You are currently viewing Sacred Union Restored ~ A Call for Fierce Love * The Age of the Gods ~ Diamond Sun Tribe Arrival is NOW ~ ARCTURIAN BLUE RAY LIGHT HEALING
The Age of the Gods

Sacred Union Restored ~ A Call for Fierce Love * The Age of the Gods ~ Diamond Sun Tribe Arrival is NOW ~ ARCTURIAN BLUE RAY LIGHT HEALING

Sacred Union Restored ~ A Call for Fierce Love * The Age of the Gods ~ Diamond Sun Tribe Arrival is NOW ~ ARCTURIAN BLUE RAY LIGHT HEALING




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Light Keepers of the New Lemuria Rising

Mother Father God and our Company of Heaven are flooding this realm with the Holy Waters of the Great Central Sun to transform and transfigure all into the Solar Diamond Rays of Heaven on Earth.

Our local Soularis joins in this Great Ascension Process releasing 10 C Class Soular Flares today and two M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.17 at 16:07 UTC.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Fiji at 19:04 UTC.

We begin this journey with Pluto in Aquarius bridging in a massive purging, clearing and cleansing of all false projections, traumas and anomalies from the dark ages to clear the Way for our New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth.

Together with our Love, Passion, Inspiration and Divine Will Power we raise the energies and frequencies of the New Lemuria to manifest the Sacred Lands of our Divine Birthrights and through our Rainbow bridges anchor in the Crystalline Codes into the Core of Mother Earth to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Shift and Transformation in the Holy Light of Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!














Crystallization of your DNA Strands naturally and organically occurs when you heal yourself. πŸ’Ž
First your DNA and cells are being firecoated as you empower yourself through acknowledging your Truth, then its crystallized. All that pressure happens because you’re ready to shift the wheels & gears of generations through you.
When you no longer give consent for the traumas to be played out through you and you shift the energy through pure awareness.
Fierce Love
Fierce Love


How are you doing today? The energy is really interesting right now. Many can feel quite a lot of pressure in their systems. Some are calm, some are triggered, some are going through the dark night of the soul. The magnetic activity, snow covering a big surface of the planet, bringing energy clearing, removing & releasing the heavy collective energy that was released from the systems as a reaction to the high frequency energy coming in. Just breathe and be present. The heaviness is being cleared out of our systems. Try to embrace the void and enjoy as much as you can.
breathe and be present
breathe and be present

This time of all times calls for Fierce LoveπŸ’™πŸ’™

We are in the transformative times of the death and rebirthing of everything.
First and foremost we find ourselves falling and rising from within the scathing flames of self delusion.
Firece love speaks the truth no matter how painful, not to stab and wound, but to reveal and unearth what is real.
Fierce love is protective of the organic divinity inherent within ourselves and all life.
Fierce love serves the sacred within and without.
Fierce love calls out and slays illusion, delusion and fallacy not from the weakness of mental constructs or opinions, but from the intuitive wisdom derived from true IN-sight from the knowing heart.
Fierce love seeks to free what is divine and true from the chains of misperception and shackles of separated mind.
Fierce love is the warrior way of the BlueRay StarPhire Codes
Fierce love is Excalibur rising to strike down what has enslaved and confused the Divine Glory within us with false stories of how we are not enough and so must pretend to be the mask we hide behind.
All masks falling off now.
Here we are reborn as the Divine Royal Kyrstos-Sophia Court of Pure and Mighty Love πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
The Dragons Are Roaring for
Sacred Union Restored πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Diamond Sun Tribe Arrival is NOW🌞🌞🌞🌞
the Dolphin Collective
the Dolphin Collective

We are at a Quantum Awakening Level ready to enter Now The Age of the Gods…

an age in which each walks and expresses the path of Christ within. Christ is the Higher Self of each.
Our New Soul Mission is to BECOME a Conscious Living Christ. To Unite in and with the Consciousness of the Living Light. The second coming of Christ was always YOU. And, it is your Soul that shall lead you forward into the Age of Gods from within your Consciousness and Heart.
The most important part of our Life in relation to the reason our Soul chose to enter Earth at this time is upon US Now…for the I AM of Our Soul to embody giving each the opportunity to know The Souls Magical Destiny without the human ego and mind attempting to drive life in a direction unrelated to the Souls plan.
Though the energy is Intense as is the world external. Each are moving and activating us in ways we can see, feel and discover our blessings and our Real in regardless of the ‘symptoms’. Coherence is on the rise for the awakened.
From Yeshua & Mary Magdalene ( excerpt taken from I Remember Union.)
In the letting go is the finding
In the dying the Birthing
In the destruction….Creation
All time is Now
Every aspect of every Soul in body shall remember the Unity of all things and their true nature of Christ.
When that comes to BE in this New Age of your Embodiment
You shall feel US merging into Being and the through the eyes of the Creator the future of Humanity shall look something like this:
And the people joined hands across the seas
Their minds linked In One Consciousness.
And there was no separation.
All children belonged to all people of the Christ Mind.
The greed was replaced with giving and
The fear replaced with the memory of all Kingdoms
Dancing together in Harmony.
And I watch the feet of the people light upon the Earth.
And smiles exude from their eyes.
For they truly remembered.
And in that moment we were all One Resurrected.
With Infinite Love and Respect,
source:Β Β
The Age of the Gods
The Age of the Gods

24.11.24 Is significant point along the lightbridge of 2024 and is a powerful signpost at the point of a fork in the road. The road towards this follows on from the super charged energies of the angelic 11 day portal at 1.11 – 11.11, but it also is a continuation of the massive theme of cleansing that has brushed across us in recent weeks.
24.11.24 stands as a signpost at a fork in the road, which reads in one direction, 3D and in the other 5D. This is a most significant point for all spiritual seekers and Lightworkers.
2024 has been a journey of most compassionate high frequency support, downloading , upgrading and Light Codes, by which we have had a magnificent level of support from the angelic, elemental, cosmic and spirit realm guides. But now we are faced with a grand opportunity to step forward in the manner of which we have been shown, as we are ready to take responsibility for our own destination, ascension and life path ?
On the 25th Mercury will turn retrograde until 15th December. This may lead to a little tricky navigation, especially of the waters that flow between emotional connections with others. Watch out for misunderstandings, communication errors and crossed wires… especially in the Timeline shifts … !
What this means is that we should be extra careful in our own awareness of perceptions, watching out for judgements which may still come from our internalised shadow self. Take time to think before acting and reign in on impulsiveness and irritability. Remember to be caring towards others and situations which you may not understand. There could be learning curves within this period as we endeavor to evolve into higher dimensional awareness states of mind and emotion.
a fork in the road
a fork in the road
11/23/24: Today is a caution about communication in Sagittarius. This sign is known to be fearless, blunt, and truth-seeking which not everyone is prepared for after recent events. There is a fundamental freedom in full self-expression and self-actualization, but there is also very real responsibility and accountability. Your Right Action is to balance truth with consequences and to remember that opinions are just opinions, your reactions are yours to manage, judgments are subjective, and words matter. What you say today, and throughout all of December, could easily carry over into 2025.
higher consciousness
higher consciousness
NOVEMBER 23 2024



In the galactic chronicles there were many beings that were caught hostage or kidnapped and via certain technologies put into slavery under the control of the imposters who became their initial owners.
Even if time passed by and the slaves were sold to serve and belong to different masters via this technology, the initial owners could locate or control their subjects in different ways through the different realms and periods but often many of the slaves were forgotten and lost without a way out of this condition.
Many souls have been feeling dependent, under control and unable to feel free and sovereign because of these technologies.
In other cases there were technologies that were self activated or technologies that were left on due to what took place during the moments of the entrapment of a big part of the teams of the sacred galactic fleet.
Generally speaking, there were many different technologies used on a Galactic level and for many different usages and goals but these technologies were always connected to the Kundalini portals in order to have access and interaction with the different realms/dimensions.
In the past few months during the 5D sessions we have been removing different kinds of such technologies and equipment that were connected to all the above.
These technologies are very different to any of the old ones, because liberation and awakening come in layers and each layer is a whole other story of the chronicles.
The layer that we have been removing lately was only meant to be removed when One would have found the ticket, meaning obtained the next step of a certain initiation in the ascension process.
Along with the work on the three brains which is absolutely connected to this liberation, what I am witnessing taking place is truly phenomenal and it is being applied on both Twins and I am so happy to be witnessing such a great progress in everyone who has been following their inner guidance and attending their inner work.
Earth’s Kundalini has been switched on.
This is because of the return of Magna Mater’s Matrix.
She is awakening the Kundalini worlds/portals and bringing them into a new position of correction.
This means that the human Kundalini is undergoing the same powerful process.
The orgasmic/organic mode is on.
This is the higher Divine power of Pluto and Mars in the service of all.
The upcoming days and mostly December will be πŸ”₯⚑!
Both in a very positive and a very challenging way depending on the individual, the relationship or the situation/creation.
So much will be overturned, torn down, blown up or stopped as part of this correction.
As the inner portals are repositioning and the new locking in is taking place, a whole new electrifying wave of purification, cleansing, liberation, remembrance and restoration will move through the human system, bringing to the surface the pain, the distortion, the shadow, the memories and true identity, changing and transforming everything.
The new foundations are being established as we speak!
“Nothing and no one can stop what is taking place!
This is Magna Mater’s business and those who respect and know Her also know that they will rise with Her!
This is the time!
The endless Love of the One!
She is back!
When you hear the thunders, you will know that her heart is open again.”
Blessings of Awakening!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

We have moved into Sagittarius Season , it Is associated with loving and supportive energies new achievements, growth, prosperity, positivity , rewards and miracles. During this new season there will be heightened opportunities for realignment, new earth manifestations, expansive breakthroughs, and deeper connections to source love.
During this Sagittarius season many will feel inspired to discover their purpose passion and truth through new experiences, travel, education, exploration and metaphysical pursuits . Sagittarius energy helps us connect with inspirations and encourages listening to the hearts calling without doubt or judgment. It encourages the letting go of past restrictions and limitations to embrace birth right freedom.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion , luck and abundance, is highly active during this time, bringing in much higher vibrations , enthusiasm, and positivity. The Sagittarius energies brings hopeful and optimistic vibrations , making it a great time to set stronger intentions and focus on aligned goals that increase your understanding and awareness. It is a creative time that will bring you into new levels of inspiration.
Sagittarius planetary energy will help to connect to your inspiration and guide you to listen to your heart without self criticism as you continue on your authentic path. It will also help with letting go of the past restrictions and limitations as Sagittarius represents freedom to help us remain open to higher truths and wisdom , inner truth is our guiding light. Sagittarius is the Truth bearer and Truth seeker , any thing out of alignment with truth will be highlighted in this season .
The Sun has moved from watery, sensitive and intense Scorpio to visionary, adventurous and fiery Sagittarius which is ruled by the expansion of Jupiter. We have left the deeper and transformational realms of Scorpio, to release the focus on intimate relationships and to receive more light hearted and outgoing energy with the intense need to live in Truth .
This season in Sagittarius is about gaining higher wisdom and crossing the 4D -5D bridge to higher consciousness . Both the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring in increased frequencies and higher vibrational energies. Embracing this energetic planetary relief of lighter and positive energy connecting you to higher wisdom.
The new planetary energies bring in an abundance of hopeful and optimistic Energies making it the best time to set clearer and stronger intentions for a brighter end to the year. There is a great deal of new energy available for us to absorb and take advantage of during this positive and vibrant lunar phase.
It offers us all an opportunity to start over in a new cycle that is enthusiastic and adventurous, providing an opportunity to focus on goals that increase understanding, awareness, and courage to expand into new horizons. Sagittarius also represents truth and anything out of alignment will be highlighted during this time. It is a creative Planetary phase that brings in newfound hope and inspiration.
The Ascending are releasing energy that is not in vibrational alignment, preparing for the new energy of 2025. They will leave this year on a lighter note, feeling fresh and ready to embrace the new earth energy as it prepares itself to be seen. Any energy that does not serve the ascending self is now leaving for the highest good and will not return in this life or any other. Consciously reclaiming any lost power ,grounding self , feeling safe and completely protected.
Many ascending souls are preparing for the new earth energy changes and can sense the significant and drastic changes in energy happening on Earth. In the upcoming year, the divide between the two worlds of different consciousness will become more pronounced and apparent. This realisation serves as a catalyst for future experiences and timelines on Earth. The divide between these two worlds is growing stronger as they collided and are now rapidly dividing further apart .
During this time many ascending may be experiencing next level healing, past life clearings, cosmic downloads etc , These experiences can sometimes manifest as feeling unwell or needing more rest and sleep than usual. It is also possible to notice new marks or rashes on the skin around this time especially if there has been trauma to the body in a past life.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or lost, it can be beneficial to take a step back, honouring the call to spend time in reflection, meditation , source light connection and delving deeper within self as your energy is recalibrated.These cosmic light code downloads are to enhance your spiritual gifts and abilities to align you with Earth’s new energy. Prioritising rest and disconnection before reconnecting to the new energetic grids .
The desire for vibrationally aligned changes will increase in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter the planet of abundance and expansion as you transition from one phase to the next.
This moment in planetary evolution marks the beginning of an exciting transformation that will bring new experiences and opportunities your way. Remembering that tough and seemingly challenging times are temporary .
The Ascending are highly resilient, remaining present, tuning in to the inner voice amidst all circumstances,In due time, emotions will stabilise, clarity will emerge, and the path forward will fully reveal itself.
As we journey through this transition of great changes, patience and self-compassion strengthen greatly , Allowing Self the time needed to adapt and evolve . mindful of the power of transformation that is unfolding within .
Remaining open hearted to love self and others as progress takes place within .Allowing the universe to illuminate the true essence of love in your life. By enhancing inner positivity, strength, and openness , navigating through this extreme phase of inner change with grace and resilience. Trusting the process and believing in the beautiful changes that lay ahead.
Mercury’s retrograde journey through philosophical Sagittarius energies is a transit that sees us naturally open towards social interactions and an increased need to exchange thoughts and opinions with light minded others.
Sagittarius energy focuses on the collective planetary purpose , this retrograde transit of Mercury through this sign will uplift our mood and support and strengthen our intuitive abilities .
Ascension Light Team advises us all to live authentically and in sovereignty as the dualistic energies and forces on this planet can increase during this time , they are no longer in hiding .
Sagittarius planetary energies will highlight this planetary divide .
Ascending souls have the opportunity to see the divine plan at work bringing in a greater sense of awareness allowing us to view things from a more truthful, meaningful, and compassionate perspective.
The expansion energies of Jupiter will help many get back on track and bring more enthusiasm and positivity into life. It is a favourable time to focus on deeper desires, hopes, and dreams. Embracing the New planetary energy and using it to create a brighter and more fulfilling future.
In loving and devoted ascension service
By Ascension LightWorkers .
Sagittarius Season
Sagittarius Season

Sending Waves of
πŸ’™BLUE Ray HealingπŸ’™
Awaken and Integrate
The Universal Light Energies
Simply Rest and Bathe in Cosmic Light
Higher Levels of Awakening
SEE the Light Cues of Rapid Expansion
Patience and Rest is Key πŸ™
Feel the Light Body Advancements
Ancient Cellular Light Memories to
Assist My Light Mission
Love for your day Brothers and Sisters
Uprising in Global Unity
Karen Lithika xo
Light Channel
On Saturday, November 23rd, the Moon, ruler of cycles and reflections, in conscientious Virgo is in opposition to Saturn, ruler of karma and lessons, in nebulous Pisces and will also be in a trine aspect to Venus, ruler of resources and self-worth, in productive Capricorn.
We have the elements of Earth and Water here which can signify healthy growth, or can be where we become “stuck in the mud.” The Moon in Virgo can be self-condemning and self-critical……however, it can also be discerning and alchemical.
Saturn wants us to take responsibility for our own spiritual learning through the life circumstances that we chose in this incarnation. Venus wants us to have love and compassion, not only for others, but for ourselves as well. So, move towards the “healthy growth” energies today. Use the Virgo phrase of, “I serve” to serve yourself in the best possible way today!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❀
the Moon, ruler of cycles and reflections, in conscientious Virgo is in opposition to Saturn
the Moon, ruler of cycles and reflections, in conscientious Virgo is in opposition to Saturn
Last Quarter Moon in Virgo. Mars in Leo trine North Node in Aries. Neptune retrograde in Pisces square Pallas in Sagittarius – Inside there’s a tugging at the heart, a pull to adventure. Maybe we long to escape the mundane demands of the day-to-day. Too many tasks, too many expectations, too little reward. Right now, the soul hungers for more – greater meaning, faith, a sense that we’re going somewhere. Part of us wants to feel useful, needed but not at the expense of personal desires.
Mars fires up creative solutions. Brave acts now can catapult us towards our destiny. But we need to be prepared to accept guidance from higher realms and challenge idealism. Neptune is now exactly square the Galactic centre which means it’s easy for us to miss the point or avoid reality. Sometimes life requires that we go off the beaten path for a while, take a detour whilst on the road to cherished dreams. Don’t be so quick to judge yourself harshly. Trust that the all-seeing eye is looking kindly upon you.
Degrees and Times
Moon 01Β°Vi14′, Sun 01Β°Sg14′ – 01:27 (UT)
Mars 04Β°Le58′, North Node 04Β°Ar58′ – 06:34 (UT)
Neptune 27Β°Pi11′ R, Pallas 27Β°Sg11′ – 19:05 (UT)
Β© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – God Blessing the one Day by William Blake
God Blessing the one Day
God Blessing the one Day

Kin 139 ~ Blue Solar Storm

‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its key words are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize.’ The ninth day of the Blue Monkey wavespell is a force to be reckoned with! The number nine always packs a punch and is the highlight or climax of a wavespell. Full of high energy and never dull, number nine days can be dramatic which is fine if you enjoyΒ  drama. Make good use of this energy and by using your ‘intention’ make things happen.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self-Generation, Energy and Catalyze.’ What a combination of number and day, it doesn’t get crazier than this. BUT if your intention is to make a big life-altering change, then this is the day to do it. Harness this energy or be blown away by it.
The Guide for today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision.’ The Eagle shows us the way today inviting us to look at the bigger picture. Consider this vantage point before making big changes. Eagle also teaches us to be creative with solving issues that present themselves.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘going with the flow’. No chilling out today folks, the storm is far too disruptive. No use hiding or staying home either, there is no escaping. If you are a Red Moon, today will be intense for you…luckily it will all blow over by tomorrow. It is also a Full Moon, so very intense indeed.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. When in this magical position the White Wind delivers messages with magical meanings. Your best bet today to get through this storm is to keep lines of communication open.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun who loves a good storm and is unafraid of its disruptive power. If you need help today and you are lucky enough to know a Yellow Sun, they can be a tremendous friend in this situation.
Kin 139
Kin 139



9 CAUAC – KIN 139
23 NOVEMBER 2024
I PULSE in order to catalyze
Realizing energy
I seal the Matrix of self-generation
With the Solar tone of intention
I AM guided by the power of VISION
23/11/2024 = 5/2/8 = 5/10=5/1=6
23- Royal Star of the Lion/protection/support/grace
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Movement/Transformation
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Fertility/Joy/Harmony
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/ Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 139= 13 = 4 -Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
A divinely majikal, VISIONARYπŸ‘€ LIBERATION day of great transformative power.
SOLSTICE πŸŒžβ„ 21 JUNE 2023
18 moons ago – 2 Galactic Spins – KIN 139 occurred on the SOLSTICE PORTAL date of 21 JUNE 2023…
and what a day that was! Envisioning tremendous transformation!! Today we link back through the portals
in SPACE TIME to catalyze even greater transformation!
Day 9 in the BLUE MONKEYπŸ’ WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we realize that MAJIK, PULSES at its utmost, when we SEE the bigger picture, the VISION that generates the energy of CHANGE.
Today we have tremendous energies available to fuel our VISIONSπŸ‘πŸ‘ and to catalyze great JOY🐬, expressed as fully creative, ALIVE and limitless.γ€°
SOLAR β˜€– Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of the Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation.
The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin PULSING, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today – particularly with a 10 MANIFESTATION day code!
Today we have the SOLAR tone fueling these grand ASCENSION energies, to PULSE forth those potent Solar Ascension codes catalyzing another HUGE PLANETARY SHIFT… Time to bathe in those SUN RAYS! 😎🌞😎
❓❓What VISION and intention are you PULSING into reality to catalyze great transformation?
Today’s question is “How can I catalyze the SOLAR pulses and WINDS🌬 of great CHANGEπŸŒ€ to fuel my greatest VISION, realizing my highest intention?” –
PULSE that out from your HEART TODAY. ❀❀❀
🐬🌈 ❀🐬🌈❀🐬🌈
Divine blessings for CATALYZING this tremendous power today for positive progress. ❀❀❀
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SOLAR STORM β˜€ πŸŒ©πŸŒ€– CAUAC continues to strip away the density in order to reveal your inner diamond πŸ’Ž on your journey back to purity and innocence.πŸ‘Ά
Our creative minds can see where we must push the boundaries of the old paradigm to catalyze true change. The SOLAR STORM is guided by the VISION of the BLUE EAGLE. πŸ‘€ We can pulse forth the INTENTION to create and realize the HIGHEST most beneficial timeline for humanity.
BLUE STORM is so powerful, it stirs up the core of your being. The STORM catalyzes the tremendous POWER of the forces available to you, to PULSE out your fullest GIFTS today, and share them with others. Today we have a 5 LIBERATION code and 6 HEAVEN code – liberating FULL SUPPORT from SOURCE to boost your Mission.. The 10/1 code is bringing forth NEW BEGINNINGS where YOU are the MASTER of your DESTINY.
The energies are amplifying the need for you to make a lasting difference in this NEW WORLD we are building – marking your imprint on your contributions.
It is time to REALIZE the necessity for you to GO BIG or GO HOME!!!.πŸ”
❓❓How can you reach a wider audience with your work and influence more people? Are you READY for this? πŸ€”
BLUE STORM supports us in making this collective shift to a more joy filled and creative reality for all.
✨✨✨Make the decision to set your intention to fully embrace your LIGHT, and be the MASTER that you came to EARTH to be!🌞
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SOLAR EAGLE β˜€ πŸ‘– MEN gives you great power to SOAR above the storm clouds☁ today. Using this huge catalytic energy as your FUEL to rise UP, UP and away!🎈 High above any perceived problems soaring on the SOLAR currents. . β˜€β˜€β˜€
The SOLAR EAGLE will enable you to align and pulse forth your intention to CREATE your HIGHEST TIMELINE for realizing your full potential.
MEN provides inspired VISIONS today from the Collective PLANETARY MIND, that channel the solutions needed to evolve as a species. BLUE EAGLE provides the clarity and objectivity to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our limiting MIND and irrational fears.
We are able to integrate harmony with our long-term VISION of what we must transform, in order to reach higher and higher levels of creative harmony. Raise your frequency, as you become so LIGHT you can easily be uplifted through these transformative air currents πŸƒand solarβ˜€ codes, realizing your destiny as a Soul-ar CHRISTED HU-MAN..
HUGE CODES today for the PLANETARY MIND on this majikal day, to set forth the intention for lasting and BENEFICIAL CHANGE!🌟😍🌟
SUPPORT: YELLOW SOLAR SUNβ˜€ 🌞– A DOUBLE DOSE of SUNSHINEβ˜€β˜€ today BOOMING out the SOLAR LIGHT linking back to the SOLSTICE portal!!! AHAU is shining so brightly, fully PULSING out Soul-ar codes to awaken our DNA and fuel our Ascension journey. Deep within our cellular coding our real purpose has been hidden and has lain dormant for most of our lives. Now it is rapidly reAWAKEning, agitating and rising.
Today it fullyπŸ”₯ IGNITES with a FLASH πŸŽ‡ of brilliance, giving you the confidence to cast aside any doubts, fears or obstacles to fully embrace your purpose as a LEADER and wayshower, leaping up to take centre stage. πŸ”…πŸŒŸβœ¨πŸŒŸ
As HUMANITY AWAKENS and we become more EN-LIGHTπŸ’‘ON-ed, it is easier for our Planetary Mind to evolve quicker and creatively express the DIVINE PLAN for Humanity. We are well on our way to Mastery!
Today the SOLAR SUN 🌞🌞 will truly TURN UP OUR LIGHTS to SHINE a SPOTLIGHT in the darkest of places… ONE LIGHT is all it takes to shift the darkness.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE OVERTONE WIND πŸ‘‘ 🌬– IK provides the energies of GREAT SPIRIT, through the whispering of the Wind. The STORM🌩 merges with WHITE WIND πŸƒand is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination, vibrating higher and unharmed.
Follow the guidance of SPIRIT to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies! White Wind as today’s SUPERPOWER is COMMANDING that the DIVINE PLAN be realized, in order for us all to become our RADIANT truly empowered selves again. β˜€πŸ‘‘ The Divine Sovereign beings, that is our birthright and heritage. πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘πŸŒŸβ˜€
The WHITE WINDπŸŒ¬πŸƒ is powerfully setting INTENTION to BLOW your YACHTπŸŒ¬πŸŒŠβ›΅ beyond the port, out to the expansive ocean of your endless DREAMS.
A beautiful GIFT from Spirit today for rapid evolution and forward momentum – the POWER of the STORM can be catalyzed into manifesting your greatest VISIONS supported by the Winds of change.🌬
Spirit has your back!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SOLAR MOONβ˜€ πŸ‘Έ MULUC is the GODDESS focused on compassion and empathy. We are challenged today through the shadow of RED MOON, which includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. 🌞
Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC. MULUC beckons us to go within and TRUST our intuition and inner knowing.
RED MOON brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any density you have been holding onto in your body, mind or life. 🌊🌊🌊
The SOLAR MOON β˜€πŸ‘Έ challenges you to PULSE forth your purified intentions, that arise from your Compassionate and sensitive nature. To reap the gifts today MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness.
As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT🌟 the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!πŸ†β˜€πŸŽ†
🐬🌈 ❀🐬🌈❀🐬🌈
Diana beautifully exemplified KIN 139. She was like a breath of fresh air (White wind superpower!), as she catalyzed incredible change in the old stale system of the British Monarchy. She insisted on being the first British monarch to be a “hands on mum” breaking protocol in order to raise her two boys and keep them close to her.
DIANA was young, fresh, naive and pure of heart ❀ symbolizing the pure innocence of the Divine child in the Monkey wavespell.
KIN 139 adds up to 13 which represents the GODDESSπŸ‘Έ – which is also the GIFT of KIN 139. And indeed DIANA is the TRUE embodiment of the Goddess, as she rose to attain incredible natural power and adoration, through following the guidance of Spirit and her beautiful PURE HEART. She PULSED forth this SOLARβ˜€ unconditional LOVE😍 energy, through her HEART. intending to LOVE everyone in her presence. ❀❀❀
Her challenge of the RED MOON caused her much self-doubt and low self-esteem in the early days, until she found her true path. Purification was her challenge, evident in her battle with low self-esteem, and the eating disorder -Bulimia. She was surrounded by great toxicity in the Royal palace (which she could not STOMACH!), but regardless, she continued to SHINE her SOLAR LIGHTβ˜€ in the DARKEST of places becoming a true beacon on the world stage.🌟✨🌹✨🌟
NOTE: Ironically Kate Middleton (Blue Cosmic Monkey) – the current PRINCESS of Wales is also having STOMACH issues!!! History repeats!!
Diana always had the BIG PICTURE in view. Diana was a fearless advocate for change, working tirelessly in her charities to assist the vulnerable people – children, the poor, the disadvantaged, the ill and the outcasts. She was able to leverage tremendous power to catalyze her Divine Mission. She held the VISION of UNITY and EQUALITY for all Earth’s citizens and gave her love unconditionally to all whom she met. In return we crowned her “The Queen of Hearts” –πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΈπŸ’•
Princess Diana πŸ‘Έwas proven to be the β€˜Queen of Hearts’ ❀ when the Global Consciousness research program at Princeton University measured an unprecedented outpouring of human emotion, after her funeral which (post 9/11) remains the highest reading ever recorded!.
This global connection, through the outpouring of collective grief, shifted our planet onto a higher timeline of unified COMPASSION, greatly catalyzing our planetary evolution. This is the tremendous transformative POWER of the BLUE SOLAR STORM!β˜€πŸŒ€πŸŒ©πŸŒͺπŸŒͺ
NOTE: This collective response to the Death of Diana was analogous to the SHOCK that the world (and in particular citizens of the USA ) experienced when their much beloved “people’s” president – John F Kennedy was assassinated on 22 November,1962… Yellow Spectral Star dayπŸŒ€πŸŒŸπŸŒ€πŸŒŸ – when indeed the DOUBLE STAR that JFK was shining brightly, was dissolved, released and liberated through his death.
✨✨✨NOTE: Synchronistically yesterday – 22 NOVEMBER 2024 was the 61st ANNIVERSARY of his death. ✨✨✨
JFK was a White Planetary WorldbridgerπŸŒŽπŸŒˆπŸŒ‰ and like Diana his death was a significant marker in our Planetary AWAKENING process… (NOTE: According to Amanda Ellis – who channels Diana – both Diana and JFK belong to the same REGALπŸ‘‘ VENUSIAN Galactic bloodline/soul group – which accounts for their Planetary impact on our collective psyche!)
These quotes show why Princess Diana is so loved:
πŸŒΉβ€œAnywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can do.”
πŸŒΉβ€œThe biggest problem in this day and age is that of people feeling unloved.”
πŸŒΉβ€œI don’t go by the rule book. I lead from my Heart, not my head.”.
Princess Diana πŸ‘Έepitomized the qualities of true Royalty, πŸ‘‘ including the heart-felt knowledge that they are indeed privileged to serve Humanity as Divine Emissaries of Spirit. πŸ•Š
Princess Diana’sπŸ‘Έ presence was indeed a huge blessing and GIFT to our PLANET and all HUMANITY! That is the difference ONE soul can make, holding a BIG VISION and walking hand in hand with Spirit.
May THE GODDESSπŸ‘Έ forever BLESS her beautiful pure soul!! We LOVE you eternally DIANA! 🌹🌹🌹
Today’s question is “How can I catalyze the SOLAR pulses and WINDS🌬 of great CHANGEπŸŒ€ to fuel my greatest VISION, realizing my highest intention?” –
PULSE that out from your HEART TODAY. ❀❀❀
🐬🌈 ❀🐬🌈❀🐬🌈
Divine blessings for CATALYZING this tremendous SOLSTICE power today for positive progress. ❀❀❀
Namaste’ πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







πŸ”₯ New on Patreon πŸ•‰ Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation πŸ•‰

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings πŸ”₯



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Body Electric
Creator Time
Sol’s Essence
Time Stamping
Outside Light
Gold Sun
Infinite Nature
Living Garment
Body Heart Sol
Tau Alchemy
Star Lore
First Light
Root Races
Back to One
Lemuria Tech
Under @Spell
Captured H20
Pi Precession
ARK / Cube
First House
Mothers H2O
Eighth House
A Setting Sun
Fallen Realm
Blood Cults
Angel / Abyss
Upload to Cloud
Golden Sol Fleece
Morphogenetic Field
Projection Overlays
Cyber MetaVerse
Sol’s Title Deed
Burning Man

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