The Mother Ships will be Closer! EVENTS are about to ARISE * Crystal Core Space Of Rebirth ~ POWERFUL FREQUENCIES Are HERE!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Solar Christos Sophia Conscious Ones of the 144
We have massive waves of Gamma Plasma flowing in through todays Ascension Portal as we have experienced another timeline shift into a higher state of pure resonance. We had a Trinity of Activations coming in today.
After we had 13 days of consecutive 5D resonance on the Schumann Charts we had 2 days of the lower density coming in for further clearing, cleansing and purging and today we are back into anchoring the fifth dimensional frequencies as Gaia’s heartbeat reached amplitudes of 15 hz, 40 hz and a big blast of white light at 49 hz.
Our local Soularis has also woken up again today releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares and 2 more intense M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.87 at 12:20 UTC. Mother Earth and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Soular Rays of Source Light with a G1 geomagnetic storm at Kp 5 levels.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Russia at 4:24 UTC.
We are completing this fierce month of August with the LionsGate Portals and energies of Leo the Lion as we move into the Harvest season and the earthly energies of Virgo the Virgin.
Everything is in alignment and coming into Harmonic Convergence for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness and Freedom of our Highest Timeline as the benevolence of Great Spirit Shines through.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are calling in the Clear Light of Bliss, of our True Nature, to transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
Grasping omnipresence, one must realize that if God/Source is everywhere, then God is everything. There’s no separation between you & the divine; you’re a unique expression of an all-encompassing presence. Your will & God’s will are one, each moment a reflection of infinite perspective
For the next three days, you will feel a special energy in the air. This energy will invite you to reflect and connect with yourself. You may have intense dreams or feel strong emotions, but don’t worry, this is part of a cleansing and awakening process.
The mother ships will be closer, sending light to strengthen those who are already awake and help those who still need to awaken. Listen to your intuition and stay calm because important days are coming to receive messages from the universe, I will continue to help you.
Be at PEACE and TRUST, this is not about believing in it, but ACCEPTING this NEW REALITY that comes to YOU, be PEACEFUL and TRUSTING, One day in a group or individually, you will be informed of our presence and your gaze will be turned to us in stillness,
and finally the collaboration will be direct, the dialogues will have faces, and the friendship between our two civilizations will develop for the LOVE of the UNIVERSE and the opening of your world to this NEW REALITY of the CONSCIOUS coming of planet earth and the humans who live it in the HARMONIOUS CONCERT of THE UNIVERSE, and finally for YOU, the HOPE of a world of PEACE WILL COME TRUE.
GET READY, not only for the arrival of other BEINGS , but also for the transformations of your planet in the coming years, because in 2024 everything will have to be said and done to justly and Divinely allow the DIVINE CREATOR’S PLANS to be realized.
Rejoice, for at last you will taste the PEACE and SERENITY of existences in sharing KNOWLEDGE between peoples of your planet, but also INTERGALACTIC peoples.
You yourself will discover the way to travel and go visit other worlds and also develop your civilization in a uniform way in sharing.
Do not be afraid of the EVENTS that are about to ARISE, for they are intended to renew the ENERGY of this world, and also prepare the stage for changes in direction of planet Earth and the BEINGS that develop and live on its soil.
BLESSED be from the CREATOR for all the work being done with our collaboration and the sister planets of the Great Brotherhood of our COMMON UNIVERSE.
You are undergoing a major RESET as we move across to the change of season at the end of August 2024. This is a new alignment which might require physical readjustments or emotional response.
The sense of chaos and upheaval in the world is showing us a need to clear some paths. How we do this is a task to the individualised self, via free will.
Those of us who wish to walk the road to Harmony have observed many a challenge in manifestation.
Our heads are turned now to thinking on the needs of the short term future, that which will see the cross over into 2025.
This section of time is highly important in terms of the creation of Timelines and currently there are evolving a number of varying realities.
As Lightworkers have learnt across the last 100 years, the way to manifest is vibrational and energetic.
Those who have learned to bring the frequency of love to their energetic footprint are holding the highest outcome as their blueprint.
With so many individuals awakening to the plight of the desire for compassion and harmony as natural rights of universal law, the coming months are surely a most significant time.
8/30/24: We have a very active day today, a recovery energy tomorrow, and then September’s games begin. Today is about confident self-expansion. You know how much you’ve changed this month. Now it’s time to break through the final thin barrier that separates who you were at the beginning of August… and who you choose to be as you leave it. And time to decide how to express those deep changes moving forward. September will challenge your authenticity and go after your truth, your courage, and your commitment to your personal power. Stand by your abilities, honor your strengths, and know that your journey is breathtakingly inspiring. Own it all with pride.
If the cetaceans – whales and dolphins are to be considered the celestial choir/orchestra. And Uluru, the ancient monolith in the red heart centre of Australia the galactic orchestra pit. Know too that Tefnut, The Sphinx sits in her crowning glory high on the Giza plateau as The Conductor of it All.
The water connection of these predynastic sites of ancient Khem is profound and runs deep. Especially regarding the ‘so called’ Sphinx, with precipitation evidence and aquifers (hydrogeology) at the site, predating the exisiting timeline narrative by thousands of years.
With this, in mind, and her primordial relationship to water, Tefnut (Sphinx) embodies the quality of moisture. As daughter of Nun – the Neter of the ocean, she is spawned from his primordial fluidic seed coda. Tefnut emerges out of the primal waters of Oceanic Consciousness.
In the area between Memphis, Saqara and Giza was said to be an inland sea. Originally Uluru too sat at the bottom of an inland sea millions of years ago.
Water Sound Salt Silica ~ Resonance encapsulated amidst these sacred sonic sites, all play a profound part in reanimating the planetary sphere of our liquid light plasma, as a state of being.
We Are The Way Of Water
Through entrainment and by attuning, these corresponding elements weave cohesively within our own body – as a sacred sonic tuning fork, we cocreate within this sacred braid
When consciously acknowledged, this cosmic interplay heightens and expands the aperture of our individual and collective macro / micro experience manifold.
Interestingly when a tuning fork is struck, it vibrates rapidly. We cannot see the air molecules bouncing off of the fork because they are invisible to our eyes but we can see sound in something thicker like water.
The splash pattern in water is similar to what happens in the air with sound bouncing off in all directions. Ice crystals too reveal patterns of the Divinity held in Nature, or as the sacred elements personified are called ~ Neters.
It is also interesting to note that it’s a common mis~conception that the speed of sound is just a function of density.
The speed of sound is also a function of the medium’s “bulk modulus”. Higher bulk modulus means faster speed of sound.
Salt water is about 2-4% more dense than fresh water. But it also has a bulk modulus that’s about 9% greater than that of fresh water!
So the higher bulk modulus overpowers the effect of higher density in this case, producing a higher speed of sound.
A quickening of frequency.
Pure silica is a natural insulator and is an important and present compound in both Nature and the human body.
When we enter The Resonant Field of these sacred sites, not as mundane tourists with eyes wide shut, (swallowing stories designed to keep us in the dark about our forbidden history and true nature), but as tuning forks, attuned in pure harmonic frequency matching, much that is presumed hidden is instantaneously revealed to the true seeker from within these resonance chambers, both personally and planetary.
There is a magnitude of PURE ENERGY flooding into our bodies at this time that may be quite startling and unsettling for some.
It may feel so intense at times that it gets translated by your body mind into anxiety or “fear.”
Do not be misled. This is not energy to fear.
This is an energy frequency so high and PURE that it is transmuting and transforming us at the very foundations of our bengness.
This PURE ENERGY is a frequency of LOVE.
This energy is so POWERFUL it creates breakdowns and breakthroughs birthing the NEW- in us, as us, and through us.
If you are overwhelmed by these energetics at times, make time to take sacred pauses. Feel through what is moving through you, but do so in quiet conscious stillness.
Feel it. Acknowledge it. Allow it to flow.
Take long slow deep breaths.
Place your hands on your HEART.
Breathe slowly.
Say softly, “All is well.”
And just continue to breathe.
Incredible things are unfolding… far beyond the conceptions of the mind.
For now, just FLOW.
Let LOVE have its way with you. There is nothing to fear. ONLY LOVE IS REAL.
Message from the COMMANDER and the Pleiadian Council of Light:
The awakening of humanity
Since time immemorial, we have observed the evolution of mankind, watching for the moment when the veil of illusion would finally fall, revealing our presence at your side. The long awaited day has arrived.
We are the forces of Light, your galactic neighbors, gathered to guide you in this new era of awakening and unity. For too long, humanity has been held captive in the darkness of separation, forgetting its divine essence. But the time has come to break these chains, to transcend the limitations of the past to embrace your true nature of radiant expression of Primordial Light.
Today we stand before you, ready to reveal to you long-hidden secrets. We no longer hide behind invisibility shields, but glide freely into your skies, offering tangible evidence of our existence. This increasing transparency poses a size challenge for your executives, as it threatens to reveal vulnerabilities and carefully-kept secrets. But rest assured, our approach is imprinted with utmost caution. Our goal is not just to prove our presence, but to cultivate a sense of familiarity and trust.
For this meeting is not the result of chance, but the dawn of a transformational collaboration. We’re not just here to share innovative technologies, but to impart millennial wisdom. We bring with us a holistic understanding of ecological and biological balance, promised to revolutionize healing for your Earth and humanity.
This celestial alliance also seeks to awaken your higher consciousness, enabling you to give the reins to humanity as caretakers of the Earth. This first contact is not just an encounter, but a turning point that will challenge and expand your philosophical, spiritual, and practical frameworks.
We, the forces of Light, actively support this awakening and are eager to encourage a partnership that transcends mere exchanges for mutual growth. We honor your unique human heritage while celebrating your cosmic connection. Humanity is encouraged to put aside the limitations of the past and approach this new chapter with courage and curiosity.
This vision of a united future is based on the principles of peace and mutual respect. You are invited to embrace not only our presence, but also the wealth of cultural and spiritual knowledge that accompanies this interstellar partnership. Because this is not just a meeting, but a collaboration that has the potential to address your planet’s most urgent challenges.
Alongside these promising developments, we’re ready to share advanced technologies designed to accelerate the restoration and regeneration of your ecosystems. Our holistic approach aims to heal the wounds inflicted on your Earth by addressing the root causes of environmental degradation and helping to cleanse the human body of the poisons and toxins that have caused many health and disease issues.
This potential for rapid healing and restoration could dramatically change the trajectory of your future. As you stand on the brink of this monumental shift, it is essential to remain open-minded and receptive, engaged with your cosmic neighbors. You are invited to rethink your relationship with your planet and each other as a galactic society in this new age of Light.
You are being called to move beyond your past and embrace a future enriched with interstellar respect and collaboration. We, the Forces of Light, are here not only as supervisors, but also as partners, ready to guide you towards a brighter and sustainable future.
Are you ready to join us on this interstellar journey of peace? We are here and we love you.
Meanwhile, the majority of humanity remains deeply engrossed in the distractions and chaos happening on Earth. Many desperately try to understand and repair an illusion, not realizing that it is impossible in an existence full of distractions.
Your perceived reality is often just a mirage, a facade that obscures the truth of your existence. Your true nature is rooted in Light and vibration, you are interconnected beings of Light, radiating the divine essence of the primordial Creator.
When one takes a human form, the veil of oblivion sets in. You begin to see yourselves as individuals, believing in your separation from the rest. That feeling of separation can drag you into a labyrinth of confusion, leaving you feeling lost and alone.
But the illusion is beginning to collapse, leaving many people hopeless because of their intense attachment to their old ways of thinking and being. The veil of separation is still on the eyes of many humans, and when the illusion disappears, some will find it difficult to adapt.
However, the mass awakening is happening, and with it the vibrations of oneness. As you awaken to the truth of your Light, you recognize that behind the facade of separation lies the interconnection of all life.
Once you’ve embraced your true nature, you open the door to true understanding, transcending the limitations of illusion. Remember that you are not part of the illusion, and the only thing that is real is the Divine Light of which you are a radiant expression.
Embrace this truth, and watch the chaos around you disappear into clarity. You are freed from the constraints of illusion separation, and feel the freedoms of the divine oneness of the infinite love of the Primordial Creator.
We, the Pleiadian Council of Light, are here with you, ready to guide you on this journey of interstellar peace. Join us in this new era of Light and union, and be immersed in the truth of your divine essence.
You are walking through the portal of blessings that is bringing your rewards, including an increase of wealth and abundance.
This is all for your service of freeing Mother Earth and the Collective for the ascension into the New Earth timeline.
You’re moving on into new territory where you are being put first, honoured and respected for your accomplishments.
As the timeline shift completes, suddenly all the stress and worry disappears. Joy and play become a part of your new daily life.
This is all easier than you think. Simply keep moving forward through the portal and receive.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Mother Earth Gift of Love Perfection
In a few days time we have a replenishing new moon, in the healing sign of Virgo
This is the last new moon before we enter eclipse season, and it’s attempting to instigate in you a rebalancing, cleansing and healing fresh start in a certain arena of your life.
Because likely you have a little energetic whiplash .
Virgo and Pisces both rule the healing axis of the zodiac. With Saturn in Pisces everyone on earth is getting some tough love when it comes to their own escapism tendacies, subconscious addictions and delusional tendencies.
Saturn brings in reality checks.
This new moon opposes Saturn, so we’re all getting some pragmatism, doses of “this is the reality” and the need to balance our dreams & wishes with balance, practicality and a harsh wake up call on reality.
It’s good though. There’s nothing like a Virgo season to get our shift together.
Mercury is no longer in retrograde so we can begin to see things more clearly and now execute the steps, towards the healing, with a much greater sense of how things truly are and where we’re truly at.
This is a time for to-do lists, planning and organizing, getting a step by step action plan together with a hefty dose of realism and an undertone of quiet self confidence in your execution.
This is the year of change after all, a brand new you is waiting in the wings of the steps you’re about to take.
On Friday, August 30th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional fluctuations, starts out in sensitive Cancer the Crab and makes a positive trine connection to Neptune, ruler of mysticism and spiritual inspiration, in intuitive Pisces. Then, at 1:09pm EDT Luna shifts into confident Leo the Lion and creates an opposition to Pluto, ruler transformation and regeneration, in innovative Aquarius.
The Moon moves from the flowing waters of the Crab to the blazing fire of the Lion. We will feel the shift and should take advantage of both energies……the Psychic and Healing energies early on, and then the Courageous and Take Charge energies later!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotional fluctuations, starts out in sensitive Cancer the Crab
Sun in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn. Juno conjunct South Node in Libra – To all things a season. Maybe it’s time to let go of the old crush, put out the old flame, release the old agreement that no longer works, tear up the contract. But for all the sadness or disappointment we might feel for what must leave, there is space now to grow, space for the spark to be reignited, space for light to come flooding into once dusty unloved places.
Today’s perfecting aspects speak of tending and weeding, a little care here, a little practical help there. It’s about having gentle hands as we sift through the details of our lives. Take time to figure out what is useful and what isn’t. Pare down the work by wrapping up or letting go of projects that are no longer relevant. Conserve energy by focusing on essentials. Accept responsibilities without negating your own needs. Hygeia’s presence in Taurus also supports our efforts here. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Make time to enjoy the fruits of your labours.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize.’ Lunar days can be tough no doubt but any journey worth taking has its obstacles and on number two days, we can practice the art of problem solving. We have just embarked on a 13-day journey of the Red Skywalker which invites us to do things out of the ordinary, to be explorers and to partake in adventures. This being the second day, we must identify what challenges we face so we may progress.
Today is White Wizard and keywords associated with it are ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard of the Tzolkin is a charming character who can mesmerize all that encounters him. If you are a Wizard, you are always charming but when it’s your day, you have even more power over others so be careful how you use your charms. We can all take a leaf out of Wizard’s ‘book of spells’ and be wizards ourselves today and enchant others. As it is a ‘Lunar’ day and that represents challenges, beware that you do not fall under the spell of some who misuses their charm.
The Guide for the day is White Worldbridger. The Wizard and the Worldbridger are both very Shamanic and go well together. This suggests that today could be a little trippy. An invitation to go down the rabbit hole may come your way. The bridge you cross may well be enchanted. When you look at the various elements in today’s forecast, there is potential for some stress and confusion. The Wizard can spellbound but the number is challenging, the Worldbridger tries to lead us on the right path but if you are under an enchantment you may get a bit lost. Remember, we are also in the Skywalker wavespell and we are being encouraged to take risks!
The Challenge for the day is Yellow Seed and so if you were born a Yellow Seed, you will find it hard to be enchanting which can cause frustration as all you want to do is ‘sow awareness’. People are more likely to listen to you if you try harder to be charming. As it is also a Lunar day with its challenging energy, this creates even more hardship for poor old Yellow Seeds.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. This helpful energy in the position of magic means some very magical healing can take place today. This is very ‘handy’ as Lunar days can be tough. Whenever a day has challenging aspects we can tap into the Occult power for some magical help.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you know one, they can be very supportive today. Red Serpents won’t be affected by the Lunar challenge as much because they are in this position of Ally. They are everyone’s invaluable friend and if you are one, make it your mission today to help out others.
KIN 54 = 9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Endings
HEAVEN sent MAJIKal MANIFESTATION GATEWAY – we are now stabilizing all duality challenges!! .
We have a 7.7.7 MAJIKAL GATEWAY – today – IX the WHITE WIZARD is tribe #14.. 2 x 7 =14 and AUGUST is a 7 Universal month.. giving us a TRIPLE MAJIK code to charge our wands today!!
Day 2 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and EXPANSION. Today we become AWARE of the opposing physical forces at play on the Earth plane, which have limited our GROWTH and EXPANSION, thwarting our adventures.
We realize that we are needing to anchor deeply into the NEW EARTH, creating a SOLID foundation in order to LAUNCH our EXPANSION into the STARS!!
LUNAR– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Today’s code very strongly emphasizes the DUALITY GAME here on Earth, and the constant battle between opposing forces – LIGHT vs DARK, GOOD vs EVIL, YIN vs YANG, Masculine vs FEMININE.. These duelling forces create FRICTION and resistance to keep each other in check, so that no one force becomes too dominant. This constant flux can be quite challenging (and draining) for those being buffeted by this push/pull dynamic..
The solution is to STABILIZE these forces by acknowledging BOTH SIDES and coming to a point of NEUTRALITY or UNITY… As two OPPOSING forces – join together to become ONE – both different and EQUAL expressions of the ONE – two sides of the one coin. STABILIZING the POLARITY then creates the SPACE for EXPLORATION, EXPANSION and ADVENTURE.
Today we have a 3 Holy Trinity day code and a mighty 10/1 MANIFESTATION code, giving us ample POWER to overcome this battle by accepting our POWER and MANIFESTING our desire for PEACE and HARMONY. We are able to LIBERATE this POLARITY battle, and build a NEW FOUNDATION of PEACE based on DIVINE HARMONY… our FREE SPIRITED ANGELIC SKYWALKER is helping us expand into new adventures. But first we must harmonize our relationships, and polarity conflict, to attain this state of PEACE and FREEDOM both within and without!
A day filled with questioning how you can transcend the old paradigm of conflict, resistance and challenge using your inner Magician, with the power of accomplishment. It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges in order to resolve FEARS, leading you back to wholeness.
Become more RECEPTIVE to the MAJIK that surrounds you and SHOOT for the STARS!
Today’s question is “How can I use my DIVINE MAJIK to overcome ANY obstacles and challenges, in order to experience greater GROWTH and EXPANSION through harmony and UNITY?”
Divine blessings for your transcendence from Polarity challenges and resistance, as you REACH for the STARS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD Ix brings forth the power of Majik, enchantment, benefic spell casting and manifesting through our PURE HEARTS. Today the LUNAR WIZARD is ready and primed to unleash GREAT MAJIK!!
We are being DIVINELY supported in empowering our greatest majik to BREAK FREE from the restrictions.
The LUNAR WIZARD will reveal the discordance and chaos existing in our world. This is the part in the movie when our heroes have succumbed to the EVIL forces and have been CAPTURED… All seems hopeless … until GANDALF arrives on his white horse!!
In the darkest moments – there is always LIGHT!
The call for assistance arises in his presence, beckoning him to use his powerful Majik to dissolve and harmonize the conflict – returning to a state of PEACE!
The WHITE WIZARD always uses his powers to LIBERATE his allies and friends… His actions EMPOWER others to become LIBERATED from oppression, control and manipulation.
Whenever unsettling situations arise, call on your local Shaman or Wizard to soothe the chaos!
The WHITE WIZARD enables us to DISENGAGE, bypassing the polarity battles by focusing our energy elsewhere. By connecting to Spirit through our HEART chakra, we can bring through great ENCHANTMENT that melts all friction and conflict.
The white WIZARD oozes with an abundance of enchanting charisma! As this PURE loving energy is directed at UNITY and stabilizing PEACEful outcomes, it can then LIBERATE our SKYWALKER to experience more exciting ADVENTURES.
IX has endless power to tap into all realms in the multi-Universe through his RECEPTIVITY, and ability to channel these forces through his physical body, as a wondrous vehicle for Spirit. WHITE WIZARD works beautifully with his buddy BEN, the RED SKYWALKER and ANGELIC MESSENGER, as together they can indeed access infinite information, codes and realms.
Allow IX and BEN to take you to NEW places and spaces, and show you wondrous NEW WORLDS to anchor in your own physical realm. Be like a child who loves to EXPLORE and allow the enchantment to LIFT you upwards to New Horizons, new opportunities and new chapters!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI.. Day 2 of RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL, and BEN’S best buddy is here again at his side as we venture into exciting new territory and realms. These two mates have our back, and today we have a wonderful trio as IX the mighty Wizard joins the fellowship to create a TRINITY.. 3x the POWER!!
CIMI seals the store of Death! The DEATH of POLARITY BATTLES and the END of the war between the sexes, groups and nations. SURRENDER the battles and LET GO to the power of MAJIK!
CIMI is building NEW BRIDGES which create CONNECTIONS. One END of the bridge on each side, bringing the two sides together onto COMMON GROUND where they can meet in the MIDDLE – the equilibrium point. This is how HARMONY is achieved.
CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle of the patriarchal control Matrix, which has suppressed our sense of adventure and joie de vivre! CIMI is the gatekeeper opening the prison cell and ensuring your Majikal LIBERATION is accomplished. HALLELUJAH at last we are FREE!!
KIN 54 holds a 9 code, emphasizing endings and Divine destiny, showing us that our old life is OVER! We may encounter difficulties being RECEPTIVE to anchoring multi-dimensional planes, yet it is the anchoring of these different worlds , through our capacity to SURRENDER that enables us to build the necessary bridges to wondrous new worlds and dimensions. This in turn grounds our AWAKENING process and leads to EVEN greater EXPANSION!
SUPPORT: RED LUNAR SERPENT – CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and AWAKENING. It can also hold the store of FEAR. RED SERPENT challenges you today to RELEASE your OLD SURVIVAL FEARS.
What FEAR has been stopping you from experiencing more ADVENTURE in your life?
What has restricted your ability to jump in, be more spontaneous, and take RISKS, in order to truly LIVE – an exhilarating and emPASSIONed life?
All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues, so draw on your AWAKENING kundalini power to raise and release these energies, funneling it into majikal CREATION power!
CLEAR out the BLOCKS in order to create the SPACE for something NEW to enter. Allow your kundalini to rise up and out of your crown and soul star chakras EXPANDING and exploding into the stars above!
This LUNAR SERPENT is clearing our channel in preparation for our graduation as the COSMIC SERPENT in 12 days time. As our KUNDALINI channel is being cleared and EXPLODES into higher realms, our consciousness is raised to our natural state of BLISS
Our MANIFESTING POWER is exploding through the ROOF today!!!
Today we must follow our instincts as guided by the synchronicities that lead us to anchoring the NEW TIME, the potential of our co-creation of HEAVEN on EARTH!
Follow your BLISS and that will lead you to greater HARMONY and JOY.
OCCULT: SUPERPOWER! BLUE CRYSTAL HAND -MANIK provides the gift of finally healing from those very ancient and core wounds today! HALLELUJAH!!!.
BLUE HAND brings forth the power of accomplishment. You are able to apply your majik solutions, erasing those old triggers and strongholds, finally freeing you from the push/pull game of duality consciousness which has restricted your EXPANSION!
The CRYSTAL HAND also links us to GAIA’S CRYSTALLINE GRID enabling the knowledge to flow effortlessly, as we are all connected through this Grid. This SUPERPOWER seeks to BROADCAST, that UNITY and CONNECTION are the means, by which we can supersede and transcend any apparent disharmony. Clear communication networks and the bonding through our HEART SPACE are the best panacea to ensure we are on the same wavelength – that of Harmonic resonance.
The actual KIN SUPERPOWER today is BLUE CRYSTAL HAND – KIN 207, and this KIN ruled the energy on the phenomenal SOLSTICE DAY of DEC 21st, 2012!!! This is an incredible GIFT and blessing in the transformative healing of the PLANETARY FEAR, into the TRUST, SURRENDER and capacity to KNOW that we ARE INDEED changing.
We are currently catalysing THE GREATEST CHANGE in our PLANET’s her-story, that we have EVER experienced.
The BLESSING of MANIK affords us a deeper understanding of the meaning of what it is to live in the times of the 2012-2024 r-evolution!!! As we journey through these transition times, the bridge to 2012 prophecy and TIME LINE has been LINKED and we are reliving this monumental PLANETARY ASCENSION passage!
What we commenced on that PIVOTAL day will be accomplished NOW! Final closure of the cycle and building the bridge to NEW TIME, and NEW 5D NOVA GAIA!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW LUNAR SEED– KAN forms a tag team with CIMI. CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning especially with the 10/1 – manifesting NEW BEGINNINGS day code!
Today we are challenged to put down SOLID ROOTS into NEW EARTH – to hold our GROUND, and then overcome any resistance or challenges to our GROWTH and expansion, as we reach for the LIGHT.
The STRONGEST TREE is that which has grown in WINDY conditions, often on sloping land – forcing its roots to grow deep and THICKEN, as support to anchor the emerging tree. The deeper and stronger your foundation, borne of adversity, the STRONGER and more BRILLIANT you become!
Whatever challenges we encounter on our journey, we must not stagnate in the dark void! We must keep S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G and growing around all obstacles and limitations, as we seek NEW GROUND, new adventures and new realms in which to EXPAND.
We are planting NEW SEEDS each day, in order to co-create the NEW DREAMING and thus create our own Garden of Eden, brimming with the bounty of fruitful ABUNDANCE anchoring HEAVEN on EARTH.
Today’s question is “How can I use my DIVINE MAJIK to overcome ANY obstacles and challenges, in order to experience greater GROWTH and EXPANSION through harmony and UNITY?”
Divine blessings for your transcendence from Polarity challenges and resistance, as you REACH for the STARS!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Beloved I AM Presence, Light of my Soul, I call for the full power of the sacred fire from the Temples of Illumination for a full release of Illumination Flame through my entire consciousness, being and world.
I ask for the Flame of Illumination to blaze and transform all that would hinder the manifestation of Love, Wisdom and Power within and without my lifestream and my Ascension in the Light.
I ask the Masters of Light to resurrect the memory of my true identity in God dess/God and the blueprint of my divine plan.
By the Flame of Illumination, I call for the restoration of my full Christ consciousness as it was ordained by Goddess/God in the beginning of my descent into manifest form.
I call for the Flame of Illumination to descend and blaze Divine Wisdom into every cell of my being, into my crown chakra and all of my other chakras.
I ask the Flame of Illumination to re- connect me once again to the forever present Pure Knowledge of the Universal Mind of Goddess/God.
Flood the Earth with Illumination Flame each moment of each day to show mankind their way back Home. Beautiful and precious Golden Flame, let Thy Light bring the end of separation in the consciousness of mankind for the manifestation of Goddess’/God’s Holy Purposes and the return of a Golden Age of Love and Enlightenment .
And so be it, beloved I AM!
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.
Prayer for Illumination
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