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Friday the 13th – Divine Feminine Goddess Day ~ A DEEP RECALIBRATION

Friday the 13th – Divine Feminine Goddess Day ~ A DEEP RECALIBRATION



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Great Spirit Nation of the 144 Awakened in the Light

Happy Friday the 13th the Day of Goddess Freya also known as Venus as she aligns 13 degrees of Aquarius, ushering in the New Golden Age of Aquarius. The Divine Feminine Goddess Energy is fully returned to our Good People of Mother Earth as all Ground Crew Earth Angelics are uplifted and elevated to a higher timeline and dimension of Harmonic Resonance. 

Our local Solaris released two more powerful M Class Solar flares and several C Class Flares today sending more Gamma Plasma multidimensional Waves directly from the Great Central Sun and Mother/ Father God of the Most High.

The Dragon and the Dove fly together as the Eagle and the Condor to re-unite all 12 Tribes of the Sacred Hoop to Rise together as the Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth. United we Stand for the rights of all Sentient Beings of the Way to live in Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Abundance in true equality on Earth as it is in Heaven Amen.

Nothing can stop this Great Awakening and Ascension Process of Gaia and all her Children of the Sun. As Warriors of the Divine Light we walk the Sacred Path with Heart being connected to all things as real human beings of the Holy Spirit. We resolve all things here and Now in the Eternal Mind of Buddha in the Christ Consciousness of Infinite Love and bridge the Divine with the Mundane to heal and transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

We Rise in the Truth of Eternal Life and transmit the echo of Light into the Void activating the Quantum Field of infinite potentiality and step into the Genesis of our Divine birthright as Eternal Bliss Consciousness… A’Ho!




Right now: Moon at 12°25′ Libra, Sun at 23°40′ Capricorn

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A woman entering a convent.
Sabian Symbol for 24º Capricorn

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 24º Capricorn.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

Children blowing soap bubbles.
Sabian Symbol for 13º Libra

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Libra.





Sacred Waterfall
Sacred Waterfall
Beyond bizarre energies today! 😂 Awareness of ALL timelines, past, present and future all playing out at once, shifting through multiple dimensions at a rapid rate. What was anchored at the end of Dec. ( As one bandwidth collapsed) the new higher trajectory presented itself today to be fully anchored.. Awareness of thoughts instantly turning to form, manifestations one after another. Seeing how others in present reality are Co- Creating WITH us to step into what already is. All week anchoring the New Divine Masculine the feminine joined him in the ethers..( where creation takes place, then manifests in the physical. ) As a collective coming out of the underworld frequency bandwidth we’ve been in for 2 weeks..Artificial matrix dissolving.. Who we thought we’d rise with, no longer are there.. vise versa. Master contracts vs karmic contracts.. fully anchored today. 👑💜👑
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna
Stay heart centered and grounded.
The Sun is getting stronger and so are your spiritual abilities.
313 Peace and Harmony for all 💜
Pay attention to the signs 🍀
The demonstrations you set up will be quickly received, your manifestations will reach you very quickly.
Stay heart centered
Stay heart centered
a new energy coming in right now
a new energy coming in right now


Friday the 13th – A day dedicated to Freya and Venus

13 is the master number of the sacred feminine.

When Friday the 13th comes together, we have the opportunity to enjoy the sacred feminine energy, especially in its form of embodied radiance.

*From the 13 moon calendar used within cultures like the Cherokee American,

* to the 13 baktuns of the Mayan calendar of the Long Computo (each baktun consists of 144,000 days, a number recognized as sacred in religious and spiritual teachings across different groups),

* to Magdalene as the 13th apostle,

* to the association of 13 with the planetary dance between Venus, Earth and Sun (creating 5 petals, on 8 cycles, for a total of 13).

Every Friday the 13th is an opportunity to connect more deeply with an ancient yet perennial wisdom of the imminent divinity, that of the sacred that awaits awakening in the mind, body and soul.

✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨
🙏✨ 💖 Y O U 🌟 are 😇 D I V I N E ☀ PERFECTION 🌍
🌏 MANIFESTED 🌞 to 💞 RADIATE 💞 💎 P U R IT Y 💎 as
✨✨✨✨ 🌹✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨
🙏 💛 Y O U are A C H R I S T allyne
with A L L as O N E to G L O W 💜🙏
✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨
in THIS 💛 G O L D E N 💛 N O W 💛
as 👑 MAJESTIC 😇 S O U L 💜 to GLOW ♨ ✨🙏
✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨ 🌹 ✨✨✨✨
Friday January 13, 2023 is bringing the number 13 back into balance within numerology. Thirteen is a sacred number that is in 2 numeric positions. This is the next level of simplicity in sacred numbers. It is raising you up from the first-row numbers 1 through 12 into the 2nd row of sacred numbers. The energetics of 1 and 3 together are unique because they combine the energetics of one which is unity and oneness and three which is sacredness and trinity. This creates the calibration or balance of unity within the trinity.
Think of it like top level management combined with second level management. The second level is closer to humanity. So, the energy goes from the Universe or almighty God down to the father, son and spirit, to all elemental forces that are working with humanity.
The number 13 is a connection tool that is connecting your angels and guides to unity with God. The unity with God is then going through these angels and guides to humanity and to Gaia.
Hugs and love to all of you,
number 13
number 13


Dear friends, our Sun has calmed down a bit although not quite fully. There are still some moderate M class solar flares erupting and some low proton streaming passing our planet, but nothing compared to the X class flares we had back to back a few days ago. The M class solar flares can still affect some of you, specially those who are very sensitive to the solar activity, or those who are recently awakening to this process of ascension.
We are energy beings constantly flowing and fluctuating from one state into another. In fact, you may think that nothing is happening as you sit and relax, but in truth, we are always in motion and in constant communication with our surroundings and the universe. It is your awareness and intentions that dictate your field of perception. And solar activity is always affecting us in one way or another.
Our sensitivity to solar flares also fluctuates through our lives. Some people may still feel intense symptoms with a moderate M class flare eruption, while others feel the big X flares more intensely. We are all different and we are all in different stages of our soul’s journey. All are valid experiences. (I just had a migraine overnight after years of not experiencing one! But I know this is connected to a new deep alignment in my timeline and the release of old fears and inner limiting beliefs).
It is common to receive spiritual epiphanies during and/or after solar storms. These new realizations about your self and your place in the universe are key for your individual journeys. This year 2023 is a 7 year, a time that usually brings with it the awakening of spiritual wisdom and knowledge to the forefront.
We will probably continue with some low-moderate Sun activity in the next few days, so take advantage of this time window to focus on the next steps of your 2023 journey. But again, the Sun may surprise us with a few more X flares soon. Please be patient with yourself if you are experiencing symptoms, try to go within and search for the meaning these symptoms hold for you. The wisdom of your body will always find a way to give you an answer. Stay hydrated and rest. I’ll continue posting updates as the energies keep rolling in.
Energetically speaking, our next significant events this month will be the new moon on 1/21/23 and the portal on 1/23/23. Meanwhile, enjoy co-creating a coherent and joyful timeline for your inner growth and evolution. Have a peaceful weekend and happy Friday the 13th for those who resonate with this day! Much love ❤️
Diego E. Berman 2023 Ⓒ


‘’The inner flows of the paths of the orgasmic energy in the human system are to be cleared and freed from the snake that was using them for its own purposes.
This is the dawn of the revival of Orgasmic Life in its natural essence which is the actual true way of being for all Living beings.
The power of Life and the knowledge of the Living Cell returns to the people!’’
At the dawn of the Aquarian age of the free Living energy and of the two who become One, we are being called to come together in order to perform a very important inner work. I have been sharing parts of the information on this process which started unfolding after the return of the 5D Emerald Diamond of Wisdom and the Golden Living Spiral, on the Winter Solstice.
We are preparing for great inner revelations that will alter our perception forever and boost our awakening and coming into the Self process, even more. We are all called to discern the snake from the Living Spiral in the Self and bring restoration and alignment with the Living Spiral, consciously! The plutonian Aspect is to come in Christ and it is also bringing great revelations about its true nature.
This is very significant as the Plutonian aspect is connected to many different levels with the huge change, purification, awakening and empowerment of the people
that the Aquarian age is bringing. The new kaleidoscopic Twin Flame code of the two opposite nines that was just introduced to us which is creating the new circuits of oneness, is actually the beginning of free energy and harmonious living pulsation for all humanity!
Sexual energy is being purified and the sacred kundalini/life force energy, is being revived in us all! We are becoming orgasmic beings in communion with the Light of the True Life and an important step of this process, is the actual release of the snake which had hacked and interfered with human consciousness via the inner flow of the paths of the orgasmic energy, in the human system and organism.
Blessings of empowerment!
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
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Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloveds ~
The themes of 2023 are beginning to amplify already. Solar activity is ushering in new frequencies, as well as the anticipated unusual symptoms of transfiguration.
The January PRESENCE event covered the 2023 themes, energies, trajectories, and best practices for this year of revelation.
The core themes are multidimensional. It is important that we utilize our expanded consciousness and open hearts to perceive these events, revelations, and activations with our higher perspective. You’ll see the broader reach of these activities across the realms.
Departing from duality requires Divine perception: Nothing is ever one way, one thing, one event. Unity Consciousness will demand our higher skills this year. A new way of perceiving the whole, regardless of the external projection of density or separation. As always, we can be a stabilizing force without hindering the progress of global Ascension.
The influx arriving next week will jump start these themes. Remember the first three months – now through March Equinox – can greatly influence your trajectory. Take action on your highest choices and changes in the direction of your desired outcome – now.
For the moment, here are the themes provided in PRESENCE for our awareness and Ascension process:
Inversion collapse: In brief; the energetic cause of reversals (forces that tried to prevent the Ascension) will be dismantled. These are ancient distortions, so anticipate everything from magnetics to Earth changes to systems to be affected by this release. Both internal and external.
Density of Information: It may feel more dense as the light levels jump, and distortions collapse. There will be a lot of information in the field revealing itself – both positive and negative. Choose your focus, and dismiss what does not serve your desired reality. Practice discernment, non-judgment, and Divine Neutrality.
Death: Many physical deaths and departures this year. Some as part of the revelation process. Death of old Self, lower vibrational mental, egoic, and emotional structures, old beliefs and narratives (personal and collective.) Remember this affects all levels of consciousness, not just physical death.
Revelation: There is a lot of positive energy around revelation: The New Light penetrating where there was darkness. Narratives, beliefs, and distorted structures (collective and personal) will be challenged. Many narrative flips, revelations, and unexpected turns for the better.
Note: How you deal with personal or collective revelations indicates your Spiritual maturity – please show the way, and treat all with compassion and kindness.
Transfiguration: Genuine and palpable transformation of the infinite Kryst Heart, Crystalline DNA and Lightbody for the next phase of collective resurrection. Last year’s reunification with the I AM Presence activated a new trajectory for many. This is our next step.
Treat all of these themes with Higher Perspective: Do you see how these are all interconnected and Divinely synchronized to provide a new experience for all willing Hearts?
Stargates will be strongest on Equinoxes and Solstices this year; great unified activations with Gaia and the Cosmic realms. Plan to be on your Sacred power spots or gateways during those passages.
I AM sending everyone the Divine blessings and grace of this Sacred Season.
In Love, Light and Service,
Sandra Walter
Connection to Earth
Connection to Earth
The Power of Love is sweeping through humanity as hearts open to a much higher degree, and our consciousness rises to embrace All That Is and separation and alienation vanish and vaporize.
We are becoming aware that whenever and whatever way we harm others, whether through our thoughts, our words, our actions and the energy we emit, we in truth, only harm ourselves.
We are becoming aware that whatever we so desperately sought outside ourselves, is indeed, within ourselves and has always been.
We are becoming aware of our cocreatorship, our own divinity, our own unique role and place within the Greater Whole. The more we expand into Oneness, the more the inner joy arises, the love within expands, as we fully learn to embrace life, and life more abundantly. This includes all facets of life and living, known and unknown, visible and invisible, finite and infinite.
In truth creation is living, loving and breathing through us!
Our consciousness will now expand beyond all which we ever even were conscious of as existing.
Prepare yourself to be streched beyond all limitations you ever felt or believed existented.
Embrace boundlessness.
Ad infinitum.
The Power of Love
The Power of Love

The Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ are connecting Spiritually. They can communicate in higher realms, and together make a plan to attain physical connection. Listen to the strategy entering, helping bring these solutions.

Continue setting boundaries with external distractions so you can faithfully walk on your own personal path into Union. This is your love story together. Trust that you both know exactly what needs to be done to manifest this.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Becoming a Galactic Being
Becoming a Galactic Being
Welcome the first Friday the 13th in 2023! Contrary to superstition Friday the 13th is a positive day of transformation and joy celebrating Venus and the Divine Feminine frequency.
On this Friday the 13th – Venus and 13 are especially magnified:
⭐️ Venus will be exactly at 13° Aquarius!
This is an extraordinary opportunity to embrace love, harmony, empowerment, transformation and abundance.
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces – Our imagination lifts us from the mundane realities of life to a place of inspiration. But to achieve our dreams, we must be prepared to do the work. This aspect is akin to the old saying, ‘The Gods help those who help themselves’.
Embrace your vision. The more you apply yourself, the greater the sense of purpose. Life feels more meaningful when you recognise that what you do makes a difference. Small steps towards fulfilment may feel like a drop in the ocean but they have the potential to create waves. Trust the divine timing of the universe. Every day is a miracle. Practice loving compassion. Transcend perceived limitations. Make time for creativity. Tune into the subtle dimensions. Honour the holy light within. Be the peace you want to see.
Degrees and Times
Sun 23°Cp06′, Neptune 23°Pi06′ – 14:11 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – The River Epte by Claude Monet
The River Epte
The River Epte
Friday the 13th
13-Eagle/Men – Let go and ASCEND…
Today’s energy of EAGLE resonates to heightened aspiration and taking new aim, 13 assists with ascending over the horizon to the next stage of growth. It is time to see the larger view by being “complete” to the process “within”.
below from Jaguar Wisdom, thank you…
13 January, 2023- 13 Tz’ikin (Men)
In some highland Maya towns, 13 Tz’ikin was widely celebrated as “the great day to ask Ajaw (the divine power) for prosperity.” Since just about everyone wants more prosperity in life, it was a pretty popular day. Even if you got up before dawn, you could go to all the shrines and still not find space at any of the altars, because everyone in town was already there. This is the day to express your intention for more abundance in your life. How does one create abundance? By giving thanks, even if you believe that you have nothing. At one ceremony, my teacher called out the names of all 20 day signs and told the two of us who were working with her to say a prayer (out loud!) giving thanks for each one – even and especially the day signs that we felt to be personally rather difficult to deal with. We create abundance by praising the world for its beauty.”
Sean Caulfield
energy of EAGLE
energy of EAGLE

Kin 240 ~ Yellow Rhythmic Sun

The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. These days are always really handy, they are great for getting yourself organized. Ask yourself what needs sorting out in your life and then get on with it. Rhythmic days are about finding balance, being practical and striving for ‘Equality’. Take advantage of this helpful energy and you’ll be better prepared for the rest of the wavespell.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. This makes for a lovely combination of day and number. ‘Organize Enlightenment’! Expect to have moments today where ideas just pop into your head. This is great for problem solving and if you are consciously journeying through this Blue Eagle wavespell, today will provide an opportunity to fly very close to the sun. Be creative with what you see.
This day can also be useful for organizing education of course! If you have an earning for learning, today is perfect for attending a lecture or booking a class. Seek the knowledge you desire and you will find it.
Today’s Guide is the Yellow Sun and so a very bright day which is great for illuminating our paths. When any day in the Tzolkin is guided by itself, this means the day’s energy is doubled and the meaning of the day is simplified. No external guiding force to put on a different spin on the day.
The Challenge is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ Issues of the heart will surface for everyone today and spats between lovers are more likely. If you are a White Dog, beware that your inner Doberman may come out, so try to keep it on a leash. It is like we are in our heads today and being very practical and so matters of the heart get a wee bit neglected.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘birth and nurturing’. Dragons live in caves and a cave is considered to be the womb of Mother Earth. Dragon invites you to be taken care of and nurtured. When in this powerful magical position, expect to be taken care of in a magical way. Offer nurturing to others as well….especially those poor doggies who get no love today.
The Ally is the Blue Storm, the catalyst of the Tzolkin. When in this friendly position, the storm is more helpful than disruptive. If enlightenment is proving hard to come by today, consult a Blue Storm, they can offer support
Kin 240
Kin 240


6 AHAU – KIN 240
13 JANUARY 2023
Organizing for ENLIGHTENMENT! ☀☀
Balancing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the Rhythmic tone of EQUALITY
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
13/1/2023 = 4/1/7=4/8 = 12=3
4/8= 4.4.4.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
12- Acquiring Spiritual wisdom/strength
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1- New beginnings/Original/Unique/Leader/Independant
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star 🌟 of the LION 🦁/Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 240 =24 code! = 6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Romance
KIN no 240=6 and tone of Creation = 6 Rhythmic 66 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS CODE – ✨✨✨ PLUS the DOUBLE SUN🌞🌞 GLORY BE! ☀☀☀
Today’s date is very fortuitous as 13 is the frequency of the GODDESS and activates COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.. The 13 is aligned with the DIVINE FEMININE and our psychic gifts, it helps us align with Natural Lore, synchronicity and SUPERNATURAL events.
As the 13 bestows great POWER traditionally the 13th has been branded as ‘EVIL” in order to deter people from accessing this frequency. Contrary to superstition – Friday the 13th is a positive day of transformation and joy celebrating Venus and the Divine Feminine frequency.
On this Friday the 13th, January, 2023, Venus and 13 are especially magnified, as VENUS will be exactly at 13° Aquarius! Aquarius heralds in the NEW GOLDEN AQUARIAN AGE, and this aspect ACTIVATES this new era of LOVE. 😍😍😍
The MOON is in LIBRA – the peace loving sign that seeks HARMONY in relationships. LIBRA is ruled by VENUS and is a very sensitive romantic sign. All aligning with the GODDESS qualities as we build this NEW ERA.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to embrace love, harmony, empowerment, transformation and abundance.
👸🌟🌹HAPPY GODDESS FRIDAY the 13th beloveds.. It’s TIME to DANCE 💃with your DIVINE FEMININE future self.
Day 6 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for a MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻
Day 6 of BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL accompanied by a DOUBLE YELLOW SUN! 🌞🌞A hugely IN-SIGHT-FUL 👁🔮day from our GOD/BUDDHA 🌞✨ consciousness vantage point!
Today we are organizing to BALANCE our life, so that we can attain that divine Zero point neutrality, where all is EQUAL, and ALL is ONE! ❤💞✨
And we have BALANCE with the GODDESS – DF energies, aligning with this DOUBLE SUN/BUDDHIC consciousness YANG masculine code.. A union of the genders.
✨✨A VERY POWERFUL and insightful day for AHA moments. Epiphanies and breakthroughs💥 are highly possible!
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – organize, POWER – balance, ESSENCE – equality.
The sixth day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that brings BALANCE. The RHYTHMIC phase is where this all adventuring, radiating miracle learns to walk. But consciously! Precisely! With fine organizational instincts and what superb balance we see!
Today we learn to INDEPENDENTLY find our OWN balance, through our OWN connection to SOURCE. 🌞
When you do what you LOVE and let your spirit soar like the Eagle, you shine brightly like the Sun! 🌞
Shine the spotlight on the people, circumstances and environments that give you CLARITY and assist you in attaining a balanced life.
❤It is TIME to RE-IGNITE🔥 our full remembrance of our GOD SELF☀– awakening our inner fire and LIGHT. ✨✨✨
Devote your life purpose to the DIVINE, in order to express your own UNIQUE spark of the CREATIVE SOURCE.✨☀✨
FLY HIGH and SHINE BRIGHT ✨ Angelic SOPHIA 🌹CHRISTED ☀Winged ones – reflecting your inner glory. ✨
CELEBRATE the RADIANT being that you are, as the CENTER of your own Universe! 🌞
Today’s question is ” How can I balance any inequalities in my LIFE/WORLD, restoring ORDER, so that I/We can realize unconditional LOVE and NIRVANA? 🎇☀🌞✨
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
ESPAVO beloveds – Thankyou for taking back your POWER. 🙏🎇🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
YELLOW SUN☀☀ has DOUBLE the UNIVERSAL FIRE🔥🔥 power today, bringing a HEAT WAVE as the Consciousness thermometer🎇 is set to RISE!! Keep an EYE on those X FLARES headed our way!! 🌞🔥🎇
Our SUN gives us LIGHT, LIFE, nourishment, health, vitamins and vitality. AHAU provides us with FUEL to grow. We are all Children of the Sun. 👫👬👭🌞Seeking ONENESS and ultimate en-LIGHT💡ON- ment.
YELLOW SUN reminds us that we each have our own inner sun, our chi source and our eternal connection to SOURCE through our HEART. ❤ Our soul’s desire is to fully embody and connect with our self-remembrance of our mighty I AM presence.✨☀❤✨..
🌞I AM THAT, I AM 🌞is the call of Ahau’s mantra!🌞
The codes today are about finding your BALANCE on the physical plane – through the realization that we are all EQUAL and all ONE family. 👫👬👭
RHYTHMIC pulses are emitted from the sun radiating outwardly reaching Earth’s Magnetosphere. As Father Sun🌞 kisses💋 Mother Earth🌍 in an ecstatic embrace – fuelled by the electro-magnetic pulse from their Divine union!.
The Solar flares🔥☀ and CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) ejected from Father Sun, stimulate HU-man-ity to grow and EXPAND in consciousness as we embody and anchor these evolutionary codes on the Earth plane – the physical body of Mother Gaia.
These SOLAR pulses of LIGHT REFLECT off the Majestic EAGLE’s great WINGS soaring HIGH in the panoramic sky… This brings greater balance, as HU-man-ity is AWAKENED ✨ and ILLUMINATED 💡from the Eagle’s clarity and wisdom, revealed so that we can all independently SHINE our LIGHT. 💡✨
The UNIVERSAL FIRES🔥🔥 of illumination, have been BLAZING through this Solar minimum phase of CME ejections, this has enabled the STAR BLISS SUNS to step up and claim their power and SOVEREIGNTY. 👑
The KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH were officially CROWNED👑 and a momentous CORONATION CEREMONY was conducted in the inner planes. Great celebration is occurring as the wayshowers and NEW EARTH LEADERS, can now move forward on their greater MISSIONS – emblazoning the path for others to follow! 🔥✨☀
GAIA certainly has been experiencing EXTREME weather conditions during these passing years – floods, fires, snow, hurricanes, earthquakes – clearly her NATURAL BALANCE has been “interfered with” resulting in this discordance. As we raise our consciousness, then our physical environment will REFLECT a more HARMONIOUS and ordered state of equilibrium. Clearly humanity still has some work to do to restore our PLANET to one of PEACE.
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC is still active today as the purifying CATALYST, in clearing away the remnants of the debris, so that we can collectively rise higher and shine our LIGHT.
The RHYTHMIC STORM is supporting AHAU by bringing forth the necessary AWAKENINGS and transformation -through SHAKING people up – in order to SEE THE LIGHT! Sometimes we need the rug pulled out from under our feet in order to FORCE us to CHANGE! We must learn to EMBRACE CHANGE – as through this change ORDER is restored.
Remember that the EAGLE is the only bird strong enough to RISE above THE STORM, and utilize the POWER of the storm, to lift up even higher, to SAFETY, soaring on the wind currents. Catalyze the energy from the chaos and turbulence down below, to overcome your challenges, becoming the FUEL for your upward journey. This is true ✨SOUL MASTERY! ✨
RISE UP and SOAR HIGH, dear STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS ☀✨ and then you can take your rightful place, shining BRIGHTLY amongst the Starlit sky!✨🌃✨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC DRAGON 🐉IMIX reminds you today to nurture yourself and put your soul’s needs first, thus enabling you to EXPAND your legacy on Earth. In order to rebirth yourself you must focus INWARDLY,,, to raise your awareness and your consciousness. You must then ensure you are in complete alignment with full transparency and integrity of being so that you can B-EARTH your new HIGH VIBE CREATIONS.
Your INDEPENDENCE☀ AND SELF-SOVEREIGNTY👑 is born through prioritizing your Soul’s VISION👁 as the fuel for your Growth and Ascension… Allow IMIX to provide the fuel – passion, vitality and innate wisdom to SPARK your creative impetus, enabling your Mission to become UNI-VERSAL! Together through this UNIFIED field of CREATION we are B-Earth-ing this wonderful NEW EN-LIGHT💡ON- ed world! Yahooooo!!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC DOG ❤🐕OC holds the codes for unconditional love, TRUTH, acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, grace, loyalty, DEVOTION and support for our family and kin… When we incarnate upon the Earth plane, through the veils of forgetfulness, we fall into the ILLUSION that we are separate from our SOURCE… Thus we begin our journey seeking LOVE everywhere EXTERNALLY, until we finally return to the beginning – realizing that ALL the unconditional LOVE we could ever require, is right there in our own HEARTS❤… It always was!
This life-long challenge and untruth through the WHITE DOG is what detaches us from the ENLIGHTENMENT 💡and SOUL satisfaction🌞 that we are seeking! ONENESS and connection through SOURCE! 🌞 When we reach this state of Samadhi, we can then see GOD in the eyes of another and thus LOVE them ALL equally and unconditionally – recognizing that GOD/SOURCE is OMNIPRESENT and INFINITE. ✨☀❤☀✨
To access this omnivalent state, we must first overcome all feelings of betrayal, rejection, abandonment and mistrust, through the power of forgiveness and acceptance. This OPENS the doors to fully access our own well of Divine LOVE of SELF💞
Today’s SPECIAL feminine LOVE codes, are sure to shine a LIGHT on this gift that OC brings, a beautiful source of DIVINE unconditional LOVE.
❤It is TIME to RE-IGNITE🔥 our full remembrance of our GOD SELF☀– awakening our inner fire and LIGHT. ✨✨✨
Devote your life purpose to the DIVINE, in order to express your own UNIQUE spark of the CREATIVE SOURCE.✨☀✨
FLY HIGH and SHINE BRIGHT ✨ Angelic SOPHIA 🌹CHRISTED ☀Winged ones – reflecting your inner glory. ✨
CELEBRATE the RADIANT being that you are, as the CENTER of your own Universe! 🌞
Today’s question is ” How can I balance any inequalities in my LIFE/WORLD, restoring ORDER, so that I/We can realize unconditional LOVE and NIRVANA? 🎇☀🌞✨
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
ESPAVO beloveds – Thankyou for taking back your POWER. 🙏🎇🙏
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥


Cutting all Chords and Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, implants, inserts and overlays:





13th Gate
Access Point
North Star
Central Sun
First Light
True Eye
Precession Grand Cycle
Celestial Tone Harmonic
Light Bridging Realms
8 Gates / 9 Worlds
Tree of Life Sigils
North Star Trajectory
Spiral Creation
Planetary Grid
Rods of God
Heart Altar
Magi Grail Shaman
King of Swords
Seed Initiators
Blue Flame
Logos Polaris-Gate
Dragon Luminaries
Mother-Arc Portal
Trinity Womb-Gate
Sphere of Amenti
– Resurrection
Natural Law
Isis / Osiris
——— ——
Horus Rose
& Set in the West
Hail Zeus Empire
Inverted Womb
Dark Ones In
Planetary Shields
Access Reality Field
Consciousness Slayed
Colonised Weaponised
LockDown TakeDown
Winner Takes it All
Dragon and the dove
Dragon and the dove

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