The Return of the Pure Ones ~ Guardians of the Scrolls * Blue Rays Crystallization ~ The Higher Self is Wisdom and Love
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Dream Holders of the Pure Land of New Lemuria
Happy 7:13 Portal of the Divine Goddess of Purification!
Our locals Soularis is sending us massive Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 7 C Class Solar Flares and 7 more intense M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.35 at 12:42 UTC synchronizing with the 7:7 Gateway and aligning all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 with the coming 888 Lionsgate Portal this August 8th.
We are being inundated with Higher Dimensional Crystalline Codes of Pure Light as Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun are preparing for this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
Our Royal Lion Nation of Lyra and Blue Ray Sirians along with all our other Sacred Star Nations and families are with us assisting in our final mission of full Planetary Liberation. Keep anchoring in the Higher Light, as we hold our Clear Visions and with our Pure Intent and Divine Will to bring to fruition our True Hearts Desires and consciously Co-Create, together in Unity Consciousness, our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
The 22nd of July 2024 will mark the Return of the Pure Ones, Guardians of the scrolls and living codes of the Book of Love, leading us back to our innate Purity and illuminating the Path to inner Peace and infinite Love within us ❦
Today I wish to tell you about the Higher Self, that divine essence that dwells in each of us. The Higher Self is nothing but our true nature, free from the fears, doubts and limitations that the material world often imposes on us.
The Higher Self is pure wisdom, unconditional love and eternal light. It is the part of us that knows our deepest purpose, that understands the vast scope of our existence, and that guides us with compassion and clarity toward our highest realization.
Connecting with our Higher Self is not an act reserved for a chosen few, but an innate right of every human being. In order to do so, we must quiet our mind, open our heart, and listen with our soul. Meditation, contemplation, and introspection are powerful tools that allow us to access this sacred connection.
In every challenge, in every moment of uncertainty, remember that you carry within you an infinite source of power and wisdom. Allow your Higher Self to be your guide, your counselor, and your light on the way. By honoring this connection, we not only transform ourselves, but contribute to the upliftment of all humanity.
7/13/24: More than most other years, this July can feel burdensome with responsibility. There seems always to be yet another obligation to face. This isn’t meant to be hard or punishing. It’s rather to help you to understand your own boundaries… what’s yours and what isn’t. This incoming Age of Accountability is about respecting ourselves and others without judgment, enabling, or blaming. Take the next natural step in Right Action. Give when asked as you are able.
Fill your cup so that you can be generous with anything extra. Today helps you draw the line between helping and hurting. Meddling is not enriching. Smothering is not strengthening. Micro-managing is not leadership. Stay in your lane… smile and wave.
The full integration of the Blue Rays crystallization is allowing for the governing body in our outer world now to step forth, as the inner world of their human DNA holds their highest light. Their DNA holds the keys to shift this planet to a frequency of united heart and mind. As their light is fully ready to be seen, interwoven with angelic codes from Sirius, Pleiadies & Orion, our leaders are stepping forth with full support of their Angelic & Master Race teams as they have also integrated the light from a multitude of other Star systems at this time.
They have fought relentless battles to ascend in training for this activation. As Master builders with the strength of a thousand men, not only will they set forth as architechs to build this new world, their physical strength & ability to manipulate time space realities and perform inhuman tasks will become effortless as their force is so strong it radiates the quantum space to electrify the timeline of this planet.
As they have more access to their multidimensional gifts, the support around them will be abundant. They are the leaders of this new world and it has been the hardest journey in human form. They are the masters of many ancient technologies, alchemists here to teach this wisdom to humanity. They are each born with a counterpart who shares their DNA encoding to facilitate completion to their chosen missions.
The Blue Rays are ready to ascend & spread their light to many lands now as their missions have been accelerated. They are the twinflames. The fragments of God Source Unity. They are here and coming out of hiding. They will flip your world upside down if you meet one and walk alone on their journey. The sensitivities they have are profound, but this reality shift will be supporting their new found grace. In achievement of many lessons they are finally in a place they call home.
Dear friends, it seems our Sun is slowly waking up from its recent nap, and the little energetic oasis we were enjoying is being interrupted a little bit by an M5.3 solar flare. Plasma movement was seen following the event meaning a coronal mass ejection (CME) will be possible. We will have to wait and see how this event unfolds in the coming days.
That said, those of you who are energy sensitives may have felt your nervous system affected by this solar flare in the last few hours. A sense of disorientation, sudden fatigue, dry mouth, feeling ungrounded, lack of focus and concentration, and sleep disturbances may be possible under this energetic landscape.
Our fields are already working day and night during this period of recalibrations post-7:7 and are preparing for the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8. This added solar activity may feel stronger than usual since our nervous system is already very busy dealing with deeper personal recalibrations. Listen to your body and rest as much as needed. Stay well hydrated as well.
Stay tuned for more updates as our sun also recalibrates itself during this solar cycle 25. If the solar wind derived from today’s M5.3 flare arrives into our atmosphere within the next 48 hours, our systems will be needing to also integrate these new solar lightcodes. The energetic celestial dance continues. Have a wonderful day. Much love
Massive waves of Cosmic energies in June-July, until the apex of the powerful 888 Portal, serve for the restoration of our true identity and re-access to spiritual gifts. In this energetic transmutation, consciously or not, we are abandoning what we believed to be, the foundations of our “comfort zone” and sense of direction in life. Hence the increase in states of depression, anxiety and panic syndrome.
“The Awakening” is being open to understanding Transition and assimilating the expansion of the Sixth Sense, Hearing the Inner Voice, Intuition, Perceiving the Signs and Synchronicities of Blessings and spiritual Guidance.
You can then understand the purpose of Daily Practices to protect yourself from impacts by personal life circumstances or global events, such as emotional shockwaves in your systems. And if you keep repeating stressful thoughts, feelings and images your physical and auric Body becomes a mess delaying the advancement to the Remembrance of your divinity.
The Pleiadians have reported on the transformation of our brain through energy currents entering the spine reaching the Pineal, the two hemispheres, the neurons, synapses, hypothalamo-hypophyseal (hormones), by stimulus from our electrical systems charged by higher frequencies.
So learn how to realign:
– Create moments of Stillness to maintain Health and Balance; Hydrate yourself;
– Do Conscious Breathing (inhaling in and exhaling by your mouth, gently, at least once per hour during your day;
– Walk, barefoot or not, going back and forth a few steps for 10 minutes – at your own pace, lifting one foot and observing the movement as it slowly lowers and touches the ground first by the heel.
– Avoid watching TV news and movies and novels with drama and violence;
– Do not use tobacco, alcohol and drugs stimulating or anesthetizing the conscience;
Thus you protect the function of the marrow of the adrenal glands, responsible for the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, released as tsunamis in the blood after reactions by fear, causing increased heart contraction/arrhythmias, blood pressure oscillation, vascular constipation, liver glycogenolysis (diabetogenic effect), loss or increased appetite, muscle weakness, sweating, nausea, sleep imbalance.
This prolonged imbalance leads to allergic and systemic reactions due to its immunosuppressive effect on metabolism, shorter and accelerated breathing.
It is also important to remember the relevance of the Loose Nerve – the Nerve of the Soul, deeply connected to the neck – Portal of the Brain; and the Throat, our Divine Access Point – the expression of the Higher Self. It is the longest of the nervous system, extending to the abdomen, transmitting the brain emissions and transmitting to the brain the emissions of the organs through which it passes.
It’s like a “somatic engine,” with sensor cables connected to our electrical systems transmitting temperature and pain as alerts.
When you relax, allow Light to distribute through that energy as fuel to embody your true Self.
It can cause sneezing when cleaning blocks. And with the activity of the Vagus Nerve affected, some may suffer from psychiatric disorders, exhaustion and chronic inflammation; flatulence, indigestion, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, vertigo, fainting, because it controls the balance of the body.
To stimulate it allowing the flow of Light in the physical as a conduit for Health do:
• Strong gargle with water, or sing, emits Sounds: Vocal Therapy
The Sirius gateway Ascension shift that currently took place earlier in July was one of the strongest and most intense planetary awakenings in the history of collective and planetary consciousness. With confusion, fear, anxiety, and a sense of uncertainty prevalent, it was important for the ascending to remain patient and sovereign during this global occurrence. And they did .
Despite the challenges, the ascending are All being guided by a higher and divine power , supported, and protected by divine Intention . During the next Lion’s Gate portal, which lasts from July 26th to August 12th and peaks on August 8th, ascension symptoms may accelerate rapidly . The energy of the sun transiting through the Leo constellation amplifies the energy within our energetic bodies, resulting in various ascending experiences.
Some ascending at this time may experience changes in appetite, while others may have sleep disturbances. It’s common to sleep less and wake up fully charged and ready to go the next day .
Those in the 5D beyond consciousness may only need three to four hours of sleep between midnight and 3am or 4am due to receiving higher frequencies and abundant energy coming in directly from the central sun.
During this time, the ascending may also have vivid or strange dreams as buried subconscious material surfaces. The increased energy from the Lion’s Gate portal can trigger the pain body in many individuals, as the light is much stronger in its frequency than the darkness . And this now is exposing everything. The Lion gate portal also unleashes many dark entities into the planet , remaining in a positive mindset and higher conscious vibrations .
Some may also feel exhaustion in their nervous systems due to excessive energy, making it difficult to sleep. Drinking more Purified water when necessary , particularly with freshly squeezed lemons, this helps purify the nervous system and manage the incoming intense energies. Grounding excess energy by walking barefoot on grass and earth is also highly beneficial.
In the past 24-48 hours, purifying energies have been pouring into our ascending planet , specifically through the collective Crown Chakra. This influx of energy is activating many into higher consciousness and because of this there may be painful realisations that may feel confronting , this is the awakening to truth process , energetically this can also activate aspects of the pain body, leading to various symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, head fuzziness, pressure, spaciness, dizziness, anxiety, hip or lower back pain, nervous system dis-regulation, stomach upsets, and cravings for sugar, carbs, or vitamin substitutions .
The spaciness that some ascending may be experiencing is a result of being grounded on Earth while simultaneously feeling connected to the outer cosmic realms . This can create strong sensations of needing to be in another place or being shown glimpses of other locations without knowing where they are.
All areas of the ascending individuals life are being turned around, offering multiple perspectives for closer examination. Things may feel out of focus or uncertain, making it challenging to discern what brings joy or lack thereof. Take some time and avoid rushing into any major decisions. Significant questions may now arise, such as “What do I want in my life?”, “Am I on the right path?”, “What changes can I make for more happiness?”, “Should I stay or go?”, “Where Exactly is my soul family?”, or “Where is my home?” When these questions arise, refocus on the self and the present moment. It’s a challenging and honest reflection, as the ascending can only truly control the self and the choices made in the now.
Remembering that everything else is an illusion,in 3D Earth including the future or notions of control. Some may feel temporarily disoriented, discontent, and disillusioned, rest assured, nothing is going wrong. These experiences are part of the 2024 Lions Gate portal energies approaching .
The next Lion gate 8-8-8 is the most power full of all numerical portals in the year 2024 , This numerical sequence is also known as the triple dragon energy in Chinese astrology and we are in the year of the Wood Dragon , these energies will accelerate and greatly amplify many in a higher frequency reality here on earth , many ascending will receive direction and insights from higher self , these will come flooding in , putting you directly on the path of conscious purpose.
Energies peak and heightened in all ascending , many will receive electrical energies surging through out the nervous system , this greatly amplifies on the 8/8/8 and will continue on for an 8 day period beyond . There will be more in depth information on this triple 8 numerical sequence activation closer to the date .
Ascension LightWorkers expresses deep gratitude for the support and sharing of this Ascension information, acknowledging the invaluable assistance and appreciation in spreading awareness of our collective ascension purpose. Everyone’s presence here and shared Expressions are deeply appreciated and highly valued.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension service , Source Inspiration : By Ascension LightWorkers
We are in a state of morphing from a very dense, slow, low existence into a much lighter and higher dimensional existence, and this includes everything.
Lord Melchizedek came through very powerfully to me in early morning meditation with the White Flame with regards to what is happening with intense floods and snow, etc. and on all other levels too. I was given the cosmic divine view, and suddenly all started to not only fall in place, but made me realize the profundity of it all.
What I was shown, went deeply into cleansing and clearing, release of the old, and includes all structures, forms, patterns, programming, visible, invisible, deeply underground, etc.
Not only for our country, but the rest of the world.
I was reminded of how, the caterpillar had to get rid of its head, before it could create a cocoon in which to liquidize, and in losing its head and old dense form, the beautiful butterfly emerges, and has wings!
The caterpillar was earthly bound and limited in the confines of a very dense world, while the butterfly can soar and fly and roam free.
We are literally losing our head (mind and mind control) in order to connect deeply with our heart, the infinite power of love, and the deep knowing inside, so that our consciousness can rise, and access the higher dimensional state, even as our physical bodies are morphing into the New Lightbody form in which we can live fully, lovingly, in unity in the New Golden Age.
For The Mass Projectory Of 2024 Continues To Align To The Greater Good Of Humanity.
The Crystalline Structure Of Your World, Continues Metamorphises In Light. As The Custodians Of Your World Regain The Power Of Now
For Humanity Is More Rebellious Than Ever, As You ARISE To Cosmic InterPlay Of Your Reality
For The Quantum Timelines Are Energetic Light Frequencies Interplaying In The Present Codes Of Light
Light Glimmers Of New Realities In Your Light Fields Intersects these Light Frequencies And Provides Windows Of Light Realities.
As The Physical Reality Morphs And Changes, We Are Leading A Quantum Light Synthesis Evolutionary Process Of Much Contrast To The Physical Reality We Reside.
So Be Gentle, As We Are Living Beings Of Light, Adjusting To The Massive Evolving Upgrades Reaching US
For We Each Are Catalysts Of Light Synthesis
Organic – Carbon Light Formations Interconnected In A Mass Consciousness Of Light
Remember The Mission
The Light Calling
The Balance Of Light
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love, New Earth Higher Light Awareness
This last week of Cancer Season is leading to your victory with the second Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st!
You may have been pushed and squeezed more than you would like the past few weeks, however it was necessary to get free from entrapments.
The heavy burdens you’ve been carrying simple must go. It’s not part of where you are heading. Things need to end this week forcing some decisions to be made.
People and systems may have kept you stuck in their narrative of you your whole life. This can especially be with Family that never change. Things always loop back to you sacrificing and being treated poorly. Emotionally this may feel quite challenging as things may be repeating right now that are forcing a breaking point.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. You are receiving help, information, intuitive guidance, and direction to make some choices that will serve you best. You are brave and more than capable to choose to be treated with love and respect. Putting your health and wellbeing first can put an end to karmic life lessons with this week’s Capricorn Full Moon.
You will be rewarded for taking the lead over your happiness. Go after your fullest potentials and you will see the results over the next few months ahead.
M5.35 Solar Flare Maxed. This is the highest SF we have had in a bit. Today the moon continues in cardinal air sign Libra in a positive sextile to Mercury early this morning. It’s a good time for communication this morning.
In the Astrology:
We are really beginning to feel the Mars conjoined to Uranus in Taurus. This is good for strategic, quick decision-making. This conjunction is with the fixed stars of Algol— Medusa.
The fixed star Algol, also known as “the Demon Star,” holds significant meaning and has been associated with both negative and transformative energy. Algol is located in the constellation Perseus and is one of the best-known variable stars in the sky.
Algol is considered a malefic star that brings forth challenges, intensity, and potential danger. It is associated with themes of power struggles, violence, and the darker aspects of human nature. Its influence is often seen as disruptive and can indicate sudden changes or upheavals in one’s life.
However, despite its negative reputation, Algol also has a transformative quality. Individuals with prominent Algol placements in their birth chart have the potential for deep personal growth and inner strength. The challenges associated with Algol can serve as catalysts for profound change and evolution. I personally have this exact alignment opposite my natal Scorpio Sun. Therefore, I have an intimate relationship with Algol.
When Algol aligns with other planets its influence can be felt more strongly, amplifying the themes of power dynamics, transformation, and intensity. Conjoined with Malefic Mars, The Warrior and Uranus The Great Awakener— extreme, disrupting, unpredictable, forceful, explosive, rebellious, chaotic, liberating and accidental and transforming days ahead for some of us being activated by this powerful conjunction.
The exact alignment is July 15th at 10:05 AM EST/ 9:05 AM CEN / 7:05 AM PST.
We are on the build and this is when it is experienced most strongly felt up to the exactitude.
On Saturday, July 13th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in the partnership sign of Libra is in various challenging connections to Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, in elusive Pisces, the Sun, ruler of our ego, in sensitive Cancer, Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in reactionary Aries, and Mars, planet of anger, in stubborn Taurus. This may be a day where our important relationships are tested. We should state our boundaries and also understand what the difficulties with “the other” is trying to teach us on a soul level.
We should remember to have compassion and forgiveness, and express our truth with love in our hearts. We should ask for healing of the past to take place by connecting with our angels, guides and our Higher Self. And, we may need to make adjustments in our actions and remember that relationships involve compromise and equal give and take. That balance, along with equality, for Libra Moon is especially important.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Moon, ruler of how we feel, in the partnership sign of Libra
Sun in Cancer sextile Juno in Virgo. First Quarter Moon in Libra (the Moon is opposite Chiron and Eris in Aries) – As we reach the first turn in the lunar cycle, we find ourselves on an emotional seesaw. Instinctively, there’s a strong desire to play it safe and curl up in our shell. Yet emotionally there’s a need for the support and intellectual stimulation that comes from good relationships with others. Do you go to the party or stay home? Do you ask for a date or quietly slip away? Old hurts and a difficult past could get in the way of potential new friendships.
Commit to following the path of the heart. Honour your needs whilst making room for improvements and practical experience. Communicate what you feel. Remember you are an equal. Resist the urge to shut everyone out if it all gets too complicated. Make peace with your past. Send love back through time. Create some new memories. Your history does not have to dictate your future.
The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. These days are all about sorting out the practicalities plus getting into a rhythm and checking that you have not gone off the rails. Realign yourself to your mission and make sure you are neither too grounded or too flighty. This is an important step in any wavespell. During this Red Dragon wavespell don’t forget the ‘nurturing’ theme as this should be on your mind as you rebalance your energies.
Today is White Worldbridger and its keywords are ‘Opportunity, Death and Equality’. Some combinations of day and number in the Tzolkin really go well together and today is one of those days. One of the key words for the number 6 is ‘Equality’ and the White Worldbridger also represents ‘Equality’. They are very close in meaning. This suggests that by balancing yourself and seeking equality that this will lead you to cross a bridge to a better place from where you are now in your life, to where you want to be. And as it is a ‘Rhythmic’ day, all you need to do to cross that bridge is get organized. So, whatever practical things you’ve been meaning to do… today is full of opportunity! Every 20 days the Worldbridger comes round inviting us to take things further. If you consciously work with the Tzolkin, this becomes a healthy, regular habit. Eventually, when you cross enough bridges you do find yourself in a new reality! Of course this should be our goal. White Worldbridger days help us understand where we are and where we need to be going. This thoughtfulness prevents us from drifting aimlessly through our life or crossing the wrong bridges to places you shouldn’t go!
The Guide for the day is also White Worldbridger and so a double helping of its teachings. A day guided by itself means that the energy is more concentrated and is not ‘flavored’ by another influence.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Warrior so if you are a Warrior, you will find it tough to cross that bridge. Some battles you win – some you lose, so before going on the warpath today consider whether that is your best course of action. For the rest of us, finding answers may be difficult because that’s what the Warrior is good at but today things aren’t going his way. Exerting our willpower too becomes hard, so be patient. The challenge aspect of any day is meant to grab your attention to things you’ve overlooked. Don’t always associate the challenge as a bad or difficult thing. A red flag is more likely to get your notice otherwise you may not give the issue the attention it deserves. Who doesn’t try to ignore problems hoping they’ll go away on their own??
The Occult power today is the Blue Eagle and so if you are a Blue Eagle, you will have magical encounters crossing that bridge today and you will provide magical opportunities for others too. Yesterday, Eagle was in the challenge position and very much grounded but in contrast, today we fly high with our minds. Enjoy the view from up there! It is so handy when Eagle is in this position. It’s as if the Eagle flies up ahead and tells us where the bridge is located. Metaphorically speaking this means our visions help us go up a level. Be creative with those visions and see how far you can fly today with your mind.
The Ally today is Red Skywalker the adventurer, and so if you need a friend to help you plan your bridge crossing…..Skywalkers can encourage you with their natural enthusiasm. Also, yesterday Skywalker was leading the way as guide and so here again he influences the day. We always feel bolder when this daring Skywalker is present and this is good for us, otherwise we may never step out of our comfort zone.
KIN 6, rhythmic tone 6 and worldbridger is tribe #6 giving us a 6.6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE code today!
We B-EARTH-ed this new cycle 6 days ago, on 8 JULY 2024 with the commencement of this RED DRAGON wavespell, and today we are crossing over the rainbow bridge to this New Reality.
It is TIME to restore BALANCE, EQUALITY and ORDER to our planet. We are in the time of the SPLIT – when we CHOOSE which reality we will inhabit, as we FLIP THE SWITCH to the Highest BLISS Timeline
Let us all HOP, SKIP and JUMP across the RAINBOW BRIDGE to New Earth together!
Day 6 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell where we are incubating in the Womb of Creation…
We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!
Today the focus is on our GLOBAL home – the home of our collective family. We are collectively BUILDING bridges to our New beautiful, compassionate world where all kin are EQUAL, precious and loved unconditionally… through our DOUBLE focused intent to END the old cycle and UNITE in LOVE and Harmony..
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm – another 6 coding adding to the KIN 6 frequency gives us a 6.6.6 CODING which is the Christ Consciousness frequency (despite being hijacked by the “darkies”) the 666 – has TWO POLARITIES – dark and LIGHT!
. How is that for BALANCE?!
RHYTHMIC TONE ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. Today Spirit is asking us “to put our house in ORDER!” – As they say “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.
Tone 6 operates in the physical realm and thus we are assisted in accomplishing physical tasks. Today is a great day to find greater BALANCE in your physical reality/body by drawing forth all the resources needed in any way, shape or form. We are organizing our physical environment for greater balance and equality.
A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING, Feng Shui, decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, channeling ideas, and breaking down the steps required to accomplish your DREAMS and desires.
It is also a great day to accomplish more BALANCE and EQUALITY in our Planetary body anchoring HEAVEN on the EARTH plane. The 13/4 code is the frequency for the construction of NEW EARTH.. And the 10/1 code enables us to MANIFEST this new world.
The GODS are SMILING upon us as the whole Company of Heaven is assisting us in rebalancing our world..This is another PIVOTAL day for our Planetary Evolution..
CIMI seals the store of DEATH, bringing forth the ENDING of the old cycle today. The collapse and demise of the FALSE matrix and old Saturnian control paradigm to make way for the new.
The DOOR is slamming shut today as CIMI x 2 opens the door as we walk through, then SLAMS the door behind us, ensuring we CANNOT GO BACK AGAIN…
The old EARTH is GONE!! – that cycle has been completed by Divine Decree! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! GAME OVER!
As ONE door closes another OPENS. CIMI assists us in LETTING GO of OLD EARTH, the second Worldbridger code – constructs a BRIDGE to our NEW EARTH... both WORLDBRIDGERS working in unison – collapsing the old to make way for the NEW.
The lesson of WORLDBRIDGER is to understand and accept that everything is a cycle, and that we must LET GO and SURRENDER the old, in order to make space for the new ways, cycles and energies that are wanting to anchor. In LETTING GO the WORLDBRIDGER becomes active in bridging the two cycles.
WORLDBRIDGER is the human conduit between the two energies, spaces, places and indeed dimensions. The WORLDBRIDGER is like the chivalrous Don Quixote, removing his jacket and laying it down over the pool of water, so that those who follow may pass without hindrance. WORLDBRIDGER paves the way and creates the new path for all those who follow, thus they truly are bridge builders in all respects.
Today CIMI is CLOSING the old doors, and OPENING the NEW doorways, leading to opportunities that have never existed before!
WORLDBRIDGER also seeks to EQUALIZE knowing that we are all ONE – this tenet is his driving force.. The greatest equalizer of course is DEATH – the last finale, which is why the Worldbridger faces this lesson over and over in his/her lifetime. Accepting that after death there is an afterlife, and the cycle continues once more ad infinitum!
The Rhythmic tone 6 also seeks EQUALITY through the power of restoring BALANCE and ORDER… so we have DOUBLE the drive for EQUALITY today. Very powerful energies catalyzing renewed power, passion, drive and motivation. We are really being catapulted to achieve EQUILIBRIUM today..
A HUGE Planetary code! WORLDBRIDGER is also a TRUTH SEER and sayer – so be aware of more revelations revealing the demise of the old Matrix GAME.
SUPPORT: RED RHYTHMIC SKYWALKER – BEN is the Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman and CIMI’s best mate.
To access the bridge to these higher realms, BEN is anchoring these frequencies for CIMI, bringing forth the Heavenly Angelic Legions of LIGHT to guide and support us, in our Planetary Mission of restoring BALANCE and ORDER to our Planet.
Together BEN and CIMI, FLY HIGH as they journey together, through multi-dimensional realms gathering data, codes, wisdom, frequencies and energies, that are required back on Earth as the wise teachers and gifted healers that they are.
BEN assists us in UNITING the pillars of Heaven and Earth, creating BLISS on our Earthly plane..
RED Skywalker supports Cimi’s Mission, in seeking to be the bridge between these pillars of Heaven and Earth. BEN is the foundation upon which CIMI can build that bridge – together they exemplify the UNIFICATION and cooperation needed to create our New Reality of ONENESS.
With a DOUBLE WORLD-BRIDGE fortified by SKYWALKER’s Heavenly codes we are building a state of the ART – GOLD STANDARD – High frequency ethereal foundation…fit for the passage of the most deserving EARTH ANGELS..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE MEN represents CLEAR VISION, seeing the BIG PICTURE and FREEDOM, liberating us from the FALSE framework today… as it collapses into nothingness.
The GALACTIC EAGLE will reveal the future path that aligns with the highest integrity and principles of our wondrous new world. Simultaneously exposing all that is incongruent, in order to facilitate an expedient RELEASE and SURRENDER of the old outdated structures.
In order to earn your golden ticket for passage over this rainbow bridge you must SURRENDER all your old ways, and seek to operate with full integrity. Claiming your sovereignty, and aligning with your HIGHER PURPOSE and soul’s authenticity. THIS is mandatory to make the JUMP to NEW EARTH.
BLUE EAGLE asks you to join in LIFTING the collective PLANETARY MIND today.. It is up to each one of us to hold a POSITIVE VISION. The means by which this MIRACLE transformation will occur, is through the POWER of ONE affecting the greater whole.
As today’s SUPERPOWER and hidden agenda – BLUE EAGLE will be flying ahead of our GLOBAL MIND – opening the PANORAMIC VIEW, so that we can all SEE and energize the BIGGER and BETTER picture for our PLANET’S benefic future.
ENVISION that the FOUNDATION of this New world has indeed been SOLIDLY constructed, through the link to the 13/4 AND 6.6.6.- codes, and that the Rainbow Bridge is OPEN for AWAKENED intergalactic travellers.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC WARRIOR – CIB holds the staff of enlightenment in his hands. He is the ferryman who will guide your boat to the new utopian land of FREEDOM.
It is absolutely BRILLIANT that the Rainbow Warriors are today’s gift and blessing to our Planet… as indeed Gaia has been truly blessed that the fearless Star Bliss Supernova Suns heeded her distress call and volunteered for this clean-up Mission…
The WARRIORS of the Rainbow have incarnated life-time after life-time, repeatedly, to anchor their LIGHT on this PLANE and fearlessly defend the VISION, seeded, deep in the heart of their soul.
The knowingness, that ONE DAY we WILL ACHIEVE, this collective DREAM of BLISS ON EARTH… returning to PARADISE and EDEN as LeMUria – the Mother land of LOVE, PEACE, joy and infinite compassion will RISE AGAIN...
Call on your PEACE loving Rainbow WARRIOR today to raise your consciousness to a higher level so that you can fly a white flag of peace bringing in a new era.
SURRENDER the battle with darkness, and UNITE with your brothers and sisters, to restore PEACE and ORDER, once more on our DIVINELY BLESSED planet. .
The Fearless Rainbow Warriors are leading us all home to the promised land – Nova Gaia.
Do not grieve for the past anymore, as that is GONE, but turn and FACE your FUTURE with great anticipation!
“The BELONGING you seek, is NOT BEHIND YOU, it is AHEAD!” Aho!
Get out and build that RAINBOW BRIDGE that leads to your new tomorrow!
Use this powerful meditation – to birth the new. Cross the rainbow BRIDGE to NEW EARTH and anchor a NEW HEAVEN on EARTH.
LET’S DO IT RAINBOW KIN – to our phenomenal SUCCESS!
Today’s question is “How can I SURRENDER and LET GO of the OLD world, restoring BALANCE and ORDER, to build a New foundation for UNITY, PEACE and HARMONY?
Divine blessings for fearlessly OPENING all doors to our New World.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Beloved Presence of God that I AM in my heart, beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, descend with your Legions of the Sacred Fire of Healing from the Great Central Sun in, through and around us. Flood our four lower bodies with your Emerald Green Rays and remove the causes and cores of all illnesses, depression, suffering, and conflict in general.
We are immensely grateful for the permanent healing of all that afflicts us.
Our love to the Healing Angels for responding immediately to our call.
Almighty I AM! (3)
Healing Angels
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