Sacred Silence “HEALING WINDS OF CHANGE” – CHIRON THE HEALER ~ HOLY ~ Sacred Crystal Heart Portal
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Rainbow Dragon Tribe of our New Lemuria Rising
As we reach the calm before the Storm we sit in the Stillness, in the Silence within as we merge our 3d Self with our Higher Awakened Self of the Clear Light of Bliss.
Synchronizing with todays Events we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 168 ~ Yellow Crystal Star as the Crystal Core of our local Solaris activates the Gold Buddha of Infinite Life within every living heart upon Mother Earth.
In two days time we will all experience the most powerful Celestial Alignment of this decade with the Total Solar Eclipse in Fire Sign Aries the Ram as this Heavenly Event of the Great Spirit will help catapult us into the Highest Trajectory of our Ascension Journey.
Through this Celestial Event all consciousness is breaking free from all nefarious archonic time loops and into the Paradise timeline of Freedom and the Eternal New Eden.
As all Starseed Earth Angelics step into Divine Sovereignty we join together in the Power and Glory of the Great Spirit and consciously co-create our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Our Sacred Light Keepers, continue to hold the Visions of our Pristine Pure Land of Peace, Abundance, Joy and Bliss for all Sentient beings of the Way.
With the Power of our almighty I Am Presence and the assistance of the Company of Heaven, Ascended Masters, Buddhas and all Higher Dimensional beings we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness In to the Christos Sophia of Divine Union both within and without.
Please remember the internal mirrors the external and the external mirrors the internal. To change and shift our external reality we begin by seeking the Peace and Love within the Heart and Mind of our Pure Awareness, Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!
A very deep clearing is happening now in all clogged energy lines and fields, as I was shown last night. The Intergalactic Fleet are doing immensely important work and in such numbers as I have never witnessed before. Huge dark mass is being released.
We are at the time of no return, yet every soul’s own free will and choices will determine each soul’s ultimate future self. The here and now is determining this.
All is love.
Keep in the heart space, inner peace and pure love.
The Golden Age is manifesting in the here and now.
As we move towards the eclipse on the 8th, I feel myself drawn inward and into a place of Sacred Silence.
Within this silence I connect with the Sacred Wisdom of the Trees.
And the Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life is seeding a new template for Life and Consciousness in the New Earth. The Tree was the first form of terrestrial life on Earth, and it shares of its great wisdom and its new creation to us now.
Go into your Sacred Heart and feel the pulsations of the Divine Heart of the Creator. Connect with the deep wisdom of the ancestors and of the Tree of Life.
We have much to learn and share as we enter this new phase of our journey on Earth.
4/6/24: We need to keep in mind, as we navigate our future, that we have jumped millenniums. For 1000 years we were under masculine influence. Now we’re in the embrace of the feminine. This means continuing change and adjustment, globally and personally. You are part of balancing this process of evolution. The choices you make now will determine not only how your years, months, and days unfold…
but also the future of those to come. 2024 will reveal strengths you will need on your journey. April will highlight your authentic, intrinsic genius (yes, you have genius). Today opens your heart to grace, gratitude, and love. Because these are the tools we want to use to build a new world. It’s time to get excited. Fear is so last millennium.
It was the Divine Mother who opened the Spiral of Life and salvation began.
The feminine in both men and women has been taking all steps, saving and transforming herself, bringing in all codes and activations necessary so that the ascension flows could be stabilised.
And it was the Silver Mother who stabilised them upon the energies of this Equinox.
Both Yin and Yang have been redirected and synchronised to each other through the feminine’s alignment and actions, but now IT’S HIS TIME.
What we see playing out these last days in our lives and will soon intensify, is the masculine’s shadow being revealed in both men and women.
Meaning what HE, the masculine aspect in both, had believed, created and supported.
Which also means that we need to understand that the logical mind which was ruling and succeeding in this world, is now undergoing the deep change.
All rigid beliefs, negative control of the mind and judging, square ideas, inner fears of change, terror of losing sight of a situation, usage/theft of power/energy, wicked ways and resistance to alternative solutions and sharing of resources which demand different approaches and can benefit everyone, will be seen!
‘’The Masculine’s return might be a bit more loud and chaotic than that of the Feminine’s but He is definitely coming!
It’s His time now!’’
DEAR FEMININE, RECOGNISE YOUR INNER MASCULINE ASPECT, you do not need to continue judging your needs and choices via your mind.
Let go of control and admit your true feelings, urges and needs.
Express yourself freely via the way that your inner masculine needs now.
You do not have to be the good and supportive girl anymore, nor a saint, admit your desires, you just have to be honest towards your truth without fearing the results.
Break the eggs that you were holding upon the illusion of safety, motherhood or sainthood, they had gone rotten anyway.
You will now be able to create new eggs!
DEAR MASCULINE, allow your mind to lose control, do not fight it and express your pain and complain.
Show your vulnerability, own it!
Drop the weights and go back to your true position.
This way you will be able to recognise what was unseen and cut off but so valuable and worthy in you.
This world was never happy following the service to self mode and commands of control.
Drop your inner thought police and commanders of submission and surpression, no matter who they are, even if they are your own mother and father.
Choose you.
This world will be happy when you decide to know and serve yourSelf fully and in honour and alignment to your true power and nature.
A power that does NOT harm but gives direction, ensures, protects and allows Life and Creativity!
Your true eggs have been stolen!
Do you even remember?
The ones you have been protecting,
were not yours in the first place!
You will be able to protect yours.
Last night I saw in my dream that the world, due to a phenomenon in the sky,
entered chaos
and that the groups of satanists were performing open
ceremonies to bring back here their dark priestess which was
in another world
(a voice told me to not look directly at these ceremonies)
while at the same time,
men in the world were going loco and into a fighting mode to each other.
This mercury retrograde is such a huge blessing for our healing
and process of salvation upon leaving the old world and
moving into the next.
Venus is following the divine guidance and she will be showing to everyone how things can unfold
and how solutions can be found via living passion, courage, true beauty and wisdom!
Mars will soon meet with the law and have to face his karma.
This is taking place in all!
As the split is deepening and the Diamond Code is being fully activated,
this is actually the perfect time to perform the work on the personal Spiral of Life!
This is your time! || The meaning of the solar eclipse on April 8 for the chosen ones and the stellar stars
*Immerse Yourself into the Mystical Resonance of the Solar Eclipse with Astral Atom on April 8, 2024,*
On April 8, 2024, when the day turns into an ethereal twilight, we’re on the threshold of a celestial wonder that transcends mere astronomy. This rare solar eclipse, traveling from northern Mexico to New England, invites us to a deep exploration of our path to enlightenment, inner peace, and the sign of a new dawn.
*What you’re going to find out:*
The deep historical and spiritual contexts of solar eclipses, from the Babylonian era to biblical narratives
– prof Interpretations and prophecies associated with this cosmic event, shedding light on its role as a marker of monumental changes
– The call to the chosen and the Stellar, emphasizing the eclipse as a decisive moment for the ascension to the Fifth Dimension
– Practical perspectives to strengthen your spiritual resilience in the midst of this transformative phase
*Why does this eclipse matter
– Offers a unique lens to see the interaction between celestial phenomena and spiritual awakening
It serves as a cosmic impulse for introspection, spiritual preparation, and connection to the rhythm of the universe
Acts as a catalyst for stellar and light workers with the aim of guiding humanity for ascension
– Encourages the forging of a deeper and more meaningful connection with the divine
The 444 represents the Archangels and Ascended Masters, and I am one of them. It is an anchor for the 111, 222 and 333 and is the foundation that provides guidance and support for all the other triple master numbers.
44 is Evolution and Revolution of Self on All Levels. Gifts: Sovereignty over self, Elevation and Right Use of Power.
In addition, because of the period of the eclipse on April 8th all your bodies will experience overwhelming pressure and impregnation of the new energies. They can be reflected for everyone differently. In your 3D life, you may start experiencing some physical symptoms, blood pressure increases, and decreases for some people, very high or very low. The work of your pulmonary system maybe arrhythmic because of trying to absorb and move away from the body all this energy. You may experience hot flashes or cold flashes because of how your body is working with these new energies. To balance your body, move the excess out and away and disperse the portion that is held in your body.
On the other plane, on the other layers, it can be very emotional when people start to bring to you their emotions and try to involve you in their 3D dramas. Try to separate yourself from the others because this is a good way to be now, to put a gap between someone else’s emotions and where you want to be. When you are doing so, don’t just step aside, step aside and up to raise your vibration.
This can also be reflected in your karmic lessons. They may start catching up with you very fast. Sometimes not one at a time but a few at a time. Be aware it is just pictures, a movie of your old karmic stuff. Allow it to pass through you. Recognize that this is happening and let the energy go. Then you will not feel so attached or called to be a part of that drama. Go to 5D or higher and look at it from above with love, compassion and forgiveness. Allow all that to happen as fast as possible. Get out of your life experience, get out of the timeline, get out of your environment, get out of your family.
Looking at the 444 master number. You are building the foundation that will carry you through this spring period. The stability of every angle is crucial. Our foundation must stand firm in this new multidimensional world. In other words, in whatever high dimensions you are traveling, you always have to have a grounding platform where you can come back into yourselves and be fully present. I am repeating the words “fully present” again and again because it is harder and harder to be fully present in 3D. Be aware of this and when it is critical for safety, concentrate on being fully present.
Whenever you can, allow yourself to be wherever you want to be, wherever your spiritual work or your call is, just make sure your body is in the same space, in the same room, sitting or laying down. Make sure your space is safe and protected.
Dear friends, we are now entering the last days of this Eclipse Passageway which opened on March 25 with the lunar eclipse and will last until around April 8-9 when the total solar eclipse will take place during the new moon. I am posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of the energetic processes that might be happening within you and around you.
Eclipses are harbingers of change—they usher in evolution. Eclipses occur when the sun, moon, and Earth line up. A total solar eclipse takes place when the moon, a new moon in this case, is perfectly aligned between our planet and the Sun. This particular solar eclipse takes place in the fearless and groundbreaking sign of Aries. These eclipse lightcodes will be bringing to surface your warrior and leadership skills, much needed attributes to enact all the changes that this eclipse corridor has been nurturing within your energy and emotional fields.
And while the focus of this eclipse is on the total blockage of the sunlight, also called totality, we have another celestial visitor playing a big energetic role in this amazing event: the comet Chiron—the cosmic healer.
Chiron was first identified in 1977 and belongs to a new category of celestial objects called “centaurs”, which are smaller planetary bodies that orbit between the asteroid belt (between Mars and Jupiter) and the far regions of our solar system. Chiron is named after a centaur in Greek mythology—a teacher and healer who, ironically, could not heal himself. In astrology, Chiron symbolizes the “wounded healer” in us human beings, exposing our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others. Chiron symbolizes the strength of vulnerability, encouraging us to embrace the dark and shadow aspects of our emotional past and take action to heal ourselves so we can move forward in our journey. Chiron pushes us to confront our most difficult memories, grapple with our greatest insecurities, and expose our deepest wounds.
On Monday April 8, 2024, the powerful comet Chiron will appear perfectly aligned with the sun and the moon during the total solar eclipse! This “Chironeclipse” is going to allow us to release deep past trauma. These wounds may be related to your own personal history or to ancestral lines. This will affect us both individually and collectively.
The healing aspect of this eclipse will guide us to use our innate wisdom, as well as the guidance and advice of others, to help us attain an understanding of what we want to bring into our lives and future healthier timelines through nurturing our hearts and ourselves. Do not be surprised if old memories come up to surface for healing these days. It’s time to release the past so that new healthier and higher realities can be brought into your earthy journey.
In the same way that our planet/Gaia is sensitive to these intense eclipse energies (see the recent earthquake in the New York area for example), our bodies are also being shaken and stirred. The physical manifestations associated with the deep energetic clearing and timeline recalibration triggered by the eclipse may be taking place in different regions of our physical body, but specially in the digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems. Areas and organs related to the solar plexus and sacral/pelvic region may also show some flare ups. Dizziness, mild anxiety, bloating. vivid dreams, ear ringing and visual issues have become more noticeable in the last 24 hours in those who are energy sensitive.
Overall, Monday’s solar eclipse is about reconnecting with the healing divine power that resides within yourself, and using it as a transformative tool to lift you up into higher, healthier, and more heart-aligned timelines during the rest of the year.
As we mentioned, the presence of comet Chiron next to the sun and the moon during this eclipse will bring an extra layer of deep healing energy. Please allow yourself to express your emotions by journaling, meditating, talking to a friend, or simply by having a heart to heart conversation with the Divine. But above all, remember to love yourself unconditionally through this amazing journey. It’s time to heal the past and look forward to a brighter and joyful future.
A significant planetary energetic buildup has been leading up to the 8th of April, with many ascending individuals expecting substantial changes on both natural and manipulated levels. The upcoming solar eclipse in Aries energy is anticipated to bring in disruptive effects primarily in the 2-3D realms.
In 2024, planetary focus centers around Exposure, Balance, Alignment, and Justice, with cosmic forces working on balancing Earth’s energetic scales, leading to karmic retribution and rebalancing across various areas. The New Earth Energy is bringing what needs to surface for collective awakening.
Starseeds reject Narcissism/darkness and shift away from negative and dysfunctional dynamics. Higher self will always guide the conscious mind to avoid compromised situations, emphasising your spiritual welfare and integrity. Ascending beings embracing inner power are undergoing profound healing and realignments.
Wounded masculine/feminine energies are breaking down and dissolving from the conditioned conscious templates. This is serving as a catalytic energy reaction that is exposing the Narcissism template on this planet, in all sectors large and wide
Starseeds with higher divine love frequencies are the most targeted, yet they are crucial for Earth’s transformation. An energetic repelling of dark versus light is activating and unfolding , emphasising the importance of maintaining self energy and boundaries amidst the energetic spiritual resistance .The evolving purpose of divine Starseeds is to elevate into higher vibrational frequencies . To contribute to global transformation.
The purpose of divine Starseeds in the age of Aquarius is to elevate energetically into higher frequencies, signaling upcoming changes and a slight distortion in reality as connections to true timelines and dimensions beyond illusions strengthen. Starseeds are transitioning and clearing lower density consciousness realms, shifting to higher dimensional timelines .
Recognising their uniqueness and deepening awareness of fewer aligned souls on Earth, Starseeds experience an intensified soul solitude and awakening process, feeling a profound inner transformation. Activating the self-love within and refusing to accept anything less than authentic divine reflection, Starseeds strengthen boundaries This effects anchoring their higher energies into Earth’s grids to elevate collective consciousness.
On Earth, a planet in the brink of ascension, The dualistic nature here continues on . Ascending Humans are well in the process of evolving into their advanced higher selves, navigating an earthly realm where lower conscious forces continuously attempt to disrupt collective ascension. These forces, devoid of their own energy source seek to take and absorb the energies from others, acting as empty vessels in their pursuit of earthly power.
In this unfolding cosmic dualistic drama, the ascending star seeds find themselves on a completely different trajectory. Their purpose far transcends the 2-3D structures of dense reality, as they operate on a higher conscious vibrational plane, residing in the realms beyond 5D and in higher dimensional frequencies. Rather than being entangled in the dualistic struggles of lower realms, ascending souls are focused on authentically helping and loving the Ascension collective consciousness on our beautiful planet Gaia.
The current phase marks a critical juncture For the Ascending , where awakening others will prove futile. On this dualistic planet we are nearing the end game. Significant events are on the horizon and this will unsettle many individuals, causing profound reactions.
It is highly advised to refrain from attempting to Awaken the 2-3D consciousness from their deep slumber. Most are content in their state of blissful unawareness, firmly based in their conscious comfort zones. Regrettably, when Possible chaos ensues, they will find themselves extremely unprepared and totally bewildered.
As the planet undergoes massive energetic shifts, humanity’s shadows and darkness are coming to light. Gaia, as a conscious entity in her own right, is deeply purging and releasing these denser energies. The dualistic forces at play are part of the greater cosmic design, The conflicts and challenges are meant to unfold to bring about exposure , truth , transformation and Collective awakening .
There is currently a wave of divine starseeds who have made the higher-self meld as well as tremendous inner healing shadow work reclaiming their true inner power and connecting to the sovereign self .This process meant many had to go through strong initiations to experience , release and heal the fragmented and distorted wounded consciousness , so clarity and higher perception could shine light that propels them to higher ground.
For the ascending individuals, their purpose is to embody the qualities of their higher selves , to be the example of love and human compassion , They serve as beacons of light and divine expression.
By creating their version of heaven on Earth, they demonstrate the possibility of living in planetary new earth alignment with divine truth and sovereignty .Through their actions and presence, they naturally inspire Ascending others to embrace their own higher aspects and to join the advancing souls in the collective elevation of global consciousness.
Trusting this process with faith and resilience, the ascending souls hold the vision of a new Earth, where love, compassion, and unity prevail. By anchoring these higher frequencies and embodying their true essence, they contribute to the collective shift towards a more enlightened and harmonious existence.
Trusting in the divine unfolding of events Starseeds continue to shine their light and love, knowing that they are an integral part of Gaia’s transformation and evolution.
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers .
realms beyond 5D
Ra James
Today the Moon is conjunct Mars. This may be stirring up relationship issues, or even making your relationships difficult. This energy will push you to take care of the things that you need to. The Moon is also conjunct Saturn. The karmic baggage is being pushed to the surface within these high frequency energies. It has to go. Since Mercury is Retrograde it’s not the best time to start new projects. It’s a time for reflecting on how things are going.
It’s a time to be going back and healing and fixing old connections if needed. Pluto and Venus form a Sextile today. This will be affecting your love life In a major way. Pluto destroys everything in its path, while Venus keeps everything in balance. When these two form a positive aspect, toxic relationships end and balance is restored. This is all about transcending old relationship patterns. It’s all about learning from the past. We are preparing for our Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th. Expect this to kick off a cycle of profound transformation. On that day the Sun also aligns with Chiron, which is also in Aries.
This will be a powerful energy. Expect it to drudge up pain from your past. Pay attention to any memories, thoughts, or patterns that may be coming up. These are things that need to be acknowledged and healed. Expect this Eclipse to bring up roadblocks, setbacks, or delays. It’s bringing a major clearing energy. Expect to be purging out the old right now. It’s great energy for manifesting as well. These are heightened energies. You want to be tapping into them and working with them…
On Saturday, April 6th, Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in “take charge” Aries is in a positive sextile to Pluto, ruler of the underworld, in freedom oriented Aquarius. This is an opportunity for the Divine Feminine to transmute lower energies and rise into her power. This is both on a collective, as well as on an individual level. With Pluto we have to plummet into the darkness and look at the “shadow.”
This will allow for a death and rebirth……a transformation and regeneration of the confidence, strength, inner courage, and self-assured spirit within (all Aries keywords) to come to the forefront to make themselves known! We are getting closer to the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th in the sign of the Ram!
So release what holds you back from your vital energy, assertive action, and positive forward movement!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in take charge Aries
Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius. Sun in Aries square Ceres in Capricorn – Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do for the best. The long-term goals that fuel desires can also leave us feeling stone cold when plans go awry, and results get delayed. If motivation falls flat because what you want seems too far away, to impossible, too unreachable, nurture yourself with good food, time to re-charge, time to create. Sometimes you have to take your foot off the accelerator and simply enjoy the scenery on the way from here to there.
The connection between Venus and Pluto encourages you to align at heart level to the future you envisage. Lean into your values to catalyse change. Empowerment comes when you treat yourself with love. Look after your appearance and treasure your body. Invest in your dreams, your vision, your passion. Forge good connections. Fierce independence does not have to come at the expense of powerful friendships. Stay true to yourself to find kindred souls.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. We are on the 12th day of the Red Earth wavespell and today is a Portal day. The number 12 is associated with groups and teamwork. Traditionally we gather on the 12th day and hold a ‘Crystal Court’. We discuss our experiences of the calendar and this deepens our understanding. If you don’t have a Crystal Court you can attend, hold your own. Even if it’s just one or two other people, you’d be surprised how much you can learn by sharing. Corporation is a keyword associated with this number and this reminds us to think about community. Do something for your community today, it is an ideal number for getting together with others.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are simply for appreciating the beauty in the world. As it is a Crystal day, it is a perfect time for making art with others today. Make your world more beautiful with the help of friends. Today is an opportunity for all of us to shine like the stars that we are, after all we are made of stardust! Yellow Star days are not complicated nor is it hard to decipher its meaning. The Universe is giving you permission to be in awe of this beautiful world. Remember, we are still in the wavespell of the Red Earth. Our planet is a beautiful thing worthy of our admiration. May you go forth today with that notion in mind, and celebrate the beauty around you.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment’. Whenever the Sun guides us, it illuminates the way which makes the day much easier to navigate. If you are a Yellow Sun, you’ll be showing the path to others. Following the light- leads to enlightenment of course! This is a very handy guide as we shall see easily which direction to go.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. Whenever Mirror is in the challenge position, look out for those who speak with a forked tongue. Don’t fool yourself over a truth you’ve been denying. Take a reality check today but be aware you may not like what you see. No matter how hard the truth is to handle, it’s always better to know where you stand even if it does hurt.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker who has an adventurous spirit and when in the magical position, Skywalker explores magical realms and explores the mind too. If you want to know more about magic, think outside of the box. Skywalker can show you places you’ve never been to before.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you need a friend, hang out with a Monkey. They’re in a helpful mood today. If you are a Monkey, everyone wants to hang out with you, you’ll enjoy being popular. If you don’t have a Monkey in your life, then Monkey energy can still be friendly to you today. Expect some magic to help you out.
What a beauty filled MAJIKAL day we have lined up today. We have a stellar alignment of magnificent majikal DIVINE codes opening HEAVEN’S STAR-GATE to the NEW TIME.
We have a 3.6.9 TESLA UNIVERSAL MAJIK code and a 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE on a GAP PORTAL DAY!! BAM BAM – supercharge your new life.
Another beautiful HEAVENLY DIVINE GAP PORTAL day!! The CRYSTAL clear communication grid is OPEN WIDE due to the GAP energies and YELLOW STAR -GATE TOO!! This enables us to UNIVERSALIZE our ARTISTRY!
Day 12 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are focused on COOPERATING with our KIn to evolve a world of BEAUTY and HARMONY through our COLLECTIVE HARMONIC MINDS. .We have a beautiful waning crescent moon in romantic dreamy PISCES today highlighting our beautiful DIVINE relationships.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE healing through the power of LOVE. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge – that new thing is our ARTISTRY.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today, through the power of co-operation with others, SHARE your VISIONS, share your ideas, and share your solutions.
A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we use our MINDS to define what such a world of beauty would look like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
Our collective MIND is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, without the need to SPEAK, but rather through our creative expression. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into. Pure knowingness.
The CRYSTAL STAR reminds you that YOU ARE A STAR born of STARDUST!
NOW is the RIGHT TIME for you to SPARKLE and SHINE.
To find your Art and express your soul’s desires through your CREATIONS. Once you align your MIND with your H-E-ART you can then use your hands to dedicate your life to expressing your unique ART.
LAMAT is a portal to the STARS and GALAXIES and today we have a GAP day too. We have very powerful doorways to walk through, leaving the dross behind and choosing to EXIST and SHINE in a wonderful New World…
A world that glitters and glows with all the colours of the rainbow – where YOU ARE THE ARTIST .
You can PAINT your landscape anyway you desire. Let us all IMAGINE this wonderful place that DREAMS are made of. Keep your FOCUS there and MAJIK will HAPPEN sooner than you realize.
The more of us that hold this beautiful DREAM of the HARMONIC MATRIX the STRONGER it will become.
IT IS UBER IMPORTANT that you hold this VISION of HARMONY throughout the duration of the actual SOLAR ECLIPSE on 8th APRIL 2024..
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN – AHAU is our Higher guide today working in tandem with the CRYSTAL STAR to OPEN our MINDS to more BEAUTY and LIGHT! The sun is calling us outside today to receive the 5D solar pulses of harmony and beauty, in order to realign our minds into the new harmonic matrix. What a BEAUTIFUL marriage we have today with the union of the CRYSTAL STAR and the CRYSTAL SUN – huge YANG energies streaming forth to LIGHT our FIRE.. and activate our SOLAR PLEXUS POWER centre!
The CRYSTAL SUN is a very potent ASCENSION ACTIVATOR, bringing forth Solar codes through the power of UNIVERSAL FIRE, to enLIGHT-ON us, and LIGHT UP our DNA. To IGNITE our SPARK! There are HUGE and continuous record breaking CME”S being emitted lately… so today we can expect MORE BIG ONES igniting the CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND codes!! Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHAU shines a LIGHT on disharmonious patterns and systems within the old MIND Matrix. We awaken to the truth of all false programming and Mind control through distorted measures of time, such as the 12:60 Gregorian Calendar code which HAD (past tense!) entrapped us in an Artificial time Matrix.
Our MIND’s primary role is to look for and comprehend the patterns that arise in our world, so that we can understand our place in the Universe. Disharmonic patterns confuse our MINDS and keep us enslaved, whereas the Harmonic patterns help us EVOLVE through resonance with the natural cycles.
As we identify and recognize the harmonic patterns encoded through the 13 moon calendar, the Earth cycles of CABAN, and our Solar cycles, we begin to align and synchronize with these natural cycles leading to our greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. This helps us to find our natural FLOW.
We can then align with our I AM presence. AHAU frees us and elevates our independent thinking in order to claim full SOVEREIGNTY of MIND allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS and wayshowers in the NEW TIME!
Today is a day of EMPOWERMENT and illumination! Connect to your SOURCE to receive your ANSWERS and inspiration.
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY – CHUEN the Master Magician and illusionist gives us a CRYSTAL CLEAR LENS to SEE beyond the smoke and mirrors – to reveal the deception, lies and false container we have been operating in. Once EXPOSED we can choose to PLAY in a beautiful new reality – a more elegant playground with our friends..
Today we have a 3.6.9 UNIVERSAL MAJIK code which fully ACTIVATES the MONKEY’S POWERS!!
CHUEN invites us to trust our intuition and to allow our MINDS to receive and play with the Earth Majik, pushing the edges of what is routine. Our innocent growing mind, will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars.
Today we are using our purity and innocence to connect with our SOURCE, to discover the TRUTH of Universal Lore. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
Let your DIVINE CHILD lead the way home.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER– BEN enables us to manifest the New Time through traveling, and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
The LUNAR SKYWALKER will reveal any resistance throughout the infinite realms, which may be impeding your MIND from attaining the Divine Truth, and your HEART from experiencing true BLISS and BEAUTY here on the Earth plane.
BEN shows us that the SKY’S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. EXPAND your MIND and REACH for the STARS. It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet, bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR– ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things and to hold POSITIVE and high vibrational thoughts in our MINDS! Choosing to FOCUS on the LOVE, the JOY, the FUN and the BEAUTY of a better reality. We are invited to peer through the LOOKING GLASS and choose a BETTER REALITY!
We choose to dedicate our cell-ves to reflect the order of our MINDS, guided through our precious hearts. Revealing the TRUTH of what is in total alignment, and what must be cut away. Releasing the FALSE ILLUSIONS and uniting in TRUTH and full authenticity.
We need to be co-operating with others, by reflecting those thought forms that bring the capacity to merge in common-unity! Seeing the beautiful New World that lies beyond the walls of separation and illusion.
We are FREEING our MINDS to live in symphonic HARMONY with each other in the most beautiful world imaginable.
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
March 31st through April 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 31st through April 6th 2024 which includes this weeks powerful transition through the Eclipse Corridor and Mercury turning retrograde. She also reads four powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Eclipse Corridor into the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Here is a self-healing prayer you can say over your own body, just place your hands on your heart and read it out loud to your whole being;
Thank you Creator, thank you Mother Earth, Thank you Grandmothers & Grandfathers, Thank you Old Ancient Ones, Thank you Protectors & Warriors, Thank you Angels and all the good spirits far and wide, I ask for your help.
I ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers to go back to my mothers womb, from the day of my birth until now, and find all the pieces of me left behind in freight, scare, and fear; to grow all the pieces of me back up, mature me up and bring my intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, tools and solutions back fully, I ask that my spirit be sealed and healed and placed back inside of me to be balanced, centered and healed; mind, body, spirit and emotions. I ask that my spirit be filled with nothing but unconditional love, light, and healing energy directly from the other side.
I ask that all my grid lines and meridians to be blessed, purified, reconnected, healed, and sealed. I ask that if there are any lower level energies in, around or attached to my being, to be blessed and purified and sent back to the other side as good energy. I ask that every cell in my body to be pure holy water and energized. I ask all my power points in my body to be balanced, even, healed, and connected to the other side, where I am connected to nothing but unconditional love, light, and healing energy.
I ask Creator and Mother Earth, to reconnect to my heart, to ground me, balance me, heal me and keep me connected to nothing but unconditional love from the other side. I ask for pure golden energy be placed in my heart center so that I may continue to heal from this moment on for the rest of my life. I ask that I am hidden in sacred ashes and smoke, so that only good spirits of divine love, light and who speak the Absolute Truth can work with me, heal me, guide me, protect me, keep me safe, nurture me, soothe me and keep me secure within my whole being.
I ask that my brain, (the amygdala) to wake up from a fear mode and go back to a safe mode, where now I know how to keep myself safe, secure, I can now nurture myself, soothe myself and mother myself from this moment on for the rest of my life. I ask that my brain connect, balance, heal and seal, for great understanding, unconditional love and forgiveness to flow through my whole being. For all three of my brain neurons in my head, heart and gut to communication freely to help me heal and become whole just as I was meant to be.
Everything that I ask for is with Extreme Gentle Guidance, no loss of life and for the highest good of self and all. I love you Creator, I love you Grandma and Grandpa, I love you all good spirits far and wide, I honor you, I respect you and I believe in you. All my relations.
Self-Healing Prayer
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