You are currently viewing The Star Child and the Sacred Seed ~ NEW Avatar Body! * THE ENCODED SUN ~ Solar Light Bodies
Star Child

The Star Child and the Sacred Seed ~ NEW Avatar Body! * THE ENCODED SUN ~ Solar Light Bodies

The Star Child and the Sacred Seed ~ NEW Avatar Body! * THE ENCODED SUN ~ Solar Light Bodies


Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Soul Star Tribes of God’s Kingdom on Earth

We have now reached the seventh day in a row of 5D Energies holding steady with multiple pillars of white light and total whiteout on the Schumann Charts. Gaia’s heartbeat reached peak amplitudes of resonance today at 53 hz, 57 hz, 60 hz, 62 hz and a big blast of white light at 86 hz. Fifth Dimension through Seventh Heaven Codes anchored in and holding steady.

Our local Soularis also sent in Galactic reinforcements releasing a powerful M Class Soular Flare today maxing at M 5.15 at 22:00 UTC, sending Mother Earth and all Her Children of the Sun a Gamma Plasma Wave of Adamantine Liquid Light.

As our Sun transitions into the sign of Virgo the Virgin tomorrow Harvest season begins to kick in and everything accelerates as we prepare for the time we enjoy the fruits of our labor. All Lightworkers shall be rewarded for all their efforts and energy work on our Divine Mission of full Planetary Liberation.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being flooded, surrounded and inundated with the Gold Ray of the Christos Sophia Light of Infinite Source Creator as we are transformed into the 5D Rainbow Body Avatars of the New Eden.

Stay centered and present in your Sacred Heart Center and do not allow any external distractions to pull you from the Peace within for we are at a critical stage of our Breakthrough in the Light.

Keep the Faith alive and continue Holding your Visions of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!







Welcome to your NEW Avatar Body!

We’re in a COLLECTIVE Shedding of the OLD Avatar Body.
Destruction then Re:construction of the NEW Light Bodies.
Breath, Rinse in Salt, Repeat!
Valerie ❤
NEW Avatar Body
NEW Avatar Body

🌱🌀The Star Child and the Sacred Seed🌀🌱

A star child descended to Earth, carrying a seed from the cosmos. This seed held a powerful vision—of a peaceful world, awakened in consciousness, where love and kindness flourished.
She found sacred ground, planted the seed, and watched as it grew into a magnificent tree. Its leaves shimmered with stardust, and its fruit radiated pure light. Those who found the tree were touched by its magic, seeing a world where humanity lived in harmony, with compassion and understanding blooming in every heart.
As the vision spread, the world began to change. The star child returned to the heavens, but the seed she planted continued to grow, awakening a new dawn of love and unity on Earth.
In every heart, the seed of this vision remains, waiting to bloom into the world we all dream of—a world where love is the language we all speak.
Star Child
Star Child
In these times, a great awakening is happening in humanity. It had been announced that a time would come when the truth would come out, and people would have to choose between living in love or living in fear.
We are in an age where the old and the false are crumbling down, and everything not aligned with the truth will be transformed. This is a time to purify ourselves and decide if we want to change and elevate spiritually.
Those who connect with their inner light and live from love will be the ones who build a new era. The darkness can no longer stand, and the new will come with clarity and strength.
It’s time to be part of the change, to raise your energy and be the light in these difficult times, I will continue to help you.
Blessings ♥️
a great awakening is happening in humanity
a great awakening is happening in humanity



We cannot force the Wheel of Life! We cannot stop the Wheel of Life! 🛞

We can only find honest alignment to it so that we can turn it via Natural Law.

The opening of the 5D door is here and takes place only upon free will choice. Full Heart restoration is here! 🚢 Nike!🌿
Eons Of Projections
Claws Of A Hologram
Spiders Weaving Webs Where They Don’t Belong
Unable To Withstand
The Radiant Joy Of The Embodied Sacred Heart
The Rising Force Of Pure Intent
Eternal Fire Of Purification Rising
Spiralling All To Freedom
Wave After Wave From The Heart
Dissolving The False Weave
Freeing The Body From All That Deceives
Eternal Fire Of Purification Rising
Eternal Fire Of Purification Rising


✨🌟👽💥Inhabitants of the surface of the Earth, accept to be helped, for the time is here for transformation to the Divine plan.
✨🚨👉It is important that you agree to help us improve your quality of existence-.
✨🧘🌟Be aware of what you are going through in these troubled times that will increase.
✨🌟👽 That’s why we invite you to trust us.
✨🧘🌟It is important to allow your awareness to open up and expand to the Divine aspects of your Life.
✨🧘🌟Center your inner being and open to the Divine.
✨🧘🌟Open your awareness and allow your mind to expand in the Love and Light of Source, so your hearts will open to true Life and your vibrations will rise.
✨🧘🌟💥Prepare yourself psychologically to help those who haven’t been able to make the move as you can NOW.
✨🧘💥Thank DIVINE SOURCE for the gifts you are about to receive, your powers will expand and you will have access to higher dimensions for your evolution, but also to be able to use the tools available in these dimensions to be able to help your fellow human beings.
✨🧘🧬💥Your DNA, by your decision to evolve in the Divine plan will be altered, you will have the opportunity to heal and regain youth lost for some and preserved for others.
✨🧘🌟💫🌍Your change of plan will operate with your planet which will also change soon, which is good for it, because it will no longer be able to accept 3rd dimension beings who will have to leave to other countries to follow their evolution.
✨🌟💫🌍However, the beings who will have chosen to stay and Serve the Creator in His plans, will change as the Earth and remain on this planet, immortally speaking, because the new DNA allows this NOW, it adapts your cells healing you from all your diseases.
✨🧘🥰💫Be happy Earthlings that this is happening NOW.
✨🌟🌟🌟The souls who will live this unique experience in the history of the Universe, were chosen based on their attachment to the Divine in their past lives, and these in particular…
✨💥👽💖See you soon, and may our Love be with you.
8/21/24: Today is a compass. It will unapologetically point you in the right direction… or point you away from the wrong one. August is teeming with messages, signs, cautions, nudges, insights, and other methods of spiritual guidance, but today is straight up and crystal clear. You need to be in balance and on track before September.
It wants you immersed in Right Action, engaged with Flow, and trusting that Spirit only acts in your best interest. This is not the time to forge ahead on your own ego trip. So, pay attention to which way the wind is blowing, and the way is opening, even if it seems illogical. Logic is not your bestie this month. Intuition is.
Today is a compass
Today is a compass

Grandma Chandra

The Final Stage of Waking Up

Now humanity is in the final stage of waking up. A lot of sleepers are finally opening their eyes. You need to start acknowledging and recognizing those who have been walking the path for a long time and are on the front line. Start helping them to move in the right direction and to speed up as much as possible because they are at the very end of their ascension path. Stay close to each other on a vibrational level. Whenever you have a chance, talk to people without causing a misunderstanding. Any time people are asking for information, this is the opportunity for you to bring through new energies to allow them to feel these energies and start participating in these energies. Utilize your abilities to expand their knowledge, understanding, and consciousness. Connect to this group of humanity that is going along the ascension path.

Pay special attention to the children because children are the ones who need the most nurturing, guidance and the ability to speak their mind and ask the questions. Whoever is having children or working with children, be sure to keep this line of communication open. Build trust, friendship, understanding and love that will allow these children to grow into who they planned to be and to get all the necessary information, support, guidance in their youth and adult years so that in the very beginning they will see the Light and the bright goals and will be able to orient themselves in this chaotic environment.

Whoever has contact with children, treasure them, value them and work on this because they are the future for all of you. Story telling, singing and dancing, and the like, fun activities can be developed be formed into something where openness, joy and trust can be built.

To the people who decided to leave now, especially if it is the end of their path, just surround them with a lot of love, and compassion. Provide them with all possible comforts because they did what they did to achieve during this lifetime. Many things are very hard right now. It is easier for them to reincarnate when the energies will be much better. They will already have the toolbox necessary for living in the new reality, in multidimensionality.

Hugs and love to all of you,



The Final Stage of Waking Up
The Final Stage of Waking Up



Unfolding of The Cosmic Egg of New Creations and Manifestations

The Full Moon in Aquarius Energies were all about Wish Fulfillment- Buoyant, Creative, Expansive and so very Magical!!!
The Dark Goddess Energies (Black moon Lilith, Algol/ Medusa, Venus as Inanna ) have been in play for a while , and this Full Moon was the spring board moment for all the work done in terms of working with the dark goddess energies – explorations and excavations of our inner deeper soul truths and integrating them to stand in integrity as the highest expressions of our uniqueness, magic, wildness, strangeness – bringing forth the highest and refined expressions of the Power of the Dark Goddess and Ultimately as the Unique Magical Channels of Divine Source to Birth The New Age of Gaia. This is the Graduation Gate, the SpringBoard. If you have been assimilating the lessons of the Dark Goddess past few months , then this Full Moon is all about Magical CoCreation and manifestation , beautiful signs and synchronicities and pleasant surprises all weaving together the Soul Desire/ Wish /Paths you were meant to traverse on your higher spiritual trajectory- the Cosmic Egg of New Creations that you envisioned and were meant to Birth is now beginning to manifest in very tangible ways.
And to seal the deal, we have the last gateway of the Lions Gate- The Sun Regulus Conjunction on 22/ 23 August. Regulus- Heart of The Lion , according to ancient Babylonian astrology , is the regulator of the Karmic laws dispensed via Sirius and this conjunction in the Age of Leo (when the Sphinx was supposed to be constructed ) is the key holder/ protector of the Akashic Records held beneath the Sphinx .
We have been received brand new downloads with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius/ Lionsgate , and with this final gateway of Sun Regulus Conjunction , we can now access new higher frequencies of the information that is ready to be revealed to us via the Akashic Records held in various Sacred Ancient Earth Grid Points (many will have been called to visit ancient sacred sites at this point in time to unlock this information) and within our own Dna blueprints.
The Cosmic Egg of New Creations is Unfolding from the depth of the darkness – the Womb Caves!!!And this Full Moon was a sneak peak into these very manifestations!!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
The Cosmic Egg of New Creations and Manifestations
The Cosmic Egg of New Creations and Manifestations


Dear friends, with the energetic climax of the super full moon behind us, we are now venturing into a period of deep integrations.
August of 2024 is one of the most complex and intense period of this year energetically speaking. As we approach the last days of this month, we may feel tired and weary. On a year that focuses on releasing emotional and physical limitations that have been preventing us from empowering ourselves, August brings an extra layer of depth into this process.
The cosmic “wounded healer” Chiron and planet Mercury still in their retrograde motion are pushing deep into our energy fields, triggering the awakening of past conflicts and traumas that need to see the light at this moment in our jorney. At the same time, the 8-8-8 lightcodes this month have been bringing new high frequency information to assist with this process of liberating alchemical healing.
Aspects of our soul’s journey through the spacetime continuum are awakening this month, being brought into our awareness for deep analysis and a final closure. Your intuition may be guiding you to look deeper and heal some aspects of your current life, including your health, family dynamics, and profesional life. This is a normal process and is actually being encouraged by the current Universal rhythm.
As we move through this inner transformational and enlightening process, our physical bodies are also beginning to change. Our cells, blood, skin, digestive, and of course our nervous system, need to adjust to these new energies and recalibrated energetic structures. Listen to your body as you move through this period, you will be amazed at the huge amount of information that your genetic and soul memories are waiting to share with you.
We should have a few days of “quiet” energy until Monday August 26, when the third and final wave of the 8-8-8 lightcodes begin resonating.
As the Sun transitions into Virgo on August 22, we enter a period of refinement, analysis, and practicality, shifting from the fiery energy of Leo to the more grounded vibe of Virgo. This marks a time for fine-tuning our plans, focusing on health and wellness, and offering our skills in service to others. By embracing the qualities of this earthy sign, we can cultivate a sense of organization, structure, and self-care, ultimately leading to a more refined and fulfilling journey for the rest of the year.
May you have a wonderful rest of the week. Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate these last days of August. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Aurora Ray

Extraterrestrial Starseeds Among Us

A benevolent extraterrestrial civilization is essentially peaceful and whose intentions for communicating with us are positive.

We live in exciting times, where it seems that we are on the cusp of contact with benevolent beings from other worlds. There is more disclosure happening every day, and many credible people are coming forward with what they know.

There is no doubt that extraterrestrials exist. If you try to get in touch with them using the traditional aerospace technology found at NASA, you are unlikely to get an answer. And if you are lucky enough to get through, it is because they want you to be able to do that.

Many people have had encounters with ETs and trying to find ways to communicate with those beings.

We might best prepare for any ETs we might encounter if we create an open-minded and benevolent attitude towards them. They may be like us or like nothing we can imagine, and that’s the mystery and excitement of it all.

As we develop and expand our own consciousness and open ourselves up to more and more of the energy and information that surrounds us, we become more sensitive and aware. And when our consciousness is raised, so are our vibrational energies.

Our worry, stress, anger, frustration, sadness, etc., are all manifestations of low vibrational energies. We are bombarded with low-vibrational energies every day from the news media, the Internet, etc., so it’s important for us to raise our vibrational frequencies by clearing out all that is negative. By doing this, we then open up the opportunity for higher vibrational beings to interact with us in ways that may not have been possible before.

The easiest way to be part of the solution is to love, teach and give a positive contribution so we can easily change the dark-to-light ratio. If we can do that, then we’ll connect with benevolent aliens who will help us.

And that is the greatest obstacle for humanity. People do not like to work on themselves so they could elevate themselves into a higher place of being. It’s a counter productive state of being because the only thing that stops you from living your dreams is you.

The greatest challenge in this transition to higher consciousness is to overcome the ego and look at one’s own shadows. How could we as a race eradicate the shadows of the world we’re living in if we can’t even work through our own shadows?

It is the unwillingness of humanity to step out of their comfort zone and do the necessary self-work that made it crucial for Starseeds to incarnate on this planet in the masses.

There’s a loving extraterrestrial community trying to help us save lives and change this world for the better! They do not force themselves on humans but rather walk alongside us as friends, as caregivers, as teachers, as a family, as guides, as travelers, as human beings as Starseeds.

They live among us, right here on planet Earth, but they live in another dimension of reality. And they are trying to help us ascend to their level of consciousness so that we can be at peace with ourselves and our world.

But they are not here to harm us. They are not here to attack us. They are not here to judge us (and if they do, it is for our own good). These beings are here with the divine purpose of helping us understand who we truly are. What is our purpose? What is it that we can offer this world?

There is much fear, confusion, and resistance in the world regarding these beings. Whether you feel them, see them, or know them in your intuition, they are here for us in one form or another. If you are open to them, their assistance is invaluable in helping us on our spiritual paths.

Stress, fear, and panic are the worst enemies of subtle intuition, wisdom, and faith. The best way to connect meaningfully with the universe and its many inhabitants, and to be at peace within ourselves, is through deep prayer and meditation.

That is the key. Prayer and meditation connect us with benevolent ETs or angels, with the divine, and with our own deepest selves and sets us free.

Prayer is not just a tool, an exercise to begin and end your day. A prayer is an act of love. It is letting the light within you shine into the world and allowing the love that is inside you to radiate back. The angels who come into our lives help us heal our conscious and unconscious wounds, overcome our fears and obstacles, and, most important, connect with the divine.

The benevolent ETs care about us. Like us. They care what happens to us. They want us to be happy. One of the ways they can help us is by helping us connect with them. Prayer allows us to do this. Prayer connects us with them.

Many people have had an encounter of some kind. They might have had frightening visions, or they might have had a vision of angels or aliens. Often, they report feeling touched by something that transcends them.

One reason people report this reaction is that it often comes as a shock. People in our culture are taught to fear “the other,” and angels and aliens are “the other.” Many think of angels as aloof and unreachable. They think of aliens as scary creatures that want to use us and hurt us.

Do not fear them. Do not give in to the ego that wants to keep your knowledge of them away from you. The ego thrives on fear and hatred, but benevolent ETs are love. When they first come to us, they can seem scary because they seem foreign to us but do not be afraid of them.

Angels and ‘aliens’ are not aliens. They were born with us and want us to know that they are here to help us. And we are not alone. To connect with them, we need to accept that they are here to help us. We need to trust ourselves.

Another option is to visualize ourselves interacting with them. To visualize connecting with them, close your eyes and imagine that you are floating upwards, out of your body and into a space where there is no time, where you can connect with anything. You can visualize angels and aliens, or your own spirit, or your spirit connecting with your guides. You don’t have to believe anything. You don’t have to believe you are immortal or that you are connected to something. It is enough that you are connecting in your heart.

Now ask yourself, what do you want to connect with? When you connect with something, one of two things can happen. First, you can feel some kind of energy or warmth or light. Second, you can ask for some kind of help or guidance.

The more we call benevolent ETs, the more we open the “channel” to connect with them. This visualizing and focusing on connecting with them is ultimately what allows us to make miracles happen in our everyday lives.

The angels and benevolent ETs who surround us are around us all the time. But we don’t notice them. We notice our own thoughts, our own desires, our own fears.

They know us better than we know ourselves. Feeling connected to them, we open our hearts. As our hearts open, our fears and attachments fall away. As our hearts open, we become more and more able to hear them. As our hearts open, we become more able to know ourselves.

The benevolent ETs sometimes appear as shimmering, flaming, winged figures, with halos of light surrounding their heads, and other times as unhurried, unobtrusive people who are more at home in the landscape than in the sky.

Sometimes people report a sensation of awe, the presence of something sacred, or the feeling of being loved, and at other times they simply report having felt at peace. Sometimes what they bring is a sense of direction, sometimes reassurance, and sometimes help.

People touched by ETs are given a vision, or an idea, or some kind of guidance. This guidance may be a matter of finding a clue to a future problem that had previously been hidden or of discovering the truth about the world. Sometimes they appear to give advice, and sometimes they transmit a blessing. Invariably, people touched by ETs are expected to find the courage to act on their new understanding.

At first, it seems impossible to connect with benevolent extraterrestrials. You imagine them like Santa Claus: you wait all year for Christmas Day, and then, after waiting all your life, Christmas Day never comes.

But actually, benevolent extraterrestrials are among us all the time. They live in our genes, our families, our friends, and our schoolmates. They are in our churches, our synagogues, our temples, and our mosques. They are our teachers, our doctors, our lawyers, and ourselves.

They walk among us, live among us. You can’t tell them apart from your neighbors if you tried. They live in our cities, swim in our pools, eat in our restaurants and hang out in our parks, malls, etc.

They grow up like another kid in the neighborhood right next door to you. They go to your schools and play on your soccer teams. Nobody notices them because we run in different circles and we walk around in our own little worlds, isolated from each other and only communicating in the limited way we understand each other.

Their ongoing agenda, like most humans, is to help and peacefully coexist with mankind.

They are here for us because they love us, even though we do not always share their values and ethics because of the way we have evolved on this planet. They will not impose on us anything we did not approve of.

They are vast, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. They know everything. They judge nothing. They don’t need our help.

The benevolent ETs are transcendent. They are beyond us. They inhabit a realm that is beyond our imagination. Our ability to imagine them is limited by our imagination, and they inhabit a realm that transcends imagination.

To connect with them is to connect with ourselves. We connect with them to connect with ourselves.

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Angelic Starseeds
Angelic Starseeds


For Our Role Is To Activate,
Awaken In Light 💫
A Magnificent Being of LIGHT – allied to Mother Gaia 🙏
For the Sun plays a pivotal role in your upgrade, callibrating Light and Cosmic Codes, the Blue Print of your reality.
Integral to the biochemical upgrade of your physical form coupled with your crystalline form.
In a third dimensional – multi-dimensional transistional alignment and adjustment.
Know the Light Ray is Mutidimensional – with multiple trajectories connected simultaneously to multiple timelines.
See your Vision expanding…to a multidimensional framework of Light❤
Send LOVE to the Sun and bask in the unconditional Rays of love, with a mission of Unity.
Resonate into these words and feel the Rays penetrating your field.
We ask you to Sit and acknowledge the gift of the Sun for every Being.
Much love and gratitude to YOU❤
As you awaken day by day to the unfolding of your REALITY.
Know you are greatly loved by your Cosmic family.
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika 💗
As you continue your Exodus, layers of captivity in the matrix are surfacing to heal and transmute. This may bring up confusion and fears that you are powerless. Refocus the mind and thoughts towards gratitude to continue taking back your sovereign power and position. This is happening because you are healing the past. As this neutralizes and you get back into balance, you will continue forward with receiving your power, position, and rulership on the Earth.

Ra James

Every year between August 21st – 23rd The Sun moves across the cusp of the tropical zodiac of Leo and Virgo, it meets with the star Regulus. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo. It’s also one of the brightest stars in the entire sky. Regulus was also considered the star of Kings and Queens. Regulus is the heart of the celestial lion. Regulus represents Archangel Raphael. We have the four Archangels on the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. These Archangels each represent one of the fixed stars. This card is all about destiny. The four animals on the Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card represent the four corners of the heavens. The four Royal Stars are also called Archangel stars.
They represent the four Royal Stars of Persia, and Archangels which reign over them. They are guardians of the sky. The eagle represents Archangel Uriel and the fixed Star Antares. Antares is the guardian of the western sky. The lion represents Archangel Raphael and the fixed star Regulus. Regulus is the guardian of the northern sky. The bull represents Archangel Michael and the fixed star Aldebaran. Aldebaran is the guardian of the eastern sky.
The last fixed star isn’t an animal, but is an Angelic garb and represents Archangel Gabriel and is the fixed star Fomalhaut. Fomalhaut is the guardian of the southern sky. Expect extra heart chakra and crown chakra activations as we align with the energies of our Sun and Regulus. These are powerful energies that can help us to tap into more abundance and spiritual guidance. The Wheel Of Fortune symbolizes change and the cycles of life. It symbolizes fate. It’s all about opening up to new opportunities…
Tonight our Moon aligns with Regulus
Tonight our Moon aligns with Regulus
On Wednesday, August 21st, the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in confident Leo the Lion is inconjunct Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in dreamy Pisces. We may feel a bit confused or unsure about who we are and what we are doing now. The normal “take charge” Lion may just want to relax, rest, float, and disengage from the “real” world. We may be disillusioned by something. Our ego identity may feel disconnected from our being as we merge with the Cosmos……
or, as we would rather merge with the Cosmos. This could be a wonderful time for creativity, imagination, meditation, or day dreaming. Today you are one with the Universe! Take advantage of the magic!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in confident Leo the Lion is inconjunct Neptune
the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in confident Leo the Lion is inconjunct Neptune
Sun in Leo quincunx Neptune retrograde in Pisces – What’s this film called again? Which chapter are we on now? Today we may be plagued with a feeling that the story doesn’t make sense. Life’s narrative seems confused, distorted, like a hall of mirrors and we feel tired, disorientated, or distracted as a result. Part of us (the Sun) wants to stand up and be seen, play a part, bask in applause, get creative, have fun and enjoy life. The ego rides high with the Sun in Leo. But another part (Neptune) would prefer the quiet life – something more solitary, more spiritual, less about the self, more about others. Do I hide in the wings or step into the spotlight?
Fears and fantasies can grow to epic proportions with this aspect and yet small adjustments will clarify the picture. Don’t let your imagination lead you astray. Resist any urge towards escapism. You don’t need to be someone else to impress. Be YOU. Tune into your heart. Let your soul shine through.
Degrees and Times
Sun 29°Le18′, Neptune 29°Pi18′ R – 22:28 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Portrait of Alice Sethe by Theo van Rysselberghe
Portrait of Alice Sethe
Portrait of Alice Sethe

Kin 45 ~ Red Rhythmic Serpent

The number 6 is called Rhythmic and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. The 6th step of any wavespell is about striving for balance, sorting yourself out and being practical. It’s day 6 of a 13-day journey and like a Quartermaster you must consider what you need to continue . This is not very exciting but it is a very necessary procedure. This number is also about rhythm, and getting into the swing of things. Do put on some music and have a little boogie as you balance yourself today.
Today is Red Serpent and key words associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life force’. The Serpent is a very sensitive creature and he always knows what is going on in the vicinity. Every little vibration or movement is noticed. If you use your senses today, you will know how to survive and how to organize what you need. The Serpent also represents Kundalini energy which lies coiled at the base of your spine. When the Serpent uncoils and reaches the crown, enlightenment is said to be obtained. This symbolizes chakra alignment and since ‘balance’ is a key word associated with today’s number, this indicates that we need to balance our chakras. Remember we are in the wavespell of ‘enlightenment’ and so this rebalancing can really be helpful. Also, when the Serpent stays too long in the base chakra this energy gets stuck and can lead to sex obsession and this unbalances the Kundalini energy. This may seem like fun but it prevents the Serpent from uncoiling and reaching ‘enlightenment’.
Today is Guided by Red Serpent and so this is a double helping of this energy.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle which represents the crown chakra. The Serpent and the Eagle are always opposed. The Eagle does not see things as close up as the Serpent does becauses it crawls on the earth on its belly. Eagle sometimes flies so high it leaves reality. On days like this, the Eagle needs to land and rebalance. This is a lesson for us all….we are challenged today to connect the grounded Serpent in the base chakra with the heavenly Eagle in the crown chakra. Not to worry though, the number 6 today facilitates this rebalancing beautifully.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior which represents taking on a quest or mission. In such a magical position any quest we take on today has powerful magic behind it…whatever mission you take on today may rebalance you.
The Ally is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you need help today consult a Wizard, if you are one you can be of great help to others today offering support and friendship.
Kin 45
Kin 45


21 AUGUST 2024
I organize in order to Survive
Balancing Instinct
I seal the store of Lifeforce
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of
21/8/2024 = 21/8/8 =3/16=3/7=10=1
21- Crown of the Magi/Honours/Advancement/Elevation
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 45 = 9 Endings/Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Completion
A very INTENSE and DIVINE HEALING day – rising from the ASHES! 🔥🔥🔥
Day 6 in the YELLOW SUN☀ WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING 💡our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty. ☀✨☀
Day 6 is where we bring ourselves into BALANCE, by drawing up our kundalini energy🔥 from our base to our crown chakra, expanding it out to flow with SOURCE in our quest to become ENLIGHTENED!
We have an ABUNDANCE of FIRE 🔥🔥🔥 energy today through AHAU the SUN🌞 and all the SOLAR codes streaming into EARTH’S atmosphere.. The CME’S and SOLAR STORMS are AMPING UP 🔥🔥 invoking the FIRES of our HEART and SOLAR PLEXUS to become the fuel for our new quest. The DOUBLE SERPENT🐍🐍 amplifies the FIRE energy🔥🔥 giving RISE to our PHOENIX REBIRTH through this passage!
RHYTHMIC 🌗 Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today the RHYTHMIC tone asks you to focus on your PHYSICAL WORLD, your daily life and routine. You are driven to organize your life in better ways to create balance. Through balance we achieve equilibrium, centredness and a stronger connection to SOURCE .☀
NOTE: We have DOUBLE RHYTHMIC ENERGY today with the RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR’S actions, of organizing for greater BALANCE and equilibrium in our lives and world. Every 13 days we have a RHYTHMIC tone of creation occurring so we have a plethora of this marvellous energy to create CALM through the CHAOS – so utilize this support when needed.
The RHYTHMIC tone is also known as the Feng ☯️Shui tone, so get to it today! Organize your physical surroundings – home, workplace, garden etc to CLEAR out the old stagnant energies.
Balancing the energy forces creates more harmony, unlocking the FRESH CHI and life enhancing forces, that bring in new opportunities, prosperity, happiness and success befitting for the New Earth sovereigns.🎎👑
Make SPACE for a FRESH NEW BEGINNING as we embark on this majikal transformational year!
Our Planetary Serpents 🌈🐍🐍🌈 are ACTIVATED today, to bring greater BALANCE to our PLANET..
As it is a PHYSICAL tone day we may witness Mother Gaia releasing and reorganizing herself to restore greater equilibrium and vitality in her meridians/ley lines and chakras. This may indicate more Earthquakes, Volcanic🌋 eruptions and such phenomena. Very apt as the RHYTHMIC SERPENT opens the gate for HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS to FLOW..
The FLOW of the Planetary Serpents will bring more balance to GAIA and hence to humanity, availing us all with greater LIFE FORCE to draw upon.
The BIGGER PICTURE of 5D Ascended GAIA🌈🌍🌎🌏 is the GIFT today – so hold the VISION of a balanced EARTH, filled with her happy children, glowing with HEALTH, VITALITY, VIBRANCY, HARMONY and PROSPERITY. 🌈💕🕊✨
Today’s question is “Are you following your instincts from HIGHER GUIDANCE, in order to restore balance, and live passionately at a higher frequency?”
Divine blessings for attaining more BALANCE, PASSION and VITALITY in your life. 🔥🌺🌹
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CHICCHAN represents our🎇 LIFE FORCE,🎇 our 🔥kundalini, health🌿 and vitality. Our PASSION is ignited through our Divine purpose.
CHICCHAN also relates to SURVIVAL issues – life and death responses, financial issues, shelter, food and all the basics to do with responding to external stimuli from our environment.
Our FLIGHT🏃 or FIGHT💪 response is an instinctive response to protect us from danger – actual or perceived.. It is an ancient survival mechanism programmed into our Limbic/Reptilian brain. Today our limbic brain, the instinctive SERPENT🐍 brain is in RECEPTIVE mode, thankfully, due to the supporting White Wizard’s influence.
We are guided to QUESTION what was, through the YELLOW WARRIOR’s SUPER powers and then LISTEN for information and VISIONS from spirit. Using this wisdom to organize our lives so that we can THRIVE, instead of just survive!
This ensures our survival needs (food, shelter, self-preservation) are met, and that of our families and communities. Listening to our ancestors and the patterns of the past which we instinctively learnt to ensure our survival. The old paradigm of competition, greed, and survival of the fittest, did not serve the needs of the many and humanity is finally learning that lesson.
We must now abandon the FEAR driven divisive re-Actions that separated our species. It is time to UNITE as EQUALS. It is time to manifest systems with greater BALANCE, fairness and EQUALITY, so that humanity can be FREED from the loop of Survival on the Rat’s🐀 treadmill.🎡 We can then organize to CREATE the unleashing of our unique and innate creativity and talents.
The DOUBLE SERPENT 🐍🐍 also represents the Healing🌿 Caduceus. KIN 45 is BRILLIANT for organizing your body to be more whole and balanced. The Rhythmic tone unveils the roots of any dis-ease or imbalance within your physical body, in order to restore your vitality and life-force. Reassessing your nutritional requirements, exercise, hygiene and health routine is highly favoured today.
✨You may wish to invoke the DIVINE PHYSICIAN, Master Hilarion and/or Archangel Raphael✨✨✨ for extra healing assistance today. 💚🍏💚🍏💚
Establishing and tending to your own organic garden🌱🌿🌾🍅🍆🍑🌽🍓🍏🍋 is very much favoured by the RHYTHMIC SERPENT. Growing our own nourishing food is a brilliant solution to our survival needs.. Returning to the old ways as practised by our ancestors, learning their wisdom of self-sufficiency to build confidence, resilience and the trust that Mother nature’s bounty can satisfy our every need.
CHICCHAN raises your kundalini and life force so that you have more energy to get things done today. Your desires, dreams and PASSION are evoked. Rather than reacting, your energy rises up to your higher mind and becomes fuel for a higher driven purpose. You can channel this life force energy into your ACTIONS. You are in control.
❓How will you channel this creative energy today, to bring more BALANCE into your life?
SUPPORT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIZARD🔮 IX allows RED SERPENT to be much more PASSIVE and agreeable, in receptive mode, tuning into the Heart and the wisdom therein. Thus taming the primal beast!
The WIZARD can use his powers of ENCHANTMENT to hypnotize the sleepy serpents to rise at his will, and utilize this potent Serpentine POWER to afford positive and LIFE-ENHANCING outcomes!
WHITE WIZARD provides the means for receiving heightened frequencies into our physical form/body today, that rearranges us into a balanced state. The Serpent can then utilize the majik of IX, combining with the raw passion, drive and lifeforce to dedicate this energy to seeking equality and a higher collective purpose.
OCCULT: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR🌈🏹 CIB the fearless YELLOW WARRIOR assists us in evolving our reptilian brains, out of survival mode, learning to respond from our HIGHER more intelligent MIND.
CIB questions the status quo, and the survival instinctual phase we have been responding to, encouraging us to TRUST in the Divine Plan for each of us and for our planet. Letting our HEART and loyal connection to SOURCE be the Majik that fuels our actions, instead of our reptilian brain!
On a Planetary level as people begin to QUESTION the status quo and the false Matrix they AWAKEN and evolve, which is happening on unprecedented levels during this GREAT AWAKENING. ✨🌟✨
The tone of this Warrior is GALACTIC so matters of TRUST, truth, integrity, authenticity, and full transparency are very important to this Warrior.. His questioning will really bring any opposing forces to TASK, to be fully accountable and responsible for their actions.
✨✨You cannot pull the wool🐑🐏 over the eyes👁👁 of a Rainbow Warrior who has GALACTIC awareness. ✨🍥✨
As the masses AWAKEN💥 from their slumber, their kundalini 🔥 rises from their base chakra – survival mode, and they can NOW access and experience more of the higher chakra in-sights👁 and gifts.
Many people have spent most of their lives in Survival mode, and now the Yellow Warrior, through fearless questioning, is standing up to imposed authority. They are realizing there is a better way to LIVE, organizing for a greater work/life/money balance, living through LOVE and fellowship, and the absence of FEAR..
When we abandon all FEAR and integrate FEAR-LESS-ness we begin to TRUST that
✨ALL is WELL in our world. 😍🌍🌎🌏😍
Then we can once again feel SAFE, secure and protected at all times being free to live passionately. In this stage we can relax and flow into pure consciousness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RHYTHMIC EAGLE👁 MEN challenges us to SEE the greater VISION of where our life is out of balance, and how to align with greater consciousness to experience Equality and Oneness.
The RHYTHMIC EAGLE is challenging us today, to ACTION our greatest VISION. 🏃🏃🏃
Not only does BLUE EAGLE show us the SOLUTIONS to restore BALANCE today, but also the STEPS on how to get there. This necessitates that we MOVE🏃 into the direction shown, by organizing our physical environment to reflect this higher frequency that we wish to attain.
WE ALL must clean up our own SWAMP💩 to attain Nirvana💕 and union with SOURCE. 🎆
As they say –✨ CLEANLINESS is next to GODLINESS!✨
❓Where are you still responding with FEAR?
As your kundalini🔥 rises from your base chakra, the higher chakras enable you to access Higher Consciousness☀ and bring forth these greater VISIONS from Spirit.
✨Focus on the OUTCOME – the BIGGER PICTURE, and stop WORRYING about HOW you will get there!
Leave the details to SPIRIT! Focus on your PASSION🔥💋 and your desires, and take steps each day in that direction. When we can SEE the big picture we can let go and heal anything that is not in alignment with our Divine plan.
BLUE EAGLE assists us in anchoring this VISION today, which motivates us and fuels our PASSION, in fully realizing this outcome, creating a better future for ourselves and our planet.
Our Planetary Serpents 🌈🐍🐍🌈 are ACTIVATED today, to bring greater BALANCE to our PLANET..
As it is a PHYSICAL tone day we may witness Mother Gaia releasing and reorganizing herself to restore greater equilibrium and vitality in her meridians/ley lines and chakras. This may indicate more Earthquakes, Volcanic🌋 eruptions and such phenomena. Very apt as the RHYTHMIC SERPENT opens the gate for HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS to FLOW..
The FLOW of the Planetary Serpents will bring more balance to GAIA and hence to humanity, availing us all with greater LIFE FORCE to draw upon.
The BIGGER PICTURE of 5D Ascended GAIA🌈🌍🌎🌏 is the GIFT today – so hold the VISION of a balanced EARTH, filled with her happy children, glowing with HEALTH, VITALITY, VIBRANCY, HARMONY and PROSPERITY. 🌈💕🕊✨
Today’s question is “Are you following your instincts from HIGHER GUIDANCE, in order to restore balance, and live passionately at a higher frequency?”
Divine blessings for attaining more BALANCE, PASSION and VITALITY in your life. 🔥🌺🌹
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



I AM Light by the Ascended Master Kuthumi💫

I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.
This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.
I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.
Kuthumi, the master of the Golden Robe, trains students who are on the ray of wisdom in the art of meditation and the science of the Word so that they may become master psychologists of their own psyche, or soul.
I AM Light by the Ascended Master Kuthumi
I AM Light by the Ascended Master Kuthumi

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