THE DAY OUT OF TIME (TWILIGHT ZONE) Mayan Calendar * We are Portals of Source ~ Arc of Ascension
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Navigators of our New Time Dreaming
Happy Day out of Time Portal on the Mayan Calendar. July 25th 2024 on the Gregorian Calendar!
Today we step into “No time” or what we call timelessness of the non-physical, as we navigate in between worlds and time, as we release the old cycle and begin a Brand New Galactic Spin and New Cycle tomorrow on the 26th of July of New Earth of Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient Beings of the Way. On the Mayan Calendar today we have Kin 18 White Overtone Mirror a we reach a new Tone, a Higher Octave on our Ascension Journey as the Still White Light of Source mirrors itself into the Hearts and Minds of all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144.
Synchronizing with todays ‘Day out of Time’ celebration we had a major 5d Whiteout on the Schumann Charts as Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached amplitudes of 43 hz, 55 hz and 68 hz, a sustained resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond.
On this Powerful day of Zero Point Energy coming through we take a step into the “Twilight Zone” of the Void Space and make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into Pure Awareness and consciously CO-Create the New Eden of Perfect Health, Happiness, Abundance and Freedom for our Rainbow Tribe of the New Eden made manifest, fully Awake and fully Aware, never to fall into illusion again…A’Ho!
You are transitioning rapidly, from one state of being to the next. The pace may be disorienting but all is well. Many are ascending or awakening to the next level of service. Relationships are either forming or losing their previous structure, as if disassembling. Trust that you are being repositioned for the highest good.
So many “old” structures, whether in our personal or collectives lives, are crumbling these days — making space in a rapid and entire way, to future paths that still remain unseen.
As we fast approach one of the main
Multidimensional Energetic Events of the Year
– Galactic New Year & opening of the 888
Lion’s Gate Portal July 26th, the increased amount of the Crystalline Plasma Light is coming through, activating & upgrading our Light Bodies, activating our Crystalline DNA, upgrading our Crown & Solar Plexus Energy Centers & our nervous system, assisting us in Quantum Leaping into New Realm of Possibilities & Unlimited Potential.
Plasma ejection that just recently occurred from the Sun – view from the satellite Stereo A. We can observe several events at once, and if the source of the first ejection was beyond the “horizon,” the subsequent one is already directed towards Earth.
This event is already impacting our Planet – an increase in high-energy Proton Levels is being recorded, with a MAJOR S1 SOLAR RADIATION STORM IN PLACE.
Union codes, Sacred Sexuality codes,, Divine partnership agreements VS Karmic contracts, Self Sovereignty~ 12D Blueprint updates integrated for gate entrance. Energy exchange based on direct, self accountable communication~ zero “expectation”… Imprints dissolved that were parasitic entanglements, shifting how We show up in partnership, sacred sexual energy exchange being non Sophianic/ Magdalene inversions corrected. ( Life long process for DF Union template holders).
Inner Rod and Staff corrections completing for next bandwidth upgrade/ integration process. Inner True North recalibrations fully anchored.. Friday We usher in the Galactic New Year, setting in motion the chosen Divine Co~ Created trajectory carrying us through to Winter Solstice..3D blueprints no longer dictating our creations~
Huge energies today. Today 25th July ‘Day out of Time’
July 25th is called “The Day Out of Time“, since it is the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan science of time – it closes 13 moons of 28 days = 364 days. In this sense, the day out of time is the extra day, the 365th day, the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar.
This is also part of the Lions Gateway 8:8.
I feel that many of us are now ‘beginning’ to put into wider context not just this lifetime training us for this point in time. But other life times!
I believe feel know that it is so useful practical for us to TUNE into the wider broader perspective. So when we call in our Higher Selves we are HELD in this bigger context.
we embody our Higher Selves and are in Divine Creation Collaboration.
Connecting with the Arc of Ascension. So our human ego selves don’t feel we are drowning. We can dive swim! And like Manta Rays FLY! Be Shamans who are part of this coCreation. No longer in the Matrix of delusion which has trained so many for so longer that we are isolated beings.
There is a beautiful Divine expression that has Divine purpose which is flowing uniquely through each of us. Together we are Creation.
So on one page I looked up about the ‘Day out of Time’ this is also called the Yellow Seed Day.
For this is my intuition knowing – this is QUANTUM. Where we can access all timelines. For we are not constrained by linear time. And therefore we can empty and allow ourselves to call in our Highest intentions. And call in I would say the GOLDEN seed of Creation. For me this is the ‘Golden Seed Day’
For truly we are all Cosmic Shamans. The Multiverse is within each of us. Hence the term StarSeeds.
On July 25th we enter the Mayan day out of time, a portal, a place where all and nothing exists simultaneously. A place that would tie the ‘string theory in knots’ if they ever met.
The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar, it is the extra day, the 365th day, called the day out of time.
This day is observed as a day ‘free of time’. This ‘free day’ re-aligns the solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature a day of reverence and respect for all life, dedicated to all time and no time.
Each and every day we need to allow a few moments to ‘step out of time’ and realign our energies. To swim deep into the void for that everlasting minute and realign with our Heart and Soul’s desire. To see the multi-verse filled with all your failed and forgotten dreams birthed anew, come to life, in Technicolor and surround sound.
Everything you had given up on and tossed to the wind landed in the sacred place known as ‘the day out of time’.
Reach into your heart and gently extract the elixir of life, pouring it on all that still seeks to be birthed.
Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment.
If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to ‘dream a different reality’ into being.
Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created. Through trust, you journey to the place of ‘no time’ and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind..
7/25/24: The world will continue to swirl around you today, but you don’t have to be the star of the show or even dance with it. Take time for yourself. Observe the lights and action; enjoy the beat; appreciate the truly talented among us. Discern spectacle from substance, fiction from authenticity.
But don’t take it personally. And then write a review from your heart… with your honest reactions and your most open mind. Right Action today leans toward peace, patience, and wisdom. These are your gifts to claim simply by removing yourself from the performance. Center stage is not the place to be today. That’s tomorrow’s business.
The Earth alliance reports that over the last few hours a complete energetic white-out event began and is still underway.
When you see white on the Schumann, this indicates the highest levels of electromagnetic intensity or activity.
What’s more, when energy levels reach the bottom of the graph at the 40 hertz level, this marks the beginning resonance of the 5th dimension or the gamma state of consciousness!
When we see a continuous whiteout on the graph, this means Earth is being permeated with powerful, high-vibe 5th dimensional light, which has a direct effect on Earth consciousness levels.
The Pleiadians say a major shift is happening on Earth right now, and this is truly the great time, the beginning of a golden age where we are witnessing the new Earth emerging!
Many of you are experiencing profound shifts in your personal lives as well, and this is a great sign of what is to come!
The most enlightened among you have a deep awareness of this planetary shift, and you know that all you have endured to this point is to prepare you for a magnificent new way of being.
This is a time when all things are being created brand new! Everything from major societal changes to relationships, even your creative work is being restructured!
It’s a good time to finalize your inner work and to do all you can do to vibrate high to align with this new way of being.
Global ascension symptom reports are off the charts as starseeds integrate this massive influx of light into their cellular structure!
The Pleiadians teach that during strong light influxes like this, it is crucial to:
– Consume natural energy foods
– Take a sea salt bath
– Keep crystals around your auric field for energy stabilization
– Practice meditation
– Engage in breathwork
– Connect with nature for grounding
– Get plenty of rest and sleep
Now is a good time to slow down and focus on what truly matters – the evolution of your being. Take excellent care of yourself and your body, and everything will align for your highest good.
Powerful light has arrived, and great shifts are occurring, igniting the great awakening on planet Earth as we ascend to the fifth dimension. Prepare for more light and be ready for your next significant DNA activation!
Feel free to share any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
A Galactic Year End… The Veil of Separation is thinning…
The Planetary Year is about to close, it moves a lot and so fast that it’s easy to lose orientation and get excessively into the subjective emotional lived… easy to activate dysfunctional patterns even deeper… easy to get lost for those who have not sufficiently stabilized the Light of the Higher Self within the Self…
For exactly 3 weeks the shift happening within has been very intense, only with extreme Honesty and Transparency towards oneself can one recognize how much is rising to the surface under the push of the provocation that arrives from the Higher Planes of Consciousness… As underground magma emerges… How much pain is visible and how much contraction is created at a cellular level…
A moment when Higher Heart and Higher Mind are expanding from one side, with forward thrusts that for those in the Process of Ascension means Doors Opening, Concrete and Creative Possibilities Opening… on the other side the whole of humanity is experiencing an inner revolution which equals a mass expulsion of outdated systems and structures that close vision, of ancient beliefs, of programs that are deeply embedded in the physical body and are *blown up from the inside* with repercussions on the physical body that warns of it the impact of course… impact that depends on the subjective processes going on…
I’ve been constantly watching for 20 days inside and outside of me what’s happening and it’s all so sudden that I’m probably setting it on well only today after about three weeks of walking… the wave that has risen will break frantically against the cliffs to break everything that no longer needs and that no Compromise Solution will now be able to stop… and the feeling within is to be quickly suspended towards a form of Freedom that is not what Man thinks but what the Higher Self defines… there where repression and contraction leave room for expansion and manifestation, there where families of human origin who are in a way *crumbling* in their illusional essence… The Cosmic Families who take the reigns of the Animal Journey are coming together and communicate the next steps to take… there where the propulsion created by *Conscious Rage* (which is not the human one)… is the access key to the reality of the Higher Self…
…… the veil is very thin now and it’s the Perfect Time to not *resist with the mind* but to *create with the Frequency of the Higher Self*…
with Endless Love,
23 7 2024
End of Galactic Year. Inner Revolution. Human is on its knees. Rage Consciousness.
The Maya identified the energetic and spiritual aspect of Time and coded it in the terrestrial calendar as a basis for understanding existence in the universal synchronous order.
The New Year’s date celebrated tomorrow corresponds to the Earth’s horizon of the brightest star Sirius annually on this date, for the Awakening of the “Dream Enchantment” during incarnation.
The Day Out of Time in the Mayan Calendar today, July 25, is “Day of Universal Forgiveness,” a way to experience freedom from time imprisonment through Letting Go and Compassion. Review the real needs to face reality without being paralyzed by fears for survival in 3D Illusion.
Today is the day for a deep re-evaluation of consciousness in preparation for the rise of the star Sirius tomorrow, minutes before sunrise, after being invisible for 70 nights – at the event of the sacred Heliac of Sirius.
It’s the passage of Light illuminating the Darkness.
The Return of Higher Consciousness, Self-Resurrection, Light Body Incarnation and Awakening to our Eternal Divine state connected to Source.
An experience related to the words of Yeshua Christ:
“Keep The House Clean … Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into his house, and I will dine with him, and he with Me. ~Revelation 3:20”
Take a moment for Stillness, deepening your Clarity giving your life New Meaning.
Universal Light is supporting the withdrawal of what you carry within yourself such as burdens of guilt, shame, inadequacy, judgment, anger, envy, to realign the unconscious through self-reflective thought as a balancing tool.
We are Portals of Source – the projection from the inside out on your personal Path should be by anchoring energies of Peace and Joy to open yourself to Receive Abundance on all levels during your Journey.
Our Purpose, as conscious / Awakened beings, is to be stabilized to assist Humanity’s ascension of the frequency and His spiritual liberation.
Know that you can benefit from the “solar codes transmitting activations to the wings of the heart-lung to transform breathing patterns from repressed pain and trauma, into solar spirit breathing channels in angelic humans,” as teaching by Lisa Renee.
Lion’s Gate Portal OPENS : JULY 26 UNTIL AUGUST 12 :
The Sun and Sirius the synchronised rising is now clearly visible, appearing as two Suns in the sky.
This activity is a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms.
On August 8 this powerful Stargate reaches its peak position and Orion’s Belt moves into direct alignment with the Pyramids of Giza, opening the cosmic .8:8:8 Lion’s Gate portal : The vortex allows supercharged light codes to flood our planet.
We can expect the following: Higher Conscious Awareness , Enhanced Intuition and Psychic / Metaphysical Abilities , Unexpected Endings and New Beginnings ,Feeling charged , Energised and In Alignment , Seeing repetition in master Number code Sequences of all kinds 11:11, 333, 444, 555 etc, etc
This is a powerful time to Set clear Intentions, Plant New Seeds, Create the desired Life in new earth , Envisioning Goals, Honouring the scared self , Holding Space For self , Harnessing inner Power, Embracing Divinity, Taking Inspired Action, Walking the Higher Path, Rebirthing into expanding Light, Transforming Life, Expecting Miracles and Preparing For Vibrationally aligned Opportunities.
LION’S GATE ENERGIES are being felt earlier than usual this year. The ascending may start to experience pressure and heaviness in the Sacral(womb) area. A great deal of emphasis is on the dismantling of the old and dated , control structures that keep humanity in a reactive state stemming from issues of lack of security and stability.
Those who have embodied 5D realities are up-leveling and anchoring much higher ascension energies. As many now move through this new energetic gateway the authentic ascending individuals are going to feel much higher frequencies , This transformation is clearing and healing the blueprint system , this is activating within in order to hold a higher vibrational energy on our ascending planet .
Starseeds /LightWorkers on this planet are Now expressing and speaking truth, shining their light on the lower energies , they are using higher logic, questioning authority, and choosing their sovereign beliefs. The patience, space, and love that they hold is powerful on this planet as It is far from easy for Ascending individuals to be awake in a sleeping world.
Starseeds are one by one cutting off the strings that are attached to the soul and connected to the past. With every tie that they sever, the inner spirit feels lighter brighter and more aligned in new earth’s energies .
The Universe is pouring higher frequency energies on to the planet , this heightens the sovereign attributes in the ascending collective , this helps with breaking through generations of old beliefs , cycles and unhealthy patterns, each ascending individual in all its uniqueness is laying down stronger foundations for all descendants to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually liberated.
following divine instructions is based deeply in intuition it is connected and intelligent , it always knows the way. It takes great courage to let go and not have a clue what will happen next. Don’t be alarmed at how much space you have been asked to clear out in your life as this is needed for future change to take place .
Trusting in Divine timing increases spiritual synchronicity. The alignment of people, places and events choreographed by higher self and for the highest good.
Many now ascending are outgrowing who they have been and are right on schedule as they continue to rapidly evolve , Starseeds were created to be here for this radical planetary transformation, They are the wise ones , honouring truth , bringing peace and hope to many .They are the lightworkers in this world .
Thank you, beloved Ascension LightWorkers for your incredible dedication and service to the greater good in self and to all life . Your very existence and choice to embody profound light and love in these transformative times are not only recognised and valued but deeply cherished. Each step taken on this path, every step forward , and every act of kindness and compassion offered in our world , plays a highly valuable role in the grand tapestry of our existence.
Ascension LightWorkers are eternally grateful to the ascending on this planet and for the dedication and willingness to navigate the complexities of this human experience with grace and integrity, knowing that every experience, whether perceived as positive or negative, serves a much higher purpose in the evolution of consciousness. The ascending Collectives bravery in choosing to incarnate during this pivotal moment in time is a testament to their unwavering commitment to growth, healing, and enlightenment.
The ascending are surrounded by boundless support and love from the celestial realms, the angelic master beings, the guides and all guardians who walk alongside us on this journey. In all moments whether in doubt , despair, confusion remembering always , we are never alone, for the light of the Divine shines brightly within , guiding us to the next steps and illuminating the path ahead .
Enhancing each experience with gratitude and reverence, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, every setback is a stepping stone to greater wisdom, and every moment of joy is a celebration of the divine essence. aligning with the higher purpose , offering innate gifts, abilities and talents in service to the collective awakening and the realisation/ actualisation of unity consciousness and love for all.
Starseed souls are blessed with strength, resilience, and unwavering faith in the inherent goodness of the universe. always blessed with the wisdom to see the interconnectedness of all things and the beauty that resides within every heart. Thank you for your tireless dedication and boundless love.
Channeled with Love for the Ascending Collective . By Ascension LightWorkers
Since I was asked to activate the Crystal Pyramid Keys and Codes a few weeks ago and transmitted this on Saturday, last week, things have escalated into an enormous acceleration of the ascension process, with more powerful solar flares which have come pouring in, with the sun plasma energies, and the earth changes. They are all simultaneously happening, as the old disintegrates more and more, and the new is replacing the old, but on much higher dimensional frequency bands.
From what I understand from my own highest Ascended Masters etc. is that this is all part and parcel of the Divine Masterplan now coming into fulfillment on earth.
What this means for each of us, is that we will feel ourselves now called into accelerated highest loving service, no matter what your seeming age is on this planet, for in in truth the aging process is being reversed, as our new twelve strands of DNA are being fully activated for our New Solar Crystalline Lightbodies.
The transformation and transfiguration process are not only happening in our physical bodies, but as the earth reflects our own bodies, she is now truly going through a whole accelerated process of change, as she is being incorporated into the higher dimensional New Earth. It is the same process the Butterfly undergoes to be birthed and come into form and being, just on a much vaster scale.
I am feeling this intensely now, as souls will suddenly find themselves remembering more and more who and what they in truth are, and then being asked to LIVE this with every breathing moment and to step fully into their soul powers, with love.
There are no half-measures any longer. This is a total activation in ways we may not even realize right now.
With this, many souls will feel themselves now being asked to not only accelerate their highest loving service work, on planetary levels, but to consciously ask to expand this into galactic and universal highest loving service as well and become aware of this. These souls are already serving in this manner, but now will consciously be doing this, as the ascension process is accelerating and according to Diana Cooper, we are even ahead of schedule now.
The greater Cosmic Masterplan is on track in unprecedented ways, and therefore our cosmic, infinite Soul, is now asked to step fully into its true magnificence, to truly live and anchor in their ineffable soul knowledge, wisdom and lovingly bring your expanded mission and purpose into form and being, in the here and now, for the New Golden Age.
With joy, with inspiration and with Love, ever holding the vision of leaving lasting golden footprints behind wherever you go, and stepping into the fullness and magnificence of the truth of who and what you are, at soul level!
The Leo energies are providing the courage to find another Way. It is easier to go back and repeat what is familiar, however you have outgrown these recurring patterns.
New paths are here that are the answers to your prayers. To find them requires flexibility, planning, and making changes.
This sacred pilgrimage is calling you to take this journey through the lunar cycle and LIONSGATE to the next Full Moon August 19th. Let go of staying stuck in challenges, resistance, past hurts and patterns. This is your time under the Most High to take you and your future generations forward into a new reality. Take a chance and embrace this fertile opening that will reap so much rewards.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Full Moon in Leo
Ra James
Today is A Day Out Of Time. It’s the final day of the Mayan Calendar. It’s the Eve of the Mayan New Year. Tomorrow is the Galactic New Year. We are celebrating the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one. Today signifies the closing of the 13 Moon Calendar. 13 Moons of 28 days equals 364 days. The Day Out Of Time is the extra day. It’s the 365th day and the last day of the Galactic Year. Today Sirius aligns with and rises with our Sun. It’s a Sirius/ Earth Gateway. It’s a time portal.
We can use it to shift timelines, shift realities, or to time travel. It’s a time to release the old, so we can shift into the new. This is a time to celebrate. It’s also a day all about spiritual awakening, and the upgrades coming through. Tomorrow is the beginning of a New Galactic Year. The Galactic New Year is synchronized with the cycle of Sirius. Sirius comes into a powerful conjunction with our Sun tomorrow morning. During this time we align with the energies of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun. The Galactic New Year also brings the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. Expect heightened energies over the course of the next two weeks!
On Thursday, July 25th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will be shifting into home sign Virgo at 6:42pm EDT where he will be until September 26th. This is an extra long time because of a retrograde motion that will officially begin on August 4th, although he has already been in his shadow since July 17th, so you may have already experienced some technology or communication disruptions. Mercury rules thoughts, ideas, perceptions, information, messages, logic, analysis, and communication.
Mercury in Virgo loves to come up with solutions and can be especially discerning in the sign of the Virgin. He will look at all of the details and make a list of to do’s in order to get things done step by step. We will have extra time to accomplish any tasks that we set out to do because of the upcoming retrograde. Take your time so as not to miss anything important. It is all about the workings of the mind now.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will be shifting into home sign Virgo
Mercury in Leo quincunx Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Mercury enters Virgo – Mercury is now at home in its own sign. The tiniest of details are significant. Critical thinking is boosted but don’t let your thoughts turn against you and harp on about every perceived fault. Being overly critical is a shadow expression of this energy. Resist the urge to pick at issues until they bleed. Learn about what helps and hinders you. Analyse problems from different angles. Pay attention to the language you use. Refine how you communicate. If you feel nervous, give your hands something to do. Complete the little tasks that often fall by the wayside but constantly pester for attention. Identify where improvements can be made without chastising yourself for errors. Perfection is an ideal not a reality.
Create lists and plans to problem solve with mindful attention to practicalities. If solutions don’t appear, turn your troubles over to the inner universe. Encoded in your genes are aeons of wisdom and experience. Still your mind for it to become receptive to innate knowledge. Manipulate your molecular structure using high vibration mantras. Ask your body for feedback. Practice breathwork.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 29°Le47′, Neptune 29°Pi47′ R – 16:59 (BST)
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The 5th day is very powerful and it commands your attention! Whatever day the number fives combined with it always adds some energy, so expect a very dynamic day. This is the fifth day of the White Wizard wavespell and we are under his spell for another 8 days. The fifth day is empowering and therefore the spells cast today are powerful.
Today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The Mirror when it occurs on a number five day is about being empowered by the truth. So often when we look in the mirror, we see our flaws and this is disempowering. If you looked in the mirror and actually saw your true-self rather than just what you look like…you’d be amazed. You would see your compassion, your warmth, your life experiences and the battles you’ve survived. You’d see an old soul who has been through a great deal but is still functioning! Your true self is a sight to behold and it is truly empowering to understand this. Spend some time today reflecting on the truth.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Such an interesting guide for today, you can cross a bridge to find yourself as the Worldbridger provides that opportunity. This guide can lead you to the truth if you are willing to pay the toll. If something is holding you back, let it go…cross the bridge as the truth is waiting for you on the other side. Remember there is always a weight restriction on the bridge and so the Worldbridger asks you to shed unnecessary baggage. What can you leave behind today?
The Challenge of the day is the Yellow Star, so if you are one, you may find today tough. Sometimes, you only see the beauty, the shiny sparkly world and it’s challenging for you to see the truth…especially if it doesn’t fit with your viewpoint. You too can be empowered today, although you may have to try harder than everyone else. A reality check that is empowering can help you too. On days when the Yellow Star’s light is diminished we may find it difficult to appreciate the beauty in others because the mirror can make us a bit critical.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer. This suggests that with the truth, our dreams have a magical ability to come true! Dream big today, it is an empowering day after all! The Blue Night when in this special position can take our breath away with his outstanding imagination. There’s a psychedelic quality to the dreams you may experience. Pay attention to what your dreams are telling you.
The Ally is the Red Dragon, the nurturer. If today is too painfully truthful for you, a Red Dragon can offer great comfort, if you are lucky enough to know one. If you are a Red Dragon, give extra cuddles today as your caring nature will be needed. If you don’t have one handy, be inspired by the Dragon’s friendly nurturing energy and do what they would do. Hide in your cave if necessary and be kind to yourself. Take care!
But, you might say, “It is THURSDAY and it is July 25, 2024”.
That’s true on the Gregorian calendar, but not on the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar!
July 25th of EVERY year marks the Day Out of Time – when we enter the TWILIGHT ZONE of NO-TIME.. This day often has a Mystical dreamy quality to it with a feeling of FREEDOM and joy to express yourself through ART and play.
This Year it falls on KIN 18 the WHITE OVERTONE MIRROR day. This is extra trippy as the MIRROR contains the energies of ILLUSION and REFLECTION. We are seeking to find CLARITY through the maze of ILLUSION. This energy WILL REFLECT whatever needs ILLUMINATING in your life. Focus on PEACE and LOVE and the day will REFLECT this giving you the reward of a beautiful dreamy day. If your internal state is unbalanced then your day may REFLECT all that needs your attention in order to attain PEACE and HARMONY in your life.
The YELLOW OVERTONE STAR is the CHALLENGE and GIFT of KIN 18. This challenges us to COMMAND back our POWER and ability to reclaim our lives and our world to reflect a beautiful reality. – THE BEST KIN to come together with our KIN and celebrate TIME=ART.. The quintessential meaning of DOOT day!
YELLOW STAR kin are the diplomats, peacemakers, musicians, Art-ists and beautifiers. They live their lives seeking HARMONY and wonderful relationships. ThIS ACTIVATES our ART.. and encourages us to BOND together in DIVINE SERVICE as we express our Soul gifts.
DREAM BIG today because we have extraordinary supernatural powers to JUMP TIMELINES, with BLUE NIGHT as the hidden occult superpower, skipping the old reality and choosing our NEW BLISS.
WHITE OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER as the higher guide will enable you to CONNECT with your kin and celebrate through unity consciousness. A beautiful code for networking and socializing. Perfect for DOOT day.
The goal on DOOT day is to CELEBRATE our lives as TIME=ART seeking to make our daily lives as an expression of beauty, elegance and all that is GOOD in our world. The UTOPIAN lifestyle where we can SLOW DOWN and smell the roses.
As you EXIT the Artificial Time Matrix and bond in your natural environment surrounded by trees, flowers, birds and the plethora of DIVINE gifts within creation, STOP and reflect with all that is PERFECT in our world.
On this day, we are encouraged to PAUSE, STOP and be STILL..
Take TIME OUT of the daily grind, your daily routine and REFLECT on the MIRACLE of CREATION as we journey together on this beautiful BLUE and GREEN paradisiacal planet.
UNITE with friends, family, loved ones, colleagues and even strangers.
Hold each other’s HANDS and embrace with warm loving hugs as the FAMILY OF GAIA. .
Wear bright rainbow coloured clothes, link together loving HEARTS and PEACEFUL MINDS with ONE intention.. to visualize a wonderful NEW CREATION – a loving world with all humanity focused on PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and UNITY.
D.O.O.T. day is PERFECT for DAY DREAMING and drifting into other realms- wherever your DREAMS may take you. Often the day feels extra trippy and trance-like, as you bypass the passage of TIME, and enter the TWILIGHT ZONE! Today you will easily be able to slip into NEW DIMENSIONS..
TIME has been slipping and glitching lately, as we SLIDE into new dimensions and realms of existence. Make sure you are well grounded into NEW EARTH today. Take off your shoes and wiggle your toes into the EARTH, grass, sand and waters of our Pachamumma.
Let us bypass the illusory world today, as we QUANTUM JUMP into another dimension of SPACE-TIME.
The Thirteen Moon Calendar’s NEW YEAR’s day occurs on July 26 (Magnetic Moon 1), the day of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – KIN 19
The KIN that aligns with the New Year falling on July 26th, marks the energetic signature for the whole Dreamspell year – July 26, 2024 – July 24, 2025.
This NEW GALACTIC YEAR is beckoning us to PUT OUR HOUSE/BODY/WORLD in ORDER to create BALANCE and greater harmony.
The DAY OUT OF TIME is the day to gather with your kin, don colourful RAINBOW attire and celebrate TIME is ART.
And since ART is the basis of constructive peace, this day is also celebrated as
The Gregorian Calendar is an irregular calendar creating an Artificial Time Matrix of 12/60 coding which operates on the distorted mind control program that
This pulls you out of alignment with the natural rhythms and cycles of Gaia and the Cosmos.
The 13 moon Calendar follows a 13/20 natural time frequency where
KIN 18 and the MIRROR tribe number 18 gives us an 18.18. double whammy fueling social upheaval and uprising.
The 18 reduces to number 9 and represents ENDINGS and CLOSURE, as well as humanitarian interests so we have HUGE codes today pertaining to the collective, bringing CLOSURE through some time of EVENT – or upheaval – especially with WORLDBRIDGER as our Higher Power! STAY TUNED!!
Today we have the OVERTONE MIRROR day – KIN 18 falling on the D.O.O.T.. This is extra trippy as the MIRROR contains the energies of ILLUSION and REFLECTION. We are seeking to find CLARITY through the maze of ILLUSION. This energy WILL REFLECT whatever needs ILLUMINATING in your life. Focus on PEACE and LOVE and the day will REFLECT this giving you the reward of a beautiful dreamy day. If your internal state is unbalanced then your day may REFLECT all that needs your attention in order to attain PEACE and HARMONY in your life.
Today’s codes are pushing our buttons and seeking to LIBERATE us
Gazing into the LOOKING GLASS we can SEE HARMONY and great PEACE up ahead – particularly for our DIVINE UNIONS.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance. 5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the White Wizard Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS.
When we give ourselves permission to “unhook from the Mirror world”, we transform! Today we are reclaiming the TRUE POWER of our pure DIVINE and RADIANT HEARTS as conduits for Spirit. Commanding our right to live in HARMONY surrounded by BEAUTY and elegance.
Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform in order to feel empowered?
Command your RADIANCE and spread your golden LIGHT!
Today’s questions are “How can I become more EMPOWERED, using WHITE MAJIK to BREAK FREE from the OLD illusions? Am I READY to CLAIM my FREEDOM and SHINE brightly as a RADIANT DIVINE soul in this beautiful NEW WORLD?”
Am I the CREATIVE ART-IST of my life????
Divine blessings for the blossoming of our BRILLIANT NEW SHINY and EMPOWERING FREE WORLD.
July 25th of EVERY year marks the Day Out of Time – when we enter the TWILIGHT ZONE of NO-TIME.. This day often has a Mystical dreamy quality to it with a feeling of FREEDOM and joy to express yourself through ART and play.
The goal on this day is to CELEBRATE our lives as TIME=ART seeking to make our daily lives as an expression of beauty, elegance and all that is GOOD in our world. The UTOPIAN lifestyle where we can SLOW DOWN and smell the roses.
As you EXIT the Artificial Time Matrix and bond in your natural environment surrounded by trees, flowers, birds and the plethora of DIVINE gifts within creation, STOP and reflect with all that is PERFECT in our world.
On this day, we are encouraged to PAUSE, STOP and be STILL..
Take TIME OUT of the daily grind, your daily routine and REFLECT on the MIRACLE of CREATION as we journey together on this beautiful BLUE and GREEN paradisiacal planet.
UNITE with friends, family, loved ones, colleagues and even strangers.
Hold each other’s HANDS and embrace with warm loving hugs as the FAMILY OF GAIA. .
Wear bright rainbow coloured clothes, link together loving HEARTS and PEACEFUL MINDS with ONE intention.. to visualize a wonderful NEW CREATION – a loving world with all humanity focused on PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and UNITY.
Need I say it, today is indeed another VERY POWERFUL Majikal day of RADIANT EMPOWERMENT!
Today officially marks the DEATH of the old MIRROR WORLD!! The OLD WORLD has GONE!! We have just closed the door on the OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR – which empowered us to CALL OUT THE EVIL DARK MAJIK SPELLS – in order to RADIATE our LIGHT through our pure HEARTS.
WHITE WORLD BRIDGER as the higher power is also bringing CLOSURE today – ENDINGS and NEW BEGINNINGS as we WALK BETWEEN WORLDS – waiting for the DOOR to the NEW WORLD to OPEN fully. The 13/4 code is opening that DOOR to NEW EARTH today.. Take time to DAYDREAM in the meantime, as you REFLECT on what has passed and what you are choosing to CLOSE the DOOR on in your life!
ESPAVO beloveds – thankyou for taking back your POWER!
How PERFECTO that the OVERTONE MIRROR is MAGNIFYING the POWER we have claimed through the OVERTONE WIZARD year!!!
The travelers stand again upon the shore
A journey that has taken us so very far
From a world of mortals to a SHINING STAR
We can never be apart
I don’t want it any other way
Sweet song
A soundless gem that lingers on
A fire of LOVE creates the GOLDEN AGE
True heart
Lyrics from song “TRUE HEART” from the FLYING FREE Album recorded by BLISS (Lucinda Drayton & Andrew Blissett)
NOTE: Today is a brilliant code for TWINFLAMES to merge from two hearts, into one heart by evolving beyond the “Mirror games”. Today the waning gibbous moon is in PISCES – the sign of the dreamer and romantic – a beautiful synergy with the OVERTONE MIRROR to highlight precious DIVINE UNIONS.
It is also a great day for each of us to reclaim the true POWER of our RADIANT and WHOLE HEARTS.
The Mirror world SHATTERS! It is time to break FREE from the matrix!!! The illusory prison that we have contained ourselves within, for the sake of growth through suffering! The veil has finally lifted and we are FREE to step up in our MASTERY. and evolve to the next level of our soul’s journey, writing the new chapter for our planet. Her-story begins today!
What a SENSATIONAL day of EMPOWERMENT, FREEDOM and RADIANCE on this dreamy DOOT day!
Today is a day encouraging you to gain a NEW PERSPECTIVE of your life.
The themes are very expansive, emphasizing timelessness in unison with the WIZARD wavespell, and endlessness from the WHITE MIRROR.
We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to SEE the WHOLE TRUTH! The WIZARD provides the sword of truth, which cuts through illusions revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are most viable, pointing to the solution needed.
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS bringing forth the messages from SPIRIT. We have a TRINITY of TRUTH bringers today, with ETZNAB, CIMI and IX. These TRUTH energies are like a MAGNIFYING GLASS- highlighting and exposing ALL lies and DECEPTION, enabling us to SEE what is REAL and what is FAKE, illusory and irrelevant. The MIRROR is also a MAYAN PYRAMID adding FIRE from the PYRE to IGNITE the HIGHER VISION.
Our minds can receive endless visions and truths TODAY, as we align and marvel at the Divine order, in the reflections of truth that we receive. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities, as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed, in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
On a GLOBAL level we are witnessing unprecedented AWAKENING to the TRUTH of the lies, deception and ILLUSION that has been drip fed to humanity for eons! The MIRROR is shattering and the false illusion cannot hold together any longer…
The lame stream Media is tripping up and is now being EXPOSED for its deception, feeding the masses the narrative espoused by their puppeteers.. The psychopaths advocating mass depopulation – AGENDA 31 have now been EXPOSED and defeated, and the SICK for PROFIT industry is collapsing.The masses are AWAKENING and defiantly REFUSING to be bound by THEIR rules. The veil of ILLUSION is no more! .
The DARK WIZARD’S holographic PROJECTOR has been EXPOSED, as the curtain is drawn back on the little bald guy pushing the buttons… UNPLUGGED and disconnected, that PROGRAM can no longer operate…
The NEW 5D projector has been installed and now we can only REFLECT on the BEAUTY, HARMONY and RADIANCE of our New Reality… This is the only VIEW that will hold substance now..
Our NEW MIRROR is reflecting a beautiful world filled with RADIANCE and compassion, that seeks to EMPOWER all souls.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER CIMI – is the HIGHER POWER today SLAMMING the door – which SHATTERS the HALL of MIRRORS.. The WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of DEATH, bringing forth the ENDING of the old PARADIGM as we knew it. The collapse and demise of the control/domination matrix and old paradigm, to make way for the new.
Absolutely PERFECT that WORLDBRIDGER appears to assist us today, in releasing the baggage and paving the way for a NEW BEGINNING on the EVE of a NEW GALACTIC YEAR!
We have wonderful NEW energies flooding our planet and blessing us with NEW DIVINE LOVE – HIGHER spiritual LOVE, bringing forth these blessed NEW energies that we are craving.. In order to embrace the NEW we must LET GO of the old ways, to MAKE SPACE for something BETTER to flow in.
The lesson of WORLDBRIDGER is to understand and ACCEPT that everything is a CYCLE and that we must LET GO and SURRENDER the old, in order to make space for the new ways, cycles and energies that are wanting to anchor.
We cannot welcome the NEW if we are still GRIEVING the OLD, so disconnect from the pain, suffering and collective trauma that we have been processing during these final days of DARKNESS.. It is time to LET GO,, in order to enter the RAINBOW BRIDGE.
In LETTING GO the WORLDBRIDGER becomes active in bridging the two cycles and welcoming the NEW.
We have now reached a very critical juncture in our journey as STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS – the timelines are SPLIT – and we must ACTIVELY CHOOSE to follow the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.
The WAYSHOWERS are clearly being assisted by the company of HEAVEN – to BREAK AWAY and forge a NEW PATH. We can CREATE it – if we STICK to this new path and surrender the old ways.
WORLDBRIDGER perfectly paves the way for us and creates the new path for all those who seek to follow. Get ready to CONNECT with your KIN in new and more EMPOWERING WAYS – all celebrating our RADIANT true HEART connections.
The OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER is bringing forth those wonderful 5D connections, networks, resources and soul tribes – all RADIATING SOURCE LIGHT. Divinely PERFECTO on this beautiful DOOT day – celebrating and playing with our kin.
Keep forging onwards TRUE WAYSHOWERS!
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE DRAGON IMIX provides the protection and self-nurturance needed in order for your HEART to HEAL and become WHOLE again, so that you can truly SHINE and RADIATE the GLORY of LOVE within.
It is time to COMMAND all the Divine Nurturance that your soul craves and deserves. Mother IMIX can support your soul’s empowerment by providing the nurturing and creative energies, to support your choices, and the creation of your new ideas, options and pathways. IMIX can then provide the POWER to b-Earth these dreams and visions that have been illuminated by the MIRROR.
The DRAGONS are back on EARTH and have pledged allegiance to the NEW EARTH WIZARDS, as their trusty companions, protectors and guardians. The YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON is halfway complete, but we still have 6 months ahead of us… The DRAGONS are ready and waiting for your COMMAND, to give you a BLAST of their FIRE in order to fuel your PASSION, and give you the strength and courage needed to LEAD THE WAY.
Call on your personal DRAGON guardian and those of the 5 elements, to give you added SUPPORT and the MAJIK of invincibility needed to get over the FINISH LINE!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR NIGHT AKBAL brings forth the dreaming codes, to manifest your NEW RADIANT and beautiful visions and dreams into creation, enhancing RED DRAGON’S powers. What a BRILLIANT GIFT that our Majik Genie provides as the SUPER POWER today. A beautiful DREAMY day on this PISCES moon – as we uncover our deepest desires.
IT IS TIME for all your accumulated WISHES and DREAMS to be GRANTED!!
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that Spirit has your back! All the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices. TRUST your intuition and know that you DESERVE to manifest your DREAMS today, and in the coming days, as you have earned it 1000x over dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS.
Our collective DREAM of Planetary Abundance, Harmony and PEACE is absolutely MANIFESTING now, as we all claim back our DIVINE POWER and sovereignty, COMMANDING our NEW WAY DREAMING into BEING!
IT IS TIME TO PULSE out your INTENTION, to manifest NEW EARTH – push your VISION out into the QUANTUM FIELD and watch it MANIFEST.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR LAMAT is today’s GIFT heralding the arrival of the NEW TIME and the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX that GAIA has attuned to. This NEW TIME is the new frequency SET for this beautiful AQUARIAN AGE.
Another beautiful SYNCHRONICITY – LAMAT as the GIFT and blessing of KIN 18 is ACTIVATING the NEW HARMONIC TEMPLATE for the creation of NEW EARTH. PEACE, HARMONY, BEAUTY, ELEGANCE and an elevation of our life as a celebration of he-ART! All perfectly aligned with DOOT day!
The OVERTONE MIRROR will reveal anything NOT in alignment with this new Matrix – it can no longer exist in our new world. . .
Only those energies that support LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and UNITY consciousness through RADIANT EMPOWERMENT will grow and flourish in this prosperous future we are creating NOW!
LAMAT asks you to become aware of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process so your LIFE reflects this new beauty, grace and harmony.
Our PLANETARY MIRROR has now been attuned to a higher 5D frequency where TIME IS ART!
LAMAT is challenging you today to FOCUS ON THE PEACE and BEAUTY
COMMAND only BEAUTY – refuse to bear witness to the ugliness… Fill your world with flowers, beautiful perfumes, a palette of rainbow colours, sweet loving people and the sensory pleasures that make your HEART SING… Sing, dance, play beautiful music and switch your life channel to this new harmonic chord.
To REAP the GIFTS of LAMAT TODAY, choose to OPEN more fully to HARMONY and BEAUTY in ALL aspects of your life.
When you focus on the SWEETNESS your life becomes LA DOLCE VITA!
This HARMONY and empowerment of self and one’s life, becomes the new foundation for FREEDOM.
The TRUTH shall set you FREE!
Like the song says “A journey that has taken us so very far. From a world of Mortals to a SHINING STAR”.
We are no longer mere mortals! We have evolved to blossom as beautiful divine SOPHIA/CHRISTED HU-MANS and stand BRILLIANTLY SHINING in our DIVINE POWER and our new found RADIANCE!
The challenge today is – DARE TO SHINE! and KEEP SHINING – NO MATTER WHAT!
Today’s questions are “How can I become more EMPOWERED, using WHITE MAJIK to BREAK FREE from the OLD illusions? Am I READY to CLAIM my FREEDOM and SHINE brightly as a RADIANT DIVINE soul in this beautiful NEW WORLD?”
Am I the CREATIVE ART-IST of my life????
Divine blessings for the blossoming of our BRILLIANT NEW SHINY and EMPOWERING FREE WORLD.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
On this sacred Day out of Time, we pause to honor the cycle of the Mayan Calendar. We give thanks for the moments that have passed and the ones yet to come. As we stand between worlds, outside of ordinary time, we seek harmony, balance, and renewal.
Great Spirit, Creator of All, we call upon your presence. Bless this day with your divine light and love. May it be a day of reflection, forgiveness, and healing.
Ancestors and Guardians, we honor your wisdom and guidance. Help us to release old patterns and burdens that no longer serve us. As we let go, may we open our hearts to new possibilities and higher vibrations.
Mother Earth, Pachamama, we give thanks for your abundance and nurturing. On this day, may we align with your rhythms and find peace in your embrace. Let us walk gently on your sacred ground, honoring all living beings.
Sun, Moon, Stars, and all Celestial Beings, we acknowledge your influence on our lives. Illuminate our path with clarity and insight. May we align our intentions with the cosmic flow, embracing the cycles of creation and transformation.
As we step into the new year, we set our intentions with purity and love. May our hearts be filled with compassion, our minds with wisdom, and our spirits with courage.
Let this Day out of Time be a beacon of peace, unity, and joy. May we connect with one another in the spirit of love and understanding, transcending all boundaries.
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