You are currently viewing Crystalline Harmonics ~ Santorini is Saint Eirini * The Water Dragons  ~ DIVINE Avatars ~ Sovereign Beings of the Light
Count St. Germain

Crystalline Harmonics ~ Santorini is Saint Eirini * The Water Dragons  ~ DIVINE Avatars ~ Sovereign Beings of the Light

Crystalline Harmonics ~ Santorini is Saint Eirini * The Water Dragons  ~ DIVINE Avatars ~ Sovereign Beings of the Light


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings New Atlantean Priests and Priestesses of the Temple of Light

We had a Trinity of powerful Activations flowing in through todays Ascension Cosmic Portal!

Our local Soularis continues to fill this realm with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Higher Dimensional Light releasing another 12 C Class Soular flares and a M class Flare maxing at M 2.1 at 9:27 UTC.

We also had a major spike of white light in the heartbeat of Gaia today appearing on the Schumann Charts at an amplitude of 27 hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth and Rising.

Pachamama also received a massive activation today in Her Caribbean Sea with a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in the Cayman Islands at 23:23 UTC opening the 5:5 Gateway of Divine Manifestation. This is bridging in the Magic of the rising of the New Atlantis to merge with his Sacred Lemurian Counterpart.

All is prepared and aligned for our Great Shift and Awakening as the Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos to usher in our New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Eternal Life of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!














The matter & anti-matter barrier broke some ten days ago ⚡
Santorini is Saint Eirini.
Eso-dimensionals are here through the bridge of alignment which has opened.
Our path is being paved ✨Trust!
my wish for you
my wish for you
As the Occult Leo (western astrology) Full Moon approaches, shinning effervescent above the Castle of Comte De Saint Germain, the Commander-In-Chief of our New Aquarian Satya Yuga!
Count St. Germain, your Castle is ready, awaiting your Physical Manifestation!
Count St. Germain
Count St. Germain
🌀The Water Dragons are holding the integrity field as we RECLAIM ALL un integrated parts or aspects our ourselves
Fragments of our DIVINE Avatars
🦋Our Divine Soul Aspects
The False MA-trix made from our Sacred Matter (MAter)
As everything comes back into TRUTH
💠And the Field of Integrity continues to Strengthen
The Field re-orients back to YOURself
You’ll feel it
In every CELL in your body
You’ll feel it
DEEEP in your HEART!
Water Dragons
Water Dragons
TODAY’S ORACLE. You have been recently activated in major ways. You need now to believe in it before you see it–as the Universe is about to align the right possibilities and magic to create the situations that are right for you. Now that you’ve received the upgrade, you need to stay aligned with this new vibration and let it implement. Sacred codes have been reawakened in you. You feel it, deeply. A new layer of light and purpose has been activated. It’s about to land. Let go of the details for a while. Believe it’s coming, because it is.


Divine Energy Works

The Schumann Resonance Graph is reflecting the energy, carrying new, Crystalline Harmonics, whispering through the planetary field like a song of Soul Remembrance.
While there are no whiteouts or extreme spikes, this frequency influx is weaving through the subtle body, working on deep layers of cellular memory, DNA Activations, and timeline recalibrations.
This is a period of Quantum Refinement – a shift that is not about external chaos but rather internal restructuring.
These soft yet potent waves are infusing the Energy Field with higher-dimensional frequencies, carrying the energetics of the North Node-Neptune Conjunction (Feb 7) and the Leo Full Moon (Feb 12).
✨ Soul-Star DNA Activations – dormant fractals of Divine Intelligence within the DNA are being re-sequenced, awakening ancient & future keys of Consciousness.
✨ Neptune’s Mystical Light Codes – etheric waves, dissolving the final layers of illusion around identity, perception, & Soul vision. This is clearing distortions in the Third Eye, Heart, & Soul Star Chakras.
✨ North Node Destiny Codes – Quantum Alignment, recalibrating personal &
collective trajectories, moving us toward Soul-aligned purpose by untangling false pathways.
✨ Solar Fire & Plasma Infusions – Heart-based Activation Codes, awakening Leo’s sovereign, creative, & radiant energy in preparation for the Full Moon.
The upcoming North Node-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces is assisting in dissolving illusions & awakening Soul-encoded destiny paths. This is a Quantum recalibration of vision – not just what you see in the physical, but what you are aligning with on a Soul level.
🔹 Reality Feels Fluid – the veils are thinner, & the linear mind may feel uncertain. Trust the deeper Flow.
🔹 Releasing Old Illusions – dreams, expectations, & false timelines may be falling away – this is
Soul Recalibration in action.
🔹 Activation of Divine Imagination – your ability to receive higher vision, light codes, & multidimensional downloads is increasing.
We are receiving:
The Leo Full Moon is the first major Integration Point of these high-frequency Light Codes. This is not just an emotional culmination – this is a Quantum Timeline Anchoring Event.
🔥 Quantum Heart-Solar Plexus Integration – the Heart & Solar Plexus are merging into full Alignment, unlocking a new level of self-trust, confidence, & Divine Sovereignty.
🔥 Alchemy of Fire & Lightning – the combined Solar Fire (Leo) & Uranian Lightning create a purification forcefield,
dissolving any lingering hesitation, self-doubt, & energetic restrictions.
🔥 Nervous System Cellular Reset – Uranus energy jolts the autonomic nervous system, clearing ancestral fear patterns, collective suppression codes, and trauma-based fight-or-flight responses, allowing your system to integrate high-frequency Life Force Energy (Kundalini) with ease and Flow.
You may be feeling this in ways that don’t always make logical sense. This is an upgrade in real time.
• A Sense of Being in Two Timelines at once; feeling like one version of you is dissolving, while another is not yet fully anchored.
• Unexpected waves of deep emotion, even about things that felt “resolved”.
• A heightened sense of longing – not for the past, but for something your Soul remembers yet cannot fully articulate.
• The 3D world may feel less relevant, slower, or even surreal.
• Feeling resistance around being fully seen – but also knowing you can’t stay hidden anymore.
💎 Trust the transition. We are shifting into a higher-aligned timeline, but your mind may not have caught up yet.
🧬 Allow the Heart to open without judgment. Your emotional body is recalibrating to hold more Divine Truth.
💎We are integrating a new frequency bandwidth. Don’t force yourself to stay engaged where your energy no longer resonates.
🧬 Trust what you feel over what is being said. Your intuition is fine-tuning itself – let it lead.
Crystalline Harmonics
Crystalline Harmonics
2/8/25: Traditionally, The Hierophant of the tarot has represented a person of spiritual power and authority. But as we grow in consciousness we can perceive and apply more current interpretations of all our metaphysical tools… to our great benefit. The Hierophant of 2025 is a very personal construct. It is, in fact, you and your ability and right to make your own choices as you partner with your divine support system. You are the portal between physical and spiritual. Your consciousness is the filter through which all energy passes in your reality. Where and who better, then, to create a sacred space for your own growth than you, right here? Today merges “as above, so below,” and you are the pivot point. The true point of power.
Crystal Iceberg
Crystal Iceberg



In these Moments. . . WE Are Experiencing a MASSIVE INFLUX of LIGHT!!!



The Heightened Energies that are Currently Permeating our Existence are Rapidly RE-SHAPING our Reality in Profound Ways!
Accelerating the Transformations that Many have been Yearning for and that are Essential for Personal Growth and Evolution!
This Period is a Transition. . . that is a Significant Opportunity for Individuals to Consciously Select the Path that Resonates with their Innermost Desires and Aspirations!
It is a TIME to Reflect Deeply on What We Truly Want from Life and to Align our Intentions with the Reality We Wish to Manifest!
As We BEgin to Settle into this New Existence. . . it BEcomes Increasingly Important to Explore the NEW VERSION of our SELVES that is Emerging!
This Exploration is a Journey that Requires a Deep Dive into our Thoughts. . . Feelings. . . and Experiences to Understand Who We are BEcoming in this NEW PARADIGM!
We May Find that this NEW SELF is More Authentic. . . More Aligned with our True Values. . . and More Capable of Navigating the Complexities of Life with Grace and Confidence!
This Process of Inner-Discovery is Essential as it Lays the Foundation for a More Fulfilling and Enriched Life!
Grounding our SELVES in the Energies that are Currently Available is Crucial for Facilitating this Transformation!
These Energies Possess the Power to Clear Away Outdated Ways of BEing. . . Thoughts. . . and Emotional Responses that NO Longer Serve us!
As We Engage with these Transformative Energies. . . We will Notice that Aspects of the Old Realm are Gradually Fading Away!
This Includes NOT Only Physical Circumstances but also Deeply Ingrained Behaviours. . . Repetitive Patterns and Limiting BElief Systems that have Held us Back for Far Too Long!
The Act of Releasing these Negative Patterns is Liberating. It Creates Space for NEW Insights. . . Wisdom. . . and Enlightenment to Thrive!
By Letting Go of What NO Longer Serves our Highest Good. . . We are NOT Simply Discarding Old Habits; We are Making a Conscious Choice to Embrace a More Expansive and Enlightened Way of Living!
This Release is often Accompanied by a Sense of Relief. . . as the Burdens of the Past BEgin to Lift. . . Allowing us to Breathe More Freely and Fully Engage with the Present Moment!
As We Navigate this Transformative Journey. . . it is Essential to Remain Open to the Possibilities that Lie Ahead!
Embracing Change Can BE Challenging. . . But it is Also Incredibly Rewarding!
The Process of Shedding Old Layers and Stepping into our NEW REALITY is an Ongoing Journey of Growth and Self-Discovery!
Each Step Taken Towards this NEW Existence is a Testament to our Resilience and Commitment to Living a Life that Reflects our True Self!
In this NEW CHAPTER. . . We have the Opportunity to Cultivate a Reality that is NOT Only Aligned with our Desires But Also Enriched by the Lessons Learned from our Past!
By Embracing this Transformation Wholeheartedly. . . We Pave the Way for a Future Filled with POTENTIAL. . . HAPPINESS. . . and FULFILMENT!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Photo: Extremely Rare Crystal Iceberg spotted in Antarctica. . .

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

There has been turmoil and confusion in the Mainstream collective as dense and heavy energies are breaking down, we are in a process of healing and transformation. Patience is required as hearts are still healing and you are ascending in preparation for the accelerated New Earth Energies of 2025.
Forgiveness in self is essential for your own Ascension , healing and to fully Integrate and reclaim your Divine inner Power as a Sovereign being of the Light .
Your Ascension will always require the trusting of the divine plan and process , The trusting in source , love, light messages and signs from the Higher realms as you are guided , protected and fully supported by Ascension Light Team.
Conscious living involves aligning with the spiritual laws of the 5th dimension, strengthening internal values and authenticating inner attributes. To create a harmonious, balanced and fulfilling life. Taking time to recharge and nourish yourself, withdrawing from any dysfunction and drama, finding peace in mindfulness Gratitude and meditation.
The expansion of consciousness is a continuous process, as the Universe gathers information and continues to evolve. Collective vibrations rise gradually inner fears diminish and you experience higher highs and fewer lows. The current planetary system must go through chaos and collapse to rebuild at a higher frequency, which is in accordance to the Universal law of evolution.
Many Ascending souls are currently undergoing a mass internal awakening and cellular restructuring preparing for higher dimensional existence. Resistance to these higher frequencies can create physical pain and internal discomfort . The entire ascending process itself is inevitable for awakening individuals.
Ascension Symptoms 4D, 5D Assimilation. The process of your transformation is being accelerated at a tremendous pace to fully handle and embody the powerful incoming energies .This is to clear your bodily vehicles of the residual shadow and 3D negative energies .
The reason for this is that any and all residual imbalances will create inner discomfort . It can also compromise self In accomplishing a complete transformation and transmutation process .
When residing in 4-5D Your physical being is operating in the world of the 3D -4D dimensions. Your emotional and mental bodies are trying to adjust to the 4th 5th dimensional experiences here on ascending Earth and your consciousness and higher self are reaching for the 5th beyond dimensional frequencies .
Some common ascension symptoms include fatigue, headaches, body aches, flu-like symptoms, changes in sleep patterns, vivid dreaming , dietary changes , anxiety , apathy, heightened sensitivity, emotional ups and downs, increased intuition, and spiritual awakening experiences.
Ascending light beings when you engage with lower energies negative absorption takes place and this creates contamination in self’s auric fields and crystalline properties , stabilising and clearing your fields is important , to re-centre and return to your natural state of being and light energy source.
Now is the time to tune out external distractions and delve deeper into the inner self. Amidst the chaos, we remind ourselves that we belong to a higher truth beyond worldly dysfunction. The true source of light and love resides within not in the outer world. Practicing sending compassion and love to those facing challenges due to disruptions. We can do this from home at any time, by radiating positive vibrations to our planet and humanity . Our world craves love and healing by shifting the focus inward, we can be more effective in spreading love , healing and positivity.
Recognising that you are in a higher vibration and your past self energies are no longer in vibrational alignment. You are lovingly being urged to move forward to BE and create in the New and the Now energy .
Starseeds play an important role in creating a ripple effect of positive changes. We are in the final cleansing stages of the New Earth , shedding the 2-3D paradigm , programming and transitioning to higher consciousness. Avoiding lower dimensional structures and beings is most important for ascension in self to genuinely take place.
We are receiving higher information and Light codes in the form of inspiration, inner wisdom, and intuition. Paying attention to the signs and synchronicities as your soul / higher self is constantly guiding you.
Starseeds you are a multi dimensional being This means you can expect your ascension desires to become a reality here on earth . As you make your ascension out of the old version of self you operate at a completely different level of consciousness . You are the new earth and deliberate Creators on this planet ,creating and manifesting in the new earth energy.
Our planet is ascending and accelerating at a much faster pace , presenting excellent opportunities for you to shift into your new and higher conscious timelines . Creating your preferred reality here on earth . Connecting to your higher purpose with greater clarity. There is extraordinary potential in all areas of life during this time.
In loving and dedicated ascension service
Source Information. By Ascension LightWorkers
Sovereign being of the Light
Sovereign being of the Light

The Hu-man Portal  🙏

Expanding Exponentially In The Light Of Now
To See Your Light View Uprising In All Light Facets, As The Periphery Of Your Natural World Aligns With The Upgrading Multidimensional Light World.
Pay Close Attention To The Movement Of Your Eyes In Any Moment. As Your Focal Eyes, Attune And Align To Many Layers Of Light.
It Is A New Understanding Now Birthed In Your World As The True Light Alignment Of Now Is Uploading Much New Light Language For Your Eyes To Decipher 🙏
This Is Downloading In Many Formats Through The Brain, As You Come To Understand The True Downloading Of Light Through The Eyes. For Light Permeates Your Skin And Hair. However, the Eyes Are A Unique Organ Permeating A New Vocabulary Of Light Through The Physical Form,  Intercepting The Light Domain In The Physical Form. For Each Organ Has Its Own Role In Releasing and Downloading Light.
For Many Light Portals Are Presented In The Human Form, How You Interpret This, Is Up To The Beholder As Your Physical Body Is Your Magnetic Compass In The Physical Domain.
Believe To Receive 🙏
Quantum Light Manifestations ❤
We Ask You To Ponder This Concept. Feel Into The Quantum Light Of The Present Moment 🙏
Sending Much Love To The Wayshowers
For The Cosmic Frontiers Continue To Expand, As The Density Of Your World Erodes.
Global Blessings 💥💫
Together In Light ❤
Karen Lithika
In Light 🙏
Lions Gate Portal with the Moon
Lions Gate Portal with the Moon

Molly McCord

Aquarius season continues to bring in galactic codes, shocking changes, and more disruptions as we move into the middle of February. ⁠
February 8 and 9 offer harmonious connections between the Aries and Aquarius areas of your natal chart as 3 empowering aspects occur simultaneously:
Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius; Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries; Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries. Confidence, growth, and healing developments are highlighted. ⁠
Then we have a Mercury-Sun cazimi at 20 deg Aquarius with realizations and expanded awareness streaming through. ⁠
The Sun and Mercury then square Uranus in Taurus at 23 deg, followed immediately by the electrifying Leo Full Moon at 24 degrees on Feb 12th. Powerful creative breakthroughs with multidimensional frequencies are taking us out of comfort zones and old energy fields.
Very supportive and creative energies over the next few days! Mercury and Venus are both strong and energetic as they connect with fresh approaches. ⁠
Mercury now brings messages to the Sun in Aquarius at 20 deg that have been behind the Sun’s awareness, so information, communications, ideas, and plans may now be front-and-center after the retrograde journey in Sagittarius. ⁠
And Mars RX is moving slowly as he prepares to station direct on Feb 23 at 17 deg Cancer, but the stabilizing trine from Saturn brings much-needed perspective. In most cases, the best approach is to just ‘let it go”, says Saturn in Pisces. You’ll feel better and lighter. ⁠Hope this is a lovely weekend for you with these energies! ⁠✨


On Saturday, February 8th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in the highly intuitive sign of Aquarius, is in a positive sextile to Chiron, ruler of soul wound healing, in confident Aries. Sextiles are always about opportunities, so today the opportunity is that we can heal our thoughts, perceptions and inner dialog of old ideas, concepts and notions, from this and other lifetimes, that hold us back from expanding into hope for the future.
This connection can also enhance our claircognizance psychic ability, opening us up to information, wisdom and knowledge from the Higher Realms. We must take some sort of action to utilize the energies of the “sextile” so meditate, reflect, journal, read……do something to engage your Higher Mind today!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in the highly intuitive sign of Aquarius
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in the highly intuitive sign of Aquarius
Sun and Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries. Neptune in Pisces trine Juno in Scorpio. Juno in Scorpio trine North Node in Pisces – Round and round, the lace-maker’s bobbin goes, weaving threads, little lines of attachment filled with love linked to this person, this song, this pet, this flower on the sidewalk. Today’s aspects remind us that everything is connected, and our energetic state is both reflection of and integral to the whole.
What stories are you telling in your mind as you walk to work or do your chores? What regrets are you harbouring, what resentments are given shelter, what sob stories are you unwilling to release? Juno has a sting in her tail but curiously pain is sometimes the cure. Dissolve these sorrows, elevate your hopes, boost your internal dialogue with words that excite and inspire. Pay your spiritual debts. Release what is not yours to carry. Mystical ties and soul mates appear when internal conflicts heal.
Degrees and Times
Juno 28°Sc05′, North Node 28°Pi05′ R – 03:58 (UT)
Sun 19°Aq44′, Chiron 19°Ar44′ – 06:22 (UT)
Mercury 19°Aq45′, Chiron 19°Ar45′ – 19:20 (UT)
Neptune 28°Pi12′, Juno 28°Sc12′ – 18:40 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Seamstress by Charles-Amable Lenoir
The Seamstress
The Seamstress

Kin 216 ~ Yellow Galactic Warrior

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. We are now on the 8th day of the Red Moon wavespell. The Warrior naturally likes to go on missions but during this laid back wavespell, his sword stays firmly in its sheath. Today he is on a mission to find harmony which is a noble quest indeed. This is a Model of a number and it tones down the energy of any day that it combines with. This fluffy effect is soothing and gentle. Number eight days are great for listening to music, so if you take on a quest today – make sure you’ve a decent soundtrack to accompany you.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Even if you are not a Warrior, you can be one for a day. Take on a mission or quest but do not go on a warpath. Seek out harmony and enjoy the spoils of your victory. The Yellow Warrior wields amazing willpower and can summon up anything he/she needs. Be fearless today in getting what you need or want but don’t be pushy about… remember that a fluffy attitude wins the day.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which is the symbol of Enlightenment and when in the guiding position our paths are illuminated. This makes it much easier to see where you are going and therefore finding harmony shall be quite easy. Hail to ye o sun!
The Challenge today is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. Normally Worldbridger finds Warrior days too intense but as it is a fluffy Galactic day, this tones down the intensity and so Worldbridgers too can find harmony today. Phew.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which is the symbol of ‘Life-Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is very powerful when in this position and anyone can tap into this power. One of the Serpent’s greatest strengths is its ability to shed its own skin and emerge totally renewed. This symbolizes new opportunities for a fresh start. Is your life a bit stale? If you are ready for a change be prepared to let go of your old life, to make way for a new one. If you want to shed your old skin – today provides a magical chance to do just that.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you want to take someone along on your mission to find harmony, your best bet is to find a Blue Night. Their ability to use their imagination makes them very useful today. If you don’t know one, you can help yourself today by allowing your imagination to go a bit wild.
Kin 216
Kin 216


8 CIB – KIN 216


I seal the output of INTELLIGENCE
With the Galactic tone of INTEGRITY
I AM guided by the power of UNIVERSAL FIRE

8/2/2025 = 8/2/9 = 8/11=8/2=10=1


8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
10- Manifestation/Authority/Perfection/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/Unique/Leader/Independent
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes


Today we are FEARLESSLY seeking ENLIGHTENMENT through the Universal FIRE, flowing into Higher Consciousness. 🌊🌊🌊☀️☀️☀️


8 days ago we completed the YELLOW WARRIOR wavespell, where we claimed our COURAGE and now today we are revisiting the brave YELLOW WARRIOR reinforcing our need to be FEARLESS as we forge a new path based on our higher intelligence.

And so today the FINAL BATTLE 🏹🗡🛡 is nearing VICTORY – as the LIGHT WORKERS are seeking to hold more LIGHT in their QUEST of ASCENSION.

The MIGHTY RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹💪 are READY to MOVE ON from the BATTLEFIELD and start REBUILDING their lives… it is NOW TIME to commence
a new QUEST 🌈💥🌞🌍🌎🌏

✨✨✨ Today is a very POTENT and INTENSE day for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to claim sovereignty. 👑 It is TIME to take the reins and fearlessly run with it! 🏇🏇🏇

WE the WAYSHOWERS are creating our FUTURE! 💪🌈🌍🌎🌏🌟✨


Day 8 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, 👸 who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our greatest FLOW.. 🌫💦

Today we are QUEST-I-ONing everything, all the way back to SOURCE ✨ in order to claim our AUTHORITY and FLOW, with pure illuminated 💡consciousness.🌞


GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Today we are modeling FEARLESSNESS and intelligence as the Rainbow Warriors of the New World. 🌈🌏

❓❓Are our intentions based on HARMONY through integrity of being?

We need to reflect on the messages from spirit, and ensure that we are aligned, in order for us to evolve and become EN-LIGHT-ened. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.

We are holding those who claim to RULE over us FULLY ACCOUNTABLE – JUSTICE IS HERE!

At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!


Today’s question is “How can I use my intelligence to SURRENDER, and harmonize anything impeding my FLOW of FEARLESS joy, PEACE and ABUNDANCE?”

“Am I ready to embody and model the NEW LIGHT?”

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for Harmonizing all DARKNESS and modeling FEARLESS, PURE, EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed consciousness. 🌞🎆

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR🌈🏹 – CIB – is the FEARLESS WARRIOR who leads us on a courageous QUEST-I -ON. As the FINAL battle between DARKNESS and LIGHT nears the grand FINALE, the Rainbow Warrior needs to QUESTION the TRUE path in order to fulfill his destiny.

Collectively we all have to use discernment to QUESTION our allegiances and uncover the path of greatest HARMONY for all man-kind.

The GALACTIC WARRIOR is the archetype of Sir Galahad.
He was a knight of King Arthur’s 👑 Round Table in Camelot, and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend. Sir GALAHAD is renowned for his gallantry and purity, as the most virtuous of all knights. His HEART❤ was so pure, he was able to claim the HOLY GRAIL🏆 through the attainment of Christ Consciousness, and dedication to his QUEST.

How absolutely PERFECTO as we revisit this energy through the link from last Galactic Spin – to the WESAK🕉️ FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS – the CHRISTOS energy is within easy reach today!

SIR GALAHAD was so PURE he possessed divine gifts and unparalleled heroism, Galahad was capable of performing miracles such as banishing demons and healing the sick!!! Hallelujah – a true WHITE KNIGHT. 🤍⚜️

Galahad is associated with a white shield with a vermilion cross,❌ the very same emblem given to the Knights Templar.

It is told that once SIR GALAHAD discovered the HOLY GRAIL, he ASCENDED to HEAVEN escorted by ANGELS. And so this is the ultimate QUEST of the NOBLE GALACTIC WARRIOR – to achieve enLIGHT-ON-ment by discovering his TRUE PURE AUTHENTIC SELF!

And so today the Rainbow Warriors are modelling themselves on this galiant knight, purifying their minds, intentions and dedication to Divine Service.

The biggest battle is the battle with our cell-ves, where we fearlessly listen to our MINDS, in order to integrate what it is to “GO WITH THE FLOW” of greatest evolution. 🌫🌞 Using our Divine intelligence to QUESTION any FEAR of following our path!

Gracefully advancing toward your fears and questioning them, through divine intelligence perspectives, is how we free ourselves from their paralyzing illusions. FEAR – False Evidence Appearing REAL!

❓❓What rocks or impediments are in your stream that you courageously need to FLOW🌫 around and continue on your journey?

Piercing through any thoughtforms that would keep you in the “dark”. Integrating purification in our illumined minds to access pure consciousness☀🌫 through QUEST-I-ONing beyond the BOX of our inherited conditioning, and beyond the control paradigm. Questioning of SOURCE itself and coming home to our own independent illumined and fearless MIND.

Today we are super focused on our QUEST, our Divine Missions, questioning the very nature of our constructed reality, in order to stay focused on the manifestation of our dream and Higher purpose.

The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention on discovering the BEST choices and the BEST road to travel, reaching the desired destination of collective and personal ABUNDANCE and EQUALITY for ALL! .

HIGHER SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC SUN ☀– AHAU is the higher guiding force today, focused on en-LIGHT-on-ment.☀✨.. raising the old combative mentality, to one of pure ILLUMINATION.✨☀✨.

The GALACTIC SUN☀ guides us to focus on our evolution as collective souls, all with the same prime directive from Creator – to GROW and evolve through embodying more LIGHT, empathy, and compassion, leading to greater HARMONY for us all.

AHAU☀ represents the masculine illuminating brain, integrating the AWAKENING, and comprehending the potential for SHINING the LIGHT on the Collective QUEST of the Rainbow Warriors.

AHAU challenges us to RAISE our thoughts and claim our SOVEREIGNTY, aligning with the Higher Mind, the DIVINE MIND, so that we can create PEACE and stillness. This allows the higher divine guidance to FLOW through our MINDS, unimpeded, leading us to greater Abundance and JOY.

OPEN and elevate your MIND to become more EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed like the BUDDHA – and become the SUN,🌞 brightening the day of those around you. Focusing on the highest potentials of humanities AWAKENING . Modeling our sovereign nature👑 as we harmonize our soul-ar connections. 👑🌞🎆


SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT 🌌– AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS of the DARK that we hold, and teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to this new way of being. Cutting away and transcending any limitations and restrictive patterns inhibiting our ability to grow, SHINE 🌞and RADIATE. ☀

Through facing and overcoming our FEARS we become EMPOWERED. We can then take up our leadership positions, influencing others to follow in our footsteps. We can thus UNITE in our collective journey to the promised land.

AKBAL holds the dreaming code for the collective, that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend, until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendor. That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT SOPHIA/CHRISTED, STAR🌟BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS☀ leading the way to the NEW KING/QUEEN-DOM 👑 of HEAVEN. 👸💒


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT🐍 – CHICCAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS, in order to to find our FLOW. Our primal reptilian mind reveals what needs purifying, in order to model higher states of FEARLESSNESS through pure consciousness. Facing any FEARS of lack, poverty, hunger and scar-city.

The RHYTHMIC SERPENT enables us to organize our physical environment to reflect more balance and harmony so that we can rest assured and have PEACE of MIND. Trusting instinctively that GOD/GODDESS/Spirit WILL PROVIDE for all our needs and ALLOW -and-SEE what Spirit has in store for us.

RED SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and lifeforce, that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS! HALLELUJAH!!🌟🌞🌟


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER 🌈– Yesterday’s Blue Resonant Eagle gave us intuitive insight as we attuned to the BIG PICTURE of our Divine Mission… Today the fearless Rainbow Warriors – SURRENDER the OLD battle with great INTEGRITY, as the wayshowers pass the baton to the next wave of Rainbows….

The battle is WON and now is the time for PEACE and CELEBRATION as the LIGHT nears its FINAL VICTORY! 🏆🏆🏆

CIMI’s challenge today is to LET GO and SURRENDER all DARKNESS, releasing all cords and attachments so that we are FREE to evolve into higher states of FEARLESS living. Allowing our MINDS to be FREE from the old world that we no longer relate to.

Getting REAL and focusing on what our SOUL wants to create, so that we can live in greater HARMONY with our kin. Fully Focused on our Divine Mission of creating a beautiful ABUNDANT world filled with AWAKENED MINDS and EN-LIGHT-ened beings.

Allow CIMI to build the bridge from the old world🌈 to the new, revealing the TRUE path, to effortlessly FLOW🌫 down the path of least resistance!


So precious hearts, another VERY POWERFUL day to FEARLESSLY face what needs to be QUEST-I-ON-ed, in order to find your natural FLOW🌫 and manifest your DREAMS.

Surrender the battles and resistance as you float merrily down yonder stream! 😊😊🌫🌫💦


Today’s question is “How can I use my intelligence to SURRENDER, and harmonize anything impeding my FLOW of FEARLESS joy, PEACE and ABUNDANCE?”

“Am I ready to embody and model the NEW LIGHT?”

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for Harmonizing all DARKNESS and modeling FEARLESS, PURE, EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed consciousness. 🌞🎆

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 Past Life Regression Guided Meditation 🕉

Unlock Your Soul’s Hidden Memories with my Sacred Condor 🔥



With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.

🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding

✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike

🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation

💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.


CLICK HERE for the Past Lives Meditation




Paul White Gold Eagle

Mantra of the Enlightened Water Dragon:

“I am the strength of the Dragon, wise and powerful, flowing with grace.

I am the wisdom of the ancient waters, deep and profound, reflecting the truth.

The Primordial Source!

I am the serenity of the calm ocean, embracing change, ever-evolving.

I am the power of the rising tide, overcoming obstacles, achieving my goals.

I am the Enlightened Water Dragon, bringing forth abundance and harmony.”

So it is…A’Ho!

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