The Elections in The United States ~ The Collective Subconscious Memories
What is playing out on the World stage with the United States Elections ~ Is part of the clearing of the “collective” subconscious.
There are No mistakes. It is all there for a REASON and that reason is your Evolution!
The so called darkness (lower frequencies) ALWAYS serves the DIVINE higher frequencies of love. Always!
The purpose is for the clearing of memories that appear as distortions of consciousness. To the Original Divine Consciousness. Just like a computer.
It is the Clearing of memories to BE Loved. FOR the consciousness of the entire Universe!
Its DIVINE PURPOSE ~ is so that LOVE lives as the true VICTORY.
What does this mean to YOU ~ Individually?
You are ALSO clearing your subconscious MEMORIES.
You are also experiencing your EVOLUTION.
You are connected to the very fabric of consciousness that is EVOLVING.

You ARE a Divine Angel appearing as a Human, to Transform the consciousness of ALL.
Your Memories including from other lives are being cleared, as you are in the ASCENSION Process.
YOU are not experiencing any mistakes! It is all arising for a reason. That reason is LOVE.
Let go of external APPEARANCES as much as possible, ENTER YOUR Heart and hold the entire situation in LOVE.
Hold all the Candidates in LOVE.
True Love does this. It does NOT only give love to those who appear to deserve it.
True Love is Unconditional. It does NOT WAVER ~ EVER.
I am not suggesting you have to get close and personal in love, as being friends with serial killers, etc. YET I AM saying, CHANGING the COLLECTIVE subconscious MEMORIES if you are reading this, is PART of your ROLE in the entire transformation.
If YOU cannot change? How can they?
Let us be realistic that way. If you know about LOVE and cannot love unconditionally, HOW can you be the love that is a transforming the COLLECTIVE.
Love does not judge.
Love does not blame.
Love does not choose when to love and when not to love.
LOVE IS A FORCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS ~ That ONLY exists in its true ETERNAL Vibration.
Attune to it.
Receive it.
YOU MUST fully love yourself first before you can give it.
SO START with you, No judgments in that mirror. NO trying to look better than you are in order to compete, with external appearances.
TIME TO EMBRACE LOVE Divine Angels as the ONLY TRUE POWER there is.
Because it only is the true power.
I love you!
I am With YOU! Let us JOIN in TRUE LOVE and transform the Collective, NOW.
Eternal Love and Bliss!
Listen to this Healing Activation, it is DIVINE LOVE.
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