October Waves Arriving, Embodying 5th Dimensional Consciousness

The last few nights the Waves have been coming in fiercely. Last night we experienced 3 waves back to back. They are coming in one right after the next. They are coming in late, 2 to 3 am EST. These waves differ from the waves of the past and especially going all the way back to 2011 when the frequency jumped to a new level. These waves are much smoother. As these waves hit, it can sometimes feel like we are about to fall over from the impact. If we are sitting down there is a verifiable pushing sensation that takes place. Dizziness can accompany them as we are building our light body from the inside out. We are also experiencing less sleep and intense dreams in astral. The waves hit and my whole body feels them as they hit not only physically but also in my consciousness. They are waves of LIGHT to upgrade us all. The more light we hold, the more we are connected to light, the more sensitive we will be to the waves. Doing the inner work and removing 3D programming is paramount to being able to feel the waves in the ascension process.

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