You Are Not Alone ~ Arcturian Update

ARCTURIANS: When humanity is able to accept that they are NOT the most evolved species, their arrogance, which is usually a disguise for fear, will diminish enough that we will be able to show them that they are ready to move into that next stage of evolution. Humanity will also reveal their readiness by showing and sharing their open hearts and clear minds, which enable them to perceive and communicate with a higher frequency of reality. Humanity will then be able to “believe in,” as well as “be in connection with” their own higher expressions who resonate to the higher dimensions. In other words, once humans realize that they are NOT the most evolved beings, they will be able to open their consciousness to Higher Beings, who are often their own Higher SELF. It is an innate ability of humanity to be able to identify, as well as resonate to, a higher dimension. When humans have remembered that innate ability, they will be able to resonate to, and consciously experience, two realities at once.

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