You are currently viewing QUANTUM EVOLUTION ~ NAVIGATING THE ENERGETIC LABYRINTH * Open your Door to your Kingdom and Wear your Crown ~ 9th WAVE CEREMONY
amethyst love






Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Freedom Holders of Angelic Divine DNA Codes of the 144

We have a very powerful week energetically beginning today with a Grand Water Trine in the Heavens above, Pluto in his final weeks of Capricorn to transition into the Sign of Aquarius in November for the next 20 years and the Full Supermoon in Aries Thursday the 17th.

With these Celestial Alignments we are calling in our Highest Timeline and catalyzing the Ascension Process into the Alchemy of the Five Elements as we transmute lead to Gold symbolizing the transformation of the lower 3d form into 5d Lightbodies as Avatars of New Earth.

Our local Soularis has also become very active again today releasing 9 C Class Solar Flares and 3 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.9 at 2:13 UTC bringing in more of the Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.

In this time of the Great Shift of the Ages we shall be redeemed and released from all slavery systems and nefarious time loops of archonic influence as the Freedom Codes are full integrated into our 12 Strand DNA and bridge in our 13th Strand of the Cosmic Mother Goddess in the Center of the Spiral of Creation.

Keep the Faith and Hope alive as we Hold the Divine Threefold Flame within your Sacred Heart Centers and we step over the Holy Threshold of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!!











Last Night In Powerful Convergence With Other Women I Witnessed The Golden Mother Of Dragons, Rise, Reform, To Be The Magnetic Generating Engine Of The Central Sun.
amethyst love
amethyst love


Beautiful 😍 Andara Sacred Cosmic Ray’s Divine Activation/ Sacred Pathways of Atlantis ! We are Activating the Atlantean Diamond SUN Star Grid Systems! We are Accessing Beautiful Crystal Pyramids/ Temples within these Beautiful Waters.
Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️ Diamond Star Codes 🌟
Unicorn Christed Diamond Keys
Cosmic Rainbow 🌈 Ray’s.
Andara Sacred Cosmic Ray
Andara Sacred Cosmic Ray
It is time to drop the sword and yield.
The fight is over.
The blade has to drop.
You are no longer the warrior.
Your job now is to wear the Crown 👑
It’s your time now to fully embrace your destiny.
Everything you have been asking for exists when you wear your crown 👑 not when you yield the blade.
So yield – let the battles go and leave it behind.
Your job now is not to hold the blade or be on guard.
Your job now is to open your door to your Kingdom.
The more you do this – the more you will find your people.
You have made it – so drop the blade.
Open your door to your Kingdom and wear your Crown 👑
Your mercy is your greatest gift.
Sit in peace. The battles are over.
Wear your Crown
Wear your Crown

10/14/24: This is October’s second karmic debt day and it’s all about freedom. We begin today from within (as always) where we instantly face the challenges of self-imposed limitations… the opposite of freedom. Debt is incurred if these restrictions are enough to provoke excessive behaviors… too much freedom. So true freedom is about the balance between too little and too much. We are free to succeed and fail.
We are free to learn hard lessons and grow from them. We are free to enter the Right Action of Flow. And so is everyone else. Freedom comes with responsibility and consequences. Misuse can lead to abuse, anarchy, and chaos. True freedom comes from inner harmony and a peaceful heart.
true freedom
true freedom


Bifurcation event effects are occurring modestly on the energetic level. Preparation experiences have been set in motion that are facilitating a more concrete distinction between the two timelines.
The past two or three weeks has promised more than anticipated in this time of Ascension and the Divine Benevolent Negativity are having a great energetic effect at supporting more of an advancement forward.
Your physical vessels are being restored to the advanced level that they were at several weeks ago. This will result in higher quality Crystalignation and the physical vessels will feel rejuvenated and invigorated. The mental conscious capacity is also being increased in conjunction with, and as a result, of the higher capacity of the energetic field of Each.
There has been two modest applications from the SunSon to facilitate and substantiate the footing for the New Higher Timeline, with yet a more substantial effect from an X Flare still possible in the coming days. The variability is caused by the choices and decisions of many Souls, simply, the higher choices made has a greater impact on both timelines forward.
There are many “Awakened”, yet there are few that are fully Awake presently, and this is what is changing now, more are Awakening to higher levels, causing more of an alignment with the overall Ascension and Divine Plan for Earth and the Human Souls that presently reside here. More are Divinely Realizing the higher Truth, and with this higher Truth, are able to “move bigger mountains”.
God’s Will is being established on Earth as Promised and is an integral part of the Ascension, that once completed, many of You can go “Home”.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All
Rick Jewers
I am so grateful for truly every breathing moment now, holds so much soul growth on all levels.
It is for us to be open to the mystery, the majesty, the infinite possibilities which are now opening, to a far greater way of life.
It is unfolding with every breathing moment, when we are open to receiving gratefully, and gracefully with open hearts and souls, all which we can now access, which we never could access before.
All is already there within your own soul and its infinite connection as one with your monad, and the Mighty I AM Presence.
I have experienced so many moments since my deepest awakening, where I experience multi-dimensionality, and where I understood that there are so many existences, even on this earth, which all exist simultaneously, and we can only tune into all of this, when we are ready for it. Yet, this is not supernatural – it a in truth a natural state of Being and the tribal people have known this all along.
Indeed, the more conscious we become, the more the inner seeing opens, and with it, we can expand into multiple states for the physical body, is but an illusion, as the soul is not bound by the physical, but can simultaneously tune in, if we are open to such multi-seeing, hearing and knowing.
I had a deep conversation with a friend today, who has swum with the dolphins and whales in the Pacific, and has connected with communities of souls, all over the world, as she was called to do so. She is an artist who works with the power of waters, and then assists other souls to connect with the water element, during meditation, and then to paint with water colors what they have tuned into. This is not only profoundly healing, but indeed brings out the true essence and beauty of their own souls.
We all have so many multiple gifts, talents and abilities opening up now, and we are all part of a one single whole, who are anchoring in the New Golden Age, with love, joy and soul inspired.
All is One.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel Holeman
Mighty I AM Presence
Mighty I AM Presence
The next few months of our ascension process are pivotal. Earlier this year, my friend Diana Cooper was asked how many people on Earth are currently connected to their Monads, and the answer, through the Intergalactic Council, was 37%. While that number might seem small compared to the billions of souls here, it’s actually incredible. The goal now is to reach 50% by the December Solstice.
If 50% of humanity becomes connected to the Light of their Monad, it will be a game changer for the world. In the past, Earth’s low frequency brought humanity to the brink of destruction, but a few powerful souls connected to their Divine Presence held enough light to save it. Now, as more people awaken, the collective power, light, and unity will be much greater.
At 50%, Monadic Consciousness will dominate, making the ascension process unstoppable. While it won’t transform the world overnight, it will mark a significant shift, allowing the wrongs of the world to begin to heal and transform within the flow of heart-centered energy.
If you’re feeling pressure, it’s because we are being tested to hold the light and frequency necessary for the next phase. This is a step in the right direction, and the excitement many of us feel about the future will soon become reality.
How are you feeling about this shift, and what are you doing to stay connected during these pivotal times?
 ascension process
ascension process


for full Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

Ascension Awakening Update – 14th October 2024.

Two days previously there have been high energies were flowing through which activated many Kundalini states of Bliss golden light through out our bodies. So this may have appeared for some as heightened senses dialled up, buzzing in the ears, waves of energy flowing through the Middle Pillar, Pressure around the head, hot and cold flushes and or not able to sleep. Followed by tiredness. So allow rest to assimilate is the guidance.
For we are being prepared for huge contact globally and collectively with Divine Galactic Beings. This has been a gradual process which as we are now experiencing is increasing at an accelerated rate. For the Light quota which is flowing from Source through our Sun is ramping up. And many are feeling now that the veils that once were are no longer. Which means Gaia along with the Collective have ALREADY shifted into 5D.
It is up to us individually to just BE in this resonance. And so it is not linear. it is much more magical the process of this evolution to 5D. I now realise this. It is like a beautiful dance like a cha cha! And like nature which is creation it is a beautiful organic process. WE are being birthed and are birthing ourselves.
We are SO held as we discover how wondrous we are.
We will understand what is occurring from the parameters of where we are residing. This is our perception. And as we shift and evolve into expanding into more lighter frequencies and dimensions so does our perception. And thus our learning and understanding.
The shift is not linear. It is so much more vast than that. As we are moving from 3d to 4d to 5d that is just a simple way to assist our ego minds to understand and feel safe. This Linear perspective is just how we interpret and understand when we are residing in systems of being.
Some of you may know that I was gifted premonition dreams a few years back. This was to assist give us ‘heads up’. And because we are sovereign and not all is therefore set in stone. We are choosing ‘all the time’.
It is our Higher Selves that are preparing us. Those aspects that have been are residing in the Lighter dimensions. Which are resonating and collaborating with the Ascended Ones. All these Beings if you like are not here to dictate. They are assisting and guiding and may actually at times take a step back. So we can ‘find our feet’. Discover for ourselves. And then they may come back more fully when we ASK.
It is our Soul Agreement to be here at this time.And so we are lightening up! So that we can be the vessel to hold these aspects of our Higher Soul parts.And so there will be also mass – what some might call ‘walk-ins’. Really they are Soul Retrievals.
There are a few Gatekeepers which I am one – who have experienced this prior to the many who can be guides.
And there are many who are not even aware – or I could say have yet to fully embrace that they too are Gatekeepers.
If you are reading hearing this you are a Gatekeeper for the Collective. So there are waves. First a few individuals. Then small groups. Then the Collective. We are heading for a HUGE WAVE Awakening – again! And so here we are.
I am so grateful to be living in a place where I am blessed with so much Love health beauty and peace.
Sending much LOVE
Ascension Awakening
Ascension Awakening


Dear friends, as we navigate the cosmic landscape of this new week and the upcoming Supermoon energies, we find ourselves at the threshold of a profound balancing act. The universe, in its infinite wisdom, presents us with a complex dance of energies.
This celestial landscape post-eclipse season is awakening within us the power of unexpected transformations. Expect surprises, whether they manifest as unexpected encounters, financial shifts, political upheavals, or sudden revelations.
The universe’s message as we approach the middle of this month is clear: trust your inner wisdom. Raise your vibration, and exit the labyrinth of uncertainty. Trust your body’s intuition to guide you. Make a wish, and expect the best. Above all, believe in yourself.
As we approach the October 17 Supermoon in Aries, the cosmic energies will intensify. This potent lunar event ignites our inner flame, fueling passion, drive, and motivation. The energies will amplify emotional intensity, inspiring courageous action and relationship transformations. This Supermoon also brings opportunities for emotional release and healing.
The Supermoon’s opposition with the Sun in Libra highlights the delicate balance between independence and interdependence. Chiron’s influence next to the Full Moon brings old emotional vulnerabilities to the surface, while Mars and Jupiter inject confidence and expansive thinking into this week’s energetic tapestry.
As we navigate this complex cosmic week, remember that every decision presents a unique opportunity for growth. The universe is guiding you to listen to your heart and trust your instincts. Do what you do with love, and the path ahead will reveal itself. Embrace this moment, and allow the universe to guide you toward balance, wisdom, and inner peace.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as the last Supermoon of the year approaches. Have a wonderful week! Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Currently a profound planetary recalibration is occurring across various dimensions, representing energetic, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and cosmic aspects. This process involves rewriting deeper internal light codes, propelling many ascending individuals into a new quantum based reality, greatly enhancing self’s abilities and Soul remembrance.
The Ascending are experiencing Significant Internal shifts activating truthful and new perspectives and opportunities to close many chapters at one time , to release old internal patterns , wounds and attachments.
Through healing and self-reflection the ascending are becoming more capable of aligning with true self to avoid repeating past misalignments. Obstacles are now being removed, rewards for the consistent soul / ascension work allowing for conscious intentions to effortlessly manifest. Balanced energies are filtering through the planetary energies making these next few months of this year highly charged .
In 2024 significant progress has so far been made in various aspects of ascension . This year has served for laying a stronger foundation for new earth living moving forward , establishing a solid base for future development and evolution . Many ascending individuals are experiencing the fulfillment and realisation of long-held dreams during this time. This marked the conclusion of karmic chapters in life.
In the past 24-48 hours, purifying energies have been pouring in to our earths fields activating the Crown Chakra. This influx of higher energy may bring up aspects of the pain body, leading to various symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, head fuzziness, pressure, spaciness, dizziness, anxiety, hip or lower back pain, nervous system dis-regulation, cravings for sugar, carbs, or substances.
Ascension symptoms are physical manifestations that include body aches, pains, excess energy, or fatigue, Sleeping issues , vivid dreams , headaches sinus pressure , ear ringing or aching , eye blurring , neck stiffness , abdominal sensitivity , profound healing and transformation is taking place .
Receiving sudden bursts of insight and Cosmic Downloads that create shifts in self-perception, influencing tangible changes in new earth physical reality.
The spaciness that some may be experiencing is a result of being grounded on Earth while simultaneously feeling connected to the outer cosmos. It can create a strong sensation of needing to be in another place or being shown glimpses of other locations without knowing where they are.
All areas of life for the ascending are being turned around, offering multiple perspectives for closer examination. Things may feel out of focus or uncertain for a time making it challenging to discern what brings joy or lack thereof.
The ascending during this time will notice subtle but real transformative changes in self and in life. Birthing newfound ways of seeing and doing things that alter the path, leading to the “go with the energy flow” attitude , guided now by higher self direction . Having created space for miracles and blessings, making what was once out of reach now within self’s grasp.
In the coming weeks many will receive further evidence that things are changing for the better, preparation for the next Ascension phase is well under way . The energies in 2024 have been flowing powerfully since October and November 2023 , those times were necessary catalysts for Ascension 2024 energies , preparing the collective for the heightened incoming light frequencies.
The Ascending are Preparing for the arrival of new connections that will resonate at a much higher vibrational frequency, aligning naturally with self’s current energetic state New Earth energies will align with Starseed reality on our planet. profound DNA and Lightbody upgrades are taking place . This may result in temporary emotional turbulence and heightened sensitivity to the collective energies at play.
For most of the ascending there is no turning back into stagnate comfort zones, The only way forward in new earth energy is through the internal purging shadow self phase. While many have elevated their consciousness, they are also needed in support to their loved ones , to guide through their own soul transformations .
The collective purpose of Starseeds is well underway on earth driven by the energetic power of Divine love, encouragement, and inspiration.
As the ascending move purposefully towards higher levels of the awakening state the interconnectedness of Ascending souls will become increasingly evident.
Many are overcoming Emotional past difficulties in relationships and all connections . Self-love is what strengthens and supports the heart’s healing attracting what self truly desires. Recognising fears as feedback to catalyse growth and transmutation. Letting go of subconscious expectations of relationships and friendships to see far beyond the illusions at play .
Starseeds are in a new position here on our ascending planet , the new earth ascension energies are providing stability, strength, endurance , flow and grounding . This is assisting in Releasing residual fears regarding close and intimate connections to energetically expanding into Creator Source unconditional love energies. By delving deeper into who self truly is , expanding into the open heart space and into a life aligned in peace , love and harmony this is the natural state of the metaphysical self .
The Ascending one by one are Creating and expressing the embodiment of new earth energy. The Abundant flow of energies are expanding on this planet , expecting incoming and imminent soul rewards from consistent inner conscious work , sovereignty, dedication , hardship , resiliency , wisdom, endurance , healing the self and the inherited wounds , over coming great amounts of stored cellular sufferance.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️
Cosmic Downloads
Cosmic Downloads




For The Hu-man Path Is Uprising As The Evolutionary Path Awakens To The Quantum Presence Of New Light Synergies.
Quantum Codes Of Light Advancing All Species.
For The Crystalline Signature Of Light Is Upgrading.
A Quantum Metamorphosis 🙏
The Grand Rising 🙏
The Cellular Representation Of The New Light Alliance Is Now Uprising In All Beings 💫
For The Cellular Formation Of Light Is Called Forth Now To Expand, Amplify The DNA Light Signatures Encoded Within All Beings.
I Am Shown This Amplification Now Uprising As The Cosmic Light Alliance Of The Universe Brings Forth The Necessary Light Codes To Uprise And Revolutinise All Beings.
I Am Shown This Vibrational Light Sigmature Is Like A New Ingredient Added To A Recipe. It is This Addition That Is Awakening The Fundamental Light Of Now, Coupled With The Ancient Earth Codes, Uprising In A New Light Format.
The Is A Pivotal Aspect Of Gaia’s Evolution, As The Light Advancement Continues To Be Initiated And Upgraded In Light Layers.
The Evolutionary Timeline Of Gaia Is Uprising, Evolving Into The Present Moment We Now Experience On Many Quantum Levels ❤
Thank You For Being Alive In The Present Earth System 🙏
Together We Ride The Light Waves Of Creation
With Love, With Light
Global Light Evolution, Uprising 🙏
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

There is so much Collective clearings breaking you free to move into your own timeline. Anxiety is clearing to help you feel confident enough to take action steps forward. Trust your intuition that is more aligned than the ego. It’s leading you to the Kingdom lifestyle God has Chosen for you. If you are confused, get grounded and connect in with your higher self guiding you through these endings and beginnings.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Tree Kingdom
Tree Kingdom

Today’s astrology is nothing short of holy wow batman!

At 6pm EST, USA, the skies will give us a Grand Trine in the Water Signs, a Mystic Rectangle, two T-Squares, and two Cradles that form a Castle!
Although this will hit in different houses depending on your location, this will be nothing short of intense, auspicious, and deeply magical.
Expect massive downloads, psychic channelings, epiphanies that take us deep and wide into the unknown, and waves of power packed energy pulsing towards us that we will have to govern with discipline, strength, and wisdom.
Think of it like a visionary quest that will put us in front of several gates. Each gate governs a rite of passage. One is to show us how to wield our power with purpose and self control. Another crosses into territory to allow our emotions to unite us with our sacred partnership, ascended divinity, and 5D soul flames. Another brings us to the place where our shadows reside, so we can transmute them into fires of the phoenix, and rise from the ashes of their destruction.
Each T-Square however, represents the dragons of raw energy we must outwit, battle against, or tame. Can we move through the realms of the further gates without injury to them or ourselves? The dragons at first appear threatening but in reality, they are the guardians we must align with in order to gain their permission from to pass through unharmed.
The castle lay ahead where the mystics meet to convene about otherworldly matters; those especially that govern our purpose, higher calling, and magical capabilities we are cultivating in this 3D world. Responsibilities and consequences are the fence lines. Between them lay a valley we must walk through.
Up ahead lay the castle. Do we have what it takes to gain entry? Have we earned a place within its walls? Are we worthy?
Debbie Edwards
On Monday, October 14th, lovely Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, in focused Scorpio is opposing Uranus, ruler of change and liberation, in steadfast Taurus. Venus in Scorpio is passionate and deep, and with Uranus opposing her she is feeling an itch for freedom and redirection.
How will it affect us? Your values may be shifting and your feelings about yourself may be becoming more empowered. This may lead you towards the exploration of new horizons and inner transformation. Nothing and no one is going to hold you back! You are awaking to a deeper aspect of your spiritual truth!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
 Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, in focused Scorpio
Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, in focused Scorpio
Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Libra, opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries, square Mars in Cancer and trine Jupiter in Gemini. Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus retrograde in Taurus – ‘Go back to bed’ says Mars. Jupiter has other ideas, big ones, small ones. ‘Things to do and people to see’ says the sky god, throwing off the covers. We stumble across the floor, stub our toes on the T-Square, swear, hop, try to find our balance. Somewhere someone is laughing, even if only in our distant past, and now the heat of shame comes, the horror of ridicule. Oh, for a witch’s wand to cast it all away and start again.
‘Do it!’ says Mars.
Lilith obliges.
Yes, the week starts as it means to go on and times are tumultuous. But there’s energy here to tap, ideas to expand upon, conversations to have, magic in your soul. Free your heart from fear. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Make a mental note of your triggers. Go on an inner journey. Here is an opportunity to discover your true strength. Ask yourself, what do I want and what do I need? Have faith. Maybe there is a way to bring it all together.
Degrees and Times
Sun 21°Li14′, Chiron 21°Ar14′ R – 03:28 (BST)
Sun 21°Li17′, Jupiter 21°Ge17′ R – 04:52 (BST)
Sun 21°Li28′, Mars 21°Cn28′ – 09:15 (BST)
Venus 26°Sc30′, Uranus 26°Ta30′ R – 23:21 (BST)
Sun, Black Moon Lilith 22°Li04′ R – 23:41 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – Fire Dance by Paul Gauguin
Fire Dance
Fire Dance


Sean Caulfield


It is a Sacred CEREMONY to align with True Time and is from 14 to 31 October 2024….starting with 3-Eagle on 14 Oct, activates, heightened aspirations and taking new aim, sees the larger view.
The 9th Wave CEREMONY to align with True Time is about holding the intent of being in resonance with the ascension process of New Earth. This starts with transcending the duality of the mind and intending from the heart…
…..…..Being aligned with true time is about transmuting and transcending time manipulation, because it is time manipulation that has caused the distortion in the world we live in and this has allowed the dark forces that don’t have our best interest at heart to work through our individual and collective human soul, causing a self sabotaging destructive effect…
It is time understand this fact and course correct and be in resonance with true time, because true time is Universal, once we are in resonance with true time the dark forces of control – that exist immature to the evolution of Universal Source, and hence need to possess our soul to survive – will no longer be allowed to…
When one understands the Universal timing codes of evolution, reflected in the 9 Level calendar of the ancient Maya/Aztec, one is aligned with true time, true time is “time” that exists true to itself, it has no flaws or distortions; it is when we are honest, pure and true to ourselves that we are in resonance with true time, true time exists without any shadows of doubt, because it is doubt that creates uncertainty and this traps us in time manipulation, time manipulation hooks our multidimensional soul into the physical dimension only, and then we are like pawns to the system and we are able to be manipulated, this is what almost everything in the physical is doing to the outer world, the physical traps our inner worlds spiritual light with desires and wants, it is our disconnection from Universal Source that has taken our soul off course from Earth’s ASCENSION…
9th Wave Frequency is key…
The ceremony to be aligned with true time is about being alive and conscious in physical form yet at the same time to transcend the duality of it and be free; this means to be in resonance with the 9th Wave Frequency. But why do we need to do this, because otherwise we are caught in the limitations of the physical dimension and not able to be multidimensional Universal Souls in physical form, hence we are caught in limitation if we are not in resonance with the 9th Wave Frequency.….so we need to understand the 9th Wave Frequency to understand how to be in resonance with true time, once we are in resonance with true time we are FREE, once we are free we are at peace, and Earth is a Portal of Cosmic Peace.
The 9th Wave Frequency is a timing code, and it aligns to and emanates from the top 9th Level of the 9 Level calendar, because it is from the top it is the highest most condensed of the 9 frequencies, and this was activated in 2011, this codes gives an understanding of time acceleration and our Cosmic Ascension…
Deeper insights to follow…
Event, “CEREMONY to align with True Time.
9th Wave calculator –

Kin 99 ~ Blue Galactic Storm

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. The 8th day of a wavespell is always gentle and this number is easy to get along with as it tones down any day it is combined with. I sometimes refer to the number 8 as the Smurfy number. Remember today to be gentle and to pursue harmony! Integrity is also a keyword associated with this number and when you think about it, one can not find harmony, if one does not have integrity in check.
Today is the Blue Storm and its keywords are ‘Self-Generation, Energy and Catalyze’. Stormy days are usually disruptive, depending of course of when it occurs. When Storm falls on the 8th day which is a harmonious energy, this calms the storm down and the changes it brings are more helpful and less destructive. The combination of day and number results in ‘Change through Harmony’. So, no storms in teacups today but gentler forces facilitating change with less resistance. You won’t get blown away today but may find something nice happens out of the blue. The Blue Storm does get bad press unfortunately and that’s because when changes come along, they are often disruptive and unexpected. Sadly, not everyone likes surprises.
The Guide today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin, and a great guiding force because like the number 8 the Blue Night has gentle energy. Our dreams guide our actions today and this leads to pleasant changes. Whenever this gentle dreamer is the guide we are encouraged to use our imagination. No dream is too big today as the aspects of the day make it ideal for dreams coming true.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon which represents going with the flow. If you are a Red Moon, then it is likely you dread Storm days because they usually disrupt your flow but today won’t be so bad because of the harmony of the number eight. This easy going number has energy that any one can enjoy, even those who are unfortunately in the challenge position today. If you are not a Red Moon, you won’t be as affected by this aspect but still we may all have issues today with letting go.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. The winds of change bring opportunities for magical communication today. Often a forgotten aspect of Storm days, the Occult power of the White Wind brings good tidings and surprise news. It is also perfect for reading books about magic and studying Occult topics.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you need help today finding harmony in the storm, locate a Yellow Sun as they find Storm days a breeze! If you are a Yellow Sun, expect to enlighten others about harmony and expect to be called upon for support.
Kin 99
Kin 99

Christina Papageorgiou

8 CAUAC – KIN 99
14 OCTOBER 2024



Modeling energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I AM guided by the power of ABUNDANCE


14/10/2024 = 14/10/8 = 5/18=5/9=14=5
14- Media/Publicity/Promotion/Recognition
5- Freedom/Change/Transformation/Liberation/Movement
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy

KIN 99 – 9+9=18 = 9 – COMPLETION!! Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace


A catalytic day for tremendous transformation 🌀🌀🌀 and LIBERATION!


Day 8 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we integrate all the energy that has been catalyzed through allowing the transformative energies to purify and cleanse us, particularly in regards to our mental processes, facilitating greater WISDOM and uninterrupted pathways to ABUNDANCE!.🌻🌞🌻


GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being? Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies.

Anything that is not congruent with these higher principles will be revealed in order to be transformed and harmonized. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.

At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it! DIVINE ABUNDANCE is flowing today!💰✨💰✨💰✨

Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE in order to catalyze more energy, allowing TRUE ABUNDANCE to flow freely?”

Divine blessings for the STUPENDOUS flow of infinite goodies today! Let’s tear down those dam walls and let the Universal Waters flow…🌊🌊🌊💰✨💰✨

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC STORM 🌀🌩- CAUAC catalyzes the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. We have DOUBLE STORM energies with the yearly RHYTHMIC STORM amplifying the GALACTIC STORM energies – continuing to MOVE US forward at an accelerated pace! CHANGE is the new NORMAL.
B;UE STORM breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flames of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these storms, for you will be reborn as the DIVINE HU-MAN.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to surrender everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you are. You step into the realm of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
The harmonic wisdom embodied in CAUAC is LIBERATION!💥 Today we have a 5.5. DOUBLE FREEDOM portal. This GALACTIC STORM is powerfully seeking to transform our PLANETARY ABUNDANCE.
BLUE STORM 🌪🌪arrives to set you FREE, breaking the chains that bound you. CAUAC seeks to LIBERATE you from the constraint of karma, necessity, or circumstances in one’s choices or actions.
FREEDOM is an open reality wherein you know that you have a CHOICE in every moment and can exercise your FREE WILL to choose your path. This state of being originates from an innate perception of reality. It is the understanding that you are an ‘actor’, free to play any part at any moment without being attached to it. You work with your life’s ‘scripts’, your attachments and perceptions, in order to free them. From this perspective comes the fullest freedom: learning to live in natural harmony and union with DIVINE WILL.🙏🙏🙏
Governments, Leaders, Rulers and corporations MUST abide by ✨DIVINE LAW✨ and respect the rights and FREEDOM of the people.. This is the new model. Anybody that breaches this will be contravening Universal Law and will NOW be made accountable for their actions and consequences.
The great LIBERTY BELL🔔 is sounding NOW –
The GREAT PURGING is unfolding! 🌀🌪🌧🌀
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT 🌃 AKBAL works synergistically with CAUAC to LIBERATE you from your unconscious blocks and constraining patterns. You can dive deep into the abyss and continue to PURGE all those FEARS that have built up a dam wall to the free flowing abundance. Clearing all the LACK and scare-city programs from your past experience both personally and collectively. This gives you the wisdom to LEARN from what held you back and restricted you in the past.
✨It is TIME to KNOW in the core of our being that COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE💰🌞 is our BIRTHRIGHT and the natural harmonic order of the Universe. ✨✨✨
It is TIME for EQUITABLE ABUNDANCE💰💰💰 on our bountiful planet. No longer will we tolerate the hoarding of money, GOLD, resources and wealth by the 1%, who have bleeded the masses dry through their global dominance of financial systems. Unethical and manipulative means of acquiring wealth at the expense and downfall of others, will not succeed..
✨The NEW Quantum Financial System✨ recognizes the LIGHT💡 and PURE INTENTION❤ within souls – it can read your level of consciousness. Those that are aligned with the greater good and seek to benefit others, will be well rewarded and funded for their humanitarian projects. Those who continue in Service to Self will find their supply cut short as their resources run dry..
✨💞✨This is the new MODEL – when our intent is pure – we ALL prosper – with HARM TO NONE! ✨✨✨
The YEAR of the DRAGON🐉 has reached its 9 month gestation point and as such is at its PEAK! The DRAGONS are the primordial keepers of the treasures – they guard and protect our COSMIC ABUNDANCE.. As the DRAGON tribe make their return we shall witness a great unleashing of their bounty for all those righteous souls with pure hearts and pure intentions who have the Will to do GOOD.
AKBAL as the higher guide to the GALACTIC STORM today, represents the GENIE who is bringing you the POT of GOLD 💰 at the end of the RAINBOW🌈..
GALACTIC AKBAL enables you to CLEAR the unworthiness and mental constraints so that you can FREELY claim your Divine inheritance and REWARDS.
Take down these false walls and step into the GARDEN of EDEN. Our NEW state of being is ABUNDANTIA, and collective prosperity draws closer each day..The new QFS – Quantum Financial System is fairer and equitable with true ABUNDANCE for ALL!
🍇🍎🍉🍐🍑🍓🌽GODDESS ABUNDANTIA =the Roman Goddess of ABUNDANCE 💰💰💰who holds the Cornucopia: the horn of plenty is ready to be of Heavenly Assistance today.
✨✨✨PRAYER to GODDESS ABUNDANTIA for Abundance & Prosperity
“Beautiful Abundantia, I desire to be confident and filled with faith that my supply is already met in all ways. ✨💰🌞✨
✨I SURRENDER and CLEAR any blocks or impediments to my continuous flow of Heavenly Abundance.
✨I am now OPEN to receive all forms of abundance, from expected and unexpected sources, trusting that I am always supported by Heaven.
✨ I now OPEN my arms so that Heaven may easily help me. Thank you for all of your guidance, gifts, and protection. Divine Gratitude for everything that I have and will graciously receive.
I AM truly grateful 🙏🙏🙏
✨I AM ABUNDANT, joyful and fulfilled.
✨I LET GO and allow the DIVINE to meet all my Earthly needs, now and in the future.
And so it is x3 AMEN,
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!” 🙏🙏🙏🌟🌟🌟
SUPPORT: YELLOW GALACTIC SUN🌞 AHAU the GALACTIC🌞 SUN reminds us that to be a truly en-LIGHT-ON-ed✨🌞✨ being, we must be HONOURABLE and transparent, in our motives, actions and thoughts. No more false GODS or GURU worship. We need to walk our talk as the true Sovereign LEADERS and role models of New Earth.
As we evolve to telepathic and fully empathic souls, everything will be totally ILLUMINATED💡 for all to SEE and SENSE. There will be nowhere to hide in the shadows. What you ARE inside is what will be revealed, so very quickly all will come into alignment with their true DIVINITY.
AHAU guides us today to MODEL the truly illumined MIND, that is guided by the desire to co-create with other bright minds, in order to expand and awaken to full Divine consciousness.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIND 🌬🍃 IK brings forth the messages from Spirit, to guide you in what needs shifting, clearing and transforming.
The RHYTHMIC WIND is today’s SUPERPOWER – amplified through the RHYTHMIC STORM, assisting us in organizing our MINDS, and physical environment to create BALANCE, and reflect greater EQUALITY.
The GALACTIC tone is very focused on EQUALITY.. The White Wind works synergistically, to create this fairness and equitable distribution of energy, resources and wealth, bringing FAIRNESS to all, and greater harmony to our communities.
The WHITE WIND represents the BREATH of GOD,🌬 so use your breath today to release stagnation and old energies in your chakras and cells. We have a code today – 9=3X3 3 is the frequency of the HOLY SPIRIT.. which is fully present today and taking FLIGHT.
Become a hollow vessel for Spirit to flow through you. A great day for yoga, dancing, breath work, singing, mantras and channeling, in order to harmonize your body, mind and soul!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC MOON 👸- MULUC the GODDESS challenges us today to harmonize our MINDS, through allowing the FLOW of pure awakened consciousness to stream through us. Connecting to our psychic MIND and intuitive abilities. Being OPEN to receive both the flow of messages from Spirit and the flow of gifts and Abundance. 💰🌞✨
Mumma GODDESS is blessing her children today. OPEN your ARMS and your HEARTS to receive her blessing. IT IS DONE 🙏❤🙏❤
Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE in order to catalyze more energy, allowing TRUE ABUNDANCE to flow freely?”
Divine blessings for the STUPENDOUS flow of infinite goodies today! Let’s tear down those dam walls and let the Universal Waters flow…🌊🌊🌊💰✨💰✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions




✨ Decree of Oneness with the Primordial Divine Source

✨️“I am the perfect expression of the Primordial Divine Source. In this sacred moment, I recognize my unbreakable connection to Source, joining the flow of love and light that permeates the entire universe.
✨️I invoke the energy of Oneness, allowing it to flow through me, dissolving all separations and limitations. I am an open channel to divine wisdom and love, receiving the essence of creation with every breath.
✨ In my heart, I feel the pulse of life, the harmony of the cosmos, and the truth that we are all one. I am grateful for this connection, for every being that surrounds me and for the beauty of existence.
✨ I surrender to the transformative force of Oneness, allowing it to guide me on my journey. I am one with Source, and Source is one with us all.
✨️So it is, so it was, and so it will be. “
Primordial Divine Source
Primordial Divine Source

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