11/11 PORTAL Gateway ~ Full Activation of the High Heart and the Angelic Fire
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Celestial Angels of Ascended Unity
Happy 11:11 Stargate Portal of Divine Mastery!
The Gateway to New Earth is fully open Now and the energies are anchored in to manifest the Pure Land of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way.
We are now on the highest trajectory of our Ascension Journey. Many Starseed Earth Angelics all over this realm are experiencing major Ascension Light activations through todays Activation Portal.
To assist you with this major collective healing, purging and cleansing the practice of forgiveness will accelerate this cleanse and transformation. Begin with forgiving yourself for anything that may be causing any suffering and then forgive those that have trespassed against us. Send your inner child Love, Blessings and Compassion for all he/or she has endured through the trials and tribulations of the false 3d matrix.
In our personal power and healing we transform our self and the world for all is a mirror in the holographic universe. All things are connected through the still white magnetic light at the center of all things. This White Light is the Resurrection Flame and it is time to tap into the Magnificence of this Holy Flame that blazes bright within your Sacred Heart Center and fill yourself and the cosmos with the White Fire of Ascension.
All our Ground Crew Team of the 144 are rising together through today’s massive Stargate Activation of the Christos Sophia Consciousness Of Divine Union to make our Quantum Leap into the 5D Golden Age of the Satya Yuga.
We all shall board the Peace Train to join the Living Ones of the Freedom of our Paradise Reborn… A’Ho!
The 11:11 will serve as a three-day gateway to the Sacred Feminine portal of the 13th.
11:11 Stargate serves as a synchronistic awakening code, establishing an energy portal for the Cosmic Ascension towards unity. Every year on 11/11, there exists an opportunity to connect with Source and the galactic families. The 11 11 awakening phenomenon serves as a pre-encoded triggering sequence designed to activate a significant wake-up call for Starseeds, urging them to connect with their higher mission and purpose.
This year, the 11:11 portal offers a unique opportunity to transcend limitations and access deeper spiritual realms, allowing you to embody your true spirit nature.
Wishing you a meaningful journey through the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th of November, filled with Love and Joy as you engage in the joyful co-creation with your Soul and Spirit, stepping into the New Earth.
TODAY’S ORACLE. Things are reopening for you. This week could be a huge breakthrough for your life. Be clear with your intentions–send clear signals to the Universe. Futur cycles are opening now. No dream is too big–or it wouldn’t be in your soul. What is next is the next timeline, and the next timeline is what increases your vibration. No, you didn’t do all of this for nothing. Time for prayers answered. Take a step back and watch. Trust. Feel the magic of the moment, the spiritual support around you. Get ready to receive.
11th November : 11/11 Portal and the Full Activation of the High Heart and the Angelic Fire
On this powerful day we transit the 11/11 Portal.
It is also the culmination of the Full activation of the High Heart as the seat of the Angelic Fire.
The High Heart is a small but very important chakra above the Heart. It is a beautiful Blue-Green Turquoise color. It is also the seat of the Angelic Fire when fully activated.
I first encountered Angelic Fire in 2018. It is an immensely powerful Fire Plasma energy that purifies and heals on many levels. It is a pale blue fire with golden lights. It will be a powerful force in the New Earth.
As we step into this new level of consciousness, the Angelic Fire together with Water Plasma, will be powerful forces of cleansing and creation and rebirthing.
A blue ray legion under the command of Archangel Michael, the 144,000 soldiers of God known mainly as the Warriors of Light, are all distributed within the sacred geometry of life on earth.
The over souls of the brotherhood of light, their Merkaba ships surrounding the planets as stars.
They are the white dove descended for this planetary assignment.
These faithful soldiers of God will remain on their guard posts at strategic points on earth, according to God’s will under the command of Archangel Michael until the call is given to assemble to make the planetary expansion transition.
After the planetary transition, these beings will receive a new God-given mission, which will be to help the elect adjusted to the new life on the new earth.
For all of God’s 144,000 soldiers currently on mission, it’s not easy at all, but this was expected, and it’s no surprise to our faithful Earth Guardians, Warriors of Light.
For all those to whom this message echoes, the moment requires total peace, each in their own observation place in deep silence and attention, pay attention to the signs.
We are the blue fire of the Sacred Heart
We are the blue fire that God loves
We are the blue beam legion
We are one with everything and all are ONE…
We are the warriors of light
Master Lady Kira Raa
YOU HAVE ARRIVED and are reading this because the wheel that spins your Five medicines, the central CORE has ignited the transformation into Form. The establishment of YOU within this specific body of form, consciously aware and CLEARLY within the CHOICE of YES!
Today you are most likely experiencing this in one way or another.
The KNOWING that as the Ascended numerology so clearly shows…
November 11, 2024 is the 10. Revealing IT-self as the 1 + infinite. This is the call that frees you from the self in-trapment of Victim Consciousness!
The moment to REMEMBER that the ONE plus the ONE will in ALL-ways equal ONE! The true gift that dives beyond the complexity of relationship and propels you through equanimity into the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation through Conscious Partnership/Union.
The wide eyed awareness of CONSCIOUS LOVE Emerging like a lotus as it blooms the courage and the JOY to MOVE beyond ALL fear! To Live the essence of “If not now, WHEN?”… Dancing through ALL of the shadows with the smile of the child. Standing in the emergent remembrance of your Divine Mastery Presence as the LIVING ESSENCE of in-formed Divine Mastery Presence Awareness!
Tomorrow, the Northern Taurids will Peak and the “union” of the North and the South will discover the strength of their meeting as partners. The ICE and the FIRE…ready to transmute as we all begin to surf the wave that will carry us into December 31, 2024!
May this day of REMEMBRANCE and the celebration of divine partnership call forward the gift of ever greater Peace, Love and Joy!
With all that is my heart
Source: https://sriandkira.com
lotus harvesting
Blue rose oracles
Happy 11/11, Beautiful Souls
The 11:11 vibration is a powerful and potent energy. It is not just a coincidence that you see this number everywhere. It is a sign from the universe that you are on the right path, and that you have the power to manifest your dreams.
11/11 is a master number in numerology, which represents spiritual awakening, intuition, and enlightenment.
It is an opportunity to access divine guidance from your spirit guides and angels and attune to your higher layers of conscious awareness to support you to anchor unity, peace and a higher timeline into the collective experience.
It is also a gateway to higher dimensions of consciousness, where you can access your true potential and creativity.
As the 11:11 gateway expands you can work with this flow of energy to quantum jump into faster more aligned timelines and experiences where you may also feel more inspired, intuitive, and connected to your inner guidance.
This is a great opportunity to set your intentions, meditate, and ask for guidance from the divine.
11/11 is a reminder that you are a powerful creator, and that you can shape your reality with your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is also a reminder that you are not alone, and that you are part of a larger plan that is unfolding for your highest good. So, embrace this day with gratitude, joy, and love, and hold space for unity and peace to anchor into the collective heart field. ~
Now is the moment to set your INTENTION DIAL ON CONSTANT to DIVINE LOVE…
We are within the New Earth Vibrant Frequency, now it is up to us to MANIFEST IT FULLY and complete our Mission.
The current energies will help you get that final detoxification, purification, done…
Visualise yourself NOW, as PURE DIVINE LOVE, perfect in all aspects. SEE, it, FEEL it, BE it NOW. That joyous feeling you are NOW EXPERIENCING IS bringing it into REALITY. REALITY is YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS WORKING SOLEY FROM SOURCE WITHN YOU, YOU ARE DIVINE LOVE IN ACTION.
Let nothing, whatsoever, deter you from that course. In this way we help ALL, for we are fully interconnected. Let no-one slip back into old beliefs, energies or the fear-mongering illusory world. Let nothing distract you. Be determined, disciplined, dedicated to this wonderful service to All Life on this Planet, and the Planet herself. We need everyone working from the same page, radiating only DIVINE LOVE.
We thank all those who have worked so hard to keep the Light burning, even in the dark times of war. Bless ALL who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes, the unsung heroes, Heal All with your blessings and Divine Love.
Use these wonderful energies of this Portal to assist you MANIFEST MORE and MORE DIVINE LOVE NOW, and every moment. Use mindfulness to assist you. Bless and heal ALL.
With much Divine Love, respect, compassion and loving kindness for all of you! I Bless and Heal All, today, every sacred moment. I see everyone healed, shining as pure DIVINE LIGHT and DIVINE LOVE!
11/11/24: We humans are complex and contradictory when we remain in egoic consciousness. We change our ego minds, interests, desires, goals, tastes, partners, and allegiances in a heartbeat. We continually create ego drama and chaos while believing that world peace can save us from ourselves. Today is an “11/11 portal” within the embrace of number 3 energy. This creates a powerful link to your true nature… which is divine. Beneath the angst, confusion, worry, fear, striving, struggling and stress is the peace you seek… the rightness of beingness, the miracle of consciousness, the power of Free Will’s expansiveness, the perpetuity of Love. When you are in integrity with your divine essence your heart will be peaceful… but the outer world cannot provide that for you. It comes from within.
Many karmic lessons are coming full circle at this time. This may be provoking deep feelings of loss, grief, despair, anger and sadness in those who may be struggling with letting go of the old or who may be caught in webs weaved out of illusion or self sabotage. On the other side of the coin, we have many who have moved past the emotional upheavals as the big lessons are becoming fully integrated at this stage. This is bringing great relief with a sense of liberation and strength that is helping to pave the way for those who may be having a harder time to land in this space with more support and comfort. No matter which side of this coin you are on, please know that we all go together as One and arrive as One. There is no judgement here as all in perfect divine timing with a deeper purpose for All.
Spirit reminder is to be mindful not to fall into the trap of “needing closure” and to keep pushing forward with trust in the guidance coming through from the sacred heart, rather than the ego space of fear and wounding. If certain situations or experiences keep looping around – pay heed and take the nearest exit to break the chain without hesitation ⛓️💥
Leap forward through this portal of change with acceptance for what is no longer in alignment and trust that what is being removed from your life at this time, although it may be painful, is in fact a great blessing of protection for you
If you have been moving towards this change with enthusiasm and a willingness to face the unknown ahead with an open heart but maybe feel as though you are not being supported as much as you’d like or have been taking it on the chin from others emotionally, know that this is the turning point that will lead you in the right direction and you are always being seen, heard, held and loved infinitely by the Divine, always and in all ways
Allow for deeper embodiment by holding healthy boundaries and make loving yourself a top priority. Choose calm over chaos, peace over confusion and rely on the resources of your divine wisdom and intuitive intelligence at this time
This is a powerful window for creative endeavours when we allow that time and space for new gifts to open up. Be present for what is coming through to you and allow yourself to awaken to new ideas. We are sitting in the apex of magic where golden opportunities are endless and there are many keys presenting that hold the potential to open doorways that can change your life
The Destiny Timeline can be felt by observing the new flow of sudden insights, epiphanies, synchronicities, spiritual expansion, and new thoughts, behaviours, feelings and emotions taking shape as well as potent astral travels with new discoveries around every corner. With a curious heart, open up to exploring the new avenues or streams of consciousness coming through as we are now gaining access to our deepest desires becoming known in this reality and are now moving into the expansion and evolution of the divine soul blueprint
While this can be an exciting time, it is also important to note that you may be required to confront any lingering shadows or fears that may have kept these gifts from aligning in the past. Don’t deny yourself the privilege to evolve and grow. Step forward and claim your right to be happy and free. The time is here
Dear friends, today Monday November 11 marks the climax of the intensity of the special 11:11 lightcodes. Their influence will continue for a few more days as they merge with the energies of the full Supermoon on Friday November 15.
Number 1, in its majestic singularity, embodies the essence of creation. It represents the spark that ignites the flame of manifestation, illuminating the path to personal growth and transformation. This numeric frequency resonates with the unity and interconnectedness of all things, reminding us that our individual journeys are inextricably linked to the collective.
The Master number 11, with its double influence on today’s portal, acts as an energetic amplifier increasing the potential for change and inner transformation. It activates the dormant codes of our DNA, unlocking the secrets of our soul’s purpose and facilitating a deeper connection to the cosmos. This numeric frequency serves as a global wake-up call, urging us to transcend the boundaries of separation and unite in our shared humanity.
As we encounter these numeric sequences, we are reminded that synchronicity is the language of the universe. These codes offer guidance, encouragement, and validation, reassuring us that we are on the path to realizing our highest potential.
To harness the transformative power of this portal, we must cultivate awareness, intention, and receptivity. Meditation, journaling, and energy work become potent tools in our spiritual arsenal, allowing us to tap into the infinite possibilities that reside within and around us.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may experience some physical adjustments to these 11:11 codes. The recent solar plasma has been intensifying the process of inner transmutation, and our nervous system has been working non-stop this past weekend specially. We may feel tired, lacking focus and concentration, and finding ourselves facing deep emotional releases at this time. Vivid dreals and recollections of our past may also be present. Our ego personality may feel threatened as we face this evolutionary process of clearing old inner structures. But as we focus our awareness on our higher heart and understand that this is part of our larger cosmic soul’s journey, we will find an inner sense of balance and deeper emotional coherence.
In this sacred human journey, we are not merely passengers; we are the co-creators of our reality. The 11:11 portal serves as cosmic reminder of our capacity to shape our destiny and manifest our dreams into new higher timelines of existence.
Today, 11/11 will signify a wake-up call for many stepping into this path. For others, it will mean the transcendence of this physical plane, for they are ready to exit the illusory veils of this plane. However, there will be others who will be called for further service, for as we step into galactic ascension in the coming years, many will be called to help dismantle the 3D and 4th-dimensional artificial realities, which have many dormant souls, trapped, unable to differentiate between the real 3D plane, astral one and 5th-dimensional timeline, which is where the majority on the ascension path desire to go next.
Since 2012 there have been many 5th-dimensional timelines and plans for planet Earth, for humanity has been oscillating between confusion and self-destruction, and soul awakening and reconnection.
In 2017 we finally achieved the level of reconnection required for planet Earth to start ascending into more illumined dimensions. Earth’s crystallization original plan is now finally taking place, for not only us but also our planet, is retrieving its original crystalline structure, which is why it is so important to work on our 12th-dimensional templates, to retrieve Divine Order in all of our bodies, coming back to who we were created to be.
We are now passing through an important period of transcendence, as there is a new program destined to manipulate consciousness, focused on the 2030 agenda and the AI transmissions to humanity through the earth’s grids, inserts to create parallel false ascension timelines to trap souls and consciousness in illusionary 3D and 4D repetitive timelines.
I write this as guided today to bring information, although you all have your best guidance within, never to bring fear, for this is precisely the biggest illusion to keep us disempowered.
Our Guardians and Forefathers the Lyrans, together with the Auroras and many other benevolent beings who were part of our human creation, are helping us greatly at this time to dismantle inorganic transmissions and many other soul traps, for our collaboration is within our current dimension and Higher Beings are the ones doing the crystallization work
Humility and knowing where we are what we can achieve and what we need to surrender to Higher Forces and Beings is vital to keep the ego and the many illusions balanced.
It is our daily dedication to become integrated and conscious beings that helps us destroy false timelines, and continue stepping into authentic ones.
There is no need to fear or doubt, for as long as we act within divine love and compassion, we will be heading into the right timeline, as we create/attract it from the frequency we hold within. As we continue healing and clearing our 3D self of all anomalies, we will naturally step into the God Soul Worlds, or 5th-dimensional timelines.
Being aware of who and how our Consciousness is directed is essential at this time of great confusion between what is authentic and what is not, for only by soul reconnection and Higher Heart alignment is that we can dissolve false beliefs, programs, and consciousness inserts, and remain in our present chosen timeline.
Ascension is not just about holding the intention to ascend, but it is not either a path of constant suffering, as my Guides reiterate today for the ones who are feeling isolated, confused, and losing themselves in the process of ego transcendence. Ascension is about embodying higher levels of love, wisdom, and power through inner work and conscious desire, and in this path, there will be many blessings, as the challenges we need to overcome illusion.
Our minds cannot be controlled if we balance our ego, reprogram our DNA, and govern our Consciousness which is why my Guides have been sharing recently about the importance of working with our brain-heart connection, for as I recently shared our attention is situated on the prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we have full sovereignty of our attention, intention, and energy, we are free. When our brain is controlled we are connected to lower sources that repress our power and DNA’s true potential.
My Guides invite all who are guided to disconnect as much as possible from technologies, understanding from technologies, all inorganic ones, as light technologies are always welcome and anything that can infuse artificial transmissions into our brain, for we are under a very important bridge to cross, a long one involving years, and every step is pivotal to continue heading into our desired destination.
To help us dissolve or impede all false transmissions into our brain, heart, and entire being guides offer us clear quart, diamond, and Herkimer diamond together with black tourmaline and orgonites, programming them to keep us cleared and in our illumined frequency.
Programming them is vital, for clear quartz and all its variants can amplify energy or neutralize it, so programming will be key for them to serve one purpose or the other.
Sound therapies and tools can also help us remain within our illumined frequency, for there are also many inorganic sounds sent to us at all times, that our human ears cannot process but that our brain can, and sound can also help neutralize them.
Our task is to be resilient, devoted, and confident that we are on the Path of the Soul as Guides share many times, for this is where we are heading into the soul dimensions, and with patience, trust, surrender in the Divine, and hope we can transfigure our bodies and start embodying our Illumined Self.
Our mission as ascending souls who came to assist this wonderful planet is not to decay or fall into fear, but to continue holding the vision of the New Harmonic Earth we came here to create, and support.
May you always recognize illusion and your Power to overcome it, Beloved Ones.
Known as The Wake-Up Code of higher Consciousness, The Code of Ascension, and the Activation Code, 11-11 the Master Digital Code Frequency, that activates Neutral Pathways Within the core being to assist in the mass Awakening and Expansion of higher Consciousness, this numerical sequence carries high frequency codes of Initiation, Amplified Psychic Abilities, heightened Spirituality, higher self alignment , Source connection , and Enlightenment expansion.
The 11-11 Activation Code directly connects the self into the conscious Portal of Oneness and blueprint activation . It is a multidimensional Gateway between 2-3 Dimensional and 5D Beyond Dimensional Levels of higher Dimensions of Consciousness.
11-11 -Ascension Portal of 2024 is bringing in Powerful Surges of Energy, embodying Upgraded Crystalline Light Codes of Ascension, triggering new coding and receiving New Earth Crystalline Activations within DNA, activated by divine intelligence codes. 11-11 entering into new worlds of higher consciousness , higher dimensions , unlocking an ongoing series of consistent Synchronicities.
This Portal is activating and Upgrading Divine Union Light Codes and activations for Divine Higher purpose , which are extremely important to Earth’s continued Ascension , Ascending Souls are activating in this Gateway of Unity Consciousness.
Light Body Upgrades, Crown and Sacral Chakra Activations, Upgrades to Divine Abilities , Solar Plexus Clearing and Upgrades, Kundalini Activations , higher self merging , profound Heart-Brain Integration, uniting the Polarities between Masculine and Feminine Within the Self. .
The inner feminine shadow energies can now Arise , this is for the transmutation , healing and releasing of the inherited lack-based structures and limited manifestations .The feminine side was extremely hindered preventing the ascension into the earths higher timelines . Restricting the feminie power , Internal Feminine Power aspects are Activating . This is the rise of the Divine Femine and the reclaiming of lost and forgotten power .
The 11:11 gateway is a rare moment of heightened clarity and connection with the ascending New Earth. The number 11 represents illumination, intuition, and higher consciousness. This numerical code sequence has the power to activate rapid transformations in all areas where self directs attention and intentions. It presents a powerful opportunity for birthing soul’s higher purpose within the context of the New Earth Timeline.
November embodies Powerful gateway energies , these frequencies are pouring into the planet and many can feel collective Energy intensify . Old timelines are collapsing , new timelines are emerging. Letting go of old timelines during 11-11 activations , planetary energies are assisting in rebirthing the new self paradigm.
The Ascending have made the necessary changes , cleared the people and obstacles preventing ascension and will activate in the 11-11 gateways into brand new timelines , expect a rapid shift . The conciously Ascending will walk through 11-11 gateways and activate into a much higher conscious timeline .
Many Ascending are at the gates of their rebirth consciously working with powerful 11-11 energies releasing what is no longer meant for highest good to vibrationally align with the new Self .
This portal gateway activation will activate significant conscious changes and accelerate the collective ascension awakening. This intense energy is designed for multiple metaphysical blueprint activations, leading to transformative and higher conscious shifts. This may result in heightened and intense emotions, including the resurfacing of past experiences, and the breaking down of old internal patterns.
Ascending souls It is common at different times to feel pulled in multiple directions as various aspects of life may require more of your attention. This push and pull dynamic is a reflection of self’s Innate desires, as every time you manifest, you draw higher energy into your sphere of influence. You have the power within Self to shape the manifesting and unfolding of your ascension journey despite any past challenges or setbacks.
Transmutation: Self is immersed in a profound spiritual transformation. This is a powerful blend of creative and healing energies activating Within. Deep-seated habits and internal thought patterns are undergoing a metamorphosis , transmuting at a profound inner level. As a result you will soon experience a renewed sense of Well being and heightened creativity that will Bring lasting and positive changes in life.
The Ascending are transforming in multiple ways and at a rapid rate , this planetary activation is preparing the Ascending Collective for the beginning stages of 2025, profound and significant shifts in altered states and levels of consciousness will take place , Steering the Ascending collective far beyond the confines of the illusions of the Veil.
The Veil is now at its peak transparency , this Means the self will access internal new levels of Ascension abilities , accessing higher realms of knowledge, wisdom , understanding, this will assist in closing past timelines , completion of Karmic cycles , promoting alignment within the molecular and cellular structure of the physical.
As ascending self sheds the outdated internal layers, it arrives at a personal zero point, marking a process of the ascension death and rebirth cycle . Ascending souls are experiencing the intricate formation of the Light Body during this powerful and profound multiple 11 portal gateway activation.
On November 11, 2024 the numerology date makes it a powerful day for manifestation.11-11-is a Master Number Sequence in Numerology, representing unique creation and rapid manifestations. It combines the traits of pioneering energy and metaphysical enhancements .
The shape of the number 11 symbolises a gateway between divine inspiration and grounded manifestation. With the double alignment of 11:11: this date becomes an exceptionally potent manifesting gateway.
The 11:11 Gateway is the most powerful manifestation portal of the year . The Ascending Prepare for significant life shifts as self accelerates into higher levels of consciousness.
This numerical frequency activation is a Divine invitation into a new conscious world . Expect continuous downloads of light frequencies as well as system upgrades. Manifesting into the activating blueprint of Self’s unlimited power.
The 11-11 -portal and gateway energies are Extremely intense this year , many will experience tests and lessons from higher self it will bring attention and awareness to anything out of vibrational alignment. Major changes are occurring individually and collectively, 11-11 gateway activations are well under way Heightened emotions and unpredictable events may occur during this Intense planetary realignment and global transformational shift.
The Ascending can expect to feel an expansion of personal power and abundance potential. This double 11 gateway is a significant initiation and activation energy in outer Cosmic realms . The date 11-11-2024 marks an opportunity for major internal transformation , ascension acceleration and powerful manifestation potential .
11-11 Universal Love. Light and Divine Blessings . By Ascension LightWorkers .
New information is being uncovered that is revealing direction and perspective. Take a chance and move to towards where you are guided. You may feel vulnerable but know you are prepared and protected for this adventure. It is leading to abundance and bliss. Release all limitations and move with the flow of this fated event.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
pure Bliss of Oneness
Ra James
Welcome to the 11:11 Portal! Expect a lot of high vibration energies. This is the biggest energetic gateway of the year. During this time the spiritual energies are heightened, making it an ideal time for setting intentions and manifesting positive changes. The number 11 represents the gateway between the physical and spiritual worlds. During the 11:11 Portal, the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds is thinner, allowing your thoughts and intentions to have more of a direct impact on your reality.
Today is a powerful day for cleansing your energy and your spaces. It’s all about releasing and letting go of any negative energies. It’s all about connecting with the energies of the 11:11 Portal. Venus also shifts into Capricorn. This will bring a wave of positive energy that will deepen relationships. The 11:11 Portal is one of the most powerful days for manifestation. It’s a powerful time to manifest your dreams. The 11:11 Portal amplifies manifestation energy.
These energies are amazing to be harnessing to let go of limiting beliefs, achieve your goals, and welcome new possibilities. You’re being guided to release any fears or doubts that may be holding you back. You should be envisioning what your dream life looks like. This helps you to shift to it. These energies are amazing for helping you to unlock your highest potential, and to connect to your life purpose. They bring major DNA upgrades…
November 11-18, 2024 – PERFECT TIMING – SuperNova Astrology Update
We have been feeling the tension of Mars in Opposition to Pluto for the last couple of weeks. Mars has now moved over into the sign of Leo, where he will turn retrograde at 6 degrees on December 7th. Mars is just completing this first of three oppositions with Pluto. This is the only one with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto will make the big move into Aquarius on November 20th. Mars will oppose Pluto at the beginning of 2025, at 1 degree Leo and Aquarius, and again near the end of the retrograde cycle on April 26th at 3 degrees. Mars our warrior is slingshotting us into the Aquarian Age.
Venus is just coming off of a square with Neptune. Our feminine is fighting for the return of the Dream of what is Right, Good and True. We are trying to come out from underneath the lies and delusions of the Piscean Age. Venus is pushing us to get back on track with the Original Christ Consciousness Timeline. In order to do that, we must face all of the hidden darkness within. Remember, its up to us to take back the magic and miracles of the Piscean Age. SuperNova, that’s You! We are reclaiming our True Selves. Venus moves over into the sign of Capricorn on November 12th, as we begin to examine what True Feminine Authority might look like. Venus will come into square with the Nodes of the Moon at 6 degrees of Aries and Libra on November 16th, the same day that Saturn turns direct. It’s a New Way now, and only a relationship with the Great Mother Divine Feminine principle can move us forward.
Mercury is in the sign of Sagittarius, preparing for a retrograde starting on November 26th. Mercury will make three squares with Saturn for this retrograde, the first one happening tomorrow, November 12th at 12 degrees. This Mercury retrograde is about re-awakening the Quest for Spiritual Evolution. It’s about remembering that we are so much more than we have been told. Mercury will square up with Saturn for a second time on December 7th, the same day that Mars turns retrograde. In order to get back on the optimal timeline, we must nurture our Leaders of Light back to the Stage of Life. These retrogrades are lining up perfectly to nudge us deeper within, in order to find the strength to share our Light with the World. Mercury’s third square with Saturn will happen on December 28th, giving us a powerful message about the year ahead. It’s our World Now, we can re-Create the Dream, we just have to rise and grab a hold of it.
Mercury will also make three oppositions with Jupiter in Gemini, calling us to express all that has been suppressed within us. Mercury’s retrograde is bringing the energy of the Jupiter square Saturn transit which happens exact on December 24th and 25th. It’s a magical Christmas season as we push the wheel of time back in alignment with Her World. Jupiter in Gemini says we claim back the timeline, by speaking our Truth. Perhaps that is what this 6 months of retrograde energy is about. We must go within, in order to truly bring forward our Gifts. The time is now (or after this retrograde season) for us to Shine Forth as the Light that we are. Mercury will make his first opposition with Jupiter on November 18th at 18 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini.
We are coming up to a Full Moon which happens on Friday, November 15th at 24 degrees of Taurus. Uranus sits at 25 degrees Taurus, which puts the Moon in conjunction, and the Sun in exact opposition with Uranus for this Full Moon. This Full Moon is highlighting the key issue of the shift we are in. We are claiming back what is truly ours, which means an Abundant Life on all levels. But dare we worthy? Do we deserve it? This Full Moon is about clearing all of the shame and low self-worth which may still be standing between us and our inner treasures. The world is waiting for us to Shine, SuperNovas. This is a final battle, and deep trip to the Wilderness. Are you ready to let it all go? Pluto moving into Aquarius is making it so that we can only take what is really real, and in alignment with the Ideal. All ego constructs re blowing up in our faces. She humbles us back into the Simple Divine. With Saturn in Pisces turning direct just before this Full Moon, we are getting the message that it’s ‘Game On’ and all that is left is for us to step onto our Optimal Timeline, is to learn to feel worthy of the Light that we Truly Are.
On Monday, November 11th, we have lovely Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, shifting into conservative Capricorn at 1:26pm Eastern Time. She will be in this grounded earth sign until December 7th, and while here she is getting down to business. In relationships and finances she is going to be more practical, reserved, goal oriented and hard working. The focus will be on career, life purpose, money and resources. She will be more serious, productive, patient and determined.
Prudence and discipline are also keywords. On this day we also have the Sun, ruler of confidence, in fixed Scorpio in an inconjunct to Chiron, ruler of karmic wounds, in impatient Aries. With our courage, healing can take place on a subconscious level regarding old challenges and traumas. And finally, today is the 11/11 portal. For the last few days we have been receiving downloads and activations of light codes that are supporting us in releasing and purging what we no longer need energetically, and initiating new strength and courage to move us into our personal power!
This energy will continue for the next few days until the Full Moon on November 15th. Take some time to today to receive all that is being offered! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, shifting into conservative Capricorn
Venus enters Capricorn. Sun-Jupiter-Chiron yod pattern – Venus slips off the Neptune influence, pulls her socks up, surveys the scene. Now instead of drowning her sorrows or bathing in impossible dreams, she’s building a future, one hard brick at a time. Life might not be rosy under this influence but it sure beats feeling lonely and disappointed. Commit to climbing your personal mountain. Love yourself through the rainy, difficult days. Pleasure is found in a hard job well done. Invest in long term projects – whether that be time, money or energy. The best is worth waiting for. Respect yourself and others will follow suit.
A fleeting finger of God pattern points to a process of personal transformation. For life to change, we must change. With Jupiter sextile Chiron, there is an opportunity for healing but we need to get out of our own way first. Stop plotting revenge, stop steeping in betrayal, stop judging, stop hurting yourself, stop side-stepping your power, stop catastrophising, stop thinking you’re too broken to have the good things in life. The sun is not annihilated by a cloudy day, and neither are you. Shine whatever the weather.
…11-11-24, 5-Akabal/Night, the tone of 5 empowers, it is the hawk, the messenger of Creations Light… the aspect of Akabal is recreation of unity and dampened world ambitions… it’s the balance of Light and Dark, it’s the memory of the last remaining embers of yesterdays fire reignited as the new light transcends the dark of Night.
…The new Thread of Time is pure Creator SOURCE Light, it is in resonance with Earth’s evolution to transform all that is living immature to nature.
….The new thread of Time is DIVINE, it impulses from the Cosmic Source centre of all centre’s to awaken the Phoenix to merge heart and mind and align consciousness with unity and peace on Earth…
…The Dream of the Divine Universe is creating a new thread of time, and it is of 100% pure Universal Source LIGHT consciousness emanating from the Cosmic Source Axis(Tree of Life), hence it overrides the old threads of time manipulation created to control and posses our SOUL, the new thread it is pure and flawless like a diamond, it is being woven into our reality creating a new pattern through our inner multidimensional consciousness, this new pattern is transmuting the old outdated patterns that limit us keeping us bound to the physical 3rd dimension only… the threads of new LIGHT are a resonance of pure Universal Source sound, communicating high vibrational LOVE that it is separating the fake from the true and showing everything for what it is, all the chaos is the resistance to this process of revelation, all the veils of deception are dissolving, there is no more shadow to hide in…
…INNER PEACE IS CREATED BY SURFING THE NEW INCOMING THREADS OF THE WAVES OF DIVINE TIME, to surf them we must open our heart… our inner Light is going through an evolutionary leap, the leap is awakening our consciousness to let go the mind(masculine), in essence it’s the shift to allowing the (heart)feminine to lead the way and bring healing to our world, yet it is all still about finding the balance, and the pivotal point is truth, courage and humility…
…In the end the dark will always devour itself and by this process liberate the fully mature Light of Creation to live true to the WILL of the Creator, this means if our human consciousness chooses to feed the dark and not be one with the Creator then it will devour the LIGHT of itself… the collective human consciousness had until recently been on this path but the new Thread of Time is arriving to help our world to align to a direction that transcends this immature dark force, that does not have our best interest at heart…
…It can be understood that the 9th Wave timing frequency is the most condensed and thus it accelerates Creations evolution to transcend the immature imprints of duality and ascend consciousness to live multidimensional true and pure, it is this Divine intention that the new Thread of Time is weaving into our reality through our Soul LIGHT, it is a sacred process that has taken Billions of years in terms of our consciousness, yet on another level it has happened quickly and in the nick of time.
…The new Thread of Time arriving is a paradox, the paradox is that everything unfolding is according to a Divine Plan, that is coded to bring design CHANGE to our world, the design Change is organic and for the good and is shifting our consciousness to look within to the hearts memory that the Creator’s Source Light intentions seeded our Soul by………as challenging as it might seem to let go the conditioning of the old threads of time in our mind, without change we might never grow.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce’. For millennia mankind has counted on his fingers and so the number ten has long been associated with the top mark, 10 out of 10. These days are great for manifesting what you need. This number really does produce results! Every day in the Tzolkin, is greatly enhanced when it occurs with the number 10. There are 20 wavespells and so of course, 20 times we get to experience the number ten’s perfect energy.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Knowing, Accomplishment and Healing’. We have ten fingers to count on, on our HANDs. Give me a show of hands! The Blue Hand is very handy for putting your hands to good use; offering a massage or taking on some handy work. Today is great for producing something with your hands. From kneading dough, to pottery, sewing, knitting or anything you can make. Manifest! It is the perfect day for healing too. Don’t waste this opportunity today and see if you can make things happen. The Blue Hand can make us feel ambitious because accomplishment is one of its key characteristics. This can lead us to reaching out and grabbing what we want. As it is a number ten day, it’s a perfect day to go grab what you want. By the end of the day, you should feel like you’ve accomplished something perfectly.
The Guide today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision and Creativity’. Soaring high, the Eagle offers a bird’s eye view of the situation. May this perspective guide your actions today. Yesterday the Eagle was the Occult power and then he offered us magical visions. Today, we follow the Eagle and he leads us to see the bigger picture. This guide is perfect for today, as the Blue Hand is manifesting and the Blue Eagle can see what is up for grabs.
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which symbolizes Evolution. The challenge aspect can provoke you into responding. We all avoid things if they are too difficult, and this can lead to complacency. That’s fine but if you want to make headway on your spiritual path, you must face challenges. If you are a Red Earth, you can still evolve today, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to receive some healing too.
The Occult power today is the White Wizard, the enchanting charmer of the Tzolkin. The Wizard suits this magical position, as his spells work very well. Be a Wizard yourself and add some magic to this perfect healing day. When the Wizard has this much power, we may be easily put under a spell by someone using their charms. It is always better to be the Wizard and cast spells, rather than be charmed and put under a spell.
The Ally today is the Yellow Human and so if you know one, they can use their intuitive power to help you heal. If you are a Yellow Human, your attention may be required. If you can’t get hold of a Yellow Human to assist you today, try to be like one and that involves trusting your intuition and allowing it to make decisions for you.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 127 = 10 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority./New Beginnings
Today we have KIN 127= 10 PLANETARY TONE = 10 As well as a 10 Universal month 11+8 = 19=10
A powerful DIVINE day for MANIFESTATION, Healing and accomplishment on a PLANETARY level! .
We are now in DAY 7 (out of 20) of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION..
It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT.
What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
In 3 days time on 14/15th NOV we arrive at GALACTIC CENTRE/HUNAB KU – the HEART of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR.
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
This was a day of RESET and bringing life into BALANCE.. ACCOMPLISHING HEALING and building a NEW PEACE filled world. This potent EQUINOX energy is flowing through KIN 127 today bringing more BALANCE to our healing intentions.
Today is the 11.11 portal and we are very blessed to have a PLANETARY HAND HEALING day. This opens a very potent HEALING CYCLE of 40 days duration – through 3 potent HEALING DAYS concluding on SOLSTICE
Set your INTENTION for WHAT you wish to HEAL in your life!
Day 10 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today is the day of physical plane MANIFESTATION – yaaaay!!!.
The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to HARVEST this energy today, through manifestation.
The WHITE MIRROR magnifies and reflects the endless order of alignment in our centre, illuminating all that needs to be discarded, in order to accomplish great HEALING.
The closer we get to the CORE of the TZOLKIN and our CENTER of balance, the more POTENT our Manifestation POWER!
Woot, woot – be EXTRA careful and mindful of WHERE you are focusing your intentions and your ENERGY today – as MAJIK HAPPENS very quickly on PLANETARY days… – especially with a 10.10.10 code!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit and Pachamama today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting Healing in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level.
Take the opportunity today to sit in nature and send HEALING energy to accomplish HEALING for all Planetary Kin and our EARTH MOTHER to re-establish her perfected Utopian VISION. –
Visualizing Nova Tara Gaia’s perfected BRILLIANCE emanating from the RAINBOW BUTTERFLY WINGS surrounding and enfolding her with pure SOURCE DIVINE LOVE, ready to take her MAJIK FLIGHT!
We reach HUNAB KU the GALACTIC CENTRE in 3 days time – 14/15 of NOVEMBER 2024
Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great HEALING for myself and our PLANET?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING, and MANIFESTING our collective VISION..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of dis-ease and discordant states of being. It is TIME to CLEAR ALL FEAR from our Planetary body – every person, every country and continent, and our entire PLANET. .
Through DIVINE DECREE – The PLANETARY HAND has now anchored a QUANTUM HEALING FREQUENCY FIELD within GAIA’s butterfly rainbow wings..
A continuous toroidal HEALING frequency is FLOWING through GAIA’s poles now, and our chakras are in sync. with GAIA.
A QUANTUM MED BED technology is now being made available to ALL HUMANS on EARTH
MUMMA GAIA wants her children HEALED – yesterday!!
To ACCESS this QUANTUM PLANETARY MED BED – when you go to sleep each night say –
2. SCAN MY BODY (wait until you feel it is done)
3. Clear and negate all toxins, parasites and pathogens
4. HEAL all imbalances and DIS-EASE
5. You can also make specific requests to focus on a particular issue – be it physical/mental/emotional/spiritual..
6. You can also ASK for a rejuvenating night’s sleep – or youth restoration
As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body today. MANIK working synergistically with WHITE MIRROR creates a beautiful pairing to REFLECT and reveal the distortions in our field.
BLUE EAGLE provides the eyes to see clearly (like a MEDICAL INTUITIVE) – both for the causes of dis-ease and dis-harmony, and revealing the solutions too. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from the cosmos, to bring the much needed healing panacea.
We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment, to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin.
Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk through these evolutionary portals together.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE – MEN enables us to accomplish our actions guided by creative vision. The EAGLE enables us to find the answers to healing ourselves and our planet. What a BRILLIANT Higher Guide we have today on this ILLUMINATING 11.11 portalI!
BLUE EAGLE tribe is said to hold the PLANETARY MIND in the DREAMSPELL. When we combine MEN with the PLANETARY tone of creation – we have a super STRONG PLANETARY MIND operating on this day. We can access PLANETARY level wounds and affect great HEALING solutions at a collective and PLANETARY LEVEL today. How FANTASTIC… This 11.11 portal is UBER potent!
Having the PLANETARY EAGLE as the supporting energy today, ensures our PLANETARY MIND is RESET bringing back BALANCE.
A BRILLIANT DAY for clearing Planetary karma, outmoded timelines and scenarios.
It is TIME to change the SCRIPT for our PLANET.. A HUGE reset and REBOOT of our Planetary Operating Systems… GET READY for RECALIBRATION!!
Today we can SEE the BIG PICTURE on a GIANT PANORAMIC SCREEN, with great clarity, enabling us to find the solutions to all that ails us and our beloved Gaia.
BLUE EAGLE is the clear lens to the magnifying WHITE MIRROR that gives us FOCUS and amazing access to healing tools, knowledge and energies needed to accomplish our goals.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN – CIB beckons us to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN for all of HUMANITY. The central column of the Tzolkin is the ZERO POINT in the Mirror World which contains potent CREATION POWER!
CIB the wise HU-MAN reveals how to manifest PLANETARY ABUNDANCE through making better choices than in the past. Choose differently and choose wisely. Align with Divine Will and UNIVERSAL LAW to guide your choices.
Diverge from the masses, using your FREE WILL to make better decisions, based on our collective planetary dreaming of ‘Abundance for all Beings’,
What is good for ONE, is good for ALL! Aho!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD – IX invites us to PERFECT our creative manifestation, through our receptivity in our MINDS and our hearts. Receiving the wisdom needed to find the solutions from Spirit and BLUE EAGLE, in order to accomplish great healing.
Use your MIND to imagine PERFECT WELLNESS – FREE from dis-ease! IMAGINE IT and so mote it be! AMEN!
! Get out your majik wands and cast your new healing DREAM-SPELL…
The SELF-EXISTING WIZARD enables us to use our MIND connected to our pure HEART’S desires to MANIFEST our imaginings into form. Very potent manifestation POWER! This is the power of CHRIST – spontaneous HEALING of all ailments through the MAJIK of DIVINE power.
WHITE WIZARD gives us great power to accomplish GREAT THINGS for our-CELL-ves and our planet. Set the bar HIGHER and S-T-R-E-T-C-H your manifesting muscles in preparation for the BLUE MONKEY MAJIK MANIFESTATION Wavespell, quickly approaching in 4 days time!
PLANETARY CABAN ensures we are MINDFUL of the concerns of our PACHAMAMA today – caring for our EARTH through sustainability. land and resource management, and walking GENTLY on our EARTH.
CABAN challenges us today to MANIFEST the most Divine HARMONY on Earth, through LISTENING to the EARTH and manifesting our UTOPIAN world in PERFECT DIVINE TIMING.
Being guided by our instincts to follow the signs and synchronicity, that leads us deeper into more elegant creations with the natural world. Integrating the healing capacity of the EARTH and natural world in our human environment so that there is a seamless flow, blurring the lines between our living spaces.
No more division and separateness, we NEED GAIA , and she needs us to be totally in SYNC.. and on the same page, working in unison for the betterment of us all.
So planetary kin, today we have a great opportunity to re-align our PLANETARY perspective of
WHAT type of REALITY we want to MANIFEST.
Use this UBER, SUPER potent MAJIK 11.11 MANIFESTATION portal to blast us into the highest harmonic trajectory EVER on our planet!
Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great HEALING for myself and our PLANET?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING, and MANIFESTING our collective VISION..
The 11:11 Gateway and the Full Moon in Taurus create a beautiful synergy for grounding, manifestation, and deep healing. This ceremony and meditation will help you connect to the earth’s abundant energy, release what no longer serves you, and open to the divine flow of prosperity and well-being.
11:11 Gateway Stargate Portal of Divine Mastery Prayer
Divine Source of all creation,
I stand at the threshold of the 11:11 Gateway,
Open and receptive to the energies of divine mastery and alignment.
Through this sacred portal, I call upon the highest light
To awaken my soul, elevate my spirit, and align me with my true path.
I am ready to embody my fullest potential,
To let go of old limitations and embrace new beginnings.
With love, I release all that no longer serves my highest good,
And welcome the gifts of clarity, wisdom, and purpose.
Guide me as I step into my power,
Anchoring the energies of love, peace, and unity.
Help me to walk this journey with grace, courage, and compassion,
Radiating light to all I encounter.
Through this 11:11 Stargate,
I am connected to my highest self, in harmony with the Universe.
May my thoughts, words, and actions reflect divine truth
And may my heart remain open to receive all that is meant for me.
Thank you for this sacred alignment,
For the guidance, protection, and blessings bestowed upon me.
With gratitude, I step forward as a co-creator with the Divine,
Grounded, empowered, and aligned with my soul’s purpose.
This prayer can be used as a daily reminder during the 11:11 Gateway to open your heart to divine alignment, deepen your connection to your higher self, and embrace your journey of spiritual mastery.
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RUMORS: 12/11/2024
Fri Nov 8, 2024 EBS & GESARA Countdown: Exposing Deep State & Banking Betrayal, QFS Revolution, 5D Earth Shift, Trump-Obama Power Play, End of Petrodollar & Iraq White Hat Alliance!
· October 10, 2024 EBS, Martial Law and GESARA:
The countdown begins: the way things will unfold is meticulously planned. It begins with the EBS, the Emergency Broadcast System—the all-important messenger. The declaration of Martial Law will follow, all in line with the monumental announcement of GESARA. Does the EBS precede or follow GESARA? Oh, the uncertainties remain, but one thing is certain: once the Disclosures come to light, the Redemption Center Appointments will beckon.
· The Redemption Centers:
It’s not just about money: Each and every one of us will have to go through these Redemption Centers. And it’s not just for those lucky enough to have foreign currency. All the dark deeds, including military tribunals, public punishments and more, will finally be revealed.
· Banks’ sinister secrets revealed:
Our trusted financial institutions? The same banks that promised to protect our futures? They have betrayed us all. Not just you, but generations before us. With the onset of GESARA and NESARA, a financial reckoning is upon us. The mighty dollar will be returned to its rightful owners: the people.
· Sun. June 1, 2025
Trump’s “Quantum Healing Freedom Act” will be signed into law. This legislation will ensure that Med Beds are permanently integrated into all medical facilities and eliminate any legal obstacles. The Act will also require transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, stripping Big Pharma of its power to hide information about alternative cures. Trump will launch full-scale investigations into past medical fraud, exposing those who profited from keeping this technology hidden.
· Fri. July 4, 2025 – Independence Day will be celebrated like never before.
This will be the day Trump officially declares America’s liberation from the medical-industrial complex. In a grand public event, he will reveal the truth to the world. Health centers across the country will be open 24/7, offering free treatments in honor of the day. This day will mark not only America’s freedom from political tyranny, but also from medical tyranny, as people reclaim their right to true health.
Large amounts of MONETARY FUNDS for Humanitarian Projects and ALL HUMANITY.
Huge and abundant OPPORTUNITIES for ALL to engage in their Passion and find their True Divine Purpose and Mission in this Earthly Human Experience.
A Restoration of Heaven on Earth is coming.
A QUANTUM LEAP in our Standard of Living.
New Earth Communities.
The Beach Las Vegas.
LOWER COSTS for NEW CARS AND HOMES and cost of living, plus incentives for young couples having children.
Do you believe?
Are you contributing your frequency, vibration, mindset, behavior, beliefs, prayers, thoughts, words, dreams, visions?
A return of the Great American State Fair.
A YEAR-LONG CELEBRATION for our 250th anniversary of independence is coming > starting Memorial Day 2025 through July 4, 2026.
the BEST is yet to come!
JESUS (Translation): The current target for notifications is five days. Some governing council in Iraq has been given the go-ahead and instructed to do this. The street rate will change and it will be published. It’s in their hands now. They have five days. If they don’t do this, they’ll get a call from Trump.
JEN: What has Trump been doing since winning the election?
JESUS: Calling world leaders and making arrangements for the release of NESARA/GESARA. He has a list of events planned to take place. There is movement all over the world to prepare. Some knew he would win.
– Landslides or avalanches caused by underground loads
– Attempts to bury servers
– Democrats want recounts in bid to regain seats
– Widespread Democratic Party panic over Trump’s policies; more protests being organized
Trump has already dismantled the Federal Reserve , and by March 2025, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan will follow suit. This will mark the complete collapse of the fiat money system.
Wolverine – [via Judy Byington]
The RV has started… Everyone is saying that by Tuesday, November 12th, we should have a quick start. Everything is happening at the same time. The bankers had a meeting and said Zurich has already started. The codes were locked a few days ago. Keep in mind that Tuesday, November 12th is when we expect things to happen.
Question: So no VR until Trump is officially inaugurated on January 20th?
MarkZ: I just haven’t heard that… 80-90% of my contacts believe we’ll go before December 10th. There are some outliers that we won’t go until Trump is… but the overwhelming majority believe we’ll go between now and December 10th.
We don’t know the timing, but there’s a huge pressure in Iraq to go before December 10th. They say that’s when they want to be complete – so in my opinion they need to go sometime this month. That makes the most sense.
A bill to abolish the Federal Reserve has 20 sponsors. Now that Trump is in office, Executive Order 13772 is in full effect. The new U.S. Treasury is about to take over.
The Q Movement Predicted:
Q-posters have long awaited a moment like this, a critical event that would wake up the nation. Some believe it could activate the Emergency Broadcast System, allowing the truth to bypass the media’s control and reach all Americans directly. Patriots have speculated that Elon Musk’s Starlink could play a role, creating a new channel of communication that would finally allow people to see reality beyond the media’s shadow.
The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is an imminent reality.
Under the leadership of Donald J. Trump and a global military alliance, final preparations for EBS activation are underway.
This is the operation that will dismantle decades of control, expose unimaginable atrocities, and destroy the Deep State’s (DE) carefully constructed narrative.
New information reveals that these preparations took months, even years, to make. The scope of Operation EBS is unlike anything ever attempted in human history.
It is a coordinated, multi-pronged attack on the DS information domain, with teams positioned globally to ensure the success of the operation.
The Final Step: EBS Activation
The world will be dark for a moment, but the light of truth will shine brighter than ever. As EBS begins, expect a global broadcast that will last 10 days of continuous revelation. There will be no room for manipulation or denial. Every home, every individual, will face the uncensored truth.
The countdown to activation is almost over. Prepare for a world where lies have no power, and justice reigns supreme. The DS is at a standstill. Under Trump’s leadership, the patriots have won. Prepare to witness the greatest overthrow of evil in human history.
There are a total of 179 central banks listed by the BIS, with about 80 more when you count regional monetary authorities across the 209 countries — all of which are being connected as well.
Hold on to your hats, folks, because here comes the bomb!!!
Our inside source, a courageous individual deep in military intelligence circles (identity classified for obvious reasons), has let slip a piece of information that could shake the very foundations of the global economy: 97 of the 100 largest central banks are currently in the process of transforming to become fully operational under the QFS+RTGS system. That’s not all, the remaining 82 smaller central banks are preparing for this transition.