Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn into Pisces ~ God Code DNA ~ EARTH ACTIVATION
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Avatars of our Galactic Families of Light
Happy Brilliant Full Moon in Creative and Kind Virgo, a powerful stable Earth Sign.
Today’s date 372023 is encoded with our 37 into the 73 code of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
We also have the most powerful transits of the year today with Saturn, the Planet of Abundance and Harvest, moving into the Water Sign of Pisces the Fish. This is a time of Transition and Transformation. The Holy Waters of the Great Spirit flow through this realm healing, releasing and purging all that remains of the old stagnant energies of the false 3d matrix.
As Gaia continues to get inundated with Heavenly Rays of Light from the Great Central Sun, Pachamama received another powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Papua New Guinea on the Ring of Fire at 13:51 UTC.
The Birds of Freedom have taken Flight as the Eagle and the Condor Rise together in perfect harmony and synchronicity in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Through the mirror of the Mind the external reflects the internal and the internal reflects the external. Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. The Universe is always in perfect harmony and resonance but sometimes our thoughts get in the Way. As Captains of our ships we realize there are thoughts that lift the sail, our Spirit, and thoughts that lower our sails. On the OCean of Consciousness some things bring you up and others bring you down. In Divine Sovereignty with a positive mindset we set sail with the Courage of our Lion Kingdom of God and as Brave Spiritual Warriors of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth we walk the Sacred Path with Heart.
Nothing can stop this Loveolution of the evolution of Consciousness in the Unity of all living Souls of our Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144. As we rise together into the light we lift Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process. Keep your eye son the Prize as we hold the Vision of our Heaven upon Earth.
As we live in and manifest a realm of Eternal Bliss Consciousness we need never to fall from Grace again. Living from our Hearts being real hue-man beings we Shift this matrix once and for all into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. As any doubts or fears arise, allow them to be, simply observe them and allow them to dissipate like gentle wisps of smoke into the Golden Light.
This is the beginning of the New Bright Age of Aquarius and we are the Wayshowers leading the Way to the Dawning of our New Lemuria…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 23°15′ Virgo, Sun at 17°13′ Pisces
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Mary and her white lamb.
Sabian Symbol for 24º Virgo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 24º Virgo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performance.
Sabian Symbol for 18º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 18º Pisces.
Let go of fear, anxiety and insecurity and allow yourself to embrace the journey because you are arriving at the destination your heart and soul desire. Trust that you are already living in the end, all you have to do is choose to exist there.
“From my spirit I want to drive away fear, this negative force that prevents me from moving forward and confuses my intuitive mind”
Yes today is a kind of double whammy and very powerful day. And the new energies are moving very powerfully in synch.
The Full Moon is Virgo is celebrating the resurgence of Nature and the new power that is animating Nature as the New Earth grids are being activated by the outpourings of Solar Light Codes and Water Plasma Light Codes. It is truly a “New Creation”!
Nature is returning to her original vibrant and wild self before Humanity claimed to have “tamed” her. As the patriarchal energy falls away, the power of the Divine Feminine rises and Nature is reanimated and re-birthed. At the same time, the energy of the Green Man/Pan is also moving through the New Grids, like an electric current.
The entry of Saturn into Pisces, the opposite house on the zodiac, is a powerful energy of disruption. Pisces, which represents our highest spiritual energy and is a water sign, is being visited by the planet that loves to structure and organise. This transit will continue until 2025, suggesting that we are in for some huge transformations in our spiritual structures. The old patriarchal forms will fall away to make way for the New Earth.
Have a happy Full moon day dear family of love and light.
In this full moon day, the Divine has finished one phase of Gaia’s ascension process, and kicked start a brand new phase. This new phase is the beginning of the Divine government on earth, and the fore sign of upcoming Gaia’s remapping process.
Enjoy the new energies and Gaia’s new phase. And please know that the Divine’s intervention is still going on. Gaia’s ascension is now spiritual law. The Divine is determined to enhance Gaia’s ascension law and there will be no exceptions whatsoever.
What a blessed day for the Divine plan and the planet and humanity. The planetary ascension has entered a new and critical phase and that is to say that the Divine government on earth is getting even more closer.
One of the most important astrological events of 2023 occurs today, March 7, when Saturn moves into Pisces for 2.5 years. Saturn has been working behind the scenes in Aquarius for several years, contributing to the formation of a new society, the new circular community. Saturn supplies more dedication, discipline and grounded practicality wherever it touches. While in Aquarius, Saturn flushed out dysfunctional social systems, authoritarian hierarchies, rules and regulations to be replaced with more just, equitable solutions for the global community.
Saturn in Pisces enhances the journey for a deeper meaning in life. It has a more other-worldly focus, beyond the mundane. During Saturn in Pisces transit of 1964-67, we saw an evolutionary explosion in music, art, and pursuit of altered states of consciousness…a more fluid society going with the flow in a freer lifestyle.
“Turn on, tune in, drop out” is a counterculture-era phrase popularized by Timothy Leary in 1966. During Saturn in Pisces influence, Leary led a movement, “‘Tune in’ meant interact harmoniously with the world around you – externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. ‘Drop Out’ meant self-reliance, a discovery of one’s singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change.”
Saturn in Pisces inspires internal pursuit of more creative exploration, mystical experiences and spiritual practices including yoga, meditation, chanting/toning, energy healing, and sacred quests or retreats. Saturn in Pisces provides the spiritual container of ‘heaven on earth’. Instead of escaping into trance states, psychedelics, addictions and disassociation, Saturn brings us back to earth in concrete, practical ways.
Let’s not forget, when we look through the quantum lens and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. Currently there are two prevalent holofields dominating the earth plane – the ancient fear-based Patriarchal Hierarchy overlords and the New Earth Circle of Light community. Saturn in Pisces illuminates the path forward into this new world awaiting us. It is our birthright. It is our future now. It is our arrival home.
We are at a crucial time in our planetary transition. As you know, March is the most significant month of the year. It is at this time that we are literally stepping into a New Era, in which the evidence of our inner work, and all we have achieved, until this moment, will begin to emerge.
In this month we have seven conjunctions, as a representation of all the many alignments within and outside our Galaxy, that are taking place to help us in our transition. We just witnessed the first of this conjunction, Venus and Jupiter, together with Mercury conjunct Saturn, and many other important events that will help us continue expanding into our new harmonic timeline.
However, at this transitional time, when many are beginning to reclaim their sovereignty and step into their unique mission, the most important planetary events, are Pluto entering Aquarius and Saturn moving into Pisces, on march 7th/8th. Events that mark the emergence of a New Era, one in which many are awakening, remembering, and beginning to act as free sovereign beings, in complete charge of themselves and their life experience.
Saturn in Pisces is indeed the most important event of 2023. An alignment that invites us to master responsibility for our evolutionary journey, so we can move forward without repeating the same old situations. At a personal level, Saturn will too assist us in expressing all of our personal abilities, and spiritual insights, making everything more solid, tangible, and durable.
Saturn in Pisces will influence us until February 14, 2026, and that coincides with a Moon in Virgo on March 7th. A moon that trine Uranus, which will trigger the beginning of this Great Shift, and square Mars, empowering, even more, our mission of service. Both, Saturn in Pisces together with the Moon in Virgo, emphasize the importance of service, devotion, compassionate witnessing, and above all, service to All, for this, is precisely the nature and purpose of Virgo and Pisces, to be of assistance, helping us to remember that we are all One in truth.
The last time that we had Saturn in Pisces was between May 1993 and April 1996. This is going to be of great importance as it represents the end of a planetary cycle, as it resides in Pisces, as well as a personal one, especially for the ones who are having their Saturn’s return, whose dates are: from 1935 to 1938, your second Saturn return if you are born between 1964 and 1967, and finally your first return if you are born between 1993 to 1996.
If you are experiencing your Saturn return, as well as if you are Pisces, it will have even more emphasis for you, as you will be passing through important reminders, lessons, or situations that will help you master yourself in certain areas of your life, concluding cycles in your unique soul’s plan. See your personal chart to know when it will fall, so you can focus on that area, together with other ones that you are guided too.
Many of us are already seeing the personal transformation that we have experienced, when we look back, which is how we appreciate from our current perspective all we have mastered. Saturn, the Taskmaker, as it is often called, invites us to make everything tangible. Pisces, on the contrary, likes to dream and lives in the ethereal realms. As we too have Neptune in Pisces, Saturn is going to be of great help, for those who need to clear illusions and be more grounded to create a more stable life.
Saturn invites us to dream, commune with our soul to obtain more clarity about what we wish to create, and then ground ourselves, and make all we envisioned in Pisces realms, tangible, for we are here experiencing a physical life, and it is pivotal to begin creating strong foundations, and the healthy structures in our lives that will be the pillars of our goals.
This is a time when many, who are still doubtful about who they are, their personal power, and their mission, will begin to feel the urge to be of service, taking baby steps to descend their unique visions, and abilities, into the earth, where assistance is pivotal, at this time of our planetary transition.
For those who are in a healing phase, on March 12th, we too have another conjunction, Jupiter and Chiron, which will help us go deeper into the core of what we need to distill and transform, so we can step into a more creative phase, by being whole and renewed. A creative process that Venus in Taurus from March 16th, will too help us fulfill, for as you can see everything within Creation is helping us to evolve, create, expand, and rebirth. It is our personal choice to take this unique opportunity or to continue allowing illusions, to embrace our authentic path.
At a planetary level, Saturn, as you know is the seventh portal in our Galaxy, from which the Seventh Ray, or Violet Ray enters throughout our Planet. As it occurs with the Moon, Saturn, has been deeply misused for non-benevolent purposes, especially to distort and impede the free flow of the seventh ray, the one that helps us rehabilitate our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal or left wing.
This is of utmost importance, as it has been now rehabilitated, but many will still suffer many distortions associated with Saturn, that need to heal. This is a propitious time for all who need to remove shoulder implants or any other manipulation that impedes them to open their seventh-dimensional portals, which are several ones in our body, apart from the left shoulder one.
Saturn’s authentic essence has nothing to do with the non-benevolent beings and tactics done to this planet, the same as our Planet has nothing to do with the damage we have caused to it, throughout our human history, as it is a pure living organism independent of our actions. Saturn’s nature is one of structure, order, discipline, and sovereignty, and this is what we shall aim for when we connect to this planet.
This is a phase for all of us to dwell more in our earth plane, creating a new way of living, with new structures that disengage from the 3D ones, so we can begin to direct our lives, where we are the creators of our own personal resources.
It is with Saturn in Pisces that we are going to be invited to peel ourselves more, releasing more old egoic layers, getting into the core of what keeps us in pain, or repeating old patterns, for we can finally see behind all these false layers, who we are, where we are, and what we need to heal to get to a more illumined, healed and whole state of being.
We have the potential, the inner resources, guidance, wisdom, and power required to initiate this process of conscious retrieval and sovereign reclamation. We just need to have the will, devotion, and courage to stand up for ourselves and become the only authority, in our life experience.
Blessed Virgo Full Moon Beloveds. A completion of lessons and freedom from the beast system is here. That catalyst has been one of our greatest teachers, forcing us to be sovereign. Celestial Wisdom is opening us up to attain cosmic enlightenment, due to your commitment to heal and seek salvation. This breakthrough is clearing collective timelines of karma in the old earth paradigm.
Rest, ground, and allow the changes to occur while you integrate a higher understanding. New energy will be birthing through your crown, pineal gland, and third eye chakra once this completes.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
The Virgo Full Moon is illuminating the night sky, allowing us to tap into deep inner knowledge and wisdom, and bringing introspection, healing, self-reflection and self-improvement
Virgo encourages us to examine our thoughts and emotions more closely and to review our intentions, and behaviors so we can identify areas where we need to make changes or let go of anything that no longer serve us. This can lead to positive changes in all areas of our lives, including our relationships, careers, health, and personal development, and we make space for new opportunities, growth, and abundance.
Saturn’s transit into Pisces on March 7, 2023, is a significant astrological event that will last until February 13, 2026.
This particular transit is one of the most important astrological shifts of the year, as the last time it took place was between 1993 and 1996.
When Saturn moves into a new sign, it can have dramatic implications for us all, regardless of our zodiac sign, however, Pisces Sun, Moon, and Rising will feel it more intensely.
It has symbolic meaning, marking the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one, and is known to have a major influence on our individual and collective experiences.
Saturn is known as “the planet of karma” and is associated with discipline, restrictions limitations, and boundaries” and for bringing karmic deliverance. It represents the consequences of our actions and the need to take responsibility and be accountable for our choices.
Saturn and Pisces are two opposite energies that can create a complex and challenging dynamic.
3-7-23 Today we have a full moon in Virgo, at 16 degrees. This is another full moon at 16 degrees, which equals “7” the vibration of this year. In Cosmic Consciousness Virgo is ruled by Chiron, the wounded healer and subsequently as well the rainbow bridge that contains the mastery for the healing. The obstacle is the path. We as we’ve been saying all have a wound in one or more of the four body system and this is an opportunity for integration, alignment, wholeness, acceptance and healing to empowerment with the medicine contained within. This moon is of course in a bridge with the sun in Pisces at 16 degrees , the unlimited possibilities , unconditional love, Christ consciousness, transcendent ,elevated healing, the esoteric, the mystery, the mystical transformation.
And Saturn today moves into a three year placement in Pisces. I personally love this as Saturn is a social planet. We move into the unlimited realm, limitlessness, dreamy possibilities that can now be created. Saturn is boundaries, contracts, time, authority, restrictions, frameworks and now we move into a new framework of magic, limilessness, possibilities,an ability to restructure , renegotiate, take the brakes off, step out into your heart and souls desire. What does that even look like, feel like to have freedom and liberty to recreate and live from within your souls blueprint and no longer under outdated regulations and limitations? We can’t really process this with our mind, as the mind can only go where it has been; we are really looking through this with the heart and soul lens.
Today we welcome in the Full Moon in Virgo with a lot of big energy swirling in the cosmos.
Depending on where we are in life, emotionally and spiritually speaking, we may or may not feel a bit pessimistic for the next couple of days. The Moon will be in Opposition to both the Sun and Mercury in Pisces. It will also be Square to Mars in Gemini, and Trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is a heavy vibe to wade through.
Many of us might feel like we’re treading water more than we are sailing along.
We can expect some sluggish delays, higher expenses, and overall important mundane tasks to take our attention. We may feel like we want to expand our sense of freedom and hang onto idyllic dreams, but reality will try to keep us grounded instead. This can be a good thing though, bringing our attention to things that we can make improvements with that we have been putting off. Those who tend to procrastinate or become fatigued easily may feel like they are overwhelmed with how much needs to get done. But if we tackle it all head on, we can take care of our responsibilities and then allow ourselves time to relax after.
With Full Moon’s, we get to release and abandon all things we don’t need anymore. We can give them up to the universe and let go. Let’s reduce stress by implementing a more simplistic daily routine and cleanliness regimen. Whether it be getting more sleep, or cutting out addictive habits, the Universe is going to help us get organized and healthier.
This is a time in which blessings come in disguise. Let’s roll with the punches, and allow the rivers of life to help us gently float downstream to more prosperous waters.
A momentous Full Moon in Virgo (with the Sun in Pisces) is unfolding now and will be exact on March 7.
This is the sixth consecutive Full Moon with the Sun and Moon 16°.
16 reduces to the single digit 7.
In fact, it unleashes an extraordinary quintuple 7:7:7:7:7 Code.
Pluto and Saturn play a vital role at the time of the Full Moon with both at 29° ready to move into new signs (Saturn during the full Moon itself!).
Remember that Pluto and Saturn manifested a major celestial event together to start the 2020’s decade (the 500-year event stellium with the Sun and Mercury). That’s why this moment is so pivotal now.
A Full Moon is a great time to let go, release.
With Pluto at 29° of Capricorn anything that is a reminder of your past, an old identity that you’ve outgrown, old attachments – let it all go.
Use essential oils and crystals – they are especially aligned with Virgo.
Only surround yourself with things, scents and sounds that fill you with love, joy, gratitude and beauty.
Mars is fired up by a T-square to the Sun and Moon, giving you that extra fire and passion.
Mars also creates a beautiful sextile to Venus!
And while Mars’ magical fire ignites the Virgo Full Moon while Mars also creates a lovely, harmonious transit to Venus it’s a wonderful time to discover Venus and Mars’ tremendous impact on humanity at this time.
The week starts off with a potent Virgo Full Moon on March 7th, which is in trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is a time of higher frequency activation of the Earth. We are birthing into a New Age.
The energies are off the charts with Venus having just crossed over Jupiter, and then Chiron. We are starting to feel Jupiter come into exact conjunction with Chiron from March 11-14. It’s an explosive energy of expanding life force. The frequencies are ramping up as humanity gets more and more fed up with being controlled. Aries wants freedom more than anything and these three planets in Aries are giving us an opportunity to break the chains on whatever has been holding us back. Jupiter is urging us to expand beyond the constructs of our trauma and pain that has kept us hiding and disconnected. When fully connected back with life force, it is hard to have time to feel fear or trauma, because you are too busy enjoying living again.
Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn, and Saturn at 29 degrees Aquarius, are telling us that these chains have been on us a long time, all the way back to Atlantean Time. It’s about our permission to access our own power. We have been programmed with fear that this power will cause destruction. But it’s not true. We have already fully expressed and have an understanding of this higher power as advanced souls, we just forgot. The fear programming is falling away as we breathe into this vitality and energy that is becomming more and more available to us in the Ether. It feels good, because it’s our true natural state to be connected to Source and pulsing with life.
Multitudes of control tactics are not working, as they try to block out the powerful spiritual vibrations that are coming our way. We are being prepared for something massive. And it involves a re-birth into who we really are. We are entering a time of a huge bloom of energy in both Pisces, the end of the Zodiac, and Aries, the beginning of the Zodiac. We have come to the end of a chapter, and the only way forward is to be reborn into our full potential.
Saturn will move over into Pisces on the 7th, just in time for a Sun, Mercury, Neptune conjunction in Pisces which happens at the middle of the month. It’s an identity crisis of epic proportions as these planets square up with Mars in Gemini, just as he is leaving his retrograde shadow. In mutable signs, this square is bringing a powerful energy for massive shifts and changes. Tectonic plate type shifts. We are shifting dimensions, as we birth a new humanity and fully activate into our God Code DNA.
Full Moon in Virgo. Saturn enters Pisces – The peak of the lunar cycle brings intense focus on the need for healing and improvement in all areas of life. A square from Mars means we may be mentally scattered, reaching for an action, something, anything, to occupy the mind and keep the hands busy. But right now, maybe we need to stand still, stare into the void, be at peace with the unknown, listen to the inner voice for direction. A careful choice is required before we begin a new chapter. Take your time. Peruse the details. Discern what is right for you.
Saturn’s entry into Pisces reminds us that we are all dream builders, cosmic weavers, divine architects. Now is a time to commit to reshaping reality. Dedicate yourself to the work required to manifest your vision. Yes, there may be a test of faith, a momentary sense of separation, a feeling of being all at sea. But Saturn knows where you limit your imagination. He knows your deepest fears harboured in the unconscious. Saturn knows it’s time for you, for all of us, to stop the self-sabotage and reconnect to our spiritual mission. Define what gives life meaning for you. Soul work is your anchor, your touchstone, your rock. Walk gently on the Earth. Open your heart to receive. The miracle is you.
NIGHT of the 9th Wave, recover, rest, heal, Dream the NEW EARTH….
The understanding of the equation says that until 2011/12 time was controlled by an incomplete state of consciousness, what this did was it allowed a self serving governing force, that worked through the “all seeing eye”at the top of the pyramid, to manipulate the collective consciousness….. but now since the COMPLETION of the Universal Time Pyramid, the intention to manipulate has to work with a “Complete and Transparent” state of consciousness. Hence, everything is being seen for what it is, everything is being forced to be humble to the Will of the SOURCE CREATOR of the Universe…
Today is 1-Star/Rabbit/Lamat, 1 initiates, Lamat is the appreciation of the growth accomplished.
Upon deeper reflection and a high level of understanding one can see that the consciousness of each level is a large scale of time that begins with 1-Star(the first 18 days of the 9th level was 1-Star from 9 to 26 March 2011), so the last 13 days of the 260 day Tzolkin, that begins today, aligns consciousness to being COMPLETE to the beginning, 1-Star hence aligns to the COMPLETION of all 9 Ascending Creation Waves of Universal Time.
The timing code of the Universal Source calendar, that the Maya/Aztec and other Ancient Time Keepers worked with says, Bolon Yokte’ku, being the 9 Cosmic Creative Forces of Creation have fully descended on Earth and are now merging the collective consciousness through a convergence point(Ascension), because of this equation the 7th DAY of all 9 levels is looping through the beginning conception spark of Divine Time, and doing this as it shifts into the 7th NIGHT on all levels.
The Source Creators Divine Time resonance that emanates from the Cosmic Axis(TREE OF LIFE) “within” has evolved Creation to the top of the pyramid, hence the limiting duality of the physical reality is being transcended to become infinitely multidimensional …..and be without separation and without limits, in other words the separating forces of our world that have governed the duality of the physical are gradually fading away, the veils of separation are dissolving, yet paradoxically the resistance to this happening is stronger than ever….the resistance is being held in the shadows of the heartless mind.
The prophecy says that when the Eagle and the Condor fly together the Phoenix will rise from the ashes of the memory of Time, allowing the collective consciousness to walk together as ONE HEART and give birth to a multidimensional NEW EARTH of unconditional Love and Peace between all nations….. this moment is happening now….and the indigenous sacred ceremonies are returning in support…Camagu…
From the Heart
In the 122nd NIGHT of the 9th Wave, 18 days on a larger of time of 10-Baatz/Monkey…
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and it represents the energy of channeling. The 7th day is right in the middle of the wavespell. Time to ponder on how to proceed and a time to take stock of how this journey is going. The Blue Hand wavespell is about ‘Accomplishment and Healing’, also putting your hands to good use. If you have not yet succeeded in accomplishing your goals, use your intuition today to steer yourself on the right course. Yesterday was a double Human day, and we were encouraged to use our intuitive skills. Today the number 7 asks us to do the same.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. This is a great combination of day and number. Red Skywalker is an energy that is full of fun, adventure, curiosity and courage. Skywalker encourages us to take a step in a new and exciting direction. If you have not achieved your goals thus far… Skywalker can show you a different way of thinking. As it is a Resonant day, Skywalker can show you that thinking differently can open up your third eye and so he shows us that it’s an adventure in psychic awareness. Try opening your mind today and you’ll soon be rewarded with messages.
Today’s Guide is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life force, Survival and Instinct’. A serpent’s senses are very heightened, they are so sensitive and always alert to what is going on around them. The Serpent can guide you today, helping you become more aware. Be careful that you do not become over-sensitive and maybe you should avoid loud people and busy places. This sensitivity is great for feeling which direction you should go but be aware that there are also drawbacks when you become aware of everything!
Sorry but if you are Blue Night, it’s a challenging day for you. You don’t like adventures although you do like dreaming. Red Skywalker is about ‘wakefulness’ and it’s challenging for you because you would rather dream.
However, if you want your dreams to come true, you must wake up. Be a little braver today and face that challenge. This applies to everyone today, not just Blue Nights.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star, people born on Yellow Star days can supply beautiful magic today. Their appreciation for art and beauty adds an elegant touch to Skywalker’s adventures. Remember beauty today and that will make the day quite special. If you choose to indulge in art or to beautify your home, the results are likely to be very magical indeed. Also because Skywalker is so bold, don’t be afraid to use bright colours!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger. Not surprising Skywalker and Worldbridger are best buddies. Even their names have similar meanings. Worldbridger likes to cross over to other worlds and so they are always up for an adventure! If you are a Worldbridger, offer your support to others today and you will be very much appreciated.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 33 – Ascended Master frequency
33=6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony
KIN 33 is providing very HEAVENLY and DIVINE CODES today through this MAJIKAL 7.7. PORTAL.
A full BANG for our buck today – check out this line-up
SATURN ENTERS PISCES – Higher LOVE and SERVICE in our new dreamy reality.
SOLAR JAGUAR MOON – the 9th moon in the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR – starts TODAY – Mar 7th – April 3rd, 2023.. We are focused on the question “How do I attain my purpose?”
A TRINITY of alignments to propel us into our HIGHER DESTINY and SERVICE in these majikal energies.
An UBER powerful destiny day with the capacity for great shifts. Very Cosmic expansive energies!
Day 7 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL inspires us to channel healing knowledge from expanded, multi-dimensional sources.
BLUE HAND is tribe number 7 and we have reached the 7th day in this Wavespell giving us 7.7. Magician’s code – We also have a 7/7 code through today’s date… giving us a QUADRUPLE 7 code for today!! 4x the Majikal POWER to access and accomplish great HEALING.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials today as it provides the ability to FINE TUNE and CHANNEL these majikal forces.
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. It is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we ATTUNE and then CHANNEL the MAJIK through this present moment that is available to us all, we can INSPIRE others to do the same.
A VERY potent DIVINE DESTINY day, to allow the AWAKENING of our raw and primal emotions to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us .
Attune to the MAJIK of BLISS ON EARTH!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER BEN the Galactic Shaman and SPACE EXPLORER is seeking EXPANSION today… He wants you to go BIG.. and connect to the Greater Cosmos through the portals opened by BLUE HAND.
BEN is activating WAKEFULNESS and we have a FULL MOON in VIRGO today – summoning the HIGH PRIESTS and PRIESTESSES of NEW EARTH to step up and HEED THE CALL.. HUGE CALLING for souls to awaken to their higher purpose today.
BEN is enabling more earthlings to have that ‘AHA’ – epiphany as they are filled with LIGHT and can AWAKEN to the true expansiveness of our multi-dimensional existence and the TRUE SPACE that surrounds them.
According to BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY the greatest of the 3 POISON’s to afflict man is IGNORANCE, the other two are GREED and HATRED. One of the worst fates to befall a soul, is to complete their soul’s journey and upon reflection, realize that they were totally OBLIVIOUS to the TRUTH of that reality – like they missed the whole point! They SLEPT through the whole SHOW!! It is like being drugged and kidnapped until you arrive at your final destination…
Life is a JOURNEY not a destination!!! We need to be FULLY AWAKE, ALERT and cognizant to the experiences along the way – that is how we LEARN and GROW. Going through life with BLINKERS on is NOT an option any more, as we are in the time of THE GREAT AWAKENING
As SATURN exits AQUARIUS – the sign of REBELLION against the old PARADIGM, we can NOW be FREED to float in the ethereal BLISS realms that PISCES ushes in… especially correlating with the BLISS energies of the RESONANT SKYWALKER!! These LIBERATION energies are constantly fuelling us to BREAK FREE from the MATRIX. Many more souls will be TRIGGERED to AWAKEN. – “by hook or by crook” – WAKEY WAKEY – SLEEPY HEADS!
We are headed to an era where ALL of Earth’s inhabitants are fully CONSCIOUS and responsible for the stewardship of our Planet – NO MORE FREE RIDES – all aboard!
BEN the Angelic Messenger can help you attune to the BLISS CODES flooding our Planet at the present time.. OPENING and EXPANDING both our HEARTS and our MINDS as they are in DIVINE ALIGNMENT attuning your channel to the DIVINE energies.
BEN assists us in ditching the density, and FLYING HIGHER into the BLISS realms, accessing our Rainbow Bliss Bodies which are NOW becoming available for us HU-MANS to anchor in our vessel. We ARE becoming the PURE LIGHT BEINGS that we came here to be.. The DIVINE CONDUITS CHANNELING the energies of HEAVEN through our bodies, and joining with Pachamama in DIVINE RAINBOW union.
HIGHER SELF: RED RESONANT SERPENT CHICCHAN is the instinctive SERPENT that is the overlighting energy today.. CHICCHAN AWAKENS the planetary kundalini Serpent energies of the Rainbow Serpent and Quetzacoatl.
NOVA GAIA – is flying HIGH today as her kundalini rises to the MAX!!
We can access this vitality and LIFE FORCE through mumma Gaia if we choose to attune to these energies. This potent energy may also rapidly AWAKEN many people! AWAKENING through emergency RESPONSE – as you do when your life is in danger and you instinctively channel clarity, as the adrenaline rushes through your body, bringing a solution for FAST response to the danger. RED ALERT is an AWAKENING code!
Today we are TUNING into the Cosmos for wisdom, information and HEALING codes, SUPER supported through the EARTH HEALER sign of VIRGO on this full moon.. VIRGO has brilliant access to the healing remedies that GAIA provides..
We may find ourselves EXPLORING what it is to express, in a raw and instinctive way, any energy that wants to move through us. Of course being a Resonant tone, this means emotional energies will be flowing, moving and rising…
The key is to allow, allow, allow and become highly inspired by the movement of energy that comes up and out from your very core There is an element of the witness here, become the observer, and just witness what it is to express in the moment with no filters… Sing, dance and allow communication in the ways that channel through us in order to accomplish healing and wholeness in our emotional bodies.
Make sure you fully GROUND this energy, and funnel any excess into MUMMA GAIA.
LET GO of the past, and ALLOW the NEW energy to FLOW through you, reflecting the perfect order of TRUTH. The TRUTH shall set you FREE. And INDEED the TRUTH shall clear all the heaviness and blocks within your being, allowing your SPIRIT to be LIGHT and FREE in these beautiful new energies.
SURRENDER your vessel to channeling LIGHT from throughout this multi-dimensional reality. Open your channel, and attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure codes to course through your body, raising your kundalini and purging any emotional blocks that have kept you stagnant.
The RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER has the POWER to attune to and channel all the wisdom, resources and contacts needed to restore your life force and vitality needed to continue your Mission – with more PASSION, drive and energy to surge ahead and INSPIRE others.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT STAR LAMAT is another portal that opens our access to the STARRY REALMS. Allowing us to take a journey, as we float endlessly in the expansiveness of SPACE.. Feeling this SPACE within our bodies and feeling the BLISS as we become ONE with ALL THAT IS..
Today’s SUPERPOWER is enabling us to ATTUNE TO PEACE – and our new 5D Reality. Absolutely PERFECTO as this FULL MOON in VIRGO, will MAGNIFY the new HARMONIC TIME MATRIX we are fully ANCHORING and GROUNDING today!!
Attune to the BEAUTY, HARMONY, ART, WONDER and MAJIK that surrounds us eternally in the higher dimensions – accessible to all who raise their frequencies to allow these multidimensional RAINBOW BLISS codes to FLOW through.
As we are becoming more EN-LIGHTON-ed STAR BLISS SUNS day by day, we now know what it FEELS like to hold the feeling of PEACE within our bodies and our MINDS..
Feeling the absolute ecstasy of being one endless multi-dimensional cog in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation, intertwined with our fellow travellers.
Allow LAMAT to flood your being with the WISDOM that the Cosmos is indeed beautiful, benevolent and highly intelligent, providing a wonderful playground for our grand adventuring.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT – AKBAL challenges us to be inspired by
THE VISION OF ABUNDANCE for all beings on our planet.
To resonate with the cycles of evolution as THE GREAT DREAMING is seen, when we open our channel to the visions held in the collective unconscious, where ALL needs are met by Spirit. What a DIVINE GIFT through these phenomenal alignments today! We have the FULL SUPPORT and BLISSING of SPIRIT.
The BLISSing of AKBAL is to be inspired to DREAM Earth’s greatest VISION. Channel that pure life force and kundalini energy through your PASSION and creativity, to inspire others through your actions, hopes and dreams.
A VERY potent DIVINE DESTINY day, to allow the AWAKENING of our raw and primal emotions to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us .
Attune to the MAJIK of BLISS ON EARTH!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥
This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training
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