” We have a new extraordinary Event occurring in our skies as SIRIUS (the GREAT CENTRAL SUN – the HQ of God’s Blue Light and Ray 1, who is also our planet’s Higher Presence, goes ECLIPSED! By an asteroid.
Its shadow will be briefly visible along a narrow corridor of South American countries.
On, IST Feb 19th between 10:40 AM to 11:00 AM. / GMT 5:10 AM – 5:30 AM
Lets observe what happens to the world – and human lives during this eclipse.
Its definitively a Huge PORTAL for connection with the Lodges, Temple, Karmic Board in Sirius and with the Sirian Masters (such as Jesus Lord Sananda and Mother Mary), Sirian Ascended Master Teachers ( such as Lord Logos Buddha), and the members of the Galactic Karmic Board. Sirius is where the Great White Brotherhood and other spiritual councils and authorities convene to discuss the many missions and concerns that effect all within this galaxy. Sirius hosts the most advanced educational institutes.
The Eclipse of our parent planet is happening a month prior to the beginning of the end of Kali Yuga. I leave it for you to ponder over the significance of this Eclipse.
Full Moon in Magha, Regulus (Orion). Magha Purnima
Second SuperMoon. This is considered to be the largest and brightest full moon of the year bringing in Cosmic Light and Rays from the Higher Realms.
Full Moon in this nakshatra (constellation) connected directly to SIRIUS, shall ignite memories of your original Monad and Soul Lineage – your original home and, connect you to your true bloodline and DNA root and to the unique karmic legacy they have left you. The ancestors of your lineage shall send you Healing Light thru the Portal of this full moon. Connect with them even if you dont yet recall where you are from. They are your Monad and Soul Families that stem from your Monad and Soul Rays. This is the reason the Deity of this nakshatra is Pitra – the original forefathers of earth and your lineage. This Portal shall open up corridor for communication with them.
The planet connected to this constellation is Ketu. Remember my article on the beginning of the end of the Kali Yuga period? When Ketu enters Sagittarius and goes conjunct with Saturn and Pluto – March 24th heralding the beginning of the end of a long dark spiralling downward era of millions of years. This “beginning” of the end ends in Dec after which begins the “END" prd of Kali Yuga with 2020 – 2024/25 when no longer shall retribution be easy. That shall be the peak of evil leading to the toughest measures to redeem karma. This is termed as the ‘ECLIPSE YEARS”.
Magha is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and Vedically this shall be the “Most Powerfully Charged Full Moon of the year 2019″.
So, the entire day (in my IST zone) of 19th (cld be 18th for the east) is embroiled in energies from Sirius and Orion, our ancestral lineage, awakening us to CONNECT with them in order to get ready for whats coming in March and shall peak by Dec 2019 till 2024/25.”
Location Local Time Time Zone UTC Offset
Los Angeles (USA – California) Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 07:50:00
Mumbai (India – Maharashtra) Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 21:20:00 IST
UTC (GMT) Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 15:50:00
Sangeeta Handa