Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

The process of clearing this land of its human vermin continues. The minions of this realm remain easy to find and arrest. They truly believe that the Light cannot obstruct their positions of power. Swiftly, they are discovering an awful truth. Their errant ways can no longer be tolerated. The rule of the dark is quickly ending and being replaced by various versions of “GESARA.” When the clearing of this unholy riff-raff is complete, those who hold the funds are to easily let this immense wealth run its course across this globe. You are to receive an abundance that is to forever end the wicked hoarding of the dark and its foolish minions.

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Sacred Magic

This world continues to progress ever forward. Our earthly allies are moving the elements of a new banking system into position. The dark cabal can no longer stop the inevitable. Those ancient families in both Europe, the Americas, and of course, China is establishing the final repositories from which a great sea of monies is to flow. Those who have been assigned as both paymasters and security handlers know the right divine time to complete their special tasks. At present, the cabal is facing a number of crises, which are simply signs that this flow is very close to happening. The time for the end of these vile oligarchs has seemingly taken much too long to pass. We are approaching the Gregorian month of October. Traditionally, in the West, this is a time of scariness, hobgoblins and ghosts. In fact, it represents the time when mighty Atlantis, your ancient home, sank beneath the seas. This event occurred at the start of Zac (the white month). This time is called Halloween (hallowed eve), when the Lights (Atlantean Beings) left for their new home in Centaurus. It is only a wondrous coincidence that this period became a moment for you to obtain your blessings!

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