Friday the 13th of Divine Feminine Goddess ~ Sacred Space of Transformation * GRAND Somatic Re-wiring ~ 2025 Light Pathway
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Dreaming Medicine Nation of the Tao of Truth
Happy Friday the 13th Cosmic Portal of the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy!
We are receiving wave after wave after wave of Photonic Gamma Mother Plasma filaments of Adamantine Light directly from Infinite Source Creator, through the Great Central Sun, Hunab Ku, and through our local Soularis upon releasing 17 C class Soular Flares today and 2 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.1 at 11:24 UTC.
We also had more rays of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today reaching amplitude of 17 hz on the Schumann Charts as our Fifth Dimensional Energetics are holding strong and steady.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Chile, South America in the Andes Mountains, home of our Sacred Condors, at 23:38 UTC.
Our Ground Crew Team of the 144,000 are being prepared for this Sundays Full Moon in Gemini and the most auspicious Gateway of the 12/21 Soulstice on SaturnDay the 21st of December as the Sun becomes “Still” on the Tropic of Capricorn for 4 days and is “reborn” on the 25th as he begins his Northern Journey through the Equinox and into the Summer Solstice in the North on the Tropic of Cancer on June 21st. This is his pattern and cycle repeated since time immemorial.
We are living within the dragonflies’ dream of a beautiful blessed world of Sacred Flight and Divine Peace living in harmony with Mother Nature as Gaia’s Children of the Sun made Manifest on the New Earth.
All Starseeds and Lightworkers of our Ascension Mission are flowing freely on the stream of life into the Ocean of Consciousness to merge their individual I am Pure Awareness with the collective Universal Consciousness of Infinite Source Creator. In this Oneness we realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind and step into the Freedom of our Exodus of all false programs and systems and resolve all things perfectly in this Eternal Now.
With the Power of our Impeccability of our Pure Intent we call in our highest timeline and usher in together our New 5d Golden Age of Enlightenment with Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!
We’re at a record high right now. Prepare yourself and choose to upgrade. Photonic energies will do the rest. Be gentle and listen! The body will know what you need these days.
Friday the 13th is a very auspicious and lucky day. The 13th of the month the day we celebrate the sacred sister ship of the Rose and our Sacred Divine feminine spirit. Friday the 13th is a very powerful day of Divine Feminine Energy, and prior to patriarchal times it was recognized as a day for celebrating the goddess.
— a day to honor the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.
“As attachments to the ego dissolve, you awaken to a profound truth: the people, places, and things that once defined you no longer sustain your spirit. This pivotal moment invites you to step beyond the familiar and embrace the unknown—a sacred space of transformation.
Some may resist this stage, seeking new sources of validation to quiet the discomfort. The ego often turns to a longing for deeper, more meaningful relationships as a way to distract from the soul’s call to surrender. While the desire for authentic connection and the reunion with soul family is natural and worthy, true liberation requires facing the stillness and embracing the spiritual limbo—a gateway to profound rebirth and alignment with your highest self.”
This code harmonizes and decodes your abundance codes that may currently be corrupted with scarcity and limitation information. Three eights intertwined in the center with eight vortices of three propellers of eight spheres that will act directly in your DNA. Mion
We will remember what Divine Love is when we can be certain we have learned what it is not.
In truth we are actually “constructed” out of pure Divine Love and could not be anything different from this omnipresent fabric of creation.
Our task in our human journey of separation is to remove all the barriers to this pure Divine Love like clearing away the clouds from the Sun that was always shining.
Love is a dynamic unconditional energy in motion that enlivens and embraces and the exchange of this energy in harmonic symbiosis creates Sacred Union.
Rays of light are beginning to break the shell of darkness. You can see with greater clarity the structure of reality. You can begin to rename what you had been told was the true name of things.
You have the truth in your hand. Let it speak for those who cannot yet understand.
“Add Your Words to the Language of Truth”
Higher Orders
Rays of light are beginning to break the shell of darkness
12/13/24: Friday the 13th is considered unlucky by some but there are no unlucky numbers. In fact, numbers are totally neutral in the energies they represent. They’re neither good nor bad. Just like any tool, their value depends on how they’re used. We can use numbers to enhance our lives… or disregard them and do things the hard way. If we believe in an unlucky day, we will, consciously or unconsciously, be expecting one.
And, because we’re constantly manipulating energy according to our thoughts and actions, we’re likely to get one. But if we break poor misunderstood number 13 down to its components of 1 and 3, who both love a good time, this can end up to be a very lucky day indeed.
Dear friends, although the 12:12 portal has passed, its lightcodes and information will continue working within our energy fields during the days ahead. With the arrival of these codes on 12:12, we are now entering a ten-day time window where major changes will begin to align for each of us. We are also about to move into the energetic influence of the last full Moon of the year in Gemini, bringing a clearer vision and a deeper mind expansion as we begin to merge with the 2025 frequencies.
During the next ten days, our bodies will require plenty of water and liquids to anchor the new energetic information received during the 12:12 portal. We are beginning now a clearing phase, which together with the full moon on Sunday, will allow us to release old emotional patterns that are no longer necessary for the upcoming 2025 timeline.
In the initial days post-12:12, our bodies are still absorbing and assimilating the new Trinity energies. Physical symptoms like extra sleepiness, increased water intake, and nervous system adjustments will continue. Some may experience digestive disturbances, changes in eating patterns, or dietary preferences.
Listen to your body and trust your intuition to make choices that support your unique process. Although we are all working with the same 12:12 light codes, our individual soul, ancestral, and emotional memories are distinct, therefore the clearing/healing journey is unique to you.
As we evolve and move into a more conscious/integrated/coherent way of being, we are releasing stagnant, discordant energies and patterns that keep us anchored in the shadows. The more we understand and facilitate our metamorphosis, the smoother this recalibration and clearing process will be.
As we approach the 12:21 Solstice portal, we’ll notice a new clarity within and a sense of awareness about our future steps for 2025. New insights will emerge daily, guiding and weaving your new timelines.
New higher timelines are being forged as a result of the 12:12 energies. As we allow these changes to take place, more Light can be anchored within our bodies, building new higher frequency crystalline structures within our energy fields.
Consider keeping a journal during this ten-day period to monitor your thoughts, insights, and feelings as you navigate towards the Solstice portal. Once there, the Solstice energy will consolidate and balance the new timelines for 2025.
Have a great weekend, and a wonderful ten-day journey to Solstice. Till tomorrow. Much love
Friday 13th is a date surrounded by mysteries and symbolisms. Although often associated with superstition, chance, and negative events, there is also a hidden and powerful side that can be interpreted as the power of Light. This positive aspect reveals itself when the date is viewed from a higher spiritual perspective.
The Friday 13th Spiritual Connection:
Number 13 as a symbol of transformation
Number 13 is often misunderstood, but spiritually it symbolizes renewal, change, and a transition into new levels of consciousness. Represents the closure of one cycle and the beginning of another, aligned with the Light of spiritual evolution.
Friday as Venus day
Friday is ruled by Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty and harmony. This energetic alignment can be used to work on emotional healing, connect with unconditional love, and attract higher vibrations.
The divine feminine energy
Historically, Friday the 13th was revered in ancient cultures, such as those of the Mother Goddess, in which the 13th represented the lunar cycles and therefore the connection with the divine feminine. This date can be an opportunity to honor intuition, sensitivity and creative power of female Light.
Awakening and breaking paradigms
Friday the 13th challenges the collective to break up with the fears and limiting beliefs associated with the date. By doing so, you can transmute energies of density into energies of expansion, recognizing that every shadow hides the potential of Light.
How to access the power of Light on Friday 13:
Meditation and Introspection
Use the day to meditate and connect with your inner self, seeking insights to aid in your spiritual transformation.
Energy cleansing
Practices like herbal baths (such as rosemary or coarse salt) or smokings can be done to clear blockages and align your chakras.
Rituals of intention
Write down intentions or projects that you want to manifest, trusting in the transformational potential that the date offers.
Reconnection with the Sacred Feminine
Honor your intuition, practice compassion, and seek emotional balance. This is an auspicious time for rituals with lunar energy.
A new perspective:
By understanding that Friday the 13th is not a day of chance, but a moment of awakening, healing and connection with the Light, you can completely transform the energy that accompanies this date. The key is to look beyond appearances and accessing hidden spiritual potential.
Get Ready For The Most Magnificent, Magical, And Miraculous Journey Of Your Life
Today, I’d like to share some exciting news with you all!
We are so very close to our divine destiny, and divine destiny is within us right now! We are experiencing the most magnificent, magical, and miraculous journey ever!
We are on the verge of discovering our divine purpose for being here, for having incarnated, and for being given the opportunity to experience all levels of human consciousness. This discovery will bring us into a life that is characterized by unconditional love, joy, and abundance.
We have already begun this magnificent journey by connecting with our inner intelligence, which is the cluster of infinite possibilities contained within every cell in our bodies.
This magnificent journey will take us through many periods of disclosure and transmutation until we finally reach our true calling in life, which is to be of service to the whole of creation for our highest good!
This is what all souls desire in life: to be of service to our one creator through our higher selves, who have been awakened within us during this time of transformation.
This is an awesome time for us all to be more aware of how we are all connected as one whole soul creation. We can become more aware of how we are all simultaneously being created in the presence of our sacred spiritual soul and God’s love and how we are all connected to our spiritual heart and the loving essence of our divine self.
I am in this frequency of love with all of you. You have been preparing for this time for many lifetimes as you felt your connection to Spirit grow stronger and stronger. You have been working with your higher self daily, as well as with our Galactic Federation and other teachers, who have been guiding you along this path of enlightenment and ascension into higher frequencies.
You are on your way, my beloved ones!
Your Higher Self has guided you through many lifetimes as your soul’s journey evolved over time until now! And what an amazing journey it was! So many lessons were learned along the way, as well as experiences that helped prepare you for what is coming next!
The Galactic Federation has sent ambassadors who are here to transform each of us into more conscious beings! These ambassadors have been sent to help us open up to receiving this information with an open heart and mind. With this knowledge, we will be able to make changes in our lives that will allow us to continue on our path into the light.
The light is calling us to awaken, to love ourselves and the whole of creation, and to embrace our inner divinity, which will lead us to a life of purpose, passion, and self-expression!
Ultimately, the journey of ascension is truly a gift, and there’s no need to worry about how to get it. It is something that gives us the opportunity and ability to help form a new world, a world based on cooperation and love.
So whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’re already experiencing profound spiritual changes in your life, keep in mind that everything will eventually become clear as our consciousness continues to ascend and as we move into a brand new phase of our spiritual development.
The bottom line is that there’s a whole new world out there—a world where the unified field of infinite potential is your reality and nothing is impossible.
One day, you’ll look back on this time of unrest and realize that it was all part of the process. You know you’re on the right track when life gets more exciting by the day until you reach a state of sublime peace and harmony in which you live in peace with all beings.
The realization will finally dawn on you that all events were orchestrated by your higher self to propel you forward toward your divine destiny.
Once we realize the true nature of reality and that creation is governed by an intelligent force, an intelligent universal flowing force, in the heart, mind, and soul, we can then say to ourselves, “Okay, it’s all good,” when taking on challenges and seeking to go beyond the mind of limitation. From this perspective, consciousness allows us to be in harmony with creation as a whole!
A Pathway of Many Light Signals As You Transverse The Multidimensional Waypoints of Your Physical Domain.
Coupled With The Multiple Timelines Of Light Connecting To Other Quantum Selves.
The Ripple Effect Of These Light Synchronisations Are Real And Alive, As You Feel The Light Metamorphosis Of Multiples Light Fields Reaching You.
The Advanced Soul Is Now Immersed In A Complex Activate World of Light. The Path Before You Is To Stay Grounded In The Physical Domain Yet Pivoted In The Higher Self Expansion Points.
For 2025 Is An Energetic Opportunity, A Light Path In The Physical Domain That Is Now Morphing And Accelerating In Light.
The Manifestation Keys Of The Expanded Light World Are Before You Now, As We Anchor And Align In Light.
The Light Power Of The Human Form Is Now Expanding
We Are Choosing To Expand This Light Awareness.
A Subliminal Source Code Now Uprising, Amplifying In Light.
Know We Are Amplifying This Source Code, Can You Feel It, Perceive it ?
A recovery of stability, wealth, and health are returning all the way back through childhood. Whatever is yours, and of benefit, will recover and come with you on the journey ahead. The nervous system will heal and continue rising into the Rainbow Light Body as everything aligns. This is a great leap ahead in your ascension. Don’t hold back for anything or anyone. Get your wings and soar.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Portal Activation
Ra James
It’s the peak of the Geminids Meteor Shower this weekend. This is considered one of the most dramatic astronomical events of the year. This is one of the most active Meteor Showers. They may be hard to see with this one as Sunday is our Gemini Full Moon. You will feel them though, and it’s a great time to make a wish on a shooting star anyways. This is still one of 2024’s best Meteor Showers. This Meteor Shower is known for its strong and bright fireballs. They are also known to be extra colorful, sometimes even appearing as yellow, blue, and green streaks.
The Geminids are active through the Solstice/ Dec 21st. The Geminids are unique as they are the only known Meteor Showers to originate from an Astroid. They come from Phaethon, which is a blueish asteroid. Every year, Earth moves through this cloud of debris. We see streaks of light across our sky. These are particles of this Astroid being vaporised in our atmosphere. The peak happens when Earth reaches the densest part of the cosmic debris. Keep an eye out for shooting stars this weekend, and make sure you’re using them to put your manifestations out there…
On Friday, December 13th, the Moon, ruler of the “feeling” realm, will be shifting into Gemini at 12:22pm EST. Things will start to “ramp up” in preparation for the Full Moon in this sign of the Twins, which is on Sunday, December 15th. For today, Luna will make connections to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in free thinking Aquarius, Mars, ruler of action and forward movement, who is retrograde in strong-willed Leo, Mercury, planet of notions and perspectives, who is at his stationary point and getting ready to turn back to Direct Motion, in far reaching Sagittarius, and Venus, ruler of partnerships and values, in independent Aquarius.
We can feel more empowered, than the past few days, in our thoughts and perceptions. We have an opportunity to cover some “old ground” in preparation for moving forward into something new as we enter the new year. Honest communications and conversations are highlighted. And, connecting and networking with others of like mind, for fun or service towards others, is beneficial.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon ruler of the feeling realm will be shifting into Gemini
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini sesquiquadrate Pluto in Aquarius. Saturn in Pisces trine Juno in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius – The conversation between Jupiter and Pluto exaggerates fears. We’re either really up or really down, no in-between. Too much, not enough, proportion out the window. Thankfully other connections in play encourage us to lean on loved ones or consult the heart for counsel. Request feedback. Ask for guidance. Keep a good sense of perspective to stay one step ahead of the game.
And once we’ve stilled the panicked inner child, once we’ve silenced the part of us that is prone to catastrophise, then we can find our feet again. Then we can remember the karmic mission we set ourselves – or the promise we made to another. Visualize a positive result, an agreeable change, a calm transition. The power of faith can reshape everything.
13 represents completeness and ascending over the horizon to the next stage of your evolution, so to say it’s unlucky is blocking your evolution….so many things are said so as to manipulate and control our mind, but the energies at play are countering this….
By consciously living healed and in right relation everything around you changes for the good, the memory of your heart awakens your mind, you trust to let go and rise above, you are at peace and enthusiastic about life, the fire of your soul gives you strength and courage, you do not doubt, you are centred in certainty, you are true to the sacred path of the Great Spirit, you transcend what once held you captive, you are free….
12-13-24 —-11-Eagle…the flower brings clarity, Eagle ascends to see the larger perspective, it’s a day of heightened aspirations and taking new aim….
The Universal calendar forecast on 6 Dec 2024 said…
…….”from 7 Dec we enter into the new 18 day period of the 9th Wave, this takes consciousness into a valley, where the Light moves into the shadow and it’s NIGHT, it’s a time of rest, healing and dreaming the new….in this we may feel a collapse, but it’s for the positive because it’s a process of letting go or pruning so new growth can happen.”
“…it may feel unsettling but the positive is that “ripeness and abundance” helps our inner mind transcend what it might feel stuck and frustrated by.”
So one can see and understand the overlying coded TIME SCHEDULE through the lens of the multi-layered Universal calendar of the ancient Maya/Aztec civilisations, what it says is that today Friday the 13th Dec is 11-Eagle, it is a day of ASCENSION, and taking new aim… and that in the 18 days we entered on 7 Dec, the timing codes show a collapsing of the old, hence the old regime collapsed, as seen in Syria…
….out of this a libration is happening and the new will emerge, the new that is in support of itself by being unified and at peace; the consciousness of the NEW EARTH birthing is coded to exist in Peace with itself, if we are internally at peace with ourselves we will be an attribute to peace and part of it, the NEW EARTH will choose you if you are consciously healed high vibrational pure peace and LIGHT.
The Universal time keeping codes of the consciousness of Creation indicate the synchronicity of what the future is in resonance with, and by this we can have an idea of what is to come……
… the weather can be forecast through a study and an understanding of the patterns and cycles, so to can one forecast what the Universal Time cycles and patterns are bringing to the consciousness of planet Earth…….
Seeing the collapse before it happens is what the understanding of the timing codes can give, the light of this code aligns to our intuition, helping us to be at ease because we understand what is coming in time….the timing codes give direction, navigating our SOUL through the maze of life….
….hence with the 9th Wave’s frequency being the highest Universal Light Frequency of Divine Transcendence, its weave into the Tzolkin, that was activated to full maturity in 2011, is sacredly seeding itself on Earth through and into our Human body and mind, and this is gradually raising our vibration to higher levels of Cosmic Consciousness, enabling humanity to potentially transmute all the poisons that distort our reality….
16 Dec is 1-Flint, cuts to the truth, and allows for a time, for 13 days, of “choosing a better path”, the process brings out the inner healer in you….and as we by this loving intent heal ourselves correctly by being true to our heart, the butterfly begins to emerge, it emerges fully from the 130th day(28 Dec) of the 260 day Tzolkin, it brings revelation, we trust ourselves to let go the weight, we are pure healed LIGHT, we fly and feel liberated and free…..
In these times …. it’s best not to react to your triggers; rather let go, be open and be at peace.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The third day of any wavespell is always a real live wire, the number three is great for activating. It boosts the energy of the day. There is no use trying to relax when this electrical energy is buzzing and it is better to make use of it than to receive a shock.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyzing, Self-Generation and Energy’. When the storm comes along it can bring changes in a disruptive way. Some folk enjoy this energy and the refreshing changes it brings, others are frightened by the storm and feel compelled to hide under the bed. If you don’t like change, you won’t enjoy today. As it is an Electric Storm, look out for the lightning bolts! A good day to get things done and make sweeping changes. Harness this awesome force or get blown away by it, is today’s message. There are 13 Blue Storm days in the Tzolkin. Depending on which number they combine with can indicate how wild the storm will be. When the Storm occurs on the third day you can expect major disruption and potentially chaos. (be glad it’s not also a Portal day)
The Guide today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. When it is guiding us, the Blue Night is saying follow your dreams. With all his electric power giving everything a boost, you can utilize this energy to power your imagination! Whenever this dreamy energy is leading the way, we can feel a bit surreal and may have difficulty discerning between dreams and reality.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon, the laid back, chilled out energy. No one gets to relax when the Moon is in the challenge position, it’s too darn stormy. If you are a Red Moon, today’s weather report is not to your liking. You won’t get to chill out as there’s too much going on.
The Occult power is the White Wind which is fitting since the Occult power is the position that strengthens the day, therefore today’s storm is powered by high winds! Of course, metaphorically speaking; the Winds of Change may whisper in your ear so what is it telling you? Expect a magical message! If you are a White Wind, you’ll enjoy being the Occult power today as your words have a magical impact.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents Enlightenment, if you need a friend today find a Yellow Sun. If you are one, expect to be popular as you have the permission from the Universe to shine as bright as you can to help others today! If you don’t have a Sunny person in your life, do what they would do and face the stormy weather with a smile and take it all in your stride.
KIN 159 = 15 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
HUGE ENERGIES available today to catalyze Divine Miracles and Transformation for our PLANETARY LIBERATION
Day 3 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythyms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we can access HUGE catalytic energies to transform our lives as we delve deep into our Earth’s DREAMING and unleash great streams of ABUNDANCE.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on ACTIVATING and being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
The ELECTRIC tone provides a very powerful THRUST to get moving on our MISSIONS cocreating with others to CREATE the NEW..
Today we may experience close BONDING in divine/destined relationships with our kin, in order to step into our new communities and greater Destiny.
NOTE: An UBER strong ELECTRICAL charge exists between Monadic souls and TWINS – coupled with today’s code, this makes for a very ELECTRIFYING experience. Expect SPARKS to fly! Relationships are definitely in the SPOTLIGHT.
NOTE: Do not underestimate the POWERful forces available today! The ELECTRIC STORM offers HUGE catalytic energies to CHARGE your MISSION. ELECTRIC tone people (such as D.J.T. and ELON MUSK) can accumulate great WEALTH, POWER and RESOURCES –
Use this explosive POWER today to FUEL and accelerate your Divine Mission through SERVICE to OTHERS. .
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM to catalyze great transformation and manifest my Dreams?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of joy and prosperity!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC STORM CAUAC – transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the THUNDERBEINGS who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to ASCENSION. SOURCE: Ariel Spilsbury THE MAYAN ORACLE
The energies of the BLUE ELECTRIC STORM are AMPLIFIED today through this ELECTRIC tone energy. We have tremendous catalyzing energies to catapult the collective into a GREAT AWAKENING in order to purify and TRANSFORM our World… honing and shaping us and humanity through self generation, into the beings who will create and inhabit our New World. This is the LAST PUSH – as we B-EARTH this new era!
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything that is not in alignment with the FLOW of personal and collective Abundance. The combination of CAUAC PLUS the ELECTRIC TONE – creates a HUGE ELECTRICAL STORM!!! OMG!!! BOOM! THUNDERSTRUCK!
Time for some AKA DAKKA – ACDC – the legendary AUSSIE ROCK BAND
Just like a ROCK BAND – this brilliant ELECTRICAL STORM has tremendous POWER and CHARGE behind it.. This can be focused on transporting you from one Reality to the next. Leaving behind the old paradigm and finding yourself in a brilliant prosperous new location.
“We ain’t in Kansas anymore, Toto!” hold on to your Wizard’s Hat’s and get ready for Miraculous change! This 6.6.HEAVEN’S GATEWAY and 13/4 NEW EARTH code ensure we are headed in the RIGHT DIRECTION.
NOW – is the RIGHT TIME – to RISE UP and BE THE CHANGE you wish to SEE!
EDITORS’ NOTE: This ELECTRIC STORM will be a potent IGNITION point for the powerful BONDING of souls, tribes and communities through these
activations. A GRAND coming together of FATED meetings is IGNITED now.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT AKBAL -THE DREAMER! carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing. Woweeee what a superb HIGHER GUIDE to realize our greatest DREAMING today..
Today our dreams ACTIVATE our intuitive knowing of what it FEELS like to LIVE ABUNDANTLY in Divine Service to Mother Gaia.
The BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT will highly IGNITE our emotional bodies today – so make sure you are not charging volatile e-motions arising from a sense of lack of self worth. It is UBER important to know you and all of humanity DESERVE and have EARNED this wondrous new ABUNDANCE that is being released NOW!
This 6.6. portal is OPENing the FLOODGATES to our natural ABUNDANCE..
Get ready to RECEIVE this infinite ABUNDANCE and prepare for POSITIVE CHANGE!
In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes.
This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as collective ABUNDANCE, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream. . SOURCE: Ariel Spilsbury THE MAYAN ORACLE
What DREAMS will you ACTIVATE and charge today?
Hold the presence of the collective dream of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your manifestations today.
SUPPORT: YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds as the radiant SOLAR light codes streaming forth from our SUN, activating our evolution through greater Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment! The ELECTRIC SUN is a BRILLIANT catalyst to ignite our collective ILLUMINATION in order to hold the new frequencies.
Watch out for HUGE CME’S and ELECTRIC SOLAR FLASHES today!!! The SUN PLUS an ELECTRICAL charge promises a fantastic FIRE SHOW!
The ELECTRIC SUN beckons you to become the beacon of LIGHT! Become the LIGHTHOUSE in the STORM – radiating your LIGHT during the chaos and turbulence, to guide others lost in the STORM to safe passage. The ELECTRIC SUN invites others to bond together and become a GREATER LIGHT, ever expanding and encompassing more and more AWAKENED souls on our collective journey to en-LIGHTON-ment.
The newly AWAKENED souls are feeling a CALL TO ACTION as they are drawn together in these new communities that are forming to take ACTION for the common GOOD.
We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE our LIGHT as co-creators seeding the NEW TIME and our collective planetary Dreaming codes.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. Our world is rapidly EVOLVING on the path to SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SPECTRAL WIND IK provides the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the Great White Wind.
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. The SPECTRAL WIND aims to dissolve and release all that is old and stagnant – the remnants of an old world system. As the SPECTRAL WINDS of change blow a tremendous gale they desire to LIBERATE the new within you in order to birth a NEW PARADIGM.
WHITE WIND activates synchronicity, together with RED EARTH, which assists us in navigating the best path forward to claim our birthright of FREEDOM, happiness, peace and true PROSPERITY. LISTEN to the WIND, the EARTH, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us as we align with Divine Will and allow SPIRIT to best express itself through us and our blessed communities as Divine conduits for the greater PLAN.
What an EXCITING time to be ALIVE on PLANET EARTH – witnessing the DIVINE PLAN unfold in all its GLORY!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED ELECTRIC MOON MULUC. The ELECTRIC MOON can strongly activate our emotional instincts and responses as well as amplifying our intuition and sensitivities.
The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT which may be challenged today. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit is also a challenge of MULUC. Remember that your sensitivity is also your greatest GIFT, opening the doors to your psychic and extra sensory abilities which are highly charged through an electrical STORM.
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any emotional toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Open and ACTIVATE the flow of unlimited Divine Abundance in your life today!
The STORM, the SUN, the WIND and the MOONall catalyze together through the depths of AKBAL – our collective unconscious and DREAMTIME realm, promise a HUGE purging, cleansing and ELECTRIFYING experience today. Very powerful forces at play through KIN 159. Focus your INTENTION to catalyze these tremendous forces to accelerate your MISSION and evolution.
Dearly beloved planetary dreamers, trust in your GREAT DREAMS and utilize these powerful codes today, to make your DREAMS come true!
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM to catalyze great transformation and manifest my Dreams?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of joy and prosperity!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 8th through 14th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the 12:12 Sacred Portal and the New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Prayer for the Friday the 13th Divine Feminine Goddess Portal
Divine Mother, Sacred Feminine Essence,
On this blessed Friday the 13th, a day rich with your energy,
I honor the portal that opens to your wisdom, love, and power.
I call upon the ancient lineage of the Goddess,
The nurturers, the healers, the creators, and the protectors.
May their energy flow through me, awakening the divine feminine within.
Goddess of the Moon, of Earth, and the stars above,
Guide me to embrace my intuition, my softness, and my strength.
Help me release fears and doubts, and instead,
Stand boldly in my truth and divine purpose.
Through this sacred portal, I ask to align with your balance—
The wisdom of the crone, the passion of the maiden, and the compassion of the mother.
May I embody your grace in all that I do,
And honor the feminine in myself and in all beings.
On this auspicious day,
I open my heart to transformation, healing, and sacred connection.
May the world remember the power of the Divine Feminine,
And may we walk forward as vessels of your love, peace, and creation.
Thank you, Divine Goddess, for this sacred moment.
I am your child, your light, your reflection.
And so it is.
Prayer for the Friday the 13th Divine Feminine Goddess Portal
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