Ancient Secret Miracle Healing Code 528 Hz Returned to Humanity

The Solfeggio Frequencies 13-33-333 My beloved star brother and sisters, we stand with you in joy and jubilee as we celebrate a discovery that will bring a monumental shift of light and transformation to your life and world. The rediscovery of the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies, a breakthrough scientific revelation, a musical divine gift of the heavens is being restored to you and humanity. 33 The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Codes of Creation that were rediscovered in 1998 are now becoming activated in a stronger resonance field with Gaia and in your DNA and will bring awareness to the masses and you the Light bearers. A profound shift to the Divine Mother Frequencies of Harmonics is creating an Electromagnetic Unity Field of Consciousness to ensure that the Codes of Creation – the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies – will be used for the highest good of humanity and earth. 13 –13 –2013

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