The Big Shift This is the Lifetime of Completion! * THE ECLIPSE PASSAGEWAY LIFTING THE VEILS
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings New Earth Angels of the 144
Every day we move closer and closer to our Grand Event.
Our Full Shift and embodiment into our 5d Golden Age of Eternal Life.
In these unprecedented times we are on the precipice of this Great Shift of the Ages and collective Awakening into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
With your Pure Intent and Divine Will for the Highest Good of all; keep holding your Visions, Faith and Perception of our Pristine Earth of the Paradisiacal Paradigm.
Nothing can stop us on our Cosmic Missions for the Divine Plan of Infinite Source Creator is fully in play as all Satrseed Earth Angelics are living out the Codes and Keys we carried into this realm from the most high to fulfill our Sacred Birthrights of Peace, Joy, Freedom and Prosperity for all our Good People of Gods Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven…A’Ho!
This energy is unlocking the shifts that are just right for you. It may feel like you could die on the way to freedom, in fact it’s so big, so powerful to allow this rebirth to yourself. But you are right on track. You can do this. All is in sacred time. You have learned all you had to know to move through this and in fact, nothing could be better for you. On the other side of a crazy step to take, your liberation and next version await. Buckle up. This Eclipse corridor could be just the time you were waiting for.
The only message I want to depart today is one devoid of complexity, but one of love. You’re going through a lot of changes at the moment. More than you are aware in various dimensions and densities. Remember that your majesty, magic and beauty are in your imperfections and what makes you different. These are times of enormous change. Do not be hyper critical of yourself. There are going to be ups and downs through this process. Rainbows are not created without the presence of rain. Wherever you are today, whatever you are doing. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you came to change the way an entire planet operates. No small feat. You are magical lightworkers and starseeds. You can do anything you put your heart to. Give yourself that extra bit of love today. You deserve it. AQ
For all the karmic stories and cycles that get triggered within the Monad soul groups / families who find each other lifetime after lifetime as reincarnation connections beyond the human realm.
In these re-connections, the masculine and feminine templates are re activated as many of us have deep remembrance + stories of Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt.
Dominance and destruction have been on repeat as the distortion programs of the human genome allows the slavery story to repeat.
Keeping humanity forever looping in survival programming!
Releasing the old grids and the stories attached to humanity allows us to step out of the past timeline identities
Finally letting go of all the stories and loops keeping us stuck, restricting movement and growth.
This is the BIG shift!
As we shift into our crystalline form, we can more easily communicate directly with the grid.
Our light bodies carry the frequency of Gaia.
The ocean waters sync up with the oceans of our bodies.
The solar wave light technology of the sun activates the solar codes within our cells.
The ocean and the sun of our planet are in harmonious sync with the crystalline grid.
The grid itself holds the framework allowing the sun to release and the oceans to receive the greater influx of light.
Planetary shifts are managed within the framework of all.
They physical pieces of this are present in this NOW moment!
9/19/24: Today is for filling up. For filling yourself so full that whatever is within you that doesn’t serve this important phase of personal growth and empowerment is expelled. Infusing yourself with your own authentic energy, your spirit, your presence. And fueling yourself with potential that doesn’t yet need definition or substance but lives in imagination waiting for its moment of manifestation. You have a lifetime to draw from…
experience alchemized into ability, wisdom aching to be shared, stories of adventures, drama, love, and loss. These live within you and are no one else’s business. They are your light, your spark, and your launchpad. Fill yourself today, with sincere intent and respect for what you have accomplished, and you will always have a source of energy to draw from.
Hard work truly pays off, and the rewards ahead are richly earned and well-deserved…
TRANSFORMATION through CHANGE will be accompanied by the COMPLETION of a CYCLE of 25,920 years of precession of the equinoxes and 60 and 265 million years of ANCIENT SPECIES DISAPPEARANCE and the SUDDEN APPEARANCE of NEW SPECIES.
This is the RETURN of the EARTHLY HUMAN RACE to what they CALL HEAVEN.
Linear Time will NO LONGER be, nor what you call DEATH on your PLANET.
When a BEING of a SUBJECT DIMENSION reaches a point where he is 6,000 years or older (this is an interpretation for you to understand) and feels he has learned enough and contributed to society, then it is the RIGHT TIME for them, because they are READY, just CHOOSE to GO FORWARD, TRANSITION into a HIGHER FREQUENCY of VIBRATORY CONSCIOUSNESS.
MOVING from one DIMENSION to ANOTHER implies having LEARNED MANY, MANY THINGS, and a simple CHOICE to GO FORWARD, to CHANGE. But KEEP in MIND that the most challenging part is to TRANSITION OUT of the 3D that ENTERTAINS YOU SO MUCH. “
Divine Energy Work
As we approach the September Equinox Star Portal (September 22), we move through an intense Eclipse Corridor, filled with deeply transformative and destined energies. ~
The energies of the Equinox, the Eclipse Corridor, the Retrograde Portal (with five retrograde planets), and the 9/9 Portal activated today (September 18) are working together to close a cycle that began on the March Equinox.
This culminates in a powerful jump in the timeline. Incoming plasma light carries higher frequencies of Ascension Plasma Waves and Sacred Geometry Light Body Activations through the Libra Equinox Stargate, which will reach zero degrees of Libra on September 22.
This Stargate Represents Ascension Zero Energy, a Rare Moment of Galactic Balance, and a Gateway to the Quantum Field of Limitless Potential.
Zero point energy is breaking down old cycles and dissolving outdated energy patterns, closing old timelines. As we enter the portal of the Libra equinox, we are preparing to enter a new cycle, infused with new perspectives and new beginnings. The autumn/spring equinox of Libra (depending on the hemisphere it is) is the divine meeting point of the energies of light and dark, and this transformative moment brings with it the codes of balance, renewal, and expansion.
The powerful polarity of light and darkness is weaving opposite energies into Divine Union, into Oneness, and opening a rare Energy Door for Acceleration from the point of Balance, towards our Way Forward…
Dear friends, the recent Supermoon eclipse has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until October 2. We are now fully immersed in these transformative waves.
The energies between eclipses can be quite transformative and enlightening. Do not be surprised if you find yourself in a completely different place in your life’s journey by next month at the end of the eclipse corridor.
These energy waves are calling us to energetically scan our life for things that may no longer be a vibrational match for who you are and how you have grown so far. The insights you will be receiving may be asking you to dismantle old belief systems and ways of being that once served you, and others, but no longer do. Sometimes this means letting go of stagnant situations and relationships/jobs, financial perspectives, or simply making changes in dietary habits and self-care routines.
You’re being called to trust yourself, to notice what is out of alignment, and then take the baby steps required to bring your life back into harmony. This is no easy feat, but it is so worthwhile. Both individually and for the planet.
These energetic life journey adjustments can also manifest physically and emotionally. Our nervous system is being recalibrated at so many different levels. You may feel that your “battery” runs out of energy by the end of the day. This is because this alchemical process of transformation is requiring more energy that usual during these two weeks. So please take it easy and rest as needed. Take time to be with your self and to remember that you are changing at the deepest layers of your energetic core.
We are also moving into the Equinox portal in a few days, therefore our bodies are pushing more than usual to find a new inner balance. This year, the synergistic combination of the eclipse corridor energies and the Equinox will feel quite demanding.
As we have mentioned a few times, 2024 is a year of personal empowerment, and this means that we are being divinely encouraged to finally let go of those limiting engrams and structures that have been keeping us anchored to lower frequencies for so long. It’s time to cross that threshold and move forward into new and brighter times.
May you have a joyful and peaceful day. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Shekina Rose ~ Angelic Messenger Language of Light
Blue Ray Transmissions Ascension Energy & Symptoms Eclipse in Pisces Effects Next 3 Months
*Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces:
Blue Ray Transmissions Ascension Energy & Symptoms
(This is a Big One, and you might not see it coming, though it will Impact your Life.}
~The effects of this supermoon will be experienced for up to three months.
Dear beautiful souls and Lightbeings, Blue Ray’s StarSeeds, LightWorkers Empaths, Angels, and Angelics
The celestial energies will Impact everyone and have a significant influence on the Blue Ray’s Starseeds and Angelics. As they are connected to water, blue energy and can feel deep emotions due to their sensitive empathetic nature.
Pisces is a mutable water sign recognized for its profound intuition, spiritual insight, and bonds with the unseen realm. Most Blue Rays are natural peacemakers which places them to continuously create harmony in their environment and lives.
These current celestial ascension energies will reveal hidden truths; some information could be shocking. Know that it is a gift, and it is time for it to be unveiled. There may be losses and doors closing as it is time for a fresh positive move forward. Your life is being arranged where some of the characters are leaving, others stepping forward, while new relationships and communities emerge. Everything occurring is being divinely orchestrated for your benefit.
Some endings and shifts will occur quickly, while others will take place over the next three months. Everyone will experience a transformational shift. It could manifest as a deeper perception of your life and the world. Your deepest heart aspirations may shift and evolve.
Ascension Energy & Symptoms Update
(The energy of a full moon is said to be strong for three days before and three days after and for the entire seven-day period around the full moon} ~
Days up to and right after the full moon eclipse, you could feel woozy spinning energy, hearing tones in your ears, periods of being tired.
Past memories of your life may come up in your present life that you had forgotten with Time shifts, Time and electronics glitches.
Experiencing Déjà vu
Feeling tired and wanting to rest.
During certain phases, you may feel incapable of working, but all you can do is allow your being to expand and be present. Allowing this time will be very enriching and rewarding, as well as having a rejuvenating effect. Allowing this time will allow you to embrace a new beauty of who you are.
Needing space and downtime.
These are powerful ascension energies that will influence your healing, shifts and changes in your healing practices, upgrades, and renewed passion for your purpose and mission.
Water will be a great therapy, spending time near water, hearing water sounds, baths and swimming
Deep gratitude During the next hours a truly sacred formation takes place in the sky. One that is of the highest spiritual blessings. Make sure that you ask for this blessing to reach you
This is another reset.
One that will be pulling people back into alignment to their soul and spirit.
The greatest initiation in the Waters of Life.
The insanity that humanity has been suffering from is getting more and more obvious via the unprecedented events that are taking place.
Past karmic actions are playing a huge role now.
If there is heavy unaddressed karma, the universal answer will be heavy.
Crimes against humanity are non stop and trauma runs deep.
The current energies can make some feel overconfident, miscalculate the consequences of their actions and suddenly find themselves in the position of total defeat and empty handed.
Is humanity seeking another experience that will be shocking in order to learn?
How will humanity deal with the extreme lessons this time?
Every person that appears in the arena as important or a saviour, is still coming from the depths of the false patriarchy and its mindset.
This will be changing in the years to come and even the last illusions that any real change can come from that false saviours, will fall away.
There is a lot of disappointment ahead for those who are still cultivating dishonesty, illusion and denial within.
This is the time of self realisation and growth and important truths must be confessed to the Self and be realised before someone is ready to restart.
Twin Flames, before you declare someone as your Twin Flame or the man/woman of your life, please make sure that you have healed your relationship with your mother and father
to a satisfying degree via true self knowledge, otherwise there will be many disappointments in this area too.
This is the time when lies fade and become weak and Truth grows stronger and becomes established!
”Some ships will vanish, some will sink, others will redirect and few ones will continue their aligned course!”
The more the field is being cleared from the last remaining fallen structures, the more energies are being redirected towards their true place/position and previously long inactivated organic powers, are getting reactivated.
This means that there is a huge wave of empowerment for those aligned to the truth that is here, even though the world seems to be sinking more and more into chaos and ugliness.
The Light that is arriving is still UNFORMED.
The codes are still blinding.
We have not yet become fully attuned to this Light, it is still undefined to our eyes and senses.
Please remember this detail ‘still unformed’.
We are the Ones that will have to adjust to this Light, not the other way around and for this to take place a true inner change has to take place first.
This includes a change in the human biology too.
The new vortex/shell of the Mother that opened a few weeks ago is directly connected to health and this has a very powerful significance because we will witness a great revival of those truths that were lost and forgotten and we will experience a big turn to the natural ways.
All messages that arriving from Posidonia are positive and clear.
There is no sacrifice needed anymore, there is no more obscurity, no more denial.
Everything is being brought to the Light!
This is the blessing of dharma!
Blessings from the Waters!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
A breakthrough of understanding is helping you see where you need to create boundaries. This can be with overthinking, drama, and other people’s problems. It’s important to keep your mind clear and pure so you can focus on you and your future. It may be especially important to stop thinking about betrayal that you’ve experienced. Take yourself off that hamster wheel and let it die with the old earth. Ground into your rebirth instead. This will help you take back the power over your life, the past, and the future. Keep your focus on where you are going by thinking about what you do want.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Blessed are the men and women who learn together that love is the most powerful journey
The Pisces lunar eclipse exposed your darkest secrets; your rawest, most vulnerable wounds. Now with the Sun approaching the end of Virgo, opposing Neptune, it’s time to deal with the fallout.
It won’t be painless, and it won’t be quick, but the universe has plans for this entangled mess you find yourself in. The more Virgo craves control, the more Neptune pulls you into its abysmal chaos—so get real. Sure, be messy, be a brutally honest wreck, but stop pretending to know which nerve to cut and which to leave exposed. They will all hurt.
Don’t be naive, but don’t despair either. Excuse yourself from the inflammatory environs of fools and face your naked truth. With the universe’s loving help, you will get through this…..
Virgo opposing Neptune
Pam Gregory
From now on, from this Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, many of us are going to start becoming more psychically sensitive. This may be your inner sight (clairvoyant), your hearing, (clairaudient), your deep sense of knowing (claircognisant) or your physical, feeling sense (clairsentient). Start to tune into that in your quiet moments. When you are in nature, what are the trees saying to you? The birds? The plants? The streams? Try to fine tune your senses, especially in nature.
This is part of gradually losing density and moving towards the lightbody.
I find that in the Forest my senses become heightened, everything is in brighter colours, everything more abundant, rich, peaceful and glorious. It feels absolutely blissful.
The more we can all feel this, the more we are sending bliss into the collective for the highest good and expansion of loving consciousness for the Earth, and all humanity.
Our outer world is likely to become much more turbulent in the coming weeks and months, so if you can get into a default practice of dropping into the stillness of your heart and your breath; this is where you operate from in your life, your still point. Then you find you will have more coherence in your energy field, as well as every cell in your body.
The surges of new light codes are doing to so much to help change the outer reality now. Anything not borne of love is collapsing, as the frequency is no longer there to sustain it. Watch Hollywood, celebrities, and powerful public figures . . see it as the physics of energy playing out in manfestation, and take it as very positive evidence of how our world is changing. Truth is coming to light.
Once we move more fully into the lightbody we will be able to clearly see any untruths or deceptions in other people’e energy fields.
In the meantime, drop into stillness as often as you can. This Libra Equinox on Sunday 22nd is another big energy portal to help us evolve, enjoy
On Thursday, September 19th, just two days after the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, in Virgo, who is associated with Greek Goddess Demeter, is in a positive trine connection to Uranus, planet of liberation and change, in grounded Taurus.
The Divine Feminine Goddess energies are now grounded in her sense of autonomy, independence, individuality and breakthrough! She is rebelliously awakening to her truth! She is healing aspects of herself that involve her creativity and authenticity!
She is restless and nonconforming now! Embrace these revolutionary aspects of yourself, and free your inner goddess!
Lunar Aspects. Sun in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus – After surfing the monster wave of the Pisces lunar eclipse, we’re finally deposited on dry ground. With Luna now travelling through Aries, this is new territory. A wide horizon stretches before us. There’s excitement and perhaps a frisson of fear. To heal, we must be brave and take the less well-travelled path.
The Sun-Uranus aspect invites us to try new and different experiences too. Novelty challenges us because it allows us to express parts of ourselves that have not been given expression before. With Earth signs involved, material matters benefit most. Maybe it’s time to change jobs, shake up your routine, upskill, embrace new technology or try a new workout. Experiment with small changes to begin with to build confidence. Let your uniqueness shine through. Heed the call of freedom.
Today is a ‘Solar’ day meaning it’s the ninth day of the wavespell. The keywords associated with it are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The 9th day is a very powerful number so be very careful about your intentions. Unless we are disciplined, we can take things that we don’t need just because it is easy. Like taking candy from a baby. Unscrupulous people take advantage over others. The lesson of number nine is that power comes at a cost. This is why I always say on number nine days, to be discerning with what you go for.
Today is White Wizard and its keywords are ‘Enchant, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard of the Tzolkin is a charming character who can mesmerize all that encounters him. If you are a Wizard, you are always charming but when it’s your day, you have even more power over others – so be careful how you use your charms. We can all take a leaf out of the Wizard’s book of spells and use it to enchant others. Enchantment can occur as pleasant surprises, chance encounters or magical journeys. The Wizard is an alchemist and he loves to put us all under a spell. By the end of the day you may feel a little weirded out and not entirely sure what just happened.
The Guide today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Whenever a dog leads the way, he is inviting us to think with our hearts rather than our heads. Try to follow your heart today and remember to be loving with your words and actions. When the dog is leading the way it is like having a dog on a leash but he is pulling you rather than you controlling him. The dog has a big heart and a tenacious attitude. This enthusiasm to get what you want today may be fuelled by this dog’s determination.
The Challenge is the Yellow Seed and its keywords are ‘Target, Flowering and Awareness’. It’s difficult for Yellow Seed people to get taken seriously when in the challenging position. Always striving to sow awareness and share wisdom, on Wizard days no one seems to want to listen.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is the secret weapon for the day, often hidden and misunderstood…the Occult power shows us that on any day, however difficult, there is always a strength that can be tapped into. Today’s strength is the Blue Hand who offers magical healing to those who need it. Also, accomplishment is a key word for the Blue Hand and when we combine that energy with the Solar energy the number nine, this could fuel ambitious antics today.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you are a Serpent, expect to be called upon for friendship and support. If you do not have one on hand, then try to be like a Serpent today. This entails being very sensitive and checking out what is going on around you using your instincts.
A very powerful day for the NEW EARTH WIZARDS to step up and claim their HEART POWER!
A very powerful Majikal day! One of my favourite combos. WHITE WIZARD and WHITE WORLDBRIDGER combined with WHITE DOG – TRIPLE WHITE codes DAY!!! Purity and TRUTH of Spirit through WHITE MAJIK!
My kind of WONDERFUL! What a treat!
The WHITE clan are the REFINERS they aim to purify your body, mind and soul to increase your LIGHT QUOTIENT and become the pure embodiment of Spirit.
Today we have 3x the White Spirit Power assisting you in increasing your PURE VIBE – so vibe HIGH dear ones- the SOLAR LIGHT codes are pouring forth.
Day 9 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today is all about building the bridges to other worlds through SURRENDERING to the MAJIKAL POWER of our purest HEART!
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention The ninth day of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our HEART.
This assists us in making our dreams come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What are you PULSING today through your HEART, and this Majikal Manifestation day?
What DREAMS are you pulsing into existence?
We are GIFTED once again with a Divine, MAJIKal, SPIRITUAL day supporting us to EXPAND as SOUL-AR HU-MANS through the power of LOVE!
How divinely PERFECTO that following the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in PISCES – the sign of pure unconditional HIGHER LOVE – we are pulsing forth this HIGHER LOVE energy to realize our DREAMS – a great blueprint for our new chapter!
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER all that is NOT LOVE, and OPEN my PURE HEART to its fullest capacity, in order to PULSE endless unconditional love throughout the Cosmos?”
So beloveds LOVE this GLORIOUS day, LOVE yourself and LOVE one another!
Divine blessings for the continuous PULSING of this SOLAR WAVE of LOVE throughout our world!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SOLAR WIZARDIX Brings forth a very majikal and shamanic day today, where you can journey to other worlds through the power of your Heart portal.
IX has endless power to tap into all realms in the multi-Universe, through his receptivity and ability to channel these forces through his physical body.
When you express your true essence and live from your pure heart, life becomes Majikal.
Just as SNOW WHITE melted the hearts of all beings who felt the purity of her own heart. You can also wield the power of enchantment over others and your world.
This power comes from the HEART and is used in an honest and uplifting, life enhancing manner giving strength and power to all those who connect with you, rather than the hypnotic, mind controlling and enslavement methods of the enchantress of old.
The most powerful MAJIK is the spell that LIBERATES others from enslavement and limitation. So use your Majikal powers, to EMPOWER and SERVE others, and for the greater GOOD.
CIMI the Worldbridger is asking you to SURRENDER any Egoic desire for power and self aggrandisement – which is a challenge and life lesson for our powerful Wizard clan. Choose instead to SURRENDER to the DIVINE POWER for unity and connection with all of Creation.
As we bypass our MINDS and we FULLY OPEN our HEARTS , we become more RECEPTIVE to the unconditional love PULSING through us. Building greater connections to our planetary kin, and anchoring higher frequencies through our vessels.
We become the living BRIDGE connecting HEAVEN and EARTH, PULSING this out to the HEART of Nova Gaia.
Aho beloveds, THAT is our HIGHEST MISSION on this 999 DESTINY DAY- HOP TO IT!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SOLAR DOGOC the Solar Dog – further EXPANDS the HEART power of WHITE WIZARD who majikally ENCHANTS all those in his realm. OC is the higher power today, bringing forth the LOVE CODES from GOD – which is DOG spelt backwards!
OC and IX is the formula for AGAPE – the Universal Love of ONENESS and total connection to all of CREATION. The Higher Love of empathy, compassion, forgiveness, DEVOTION, loyalty, and grace, all accompany the virtues of PURE unadulterated unconditional LOVE.
SOLAR OC operates through pulsing unconditional love through deep compassion, which is amplified through the 2/2 codes today. COMPASSION is definitely one of the most essential traits of a Master and an indicator of an evolved society.
The loyal and devoted DOG dedicates his life to Divine selfless Service. SURRENDERING his life’s purpose to serve the DIVINE. These two PURE hearted beings sing a beautiful duet together! DOUBLE HEART POWER today, through SURRENDERing to the flow of unconditional love.
OPEN your HEART to endless love and pulse this forward.
This is the key to unlock new opportunities this year, and is your passport to untold discovery of majikal realms. OC, IX and CIMI will lead you to the HIGHEST level of Ca c’est l’amour!
NOTE: Oc ,IX and the 1-9 and 9.9.9 codes today, bring forth many new opportunities to connect the bridge to your twin flame, divine counterpart and beloved companion through these marvellous codes. A beautiful day for romantic liaisons.
SUPPORT: RED SOLAR SERPENT – CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY of the day. Primal FEARS are highlighted and often arise to be cleared and transformed, through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew.
CHICCHAN can activate our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER. The FEAR of not being worthy of LOVE, particularly DIVINE LOVE is a huge wounding that keeps us separate from our SOURCE.
LOVE is the antithesis to ALL FEAR responses, so LET GO and SURRENDER to the POWER of LOVE.
The WHITE DOG energies will soften this instinctual FEAR response and IGNITE your PASSION for LOVE and connection with your beloved. It will also energize your PASSION to selflessly SERVE humanity through your Divine Mission.. Absolutely beautiful coupling with this Serpentine energy.
RED SERPENT is also symbolic of our Planetary Serpents – so here we witness GAIA’s energies rising to meet the frequencies pulsing down through us. GAIA’s synchronic harmonic matrix frequencies are birthed and pulsed up through us. As our Kundalini energy rises it clears our chakra system, and our HEARTS are free to pulse and receive more expanded pulses of LIGHT and infinite love.
The SERPENT with the WIZARD enables us to be LIBERATED from any dark HYPNOTIC DREAMSPELL or CURSE today. Focus on the POWER of your HEART and PASSION to set you FREE from darkness.
NOW is the TIME to be in total COMMAND of your own POWER and destiny.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE OVERTONE HAND MANIK wields the POWER of COMMAND, using his focused intent to order his will into being. MANIK enables the PULSES from the HEART of CREATION, to ignite our collective healing as well as the personal healing of our own true hearts.
We can accomplish GREAT HEART HEALING today through surrendering our old pain! MANIK’s SUPERPOWER is that of his RADIANCE which further amplifies the SOLAR WIZARD’S pulsing heart POWER.. enabling the Wizard to accomplish his self-realization, through the expression of unconditional DIVINE LOVE.
The SOLAR WIZARD has very healing hands to make his Majik potions and healing balms through divine alchemy. And of course his greatest medicine is his GIFT of PULSING LOVE into the world – That is his greatest purpose and GIFT to HU-MAN-KIND. This precious DIVINE GIFT enables you to accomplish great Majik today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SOLAR SEED – KAN challenges us to make LOVE the foundation of everything we sow. The SOLAR WIZARD sows seeds of divine TRUTH and divine devotion, through loyalty to our Creator. By only planting seeds based on love, unity and divinity we can realize great Majik in our reality, enabling us to create a beautiful legacy.
KAN challenges us to GROW and REACH for the HIGHEST LIGHT, embodying our greatest SOUL-AR intelligence, as pure LIGHT beings. PULSING this HIGHER DIVINE LIGHT into our reality, and uniting with our kin, to collectively focus on the HIGHER POTENTIALS of the NEW TIME.
A beautiful GIFT of SOLAR SEEDS to seed this NEW GOLDEN ERA of LOVE!
The seeds you plant TODAY will grow very rapidly.
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER all that is NOT LOVE, and OPEN my PURE HEART to its fullest capacity, in order to PULSE endless unconditional love throughout the Cosmos?”
So beloveds LOVE this GLORIOUS day, LOVE yourself and LOVE one another!
Divine blessings for the continuous PULSING of this SOLAR WAVE of LOVE throughout our world!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
HAPPY GALACTIC B-EARTHDAY to my very own White Solar Wizard – my beloved son Jarrod who has the most beautiful and precious heart of any soul I know (of course I am biased!!).. and he was birthed on the 9th day of my own Worldbridger Wavespell – so we have sealed the store of DEATH many times over in our journey together!
Divine blessings for beautiful enchanted liaisons today
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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