Violet Flame of Saint Germain Prayer Meditation for Irma Category 5 Hurricane

We pray for all sentient beings that may be along the path of Irma. We pray for the safety of all life that may be effected by this great hurricane. We call on and invoke the Violet Flame of St Germain and all the Ascended Masters and we call on the Angelic Realm to Protect and Comfort all beings that may be in the path of this energy. Fill the Earth Realm with the Violet Ray of Saint Germain. See The Violet Flame Blaze and Penetrate the Veil of Separation and ignorance. We can use our Unity Collective violettaConsciousness to calm the storm to calm all thoughts and energies that may cause harm. We bring balance and harmony to this Earth Realm.

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We are in "Preparation Mode" as StarGates Align & the Crystalline Grid "Fires Up"

Physical realities.... aligning huge too. Dreams and desires for SOULS are materializing at a rate like never before, due to the super-mega-high frequencies we now exist in. See your own unconscious, limiting, fixed, forceful, resistant (passive aggressive is this too) and move through this, resolve this... all from within. You want AWESOME! This is what you came here to experience. It's just waiting... for you... Open up loves!

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We are going through many fluctuations in the gridwork this month and these are challenging many as they are "moved" from one gridwork to the next... connected, disconnected, connected, disconnected... there are huge periods of template wipes where we go offline, disconnect and then come back up online... This is the strongest I've experienced this since June 2015. Huge disconnects, which need to occur so we can shift to a whole new collective timeline.


The Kundalini Point of Perception

Just as your third dimensional self enjoys traveling from one location to another, your Higher SELF enjoys traveling from one frequency to another. It is easy and enjoyable to travel from one physical place to another because you can enjoy your favorite locations that you have visited for many years. In the same manner, your inter-dimensional travels are fulfilling and a lot of fun because you are reuniting with your favorite higher dimensional places and beings. We remind you to remember to expand your multidimensional perspectives so that your physical self can consciously enjoy this “inner travels.”

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Connecting to your Higher Self

Ground yourself into the core of GAIA. Connecting with your Higher SELF to expand your consciousness is normal. Your perceptions and thoughtforms are exhaled through your outbreath to create your reality. You have forgotten that your connection to your Higher SELF is eternal, and you can recognize the energy and connection as you ignite your kundalini and flash into your lightbody. You are the brave warriors moving with Gaia into the 5th dimensional habitat ring, and you must maintain your higher dimensional perspective to do so. You may feel nausea or dizziness as you move into that higher state of consciousness as it is new for your physical body. Feel your multidimensional energy field and remember that you are not your Earth vessel - you are 5th dimensional. Feel the areas of your body to see if anything needs to be expanded. Are there any body parts that can use the healing of unconditional love and violet fire? You are on a mission, and you release all that stands in the way of what you decided that you would do within this incarnation. You are the ruler of your reality, and you must take responsibility for all that happens to you. You can expect initiations that enable you to expand further to release fear, hesitation, or other wounded ego illusions.

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Consciousness, Lightbody, and Merkaba

There are many challenges being presented to our volunteers to Earth to assist you to "prime the pump" as they said in the olden days. You can talk and teach forever, butthe teacher must keep learning by doing what they teach. In this manner the teachings will progress into the higher and higher octaves of reality. We ask now that all our teachers fully recognize that it is no accident that they find themselves in whatever challenges that are confronting them. It is the NOW to act like the Galactic Member that you have always been. In order to BE your true galactic and/or celestial SELF, you must go deep within to the core fears of your human self and heal them. One of your core fears is that you will not be acknowledged for who you truly are. That "fear" is a third dimensional ego fear

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How Is Your Ascension Going: Jenny Marks & Dr. Suzanne Lie

Relaxing music and message. Meditation. A journey into the energy of the subconsciousness. When we perceive the energy, we can flow with the energy, which allows us to read the energy, so we can follow the instructions embedded in the energy. As we become increasingly fifth-dimensional, we will begin to have sensations of our Lightbody and of Light language. These sensations often begin at the base of our spine or sometimes just behind our heart. These sensations arise from the Kundalini energy, which is our personal, formless, inner-Lightbody.

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