right now, you’re probably living in the Now.
The ego is created by your past memories: who you are, where you came from, to whom you belong, your country, race, religion, family, tradition, and all the sorrows, wounds, and pleasures that have happened to you in the past.
This must be fully recognized. Your ego is nothing more than a memory of the past. It isn’t, however, YOU. YOU’re surrounded by your ego. However, at the core of your being, YOU are pure consciousness, free of any ego.
When you let go of your past and your ego, you are climbing from 3D to 5D at the very same time. This is what the resurrection means.
That is why a child appears to be the most curious, fresh, and vital. Because there is no past, no karma, and no ego in a child. It’s a state of mindlessness. A child consciously moves from one moment to the next.
You will never grow old if you let go of your past. You will always remain young and fresh, as fresh as a rose bloom. Because this is a spirit resurrection into 5D, you will always be a child and innocent.
Refocus your attention. Live in the present moment and learn to let go of the past. If you know how to let go of the past, you will be able to live each moment fully and pure.
The past simply means that you are clinging to something that no longer exists while avoiding the present. You know deep down that it is no longer there, that it has passed away, and that the new has arrived. But you still want to act as if it is still there, you deceive yourself with the comfort zone.
But such deceit simply eliminates any chances of being joyous, living, and entering into the present moment. This causes a lot of anxiety and a lot of division.
Get rid of the past. Allowing it to interfere with your present is not a smart option. Allow it to be no longer there once you’ve worked through it.
Don’t cling to the past, it is now passed. Don’t go into the future, it has not yet arrived. You are now here. In this moment, in this space. This is where you exist. Be here now.
Ignore the past. Make a conscious effort to raise your awareness to the now moment. Your past is filled with darkness. Bring yourself into the light of the present moment.
At this present moment, you are at a point where you can either ascend to the fifth dimension or descend into the third. It lies in your hands.
We are here to remind you that you are not what you perceive yourself to be. We are here to help you open your hearts, minds, and souls to the experience of wholehearted living.
We welcome you to the fifth dimension. You are about to embark on an adventure that will take you into higher consciousness and assist you in connecting with your true-self!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
March is the pivotal month of 2023 as both heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto change signs and, in the process, begin to change our reality.
On March 7 at the Virgo Full Moon, prepare for a deep dive into the Piscean waters of flux, churn and dissolution in the austere company of Lord of Time and Karma Saturn. Also known as the Dweller on the Threshold, the Guru or Master Teacher, I think of him as Obi Wan Kenobi- your personal Jedi Coach.
This is going to be a surreal Saturn mission – a once in 29 years meeting of the planet of structure and boundaries with Pisces, the sign of dissolving back to Source
Saturn will be in Pisces from March 7 2023 to May 24 2025 and then again from August 31 2025 to Feb 13 2026. Look back to theses previous Saturn in Pisces transits:
March 24 1964 – Sep 16 1964 /Dec 16 1964-Mar 3 1967/May 21 1993- Jun 30 1993/Jan 29 1994- April 7 1996
If you have any planets or angles such as Ascendant/Descendant, MC/IC in Pisces, Virgo/ Gemini/Sagittarius, the next 3 years will be a reality testing process of crystallising a new maturity – no matter what age you are. Are you ready to evolve beyond your current self-created limitations, deal with the harsh realities of life and use your powers for a purpose?
choices have to be made and stances taken
actions matter more than intentions
if you are flaky, lacking sobriety and accountability, you are likely to drown
be impeccable with your word, transparent and honest
learn to swim upstream through untruths, conspiracy theories, GOOP type distractions, clickbait and consumerism
be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic parts of yourself
quietly working hard can be a real strength – put your ego aside to get things done
As Above, so Below, just as Saturn enters Pisces ,the United Nations has reached a historic agreement to protect the world’s oceans following 10 years of negotiations. The High Seas Treaty places 30% of the seas into protected areas by 2030, aiming to safeguard and recuperate marine nature.
Sun in Pisces semi-square Pluto anaretic in Capricorn. Mercury in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus – Can you hear it? The soft song of the world drifting across the water, the hymn of trees deep in the forests, rustled verses passed from elder to sapling. Whale call, dawn chorus, wind whistling down the mountain, the tread of old ghosts in the snow, ancient footprints in rock, cave paintings. My ancestors were here – and yours and hers and his and theirs. All of us together here, linked back through a chain of connections impossible to fathom. It all led here, to this moment – you reading these lines, you with your joys and sorrows, work and play, loves and hates, light and shadows.
Sometimes the scent of fear too comes close, carried through the air. An alert, rabbits thumping the ground, a blackbird’s screech, a dog’s warning bark, chemical messages from fly to fly, fish to fish. A hint of a predator’s umbra, old memories, unsettled energy. Somehow, it’s about staying aware whilst cultivating a place of stillness within. Smooth ripples. Calm inner waters. Place your trust in the universe. Trust yourself too. For you are part of everything and everything is part of you.
Degrees and Times
Sun 14°Pi36′, Pluto 29°Cp36′ – 11:14 (UT)
Mercury 05°Pi11′, North Node 05°Ta11′ R – 22:57 (UT)
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiate and Command’. The 5th step of any wavespell is about summoning up your personal power. That means no feeling sorry for yourself or any negative thinking that weakens you. Be your own best friend today by focusing on your strengths. It is a commanding energy that insists you be powerful and so don’t be surprised if you feel supercharged and ready to go.
Today is Blue Monkey and key words associated with it are ‘Illusion, Magic and Play’. When Monkey falls on the 5th day that results in a potentially explosive situation but don’t panic…I mean in a good way, the magical aspects of the Blue Monkey are given a huge power boost. Beware though, Monkey will still play tricks on those unsuspecting, so don’t be a buffoon. An empowered Monkey is bound to catch you out. If you are deserving and not a fool, then Monkey will bring you magical moments. It’s the kind of day when wonderful memories are made. Expect to play with Monkey today, and so it’s best you keep on your toes.
The Guide today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self-generation, Energy and Catalyzing.’ Talk about adding fuel to the fire! But seriously folks, today could be life changing and awesome. Focus on making a change in your life…if it is the right thing to focus on, Monkey will provide you with the magic. If it is foolhardy, then your efforts will blow up in your face. You have been warned. However you look at it, today is not dull.
The Challenge today is Red Dragon. If you are a Dragon, you may need some assistance as the monkey will taunt you more than anyone else as you are the challenge but don’t lose hope, be empowered and make changes. These two are opposite energies because the Dragon likes quiet cave time and the Monkey runs amok, burning himself out and not achieving the quiet cave time he needs. Monkey can drive himself crazy as well as others.
The Occult power is the White Dog. The Monkey and the Dog adore each other because they both like to play. Dogs have lots of fun on Monkey days and today is no exception. If you are a White Dog, achieving what you want is more likely when in this magical position. You may find yourself more tenacious than usual. For the rest of us, expect magical romantic encounters when the puppy is playing. It’s all waggy tails and cuddles. This is a great day to fall in love and be empowered by love.
The Ally is the Yellow Star and so if you need help today consult someone born on a Yellow Star day. If you are one – you can be a great help to others today so shine like the star you are. If you don’t know one, do what they would do and sparkle, make some art and generally enjoy the beauty in this world. Monkey days are great for Yellow Stars because they are best buddies.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 31 = 4 Form/Structure/Foundation
5.5. – FREEDOM CODE!! – 5TH MARCH plus tone 5 – OVERTONE POWER!
A date with DESTINY! These powerful codes aligning with the Majikal Overtone Monkey are empowering us to STEP UP and claim our POWER as wayshowers and NEW EARTH LEADERS
Day 5 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of accomplishing HEALING on all levels, through accessing greater knowledge and skills. The 5th day enables you to COMMAND majikal HEALING POWER, regenerating and rising as the Great and powerful MAGICIAN that you are!
Today’s day code is 6 bringing forth Heaven’s support to radiate our SOPHIA CHRISTOS radiant energy! Great MAJIK is afoot.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance.
5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the BLUE HAND Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS. When we give ourselves permission to receive and feel unconditional love and nurturance, we transform and become RADIANT BEINGS!
Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform, in order to feel empowered?
Command your RADIANCE and spread your golden LIGHT!
The most NOBLE of LEADERS are those who rule through their beautiful HEART, and encourage their people to UNITE as equals.
TRUE LEADERS are COMPASSIONATE, and have RADIANT auras that uplift and empower others.
Today’s question is ” How can I use my INNER MAGICIAN to EMPOWER HEALING in myself and others? Am I willing to transform my life, through PLAY and spontaneity, allowing my true RADIANCE to shine?”
Divine blessings for a day filled with GREAT HEALING, spontaneity and laughter. Unleash your RADIANT MAJIK!!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE MONKEY CHUEN loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. Monkey days are usually much LIGHTER and brighter, but today’s code has a more serious agenda as it is guided by BLUE STORM.
BLUE MONKEY represents our INNER DIVINE CHILD and generally most of us carry serious deep wounding there, which may have been rooted in this lifetime, and/or numerous past lifetimes. This deep core wounding has kept us locked in negative self deprecating patterns creating endless suffering.
When you are experiencing pain, suffering and trauma, your life is devoid of joy and happiness. One solution is PLAY and laughter, which is the best MEDICINE and BLUE MONKEY revels in this arena!
Connecting with our inner DIVINE CHILD and learning to LAUGH in the face of FEAR, enables us to COMMAND back our POWER.
Our natural default Divine state is JOY and happiness, FEAR is just an ILLUSION.. F-alse E-vidence A-ppearing R-eal.
When we FEEL empowered we are in CONTROL of our HEALTH and wellbeing – be that physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Instead of feeling like a victim and seeking HEALING from some external source, we can COMMAND back our RADIANCE shining our inner LIGHT and activating our innate healing ability.
Our body KNOWS how to HEAL itself – our cells are automatically encoded to self-generate. All we have to do is remove the FEAR, and our body can naturally HEAL once again through homeostasis.
TRUST in your own POWER as a MAJIKAL HEALER and it shall SPONTANEOUSLY occur! BELIEVE and TRUST that MAJIK HAPPENS… let your Divine Child LEAD you back to Divine wholeness.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE STORM – CAUAC themes are Purification, cleansing, transformation, regeneration, catalyst, self generation, breakthrough and FREEDOM..
Today we have STORM forces at play (pun intended!) as the overLIGHTING energy. This will enable us to permanently remove our core FEAR wounding, and soothe our ailing Divine child. BLUE STORM provides this energy for great transformation and self generation catalyzing TREMENDOUS advancement today particularly with this 5.5. CODING!!!.
Today we need to TRUST that – POSITIVE CHANGE IS HAPPENING and our transformation will TOTALLY restore our HEALTH and VITALITY – BETTER THAN IT WAS BEFORE!!
The OVERTONE STORM as the HIGHER POWER is catalyzing the tremendous energy needed for us to claim our FULL POWER as the radiant STAR BLISS SUNS. We have great EVOLUTIONARY ENERGIES at “PLAY” – today, bringing the much needed MAJIK and MIRACLES to herald in this NEW AGE of FREEDOM and self EMPOWERMENT!
Watch the MAJIK unfold in this precious HER-STORIC month!
TRUST in the process and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for humanity…
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR LAMAT’s energies highlight the qualities of BEAUTY, Elegance, HARMONY, Grace, Art, PEACE, balance, diplomacy, cooperation, conciliation, fame, shining bright, STARseed, portal.
LAMAT reflects the VENUSIAN traits which many LIBRAN’s, as Galactic PEACE AMBASSADORS, embody in their Divine Mission here on Earth. LAMAT highlights the need for PEACE, HARMONY and uniting with our kin folk in loving relationships. Incredible codes for twin souls, soul mates and anyone seeking new unions and cooperative alliances.
LAMAT is the gifted ART-ist who has an EYE for BEAUTY and elegance. They are brilliant artists, musicians, painters, singers and craftsmen. They are adept at using their HANDS to sculpt their imaginings into items of great beauty to behold.
What a BEAUTIFUL SUPPORT Act we have today from this OVERTONE STAR! Absolutely MAGNIFICO! It is TIME to focus on CREATING BEAUTY in our world.
5 LAMAT supports us in our quest to take back our POWER and COMMAND that our Beauty, youth and vitality be restored as the immortal STAR BLISS SUNS that we are.
LAMAT is activating the natural HEALING intelligence within the STAR packets of light codes, available for us to access through our COMMAND.
LAMAT is guiding the way through the Art of PEACE making. When PEACE reigns supreme within our HEART, MIND and emotional body, then PEACE will be reflected externally too.
This state of INNER PEACE enables MIRACLES to HAPPEN through the power of Divine Grace.
As our world reflects this greater HARMONY then we will be in total alignment with the Universe, and our natural world, restoring our place in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation.
OVERTONE Monkeys are extremely confident and proud of their Majikal prowess, so tap into this RADIANCE today and take center stage. COMMAND BACK YOUR POWER and your beautiful GIFTS. The show is about to start and YOU are the BEAUTIFUL SHINING STAR!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR DOG OC themes include; Love, loyalty, TRUST, unconditional love, faith, honesty, devotion, integrity, truth, compassion, heart and service to others.
The Occult tone for KIN 31 is the White SOLAR DOG providing today’s SUPERPOWER.. and what a beautiful HEART warming POWER this is.
The key to accessing today’s Majikal HEALING POWER is through the POWER of HEART.. The Solar Dog’s action is PULSING LOVE from your HEART PORTAL to realize your manifestation..
LOVE IS THE DRUG you are seeking.. the Majikal panacea that HEALS ALL...
Instead of feeling wounded through a lack of love, REVERSE the FEAR and begin GIVING LOVE.
The act of GIVING unconditionally, through LOVE or SERVICE, infuses your cells with endorphins and naturally bathes your cells in an alchemical healing elixir.
Whenever you are feeling bad, sad or sorry for yourself – get up and do something KIND for someone else!
The act of doing and giving, empowers your RADIANCE which in turn has the domino effect in healing others too. Start the ball rolling by taking the LEAD and PULSE out more LOVE.
This SUPERPOWER today is calling us to HEAL the division and separation that seeks to DIVIDE and CONQUER.
The key to HARMONY is through UNITY, forgiveness and ACCEPTANCE. If we “take sides” and begin to ostracize and condemn others due to our beliefs and choices then we are perpetuating the same narrative. The way to beat them at their GAME is to ACCEPT ONE and ALL as equals – regardless of circumstances.
Even the darkest souls who have strayed far from the LIGHT can be redeemed through the POWER of LOVE. That is our MISSION as 5D AMBASSADORS of LIGHT!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE DRAGON – IMIX themes are- Birth, rebirth, new beginnings, creation, Mother Goddess, womb, nurturing, protection, giving/receiving love, primal trust in Divine nurturance.
A fantastic GIFT during this DIVINELY HEAVENLY passage, when we are birthing the NEW TIME on EARTH. As ABOVE so below – HEAVEN is a place on EARTH.
The challenge provided by RED DRAGON today, is to allow your INNER CHILD to be nurtured and fully loved. When your divine child feels SAFE and LOVED, it can RELAX and wonder at the beauty of life.
Rest in the Mother’s womb of creation today, and BELIEVE in the POWER of DIVINE NURTURANCE, allowing your soul to be soothed. Once you are done resting, come out to PLAY with your friends. This unleashes spontaneity and creativity, which provides the spark for all creation.
Allow your MAJIK to shine through, and COMMAND your freedom.
IMIX enables you to access the feminine mysteries today. The ancient healing secrets preserved over many eons, that have been kept by the Wisdom Keepers… the carers, the healers, the mothers, the priestesses, the shamans, and our ancient ancestors, who all knew the HEALING remedies from Mother nature.
Whatever remedy is applied, the KEY is to offer love and nurturance for a speedy recovery.
The DRAGON tribe can also display incredible fearlessness and POWER to PROTECT their kin. Once unleashed, the Mother can access incredible strength, courage and emergency responsive ACTION that can appear incredibly heroic – like the Mother lifting a tree/vehicle or heavy object to free her trapped child.. such is the POWER of unconditional LOVE – it can turn us all into HEROES and LEADERS.
IMIX is reminding us that the best way to become EMPOWERED, is not through stealing or siphoning the power of others, but rather to build our own inner POWER through caring, nurturing and RADIATING our LIGHT and our LOVE.
The most NOBLE of LEADERS are those who rule through their beautiful HEART, and encourage their people to UNITE as equals.
TRUE LEADERS are COMPASSIONATE, and have RADIANT auras that uplift and empower others.
Today’s question is ” How can I use my INNER MAGICIAN to EMPOWER HEALING in myself and others? Am I willing to transform my life, through PLAY and spontaneity, allowing my true RADIANCE to shine?”
Divine blessings for a day filled with GREAT HEALING, spontaneity and laughter. Unleash your RADIANT MAJIK!!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥
This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training
The Silver Aura Quartz stone is a mixture of clear quartz and titanium. It holds the frequency of the silver flame, as many of Gaia’s crystals do. Many hold the light is the different colored rays.
The silver flame comes to bring clarity and illumination. The silver flame helps beings make the right decisions between two paths or even two timelines. It has the power to light up a vacuum or void.
Invocation of the Silver Aura Quartz Flame
I invoke the Silver Aura Quartz flame with the assistance of my spirit guides, ancestors and any archangels who would like to assist.
I bring the Silver Aura Quartz Flame down from the highest dimension through the stellar gateway, the galactic chakra, the soul star chakra where it awakens my higher mind. I see the illuminated light of the Silver Aura Quartz Flame above my physical being, spiraling down towards the Crown Chakra where it opens into a beautiful silver lotus.
I visualize the Silver Aura Quartz Flame moving towards my pineal gland, pituitary gland and occipital region where it activates the second higher chakra triad.
I then allow the Silver Aura Quartz Flame to move to my throat chakra, thymus area and heart chakra which together consist of the First Triad or Higher Heart. I envision The hallways of my Higher Heart alight with The Silver Aura Quartz Flame.
I visualize the movement of light between my heart, mind moving again upwards towards the Stellar Gateway. All three higher chakra triads move in unison.
I envision my entire aura including etheric body, emotional body and causal body illuminated in silver light.
I ground my feet to Mother Gaia and pull the light down through silver roots that attach to her soil and waters.
I envision my home, my neighborhood, my country, my continent and Mother Gaia in her entirety surrounded and protected by the light of the Silver Aura Quartz Flame.
St. Germain’s I AM statements for the Silver Aura Quartz Flame
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