Entering the Portal – Matt Kahn
Entering the Portal - Matt Kahn Hello Luminaries Today offers a profound confirmation of renewed hope that all your efforts have been and will always move you forward into…
Entering the Portal - Matt Kahn Hello Luminaries Today offers a profound confirmation of renewed hope that all your efforts have been and will always move you forward into…
This is an exciting "time" for all of HumaNIty... Eclipses that open more Portals and Gateways for us all! What a beautiful OPPORTUNITY for each, as the old Matrix programs become visible for Transcendence, all new emerges from within!
Cosmic Gateway Activations by Meg Benedicte The cosmic ascension plan for Gaia and humanity is well underway, picking up pace during the 2018 quickening. During this momentous ‘11’ year of Mastership we…
The Event is Happening ~ Ascension Energy Update Here we go friends. The great shift is in full swing now! We are being transformed from the inside out. We were…
The End of Time and The Construct of the False Matrix
How often do you remember to take a LONG moment to make friends with your many, Multidimensional Friends who, by the way, ALL live within YOU!
ARCTURIANS: When humanity is able to accept that they are NOT the most evolved species, their arrogance, which is usually a disguise for fear, will diminish enough that we will be able to show them that they are ready to move into that next stage of evolution. Humanity will also reveal their readiness by showing and sharing their open hearts and clear minds, which enable them to perceive and communicate with a higher frequency of reality. Humanity will then be able to “believe in,” as well as “be in connection with” their own higher expressions who resonate to the higher dimensions. In other words, once humans realize that they are NOT the most evolved beings, they will be able to open their consciousness to Higher Beings, who are often their own Higher SELF. It is an innate ability of humanity to be able to identify, as well as resonate to, a higher dimension. When humans have remembered that innate ability, they will be able to resonate to, and consciously experience, two realities at once.
Join host Michelle Walling as she discusses the effect of the 11-11-15 portal, dropping the veils, walk-ins, and spontaneous awakening with Maria Bethencourt. Maria has a Wordpress site where she has kept her readers informed of her Arcturian aspect's perspective on the shift and how it has affected her. Maria will explain how we have moved from the matrix timelines to the sovereign ascension timelines with the recent Wave X energies. Hear what it is like for Maria when she looked at the television one day and saw the what the news anchors on tv really looked like, and how she can turn this ability on and off.
The Arcturian, Pleiadian & Sirian Healing Councils beam this synchronized wavelength to us to assist us in integrating the higher frequency now available to us on Earth.
URGENT CALL to Lightworkers from Sananda by Sananda Dearest Brothers and Sisters of the Light, it is I, Sananda. I come to you from long negotiations with those who would try to control your planet. I have been accompanied by Archangel Michael, St. Germain, and Kwan Yin, and we have been supported by Ashtar, Mother and Father and many of the others of the Company of Heaven, as we carried out the round-the-clock meetings in the 3rd dimension. I will explain.