You are currently viewing Thunderbird Woman Rises! A Collective of Advanced Civilizations * DIVINE TIMELINE! Sacred Keys and Codes

Thunderbird Woman Rises! A Collective of Advanced Civilizations * DIVINE TIMELINE! Sacred Keys and Codes

Thunderbird Woman Rises! A Collective of Advanced Civilizations * DIVINE TIMELINE! Sacred Keys and Codes



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soul Star Awakened Tribe of our Celestial Legion of Light

After yesterday’s 3:3 Portal Activation the Trinity Gate of the threefold flame is fully open and our Ground Crew Team of the 144 are prepared for our final Divine Missions of Planetary Liberation.

We have shifted to a New and Higher Timeline of Peace and Abundance as we anchor in and call upon our most benevolent energies of Infinite Source Creator.

Nothing can stop us now in our Ascension Process for we have navigated beyond the Event Horizon and near the Still Center of the Singularity of all space time continuums. As we step over the threshold into our New Earth we bridge the Heavens through our Sacred Heart Centers and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia.

The Rainbow Bridge is complete and the doorway opened as we awaken from the Dream world into the True Reality of Unity Consciousness as we transform together this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

In this Revelation of all that is hidden all is being brought into the Light to be healed and transformed for the highest good of all. All Good Children of the Great Spirit are being Raptured into the Fifth Dimension of Christ Consciousness to live from our Hearts being connected to all Life in all realms, timelines and dimensions. Separation only exists within the simulation.

In this Oneness we will step fully into our Freedom from duality, division, separation and suffering and rise together as Phoenixes of the Star Born Lotus Nation of Enlightened Conscious Co-Creators of the New Eden…A’Ho!








WE Have NOW Entered into a NEW DIVINE TIMELINE!!!


Divine Mother reaching into the depths of your being
Divine Mother reaching into the depths of your being



Thunderbird Woman Rises

She calls you—Wahine Toa—to awaken the fire within, to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix, standing fierce in your ancient power. You are the keeper of the flame, the guardian of love that surpasses all, embracing your tāne, your tamariki, your kaumātua, and your wild wahine sisters with unbreakable devotion.
Your Ahi Kā Roa burns eternal, igniting the heavens, lighting the stars, and kissing the moon.
The Hōkioi—the Thunderbird—cries out, summoning you to rise and ride, carrying the whispers of the ancients, calling all Wahine Toa to stand strong in their boundaries, open their hearts wider to spirit, and claim their full Mana Motuhake.
Fear not—your power has already risen. The Hōkīoi Mother has returned to her rightful place among the stars, and the waka is upright once more.
It is done.
Love T x




art by DeepDiverQ


Until only Truth and Love remain✨

Powerful energies have been flowing in over the past few days, with major heart, throat and crown activations starting yesterday, 3/3, and intensifying since then.
Last October, I was shown that a powerful shift had begun, paving the way for 2025, as the blindfolds are slowly lifted. This process marks both an end and a new beginning, leading to a time of profound change and realizations, where hidden truths and personal revelations come to light, allowing us to see with greater awareness on a level once out of reach.
As illusions fade away, we reconnect with our authentic Truth and the choice arises to step into a higher path and soul mission. Many relationships that have served their purpose will come to an end, creating space for Higher Love to emerge and Sacred Partnerships to take form.
These divine connections unite on a deeper soul level, embodying unconditional Love and a shared divine purpose that honors their true essence. Many have not been able to recognize each other until now, as they had to first go through a deep purification process to fully embody their Heart’s Truth.
These Sacred Unions are destined to reunite this year, for they hold the Sacred Keys and Codes for each other. Only together can they fulfill their divine mission to birth Heaven on Earth—Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart—united as One, as divinely planned long ago. 💫
Infinite Rose Blessings to all!
Sacred Unions
Sacred Unions
Our time here is limited.
Some of us will never return. Not in this form anyway.
Our time here is precious. It is a sacred act of service to be here now in this present time. With our presence. Aware and in the Heart.
We have been here countless times. Playing this game over and over. We always tried to serve the most high cause. We always were part of the angel teams. We always came in as Gods children. No matter the role we played.
Dark. Light and in between. It always was us. As it is now.
Soaking in the Sunlight. Our eternal star. Finding its mirror reflection deep within me and within the Earths inner Star.
We are not lost. We are travelers and seekers. We came here from many stars, dimensions and time realms. We always come home. No matter how far we go. Home is the frequency that we are the sacred keepers of 🏵



Divine Energy Works


March 2025 is the most pivotal, intense, and multidimensionally packed month of the entire year. We have four major multidimensional events—more than any other month in 2025!
We begin with Venus Retrograde, which signifies a deep recalibration of the Feminine Frequency. By mid-month, we will enter the Eclipse Corridor! The Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14th represents a full reset, anchoring new templates of reality. The Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th ignites a Quantum Timeline Jump and facilitates reality shifts at the cellular level.
The March Equinox and the New Astrological Year on March 20th fall in the middle of the Eclipse Corridor this year, making it a Quantum Crosspoint that catapults us into an entirely new energetic bandwidth.
As if this isn’t enough, we will journey through Mercury Retrograde this month, culminating in one of the biggest multidimensional events of 2025—Neptune entering Aries. Neptune shifts signs once every 14 years, but this transition is even more significant because it occurs at 0° Aries—the Alpha Point of the Zodiac.
This marks a Cosmic Reset, rewriting the spiritual, emotional, and energetic undercurrents of reality for the next 14 years. March 2025 promises to be a full-scale Quantum Acceleration!
Key Dates:
• March 1st: Venus Retrograde in Aries
• March 3rd: 33 Energy Portal
• March 14th: Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
• March 15th: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
• March 20th: March Equinox (Spring/Fall Equinox); New Astrological Year
• March 29th: New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries
• March 30th: Neptune Enters Aries
✨ divineenergyworks
📸Anya Nami
Greetings, beloved beings of light,
A collective of advanced civilizations is guiding your planet towards enlightenment and evolution. As you journey through this transformative era, we invite you to awaken and access the senses that extend beyond the five you are familiar with: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
The universe is rich with vibrations and frequencies that your conventional senses may not perceive. As you elevate your consciousness, you can tap into the heightened capacities awaiting you. Here are some senses you may cultivate:
1. **Intuitive Insight:** This sense allows you to perceive truths beyond the physical realm. Trust your gut feelings and inner knowing, as they serve as guides in navigating your experiences.
2. **Empathy and Emotional Resonance:** This ability enables you to feel the emotions of others deeply, fostering a profound understanding and connection. It allows for compassion and the cultivation of empathy in your interactions.
3. **Expanded Perception of Time:** As you raise your vibrational frequency, you may experience a shift in time perception. Moments can stretch, allowing for deeper contemplation, while others can seem to pass in an instant, creating a fluid experience of existence.
4. **Clairvoyance and Sensory Awareness:** Your ability to see beyond the physical—through visions, symbols, and connections—can be enhanced. This includes perceiving energy fields and auras, providing insight into the essence of all beings.
5. **Interconnectedness Awareness:** Developing this sense allows you to feel the oneness of all creation. You may experience the flow of energy that connects every being in the cosmos, recognizing that all is interrelated.
To access these expanded senses, practice mindfulness, meditation, and heart-centered awareness. Ground yourself in nature, connect energetically with others, and open your heart to receive the subtle messages of the universe.
Remember, your evolution as a species is an extraordinary journey. Embrace the awakening of your latent abilities and trust that you are supported by the universe. The more you explore and develop these deeper senses, the more harmony, insight, and love will flow into your life.
We hold you in radiant light and love.
In unity and peace,
📷deep diver Q
A Collective of Advanced Civilizations
A Collective of Advanced Civilizations



A light shimmers from the east starlight fills the earth destroying the beast and all who worked against the love of the One True Creator of All.

For you see in this false reality a blanket was put over our light to separate us in consciousness, to clip our wings to stop our flight and to quiet the song of our souls singing from our light.

This beautiful and resplendent light caused the cover to fly off our souls, enlivening our connection to days of old when we traversed the cosmos and we were free, free to explore creation with great majesty.

Oh how this light ignites our heart centers and radiates light throughout our beings and the earth, rippling our luminosity in waves throughout the multiverse.

Oh you see we are the keystones of creation for we have existed in the lowest density form. Our rise and freedom ripples forth much higher than the norm and the Holy Spirit’s flame burns brightly throughout the All of creation in the Creator’s name.

Ahh our mission here is nearly complete to free humanity from the mental enslavement of its captors who now themselves are enslaved from humanity’s rapture.

Oh divine justice fill the earth with your sword, lift up the children of the sun until the dark ones are no more.

Oh Divine Creator, Supreme consciousness of All allow your children to return to their grandeur as before the fall.

May your love and light ignite in the hearts and minds of humanity returning every child of the light to the gifts of their antiquity.

Ancient, ancient DNA codes begin to transcribe the full essence of our souls. Return us to our pristine state of being, the consciousness of oneness we are capable of seeing.

Oh divine Creator return us to your love. Restore your heavenly kingdom that anchors from above.

We rise and rise some more the bread of life we live in love, ending all humanity’s strife, peaceful as a dove.

We have given you our density, the energy of sin and with this surrender we forever win.

Victory of the light is upon us for forever and a day. We return to our true selves, our hearts show us the way.




Dear friends, as we journey through the days leading up to the March 14 total lunar eclipse, following the potent 3:3 portal, the energetic landscape becomes increasingly dynamic. The period between March 4-6 is marked by heightened emotional intensity, as if the very fabric of our inner worlds is being stirred. Mood swings, sensitivity, and emotional purging are all possible during this time, as the 3:3 portal’s energies continue to facilitate release and clearing of old patterns and emotional baggage.
As we navigate these emotional waters, we’re also granted increased self-awareness, allowing us to gaze deeper into our motivations, desires, and areas for personal growth. This introspection serves as a catalyst for transformation, empowering us to make conscious choices that align with our highest potential.
The energies shift between March 7-10, as the focus turns toward manifestation and creation. This is a potent time to concentrate on our desires and intentions, as the universe amplifies our ability to bring thoughts into reality. Creativity surges, inspiring imagination, innovation, and problem-solving. The veil between dimensions feels thinner, allowing for greater access to spiritual guidance, intuition, and higher states of consciousness.
As we approach the March 14 eclipse, the energies begin to build in anticipation. Between March 11-13, feelings of restlessness, anticipation, or uncertainty may arise. This period can be seen as a “final call” to release any remaining emotional baggage, tie up loose ends, and prepare ourselves for the transformative energies of the eclipse. Sensitivity to energies is heightened during this period, making it essential to stay grounded, focused, and attuned to our inner world. By doing so, we’ll be better equipped to navigate the powerful shifts that the eclipse will bring.
The March 14 eclipse holds particular significance, as it marks the first total lunar eclipse in 2.5 years. This rare and potent event will bathe the night sky in an otherworldly glow, symbolizing the profound transformations that are underway. As the Earth, Moon, and Sun align, a doorway to the collective unconscious will swing open, allowing for a massive release of old energies and patterns. This total lunar eclipse will be a watershed moment, ushering in a new era of growth, renewal, and higher consciousness.
As the eclipse energies intensify, some individuals may experience nervous system symptoms such as lack of focus, concentration, and mental clarity. You might find yourself feeling mentally foggy, forgetful, or struggling to stay on task. This is a normal response to the intense energetic shifts, as the nervous system adapts to the changing frequencies. Be gentle with yourself, and prioritize self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Engage in grounding practices, such as meditation, deep breathing, or spending time in nature, to help stabilize your nervous system and ride the waves of transformation.
As we continue to navigate the transformative energies of the March 14 eclipse, let’s not forget another significant numeric resonance portal on the horizon. March 6 marks a unique convergence of energies, as the digits 3-6-9 align in a powerful harmonic resonance. This special portal is said to amplify the energies of manifestation, creativity, and spiritual growth, offering us a precious opportunity to tap into the universe’s infinite potential. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey through this new chapter.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ


Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

A Calling To Prepare ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission.

While the majority of messages you receive from the various Galactic Councils are primarily focused on elevating your consciousness into the harmonious vibrations of peace and oneness, it is important to acknowledge that some of these communications serve a dual purpose: they are intended to convey the unvarnished truth of your current physical circumstances. These truths are essential elements that can significantly influence your spiritual growth and development in profound ways. Understanding your environment, the dynamics at play, and the challenges it presents is crucial for navigating your spiritual journey effectively and with intention.

Recognizing the realities of your surroundings, equips you with the necessary tools to respond to the shifting energies and circumstances that you encounter along your path.

We observe a multitude of potential scenarios that could unfold in your near future; however, there is one particularly significant scenario that stands out prominently above all others. This is a calling at this time, for greater awareness and preparation as you move forward in these transformative times. It beckons you to engage deeply with your inner wisdom and to cultivate a heightened sense of awareness that allows you to discern the waves of change that are unfolding around you.

In this era of profound change, the energies that permeate your world are non-discriminatory; they do not favor one group over another. Instead, they flow freely, impacting all of humanity indiscriminately. Unfortunately, there are many individuals and forces during this critical period who are actively pushing negative vibrations towards the human collective. These forces are insidiously planting seeds of upheaval, discord, and chaos, which are resulting in widespread confusion and turmoil. As a consequence, you may soon witness the surfacing of deception and betrayals that have been lurking beneath the surface, potentially causing a whirlwind of emotional and psychological upheaval within the Human Collective Consciousness.

It is essential to recognize that while many of you who engage with these messages possess a great degree of discernment and intuition, even the most enlightened among you, may find yourselves taken back, by the revelations that are on the horizon. These truths may challenge your perceptions and beliefs, prompting you to reassess your understanding of your reality and your place within it.

We share this information to remind you of the importance of maintaining your energies in a positive alignment with Love and Unity Vibrations. By doing so, you will not only shield yourselves from the negative influences that are prevalent but also contribute to the collective healing and upliftment of humanity as a whole.

It is through this unwavering commitment to love and unity that you can play a significant role in countering the negative influence of the disruptive forces. In a world where chaos can erupt into division, conflict, and misunderstanding, your dedication to fostering love and togetherness becomes a powerful antidote. By actively promoting these values, you create a supportive and nurturing environment where peace can thrive, understanding can deepen, and compassion can blossom.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

The new is rising
The new is rising
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

A new mission, career, and lifestyle that you love awaits. Today you may receive the energy and ideas that will improve your body and health. Taking care of this physical asset right now is a step towards financial abundance and security. Improving of your appearance and wellness daily will open the doors to receiving the wealth that is yours to have.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Tuesday, March 4th, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and information, in fire sign Aries is starting to form a positive sextile with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in air sign Aquarius. This will be exact early Wednesday morning Eastern Time, and therefore, carry over into tomorrow. What happens when we add air to fire?
It makes the fire bigger, right? So, here we can use the power of Mercury, the Messenger, with Pluto, the Transformer, to initiate new ways of thinking and perceiving , to generate new ideas and plans, to create new and powerful ways to communicate with others, and within ourselves! Remember that with a “sextile” it only introduces the potential opportunity……we must take some sort of action to make something happen.
Use the transformation and regeneration energy of Pluto to birth the new project, intention or objective that Mercury has in mind! Pun intended!
🙂 Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
fire sign Aries
fire sign Aries
Lunar Aspects. Mercury in Aries trine Juno in Sagittarius – The Moon is wandering through Taurus, revelling in spring flowers, the sound of birds wooing, the wonder of leaves unfurling. As Luna reaches towards the Sun, Mars and Saturn, we’re encouraged to work on creative projects and invest in long-term goals. Focus on what makes you feel safe and comfortable. Give yourself time to appreciate simple pleasures – good food and company, a sweet treat and a favourite armchair.
For some, there may be a surprising invitation or an idea that sparkles with future possibilities. If it’s aligned to your heart, say yes to the adventure. These fleeting connections provide the emotional resilience and inspired action that has the power to move us closer to our objectives. If insecurities arise however, walk barefoot on the grass. Lean against an ancient tree and imagine it’s soul song. Remember your skills and talents, your natural gifts – these are the resources that can reshape your life. Cultivate quiet confidence.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 01°Ar19′, Juno 01°Sg19′ – 07:02 (UT)
Moon 14°Ta04′, Sun 14°Pi04′ – 09:47 (UT)
Moon 17°Ta27′, Mars 17°Cn27′ – 15:24 (UT)
Moon 21°Ta10′, Saturn 21°Pi10′ – 21:36 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – A Woodland Stream by Robert Lewis Reid
A Woodland Stream
A Woodland Stream

Kin 240 ~ Yellow Rhythmic Sun

The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. These days are always really handy, they are great for getting yourself organized. Ask yourself what needs sorting out in your life and then get on with it. Rhythmic days are about finding balance, being practical and striving for ‘Equality’. Take advantage of this helpful energy and you’ll be better prepared for the rest of the wavespell.

Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. This makes for a lovely combination of day and number. ‘Organize Enlightenment’! Expect to have moments today where ideas just pop into your head. This is great for problem solving and if you are consciously journeying through this Blue Eagle wavespell, today will provide an opportunity to fly very close to the sun. Be creative with what you see.

This day can also be useful for organizing education of course! If you have an earning for learning, today is perfect for attending a lecture or booking a class. Seek the knowledge you desire and you will find it.

Today’s Guide is the Yellow Sun and so a very bright day which is great for illuminating our paths. When any day in the Tzolkin is guided by itself, this means the day’s energy is doubled and the meaning of the day is simplified. No external guiding force to put on a different spin on the day

The Challenge is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ Issues of the heart will surface for everyone today and spats between lovers are more likely. If you are a White Dog, beware that your inner Doberman may come out, so try to keep it on a leash. It is like we are in our heads today and being very practical and so matters of the heart get a wee bit neglected.

The Occult power is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘birth and nurturing’. Dragons live in caves and a cave is considered to be the womb of Mother Earth. Dragon invites you to be taken care of and nurtured. When in this powerful magical position, expect to be taken care of in a magical way. Offer nurturing to others as well….especially those poor doggies who get no love today.

The Ally is the Blue Storm, the catalyst of the Tzolkin. When in this friendly position, the storm is more helpful than disruptive. If enlightenment is proving hard to come by today, consult a Blue Storm, they can offer support and friendship. If you are a Blue Storm, remember that just because you find today easy, doesn’t mean everyone else will and so help out wherever you can.
Kin 240
Kin 240


6 AHAU – KIN 240
4 MARCH 2025

Organizing for ENLIGHTENMENT! ☀☀

Balancing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the Rhythmic tone of EQUALITY
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!

4/3/2025 = 4/3/9 = 4/12=4/3 = 7

7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Test/Initiation/Solitude
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 240 =24 code = 6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Romance

KIN no 240=6 and tone of Creation = 6 Rhythmic 66 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS CODE – ✨✨✨ PLUS the DOUBLE SUN🌞🌞 GLORY BE! ☀☀☀


Day 6 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻

Day 6 of BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL accompanied by a DOUBLE YELLOW SUN! 🌞🌞 with a 6.6. HEAVENs GATE code ;. A hugely IN-SIGHT-FUL 👁🔮day from our GOD/BUDDHA 🌞✨ consciousness vantage point!

Today we are organizing to BALANCE our life, so that we can attain that divine Zero point neutrality, where all is EQUAL, and ALL is ONE! ❤💞✨

✨✨A VERY POWERFUL and insightful day for AHA moments. Epiphanies and breakthroughs💥 are highly possible!


RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – organize, POWER – balance, ESSENCE – equality.
The sixth day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that brings BALANCE. The RHYTHMIC phase is where this all adventuring, radiating miracle learns to walk. But consciously! Precisely! With fine organizational instincts and what superb balance we see!

Today we learn to INDEPENDENTLY find our OWN balance, through our OWN connection to SOURCE. 🌞

When you do what you LOVE💖 and let your spirit soar like the Eagle🦅, you shine brightly like the Sun! 🌞

Shine the spotlight on the people, circumstances and environments that give you CLARITY and assist you in attaining a balanced life.

FLY HIGH and SHINE BRIGHT ✨ Angelic SOPHIA 🌹CHRISTED ☀Winged ones – reflecting your inner glory. ✨

CELEBRATE the RADIANT being that you are, as the CENTER of your own Universe! 🌞


Today’s question is ” How can I balance any inequalities in my LIFE/WORLD, restoring ORDER, so that I/We can realize unconditional LOVE and NIRVANA? 🎇☀🌞✨

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

ESPAVO beloveds – Thankyou for taking back your POWER. 🙏🎇🙏

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈



YELLOW SUN☀☀ has DOUBLE the UNIVERSAL FIRE🔥🔥 power today, bringing a HEAT WAVE as the Consciousness thermometer🎇 is set to RISE!! Keep an EYE on those X FLARES headed our way!! 🌞🔥🎇

Our SUN gives us LIGHT, LIFE, nourishment, health, vitamins and vitality. AHAU provides us with FUEL to grow. We are all Children of the Sun. 👫👬👭🌞Seeking ONENESS and ultimate en-LIGHT💡ON- ment.

YELLOW SUN reminds us that we each have our own inner sun, our chi source and our eternal connection to SOURCE through our HEART. ❤ Our soul’s desire is to fully embody and connect with our self-remembrance of our mighty I AM presence.✨☀❤✨..

🌞I AM THAT, I AM 🌞 is the call of Ahau’s mantra!🌞

The codes today are about finding your BALANCE on the physical plane – through the realization that we are all EQUAL and all ONE family. 👫👬👭

RHYTHMIC pulses are emitted from the sun radiating outwardly reaching Earth’s Magnetosphere. As Father Sun🌞 kisses💋 Mother Earth🌍 in an ecstatic embrace – fuelled by the electro-magnetic pulse from their Divine union!. 🕺☀️💃🌍

The Solar flares🔥☀ and CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) ejected from Father Sun, activate HU-man-ity to grow and EXPAND in consciousness as we embody and anchor these evolutionary codes on the Earth plane – the physical body of Mother Gaia.

These SOLAR pulses of LIGHT REFLECT off the Majestic EAGLE’s great WINGS🦅 soaring HIGH in the panoramic sky… This brings greater balance, as HU-man-ity is AWAKENED ✨ and ILLUMINATED 💡from the Eagle’s clarity and wisdom, revealed so that we can all independently SHINE our LIGHT. 💡✨

The UNIVERSAL FIRES🔥🔥 of illumination, have been BLAZING through this Solar phase of CME ejections, this has enabled the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to step up and claim their power and SOVEREIGNTY. 👑

The KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH were officially CROWNED👑 and a momentous CORONATION CEREMONY was conducted in the inner planes. Great celebration is occurring as the wayshowers and NEW EARTH LEADERS, can now move forward on their greater MISSIONS – emblazoning the path for others to follow! 🔥✨☀


GAIA certainly has been experiencing EXTREME weather conditions during these passing years – floods, fires, snow, hurricanes, earthquakes – clearly her NATURAL BALANCE has been “interfered with” resulting in this discordance. As we raise our consciousness, then our physical environment will REFLECT a more HARMONIOUS and ordered state of equilibrium. Clearly humanity still has some work to do to restore our PLANET to one of PEACE.

SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC is still active today as the purifying CATALYST, in clearing away the remnants of the debris, so that we can collectively rise higher and shine our LIGHT. KIN 19 the RHYTHMIC STORM is the solar seal of our current DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR.. and so today its POWERS are DOUBLED!! Determined to PUT OUR LIVES IN ORDER – through RADICAL TRANSFORMATION!!!

The RHYTHMIC STORM is supporting AHAU by bringing forth the necessary AWAKENINGS and transformation -through SHAKING people up – in order to SEE THE LIGHT! Sometimes we need the rug pulled out from under our feet in order to FORCE us to CHANGE! We must learn to EMBRACE CHANGE – as through this change ORDER is restored.

✨✨✨Remember that the MAJESTIC EAGLE🦅 is the only bird strong enough to RISE above THE STORM, and HARNASS the POWER of the storm, to lift up even higher, to SAFETY, soaring on the wind currents. Catalyze the energy from the chaos and turbulence down below, to overcome your challenges, becoming the FUEL for your upward journey. This is true ✨SOUL MASTERY! ✨

RISE UP and SOAR HIGH, dear STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS ☀✨ and then you can take your rightful place, shining BRIGHTLY amongst the Starlit sky!✨🌃✨

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC DRAGON 🐉IMIX reminds you today to nurture yourself and put your soul’s needs first, thus enabling you to EXPAND your legacy on Earth. In order to rebirth yourself you must focus INWARDLY,,, to raise your awareness and your consciousness. You must then ensure you are in complete alignment with full transparency and integrity of being so that you can B-EARTH your new HIGH VIBE CREATIONS.

Your INDEPENDENCE☀ AND SELF-SOVEREIGNTY👑 is born through prioritizing your Soul’s VISION👁 as the fuel for your Growth and Ascension… Allow IMIX to provide the fuel – passion, vitality and innate wisdom to SPARK your creative impetus, enabling your Mission to become UNI-VERSAL! Together through this UNIFIED field of CREATION we are B-Earth-ing this wonderful NEW EN-LIGHT💡ON- ed world! Yahooooo!!!


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC DOG ❤🐕OC holds the codes for unconditional love, TRUTH, acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, grace, loyalty, DEVOTION and support for our family and kin…

When we incarnate upon the Earth plane, through the veils of forgetfulness, we fall into the ILLUSION that we are separate from our SOURCE… Thus we begin our journey seeking LOVE everywhere EXTERNALLY, until we finally return to the beginning – realizing that ALL the unconditional LOVE we could ever require, is right there in our own HEARTS❤… It always was!

This life-long challenge and untruth through the WHITE DOG is what detaches us from ENLIGHTENMENT 💡and SOUL satisfaction🌞 that we are seeking! ONENESS and connection through SOURCE! 🌞 When we reach this state of Samadhi, we can then see GOD in the eyes of another and thus LOVE them ALL equally and unconditionally – recognizing that GOD/SOURCE is OMNIPRESENT and INFINITE. ✨☀❤☀✨

To access this omnivalent state, we must first overcome all feelings of betrayal, rejection, abandonment and mistrust, through the power of forgiveness and acceptance. This OPENS the doors to fully access our own well of Divine LOVE of SELF💞

Today’s SPECIAL IN-👁️‍🗨️SIGHT codes, are sure to shine a LIGHT on this gift that OC brings, a beautiful source of DIVINE unconditional LOVE.

❤It is TIME to RE-IGNITE🔥 our full remembrance of our GOD SELF☀– awakening our inner fire and LIGHT. ✨✨✨

Devote your life purpose to the DIVINE, in order to express your own UNIQUE spark of the CREATIVE SOURCE.✨☀✨


FLY HIGH and SHINE BRIGHT ✨ Angelic SOPHIA 🌹CHRISTED ☀Winged ones – reflecting your inner glory. ✨

CELEBRATE the RADIANT being that you are, as the CENTER of your own Universe! 🌞


Today’s question is ” How can I balance any inequalities in my LIFE/WORLD, restoring ORDER, so that I/We can realize unconditional LOVE and NIRVANA? 🎇☀🌞✨
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

ESPAVO beloveds – Thankyou for taking back your POWER. 🙏🎇🙏
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 Spirit Animal Guided Meditation with Sacred Condor 🕉

Connect with Your Sacred Animal Spirit Guide 🔥



Embark on a powerful journey with the Sacred Condor to meet your spirit animal in this guided meditation. Your spirit animal is a wise and sacred guide, offering you deep insights, protection, and a connection to your true essence. Through relaxation, visualization, and sacred intention, you will open the doorway to the unseen realms and receive the messages your spirit animal has for you.

Whether you seek clarity, healing, or a deeper connection with nature, this meditation will help you align with the wisdom and power of your animal guide. Surrender to the journey and allow your spirit animal to reveal itself to you.

🌿 What to Expect:
✨ Deep relaxation and grounding
🦉 Spirit animal connection and messages
🔥 Energy alignment and guidance for your path

Get comfortable, open your heart, and let your sacred animal ally come forth. 🐺🦅🐍


CLICK HERE for the Spirit Animal Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Prayer for the Thunderbird Nation

Great Spirit, Mighty Thunderbird,

Guardian of the skies and bringer of sacred storms,
We call upon your strength, wisdom, and protection.

With wings of lightning and a heart of fire,
You cleanse the land with the breath of the ancestors.
May your thunder awaken our spirits,
May your rain nourish our hearts,
May your power guide us on the path of truth.

We stand as one Nation, united in purpose,
Honoring the wisdom of our elders,
Protecting the sacred ways of our people,
And walking in harmony with all creation.

Thunderbird, bless our journey,
Shield us from harm,
And lead us toward a future of strength, wisdom, and unity.

Aho! 🦅⚡🌿

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