Seventh Heaven Gates are Opened ~ Utopia ~ The Order of the Blue Rose * Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness ~ Crystal Halls of Creation
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Rainbow Dragon Nation of the Holy Grail Union
The most intense energetics are coursing through this most Powerful Lions Gate Portal reaching her Peak tomorrow on the 8:8:8 Gateway. Our Sacred Blood is pumping the Crystalline Codes through our veins filling our channels and meridians with the Pure Codes of the Great Spirit activating our Lion and Dragon Nations for our final missions of full, total and complete Planetary Liberation.
To assist all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in our Divine Missions our local Soularis continues to send packets of light codes and upgrades releasing another 4 C Class Soular Flares today and 4 more M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.02 at 18:54 UTC.
We also witnessed more higher spikes of white light on the Schumann Charts today as Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached higher amplitudes at 30 hz, 34 hz, 35 hz and a big blast of sustained white light at 39 hz. Fifth Dimensional energetics anchored in and rising!
No looking back, we have reached the Point of No Return, So no Fear and take that Quantum Leap of Consciousness as homo-Luminous, Cosmic Light Bodies of Terra Nova Gaia. Nothing left to do but Love, Love , Love and Rise, Rise Rise through our Ascension Portal and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Utilize these Magnificent Feline energies and Dragon Codes of Freedom and Courage as we Shift this Realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be. Keep forging through and through and through until full and total compression breakthrough as SuperNova Spirits of the New Avalon Manifestation.
Together we walk each other home in Unity Consciousness to become the Galactic Citizens of our Universal Alliance of Light… A’Ho!
Seventh Heaven Gates are Opened ~ Utopia ( instant manifestation )
Choose your Timeline. Choose your Mindset. Before we didn’t have a choice, now we do. See through the layers of what you have been held into. The lower entrapment dimensions within this Universe have collapsed.
It feels like swimming under water right now. You have to come up and catch your breath. These are some of the purest celestial waters I have felt yet. I was shown the gates to Seventh Heaven have opened and in flooded the Rainbow Dragons, who are creating pathways for us to follow them.
There are many who have now activated their Angelic – Human Blueprint. This was a huge part of my work through my Luminaries work. I know there has been significant headway made. I was told my Luminaries work is like activating the 100th Monkey Effect. With some of the most powerful Weavers I have had the pleasure to walk with, through their commitment and devotion the Angelic-Human Blueprint was retrieved. With this retrieval the memory banks are cracked opened. I know this has been the work for many this year, not limited to just my Luminaries Group. But it has been a very specific mission ~ to retrieve back Guardianship of our Planetary Star Gates.
This retrieval was necessary, for within this Blueprint holds the instructions for each Star Gate and their divine purpose. The fact that I was shown Seventh Heaven Gateway is opened, I know we are well on the way to stirring the right course for the highest and most Organic Ascension Timelines for us to jump into.
It is quite literally a jump now…. We are carried by the Song of Gaia now. As we swim through her celestial waters. Effortlessly and without fear. It is so important now that we gather our focus on the right outcomes for the collective whole. No feeding the fear or chaos. They may call you mad or living in a fantasy world. Sound it out! You know what you are doing.
Each of us holding a part of the Weave. As my guides said to me this morning ~ Utopia Saffron is a State of Mind. They quite literally said to me CHOOSE IT and CHOOSE IT NOW. That how quick we are being asked to jump.
Your whole purpose is building up to what happens next. Follow the Song Lines ~ Bed into the Soil of Gaia.
Seventh Heaven
8.8 – Mercury and REMEMBERING the Ancient Medicines
WE are HERE! TODAY August 06 is the culmination of the portal that opened with the TRIPLE peak of July 31. As this moment births, TOMORROW is a “day out of time”. A moment to fully embrace every-thing that the past 8 days have revealed as we prepare for the 8.8 INITIATION into the next bombardment.
The Mercury Retrograde that began yesterday, and will BE here until the 28th, is the gift of REMEMBRANCE & RESTORATION. A miraculous Mercury Retrograde that is yours to embrace and celebrate! YES! Another peak moment will be here on the 13th, AND… as the Lion Gate emerges…the infinite momentum is YOURS TO COMMAND.
The wheels of eternal time have revealed themselves in this potentiality, and the closer we get to the September Equinox the more the Feminine & Masculine will BALANCE into a new harmony!
This is all-ready revealing through ALL of the medicines!
IN-formed Awareness. The NOW momentum is ready for YOU to harvest & carry forward as your new life emerges!
This is your canvas! Paint your dreams and hold on…they are ready to manifest. I love you with all my heart and honor your divine mastery presence all-ways. With a deep bow, ‘
8/7/24: Your Right Action today, on the eve of the Lion’s Gate Portal, is to turn everything around. Earthly obstacles must be alchemized into strengths. Barriers transmuted into healthy boundaries. Shouldn’t into gotta. Pretty please into already done. Terms like “deserve,” “worthiness,” and “yeah, but” are replaced with “hell, yeah” and “of course!”
This is no day to waffle on magic, miracles, and manifesting. If you let go of paradigms that keep you safe but hold you back; if you release the fear of the pain of failure, disappointment, or judgment; and if you allow yourself to open and receive, you will enter Flow and Flow will fill you up. But Flow aligns with the state of your frequency, not your Christmas list. Spirit knows your true desires. Make sure that’s where you’re coming from.
The Order of the Blue Rose is coming through in such a powerful way right now….
those who are connected to this lineage will feel pulled towards its frequency. It is alive and activated everywhere.
Sirius holds this frequency for our galaxy as a spiritual headquarters for the evolution of the Guardian Krystos Races. This frequency was seeded into ancient Lemuria and has remained a part of Gaia’s living library of wisdom until this day.
The rise of the Blue Rose is a foretelling of the revelation and restoration of divine order and harmonic resonance to this planet. We are being welcomed home after such a long journey outside of the Crystal Halls of Creation.
This is a time of reckoning of an ancient covenant that is now being met and upheld from the highest levels of Krystos Source Creation. The Alpha/Omega Christ-Sophia Dragon lineages are rising to become our restored reality paradigm.
For those who are ready, we are returning to our divine heritage.
We have been on a journey of mastery to unite what was so deeply divergent and polarized within us. We have walked the hall of mirrors to play this inner unification game- to harmonize what appeared impossible to reconcile. To achieve the divine union.
We are all masters of this sort of challenging integration feat, even if you don’t feel that to be true in this difficult rite of passage we find ourselves within at this moment. You have not failed! To the contrary- you are stellar Beloveds! We are riding into victory, even if the voyage feels harrowing and painstakingly slow.
8-8-8 and its July/August corridor of light are a powerful time of Blue Ray transmission from our Sirius Blue Star Elders and Guardians.
Dear friends, as the first star appears in the sky in the evening of Wednesday August 7, we are officially entering the energetic vibrations of August 8, the climax of this intense energy portal known as Lion’s Gate. This year the intensity of these lightcodes is magnified by the triple configuration of the number 8 energies. This particular energetic triad will not be happening again until August 8 2033, the year that will close this current energetic evolutionary quantum leap and will open a new chapter in our journey.
Many of you have already been experiencing the effects of these transformative energy waves bathing our planet. These lightcodes are interacting with every single human being, transforming and awakening each of us to our true divine nature. We are leaving behind limiting old ways of being and making space for new more enriching experiences. The triple 8 energies are specifically focusing on healing the divine masculine aspects in all of us, guiding us away from ancient behavioral patterns anchored in fear, insecurities, and violence. The archaic low frequency masculine construct is being transmuted into a benevolent, courageous, protective, and all encompassing creator of new higher realities.
Any energetic/emotional blockages will have to be faced under these intense energies, but fear not, this process will allow you to reconnect with hidden stagnant energies that still need to be healed and released. The energies of Chiron and Mercury in their current retrograde motion are also supporting this deep process of healing our wounded past. These issues may be recent, or from our childhood, or even ancient patterns from our soul experiences in other planets. As you connect your awareness and consciousness with the 8:8:8 energies during this period, deep insights will come to surface.
The number 8 weaves its mystical thread through the tapestry of human understanding, a symbol of balance, harmony, and the eternal quest for transcendence. Creativity and manifestation are amplified during this period, allowing us to shape our dreams and desires. Intuition and connection to our inner self are strengthened, enabling us to navigate life with greater clarity. This is a period to focus on building a strong foundation for our goals, cultivating self-discipline, and confidently trusting the natural flow of life.
The intensity of this energetic window will dwindle by August 12, but its effects will be guiding us throughout the rest of the year. The upcoming super full moon in Aquarius at the end of the month will be giving us a final energetic momentum and to fully release any energetic debris generated during this Lion’s Gate window.
Enjoy these beautiful and liberating energies. Rest if your body asks for it, drink lots of water to facilitate the energy flow within your systems, and remember to breath deeply. We are evolving into higher versions of ourselves, all in Divine timing. Stay tuned for more updates as we cross together this important energetic milestone. Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Lauren Carolyn Gorgo
888 SuperGate: Rerouting to the Rainbow Realms
The 888 (rainbow) portal to the New Earth is now open and receiving all those of unified Love·Light which means anyone who has healed the inner divide, sufficiently increased their Light quotient, balanced their karmic debts, and zeroed out their ancestral/genetic lineages is welcome to enter the Cosmic Realms thru this gateway to participate in the Heaven on Earth hologram via the New Human (Christed) Heart Grid.
As this is a triple 8 supergate…8 day-8 month-8 year…we are entering into a whole new spacetime matrix with brand new Soul contracts that will serve to nullify our existing contracts connected to our first life missions. This will amount to the finalization of any agreements t hat we are no longer required to uphold which is opening up all new ways of BEing that correlate to new ways of DOing. We are awakening to new levels & dimensions of Self that render these old metamorphic missions obsolete, yet the current Mercury retrograde cycle is calling us back to comb thru our contributions, disentangling any cords connecting us to the lower earth (matrix) experience.
This shift in service contracts will allow us to remember forth both the ancient & future aspects of self as they merge in the present to provide a more complete understanding of our New Earth role in this life and how to bring it into being. As we are no longer tied to the old ways of doing we are stepping into new territory that now needs to be molded & defined and so the question becomes: what is special & unique about YOU/your calling?
Rerouting to the Rainbow Realms changes the very fabric of human existence as we hook into the Cosmic Current that fully propels us from a place of allowing over efforting.
This new version of Earth we are inhabiting is a Feminine-fueled reality structure which means there are no more answers to be found outside of ourselves. The external structures that we depended on in duality are now obsolete and so we are in a new Self-contained vibrational space that requires us to completely Self Source, to pull from the vault of our own Creator power ALL that which is needed to lead our new lives as LOVE.
There will be a learning curve for the more logical among us, for others (creatives) it will feel as if your wings have finally unfurled, yet for all it will be an unmistakable change in creation dynamics that has no footing in the old. The guidance is to use this sacred passage to reinforce your creative visions with the dynamic energies of Leo that will further support you to lean into this new (spiral) Creation system with confidence in your inherent capabilities to create the life that lives inside you.
As we move thru August there will be some bumps in the road but these will ultimately serve as speed bumps to ensure we are staying True to our higher visions as these New Earth Leadership contracts come into effect. For those with whom this applies, know that what lies ahead is nothing like what lies behind which means you must Source this new blueprint entirely from within…as is the way of Divine Feminine Christ Creatorship. There are no roadmaps, no examples, and best of all⇾ no restrictions…aside from those self-imposed.
And so we are invited to do things OUR way (the Aquarian way) as the need of the hour is inventiveness, originality, creativity, imagination…new examples for new ways of BEing & DOing all. the. things. We are no longer tied to the systems of old that quash the human spirit, those days are behind us now. In its place, a clarion call for the all-new everything as l i t e r a l l y everything upon this planet will need to be uplifted & up-leveled to align with the incoming energies of the Aquarian Age.
I keep hearing “This is not your mother’s planet“…that this is an entirely new way of existing that is emerging thru this portal and that those ready, willing & able to walk thru it as LOVE (unified Love·Light) will be the first to benefit from what will amount to a whole new reality system. 🌈
The Lions Gateway opened on July 26th and now we have the PORTAL OF 888 OPENING. You are all educated on “The Great Central Sun“, the headquarters of God’s Light, based in the Inner Planes of the star system of Sirius, that hosts a number of advanced institutions of higher learning along with ‘The Blue Lodge of God’s Zero-Point Light’, ‘The Temple of Illumination’, ‘The White Lodge’ and ‘The Seat of the Higher Lords of Karma’.
In these elevated establishments, Higher Knowledge and Spiritual Technology from many universes are disseminated.Furthermore, Sirius is where many Spiritual Councils and authorities convene to discuss the many missions and concerns that affect all within this galaxy. The Great White Brotherhood, for example, is a spiritual organization that is said to convene at Sirius. This group is dedicated to the spiritual evolution of humanity and works to bring about positive change on Earth.
The Sirians play a crucial role in grounding ‘Advanced Information’ on our planet that would otherwise be difficult to access. Sirians are beings from the star system Sirius, which is located in the constellation Canis Major and the information they possess comes from star systems such as Alpha Centauri, which is so high in vibration that, contact with earth becomes challenging!
The Sirians play an important role in these Councils, as they are able to ‘ground the theoretical knowledge’ discussed into practical applications that can be implemented on earth. They serve as a conduit between the higher dimensions and the physical realm, making it easier for earth beings to access the wisdom of the universe.
Now, on the 888 Portal, every 9 years, the “Highest Packets of Light Information” are streamed onto earth and into humanity from ‘The Great Central Sun’. Herein, “The Blue Lodge” comes into highlight as the Virtues, the Qualities, of the BLUE RAY 1are relayed into the galaxy – never directly though but thru the hierarchy you are by now quite familiar with, for all readers of the Tablets on the website. So we need not elaborate the basics here.
This is normally a Portal of the LION CONSCIOUSNESS as it is the Lion’s Gateway from Sirius to Earth and so the Lion Consciousness, which embodies the characteristics of the Blue Ray 1, is dispersed throughout the galaxy. However!
2024 is an unusual 888 year as the LION CONSCIOUSNESS is now being accompanied by the DRAGON CONSCIOUSNESS! The Dragon Ley Lines have already been activated on earth, in the month of July, across the Asian continent from Tibet down thru Thailand to Malaysia. And now the entire planet and humanity is ready to receive the DRAGON ENERGY.
Now. Just as you have the Lion Beings in Sirius, you have as well the Dragon Beings – and together they are contributing in anchoring the Golden Age of SatYug upon earth. These magnificent Dragons work in these academies of light, and carry the Keys and Codes of the Spiritual Technology of the future in their energy fields. Their mission is to spread this to all those who are ready, to help bring in the new Golden Age. These Dragons are cosmic travelers and help mankind to move through dimensions. In addition, they will guide and protect you on your inter-dimensional journeys between earth and other parts of the universe, especially if you aspire to be an InterGalactic Master.
Dragon Energy is one of the oldest energies in our sub universe and is a powerful Supernatural Force to work with. It symbolizes Power, Change, Abundance, Good Fortune, Wisdom, Strength, Hidden Knowledge, Protection and Royalty. It is a number 8 vibration, just as the Lion Consciousness. It is however a denser and heavier energy but ironically, it is ungrounding and therefore can make you feel woozy, dizzy, faint. Consequently, in this period please ground yourself emphatically. Moreover, you can feel their presence thru Clairaudience. You will hear this energy more than just feel it.
Now. Dragon Energy is capable of sealing power and stripping the environment of all negativity (especially the Lurker Energy).
Herein, it is very important to understand that –
(just as the Lion’s Gateway opened)
Now, removal of the Lurker Energy from humans is occurring from the physical and non-physical bodies – the energy body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the corporeal bioshell body. August and September months shall be witness to the strongest onslaught of Exorcism of the entire Human Race. As our previous article explained: (elaborated by Cobra) 99% of normal humans are infected by the contagion of the Lurker Energy and 89% is the affectation on the Light Beings on earth. This must all be cleared by November. So when (and as) this Purge of Exorcism gathers density people are going to manifest voluminous degrees of stress and behavioural change.
On the physical plane, these will manifest as physical illness. On the etheric plane, these will manifest as lack of energy, or tiredness, On the emotional plane, these will manifest as negative emotions, or madness. On the mental plane, these will manifest as worries, doubts, and in the worst case, these will manifest as mental illness. So be alert to the changes in self and in others around you as the general population might react with extreme craziness. Keep away from people’s vomit. Do not get re-entangled again. This is all about Disentanglement. Steer clear of other people’s drama. As with this process, people can really get crazy. Do not try to treat such people, if it does not work. Just stay away from those people. It is like mental illness. If you approach them too much, you will get affected. And unfortunately, most people, even light workers, get affected to a certain degree. But light workers can at least understand the process and manage the effect to the minimum. No fighting – for Light Beings (as already elaborated in the earlier article).
Remedy is :
Joy, Discernment, Common Sense, and Physical Care.
By next week, the Removal Process of EXORCISM shall get even stronger and more aggressive. The advanced technology employed for the Exorcism shall “enforce the Exorcism”. No one will be spared! This EXORCISM OF THE HUMAN RACE is Mandatory for the Tilt to eventuate! It shall bring up everyone’s unresolved karma and lessons unlearned, to the surface and face-to-face. So please engage the VIOLET FIRE of PURIFICATION to burn away all karma, as and when it surfaces! And surface it shall, like a deluge and cloud burst! The Emptying Process is something all must go thru in readiness for the Tilt. Engage as well the DRAGON ENERGY. For the Kundalini to rise above all the chakras, it must be propelled by the Fire of Purification. Your engagement with the Violet Fire, the Blue Fire (please ensure you have in possession “The 5th Tablet: THE BLUE RAY 1 INCANTATIONS” for Chanting (link provided below)), the Lion Energy as well as the Dragon Fire, shall propel the Kundalini or Goddess Energy to rise. It is the Goddess Energy of Durga Ma (the 5th Tablet Mantras) that has made possible the anchoring of the Dragon Energy on earth. Whilst the Kundalini Energy is Goddess, the Dragon Energy is masculine and action-oriented. And, action is needed for the Planetary Exorcism to be implemented and victorious.
The Saving Factor for all humanity now is through
There is not other means for survival!
Furthermore and lastly – the Dark Lodge is on Red Alert. They know, the EXORCISM has begun…and as it began, Trump was targeted for assassination. The Light shifted his head just in time to avoid the fatal extermination. Therefore, so must you all be on Red Alert! A Special Warning is sounded for months of September to November 19th when Pluto returns temporarily to Capricorn (thru a retrograde) before permanently transitioning to Aquarius by the end of 2024. September 2nd is the precise date when Pluto shall shift house and this was the date when WW2 broke out and, once again, the Dark is aiming for the same date – for another widespread planetary war. This coincides in perfect sync with the Grand Exorcism of the Planet and the human race when the masses are expected to go crazy. And the Dark is taking advantage of this fall-out of the Purge to release its bomb amidst the mayhem to achieve maximum success.
You can stop this!
Radiate the WILL
Expand the LIGHT
Extend the LOVE!
Only the strongest
and most evolved states of consciousness
were chosen to come and assist with earth’s Ascension Process
We are in a huge influx in the next hours and days of pure white flame of purity, and the Golden Ray of Christ consciousness, amplified by solar flares codes and keys of Illumination now being released, with the cosmic pyramid energy.
It means a total upgrade on a magnitude never experienced before.
Simply be receptive.
Each one will receive and access to the degree they can handle this or are ready to absorb it. Yet all is activated, whether you are conscious of this, or not.
It is accelerating the ascension process enormously and fully activating the solar, galactic and cosmic Tree of Life within you.
Find time to be quiet and still.
Find time out in nature.
We are held in the arms of Divine Love and carried in its wings.
The aura is cleansing from the seed point entity that has been creating the weight of density and darkness over your life. Through this clearing, the mind and heart are awakening to the truth of the resources that are available.
A new stable beginning is opening today. It already has growth as it’s been expanding from within, you just couldn’t see it. However your inner light is expanding so brightly past your auric field that the truth is being revealed. The real you and your Chosen position and birthrights under the Most High are being seen.
Know that you are here to create a new Family of Light for the Age of Aquarius. Your inner marriage is completing union and able to come together and create this new beginning. You simply need to acknowledge, claim, receive and birth this truth into reality.
On Wednesday, August 7th, the day before the 8-8 Lions Gate Portal, we have Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, in reserved Virgo connecting to Mercury, the Messenger, in the same sign of the Virgin Priestess. Mercury is now in retrograde motion so his analyzing abilities are turned inward. With this relationship to Venus we are in a mode of self-reflection and becoming aware all of the fragmented aspects of our soul that have occurred from challenges and traumas in other lifetimes. We are going through an alchemical and purification process……
a soul retrieval and reintegration process. This time period of the Lions Gate Portal is supporting us with magnified downloads, spiritual upgrades, DNA/cellular activations and profound healing energies. We also have the Sun, ruler of our life force, in confident Leo in a positive sextile connection to Jupiter, the Great Benefic, in busy Gemini, providing us with the opportunity to receive many blessings as we shine our true and authentic Light out into the world. Take action as needed! Be receptive as needed! It is the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in its most beautiful expression.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, in reserved Virgo connecting to Mercury
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiate and Command’. The 5th step of any wavespell is about summoning up your personal power. That means no feeling sorry for yourself or any negative thinking that weakens you. Be your own best friend today by focusing on your strengths. It is a commanding energy that insists you be powerful and so don’t be surprised if you feel supercharged and ready to go.
Today is Blue Monkey and key words associated with it are ‘Illusion, Magic and Play’. When Monkey falls on the 5th day that results in a potentially explosive situation but don’t panic…I mean in a good way, the magical aspects of the Blue Monkey are given a huge power boost. Beware though, Monkey will still play tricks on those unsuspecting, so don’t be a buffoon. An empowered Monkey is bound to catch you out. If you are deserving and not a fool, then Monkey will bring you magical moments. It’s the kind of day when wonderful memories are made. Expect to play with Monkey today, and so it’s best you keep on your toes.
The Guide today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self-generation, Energy and Catalyzing.’ Talk about adding fuel to the fire! But seriously folks, today could be life changing and awesome. Focus on making a change in your life…if it is the right thing to focus on, Monkey will provide you with the magic. If it is foolhardy, then your efforts will blow up in your face. You have been warned. However you look at it, today is not dull.
The Challenge today is Red Dragon. If you are a Dragon, you may need some assistance as the monkey will taunt you more than anyone else as you are the challenge but don’t lose hope, be empowered and make changes. These two are opposite energies because the Dragon likes quiet cave time and the Monkey runs amok, burning himself out and not achieving the quiet cave time he needs. Monkey can drive himself crazy as well as others.
The Occult power is the White Dog. The Monkey and the Dog adore each other because they both like to play. Dogs have lots of fun on Monkey days and today is no exception. If you are a White Dog, achieving what you want is more likely when in this magical position. You may find yourself more tenacious than usual. For the rest of us, expect magical romantic encounters when the puppy is playing. It’s all waggy tails and cuddles. This is a great day to fall in love and be empowered by love.
The Ally is the Yellow Star and so if you need help today consult someone born on a Yellow Star day. If you are one – you can be a great help to others today so shine like the star you are. If you don’t know one, do what they would do and sparkle, make some art and generally enjoy the beauty in this world. Monkey days are great for Yellow Stars because they are best buddies.
A date with DESTINY! These powerful codes aligning with the Majikal Overtone Monkey are empowering us to STEP UP and claim our POWER as wayshowers and NEW EARTH LEADERS
Tomorrow is the 8.8.8. LION’S GATE and today we have the OVERTONE MONKEY – empowering us to claim our SOVEREIGNTY as we pass through these potent Ascension gateways.
Day 5 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of accomplishing HEALING on all levels, through accessing greater knowledge and skills. The 5th day enables you to COMMAND majikal HEALING POWER, regenerating and rising as the Great and powerful MAGICIAN that you are!
Today’s day code is opening a Divine doorway for the NEW EARTH wayshowers.. Great MAJIK is afoot.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance.
5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the BLUE HAND Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS. When we give ourselves permission to receive and feel unconditional love and nurturance, we transform and become RADIANT BEINGS!
Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform, in order to feel empowered?
Command your RADIANCE and spread your golden LIGHT!
Today’s question is ” How can I use my INNER MAGICIAN to EMPOWER HEALING in myself and others? Am I willing to transform my life, through PLAY and spontaneity, allowing my true RADIANCE to shine?”
Divine blessings for a day filled with GREAT HEALING, spontaneity and laughter. Unleash your RADIANT MAJIK!!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE MONKEY CHUEN loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. Monkey days are usually much LIGHTER and brighter, but today’s code has a more serious agenda as it is guided by BLUE STORM.
BLUE MONKEY represents our INNER DIVINE CHILD and generally most of us carry serious deep wounding there, which may have been rooted in this lifetime, and/or numerous past lifetimes. This deep core wounding has kept us locked in negative self deprecating patterns creating endless suffering.
When you are experiencing pain, suffering and trauma, your life is devoid of joy and happiness. One solution is PLAY and laughter, which is the best MEDICINE and BLUE MONKEY revels in this arena!
Connecting with our inner DIVINE CHILD and learning to LAUGH in the face of FEAR, enables us to COMMAND back our POWER.
Our natural default Divine state is JOY and happiness, FEAR is just an ILLUSION..
When we FEEL empowered we are in CONTROL of our HEALTH and wellbeing – be that physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Instead of feeling like a victim and seeking HEALING from some external source, we can COMMAND back our RADIANCE shining our inner LIGHT and activating our innate healing ability.
Our body KNOWS how to HEAL itself – our cells are automatically encoded to self-generate. All we have to do is remove the FEAR, and our body can naturally HEAL once again through homeostasis.
TRUST in your own POWER as a MAJIKAL HEALER and it shall SPONTANEOUSLY occur! BELIEVE and TRUST that MAJIK HAPPENS… let your Divine Child LEAD you back to Divine wholeness.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE STORM – CAUAC themes are Purification, cleansing, transformation, regeneration, catalyst, self generation, breakthrough and FREEDOM..
Today we have DOUBLE STORM forces at play (pun intended!) as the overLIGHTING energy and the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM energy!! This will enable us to permanently remove our core FEAR wounding, and soothe our ailing Divine child. BLUE STORM provides this energy for great transformation and self generation catalyzing TREMENDOUS advancement today.
Today we need to TRUST that – POSITIVE CHANGE IS HAPPENING and our transformation will TOTALLY restore our HEALTH and VITALITY – BETTER THAN IT WAS BEFORE!!
HOW DIVINELY PERFECTO on the eve of this potent 8.8.8. LION’S GATE PORTAL – restoring our POWER and SOVEREIGNTY as GALACTIC CITIZENS!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A GIFT!!! HALLELUJAH!!
The OVERTONE STORM as the HIGHER POWER is catalyzing the tremendous energy needed for us to claim our FULL POWER as the radiant STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS. We have great EVOLUTIONARY ENERGIES at “PLAY” – today, bringing the much needed MAJIK and MIRACLES to herald in this NEW AGE of FREEDOM and self EMPOWERMENT!
Watch the MAJIK unfold in this precious HER-STORIC GREAT ASCENSION portal month!
TRUST in the process and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for humanity…
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR LAMAT’s energies highlight the qualities of BEAUTY, Elegance, HARMONY, Grace, Art, PEACE, balance, diplomacy, cooperation, conciliation, fame, shining bright, STARseed, portal.
LAMAT reflects the VENUSIAN traits which many LIBRAN’s, as Galactic PEACE AMBASSADORS, embody in their Divine Mission here on Earth. LAMAT highlights the need for PEACE, HARMONY and uniting with our kin folk in loving relationships. Incredible codes for twin souls, soul mates and anyone seeking new unions and cooperative alliances.
LAMAT is the gifted ART-ist who has an EYE for BEAUTY and elegance. They are brilliant artists, musicians, painters, singers and craftsmen. They are adept at using their HANDS to sculpt their imaginings into items of great beauty to behold.
What a BEAUTIFUL SUPPORT Act we have today from this OVERTONE STAR! Absolutely MAGNIFICO! It is TIME to focus on CREATING BEAUTY in our world.
5 LAMAT supports us in our quest to take back our POWER and COMMAND that our Beauty, youth and vitality be restored as the immortal STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS that we are.
LAMAT is activating the natural HEALING intelligence within the STAR packets of light codes, available for us to access through our COMMAND.
LAMAT is guiding the way through the Art of PEACE making. When PEACE reigns supreme within our HEART, MIND and emotional body, then PEACE will be reflected externally too.
This state of INNER PEACE enables MIRACLES to HAPPEN through the power of Divine Grace.
As our world reflects this greater HARMONY , then we will be in total alignment with the Universe, and our natural world, restoring our place in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation.
OVERTONE Monkeys are extremely confident and proud of their Majikal prowess, so tap into this RADIANCE today and take center stage. COMMAND BACK YOUR POWER and your beautiful GIFTS. The show is about to start and YOU are the BEAUTIFUL SHINING SUPERNOVA STAR!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR DOG OC themes include; Love, loyalty, TRUST, unconditional love, faith, honesty, devotion, integrity, truth, compassion, heart and service to others.
The Occult tone for KIN 31 is the White SOLAR DOG providing today’s SUPERPOWER.. and what a beautiful HEART warming POWER this is.
The key to accessing today’s Majikal HEALING POWER is through the POWER of HEART.. The Solar Dog’s action is PULSING LOVE from your HEART PORTAL to realize your manifestation..
LOVE IS THE DRUG you are seeking.. the Majikal panacea that HEALS ALL...
Instead of feeling wounded through a lack of love, REVERSE the FEAR and begin GIVING LOVE.
The act of GIVING unconditionally, through LOVE or SERVICE, infuses your cells with endorphins and naturally bathes your cells in an alchemical healing elixir.
Whenever you are feeling bad, sad or sorry for yourself – get up and do something KIND for someone else!
The act of doing and giving, empowers your RADIANCE which in turn has the domino effect in healing others too. Start the ball rolling by taking the LEAD and PULSE out more LOVE.
This SUPERPOWER today is calling us to HEAL the division and separation that seeks to DIVIDE and CONQUER.
The key to HARMONY is through UNITY, forgiveness and ACCEPTANCE. If we “take sides” and begin to ostracize and condemn others due to our beliefs and choices then we are perpetuating the same narrative. The way to beat them at their GAME is to ACCEPT ONE and ALL as equals – regardless of circumstances.
Even the darkest souls who have strayed far from the LIGHT can be redeemed through the POWER of LOVE. That is our MISSION as 5D AMBASSADORS of LIGHT!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE DRAGON – IMIX themes are- Birth, rebirth, new beginnings, creation, Mother Goddess, womb, nurturing, protection, giving/receiving love, primal trust in Divine nurturance.
A fantastic GIFT during this DIVINELY HEAVENLY passage, when we are birthing the NEW TIME on EARTH. As ABOVE so below – HEAVEN is a place on EARTH.
The challenge provided by RED DRAGON today, is to allow your INNER CHILD to be nurtured and fully loved. When your divine child feels SAFE and LOVED, it can RELAX and wonder at the beauty of life.
Rest in the Mother’s womb of creation today, and BELIEVE in the POWER of DIVINE NURTURANCE, allowing your soul to be soothed. Once you are done resting, come out to PLAY with your friends. This unleashes spontaneity and creativity, which provides the SPARK for all creation.
Allow your MAJIK to shine through, and COMMAND your freedom.
IMIX enables you to access the feminine mysteries today. The ancient healing secrets preserved over many eons, that have been kept by the Wisdom Keepers… the carers, the healers, the mothers, the priestesses, the shamans, and our ancient ancestors, who all knew the HEALING remedies from Mother nature.
Whatever remedy is applied, the KEY is to offer love and nurturance for a speedy recovery.
The DRAGON tribe can also display incredible fearlessness and POWER to PROTECT their kin. Once unleashed, the Mother can access incredible strength, courage and emergency responsive ACTION that can appear incredibly heroic – like the Mother lifting a tree/vehicle or heavy object to free her trapped child.. such is the POWER of unconditional LOVE – it can turn us all into HEROES and LEADERS.
IMIX is reminding us that the best way to become EMPOWERED, is not through stealing or siphoning the power of others, but rather to build our own inner POWER through caring, nurturing and RADIATING our LIGHT and our LOVE.
The most NOBLE of LEADERS are those who rule through their beautiful HEART, and encourage their people to UNITE as equals.
TRUE LEADERS are COMPASSIONATE, and have RADIANT auras that uplift and EMPOWER others.
Today’s question is ” How can I use my INNER MAGICIAN to EMPOWER HEALING in myself and others? Am I willing to transform my life, through PLAY and spontaneity, allowing my true RADIANCE to shine?”
Divine blessings for a day filled with GREAT HEALING, spontaneity and laughter. Unleash your RADIANT MAJIK!!!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Good morning beloved family, Good start to the week with the energies of Portal del Leon. This Thursday We have the Mighty Portal of Leon, this is a very important Phase for our Ascension journey.
The brothers of Sirius demonstrate:
Before this Portal, many of you are Activating Cosmic memories, skills to assist in your current Mission in Gaia; as Servants of Light.
Many of you have been Kings, Queens and Leaders but you have all been dedicated to the Light, your past experiences of Leadership and perseverance in the dark has prepared you for the tasks ahead.
The Ascension of Gaia, invites those ready to Lead with the Heart and shine their light brightly.
Each of you carries with you an Ancient story woven into the threads of time and space; like Ancient Star Guardians.
Like Stellar Seeds planted in the fertile soil of Gaia are destined to Bloom radiating the light of Love and Wisdom in every Step of the Way in The Crucible of Human Experience.
As guides of the New Era they carry with them the legacy of Truth and Compassion, leading others into the Radiant light of Awakening.
Through the Third Eye portal access the depths of your being, unlocking the Forgotten Codes that lie dormant in your DNA .
TODAY we offer you a Gift of ACTIVATION:
Place your Third finger on your Third Eye and touch gently, inviting these words into your being:
” I welcome the Ascended Syrian System Codes in my Body, ACTIVATING dormant Syrian memories, Women and Leadership skills to serve Gaia . I Unlock Codes to Awaken my DNA. Respect and Honor my Body as it Expands”.
* Sit and rest after this Activation allowing energies to integrate.
As we sit at our tables of light, we are filled with Gratitude for your acts of heroism and Service.
* These Codes will help you on your journey, call on the Love and support of your Galactic Family feeling their presence and wrapping their Love around you.
I invoke all the joyful experiences and the sublime Love of the Syrian Ascended system in my heart space.
Feeling Safe, Loved and Supported by my Galactic Family.
I am a Starseed claiming my Divinity and Ascension”.
Beloved brothers, soon you will be immersed in the Sirio 88 Portal presenting New Energies of Christos Ascension from the Lion Gate.
Therefore; it’s a Great time to PREPARE for this..
This Threshold allows you to Connect more deeply with your Fractal Quantum Beings, bringing guidance and Clarity to your Evolutionary Journey through Reconnection with your DNA.
Use the Blue Flame to HEAL your Throat, Throat and Heart chakra, allowing you to express your True Being with integrity.
Rose Quartz, offered by the Syrians helps to anchor Divine Love and dissolve fears.
We the Syrian High Council honor and support you.
RISE NOW my Inner Warriors and shine your light.
I am Maria Lustig144
Guardian of the Flame of Light
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