URGENT CALL to Lightworkers

URGENT CALL to Lightworkers from Sananda by Sananda Dearest Brothers and Sisters of the Light, it is I, Sananda. I come to you from long negotiations with those who would try to control your planet. I have been accompanied by Archangel Michael, St. Germain, and Kwan Yin, and we have been supported by Ashtar, Mother and Father and many of the others of the Company of Heaven, as we carried out the round-the-clock meetings in the 3rd dimension. I will explain.

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You are all so much more powerful than you can possibly imagine. You have the entire universe at your disposal. You are like a radio that can tune into any station you like, any frequency, any number of "songs" that are sung by the Divine. It is your focus, your attention that selects the "station" and your emotional attachment that holds you in a space of receiving the same frequencies over and over.


Within The Light – Beloved I AM

Within the Light, you feel the transmissions of Love. Love is your being that holds you in the arms of surrender. It is here you find again Peace and Comfort that is - always. It is your heart now that finds Melody. The song that becomes you is the one you sing in Harmony with the divine Star...s that shine above Heaven. It is from my heart you are born and begin life and in Eternity you live with me. For I AM the Lover of Our heart and give to you freely that which you cannot give but can receive. I AM your Beloved and you are my Beloved, for we are One.

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MAJOR UFO Sightings

MAJOR UFO Sightings OVER A HUNDRED WITNESS FLYING SAUCER in South Bay CA. The Stevens family shares UFO video and photos of an Incredible Flying Saucer! Notice The Speed Of the Craft! Enhanced Footage and Interview with Eyewitness! Epic VIDEO!

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