Starseed Global Alignment Connection

what is a Starseed? This article is not necessarily about Starseeds itself, so I will keep it brief, and highly suggest researching articles on the subject. Starseeds are individuals who have taken upon themselves the task of bringing in their light, in order for others to see how it's done. They adopt a more 'Teacher' role in their relationships (although we are ALL always learning!), they tend to incarnate in the darkest places/ways to 'realize' their own light, and they often tend to feel out of place. Starseeds are rumored to reach 144,000 activated and aware before "The Event" happens and the 'scales of collective consciousness' are shifted. Even Jehovah's Witnesses (Branch of Christianity) believe in this number, although they believe ONLY these 144,000 souls will enter Heaven ("Chosen Ones" Theory).

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