Ancient Secret Miracle Healing Code 528 Hz Returned to Humanity
The Solfeggio Frequencies 13-33-333
My beloved star brother and sisters, we stand with you in joy and jubilee as we celebrate a discovery that will bring a monumental shift of light and transformation to your life and world. The rediscovery of the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies, a breakthrough scientific revelation, a musical divine gift of the heavens is being restored to you and humanity. 33
The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Codes of Creation that were rediscovered in 1998 are now becoming activated in a stronger resonance field with Gaia and in your DNA and will bring awareness to the masses and you the Light bearers. A profound shift to the Divine Mother Frequencies of

Sound Codes of the Ancients
The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies were the Original Sound Code Frequencies of Creation used by the ancient Egyptians and Hathors, in Lemuria and Atlantis, and in the Ancient Gregorian Chants. They were sung during religious masses, by holy men and indigenous people. Your scientists and doctors have given them specific mathematical sequences of creation; we in heaven and of the stars call these frequencies the “Language of Light”, the matrix of Creation, which will shift your world to a state of peace and harmony. 333
It has been prophesied through the prophets and ancient texts that when the dimensional shift at the end of time occurs, many revelations and sacred tools of the ancients would be restored and revealed to assist you in the new golden age. 13 – 333 – 44
The Lost Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies – the Core Creative Frequencies of God Being Returned to Humanity are:
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
There will be more frequencies / vibrations of the matrix and ancient sacred tools of the Creator that will be rediscovered as the Cosmos aligns to the Galactic center. When the vibrational frequency of surrender 11:11 is discovered, it will signal that humanity has risen to a higher level of consciousness.13
Transmuting Damaged DNA, Toxins, Pollution and Negativity
The Solfeggio Frequencies are the ancient sacred tools of technology and alchemy being given to you from the heavens to restore balance and healing to all of life 55.These frequencies can transmute damaged DNA, toxins, pollution and negativity to the natural divine order of Harmony and to Source Creation. 333 From now on whatever you see happening in your world, no matter how dismal it may appear at first, know the power of Creation to transform all lies within you.
How Your Scientists are Using Lost Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies 44
Some of your scientists and doctors who have rediscovered the Ancient Solfeggio frequencies are using them and the frequency 528 Hz to repair human DNA. We wish to point out the Solfeggio 528 Hz tone of Love, Miracles and Transformation vibrates to the ancient musical scale of “C” and in your current culture is the closest of the diatonic scale of C that has a frequency of 512 Hz. They are not the same but the closest that you have today to compare. The frequencies of the Solfeggio tones carry the direct power of God’s instant divine healing and creation.
How did the Solfeggio Frequencies get lost?

It is not only through the voice that these frequencies are awakening. It is through your complete resonance, as you continue on your path of ascension, you naturally align your frequencies to heaven and the light. As you become more proficient at using the ancient Solfeggio frequencies through singing and listening to them, you will be able to use and transfer these transmissions of light through your hands and throughout your entire beingness. 11:11
Singer of the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
Heaven and the High Councils of Light Have Given this Gift to You and Humanity
There are scientists that have created new DNA that are not in alignment with the Light and Creation. The importance of giving you these pure frequencies of Creation is so you may hold the integrity of your humanity, Light and God Connection, the Divine Original Blueprint. The Highest Councils and Hierarchy of Light are restoring this holy knowledge to humanity in this sacred way. 22A clarion call in the one voice of prime Creator is awakening you at your core cellular level so may respond vibrationally to actualize this Harmonic Bridge of Heaven’s Song…Read More at Spirit Library
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