5D Heaven Energy is here NOW!!

5D Heaven Energy is here NOW!!

by Pars Kutay
and to experience it fully We Must simply start BEing in it.
So, it is Time to start Being the 5D BEing that We are, and start living from our Hearts. 💜

In this year 2020 there will be Massive NEW Energy. . . filled with NEW Codes of Information, Discoveries, Revelations, Compassion, Benevolence, Beauty, Magic and New Inventions.
In January 2020, there will be very Powerful Energy… very Powerful LIGHT Wave will be entering our Atmosphere and it will be fully felt around the 11th of January and will be moving through until January 22nd.
In the Spring of 2020, a Major Celestial Event is going to transpire on this planet making way for the long-awaited NEW Earth.
At that time, our Cells will be instantly Re-Coded to a Higher Order and our layered bodies will be able to process a much more Advanced level of Cosmic Data causing our outward matrix reality to Morph into the NEW Earth / Heaven Frequency.
Things will NOT go on as they always have on Earth and the Change is Finally Here where the LIGHT is starting to Win over darkness. . . where the fog of duality is starting to lift as part of the Cosmic Law.
Year 2020 is a Time of Grand Re-Union and Freedom Celebrations will break out all across this planet as it is Liberated after eons of being in the dark.
This is a Great Movement NOW for Humanity. . .
We are Waking Up from our dreams. . .
There is NEW Consciousness emerging. . . there is something Great happening where people are latching on to their own Empowerment, latching on to their own Unlimited-ness. . . and it is BEcoming very contagious.
So Enjoy your NEW Reality of 5D Heaven Energy in 2020. . . This is a Critical Year as it is a New Decade. . . It is a Critical Year of Change. 😉
with LOVE in Unity, 💜
💜🌎🌀💜 ~
Photo: Vortex – Portal captured by Zahara Celestial


Bella Crystal

We have Transformed onto new Heights of Light & Frequency the last several days~ do not underestimate the Power House of a Shift we *Just* *Succeeded* in *Integrating* ♡•°*♡•°*

This is why the increase in dark attacks last few days, bc what was Really Happening at the Energy/ Frequency Level~ is like the Image I chose for this post ♡•°*
We actually Integrated so much Beauty, Light, harmony, high dimensions, healed light codes for our light~bodies, increase of Abilities and psychic/ sensory/ senses ♡•°*
This is why we were more attacked bc the Dark could see we were about to make a phenomenal*•° breakthrough*•° in Light, in various and comprehensive ways. Even if you feel like you did not Shift up much, oh you most likely did ♡
So now what? ~ you may need to let things settle and recenter yourself after such a powerful burst forth ♡•°*
Get present, slow way down till you can feel Your Being ♡ Connect with this Moment Now ♡ Affirm All is Well ♡ Allow your Body and Energy to flow the way it needs to ♡ after a bit of rest, get present still, and be in your new Lightbody ♡ sense n feel for your new intentions and yet still have a good sense of intention and ‘detachment’ (aka flow).. acknowledge that you just transformed hugely and that you will soon see what the results of that are, in your new•being.. beautiful job ♡•°*
I have just Anchored more of Magic 5D Reality for myself and the planet~
My process is beautifully unique to me and my soul~
Yet I see and know that it gives beauty, light, and the gift of my unique light•codes so that the planet benefits~
We function in a light-frequency based, holographic•reality~
Therefore what I make available to myself, I give the Gift of making it Available for everyone•else~
This is more important than I can currently perceive~ but I know it is Happening
This all directly Creates the 5D reality for All
Image~ The Empress, from Shadowscapes Tarot •°*


Schumann Resonance Today – 30 HZ

December 30 2019 – 17:00 UTC


Elaine Degiorgio 

Dear Children of the Sun
In Holy Grace we endeavor the blessings upon thee. The prism of Light adorns the Palaces and Temples and that is you.

The connection to the heavenly abodes, the Mother/Father god continuum, expanding further into the universal spiral of life, and with it and through it you are able to co-create a new universe and superimpose it onto the one that is presently occupying this time and space continuum.
Know that you are not alone working on this endeavor. For not only is your GAIA expanding and changing her vibrations, but all of the universe in which GAIA and human souls dwell.
Connection with Higher Light and Grace through the Higher Heart only will you endeavor to reach the Cosmic State of Being.
We are working with all nations at this time to bridge the Golden Bridge of Unity at this Hour. We have heard the Clarion Call.
We are the The Sirian High Council connecting through Elaine this day…. 30/12


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.


Elizabeth Peru

16 hrs
Did you know that we have ‘etheric wings of light’ that meet between our shoulder blades? You can activate your wings when you elevate your cosmic consciousness. And when your wings activate, you rise above – with a higher view 🧚‍♀️

Since 2003, my weekly energy forecasts have helped to activate the wings of souls all over the globe.
I know this, because I’m always hearing personal heart-felt stories about how The Tip-Off uplifts, answers, empowers and connects one to the cosmic flow. So, as we hover on the threshold of a NEW YEAR and NEW DECADE, it’s the best period to invest in yourself, your future and soul’s intimate cosmic growth…
JOIN US and insantly receive your 7-day in advance spoken & written energy forecasts for the globe. Including ALL of your valuable 2020 Year Ahead Bonus Guides 🌟


The Tzolkin Times

17 hrs
Blue Lunar Monkey
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its key words are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. The second day of a wavespell is about identifying challenges which is very useful but it can be painful too. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to remember everyone else is also having a challenging day. Focus on solving problems and removing obstacles, you may have to step things up to succeed.

Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play.’ Oh what fun Monkey has on a challenging day. Some folk may be tempted to stay in bed but there is no escaping time. Monkey is a great teacher and will gladly show you the errors of your way. Be open to learning and everything will be fine but if you are a stubborn S.O.B; you’ll become monkey’s favourite kind of target. Monkey teaches that it is us who makes fools out of ourselves. Remember also that Monkey is on your side, so be grateful! As it is a ‘Lunar’ day, identify which illusion is challenging you. Only by looking at your issues can you address them.
The Guide today is Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. When the Blue Night guides he is inviting us all to follow our dreams. Use your imagination today and permit yourself to dream big.
The Challenge is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing’. Dragons get more monkeyed than anyone else and so if you are one, I sympathize. Monkey on a Lunar day too is not a great scenario for you. You’ll get no peace but if you stretch your patience… you may also find some magic to compensate.
The Occult power is the White Dog which symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. We just began the White Dog wavespell and now Dog shifts into the Occult position which makes this ‘Lunar’ day a little easier.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. Today will be intense for most but Yellow Star people enjoy Monkey days. If you need help call on a Yellow Star. If you one remember that those around you may need your support.

If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

 Christina Papageorgiou

30 DECEMBER 2019

I POLARIZE in order to PLAY
Stabilizing Illusion
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Lunar tone of challenge
I AM guided by the power of ABUNDANCE
30/12/2019 = 3/3/3 – triple divinity code!!
30- Retreat/Contemplation/Spiritual gifts
3- Holy trinity/Communication/Joy/Creativity
9- Divine Destiny/Compassion/Service/Endings/Grace
KIN 171 = 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace DOUBLE 9 CODE today!
💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝🐕👪🌹
Day 2 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE! Today we are grounding and anchoring unconditional love into the physical plane. We are stretching the boundaries and uncovering the challenges, resistance and opposition to embodying more love in our physical vessels and on our beloved planet.
LUNAR-🌓 Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies and physical environment. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from attracting Divine Love and ONENESS!
💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝🐕👪🌹
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE MONKEY – CHUEN 🐵– the MASTER MAGICIAN🎩 holds the HIGHEST LEVEL of MAJIK in the DREAMSPELL.🎆Today we are exploring the pure Majik of embodying and experiencing pure, unconditional love and devotion, from our beloveds.The LUNAR MONKEY is the cheeky, mischievous one who baits and triggers their partner and kin in order to PUSH THE BOUNDARIES of LOVE, loyalty and friendship. Be aware of any deception or betrayal revealed or any false illusions that have kept you polarized. Divine forgiveness may be in order or perhaps total separation. The LUNAR MONKEY wants to know “how deep is your love” ? 💗Testing the waters to see how far the tide takes you. Is it possible to experience and have this greater unlimited Divine Love now? How can I achieve and stabilize this in my reality? When we release the neediness and allow love to flow unimpeded by egoic desires, the love can grow and become unconditional, leading to total DIVINE BLISS. 💝This is our DESTINY to transcend all illusions, until we truly arrive at the HIGHEST LOVE! 💗
The second aspect of the Majik 🌟today, relates to that of creation and Abundance. We can harness great Majikal powers today through PLAY! Playing with your beloved, playing with kin, and playing with the fairies, the gnomes, the devas,the elementals and nature spirits that hold Earth Majik.. The elementals are SUPER ready and willing to energize your CREATION VORTEX today. What is THE BEST POSSIBLE LIFE for you? What would that LOOK, FEEL, SMELL and TASTE like?. Use all of your senses and energize your greatest potential and that for our planet. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know your DREAMS really are coming true!.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE NIGHT 🌃 AKBAL THE DREAMER carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the key 🔑 to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing. Tune in and allow the MAJIK to be revealed in your dreamtime. Today AKBAL leads us deep into the depths of our Heart walls. As we look into any darkness lingering there, we can uncover the patterns that limit our abundance and restrict us from attaining the Highest form of Divine Love that our soul’s are seeking in this physical realm. We all collectively hold this Dreaming code, that of pure LOVE & DEVOTION in the most majikal of all soul unions leading to Divine in-two-mee-see (intimacy). The union with SOURCE through our cell-ves or through another! 💏
 Pay extra attention to your DREAMS today/tonight as they may reveal CLUES to your future abundance and happiness. 
SUPPORT: YELLOW STAR 🌟– LAMAT is your passport to COSMIC ABUNDANCE today, opening the YELLOW DOOR to your beautiful, harmonious and ABUNDANT NEW WORLD. The LUNAR STAR assists you in anchoring more beauty, harmony and peace in your relationships and physical reality. Seeing and stabilizing this beauty and elegance made manifest in your life. Anchoring through your portal of LIGHT as a planetary StarSeed the Harmonic matrix of New Earth filled with profound beauty, joy, peace and harmony..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE DOG 🐕– OC guides us to OPEN and MAGNETIZE our HEARTS today so that we can MANIFEST the highest form of MAJIK. Uniting with the jovial elementals, and our beloved kin folk as we PLAY, LOVE and create together. This total acceptance of our planetary kin and uniting together through our pure Heart is the highest form of MAJIK that will ignite our DREAMING of this Utopian world we are cocreating with our global family. United in our quest for Universal love and collective abundance in a peaceful world.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED DRAGON 🐉– IMIX challenges us today to allow this new energy to birth our majikal creations through us. Calling forth our DRAGON KIN who hold the keys and codes to Creation and Abundance. Allowing your DRAGON guide to anchor these majikal codes in your new life, feeling fully loved, nurtured and supported in our BLISS filled lives. Our challenge today is to take responsibility for all that comes to us needing to be cared for and nurtured. Remembering that LOVE takes time, energy and needs TLC in order to grow and thrive to become purely unconditional. Our second challenge is to actually BIRTH our greatest DREAMS that have been revealed, and not get distracted by illusions. We must be mindful of fully utilizing these powerful Creator energies to make our GREAT DREAMS come true in both LOVE 💗and ABUNDANCE.💰
BE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR TODAY!! 🌈– Focus on your HIGHEST DREAMS and what you wish to anchor in your physical reality. 🐬🐬🐬

Today’s question is “How can I majikally allow for HIGHER LOVE & GREATER ABUNDANCE to manifest in my physical reality?”
🐬🌈 🐬🌈🐬🌈🐬🌈
NOTE: The LUNAR TONE of CHALLENGE coupled with the trickster MONKEY can be a recipe for great MAYHEM and trickery today! Make sure you witness any challenges as an opportunity to lead you to greater LOVE and ABUNDANCE. Heal what needs healing in order to evolve to greater possibilities to manifest!
🌟DAVID ICKE – The famous British Conspiracy theorist and Whistleblower epitomizes the LUNAR MONKEY’S drive to PUSH the boundaries of the status quo. His Divine Mission is to expose what is disharmonious and reveal the deception beyond the illusion of what we have believed for so long. This drive is motivated by the desire to lead humanity to greater love, harmony and peace, free from the oppressive forces that have held humanity captive as prisoners for too long! Underneath it all David has a pure heart of gold, as unconditional love is his desired destination.
🌟TONY ROBBINS – The famous American Motivational Guru is also a LUNAR MONKEY. He has certainly challenged the masses to awaken from their humdrum slumber and RISE to the challenge of creating a better life. His famous firewalks (using his RED DRAGON medicine) really push the boundaries of FEAR in his followers and enable them to stretch the boundaries of the box they have created for themselves. Underneath all this gruff Tony has a beautiful tender heart, spending much time, money and effort in charitable endeavors for the homeless.
Both of these revolutionary men totally reflect the necessity for us to constantly PUSH OUR BOUNDARIES, no matter how uncomfortable or foreign that feels, in order to grow, evolve and arrive at a place of greater love, harmony and soul satisfaction. 🌏🌍🌎 Our world needs more cheeky monkeys! 🐒🐒🐒
Divine blessings for a majikal and playful day of Higher love & Devotion. OM SHANTI. 💗💝💝💗
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: Swinging on the Moon DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artists 🙏🙏🙏


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

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