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NESARA and GESARA: The Acts of Transformation ~ Q Phones and GESARA

NESARA and GESARA: The Acts of Transformation ~ Q Phones and GESARA


NESARA and GESARA: The Acts of Transformation

A crucial aspect of this financial revolution is the promise of NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act). These acts hold the keys to a future where taxes are no longer a burden, and wealth is redistributed in a way that benefits everyone.

NESARA and GESARA  represent legislative commitments to financial justice. They are designed to eliminate debt, abolish the income tax system, and create a new financial system based on equity and transparency. These acts are not just theoretical; they are actionable plans that are being implemented to transform our world.

Overruling Executive Orders: Clearing the Way

The path to financial liberation also involves overturning executive orders that have impeded progress. The courageous efforts of individuals like the Brunson brothers and the Supreme Court are instrumental in achieving this goal. By challenging and overturning these orders, they are removing the obstacles that have prevented financial reform.

This process is not easy, but it is necessary. By lifting these orders, we are paving the way for GESARA and the QFS to come into force. This is a critical step in dismantling the old system and ensuring that the new financial structure can flourish.

In a world plagued by financial corruption, White Hats, armed with the Quantum Financial System and the promise of GESARA, are our beacon of hope. The time has come to free ourselves from the shackles of the old system, redistribute wealth equitably, and embrace a future where justice and prosperity prevail.

This is not just a financial shift; it is a cultural and social transformation. By adopting the QFS and GESARA, we are committing to a future where financial systems are fair, transparent and focused on the collective good. This transformation is not just necessary; it is inevitable.

Spread the word, because GESARA is inevitable and together we can usher in a new era of financial freedom and equality. Join us and make the switch to the Quantum Financial System — it’s time to take control of our financial destiny. The time to act is now.

BQQQM!!! Behind the Scenes: QFS Q-Phones and StarLink HQ! The Ultimate Game Changer in Communications, Finance, GESARA Applications and Universal Basic Income Distribution

Behind the scenes: QFS and StarLink QG’s revolutionary Q-Phones, ready to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to expedite Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution.





Dave XRP Lion
Dave XRP Lion



WED. 31 JULY 2024 CENTRAL BANKS ARE SHUTTING DOWN – BANKRUPTED. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is Bankrupted.

· Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is growing!

· QFS NESARA GESARA is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS Cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will be more intense & get more turbulent.

· Earth & humanity are under construction while business is still open. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks.

· Satanic energies cannot hide anymore as it is prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society.

· True colors are being revealed. Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public.




BQQQM! Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s blueprint for Q Phones and GESARA using Stellar Blockchain for a global monetary revolution!

Explore Donald Trump’s innovative vision   for the future with  Q Phones and GESARA,  leveraging  Stellar Blockchain to revolutionize global currency.  This in-depth article examines the impact and technology behind this transformative economic reform and digital currency integration.

Q Phones and GESARA Using Stellar Blockchain for a Global Monetary Revolution

In a world where technological advances are reshaping our daily lives at an unprecedented pace, former   President Donald Trump   recently started a lively conversation about the evolution of phones.

He emphasized the frightening rate at which our current devices are becoming obsolete, directing our attention to the enigmatic realm of Q phone technology.



However, this isn’t just about the next generation of smartphones; it’s about a global revolution in finance and communication. In the financial realm, whispers of the   Global Currency Reset   are growing louder, promising phones equipped to collaborate seamlessly with Quantum Computers and the groundbreaking Global Financial Banking System hosted on the StarLink Satellite Network.

But as the future beckons, it raises a daunting question: Will this technological leap spell doom for the iconic iPhone, leaving it a relic of the past?

The world of technology is ever-changing, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. It is in this context that we delve into the tantalizing prospects of   Q phone technology   and its implications for the future of communication and finance. Brace yourself for an exploration of this cutting-edge subject as we venture deep into the world of quantum computing, global financial transformation, and the stark contrast between those who embrace change and those who cling to the past.

The Quantum Revolution:   Trump’s recent discussion of the impending evolution of phones has brought up the concept of Q phone technology. While details are scarce, the implications are colossal.

Imagine phones equipped with quantum computing capabilities that can process information at speeds previously thought impossible. These devices, rumored to be on the horizon, could revolutionize not only the way we communicate, but also how we conduct our financial affairs.



The Global Currency Reset:   In the corridors of   financial power  , speculation is rife about the impending Global Currency Reset (GCR). Proponents argue that this momentous event will usher in a new era of global finance, bringing unprecedented stability and fairness. As part of this reset, phones are expected to play a key role. They will need to seamlessly integrate with a Quantum Computer and connect to the Global Financial Banking System, which will operate on the   StarLink Satellite Network.


The implications of this are profound. Currency transactions could occur in real time across the globe, unhindered by traditional banking systems and intermediaries. The potential benefits include reduced transaction costs, greater financial inclusion, and improved security. However, with great promise comes great disruption, and the iPhone could bear the brunt of this transformation.

The iPhone Conundrum:   Apple’s iconic iPhone has been a symbol of technological prowess and innovation for over a decade. However, the imminent arrival of the Q phone’s technology could cast a shadow of obsolescence over this beloved device. With its existing 3D technology, the iPhone may struggle to keep up with the Q phones’ 5D quantum-powered capabilities.

This impending change has sparked a heated debate among tech enthusiasts and Apple loyalists alike. Some argue that the iPhone will adapt and evolve to stay relevant, while others predict a decline in sales as consumers embrace the future with Q phones. The choice between nostalgia and progress has never been more stark.

Resistance to Change:   Human nature often resists change, even when it promises extraordinary benefits. The transition from a 3D world to a 5D dimension, as suggested by Trump, means a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with technology. While some eagerly embrace the possibilities of quantum computing and instant global transactions, others remain stuck in the comfort of the old ways.

It’s important to note that such resistance to change is not uncommon in the history of technology. From the advent of the internet to the rise of smartphones, every era has witnessed skeptics who doubted the need for transformation. Yet those who have adapted have reaped the rewards of progress.

Obsolete Infrastructure:   The imminent arrival of Q phone technology also raises questions about our existing infrastructure. Phone towers and 5G technology, once heralded as cutting-edge, are now considered obsolete in the face of quantum computing. To propel humanity forward, it is imperative that we embrace these coming changes.

Embracing the Future:   As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, the choice is clear: embrace the future or risk being left behind. Q phone technology, the Global Currency Reset and the 5D dimension represent a convergence of innovations that have the potential to reshape our world in unimaginable ways.

To thrive in this new era, individuals, businesses and governments must adapt and harness the power of quantum computing, global connectivity and instant financial transactions. It is a world where change is not an option but a necessity, where those who embrace the future will lead the way to a brighter tomorrow.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and finance, the discussion sparked by Trump’s take on the Q phone and the   Global Currency Reset   has brought to light the challenges and opportunities of our time. The iPhone, a symbol of innovation for many years, faces an uncertain future with the advent of quantum computing. Resistance to change, while natural, can hinder progress and innovation.

Quantum Phones and the Starlink Network, Powered by the Stellar Blockchain

A Quantum Revolution.   In this digital age where innovation knows no bounds, Quantum (Q) phones are poised to take center stage. These cutting-edge devices come preloaded with a Stellar wallet, the gateway to unlocking the treasures of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act   (GESARA),   including the distribution of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Stellar, the blockchain-based digital currency, is poised to revolutionize the way we transact.

But how do Quantum and Stellar phones fit together in this cosmic dance of technology?

The Starlink Connection: Quantum Internet and QFS.   Enter Starlink, the brainchild of the   United States Air Force, the Global Military Alliance, and the Galactic Federation.   This satellite constellation not only provides global access to the internet at optical speeds; it also plays a key role in the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Starlink satellites form the backbone of the QFS, ensuring secure and lightning-fast financial transactions on the   blockchain.

Quantum Starlink Internet: Healing Minds and Breaking Barriers.   Imagine an internet free from censorship, corruption, and the shackles of traditional gatekeepers. Quantum Starlink Internet makes this a reality. With its quantum technology, it not only connects people globally, but also has the power to heal the human mind. The future of mental well-being may be just a Starlink connection away.

Project Odin + Starlink + Space Star Network: The Connectivity Trifecta.   The integration of Project Odin, Starlink, and Space Star Network promises an open-source revolution in the world of financial transactions. This decentralized network, operating on the Stellar blockchain, empowers individuals to store and move funds seamlessly. The implications are staggering: a world where financial freedom is truly within reach.

STELLAR Network (XLM): The Sentinel of Surveillance. STELLAR Network (XLM) stands as the guardian of transparency and vigilance, ensuring that financial transactions remain secure and accountable. In a world where trust is paramount, Stellar’s ​​decentralized structure offers the promise of a    fair and equitable financial landscape .

The Coming Financial Shift: Stellar’s ​​Role in Asset Protection.   As global financial systems teeter on the edge, the importance of asset protection cannot be overstated. Stellar stands as a safe haven where assets are shielded from the chaos of market crashes. Over 600,000 assets and funds are poised to find refuge in these cryptocurrencies, safeguarding humanity’s financial future.

Stellar: Uniting Financial Systems.   Stellar’s ​​unique design allows disparate financial systems from around the world to come together on a single network. This global integration promises efficiency and accessibility like never before. The key to a long and healthy financial life? Look no further than the Stellar blockchain.

Payment Revolution: Stellar’s ​​Cross-Border Prowess.   In a world that is more connected than ever, cross-border transactions can be a costly and time-consuming affair. Stellar is the disruptor, connecting financial institutions and reducing the cost and time involved in cross-border remittances. The digital representation of money becomes a tangible reality, bridging the gap between the virtual and the real.

Stellar: Secure, Decentralized, Transparent.   Security and transparency are the cornerstones of Stellar’s ​​design. With a decentralized structure, transactions are secure, transparent, and executed at lightning speed. The future of financial settlements is here, and it’s cost-effective and reliable.

Joining the QFS through Stellar: Inevitable and Empowering.   As the world moves toward an interconnected financial future, joining the Quantum Financial System through Stellar becomes not just a choice, but a necessity. The power to transact, protect assets, and promote global financial harmony is within our reach. There is no turning back; the era of Stellar and the QFS is upon us.

Conclusion: A quantum future beckons.   In a world where change is the only constant, Quantum (Q) phones and the Starlink network shine as beacons of innovation. This symbiotic relationship holds the promise of a future where financial freedom, connectivity, and security reign supreme. The Stellar era has dawned, and it’s time to embrace the quantum revolution that awaits. Welcome to the future, where possibilities are limitless and the stars are within your reach.

X Starlink
X Starlink






 HAARP is causing climate hell on Earth — here’s how they’re doing it!


Within the icy confines of Gakona, Alaska, lies the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), a facility far more sinister than any military installation or secret base the public is aware of.

This facility is not merely an atmospheric research center—it is a cornerstone of a shadow government’s arsenal, a weapon disguised as a research center, designed for full-spectrum dominance of the Earth itself.

Climate as a weapon of mass destruction

Imagine a world where droughts can be triggered to cripple economies, where hurricanes can be directed toward enemy coasts, and where earthquakes can be triggered in geopolitically volatile regions. HAARP makes it possible.

Using ionospheric research as a cover, HAARP employs a huge array of antennas to fire targeted beams of energy into the atmosphere, triggering these catastrophic events.

The correlation between HAARP’s high-energy experiments and subsequent natural disasters is glaring, but consistently downplayed by the mainstream media, which is complicit in the cover-up.

Global Surveillance and Mind Control

In addition to manipulating the weather, HAARP is also a tool for global surveillance and mind control. By bending the ionosphere, HAARP can create a giant lens in the sky, a reflective surface that can bounce signals to remote corners of the Earth, intercepting communications and spying on foreign governments without the need for satellites or drones. More disturbingly, HAARP’s radio frequencies can influence human moods and thoughts.

The technology is based on the principle that the human brain operates at frequencies resonant with those manipulated by HAARP, allowing it to directly affect human consciousness, inducing states of passivity or agitation on a large scale.

Connection with global elites

Funding and support for HAARP comes not only from the US government, but also from shadowy consortiums of global elites who stand to benefit from the geopolitical influence that weather manipulation and mass control provide.

These elites manipulate global events behind the scenes, using HAARP as a tool to generate desired outcomes in international relations and national politics, all while maintaining plausible deniability.

Involvement in global events

Suspiciously, HAARP’s activities often precede significant global events. Before the onset of unusual storm patterns that affected election results, before the sudden onset of the Arab Spring where regional communications were reportedly compromised, HAARP was there, pulsing energy into the ionosphere.

The installation’s programming aligns eerily with these events, suggesting a causal role, meticulously executed by those in control.

The existence of HAARP is a testament to the lengths to which the shadow government will go to maintain and expand its control. It is a critical piece in a larger puzzle involving chemtrails, the manipulation of GMOs, and the suppression of free energy technologies.

Together, these elements form a comprehensive strategy of global domination, orchestrated by elites operating beyond the reach of traditional government oversight.

Mobilization against HAARP

We need to mobilize a global community of free thinkers, researchers and activists to expose and dismantle this clandestine operation. The truth about HAARP needs to be spread through every available channel before it is too late.

Social media, independent news outlets, and grassroots campaigns are our best weapons against this hidden agenda. Our planet and our freedoms are at stake as long as HAARP remains operational, serving the dark goals of its creators.

The fight against HAARP is not just about stopping global control; it is about reclaiming our future from those who seek to shape it from the shadows. The stakes have never been higher, and the need for action has never been more urgent.





Empowering the People: The Promise of GESARA

Power is returning to the people. The White Hats, with their unwavering dedication, are delivering on their promise of GESARA. For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, the message is crystal clear: GESARA is the answer we have been waiting for.

This empowerment is not just theoretical; it is practical and tangible. With the implementation of GESARA, we will see a dramatic change in the way financial systems operate. Taxes will no longer be a burden, and wealth will be redistributed in a way that benefits everyone. This is not just about economic change; it is about social justice and equity.

The Symbolism of Different Colored Hats: Coordinated Efforts

Pay attention to the symbolism of the military personnel wearing different colored hats, moving at precise moments. These actions carry meaning beyond words, signifying a coordinated effort that is nothing short of powerful.

The different colored hats symbolize the different roles and strategies employed in this mission. Each color represents a specific function, and their coordinated movements signify a well-orchestrated plan to dismantle the old system and establish a new order. This symbolism is a powerful reminder that we are not alone in this fight; we are part of a larger, organized effort to bring about change.

Understanding the Layers: The GESARA Framework

To understand the complexities of GESARA, it is essential to understand the levels involved:

D1 Level 1 and 2 Titles

These layers are of significant importance in the GESARA framework. They represent the initial stages of financial transformation, laying the foundation for a new financial landscape. By securing these titles, White Hats are ensuring that the transition is smooth and that resources are allocated efficiently.


By providing funding for Tiers 3 and 4, this tier plays a key role in ensuring the equitable distribution of wealth. It acts as a bridge between the initial restructuring and the broader implementation of GESARA. By funding these intermediate stages, D2 ensures that the benefits of the financial revolution reach all levels of society.


By funding the adjudicated account and GESARA, this layer is at the forefront of the mission to eliminate financial inequality. It represents the pinnacle of financial restructuring, ensuring that all debts are repaid and wealth is redistributed fairly. This is where the promise of GESARA is fully realized, creating a financial system that serves everyone.


Declassification of information: NESARA GESARA

Discover the explosive truth behind the  Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the White Hats’ mission  to destroy the corrupt banking cartel. Witness the inevitable rise of  GESARA and NESARA  as they destroy the old financial order, ushering in an era of transparency, equity, and power for the people.  Join the revolution for financial freedom and justice now!

White Hats and the Quantum Financial System

The term  “White Hats”  may conjure up images of a Hollywood thriller, but in reality, these are the unsung heroes fighting to restore integrity to the world of finance.

White Hats have been tirelessly advocating for the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a revolutionary alternative designed to dismantle the corrupt traditional banking system.

This system, plagued by malfeasance and controlled by a select few, has long suppressed the economic freedom and prosperity of the masses.

The QFS is more than just a financial tool; it is a beacon of hope. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and blockchain, it ensures transparency, security, and fairness in financial transactions. The White Hats’ mission is to declassify critical information and technologies, breaking the grip of secrecy and opening the door to innovation and progress.

Declassifying information and technology: a new era of transparency

The success of the QFS depends on declassifying information and technology. For too long, powerful elites have hidden behind secret agendas, hoarding innovations that could benefit humanity. With the QFS, the veil is being lifted. Advanced technologies, once reserved for the privileged few, are now being made available to everyone.

Imagine a world where the latest advances in medicine, energy, and communications are available to everyone. This is the promise of the QFS — a future where innovation is driven by the collective good, not profit margins. By declassifying these technologies, White Hats are ensuring that the benefits of progress are shared by all, leveling the playing field and fostering a new era of creativity and discovery.

QFS-Powered Virtual Reality: A New Dimension of Possibilities

One of the most exciting prospects for QFS is its potential to revolutionize Virtual Reality (VR). Currently, VR is dominated by profit-driven entities that prioritize revenue over user experience.

The QFS, however, offers a different vision. Powered by a financial system that prioritizes the well-being of all, VR can become a tool for education, social interaction, and entertainment that is accessible and beneficial to all.

Imagine immersive educational experiences where students can explore historical events or scientific concepts in a virtual environment. Imagine a world where social interactions transcend physical boundaries, allowing people to connect and collaborate globally. This is the future that QFS can help create — a world where technology serves humanity, not the other way around.

Reassessing Funds and Freeing Yourself from Evil

At the heart of GESARA is revaluation, a process that frees financial resources from the clutches of malevolent forces. This revaluation is not just about redistributing wealth; it is about freeing ourselves from a system that has perpetuated inequality and injustice. The current financial system is designed to enrich a select elite while leaving the majority in perpetual debt and poverty.

The GESARA revaluation aims to change that. By reallocating resources fairly, it ensures that financial prosperity is not limited to a privileged few, but is distributed equitably among all people. This is a transformative change that requires us to trust each other and the mission — to create a world where equality and justice are not just ideals, but realities.

The Inevitability of GESARA: A Global Transformation

GESARA is not a distant dream; it is an inevitability. The United States, often criticized as one of the most corrupt places on Earth, is poised for profound transformation. Quantum Financial System is leading the charge, dismantling old corrupt structures and paving the way for a new era of financial transparency and justice.

GESARA’s impact extends beyond national borders. It is a global movement that promises to uplift humanity as a whole. By embracing GESARA, we are committing to a future where financial systems are fair, transparent, and focused on the collective good. This transformation is not just necessary; it is inevitable. The old ways are crumbling, and a new dawn is upon us.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to spread this information far and wide. The Quantum Financial System,  XRP, XLM, GESARA, NESARA  — these aren’t just terms; they’re the keys to our financial liberation. By sharing this knowledge, we empower others to join us on this journey toward a brighter future.

Encourage your friends, family and social circles to adopt the QFS. This is not just a financial shift; it is a cultural and social transformation. By uniting under the banner of GESARA, we can create a world where financial systems serve humanity, not enslave it. The time to act is now.



RV and payment funds.

ALL exchanged currencies, as well as all funds to pay for Zim, will be placed in the accounts they open in the Quantum Financial System. Absolutely none of these funds will be deposited in the bank at the time of appointment. Bank computers cannot be programmed to transfer Digital Gold Certificates.

The QFS can and will transfer funds to a bank account as explained above, so that a person can transfer funds to their own bank account, but the need for this will become less and less as banks go into receivership and their customers’ deposits are seized to prevent the bank from disappearing. What bank can compete with the QFS when the QFS is free, secure, private and stable?

One of the main issues in the transition will be the use of debit cards for business purchases. Will VISA or Mastercard be available? We’ll see what the Alliance does, but there is still a lot of work to be done to change the structure of VISA or Mastercard to work with a QFS debit card – but it will happen eventually.

Merchant fees for VISA and Mastercard or any other card will be eliminated, so changes will occur. A major expense for credit card companies is stolen cards and fraud. The QFS eliminates all such fraudulent activities, including identity theft. The QFS security system will ensure our financial security as long as we use money to exchange goods and services.

Introducing “Financial Service Centers”. The future of the new financial services industry.
There is a need that the banking system has served for the entire society that cannot be eliminated in the new Quantum Financial System. The financial system is the glue that holds society together as we transact with each other.

It is necessary. As long as money is used to exchange goods and services, it is a service that must continue, hopefully in a better form. A position to perform this service is essential.

When the Zim Benefactors begin their humanitarian work, a new financial services industry will have to be created after the banks disappear. It is an important aspect of society that several Zim Benefactors have thought about.

For a business to succeed, the financial services industry is as important as putting food on the table and a roof over the heads of humanity. Again, it is the glue or mortar that holds the bricks of society together.

In the absence of any profits in the QFS structure, it is up to the Zim Benefactors with large sums of money to save the banking structure and create a new financial services industry called Financial Services Centres.

We can do this by buying the assets of the banking sector and converting the entire structure that currently exists into financial services centers. There is real estate, there is staff, and there are customers waiting to be served.

If we as a group of Zim Benefactors are able to find great people who want to continue serving, we can buy the assets, including the branches, and pay for the entire structure without incentivizing profit. So who among us Zim holders will accept $12 million to redeem a 100T Zim note? Only the uninformed who listen to the Deep State gurus.

Current senior and middle management employees, all the way up to the treasurers, can receive very high salaries provided by the revenue sharing solution structure. For their performance, they will receive Shares based on employment contracts, as well as the Individual Shareholder program.

All existing banks can be bought by Zim Benefactors and, given the timing, we can transform it from a sector in a failing society to one that is alive and well and serving the needs of the people.

Consumers will always need loans for cars, houses, etc. And they may need help learning how to use the QFS for their personal financial needs.

All this can be achieved by transforming the banking structure into financial services centers, a place where your questions can be answered.

Subject to customer consent, tellers will have access to their QFS accounts and will be able to assist them with obtaining cash, etc., as well as depositing checks into the QFS from their offices if they do not have RSS employment contracts.

For those involved in Love Won Society programs, it is not difficult to see some significant opportunities to serve our communities with many benefits to the basic fabric of society, the family. We have a lot of work to do to implement this new QFS in the company.

The QFS is our tool to do the work we came here to do. Our task will be to put ourselves in many roles that we may not have thought of until now.

The Spirit will help us as we ask for and receive divine guidance as we use our finances to serve our brothers and sisters in God’s family. We are here to change the way the world works, not just to help the poor.




🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



💥 VR Readiness Checklist –  Notification Elements


*Notification received

*Please turn off VPN and enable location services before scheduling an appointment. They may be checking your location for fraud purposes.

*Please schedule an appointment and print the confirmation if done online



* Turn on VPN and disable location services.

Your packing list

* 2 forms of identification

*2 proofs of residence

* 2 blue pens

* Coins and bonuses

* Currency Record Sheet

*Gift letters, if you have them

*NDA Exclusion List

* Notebook and pen

* Project plans (just in case)

* Receipts, if you have them

*Spare glasses

*Telephone contact sheet

* Warranty if you have one. Otherwise, a reliable prep sheet.

 Trailer consultation

*If you have a driver or private chauffeur, make sure he or she knows exactly where to drop off and park.

*Arrive on time, but no more than 15 minutes early

* Have your appointment documentation ready to present along with your ID to access the building entrance. It’s the same as boarding an airplane.

*Please note that one or more metal detection inspections may be performed. This is the same as boarding an airplane.

*Be prepared to perform biometrics at the VR center

o Wash your hands, don’t use too much lotion on your hands.

o This will include fingerprints, hand biometrics and eye scans (possibly)

* Create some text keywords for your family and use them as needed. These are just examples:

o Arrived safely at the exchange center: Alpha

o Complete exchange: Bravo

o Returned home or to another location: Charlie

o Arrived safely at the hotel: Delta

o Problems occurred: Foxtrot


* Make sure you are VERY clear about the terms of the final confidentiality agreement. No matter how excited you are, make sure you do not violate the terms you agreed to.

*If you have appointments scheduled for the future, keep a calendar to document them.

Post-exchange notifications

* Couple(s)

*Private banker

* Lawyers)

Social networks/communications

* Delete or delete all social media accounts.

* Delete unnecessary emails (incoming, outgoing and junk)

* Delete photos or videos from your phone that you don’t want them to see.

* Delete conversations in communication apps as they will likely be read and monitored from then on.

 • Be very careful about what you are sending to someone at that time.

Travel to the rescue center at night

*Be sure to make hotel reservations in advance and print your confirmation to take with you.

* Pack a carry-on bag for the night. Be prepared for costume changes to hide your identity. Hats, glasses, scarves, etc.

*Bring any medications you need.

*Charge all electronic devices the night before departure and keep chargers in your carry-on luggage as a backup.

*If you have children, pets, or family members who are not with you, make sure you have a plan in place to care for them so there are no distractions or interruptions. Tell your family not to contact you unless there is an emergency.

*Check-in at the hotel the night before. Please arrange with the concierge for a limousine and driver if you do not wish to drive or have a driver.

*Or arrange your transportation to and from the rescue center

* You shouldn’t drive alone, but let them. BUT, if you are driving alone, Google the route and practice it the night before to make sure there are no delays due to construction. If you have a driver, ask them to do this. Choose an alternate route in case there is a problem.

Do not travel at night

* Google the route and rehearse it the night before to make sure there won’t be any delays due to construction. If you have a driver, ask them to do this. Choose an alternative route in case there are any problems.

*If you have children, pets, or family members who are not with you, make sure you have a plan in place to care for them so there are no distractions or interruptions. Instruct family members not to contact you unless there is an emergency.

*If your redemption center is on a military base, DO NOT bring prohibited items onto the base.

o Weapons of any kind. Guns, knives with blades longer than 3”, etc.

the Ammunition

o Optics: cameras, binoculars

o Pets: They don’t mind comfort animals!

o Anyone not included in your booking unless you have previously agreed

o Illegal drugs of any kind


Tue Jul 30, 2024 Wolverine

  • Tue. July 30, 2024 Wolverine:  “I heard from the Asian country that Wednesday is D-day – liquid for them – spending money for their members. It will be very exciting for all of you. I want you to get ready, because Tier4B is coming, I can guarantee it. Keep an eye on your emails too. This will be the largest transfer of wealth in human history and you are all part of it – Always be thankful to the person who invited you, for this incredible blessing, for being called by God to change the world. I, for example, will be helping the people in Venezuela to help their suffering. God bless you.” …Wolverine

Wolverine Live Chat Sun. Jul 28, 2024:

  • It seems like everything is happening. Getting ready to sound the trumpets of freedom and drink that champagne and shout “FREEDOM”.  I got a call early this morning from my Brazilian counterpart, who is one of the biggest whales in Brazil, and he told me that the central bank is actually calling all the other banks that are part of the RV to start doing this (I think it will start today). I also had this confirmed by my other sources.
  • Things are definitely happening  , and I spoke to my contact who has contact with the Admiral’s group, and he’s expecting to hear from Reno  today  , so hopefully in a few hours we’ll have that news from Reno.
  • There’s not much  to Zurich.
  • I got a call  from the Pentecostal group (one of the big leaders) with an audio message saying that  today  he would actually start calling people  ,  and also the owner sent another post to us, and she is now starting to give out physical money to the members. It is a rollercoaster ride for this group.
  • I got some information that came in, so I’ll read it to you:    “I’m proud to report that the sovereign board and the US federal government  have ordered the Tier4A and Tier4B payments.  This will begin with Reno, Nevada, on  Monday, July 29th,  in the East Coast states.  Today at noon  on the East Coast, payments to small groups of holders will begin. In addition, Reno is working on payments to  T4A and T4B, as well, starting at noon.   They are releasing 1% funds to balance the bond trade balance.
  • It all starts on Mon. July 29th.  Starting with whales, platforms, foundations, private owners, quarterly Sovereign committee were made to hold this in Brazil, but small amounts were deposited for confirmation of all accounts.
  •  The 1%  payments will start this Wednesday  . Get ready, folks! I had this confirmed.
  • Precatorious will also start on Wednesday  . It looks like Pentecostal too, not sure about Wednesday but they said by the end of the month which is Wednesday.
  • It’s all coming, folks  . This is the month. Plus, the beginning of August is our month. I got this for you guys and you know Wolvie is always on the hunt, trying to get answers for you guys.
  • I hope the opera  will be released  this week  . God bless.
  • As a reminder, I’m leaving  . I’ve spoken to the people I’m supposed to meet, and it looks like everything is green there, so I have to leave very soon. So you won’t hear from me about the RV anymore. All you’ll hear is opera, and I’ll see you at the Sydney meetup.

BRICS gold currency expands with Malaysia joining: Will Singapore be next?  

Malaysia’s accession sets the stage for the BRICS gold-backed currency to revolutionize the critically important financial system in Southeast Asia.

This year marked a pivotal moment for the BRICS+ Alliance, with Malaysia’s decision to join the bloc reflecting a significant geopolitical shift in Southeast Asia.

In this article:
  1. The growing influence of the BRICS Alliance
  2. Malaysia’s key role and economic ties
  3. Southeast Asia’s shift away from the G7 Western Bloc
  4. Future implications for Singapore and the new BRICS gold-backed currency

As the BRICS Alliance grows in influence, Malaysia’s accession promises to reshape economic and strategic dynamics in the region, particularly with the possible introduction of a new gold-backed BRICS monetary system, UNIT.

The growing influence of the BRICS Alliance

The BRICS+ Alliance now represents nearly 45% of global oil reserves, 45% of the world’s population and 28% of the global economy.

The alliance’s strategic expansion includes plans for a commodities exchange and an independent financial structure, underscoring its growing global influence.

With the upcoming BRICS Summit in October, the bloc’s list of potential members continues to expand, highlighting its appeal as an alternative to the Western-dominated G7 alliance.

The proposed introduction of the UNIT system, a new gold-backed currency, further underscores BRICS’ ambition to reshape the global financial landscape.

Malaysia’s key role and economic ties

Malaysia’s application to join BRICS, formally submitted to Russia, reveals its strategic intent. The country’s growing economic ties with China and Russia reinforce its central role.

A recent bilateral trade agreement with China and increased exports from Russia illustrate Malaysia’s shift towards a multipolar economic partnership.

Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s foreign policy prioritizes international collaboration, aligning with the BRICS vision of economic growth and multipolarity.

Strengthening trade and economic ties

Malaysia’s trade with China has nearly doubled in the past decade, reaching $27 billion in 2023.

The two countries’ economic ties are focused on integrated circuits, oil gas, and equipment. Similarly, Malaysia’s exports from Russia have grown significantly, with a 44% increase between 2017 and 2022.

Major exports include crude oil and coal, while imports to Russia are mainly machinery, oils and various equipment.

Support for de-dollarization

Malaysia’s supportive stance on de-dollarization is another critical factor for its BRICS membership.

During Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s recent trip to China, he emphasized the need to reduce dependence on the US dollar in international trade, advocating the use of local currencies.

This aligns with the broader BRICS strategy of promoting financial sovereignty among its members.

Southeast Asia’s shift away from the G7 Western Bloc

The expansion of BRICS into Southeast Asia signals a broader regional shift.

Thailand’s formal application to join BRICS and Vietnam’s growing cooperation with Russia highlight a trend away from Western economic influence.

Malaysia’s accession to BRICS exemplifies Southeast Asia’s move toward a multipolar global order, reducing dependence on Western financial systems.

Strategic importance of Malaysia’s accession

Malaysia’s strategic location and economic potential make its participation in BRICS particularly significant.

Given NATO’s growing presence in Asia, Malaysia’s alignment with BRICS offers a counterbalance to Western influence in the region.

The timing of Malaysia’s request, coinciding with a visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, underscores the geopolitical significance of this development.

Future implications for Singapore and the new BRICS gold currency

Malaysia’s accession to BRICS sets a precedent for neighboring Singapore.

With its significant role in manufacturing, finance and transportation, Singapore’s potential involvement in BRICS could enhance the alliance’s economic and strategic capabilities. The introduction of the UNIT system, a BRICS gold-backed currency, could further revolutionize the global financial landscape.

City of Singapore, Republic of Singapore

If both Malaysia and Singapore participate in this new monetary system, it will be a game changer for the international financial order.

Potential benefits of the gold-backed UNIT system

The UNIT system aims to provide a stable and reliable alternative to the US dollar, backed by gold reserves. This new currency could facilitate smoother trade between BRICS members and reduce exchange rate volatility.

For Malaysia and Singapore, joining the UNIT system can offer significant economic benefits, including greater financial stability and improved trade efficiency.

Singapore’s strategic role

Singapore’s participation in BRICS and the UNIT system could further solidify Southeast Asia’s shift toward a multipolar global order.

As a major global financial, manufacturing and logistics hub, Singapore’s involvement would lend significant credibility to the UNIT system, attracting other nations to consider joining the BRICS alliance.

Singapore has a remarkable economic success story, evidenced by its high GDP per capita, which reached US$127,564.60 in 2022, significantly above the global average.

Its powerful economy is driven by strategic factors such as aggressive automation in manufacturing, a highly skilled and multilingual workforce, a business-friendly environment with low taxes and a strong rule of law, and a stable political system.

The country’s focus on export-oriented manufacturing and key sectors such as electronics, precision engineering, finance and insurance continues to drive growth.

The bottom line

Malaysia’s decision to join the BRICS Alliance marks a significant geopolitical shift in Southeast Asia. The move, driven by both economic and strategic considerations, underscores the growing appeal of the BRICS bloc as an alternative to the Western G7 alliance.

As Malaysia strengthens its ties with BRICS members and advocates for a multipolar world, the implications for regional dynamics and the future participation of countries like Singapore will be profound.

The possible introduction of the UNIT system, a gold-backed currency, further highlights the transformative impact of BRICS expansion on the global financial landscape.


BEN FULFORD: Pay attention to the near future. It’s very close: PROJECT ODIN=EBS

☀  We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a global communications blackout, which will lead us to a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate the military EBS.

☀  Star Link is active and apparently ready for the Army to activate the global Emergency Broadcast System.

☀  Project Odin, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform anti-cheat mechanism and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs, outside the reach of the Cabal.

☀  Q tells us that the Mossad media will be wiped out. They have repeatedly stated that there will be a big biblical scenario where they will present it as World War III, but in reality they will activate the military all over the world and then start bombing this entire satanic place.

☀  This will release NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.

What are some of the biggest Satanic Illuminati websites in the world? Q showed us things like:

* Vatican

* Buckingham Palace

* Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)

* 3GD in China

*Cern on the border between Switzerland and France, possibly

* Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel

*Israel/Khazarians control the CCP

* Communication, etc.

* 34 satanic buildings and dams will fall


* God Wands/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used in Satan-attack locations around the world

* Planes and trains will be stopped

*Lights/power will briefly turn off when switching to Tesla free power.

*Bitcoin server/data center will be hacked and shut down forever

* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese currencies

*ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals will be available

* A World War III horror event will occur.

* nuclear siren

* Aquatic events

* The stock market crashed

* Global martial arts rules.

* CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange Fund

*Quantum system

* Odin Project enabled


* Election disclosure through the Military Court – FISA

* Military trial

* 10 countries will implement EBS for global coverage

*Tremendous truths revealed

* Trump and Kennedy inaugurations

* THE ISRAELI MOSSAD controlled the world’s media outside the United States.

*Project Odin is part of Quantum Star Link

* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs outside the reach of the Cabal

* Satanic media assets will be removed.

*Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw

*Multimedia features will be removed.

*After disabling communications, John F. Kennedy Jr. will appear.

To convert themselves into Gesara/Greatness, they must play out this fake World War III scenario to sound the sirens in all National Military Command Centers.

This is to justify many things that happened all over the planet. The Military Gesara Law was implemented, which included secret military tribunals, confessions, executions, etc.

As always, all the armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children, and freed the world from corrupt and enslaving governments.



Judy Note: 

As of Tuesday, July 30, 2024,  the U.S. national debt (to the Deep State Cabal) has reached over $35 trillion. Although Congress is legally responsible for passing and adhering to a budget each year, they have never done so, to my knowledge, in my 80 years of life.

The Deep State Cabal bankers, the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS,  took our hard-earned US taxpayer dollars and spent them in fiat status, sending that money to the UK Crown in London where they used our money for their own vile purposes, including their underworld… [Content redacted]



The British Crown then sent US taxpayers’ money to the Vatican Bank  , where the Black, Grey and White Popes used it again for their own purposes, and then sent our money to their Central Banks around the World – where the bankers made even more money off of US taxpayers.

About a month later,  US taxpayers’ money was returned to a Cabal Deep State owned bank in New York where they charged us taxpayers interest for using our own money to pay the employees of their private company, US Inc.

This is where the national debt came from  : over $35 trillion in taxpayer money debt, caused by the Cabal, was now owed to the Cabal.

The money was then laundered through Congress  to various pet projects (where Congressmen could make even more money for themselves), including granting millions more to the…[Content redacted]

Members of the US Congress were well aware of this corrupt financial system  that has been in place since  1913  , but were blackmailed and given lots of money to do nothing about it — which they don’t, never have, and appear to have had no incentive to change the system in the future… until Trump came along.

  • Tue. July 30: It was confirmed that there were three shooters in the Trump assassination attempt:  “I think the first round is probably Crooks. The second round is Crooks. The third round is Crooks. I think those three rounds are Crooks. That’s my guess. Rounds four and five are from the same distance as Crooks, but they’re not Crooks. I think rounds four and five, right here, I think rounds four and five are from a rogue Secret Service team in the building that Crooks was on top of. So that’s my guess. Round six is ​​a mid-range shooter, round seven is a long-range shooter.” …Mike Adams
  • Tue. 30 July 2024 Israel attacks Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, prompting US warships to head towards the Lebanese coast.  …Saudi News Channel Al-Hadath,
  • Tue, Jul 30, 2024 Fires  are burning in every U.S. National Forest and in every state.
  • We’ll soon return to 1955 prices:  $8,000 in  1955  was roughly equivalent to $85,896.23 in today’s money, adjusted for inflation.
  • Tue. July 30 Venezuelan Election:  Communist dictator Nicolás Maduro has now activated the Venezuelan military to prevent people from voting because the opposition turnout is HISTORIC. Please pray for the people of Venezuela.
  • Pay attention to Turkey, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Europe.  Why? Because these are the countries that are doing the dirty work of subjugating Israel. Not Donald Trump! Trump did his job when he offered Benjamin Netanyahu a peace deal. He was refused. Iraq will be the powerhouse alongside America in the Middle East. Not Israel. How? Because Israel does not control the trade routes necessary to have the contracts necessary to have close diplomatic ties with other countries that share its vision of conquest that will support it. That is why Benjamin Netanyahu came crying to the US Congress for more money. …Wikileaks Hidden Truth on Telegram:
  • Tue, July 30, 2024 Situation Update:  Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Banks closing. BRICS announces new quantum financial system. Mass arrests of global elites happening. We have to save the children!

Global Currency Reset:

Tue Jul 30, 2024 Bruce, The Big Call  The Big Call Universe (    667-770-1866  ,  pin123456#

  • Tier4b  (we, the Internet Group) may be notified to set redemption commitments on  Wednesday, July 31st  , and begin commitments on  Thursday, August 1st  , or be notified on  Thursday, August 1st,  and begin commitments on the  same day  .
  • On Tuesday, July 30, bankers and payers  associated with Wells Fargo, Bank of America and HSBC were working to obtain information, consolidate procedures and finalize.
  • Payers have paid bondholders.
  • An email from the US Treasury  was sent tonight to Paymasters telling them to enter their codes and ID to fund the rest of their Bond Holders, but the computer would not let them complete the transaction. They were instructed to wait until morning to finish the job.
  • We’re told  that the restitution and recovery benefits will be paid in the  first week of August  – which is, of course,  this week  .
  • The payers  said everything is finished and Iraq is ready.
  • When Tier4b is paid,  we will hydrate the banks.

Restored Republic:

  • IMAGINE America with government “of, by, and for the people”  … QTrump on Telegram  Tue Jul 30, 2024This vision STILL LIVES  in the hearts of most Americans, but we have LOST it.
    Assange:  98% of DC is corrupt, so — get rid of centralized power in Washington
    The power of the federal government  today comes from MONEY PRINTING
    that is ENDING  — the world rejecting “dollars out of thin air”
    Power will reside  in the TRUE strength of America: THE PEOPLE
    Wealth comes from the ground up  ; sovereign STATES again
    RETURN to the America  established in the CONSTITUTION
    The ground beneath our feet  is now “flowing like wax”

World Alliance Storm Operations happening in unison:

  • At the same time, in the US,  Trump exposed the corrupt judicial system and military coup that is connected to former presidents/current President Biden (the same presidents who fund and funnel money to Ukraine).
  • Muhammad Bin Salam  (a great friend of Trump) ends the fiat US dollar of the CIA Deep State that has controlled the governments of the world, abandoning the US dollar.
  • Trump’s operations expose the CIA and Five Eyes agencies and the military coup.


Blackout confirmed
Phase 1 now active



This is not a test.
The last day was Tuesday, July 30, 2024
System collapse
Public Removal End of Biden


 “Those who understand the movie, understand the moves. Those who understand the codes know what is coming. God is in control. That is a fact. Pray and stay positive. The best is yet to come. God bless you all.”

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