Awaken to Our MultiDimensional Self

Geez Louise, there always seems to be a phase within a phase. Why can’t we just come out of the gate running or dancing, anything but more cooking!! But I suppose we can look at this first half of December as being glazed. The insides are done, or as done as we have allowed ourselves to be for right now. There are many more pivotal points and choice points embedded thru 2016, but what I am hearing is unlike all the choices that have gotten us to here. I don’t think I am ready to know what that could even mean yet!

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The Safety of Love

Beloved ones, We the Arcturians come to you within your NOW to salute you for your ever-expanding transmutation into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. As your consciousness expands into the frequency of reality which is the threshold connecting the fourth and fifth dimensions, often known as the Rainbow Bridge, your perceptions of reality take a quantum shift.

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