Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy

The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. The Ancient Builder Race apparently left crystalline domes, pyramids, obelisks and underground cities all throughout our solar system as well as many neighboring ones.

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Human civilization has been divided into two distinct branches for millennia according to a report issued today by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode. On the Earth’s surface, civilizations have risen and fallen as a result of cataclysmic events, wars, influxes of refugees from other planets, and genetic experiments by visiting extraterrestrial civilizations. In the Earth’s vast subterranean interior, another branch of humanity has found refuge and flourished for millennia, preserving ancient forms of knowledge and bloodlines dating back to a time before cataclysmic surface changes. In his report, Goode describes a meeting held with a Council representing seven ancient human civilizations, which he described as the “Council of Ancient Earth Breakaway Civilizations.” He describes the Council’s vast historical perspective and why they limited or avoided interaction with surface humanity over the course of millennia.