10:10 Cosmic Gateway ~ Dragon Portal Activated ~ A Day of Resolution
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Holy Spirits of New Earth Ascending
Happy 10/10 Heavenly Gateway
We have massive energetics flowing through today’s portal bringing in the Higher Resonance of our Cosmic Frequency.
Our local Solaris continues to release multiple C Class Solar Flares today and another powerful M Class Flare maxing at M 2.35 at 12:17 UTC.
Pachamama also received two immense activations today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Argentina , South America at 10:01 UTC and a magnitude 6.3 earthquake at 0:41 UTC.
As we navigate in between worlds and lift the veils of separation we bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Hearts Centers. The One of the Yang merges with the Zero of the Yin as the Eagle flies with the Condor and the Divine Masculine becomes One with the Divine Feminine in Hieros Gamos.
In Unity Consciousness all things become clear in the Light of Bliss and Buddha Mind of Compassion and Virtue shines freely from our Heavenly Abode upon the New Earth for all our Good People, our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to behold.
In the Glory of God’s Grace we activate the benevolence of Universal Truth and manifest the Gold Ray of Love to bring all into the balance and harmony of the Music of the Spheres.
You asked for a sign and here it is.. You are exactly where you need to be to be successful!. You are asked to trust the journey because you are being guided. Desires of confidence will be granted and Divine inspiration will take over you. 🪽222 🪽333 🪽555 22212:12 222
SwEden, 10-10-2023. Today is the day of Resolution. The final Stage. End of the old story. And a rewriting of history. We are now clarifying what we truly wish to Create.
We can see it mirrored in the outer as old timelines are resolving in Source light. It is like the linear time stands still at the stillness of the freezing point.
When everything thaws anew in the light of love’s heartfelt rays, a new scenario has been written. A story of unity. The authors are the heart’s longing for space of freedom, where one IS the treasure of being in one’s own appreciation of oneself and each other and the gifts we all are and co-create for each other, with each other.
101023: This is a brave new day and it’s waiting for you to step all the way into it, which will be challenging if you try to envision its possibilities through old eyes. Therefore, today is also a day of letting go and seeing life differently. You stand at the threshold between the comfortable but sticky past… and the enticing but unpredictable future.
The past holds your lifetime of experience which you can finally now use to your benefit… and for the benefit of those who know what you’ve been through and await the payoff. You haven’t come this far for nothing. Do not waste any part of it. Your hard-earned wisdom is a very precious commodity.
Within the 10/10 PORTAL that WE are Experiencing NOW. . . there is much chaotic Energy.
Where the WAVE Patterns of PARALLEL Realities Intersect and RUN PARALLEL for a while. . . there is Destabilization of Everything. . . until WE CHOOSE the One that WE Pay ATTENTION to and ALIGN with.
If WE want to live in a world of LOVE and JOY in Great intensity. . . WE Embrace POSITIVITY in Every Way.
In ALIGNMENT with our INNER KNOWING. . . WE can BE Fearless and Self-Determined.
Our AWARENESS Expands into Brilliance Everywhere in Beauty with COMPASSIONATE and LOVING Relationships.
By Resolving and Releasing our limiting beliefs about our SELVES. . . WE can TRANSCEND into a Dimension Beyond TIME and SPACE.
WE can Participate in the world of TIME and SPACE. . . while also BE-ing AWARE of the most Life-Enhancing THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about our SELVES and Others.
WE can Imagine the LIGHT of LOVE in our SELVES and Others.
This is How WE BEcome ALIGNED with its ENERGETICS and are able to Recognize its REALITY in another Dimension that is Destabilizing the Dimension WE have Lived in.
These are ALL Part of the Game of Conscious Expansion that WE Are INVOLVED in.
Making the SHIFT within the current ENERGETIC PORTAL means BE-ing open to understanding How to Live very Differently.
WE can CHOOSE to BE Always GRATEFUL for Everything BEcause WE have Created it in our own Consciousness . . . and it has MANIFESTED for us.
Once WE Realize what WE are doing. . . WE No Longer have personal drama or anxiety of any kind. Even NOW. . . Life FLOWS Effortlessly. . . as much as WE ALLOW our SELVES to Realize.
At some point WE are Ready to release ALL fear and doubt. Our Ego-Consciousness BEcomes a Willing Participant in ALIGNMENT with our INNER KNOWING.
To the Extent that WE Are Able to RELEASE our limitations. . . WE Open our Realization to Infinite AWARENESS.
Beyond TIME and SPACE. . . WE Are our Eternal PRESENCE of AWARENESS with Unlimited CREATIVE POWER in Every Dimension of Consciousness.
WE Are Fractals of our CREATIVE SOURCE. . . Sharing the Same Infinite Consciousness and Able to CHOOSE the Dimension WE Want to Experience!
“The 10-10 Cosmic Gateway of Energy is open, serving as a quantum bridge in the new direction, as 10-10 is carrying the energetic vibration of both completion and starting anew, from a completely different foundation – of the heart space. Galactic energy attunements are coming through for those who are ready on the soul level, opening individual, planetary, and galactic portals.
Galactic stargate of the heart attunement is coming through the gateway and bringing higher chakras activations, light body activations, DNA activations and upgrades, karmic clearing, and clearing within the feminine and the masculine templates are taking place. Pluto stations direct right on 10-10, and working together as a double portal, this intense vortex of energy is bringing about powerful transformation, change, and forward movement.
Synchronicity energetic encoding 1010 is activating the doorway into our soul embodiment, and opening up our conscious connection to the stellar gateway – the energy center above our soul star chakra that transcends all dimensional boundaries of time and space.” ~divineenergyworks
Dear friends, the 10:10 energy waves are already flowing in. This type of energetic vibration takes place on the Gregorian calendar date of Tuesday October 10.
When our consciousness resonates with this double 10 10 energy, we can tap into the energetic vibrations held by the geometry of this number. 1010 can act as an energetic catalyzer, or alchemical fire, to trigger inner change.
This specific 10:10 energy flow is associated with regaining our independence and sovereignty, creating an opening for infinite potential. The number 10 represents the energy of self-determination in all its aspects.
The number 10 energy holds the idea of starting anew in any area of your life, whether is work related, relationships (with others or with your self), your spiritual path, or moving to a new location. As we connect with the 10/10 gateway energy, we can tap into an energy of support and leadership, in which new ideas can catapult us into new higher timelines. Number 10 is formed by a pillar and a circle. It is both masculine and feminine, or contains within the Father/Mother principles. It means wholeness. And because of this attribute, it brings with it the energy of new creations and the responsibilities we have as humans to use this power for the greatest good.
The 10:10 gateway will prime our energetic fields before the solar eclipse of Saturday October 14. Big changes are already taking place within us, I’m sure many of you can sense the energetic tension in the air. Please stay centered within your heart, take frequent breaks, and stay hydrated. Our bodies are getting ready for a very important week energetically speaking.
Have a productive and peaceful 10:10 gateway, and may this week mark the beginning of wonderful new life chapters in your earthly soul’s journey. Much love
The 1010 Portal kicks off a 10 day period of galactic activation portal days. The 1010 portal is an energetic opening where we can connect and receive new light codes and downloads from the Universe, the energy of creation. On the tenth day of the tenth month we have the 1010 portal. We are receiving the energy of this powerful portal into the planetary and individual systems for a few days now. It is the reason for more ascension symptoms and tiredness.
This portal represents the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. We might just say the beginning of a new era. The energy is really powerful right now and we can feel this sense of great change, leveling up, moving forward, stepping into our power. Our DNA is being upgraded, activated. It can cause tingles within the body, itchy skin. We are able to live in a 5th dimensional kind of way in the physical life more and more.
We will be able to jump timelines because of all the energy, knowledge, information we are receiving right now. This is a portal of rebirth. Number 10 has the vibration of optimism, positivity, it brings new beginnings, confidence, independence, creativity, success, determination, motivation, individuality, but also nothingness, infinity, oneness, the energy of creation. We are invited to open up to the unknown, receive the light codes and downloads that are coming in right now and create the life we desire. Really do it, not just think or dream about it. No more waiting for someone from the outside to do it for you as you are the one. we are going through an important expansion right now.
Receiving high frequency energy from the universe, source energy into our systems – planetary and personal systems. We are shifting into a new reality where we can be more who we truly are, speak our truth, set boundaries, love ourselves more and meet others on that higher level of awareness and understanding of the world within and around us and the connections with others. We will even jump timelines. Some amazingly powerful days are in front of us. The universe is bringing some magic into our lives. Open up to receive and take care of your physical body.
1010 portal
Ra James
Happy 10:10 Portal. We are in a powerful Gateway. The 10:10 Portal occurs when the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center on October 10th every year. We are receiving a high influx of Galactic Energies. These high frequency energies are full of Light Codes that are activating your DNA. The veil is thin as we move towards Halloween/Samhain. This opens us up to a higher consciousness. When the veil is thin the Earth planes and the spiritual world collide. The veil is where you meet your loved ones, guides, and angels. It’s a place between the worlds. That means pay attention to the guidance you’re getting through. You will be getting lots of intuitive nudges and gut feelings. 10 is also a number all about karmic completion.
We are clearing out our karmic closet like never before. You can never enter into the new fully, until you have processed the old. This is a time where many karmic contracts are coming up for completion. It’s a time to integrate and to let go of the old lessons. Some people only come into your life for a Season. it’s time to move away from past connections that are over. It’s a great time for a cord cutting, or an energy clearing. The 10:10 Portal is helping you to raise your vibration. It’s all about clearing negative energies from the past. This is a major manifesting portal.
It’s a great time to be setting your intentions. It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies for healing or making big shifts. This week is huge for relationships. Especially any Twin Flame connections. If you’re in a Twin Flame connection, know your soul is always in an infinite dance with this person. The healing work is coming up for these pairs. Expect positive shifts as you’re doing the inner work. The 11:11 Portal will be huge for any Twin Flames in separation. October brings us two major meteor shower. The Draconids and Orionids will both peak this month…
Today, we reach the peak of this year of wisdom integration. We are concluding a cycle on both a personal and a planetary level, that is represented today by two important events, Pluto moving direct again, for those who resonate with slow-motion phases, which is reflecting the profound rebirth and transformation that is happening, at this time.
Secondly, the 10:10 portal, which in numerology may symbolize the end and beginning of a new cycle or other meanings that it may have for you. However, at this time, Guides invites us to focus upon this number beyond the earthly meaning it has for us. There is a lot behind the many planetary events that are happening at this time, and that are associated with this number.
The 10/10 portal this year is bringing to the surface the many conflicts and the many distortions that are yet to be healed, in both the micro and the macro structure of our planet. Guides have been showing me this for a week now, especially as I kept seeing on FB the so-called Tree of Life, which I personally call our 12th-dimensional angelic template, with ten orbs rather than 12th, as we are twelfth-dimensional beings, as you all know.
This has come followed by a message of the big correction that is taking place at this time of the many planetary reversals that are yet associated with this number and that again are created to modify our original 12th dimensional DNA structure, as well as the planetary grid one, by reducing it to number ten.
This is one of the most common tactics to diminish our power and manipulate our DNA, among many other purposes that even today go unnoticed by many in the spiritual community. Being well informed and listening to our guidance is pivotal to removing the many non-benevolent techniques destined to manipulate us.
Please, take what resonates and leave the rest. Be aware of the importance of using the authentic template to work with our bodies and DNA.
This is a very powerful month, especially for planetary workers to continue dismantling the inorganic planetary grid system and anchoring the authentic crystalline one. The many events that are taking place at this time reflect the profound polarization and control that still reign in many countries and how much we need to continue being centered in our hearts to assist in the way we best can.
The more we ascend, the more separation we can witness, not because the planet is not evolving, but because the more we raise our frequency the more we can envision the lower planes, becoming more aware of all we are leaving behind and of all the assistance that many still need during this planetary transition.
As I previously shared, this month is one of constant integration and anchoring for gridworkers whose main mission is to act as New Earth’s Anchors. Stabilization is pivotal now in some countries where the anchoring of the fifth-dimensional crystalline grid is not yet possible.
Guides invite us to use the Aurora shield or the central sun-plasmic one, as it best resonates with your guidance and purpose, to protect and stabilize the regions that are now in profound transition, and misalignment with Unity Consciousness, as it will protect those who are on a mission on these complicated regions, and that too need of our love and support.
These are universal techniques that everyone can use for we all can send love and restoration, independently of our specific mission.
Remember not to fall into extremes at this time of conflict, for this is too part of a big manipulation to make you judge, and hence separate. Unity is precisely about embracing All within Divine Love to dissolve, to bring higher understanding, and above all, compassion to what we cannot change.
As we approach the eclipse we will feel the fierceness of the energies that are already among us. Nurture yourselves before stepping into gridwork or any other personal purpose you have at this time, for the body suffers from the many energies colliding at the same time in our bodies and we need constant cleansing to help the body release faster, so it can embody the new energies.
Sometimes it is best to stop for a while and recover rather than force ourselves to go beyond what we can do, at this time, for this will not be of assistance to you or anyone else.
Remember to scan your bodies on a daily basis, correct what needs to, and respect your sacred template, Beloved Ones.
Number 10 in celestial gematria signifies God’s Authority, Completeness, God’s Order, and Divine Perfection. Now, lets begin with a Soul. A Soul is an emergence of God. Or simply explained, an extension of God in outward manifestation.
The Soul knows its Source. It doesn’t need to discover God. It departed from Source to look at God from the outside so it could express its gratitude and appreciation of God. But in the corporeal shell (the human body) the mind takes over and silences, if not dismisses, the Source totally. The human mind sees itself as a separate identity. Much akin to Lucifer and the God parable.
In the 3D Star Program, the Soul volunteered to descend into total obscurity and disconnection. A very bold, courageous yet, pompous decision – quite over confident of its ultimate control over the whimsical (to cut it mildly) and illusioned mind.
Now. You entered the arena of total Lack and continual Loss. As a learning institutional playground or school. Confident that, when thrown in a dark abyss, you would instinctively and intuitively Tap into the reservoir of non-dual energies of Godly attributes. Being organically a Soul (an Emergence from God/of God) you would not fear the dark but resort to automatically (coz its generic in composition) switch on the light. Today if you enter a dark room, in an unknown territory, you will reflexively look for a light switch to disperse the darkness. Won’t you? So thought the Soul! It was that soul-assured, and definitive, that darkness (the Lack and Loss) would not impose any threat to its counterpart. So, coming from that place of secured and convinced assurity, the Soul offered its participation in the Abyss of Total Darkness.
The Soul understood, that God is not what its counterpart would need to re-identify itself with, nor invest in knowing It. It further understood that the environment of evolution would be one of Lack Loss Suffering etc just so its body and mind would need to Tap into the Godly Attributes of non-dual qualities in order to maneuverer a safe ‘Float above the darkness’.
The human would need to Tap into “Peace” wherever and whenever it confronted Conflict and immediately Shanti would supersede.
The human would need to Tap into “Joy” when in a condition of Lack so the darkness doesn’t incapacitate the human’s life.
The human being would need to Tap into “Detachment” when faced with Loss so the pain doesn’t overwhelm and cripple the human.
This is all a human needs to learn from a 3D world of intense and extreme duality. If one remains in the generic Consciousness of Peace, all wars and fightings would evaporate as fast as they emerge. If one stays connected to God’s Vibration of Joy, no lack of money can create fear and anxiety. The human would Know, he and she is taken care of by God. Moreover. If the human remained in the Feeling world of the Light, he would not spiral down into emotions of pain and suffering. Detachment would be the natural order of his nature!
This is why we came to earth planet! To HOLD-ON to our organic God Attributes in total Darkness bereft of all Light. This is our only Test.
This is the Divine Message from the Light to us all on the 10:10 Portal Opening. Because number 10 is a “GOOD KARMA” number. Not a ‘Karmic Debt’ number as the other compounded numbers are. So, sit on the 10th at 10:00 Am & PM (at your time zone with no conversion of time required) and receive your Good Karma. And. Henceforth, keep the Cosmic Advise or Cosmic Wisdom at the forefront when faced with an upsurge of darkness. Remain rooted in the God Consciousness qualities to remain afloat. Its organic to your nature. You dont need to make any effort to discover it, unravel it, or comprehend nor master it. Its natural. Just be as soul-assured and pompous as your Soul is 🙂
Be confident that you are God. Where there is only abundance, prosperity, richness, undying wealth, perfect health, only joy, love, light and enlightenment. Why do you think whenever a human has had a Near-Death-Experience, he never wanted to return to earth. He found himself in the completeness of complete Joy and Love with such overwhelming lightness and perfection in beauty that he understood the Hell, that earth is – as an abnormal venue for evolution. Each human, once having accidentally walked into Heaven, was adamant in not-returning to Hell. How could he? Why would she? But had to return as his Learning was not yet complete, his karma not yet resolved. But, look at the benevolence of the Father, once that human was forcibly pushed back to Hell, his life changed and became better — not coz, the circumstances improved but coz he had changed, once having felt the Love that Hell lacked! God had been experienced, appreciated, and gratitude felt, unlike when in the spirit! He now understood the value of Hell and became eager to learn all Hell had to offer before he returned to God’s Home forever, with renewed vigour and anew comprehension of its Creator!
The 10:10 Portal is a cosmic astrological event that occurs when the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center on the October 10th of every year. Remember the Galactic Center is the massive Black Hole of the galaxy. Its radiation is a conglomeration of the Blue Ray 1 and the Violet Ray 7. And as if it weren’t powerful enough on its own, this year, the 10/10 Portal is Opening in the number year of 7. Both Rays work together, one is of Exorcism and the other of Alchemy, one obliterates the other transmutates, whilst both purify and submit to the WILL of GOD. Furthermore, one represents karmic Completion and the other Rebirth. And together they create the Perfection of Balance and the Zero-Point Energy of their Source! It is believed, thereafter, the wheel starts to move again, and now in a new direction as a New Cycle of evolution begins.
The 10/10 Portal
is consequently known as
The 10:10 Portal is also said to open the gateway for the New Moon in Libra on October 14th. When the “Ring of Fire” SOLAR ECLIPSE shall occur, crossing the entire diameter of the United States. The effects of which are already rattling the planet and ushering in the Radiation of the Galactic Center – the Black Hole of the galaxy.
Today’s 1010 PORTAL is revealing how powerful you really are! A rise in desire to protect yourself and your family’s health and wellbeing is bursting through. The balanced stable foundation within yourself is supporting take charge with full control over your outcomes. This is the New Earth timeline Beloveds. Walk over the threshold into this dimensional reality, and step into being the victorious leader of your life!
This 1010 Portal is removing us from lifetimes and cycles of the narcissistic codependent narrative. Our efforts to free ourselves from those people and systems have completed with success. You’ve taken action steps of making healthier choices, passing those soul growth spiritual lessons, and are now ascending into higher realms of unity, oneness, and co-creation. You have re-written your Akashic blueprint that is birthing a strong, successful, thriving, and happy Family legacy with healthy, loving, reciprocal relationship for yourself and the future generations to come.
Today is a busy day energetically speaking. It is the 10-10 portal which is ushering in endings and new beginnings, even before the Eclipses arrive on October 14th and October 28th. It is the day in which Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, shifts back to Direct Motion, bringing a surge of power and rebirth intensity.
And, we also have the Sun, ruler of our life force energy, opposing Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and traumas, initiating a healing of old patterns that we have been carrying within us for some time. Get ready to move through the spiritual gateway to something new while leaving the past behind……whether that be about a situation, relationship dynamic, belief system, or the way you view, or feel about, yourself, the Universe is guiding us all forward in our evolution and growth. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, shifts back to Direct Motion
Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn retrograde in Pisces – As the angry Mars-Pluto tussle continues, discomfort grows. Venus, known as the Love Goddess, the one who shows us the way of the heart, runs into a block, a stop, a no-go area. The line is drawn, the rule set, the word ‘no’ reverberates. Some might sink into fault finding – nothing is right, everything is wrong. Peace and happiness are just an unrealistic dream! For others, it’s trouble with relationships or money matters and it’s hard to see how to make it better.
It is difficult sometimes, to switch the vibe when a shadow hangs over our head. But right now, we must be responsible for our own happiness. It’s not about dancing around saying everything is fine when it isn’t. But small acknowledgements of all that is good go a long way to relieving unhappiness. Practice gratitude. Thank the tree for its beautiful leaves, the flower for its petals. Smile at the puppy wriggling in delight. Dance. Move your body to change the energy. Remind yourself you are worthy. Value what you have to offer. Trust that the work you are doing will pay off in the end. Love and gratitude are your umbrella for life’s rainstorms.
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The third day of a wavespell is always a real live wire. This is because day one identies the journey, day two considers the obstacles ahead, and day three….the energy is electried and things really start to get going as if a switch has been turned on. ‘Electric’ is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs. So much energy comes in very handy, if you make use of it. It is definitely not a relaxing energy and so don’t expect to feel like a couch potato today.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The energy of a White Dog day is about putting all of your heart into whatever you do… whether it’s taking on a huge project or just doing the housework. Love what you do and be loyal to seeing it through to the end. Dogs can be very tenacious and they don’t easily give up their bones, take a leaf out of their book if you want to get things done. It’s an interesting combo of number and day. The ‘Electric’ Dog needs to be a service dog rather than a pet. They say every dog needs a job but this is especially true for the activated l ivewire of a pooch that this dog is. How do we translate that energy? You may feel the desire to be of service to mankind today!
The G uide today is the White Wizard. The charming enchanter leads today, spellbinding us and guiding us to mysterious places. Expect strange things to happen today but in a good way!
The C hallenge of the day is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Those folk born on Yellow Sun will nd today dicult. For the rest of us, it will be hard to nd the answers we seek but not impossible. When in this position the Yellow Sun provokes you into seeing the light. You have to work for it though, Yellow Sun won’t cooperate and just show you…it is a challenge after all.
The O ccult power is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic’ and the monkey today is in the most magical position. The monkey is always better behaved when it is in this prominent aspect. There’s less monkeying around, less illusion and more magical moments. If you are a Blue Monkey, you provide magical experiences for others today.
The A lly is the Red Moon. If you need to chill out today, nd a Red Moon as they are masters of relaxation and can oer much support and friendship. If you don’t have one in your life, do what they would do and chill!
A very powerful day for unleashing our endless WHITE MAJIK through the power of LOVE! How PERFECTO on this 10.10 MANIFESTATION of PERFECTION portal!!!! HIGH DIVINE MAJIK indeed!
18 months ago – KIN 250 aligned with – Mother’s Day – a deeply feminine day of honouring our Planetary Mothers! LOVE was definitely the power sweeping the globe that day, as it is every KIN 250 day.. a day where we BOND together to CELEBRATE LOVE.
Today’s 1/8 = 9 code is activating the DIVINE PLAN flowing from SOURCE… endless resources for the NEW EARTH LEADERS to STEP UP as CREATORS today!! The moon is in LEO today – so the ROYAL energies are flowing forth to express our DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY!! A very potent empowerment code on this phenomenal 10.10 portal day!
Day 3 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are ACTIVATING our creativity through the POWER of unconditional LOVE, bonding with kin to express our SHINY BRIGHTSTARRY LIGHT through Divine service.
ELECTRIC – Tone 3 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – bonding, POWER – activates, ESSENCE – service. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark for our creativity. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
NOTE: ELECTRIC energy has a VERY high emotional charge, so make sure you GROUND this energy today, otherwise it can build up stressing your nervous system and result in emotional flare ups and arguments. Grounding is particularly important when the Solar Flare activity is INTENSE!
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and AWAKEN others through your acts of LOVE & DIVINE SERVICE!.
The ELECTRIC tone creates a triangle, a 3rd energy from the magnetic bonding of the 2 units – so we have a very strong ELECTRICAL CHARGE today to BOND with our kin.
This may be to RISE up together or to start planning for our future – either way the SUPER GLUE is bonding today!
Let us bond together through MEDITATION and ACTIVATE our PERFECT NEW EARTH VISION.
First seek GOD, then look around you to see the team of people walking with you.
That is your tribe!
Here comes the SUN!
RISE UP and SHINE together – CHILDREN of the SUN!
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A DIVINELY PERFECT REALITY?
May you find your INNER SPARK fuelled within your OPEN Heart today!
Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC DOG OC embodies the qualities of Unconditional Love, loyalty, trust, faith, honesty, integrity, compassion, truth and Heart centredness. All these qualities and particularly the unconditional LOVE and loyalty, are synonymous with our beloved Earth Mothers who have birthed us onto this planet.. Indeed our MOTHER’S are the divine expression of this LOVE that bonds a Mother and her child for the protection and survival of our species.
LOVE’s perpetual expression through our relationships and families, is what EXPANDS the Universal expression of our soul’s experiences. This beautiful gentle energy will ensure we return to this building block of connection, through the power of LOVE in our family units. A return to INNOCENCE and purity… reprioritizing the family and our emotional connections.
Today’s energies are beautifully synchronized with this INCOMING TSUNAMI of LOVE energies where we can celebrate UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of the highest order..
What SPARKS the connections to your Heart?
When you bond with another soul of equal resonance this ignites a spark in your heart.
Two hearts firing together can create absolute Majik. The toroidal field emanating from your HEART expands exponentially as both fields conjoin. This is the power of the magnetic Heart.
As you merge and unite with others, this energy can then be channeled into creative pursuits. As twin flames, and star tribes come together, their Divine Missions will be fuelled by their passion. creativity, loyalty, and mutual respect for one another.
Where does your loyalty lie?
Are you aligned with SPIRIT? – it is time to choose your allegiance!
Whom do you entrust with your heart?
These are the questions that will help you bond with your kindred souls today. Once you bond in SERVICE, then you ask
“What can we create together?”
You can then devote your life to the fulfillment of your souls’ mission.
You will also need to reflect upon the question “Are you loyal to your own needs, as you are to the service of others?” Self sacrifice is not sustainable.
Self Love is most important for building a solid foundation for loving and respecting others, without feeling drained and exploited. Being part of a tribe requires equality in the flow of giving and receiving..as you emit more LOVE your precious heart becomes receptive to receiving more love… and so the SPARK of LOVE… ignites more LOVE..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARDIX brings forth the powers of enchantment and endlessness, allowing us to be more RECEPTIVE to LOVE.
The ELECTRIC WIZARD is IGNITING our OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR – so we have DOUBLE the enchantment power on a 10.10 portal – This equates to quadruple MANIFESTATION POWER!!! SHAZAAAAMMMMMM!!!!
The ELECTRIC WIZARD is totally DEVOTED to SPIRIT.. as a pure vessel for the messages and MAJIK of Spirit to FLOW through.. The STRONGER you forge a connection with SPIRIT, the GREATER the flow of MIRACLES and MAJIK flow through you, as a DIVINE CONDUIT and messenger for Spirit.
In order to activate this power, the WIZARD reminds us to be STILL and RECEPTIVE, tuning in through our Heart resonance which the WHITE DOG has ignited. The POWER of DIVINE LOVE is the highest WHITE MAJIK in the UNIVERSE!
We are reminded that true unconditional love is infinite and endless. Allow yourself to become enchanted by the WIZARD’S majikal dreamspell, uniting you with your kindred souls in a beautiful tapestry of Divine LOVE and service.
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC MOON MULUC’S Universal Waters continue to FLOW today, as our GODDESS energies are blessing us with feminine grace and intuition. The purification power she brings, assists in dissolving boundaries between hearts, so that there is a beautiful FLOW for communication and creativity through our PURE HEARTS.
RED MOON enhances the intuitive and telepathic bonds between kindred souls. As we evolve we can connect with our kin through our intuitive senses, through empathy, compassion and claircognizance… no need to talk as we can FEEL and just KNOW what others are thinking, feeling and experiencing..
We are then ALL connected on a much deeper level, with full transparency and integrity, enhancing our loyalty and devotion to our tribe.. This frees up much of our energy to EXPRESS ourselves through creative and Artistic pursuits.. all designed to engender more JOY and harmony in our new Common-Unities.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY CHUEN will reveal any trickery, deceit, illusion and shenanigans today. The SPECTRAL MONKEY has tremendous Majikal powers and can instantly DISSOLVE any black magic interfering with the bonding of soul mates/twin flames or our collective MISSION. SHAZAM!!
The MONKEY’S power is greatly AMPLIFIED with the Higher Guide of the ELECTRIC WIZARD today. This ensures the guiding FORCE is benevolent and aligned with WHITE MAJIK… very potent DIVINE forces are pouring forth today to LIBERATE supernatural MAJIK and MIRACLES!
The SPECTRAL MONKEY is the SUPERPOWER with the agenda of RELEASING and DISSOLVING the density of the bad “spell” that has been cast upon HUMANITY. This synergy of benevolent FORCES aligning with this 10.10 portal on a LEO MOON is superboosted our WANDS to perform SUPERNATURAL MAJIK today… Very potent forces to propel us into the new GOLDEN AGE.
A HUGE BREAKTHROUGH is coming today that ENSURES we are FREE from enslavement as we QUANTUM JUMP to a NEW REALITY through the SPECTRAL MONKEY’S time bending powers!!
STAY TUNED – BIG THINGS ARE BREWING!! A WAVE of MAJIK LOVE & LIGHT is enfolding our Planet and our beloved Pachamama.
CHUEN also reminds us to “keep it LIGHT”, play NICE together and make each other’s HEARTS sing! The joy that comes from co-creating and playing with your pals! When your Divine child is PURE and FREE – the sheer majik of Creation can flow through you, as you express your Starry Soul essence through your creativity and PLAY..
CHUEN is teaching us to align with the Harmonic Matrix where TIME = ART. in order to LIBERATE more JOY, so that there is no drudgery, boredom, slavery and enforced labour. All expression flows naturally and your LIFE becomes a living work of ART.. filled with joyous exuberance and PASSION!
NOTE: KIN 11 – BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY is the Galactic signature of Jose’ Arguelles – the father and cocreator of the DREAMSPELL CODEX… His intention was to align us with Harmonic time and in so doing BREAK FREE FROM THE MATRIX!!!
KIN 11 is the OCCULT SUPERPOWER driving this 10.10 portal day through KIN 250… so the solution to BREAK FREE is to vibrate at the frequency of LOVE or ABOVE...
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN AHAU’s power today will reveal those relationships that are not based on a “Higher Love”. And the HIGHEST form of LOVE is DIVINE LOVE – pure unconditional LOVE that flows freely from the COSMOS.
Our HEARTS are the portal that OPENS THE GATE to endless LOVE.. Make sure you ALIGN with this by forging a stronger connection to SPIRIT through the natural world, and through expression of your DEVOTION and loyalty to the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.
The key to EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT is through the HEART PORTAL – this is also the key – to release and express your DIVINE MAJIK and innate GIFTS… access this today through your focused intention to manifest your HEART’S desires!
YELLOW SUN brightens the way today, and thus reveals the darkest shadows in your path. Any of your own shadows or those of others that are blocking your path to EN-LIGHTON-MENT will be brought into the “spotlight” today.
The ELECTRIC tone added to this, can add much volatility and there is nowhere to hide when sparks start to fly! All shadows will be revealed. It is time to be emotionally MATURE and harmonize the UNIVERSAL FIRE igniting the triggers. Use this flame instead to IGNITE your PASSION and your SERVICE to SPIRIT.
To reap the gift of AHAU today, use the powers of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love to detach from any drama, and thus continue on your evolutionary destined path in becoming a much WISER HU-MAN. .
First seek GOD, then look around you to see the team of people walking with you.
That is your tribe!
Here comes the SUN!
RISE UP and SHINE together – CHILDREN of the SUN!
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A DIVINELY PERFECT REALITY?
May you find your INNER SPARK fuelled within your OPEN Heart today!
Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New on Patreon – Meditation by a Sacred Stream and Waterfall with Shakuhachi Japanese Flute | Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
This is Paul White Gold Eagles most powerful Guided Meditations/ teachings/ transmissions to date. From the Sacred Portal of Gaia in Nature by an idyllic stream, Paul takes you on a journey to the Kingdom of Heaven within. He transmits the Primordial Sound of Aum, the Sa breath and the Sound of Light to assist you in your Ascension Awakening Journey.
With the Mind of Buddha Paul guides you into the Bliss Codes resonating in your Sacred Heart center to Awaken your True Nature that has lay dormant until this Now moment… Enjoy this Meditation in the Light of Infinite Source Creator… Namaste
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