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DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG

The Telosians: Our Mission is to Support Them ~ DIVINE JUSTICE IS COMING

The Telosians: Our Mission is to Support Them ~ DIVINE JUSTICE IS COMING




The Telosians: Our Mission is to Support Them


Channel: Marie José Andichou |

We greet you, dear children of Earth. We are happy to meet you again. Every meeting is a joy for us, but we wish it to be the same for us.

We are in connection, in communication, often to convey messages to you, but also to help you, comfort you, support you in these turbulent moments of your current life on Earth.

We like to talk to you through our channel, this is important for you and for us. If you speak to us like this, it is to confirm that we are very attentive to your way of living your earthly life, to your way of experiencing your happy and unhappy feelings. We are very present close to you because, yes, we are very close to you, much closer than you imagine.

Our mission is to support you    to help you grow in your True Life journey so that you understand who you really are. We return to this topic often because knowing yourself is the most important thing in your life. It is what allows you to live a peaceful, serene and happy life.

Of course, knowing oneself is not always easy given what is happening around us, in our society. Knowing oneself is not easy because everything is done and set in motion by certain humans imbued with the desire for power, to distance us from understanding True Life. True Life includes not only what we experience on planet Earth, but also and above all the very important and unbreakable bond that connects us with the Divine, the Divine that is our True Life.


We have said and repeated this many times: you are Divine beings, Divine Sparks filled with the Love and Light of the Supreme Father. You cannot doubt it when you see how much, when you are attentive to this, you are protected, supported, and helped in your life. Sometimes you doubt the help that the Divine Spark that is you can give you to live better in this earthly life, but even so, it is there.

To do this, it is important to be very attentive to what happens in your life every day, to all the small events that mark your life. Have confidence in your Higher Consciousness, which is your Great Divine Spark, and illuminate your incarnated part with Its Love and Light. Have confidence in yourselves, in your life, in the events that happen in your life, and be happy to be approaching the New Earth that we have also spoken to you about so often.

Despite the delicate events that may be happening in your countries, trust in your feelings of peace and serenity as you connect with your Divine Self within. Your soul is here to grow in Pure Light and Pure Love and is joyfully guiding you on this path. Listen to it, listen to the feelings it gives you as it guides you in the most beautiful way possible on the path of the Supreme Father.

We are talking to you about all this because it will be increasingly necessary for you to know your inner Being in order to find Peace and Serenity in each moment. We are here, close to you, to guide you on this path; listen to the feelings we send you to help you, support you and guide you towards the best path in your life.

Our work of Love for Earth humans will continue for a long time to come… long enough for them to succeed in uniting in Peace and Joy with the Earth, their nurturing Mother. Thank you for all that she offers you, for her beauty, for the shelters she offers you, as well as for the food she provides you every day.

You will say: “Yes, we offer food with Love for the Earth, but some countries and continents are in poverty. So the Earth feeds humans unequally?”

We will say this: the Earth has the capacity to feed all humans differently, depending on where they live. But do not doubt that if there are humans who are in total lack of food, it is because of those who manipulate them to have power over them.

The Earth, in her great Love and generosity, can offer much more than you can see and receive. But you are also asked to respect her, not to mistreat her and to be grateful.

Dear children of Earth, there are many of us around you, we love you.


DNA time codes
DNA time codes


Beloved Ones,
As we transit into a new harmonic timeline, we become more aware of the bifurcation of time that we are experiencing. As we cross the veils between our three-dimensional world and move into the soul dimensions, we become more aware of the opening in time that planet Earth has recently had, as it continues reconnecting with the many dimensions that were distorted to impede free communication between our plane and God Worlds.
Many of you are now aware of the advances in the fabrics of time and space, which we have incessantly worked on since March. Stabilizers and new Earth’s Anchors will be busy now working on the reparation, realignment, and stabilization of the time Earth’s fabrics, for there is a new opening that the last solar eclipse in Libra has facilitated.
Last night I received this symbol at 3:33, which my Guides shared are the physical coordinates for Arizona, Phoenix, USA (which is at 33°N latitude, 112°W longitude) where important advancements have recently occurred to allow the consciousness expansion that many of us are having.
As you know, Arizona is the earth’s portal associated with our DNA time codes, for we cannot travel through time and space if our DNA time codes are not rehabilitated and healed of all manipulation and of all earth’s structure alterations.
This portal connects to the universal time that still needs to be repaired for our DNA time codes to be fully recovered and reconnected to Universal Time.
I saw this symbol, that as my Guides invited me, tried to translate the best I could, which is a symbol to open time. This symbol must be looked at the center of it, for it is when our pineal gland will start receiving the activation required for us to open our 3D minds to a more simultaneous time, for universal time is yet far away from where we are now.
As three-dimensional beings, we need a sense of time. However, our Consciousness was always meant to travel freely between the many God realms that exist, not controlled to keep us in delusion and soul disconnection.
As you integrate this symbol, if you are guided, your Consciousness will start moving from the linearity and fixity of our limited time-space zone into the soul dimensions, which as you know are the fifth, and sixth ones, as the fourth belongs to the astral plane.
Decree to only reconnect to the God Dimensions, aligning only to Divine Truth and all you are meant to be revealed, and retrieved, at this time of your personal ascension journey.
When we experience soul disconnection, through trauma and other painful experiences, parts of us remain in our auric field, others even in other timelines. We need then to retrieve our soul parts from these timelines, which probably have already collapsed.
Ask to retrieve all your soul fragments that dwell in unlove, in pain, and bring them back Home, that is to say in your Heart, for they belong to you and the love in you resides.
Continue retrieving all you are guided, as you know your personal experience and where you are and need to work with.
For this symbol to work, we need to be in perfect resonance and communion with our soul, and our silver cord needs to be straight and reinforced.
I share it with great love and humility as I cannot beauty it, or it will lose its original form.
Thank you for choosing to always remain in your Higher Hearts, Beloveds
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


OMG!!!! “X CLASS 9.05 SOLAR FLARE” released @ 12.00 UTC just 2 hours ag0……whats happening????? Will need to ask the Light!!! Are we heading into……dont want to alarm you all…..
Thks Phoenix Rising! Thks for informing me immediately….this is Toooooo big to digest…..
terrible nerve pain… are you guys doing?
DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG! A 9.05….wow!
DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG
DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG



My beloved ones. Here speaks to you your Father, your Creator and all that was created. This is the first time that I address you, Spanish speakers, through our beloved Ngari.

Because what I have to say to you is very important.

When I sent you my beloved Son, Yeshua, better known as Jesus, few recognized him as my beloved Son. Few believed that it was I, his Father, who sent him. They laughed at him and mocked him.

All their teachings were distorted by the Church, which only intended to impose a belief system on them through religion(s) that would allow them to control all human beings. This was the case with all religions, not just the Catholic religion.

They have denigrated my character as an angry and punishing father so that out of fear and anxiety you will respect this pseudo-god and obey his laws.
All of this is very false and far from the truth.

This is what soulless and heartless beings did, who enslaved people, protected by laws that in no way favored them, but only served their own interests and the accumulation of wealth and power of the Church.

For centuries, secular power (from the church) and legislative power (from the rulers) were established. And both shared all the power on earth.
In addition, they created the financial power that brought to their knees all who disagreed with this system.

Such creations kept people in a prison without bars. With a false appearance of freedom. They believed everything the TV said without questioning anything. And this evil invention sucked you into a sea of ​​lies, deception and control, even mind control.

Until I, the Eternal Father, the ultimate Creator of all that exists, decided to put an end to it. I am a father with all my heart and I suffer when I see my beloved children suffering! I will never punish you!
I do not want submission. I want you to love me as I love each one of you!

My beloved Son Jesus suffered indescribably at the hands of a soulless elite. The same suffering that each of you must endure and repeat year after year with what you call Holy Week.

It is time for you to wake up, my children! The dream of millennia is over. Truth triumphs over the darkness of darkness. No more controls and manipulations!

Know that my Son Yeshua did NOT die on the cross to save humanity from its sins. That does not even exist!

He did this to free humanity from the bondage of ignorance! So that they can raise their vibrations and realize the reality of the earthly paradise that I have created for the joy of humanity. Everyone and not just a few!

The pedophile and Satanist elite remains the same as before.
It is the same elite that kidnaps, sodomizes, abuses and murders billions of children. Who makes ritual sacrifices to Satan. Who drinks the blood of the innocent to rejuvenate themselves.

My beloveds, it is time for all these truths to come to light. Donald Trump, Putin, Chi Jing Ping and others have joined forces with the Ascended Masters, the Legions of Heaven, the Galactic Brothers, what we call the Earth Alliance and the Lightworkers to wage the final battle between good and evil.

The LIGHT has already won!
The Nesara/Gesara Law is now being officially enacted after 23 years of attempts to implement and enforce it. It was systematically hidden from public view behind a wall of silence (under a gag law). Anyone who tried to bring it to light was simply eliminated.

This is the buckwheat map of humanity. No more hunger and poverty. No more deception and control.
No more human trafficking.
No more human trafficking and slavery. I assure you that the victory of the light is already here!

Banking services will soon cease to exist. Religions will also cease to exist. And  120  days after the official enactment of this law, all current governments will be eliminated, paving the way for fair and fraud-free elections.

My dear children. Beings with such low vibrations will be eliminated from the face of the planet. As will the reduced vibrational frequencies of those who wanted to decimate at least ¾ of the planetary population.

Very soon the whole truth will be revealed! Nothing will remain hidden any longer.
And I ask you, my children, to strive to ascend together with Gaia and thus consolidate the ascension in 5D. Try to see beyond the five senses of the physical body.

Learn to master the process of creation and know that as my children you are also creator gods! And, in truth, it is you who create your own reality through your thoughts and feelings.

You activate an atom in the quantum field of infinite possibilities.

I await you on Earth 5D, the Earthly Paradise that welcomes you with open arms. As you know, it is not a place, but a state of consciousness.
Do not wait for a savior. You are the ones who have come to save the Earth.

You are each one of you, my beloved child. Spoken to you by your Creator Father, the Source of all that exists!

By Maria Cecilia Ngari

This text can be distributed free of charge as long as you respect every word, do not distort the content and give the correct name.



The final egocentric test starts in October!!?? It will be a turning point even in the Q plane!!

October is also a turning point for Q Plan!!??

The final egocentric test starts in October
The final egocentric test starts in October

October is also said to be a turning point for Plan Q.

From October 1st, all banks will be required to comply with Basel III.


This means that banks that do not comply with Basel III may be eliminated.

Also, in the US, the fiscal year ends today and I think there will be a similar impact.

It’s only the beginning of October, so there’s a lot we won’t know until we actually see it happen, but I think there will be tremendous changes from here on out.


It’s finally time for the ultimate egocentric test!

Now that October has arrived, what is making the most noise in the world is that “replicon vaccinations will start in Japan”.

However, it is known that the replicon manufacturer Ming◯ has not even manufactured replicons yet and has likely been suppressed by the WH and the Alliance for many years.

But the news may say, “Replicon vaccination has started.”

While there is no actual replicon inside, that does not mean it does not contain venom that affects individuals.

First, the replicons may have been a bioweapon that was planned in advance by the Georgia Guidestones to “reduce the Earth to 500 million people and completely enslave the rest.”

But the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed two years ago, and the forces that wanted to completely shroud them in darkness have been completely defeated, so they cannot do so now.

If that’s the case, what could be a “replicon hoax” could begin, which is why it could be the ultimate test of “How much of yourself have you been able to develop in the last five years?”

People can change a lot in five years if they put their mind to it, and I was actually able to go from rock bottom to a better reality five years later.

If you work for a company, if you repeat destructive behaviors that cause great damage to the company for a year or two, you will be fired without mercy, but five years is a love that has been given to you with a lot of leeway.


Mid-October, when Pluto goes direct in astrology, is also a turning point.

Now according to astrology, Pluto is in Capricorn and Pluto is retrograde.

However, from October 13th, Pluto will return to direct motion, and it is said that the signs of change will become stronger at this time.


Pluto will be in Aquarius on November 20th and from now on, Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.

The Age of Wind will begin on November 20th and at that time there will be tremendous changes in the month due to Pluto’s direct power.

The US presidential election will be held on November 5th, during the last period of Pluto in Capricorn.

Furthermore, military officials have already announced that the presidential elections will be cancelled, and although we do not know what form that will take, I think it would not be surprising if a major incident were to occur.

No matter what happens, as long as you have a sense of self and yourself, you’ll be fine!!




How many of you have realized that what we have experienced throughout this incarnation is not real? What is only programming and we only see in it what we have believed life was?
Waking up is not as nice as you think, nor as bad as we think.
Awakening is necessary to REALIZE WHO WE REALLY ARE!
A certain percentage of Humans inhabiting this Planet were born with the ability to See and Hear beyond what we see with common sense.
That’s why when we grew up surrounded by Beings that only we saw we were called “crazy”.
Unfortunately there are many who got lost along the way; others have been very implanted and today we know that there is a certain number of the human population who are ORGANIC PORTALS, that is, we see the body but have no soul.
Claudia Cabral.

The latest geomagnetic forecast as of 00:35 UTC (Oct 4).

While there is (G3) storming in the forecast for Friday due to the X7.1/CME predicted to pass Earth, that plasma cloud was fairly faint and there is less certainty with the dynamics of that particular event. The stronger CME observed on Thursday associated the X9.0 flare is more likely to impact our geomagnetic field with a passage predicted sometime on Saturday (Oct 5). Keep in mind the timing of this hourly forecast is all dependent on the CME’s arriving past Earth as predicted.
geomagnetic forecast
geomagnetic forecast


Wow! A significant X9.05 flare erupted in AR3842 at 12:18 UTC, making it the strongest flare of SC25 Today’s incredible X9.05-class solar flare, the most intense flare since 2017. An Earth-directed solar storm is highly likely, given the spot region is faced directly at Earth. if there is a CME we are nearly in the direct line of fire. * – largest on the Earth facing side of the Sun.!!
Strongest detected solar flare of Solar Cycle 25.
A major X9.0 solar flare was just detected around Earth facing sunspot region 3842 at 12:18 UTC (Oct 3). This is the strongest X-Ray event of the current solar cycle. More details to follow regarding a possible CME.


Our bodies are literally recalibrating itself to sustain this new vibrational frequency, synchronicity becomes our daily bread, the repeated numbers, the signs in nature, the casual messages that seem to respond to exactly what we’re thinking.
Meditation becomes deeper, dreams more vivid and meaningful, some even begin to experience star travel or communication with spirit guides. What once seemed like the exclusive domain of mystics, now becomes accessible to all willing to open their mind and heart.
Friends, can you feel the electricity in the air? That feeling something big is about to happen? Not your imagination, we are living in a critical moment in human evolution a turning point that will mark a before and after in our history as a species. We are ready for the big jump and now we are finally starting the engines, the countdown has begun.
Thank you Roberto Nunes

Divine Ones, we have been on the path for a very long time. Some of us didn’t even realize we’d been on this mission since birth. Now, though you understand that and so much more.

Our teams are here with us and around us, holding and supporting us as we walk through this auspicious time.
The place we are in today is so different than where we were even yesterday. We are but a breath away from the light entering into our reality and changing it all.
We are seeing it and feeling it all around us. The energies coming in are lifting it all higher and higher.
It is not by chance that we received another large X Flare today. At 12:08 UTC today, an X9.05 Solar Flare released off the sun. It is not known yet if a CME was released off the sun with it, but we should know more soon.
These CMES the Ascension Teams have been sharing they are for the Earth. They will help push her terraforming into a higher state of being. It’s much like how you are transforming into a higher version of you right now!
This is the time of the light. The time of the Golden Living light. Our planet and each ascending being is wrapped within this beautiful golden energy, ready for their awakening. Ready to remember. Ready to move forward into the next step of the Starseeds journey.
You amazing ones, are living proof that there is no task too big, no mission too difficult. You are the Light within a human body, and your journey is almost completed. All that’s left to do now is to bring the Ascending Humans home and release the Non Ascending to their new world.
Are you ready for that change? Then, set that intention and call it in. Tell your team you are ready. Because they will be asking you today, nudging you to share if you’re truly prepared.
Because once it begins, we all go. No one is left behind. All living things have a set destination forward!
The Gold that will bring us to our Love Wave final activation is here. The Golden Slumber is upon us. Call it in Divine Ones. Let’s take everyone to their new homes.
Breathe in the Love, the light, and the amazement around you today. Everything will change in a breath, a heartbeat, a blink of an eye. It truly will be that quick. But it all starts with a rumble.
Listen, dear ones, listen.
All my love,
-SA Smith

Benjamin Fulford Report: US headed for civil war as red October begins – September 30, 2024


The United States is headed for civil war as red October begins, multiple intelligence agency sources say. This war will also affect Israel, Ukraine, the UK, Japan and other countries still controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

Here is what CIA white hats had to say about the situation:

When Ukraine falls, it will be the end of the Deep State. That is why Trump met with Zelensky. To inform Zelensky that end game is coming very soon. Don’t be surprised if Zelensky disappears within the next few weeks. The State of Israel will be taken care of at last and cease to exist. I was also told that the WH military alliance coup was going to not look like a coup. CIC Trump has already been placing the National Guard in key cities across the US. In preparation for what is coming during Red October. The military is not expecting the Presidential election on November 5. There will be another assassination attempt against one of the doubles. This is when the real CIC Trump will appear. The National Guard and the military alliance will take over and a type of martial law will be enacted. EBS will be used to communicate for several days. There will most likely be civil war. The Deep State will not know what to do other than fight back. The borders will be shut down. Airspace will be closed to stop the Deep State actors still remaining from escaping. The military Alliance knows exactly where all the satanic Deep State operatives are. They can run but cannot hide. There will be deviations as nothing is set in stone. The timeline is changing daily now.

We have confirmed the airspace over Washington DC has already been shut down to prevent bad actors from escaping.

In a sign the Khazarian mafia is anticipating a white hat offensive, what appeared to be the real Hillary Clinton warned on X “The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses…I anticipate that something will happen in October as it always does.” She also makes a Freudian slip about the need to combat “false disinformation,” in other words –according to logical analysis- truth. She then referenced the “crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation…”

This writer has posted videos of her torturing a 10-year-old girl to death. Of the 12 New York City policemen who saw the video, 9 were killed in an attempt to suppress this video.

Even more interesting is how she says “Something will happen in October as it always does.” High-level sources in various intelligence agencies agree we have been stuck in some sort of repetitive time loop. White hats stage an offensive in the Autumn, the dark hats strike back in the winter, there is a stalemate until summer and then a new Autumn offensive is seen.

However, there is evidence the loop has been broken this time and a breakthrough is coming.

As an example, Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu went to the annual UN gathering of heads of state to deliver his usual diatribe against Iran. However this time, he delivered it to an empty chamber. Also, Mossad sources said this year it was a “fat body double,” and not Netanyahu himself who appeared.

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Not only that, Italian P3 Freemason and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to the Souraski hospital in Tel Aviv after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources then confirmed he was declared clinically dead.

Further evidence came when Netanyahu failed to appear at a press conference to brag about the bombing that took out much of the Hezbollah leadership. “He released a pre-recorded video. Are we facing an intervention of artificial intelligence?” a P3 source asked.

Mossad sources said “Firstly the real Netanyahu was taken out as we know.  The clone/avatar in NY at the UN General Assembly was a fake.  Just as the fat guy giving orders from his hotel room…. A photo op…Yes, Netanyahu, the avatar was injured by a Houthi ballistic missile on his return from NY, at the Tel Aviv airport.  This may be how they will begin the release of his demise, in stages. The whole thing is a stage. We are watching a movie.”


British MI6 and the Rothschilds also contacted us with market advice saying the thing to do now is




SELL! Of course, we must bear in mind the Rothschild adage that the best time to make money is when blood is flowing in the streets. My guess is they are going to try to crash the markets big time and then pick up the pieces for a song. “A lot is going to happen in the next 48 hours. Let’s see how gold does,” a Mossad source comments.

In any case, at midnight tonight, the US Corporation is expected to go bankrupt. Even though they will be given until mid-October to come up with the money, there will be severe financial turmoil for sure as they struggle to kick the can down the road yet again.


At this point, we need to look at exactly who owns the US Corporation The short answer is the Vatican. First of all, ask yourself why it is called America and not Columbia. The story put out is that it was Amerigo Vespucci who discovered it was a continent. Yet archaeological evidence shows there were European settlers in the Americas before Columbus. This was suppressed because the Vatican needed to claim ownership of America by “right of discovery.” That right would be invalidated by the evidence. In any case, now that the Vatican has denounced the doctrine of discovery, it means they no longer have a legal claim to own the US.

Now let us ask why is the Vatican named after Vatica, the Goddess of the Underworld?

When I went to the Vatican to meet the P2 Freemasons, they showed me a snake around a cross in a Cathedral and admitted they worshipped an entity known as the Black Sun. Satanic imagery is everywhere when you go to the Vatican.

The Italian nobility who control all of this are Zoroastrians who believe in an eternal battle between good and evil. That is why they have Francis as the White Pope, Pepe Orsini as the Grey Pope and Arturo Sosa as the Black Pope.

Christianity, as far as they are concerned, is a religion designed to keep the slaves under control.

So, the bankruptcy of the Vatican-owned US Corporation will mean an end to Satanic rule of the American people. The US, along with Switzerland and Israel, have been behind most of the wars, terrorism and mayhem around the world because of this Satanic control. So -if the white hat offensive succeeds this autumn- we will finally have world peace.

Of course, you can be sure these people do not intend to go silently into the night. Previously they have counter-attacked with events like Fukushima and the Covid 19+Vaccine mass murder. This time, evidence is growing they have some sort of long-planned space event horror show waiting for us. In a sign preparations for Operation Bluebeam are well underway, this UAP (formerly known as UFO) reference guide has been sent to all police chiefs in the US.


The Satanists need to stage something big because their crimes are being exposed. The arrest of the rapper Puff Diddy, aka Sean Combs, is the latest example. Under his house police discovered:

A dense maze of underground tunnels that look a lot like those tunnels that child survivors of human trafficking talk about. This is where the most unspeakable horrors against the innocent take place. This is where the ogres who control the global pedophile network take their victims to abuse them, and then, not infrequently, kill these children in sacrificial rites in homage to the Luciferian cult practiced by these monsters. These tunnels are not very different from those that were found under the Chabad Lubavitch synagogue in New York, in which dirty mattresses and children’s high chairs were found. The former are used for acts of necromancy, or the “art” of black magic that aims to evoke the spirits of the dead through corpses…

Names that are popping up in the investigation of this pedophile network include Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Kayne West and Leonardo DiCaprio.

It also turns out P Diddy wrote a book called The Adrenochrome Witch.

Adrenochrome Witch tells the story of young women in the industry for whom youthful beauty is the holy grail. These women want to look like a 12-year-old again, even though they are in their 30s and 40s.

So they start seeking out ways to have eternal youth, and finally meet a rap music empressario with more than a striking resemblance to Diddy who throws huge parties full of naked people who he feeds with vials of blood taken from the veins of young children.

Barack Obama’s older brother Malik went on record accusing him of being addicted to adrenochrome, the elites’ drug of choice.

Border Patrol agents warn kids as young as 8 are being drugged and smuggled into the US by traffickers posing as their parents or family members — and nobody knows how common the horrifying practice is.

“I hate thinking about it because there were thousands of kids and who knows where they all ended up…“Sometimes we encounter criminal actions so horrendous, they defy human decency,” said Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol chief of California’s El Centro sector in the southeast of the state, in response to the case.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, 323,000 unaccompanied kids have gone missing.

Polish intelligence for its part says:

Elite Satanists of the 9th Circle, a child sex cult, rule Europe – and traffic in children, organizing “man hunts” where kidnapped/drugged children were stripped naked, raped, tortured, chased on horseback through the forest and ritually killed by nobles and their guests (who drink the blood of their victims). This powerful few also turned to cannibalism and ate parts of their “victims” for the demonic deity they worship. The surviving witnesses appeared before the International Court of Common Law in Brussels in 2014. A 5-judge/27-member jury considered the evidence. Witnesses stated that child sacrifices were regularly performed in the Vatican, catacombs of Catholic cathedrals, private estates, groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the United States. The children were from detention centers in Belgium/Netherlands, according to a former member of Octopus.


The international investigation into elite predation of children is leading to an internal war inside the FBI between “an extremely rotten and corrupt part that wants to stop Trump’s run” and another “that wants to prosecute and put behind bars the lords of pedophilia in America, who are the men who have tried to kill Trump several times,” Italian P3 sources say.


The majority view in the military and the agencies is in favor of mass arrests. The problem lies with the blackmailed people concentrated at the top of these agencies. “I want to get a hold of those videotapes [from Epstein Island] and identify everyone in Washington DC who was on those tapes,” says Field Marshall MacGregor, expressing a common white hat view.

This is not just a Western problem.

In China too, the Supreme People’s Court is cracking down on child trafficking and abduction. They are trying to prevent the use of legal charades to illegally separate children from their guardians and will pay the legal and other expenses of parents seeking to find their children.

Here, by the way, is what looks like a Chinese ad for Adrenochrome.

Back in the West, the military and intelligence community are working hard to uncover the network of pedophile blackmail and control over politicians.

In a concrete example of this, Ukrainian President Zelensky recently tried to blackmail the British government into agreeing to use Anglo-French Storm Shadow cruise missile in a decapitation strike against the Kremlin, hoping to kill President Putin and the Russian leadership, MI5 sources say.

It turns out the pedophile blackmail control of UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is run by Sue ‘von’ Gray, the PM’s Chief of Staff, who gets a higher salary than he does, according to MI5. This blackmail network is now being dismantled.

In a sign Starmer will soon be gone, 25 members of HIS OWN PARTY voted against his decision to cut payments that offset winter heating costs for millions of retirees.

In another sign, Donald Trump is publicly claiming Nigel Farage won the recent UK general election. “They acknowledged that he won, but for some reason you have a strange system over there,” Trump said.

This system is Babylonian street theater stage managed by Freemasons and the world is starting to figure this out.

According to Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, Zelensky’s entire recent visit to the US was staged as a “Hollywood show” with the sole aim of dragging out the conflict. Antonov went on to accuse the US of being a party to the conflict “by providing assistance to Ukrainian Nazis” and “inciting them to criminal provocations,” such as Kiev’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region.

The video below of the white hat actor playing Trump as he meets Ukraine’s Zelensky in New York is an example of this theater. Zelensky is 5’7” tall.  Compare this with the Trump double who is not 6’3” tall.  Oops.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is also aware of the absurd nature of what passes off as government in the West these days as this exchange shows:

Reporter: “Zelensky says that Russia plans to use tactical nuclear weapons.”

Lavrov: “He says many things. Depends on what he drinks or what he smokes.”

Video Player


Unlike Hollywood, the Freemason theater can and does involve mass murder on an unimaginable scale. The desperate KM in Israel are still frantically trying to kill enough people to provoke their long-desired World War 3:

Yesterday, when Israel used 2,000-pound Bunker-Buster Bombs, dropped from fighter jets onto downtown Beirut Lebanon, which collapsed six apartment blocks, killing hundreds of Lebanese families in order to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, any goodwill the Israelis may have had in the Arab world, evaporated instantly.,,, the entire Arab world may launch against Israel at the same time.

This is a video of the aftermath of the attack by these war criminals:

Video Player


The situation has reached the point where the Chinese, the Americans, the Germans, the British and others are evacuating their nationals from Lebanon and Israel.

The KM is desperate to kill us all quickly with a world war because the world is finding out they have been killing us slowly.

For example, Robert F. Kennedy Jr warns the chemical atrazine -that is sterilizing and feminizing the population- is banned all over the world but is in 63% of the US’s drinking water.

In another example, more than 3,600 chemicals approved for food contact in packaging, kitchen utensils, or food processing equipment have been detected in humans, Among them are compounds known to be highly toxic, such as PFAS, bisphenols, metals, phthalates, and volatile organic compounds. Many are associated with cancer, hormonal disorders, and other serious health problems.

The bottom line is to stay away from plastic.

Then again they have also been trying to kill us with pharmacidical products. For example, Remdesiver has been busted again:

An investigation by Gilead, maker of remdesivir [used in hospitals to treat Covid patients] confirmed the presence of glass, according to the company recall notice posted on the FDA website warning the contaminated vials can cause stroke and “even lead to death.”

Then of course there are all those vaccine murders. Here you can watch Alex Jones confront Dr. Francis Collins over the 20 million vaccine deaths.

Video Player



Many of the vaccine pushers are now desperately trying to pretend it never happened. Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield told the media that both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have “got everything right.” Kennedy was surprised and “appalled” to find out. “Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was gonna restore American health,”

It is almost as if a Redfield from a different timeline has appeared and is contradicting what his alternative dark side equivalent did. Either that or he is desperately trying to cover his ass.  

This comes as the United States premiere of “First! Do No Pharm” takes place in the US Capitol building, hosted by Senator Ron Johnson.

These efforts are waking up the masses to the fact they have been mass poisoned.

Video Player


Facing this global awakening, the KM are still desperately trying to seize world power. This weekend the unelected UN just passed a “pact for the future.”

Hidden among fuzzy feel-good talk about ending poverty etc. the document calls for mandatory ID and vaccinations for everyone on the planet. It is basically the mark of the beast.

In the video below, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains the tyranny hidden in the new UN pact.

Video Player



Speaking about the UN; four out of the five veto-holding permanent members of the Security Council: the UK, France, Russia and the US all support putting India on the UN Security Council. It looks like China is blocking it. How about it China?

On another front, we are seeing more and more of the use of AI to try to create an alternative reality. A case in point is Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. “See the attached photos of the several different Mark Zuckerberg Rockefellers. A few have the red eyes.  As we know AI – CGI can’t get the red out of the eyes yet.  A give away. Also look at the different ears, nose, teeth and hair in the different photos attached.


Very obvious. His latest photo is with nice curly hair and strange ears,” a CIA white-hat comments. This seems to be part of an effort to keep control of all social media he used to control by creating the appearance Zuckerberg is still alive. We shall see.

The KM also came out with a version of John Kerry looking like the Walking Dead. This avatar Kerry says: “It is harder to build consensus today” because the First Amendment blocks them to censor more “disinformation” entities.

Video Player



As an example of people waking up to real information, the Freedom Party in Austria, founded by Nazi WW2 veterans in Austria, just won the national elections there. These are not the Zelensky-style Zionist Nazis but patriots fighting for their country.

However, in a sign people can still be fooled. In Argentina, the Satanist Javier Milei is looting his country on behalf of the KM. Argentina’s poverty rate jumped from almost 42% to 53% during the first six months of Javier Milei’s presidency, the statistics agency reported Thursday, a steep rise reflecting the pain of the country’s most intense austerity program in recent memory.

This makes it clear that Milei’s job is to loot Argentina on behalf of his banker bosses.

Here is an example:

Argentina’s President Javier Milei announced steps Friday to privatize flag carrier Aerolineas Argentinas amid a standoff with unions over salaries and labor rights. So, he wants to hand the state airline to his KM masters so that they can extract money by cutting salaries and impoverishing employees.

The KM have bought 1000 miles of coastline in Patagonia and are counting on Milei to protect them from the coming war crimes tribunals. He will not be able to do so.

Finally, this week, let us look at the situation in Japan. Shigeru Ishiba has been elected as the new Prime Minister. Ishiba is aligned with the Western White hats. He supports Japan staying allied with the Five Eyes but as an equal partner, not a colony.

Also, the call for armed men to storm the US Embassy in Japan and arrest fake Ambassador Rahm Emanuel sparked considerable turmoil in the Japanese underworld, military, police and intelligence community. The conclusion seems to have been reached that, in accordance with the Vienna Convention, Emanuel will not be arrested but will be declared persona non grata by the Japanese government and asked to leave the country. Japanese military intelligence inform us Emanuel will be arrested when he arrives in the US.

Nonetheless, this writer and many Japanese activists -including members of the underworld- will show up at the US Embassy in Tokyo at 1 PM on October 1st to make sure the whole country and the whole world knows that as the senior US official in Japan, Emanuel was responsible for the murder of over 500,000 Japanese via toxic vaccines. We hope readers around the world will take similar action against the mass murderers in their own countries. Act because the KM is trying to kill you and your loved ones.



ParisV Stefanow


There is no way around this. There is no easy road to enlightenment: “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” Adyashanti
Make no bones about it, awakening is not a walk in the park.
It is a ride through hell. It is the tearing down of all of your cherished beliefs and everything you thought about yourself. There is no way around this.
In The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug, they had to enter into the Mirkwood Forest to get to their destination. There was no other way for them. It was not a walk in the park.
Likewise, we must enter the shadowlands, and come face to face with our shadows. It is there that our false ideas of who we are are shattered. It is there that all of our false beliefs are destroyed. We must face these false notions and see them for what they are.
This is the only way to heal, to become whole again, to live in integrity.
My good friend, Julie Anne gave a good description of this process in Enlightenment.
It is a complete surrender, a process of brutal self honesty. It is a path of complete acceptance of the truth, no matter how difficult it is to bear. I still remember it vividly.
We go through life with so many false notions – of the world, of spirituality and of ourselves. We build up masks and we believe the facades. It’s all a charade. It is all based upon illusions and deceit.
We deceive ourselves at every moment, and the world also deceives us at every moment. We live in perpetual cognitive dissonance, justifying the most absurd things in our minds. We constantly lie to ourselves… and we believe it.
To awaken to the truth that you seek, you must tear down the lies.
But we are too attached to the lies.
We want to hold on to the illusions and to become enlightened at the same time. That is not possible. But there are hundreds of phony gurus and “spiritual teachers” that will tell you it is.
They offer you processes to,
become happy, fulfilled, calm, find your soul-mate
be positive
get the right job
make lots of money
balance the chakras
become healthy,
…and whatever else you may be desiring.
This has nothing to do with awakening. This is only polishing the ego…
They all lead you right back into the Matrix. You may even be lucky enough to get a golden cage, but it is still a cage, and you remain imprisoned in slavery. This is the road that most people choose to follow…
This road is well traveled by the herd.
It takes courage, discernment and self honesty to walk the ‘Siddhartha road’ to truth and freedom. Not many people have that.
We have been weakened by the onslaught of programming since our childhood. Most people want to remain in the herd, as they find comfort in the company of other deluded souls. It takes a certain individual to break free of the herd.
The Siddhartha road is not easy. It is a treacherous road that will shatter every part of your existence.
No, it takes a certain type of person to walk that road; a person that is willing to give up everything to find his true Self.
My story was one that took me through so many paths to nowhere; detours, dead ends and off of cliffs. I had to eventually be dragged, kicking and screaming through the abyss by Grace herself, for me to awaken. It was simply my time.
Now the strange thing about this, is that worse things have happened to me before, so why did this hit me so hard? I believe because it was supposed to, for me to transform. I took everything much harder, than I ever did before.
Also, everything came crashing down at once.
In the past, I was strong, and I kept my sense of self, of who I thought I was. But this time, my sense of self, who I thought I was, gave up. I stopped trying to be strong. I just collapsed.
Yes, I remember it well. My entire life story collapsed overnight. My girl friend of five years ran off with another man. And she lived across the street. So every morning I would look out the widow to see his van, just to rub it in.
I kept saying,
“There must be a purpose for this.”
My health collapsed, my business collapsed, and those that I thought were my friends were not.
I was alone. I tried to be in denial, grabbing straws as I was being dragged down into the abyss. My world around me collapsed, but so did my self worth, self esteem and my false ego. I felt unloved and abandoned.
My life story shattered…
I was left in this darkness for some time; four months.
In that time, I was slowly being dismantled, as I had to face the hard cold facts. I had to be brutally honest with myself. Eventually, I came to the point of realizing that I hated my broken body, I hated the world, I hated myself, and I really hated god. Yes, I was very angry at him. He abandoned me. I felt the entire world abandoned me. It wasn’t fair.
I threw out everything spiritual in my house. I was facing my darkness with brutal honesty. I sat with that for a while. Imagine the despair of seeing what lies hidden behind your persona, behind the lies you tell yourself daily.
And then a very powerful voice spoke to me. From where this voice came from, I do not know.
It said,
“Just surrender to the suffering.”
That was it…
So I thought about it. I realized that I was not accepting what was happening to me. I was fighting it. I was trying to push away the suffering, but it was obviously not working.
So I followed the message, and surrendered to the suffering, that which is.
This continued for two weeks, right through Christmas. I felt so rejected, so abandoned, so alone. The pain of being stripped naked in the frigid cold, with no hope in sight. But I accepted what was happening. I was no longer trying to push it away.
The suffering felt endless, yet I endured it…
I don’t even know how to explain it. And then on the morning of Jan. 1, 2004, I woke up. Not to a new year, but a new life. The suffering was gone, all was forgiven, and I was at peace. A peace that I had never known before. That which I thought I was no longer existed.
My false perception of Self vanished. I remember the singing of the birds, the Sun entering through the window, and everything around me was seen in a new light – a light of awe and amazement.
My mind had ceased its chatter, I was experiencing a very deep peace.
And then it started – wave after wave of revelations, of deep knowings.
I began to awaken to who I Am. I became acutely aware that I Am eternal and sovereign. Each wave awakened me more to my deepest Self. Each wave also shattered the illusions and deceptions of the world.
As I awakened, my eyes saw a very different world. All the pieces fell into place. Someday I will describe the many revelations that flooded over me. I have already written much about it.
The largest wave came a couple of weeks into this. I was meditating, and I went so deep, following the river of life to the depths of my Being. I was empty, but then from this emptiness, a powerful divine love sprang forth, inundating my entire mind and body.
This love is unconditional. It spread out from me everywhere. All of the bugs, the lizards, the birds, the plants, the trees, everything was inundated with this love. I could not tell where I ended and the other Beings began.
We were all intrinsically connected with this love; and yet my individual Self remained. I was not the bugs, the birds or the plants, but the connection was so deep, that I felt they were as if a part of me.
There was simultaneously separation and no separation.
It is not easy to describe, but this divine love is nothing like the love of this world. But when you do awaken, and you do see the world with new eyes, you soon realize that no one else is seeing the same thing.
I tried to tell a few people what had happened to me, but no one believed me. They thought that perhaps I cracked under the pressure of suffering and had gone crazy. No one wanted to hear anything I said, as it exposed their false beliefs.
So I remained quiet for eight years…
“I awoke, only to find
the rest of the world still sleeping.”
Leonardo da Vinci
How can I possibly explain something so deep, beyond the mind, where people have no concepts or understanding?
What I woke up to I call Knowings, as opposed to knowledge.
Knowledge comes from outside of the Self, either from the world, or from “up above”.
Knowings are who you are. It is not new information, but rather an awakening to your true Self.
Someone who has not awakened to his true Self has a difficult time understanding. They believe it is just knowledge, a different set of beliefs.
Therefore people say things like,
“That is your idea of Truth. It’s different from mine,” or “There is no absolute Truth, only relative truths.”
They think they are only my beliefs.
It is quite pointless to explain this to people, because all they know is beliefs. So I remain alone, with but a few friends that have experienced their own dark night of the soul, and awakened to their true Self, if sometimes only a glimmer.
That is all it takes for one to see that their is a deep consciousness separate from the vast majority of people.
When one decides to take the Siddhartha road to the Self, he soon realizes he is alone on that road. The herd is going in the opposite direction. One must be prepared for that, to find comfort in being alone, not understood by others.
I cannot take any credit for my awakening. I was dragged, kicking and screaming, grasping straws. No, I take no credit.
It was by Grace alone.
“Grace is within you.
Grace is your Self.
Grace is not something to be acquired from others.
If it is external, it is useless.
All that is necessary is to know its existence is in you.
You are never out of its operation.”
Ramana Maharshi
As Eckhart Tolle has stated, you don’t have to wait for the dark night of the soul to dismantle your false notions, your false self, your life story. You can consciously take that road.
But it demands courage, discernment, and a brutal honesty of yourself. The mind is a very tricky opponent, and will deceive you at every step, as your awakening is the end of its control over you. But it can be done.
Nisargadatta Maharaj did it.
You must simply allow Grace to act within you.
“As far as inner transformation is concerned,
there is nothing you can do about it.
You cannot transform yourself,
and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else.
All you can do is create a space
for transformation to happen,
for grace and love to enter.”
Eckhart Tolle
So the choice rests with each of you.
No one can do this for you. All I, or anyone else, can offer you are sign posts, pointing in the direction. But you, and you alone, must take that road. It does little good to read my writings and not act upon them, to not take that road yourself.
Otherwise, you are only hanging out at the signposts, believing that you have already arrived at the destination. This road is not for the timid or the faint of heart. not at all. But there is no other road.
No one will simply wave a magical wand over you.
It is a road of destruction and the question is,
“How much are you willing to give up? How much can you endure?”
Because on this road, you must give up everything… Every piece of you will shatter. Can you endure that?
As the great Bhaktivinode Thakur has written,
“You must die to live.”
How serious are you?
How much do you want it?
How much will you pay for it?





🔥 New on Patreon ~ Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥


🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to enjoy the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation



Not much information is coming in. Everything is quiet – a good sign. I’m chatting to bring hope about what’s going on behind the scenes. But I can’t say much. Things were going to start shaking up by the first of October, and they are.

The banks are ready to start the process. I have heard from multiple sources that some people have already gone to the bank. We don’t know if they have been paid, and if they have, they won’t say anything. Many people are under NDA and have been told to keep quiet.

I got a call from Reno and they told me the same thing, and that things are happening, but they can’t say much because they have been told to keep a low profile. I also spoke to Mauricio, and he was told to stay low and “close it right now.”

That’s all I can tell you. Keep the faith. The private contractors are gearing up and have been paid and have seen money in their bank accounts, but they are waiting for those funds to be released.

The notifications should go out today. We have until midnight Reno time for those notifications to come in. Today is not a payday, but rather the end of the global reserve system and the beginning of the new banking system and asset-backed currency, as I have been told. In fact, we may be expecting that to happen.

Not much more, everyone is told to keep quiet. Very much under NDA. October 1st seems like things are changing.

My health, the results came back, only a slight growth in the tumor, no growth on the right side of the brain.

I am relieved because I thought there was more growth. It is a miracle, my ears burst a few weeks ago, the specialist will do a pilot experiment and see if they can send vibrations all the way down the auditory tube, and I will be happy to get only 1 to 2 percent of my hearing back.

I’ve been going to the hospital once a month for protocols that stop the growth, and who knows, might shrink the tumor. I’m waiting for those Medbeds to wear off. I’ve spoken to the people in charge of Medbeds in Brazil, they all say they’re real.

There is a clinic in Colombia, a Quantum Clinic – one of my contacts said the Medbeds are there. I am praying that all this we are hoping for is real so that all people can be healed. Let’s see what Bruce says. This time he hopes to get it right.

PS The Pentecostal is going ahead with the event on the 4th. The owner will take the time to get it right as it is a very difficult task for her to undertake. She does not trust anyone and is doing this alone. She is making sure all the T’s are crossed and if anything delays the event will be postponed to the next day, but it looks like things will happen on the 4th.

Many people are now traveling to Bogotá for the event that the Pentecostal leader is holding. Another leader will also have another event on another day. Also, the Precatorias are also waiting for the green light, and hoping that it will be today, and I will let you know.
Take care and may God bless you, 
(transcribed by Carpathia)

RUMORS: 10/03/2024




Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution Triggered: NESARA Rainbow Currency Being Secretly Printed and Tested, EBS Ready to Activate, While Global Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Worldwide!

The revolution has begun! We are living through the final chapter of the old world. Global elites are in a panic, scrambling to maintain control as the most monumental transfer of wealth in history is being prepared under NESARA and GESARA. The signs are exploding into view, visible to anyone who dares to see beyond the lies of the controlled media.


The greatest wealth transfer in human history is here – NESARA, GESARA, QFS activated! 

Military seizing hidden gold, mass resignations, secret attacks and 10 imminent days of darkness!



The Quantum Financial System (QFS), GESARA and NESARA are here to break the chains of global financial tyranny. The world is about to witness the most monumental transfer of wealth in human history, and if you still think the old guard has any chance of stopping it, you’re asleep.


He/she is not “Q.” “Qanon” has not been used as an identifier for some time. 

However, I personally am more interested in the information and less concerned with the title, as long as the information comes from a reliable lightworker source.


The things I couldn’t share yesterday because I wasn’t allowed to share… we’ll know if they’re true this afternoon. Meaning Were they paid or not? We should know conclusively tonight.



If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it.

Regardless of what it is called:

New World Order

Great Reset

Paper money

Digital Token



Quantum Banking

Quantum Financial System

Global Currency Reset

Make America Great Again

All these labels are made up, the TRUTH is real.

Are you holding on to the truth or an illusion (lie)?

Can you tell the difference between truth and illusion?

The California and Yukon Gold Rushes were an illusion for most, and they died out. However, very few made it their reality.

I invite you to make the truth our reality.

Think of fake news as an IQ test


Who provides full disclosure?

Consider that no matter what secrets are revealed, because of politics and polarization, there will always be some people who will not believe it.

Consider that no matter which evil people are imprisoned, there is nothing stopping other people from choosing evil and serving the forces of darkness as well.



Many are waiting for the truth to “come out,” but it has already been revealed. Most people still either can’t recognize it or don’t care.

This is why 5D ascension is necessary. Not only must humans be transformed in consciousness to unite and accept a new reality, but the dark forces must be completely left behind.


The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the linchpin of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State and is now in full testing mode, preparing for the most significant exposure of hidden truths the world has ever seen.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll have noticed that EAS testing has intensified, not just in frequency but in scope, as Earth Alliance fine-tunes the system to ensure that when the time comes, EAS will strike like a lightning bolt on every screen, every device, and every communication channel in the world.


✴️Information related to GCR/RV

Japan is the first to celebrate October 1st. Although it is still September in the Julian calendar, we believe that this month (October) will be an important month on the main stage. ✋

In particular, on “October 1, US time”, there are “three elements” that are important events that will be brought to light.



I have written the specific content and opinions in the article below, so I hope it will be useful to you.

The key point is that starting October 1, US time, there is a possibility that upcoming visible changes and reforms in financial institutions will start to take center stage.

*Exchange Rates* We are focusing on the possibility of changes in

operating conditions of banks around the world (new bankruptcies, etc.).


Trust the plan: why the combination

QFS/NESARA is changing the game

What makes the combination of NESARA and QFS so powerful is their complementary nature. While the QFS provides the infrastructure for secure, instant, and transparent transactions, NESARA focuses on the social and economic policies that will ensure the new system is fair and beneficial to all.

Confidence in this plan comes from its ability to root out corruption, eliminate the control of centralized financial institutions, and provide a decentralized, secure, and equitable way to manage wealth and assets. It is more than just a financial restructuring; it is a move toward a world where access to resources, wealth, and opportunities are evenly distributed and where personal freedom is respected.


Get ready for anything, because the wait is over. 

We are not just witnesses to history; we are about to become part of the greatest revolution the world has ever seen. The storm is here, and we will rise.


Mountain Goat,

I am telling you that I know with 1000% certainty that we will NOT see the RV until after the November 5th vote… In a conversation with my CBI contact on Saturday, I was told that if all goes well in the US and ******s, we can expect to see preparation for early reinstatement of the bill to delete the zeros and the exchange of the larger notes for the smaller denominations.

I’m told this is now planned to begin shortly after voting ends and the winners are announced. I’m told we may have to wait until the inauguration ceremony is over to see the reinstatement take place.


On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, NESARA GESARA begins as countries around the world activate the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System and the Global Currency Reset. BRICS nations will lead the largest wealth transfer in history.


The time for transformation is now

The global financial system is on the cusp of monumental change, and the stage is set for a new era of fairness, transparency, and abundance. With the Quantum Financial System leading the way and NESARA ensuring an equitable distribution of wealth, the future promises to be unlike anything we have ever experienced.

The Great Reset isn’t just about changing how we handle money; it’s about changing how we live. As we move into this new era, it’s crucial to trust the plan, embrace change, and prepare for a future aligned with justice, innovation, and prosperity for all.

Are you ready for the transformation?


Explosive Revelations: 

GITMO’s massive expansions are setting the stage for a flood of elite Cabal prisoners to face military tribunals for crimes against humanity. The truth is coming out, and their time is up.


The Truth Unleashed: GITMO Expansions and the Fall of the Cabal – Reality Unfolds at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO VIDEO)


Trusting the Plan: 

A Journey Towards a Fairer Future

Building trust in the QFS and NESARA Plan  Trusting in such a radical plan may seem daunting to many, but it is important to see the bigger picture.

The QFS and NESARA are not just ideas; they are solutions to some of the most pressing problems humanity has faced for centuries — financial inequality, corruption and lack of transparency.



By shifting to a system that values ​​justice, security, and prosperity for all, this revolutionary transformation promises a future where everyone has a fair chance at success and well-being.

The journey toward this more just future requires courage, faith, and understanding. It’s not just about distributing wealth; it’s about transforming our way of life to align with values ​​of honesty, transparency, and abundance.

The Quantum Financial System and the NESARA plan are the catalysts for this transformation, heralding a bright, fair and promising future for all.


The ripple effect: how the QFS will impact society

Empowering Individuals and Communities.  With the QFS in place, wealth distribution will no longer be in the hands of a select few. Communities will be empowered to make decisions that benefit their members, free from the constraints of debt, economic manipulation or scarcity.

This empowerment is expected to have a ripple effect across all aspects of life, from education and healthcare to business and governance.


As society transitions into this new era, expect to see a wave of innovation and creativity as people are no longer bogged down by the need to “make ends meet.”

Freed from the financial burdens of the past, individuals will be able to pursue their passions, build sustainable communities, and participate in a global society where justice and prosperity are the new norms.


The New Earth and the New Life: A Vision of a Transformed World

Life After the Great Reset: What Will Change?  So what will life be like once the QFS is fully operational and NESARA is implemented?

The short answer is: dramatically different. This new world, often called the  “New Earth,”  will be one of transparency, fairness, and abundance. With the current financial structures dismantled, the grip of debt, poverty, and financial manipulation will disappear.

The equal distribution of wealth will ensure that everyone has what they need to thrive, leading to a more balanced and prosperous society.


Access to quantum technologies will also revolutionize life in many unexpected ways. Not only will financial transactions be safer and faster, but quantum computing will also unlock new advances in healthcare, communications, education, and governance. Imagine a world where the well-being of every citizen is not just a priority, but a reality.

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