Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn ~ Extraordinary SuperNatural * Mula, the Root Star ~ Return of Primordial Consciousness
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Flame Holders of our Divine Angel Fire Codex
Happy Strawberry Full Moon in earth sign of Capricorn the Sea Goat.
Through this blessed portal the Holy Trinity Code within our Threefold Flame in our Sacred Heart Centers have been fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Gaia to raise the frequency and vibration of this realm to 5D and Beyond.
Helios and Vesta are rising with the Eagle and the Condor to usher in our New Golden Era of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth. The meek, innocent and humble shall inherit the Earth in this Now. As caretakers, stewards and guardians of Terra Nova Gaia all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are empowered and encouraged to step forward and up into our roles as Wayshowers, Guides, Leaders and Teachers of the New Eden co-creation.
As we live from our hearts being connected to all things we become real hue-man beings and merge our Heart and Mind as One in the Still Center to Free all humanity from all slavery systems of control and in this Exodus of Freedom we become Sovereign Galactic Citizens of Mother Earth Starship 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light…A’Ho!
Message from the Emerald order the covenant is an agreement with source to create an ascension on earth so the souls stuck here are returned and earths vibration is restored – the emerald solar dragons this year returned after 200000 years
Over the last few days the heart of the planet has begun to rise even more, which causes our inner gifts and potentials to begin to develop even more. May we begin to remember our most evolved being, bringing our future self, our best version at this hour, freeing us from the illusion of a tomorrow, new paths open and the feeling of “jumping into the void” tightens. Looking for a change? The windows of the most evolved dimensions open, you agreed, feel it, manifest it, embody what is in your body, it’s a fact.
New bonds, new harmonious relationships open up, a process that can feel very deep for our physical cells asking for more rest, involves greater rooting and understanding, embracing ourselves, introspection, listening, because the new emerges.
Welcome solstice of transcendence to all. I bless and honor us in the highest good @victoria. rose belt
6/21/24: Today The Crab takes us into its watery realm of deep emotion and powerful intuition. There will be pain before Leo comes… but it doesn’t have to hurt. This is the secret of Cancer’s energy. It uses discomfort as messenger and motivation, but it loves you through the experience. If you get the message, you will benefit and appreciate the process. If you resist, however, the lessons can be harsh. Today itself is inspirational and abundance-filled, which is also an aspect of this sign. You’ll learn much about yourself now… and you will change in very positive ways. The rest of June is for fun and festivities. The Crab does its best work in July.
watery realm of deep emotion
Sangeeta Handa
Extraordinary SuperNatural SOLSTICE & FULL MOON
THE TEMPLE OF GOD’S WILL wishes all its patrons a “Joyous Solstice and Full Moon”
“The rare solstice full moon of June 21, 2024 (6:08 pm PT) shines with illuminating insight and wisdom.
Falling in the dynamic solstice portal — this full moon comes with a blast of spiritual energy. If you’ve been doubting your path, or unsure of the future, this full moon brings an opportunity for a new and empowering vision.
Coming when the sun reaches its zenith in the sky in the northern hemisphere, this rare full moon can energize your soul and allow you to receive subtle messages from the other side. Now is the time for a fresh start.
Appearing in the area of the sky known in Vedic Astrology as Mula, the Root Star, this deep-rooted full moon has a potent mystical power. Its influence can sharpen intuition and dissolve uncertainty, making it easier to take action.
In the days surrounding the full moon, focus on your root chakra, asking for any blocks there to be cleared.
Symbolized by a tied-up bunch of roots, Mula is located near the origin of the mysterious black hole that lies at the center of our swirling galaxy. Mula is said to be a gateway to spiritual realization and a bridge to higher consciousness. Also known as the Foundation Star, Mula can sever unconscious attachments to pain and suffering.
Take heed, Venus, the goddess of love and money is burning in the fiery rays of the sun. . The combustion of Venus in the stormy Ardra nakshatra, can coincide with feelings of grief and sadness.
Be gentle with yourself if sadness rises to the surface, and know that through the transformative power of the Full Moon in Mula, you can reset old patterns and reclaim your power. Allow for the light of this full moon to bring a new understanding of your past.
On the Mula Full Moon, take time to connect with the Muladhara Chakra and feel the ground beneath your feet. Spend time in a garden, or any enchanted and magical place where you feel connected to Mother Earth.”
Dear friends, the full moon energies are already here, showering us with lightcodes that are working deeply in our energy fields. These codes are merging with the Solstice energies, creating a powerful combination leading to deep emotional clearing.
This full moon closest to the Summer Solstice (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) is known as the Mead Moon. In ancient traditions, drinking mead under the ‘Mead Moon’ would promote healing, fertility and prosperity throughout the year.
That said, the overall theme of this Capricorn full moon is related to breaking and dissolving the inner barriers that are preventing us from moving forward and achieving all the objectives we need to support our soul’s earthly journey. The earth sign of Capricorn is associated with hard work, ambition, and discipline, therefore, this particular full moon will be be a great time for focusing on our careers and personal aspirations. During this full moon , you may feel an increased sense of responsibility and productivity toward your goals, ambitions, and overall life path. This influx of Capricorn energy reflected by the full moon will help us stay grounded and focused, allowing us to take practical steps toward achieving our goals.
As these proactive full moon energies bathe our energy fields, they will be helping us to release any inner barriers that may be involved in self-sabotage and delaying our forward movement. Capricorn wants you to show up in the world standing firmly in your heart’s truth. That said, any energetic old emotional blockages that are stopping us from reaching your full potential may come to surface under this full moon energies.
Within our physical body, the skeletal system—bones, muscles, cartilages—may be most sensitive to these Capricorn moon energies. These systems hold within them ancient memories related to lack of self-worth, self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-doubts about your own identity. Today and a few days after this lunation, you may experience some random tension and pains in joints, muscles, or be prone to falls or bumping your body seemingly randomly into things. Please be mindful of this process these days. The skeletal system is what keeps you moving forward, and this particular full moon energies will be bringing to surface any inner issues that may be stopping you from this goal.
Needles to say, our nervous system is also being affected by these seasonal transitional energies. Insomnia, ear ringing, changes in eating patterns, allergy flare ups, and feelings of being ungrounded are common at this moment. It will take a minimum of three days to recalibrate our systems and find a new more stable balance. Try to engage in relaxing activities this weekend, such as walks in nature, ocean swimming, or a sea salt bath at home, massage, mild body stretches, and do drink enough water to help with the release of toxins from your muscles but also to facilitate the flow of the old energies out of your systems.
This combination of Solstice and Full Moon is pushing us to start new paths, and take empowered action to achieve these changes in the physical world. We are now beginning to materialize all the inner changes we have experienced during the energetically intense first half of 2024. Let your inner Light become now a shiny beacon and an example to those who are still searching with a true heart.
Have a wonderful weekend, and an enlightening Full Moon. Much love
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ
Asara Adams
Energy Update by Archangel Michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, you might wonder what “The Law of Cause and Effect” really means…
It has often been explained that every cause has an effect.
Whatever you give out, will come back to you.
There was, however, a missing piece in the explanation of this principle:
When people judge, criticize or attack another, they are the ones who will experience the effects of it.
What are the effects of the cause of attack?
Sickness, lack and suffering.
So far this is how the understanding goes.
What goes around, comes around…
Some might call it Karma.
The question is then, if people know this principle, why do they still attack and experience illness and suffering?
We are here to tell you that any attack is done by the Ego Mind, trying to uphold the Illusion. (Everyone has two minds: The Ego Mind and the Mind of God.)
The Ego Mind and the Illusion are not real. (It might feel real, but it is not.)
The only One that’s real is God and the Children of God. (all of you.)
That means that the only “Cause” that is real is God’s cause and the following effects.
It also means that the only cause that is real, is the God Self in the Children of God. (All of you.)
Therefore, all attacks from the Ego Mind coming to you or from you are not real.
They never happened. They are an Illusion – a Dream.
This revelation is the beginning of your true awakening from the Dream. (The Illusion.)
Once you understand this principle, your awakening will be unstoppable.
You will begin to watch yourself attacking others or being attacked and realize, this is not real. It is the Illusion – the dream.
This is the time, when you will begin to have a choice.
To continue the Illusion/the dream or begin your true awakening:
To stop attacking and instead, seeing through the illusion and seeing the world through the eyes of God/Divine Love.
The moment, you will remember that an unpleasant situation is not real, it loses its power and your journey back Home will begin.
You will begin to embody God and with that, being the Cause and the effect of Divine Love and Heaven on Earth.
You have much assistance for this process from the Angelic Host, the Ascended Masters Host, the Galactic Families of Light, All Realms of Light and the Holy Spirit.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through Asara Adams
Girl with a choice near the forked road.The concept of the solution: the path to success and the path of risk
For We Are Collectively Aligning Along A Great Light Trajectory, Beyond The Future Scope Of Now.
For The Ushering Of This Solstice Event Has Brought Forth New Light Awareness, To Feel And Achieve In This Present Moment.
The Calling Of Light Was Ushered In With The Great Light Escalation Of The Solar Flares, Which Necessitated High Octave Light Waves To Multiply Into The Quantum Light Grid Of Your World.
This Provided Great Waves Of Activated Light Oscillations To Permeate And Activate The Crystalline Grid Of Gaia. To Bring Forth Multiple Impulses Of Light Necessary For The Cosmic Acclimation Of Mother Gaia. For She was embedded In Great Depths Of Solar Light To Assist In The Great Integrations of Now.
The Solstice Has Provided New Cosmic Layers To Amplify And Continue The Light Initiation For Mother Gaia, In Alignment With The Great Assimilation Of Her Multidimensional Layers.
For Light Is Alive, It is A Live Crystalline Formation That Is Adaptable To The Cosmic Creation Of Light.
As Your World Continues To Upgrade, The Adaptability Of Light Will Be Discovered On Many New Levels Of Realisation. For it is Simply The Realisation Of All Beings Upgrading
The Cosmic Stimulus Of Your Global Awakening Continues To Unfold In Light.
Our Ancient Light Technician Work Continues, Assisting Mother Gaia and All Beings.
We Reside Above In a Great Ship, Aligned To Assisting The Great Navigational Change Of Your World.
For Together, We Are The Collective Uprising Of Now
We Observe, Assist, Join Together In The Quantum Light Advancement
The return of primordial consciousness continues the expansion of your Christed anointing. You may feel vulnerable as this truth of who you really are is revealing itself. Rest if needed to support this major awakening of both your Masculine and Feminine energies, as well as your pituitary and pineal glands.
Soon you will see your true identity revealed though your inner knowing and sight. It may feel like a battle as the ancestral cells want to continue dictating who you are. However you are benevolent and far greater than this incarnation’s Family Tree.
It’s time to counterbalance those harsh realities and access your own deeper meaning of your truth. Instead of fighting against yourself, embrace yourself. Let it all go and enter God’s Kingdom and be the Child of God that you came here to embody.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
art by: Fang Chuxiong (Chinese artist born in 1950)
Ra James
Happy Capricorn Strawberry Full Moon. This Solstice is bringing some major clearing vibes. The old is coming up for clearing. We are moving into much higher frequency energies. This means your body is pushing things to the surface for you to deal with. You’re being guided to let go of the old people, situations, and stories right now. Today’s Full Moon brings energies of promise and potential. This is the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn we have this year. The next one will occur on July 21st. These energies are all about release and taking a look at what you need to change in your life.
This Full Moon aspects Venus, the planet of love, highlighting your romantic connections. Your being guided to work on healing your love life and relationships this shift rather then giving up on them. It’s all about overcoming obstacles, so you can open up to experience the love and Union that you’re destined for. This Full Moon is all about what you need to let go of. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, making it a good time to let go of the karma of your past. It’s a great time to let go of anything blocking you. We have entered into Cancer Season. Expect a Cosmic reset. Expect emotions to run high this Cancer Season. Cancer is the most tender sign of the zodiac. This gives us a chance to better tap into our feelings. Expect your intuition to be heightened over the next few weeks…
June 21, 2024: Full Moon at Capricorn 1°07’, 9:08 pm EDT.
With this Capricorn Full Moon, Cancer season is firmly in play. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are conjunct, emphasizing Cancerian values of kindness, compassion and empathy. Cancer is a sensitive sign and can become easily overwhelmed by the emotions of others. Adding to this tendency at this Full Moon is a T-square with Neptune.
Neptune is the planet of cosmic consciousness, illumination, and intuition. It is also associated with illusion, delusion and confusion. Neptune is slowing to station and will turn retrograde on July 2. Also slowing to station is Saturn, turning retrograde on June 29.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Saturn – principle of constraint – is allied with Sobek, the Old King. Neptune is allied with Nephthys, sister of Isis, lover of Osiris, mother of Anubis. Nephthys is a complicated archetype. She is the Keeper of the Mysteries Behind the Veils, sorceress and mistress of magic, and she is also the betrayer of her sister and abandoner of her child. She is both honored and reviled but mostly she is simply misunderstood. Her myth revolves around abandonment, an experience central to life on Earth. How many of us have experienced abandonment in childhood, often unintentionally? A choice made by a parent that hurts yet cannot be any other way. A parent lost through illness or accident. This is Nephthys realm, one that the child within cannot easily understand.
This Capricorn Full Moon points toward a perception of dissolving structures. The central position of Nephthys in this Full Moon chart suggests that some may feel vulnerable and unprotected. Yet we are not alone. Just behind the curtain are forces that love and hold us in their loving arms. Open to their love and allow it to feed you.
Following the Sun’s entry into Cancer on Thursday marking the solstice, Friday’s Full Moon in Capricorn forms an ‘out of sign’ square to Neptune at 29° Pisces as Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) slows to a virtual halt leading up to it’s pending retrograde (Jun 29-Nov 15). In addition, Mercury in Cancer forms a sextile to Mars in Taurus before squaring the Moon’s nodes over the weekend.
We have many responsibilities in our lives but we often overlook our primary responsibility over our own feelings both in the sense of properly channeling them but, also, in the sense of properly HONORING them.
Something is begging to be ‘complete’ within us and subsequently RELEASED so that we can ‘move on’ and, over the coming months, we will be clearing this residue away to make room for what awaits us…
For now, we are being made AWARE of our responsibility to our feelings and finding ways to communicate ourselves in ways that can lead to tangible actions toward change is likely to be the most productive!
But, people pleasing and sugar coating won’t be effective anymore…only pure honesty and authentic communication will lead us forward.
On Friday, June 21st, we have a Full Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn the Sea Goat! This comes just one day after the Solstice and the Sun moving into Cancer, so it is a powerful time of completion, letting go and healing along with rebirth, renewal and new beginnings! It is a magical time for manifestation and abundance with these energies combined! Capricorn is an earth sign and traditionally rules goals, ambition, life purpose and achievement. Cancer is a water sign and traditionally rules family, nurturing, emotions and intuition. So, the combination and balance of our inner world and outer world is a focus.
This lunation opposes Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communication, and Venus, ruler of love and resources, in sensitive Cancer and inconjuncts Jupiter, planet of expansion and blessings, in logical Gemini. It may be a time of mixed perceptions and emotions. Endings and new beginnings will be the theme for the next month as Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, rules this Full Moon. And, we will have a second Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn on July 21st.
This makes the completion phase regarding certain karmic lessons even more magnified and important for us at this time. Set some intentions, light a candle, do a ritual or ceremony, and allow time for self-care and healing. The next two months may be filled with many changes on your soul’s journey forward.
Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus. Full Moon in Capricorn – In the early part of the day, there is an opportunity to cut through the noise and focus the mind on practical matters. Think about what you CAN do, not what you can’t. Speak with conviction. Assert opinion tenderly. Consider your goals and then take one, small step towards them. Visualise the win! Tell the story about that time you triumphed. Remind yourself of past successes. Uproot every negative thought before it takes hold. Weed your inner garden.
Watch for an emotional high tide however as the day moves on. The peak of the lunar cycle puts the lights square to Neptune. Whilst we feel the need for certainty, stability and a clear plan, there are a thousand unknowns and too much distraction. Consider the unconscious messages you absorbed as a child that define ‘success’. Ask yourself whether you are living by someone else’s rules, standards or conventions. Drop the word ‘should’ from your vocabulary. Address your work-life balance. Make time to drift and dream, listen to your imagination, pray. Relax your worries about time. When you are in touch with Source wisdom, limits disappear.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 09°Cn12′, Mars 09°Ta12′ – 17:22 (BST)
Moon 01°Cp07′, Sun 01°Cn07′ – 02:07 (BST) June 22, 2024
Note that in the UK, the Full Moon is on the 22nd June – I posted today as for many of you, it will still be the 21st June dependant on time zone
The number 10 is called ‘Planetary’ and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce.’ The 10th step of any wavespell is about manifesting what you need, it provides perfect opportunities. We are still in the Blue Eagle wavespell and so by now, you should be closer to a vision if you have been following the wavespell day by day with intentions set from day one. The wavespell agenda is always prominent throughout and the days along the way are like stepping stones. Day ten is important and really yields results.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘ Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. Yellow Seed days are about sharing wisdom and planting ideas. People born on these days are very good at this but we can all strive to ‘sow awareness’…if you have learnt a valuable lesson, share it with someone who could benefit from your experience. It’s true that you reap what you sow and on Yellow Seed days, you get the chance to see things flower that you’ve previously planted, including ideas. Some things take time to come to fruition. Things may manifest today because in the past you planted seeds. If you want to manifest things in the future, you must lay the groundwork today.
The Guide for the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment and Universal fire’. This is a great guide for such a day, the sun illuminates the path to knowledge making it much easier to share wisdom. And what do we need to make things grow? The Sun of course! This gives a great boost of energy today.
The Challenge of the day is White Wizard, so if you are a Wizard, you will find today tough going. It will be harder for you to share wisdom. Don’t shy away from the challenge though, it’s good practice for you to focus on your weaknesses…how else will you ever improve if you don’t push yourself?
The Occult power today is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. This suggests that there is a magical opportunity today to evolve. The Red Earth, when in this position, can show us that magic facilitates synchronicity and in turn synchronicity increases the likelihood of magic! This can greatly aid our navigation and so, don’t be surprised if today you find yourself magically in the right place at the right time.
The Ally today is the Blue Eagle and so if you need help and support, find a Blue Eagle as their role today is to be everyone’s advisor. As it is the Blue Eagle wavespell…this means that the wavespell energy is friendly to all today. It’s a great day to be creative and remember to look at things from a higher perspective.
KIN 244 = 10 – Manifestation/Power/Leadership/New Beginnings
A very powerful code for MANIFESTATION through AWAKENING to our SOVEREIGN power as the new LEADERS, through our DIVINE partnerships. The 13th Vertical column of the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar, in which we are travelling- symbolizes the OPENING of the Crown chakra of ourselves and our Planet..
The PLANETARY SEED is calling us all to AWAKEN to our DIVINE MISSIONS!!
STEP UP AND TAKE THE REINS/REIGNS! It is time to LEAD by example!
KIN 244 is continuing the work of the BLUE SOLAR NIGHT through this SOLSTICE PORTAL and seeding our Highest potential timeline so we can GROW and BLOSSOM. Very potent AWAKENING codes for humanity.
NOTE: 36 months ago (4 Galactic spins), KIN 244 occured on- August 15th, 2021.. On that Majikal day we had a DIVINE CELESTIAL SIGN.. A great Astrological GRAND CROSS configuration occured in the HEAVENS ABOVE – which was a DIVINE SIGN – heralding that our CHRISTIC templates were ACTIVATED that day, as the Children of the SUN/son!
The Planetary SUN -Flowers truly BLOSSOMED that day into beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
Day 10 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE is AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! It is TIME for the sleeping masses to WAKE UP!!
Today the EAGLE’s POWER of being able to CREATE our greatest VISION, is being SUPER AMPLIFIED with the Planetary tone of Manifestation – Today we can easily MANIFEST on a GLOBAL level!! MANIFESTING greater AWAKENING!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The tenth day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that MANIFESTS! This is the state of perfection of all we imagined possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we reap what we have sown – creating our VISION in the PHYSICAL realm!
The visionary, Blue Eagle allows us to see the potential in things on a much larger SCALE – global and GALACTIC!!. This gives us confidence, enabling us to leave the confines of the nest, and stretch our new found wings, discovering new horizons so that we can GROW to great heights!
Rise up, beloved STAR-BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS and FLY HIGH beyond the Planet and into the far Galaxies.
The PLANETARY WIZARD will greatly assist HUMANITY in breaking FREE from the evil DREAMSPELL, and casting our NEW enchanting WHITE MAJIK DREAMING, to perfect the creation of our UTOPIAN DREAM!
GAIA is strongly calling all the PLANETARY WIZARDS to unite in their collective VISIONS of UTOPIA today… let’s do it!
Today’s questions are ” How can I AWAKEN my DIVINE WILL – perfecting the MANIFESTATION of my greatest VISION, in order to FLOWER and attain my highest potential?
“How can I use my leadership and influence, to AWAKEN others to the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet,in order to perfect the manifestation of our UTOPIAN timeline? “
Divine blessings for extraordinary GLOBAL AWAKENINGS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED KAN Today we are FOCUSED on the highest potential that we can MANIFEST.. YELLOW SEED highlights our capacity to GROW and blossom, from the seed packet, to our greatest potential flowering. We must make this a conscious choice, in order for it to happen.
The PLANETARY SEED today is SUPER ACTIVATED – so today is a POTENT TRIGGER to ACTIVATE and energize the masses through TARGETED AWARENESS – bringing LIGHT to the DARKNESS. If it takes a stick of dynamite or dropping the bomb – in order to achieve GLOBAL AWAKENING – it will happen! NAP TIME IS OVER for the sleepers!
The SEED needs to grow strong roots, and sprout shoots which push through the dark compact earth, against all the resistance it encounters in order to find the LIGHT.
We must not get caught up in the dark void or the struggle to break out. Our intention must hold the VISION of being that beautiful, strong and vibrant plant/flower/tree that we ALL came here to be! A small acorn holds within it the potential to be a massive and vast, wise, oak tree. This is the miracle of nature.
As the craziness, FEAR and programming took DEEP roots in the collective mindset of the sleeping masses – (the unawakened and dormant SEEDS), it is up to the AWAKENED Starseed community to hold the VISION and continue to FOCUS on our desired and destined UTOPIAN society , beyond the illusion of all that is transpiring in the collective.
As we hold higher frequencies of LIGHT – the room becomes BRIGHTER and BRIGHTER, and soon those who are wearing BLINDFOLDS cannot shade their eyes any longer from this LIGHT of ILLUMINATION.
Keep FOCUSING BEYOND – the surreal illusion – and ENERGIZE the BIG PICTURE!!
KAN can also assist us in FOCUSING and targeting AWARENESS so that more people can WAKE-UP, through being influenced by the AWAKENED StarSeeds holding space for them to GROW and reach their highest potential too.
We are all Star”seeds” born of Stardust!. Each of us has a PLANETARY Service Mission programmed into our individual soul’s plan. We are GALACTIC beings and also have a Galactic Mission beyond the confines of this planet. It is time to think MUCH BIGGER. Break out of your HU-Man shell and reach for the stars!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN EB – 10 EB is the kin of MAHATMA GANDHI the famous INDIAN freedom leader – so we have a very powerful higher DRIVING FORCE today working in humanity’s favour to SEED our HIGHEST EVOLUTION!
EB brings forth Buddhic wisdom, allowing us to KNOW and SEE our highest DIVINE potential for our soul.. Aligning our human mind with DIVINE MIND, in order to be, THE BEST HU-man being that we can possibly be, seeking the highest LIGHT.
YELLOW HUMAN invites us to spend time meditating and enVISIONing both HU-manity, and our ascended Planet at its highest point of WISDOM….MANIFESTING a total alignment of Planetary Mind with Divine Mind… This will ensure the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet is realized in our lifetime!
We have the FREE WILL to choose whether to GROW, whether to stagnate, or whether to give up, wither and DIE!.. In order to evolve, we must choose LIFE! Just as a plant uses photosynthesis to process the light particles and nourish its cells, we too must embody the great SOLAR LIGHT, then radiate and share our LIGHT.
We must ENVISION all of HU-manity on our planet, growing and evolving together, all being given the opportunity to grow, free from oppression and constriction, reaching OUR highest individual and COLLECTIVE potential.
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE MEN – the VISIONARY POWER of the majestic BLUE EAGLE is DOUBLED today, as we are in day 10 of its own wavespell. The PLANETARY LENS is on full PANORAMIC VISION as we peer through the LOOKING GLASS – throughout space/time!
The focus of the BIG PICTURE, BIG VISION and BIG DREAMS is totally in the spotlight today. How A-MAZING!!! Our PLANETARY/GLOBAL VISION, our 3rd eye and future VISION is totally activated and transmitting to the MAX.
The PLANETARY EAGLE is ensuring that our Collective MIND – the NOOSPHERE, is totally cleared and REFORMATTED. TODAY we are installing a NEW PROGRAM on our Planetary computer. A QUANTUM RESET! Absolutely FANTASTICO – on this SOLSTICE PORTAL – reprogramming our collective MIND.
This is fully supportive as a BRILLIANT blessing for the AWAKENING of the Collective masses to the Planetary evolution that is unfolding before our very EYES.
IT IS TIME to WAKE UP people!!
(NOTE: BLUE EAGLE revels in appearing in people’s dreamstate to AWAKEN them to the TRUTH)
BLUE EAGLE is beautifully guiding our FLIGHT and AWAKENING us all to what is possible for each of us, beyond our wildest dreams. Expand your horizons. Tap into the incredible power of Blue Eagle, and if need be, ask to be shown what is possible for you.
Spirit, what is next on my journey of soul growth?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING EARTH CABAN is the energy of GAIA, and today it is the SUPERPOWER! This adds phenomenal PLANETARY POWER to this day – as GAIA has the reins, leading us all into this phenomenal ASCENSION phase. We are really expanding the BIG PICTURE to a GLOBAL LEVEL giving us the ability to MANIFEST our imaginings into FORM on the EARTH plane!
CABAN reveals the SIGNS and synchronicities pointing the way for our best focus point, in order to MANIFEST our highest potential…. Many clues will be revealed today on a GLOBAL level as GAIA will be talking to the masses! RED EARTH will be indicating which flags are RED and which are WHITE today…
CABAN will answer your question of what is next, by providing the signs and synchronicities showing you how to NAVIGATE the best path forward. RED EARTH will show you which path is treacherous and best avoided (beware the quicksand!), and which paths are CLEAR – leading you to the greener pastures that you desire.
Watch mumma’s HEARTBEAT (Schumann Resonance) today as she PUMPS UP the volume, BOOSTING the 5D NEW EARTH frequency through her Planetary body.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD IX – Hoo weeeee!! What a brilliant SOOTHSAYER code we have today!! Oh my, so much VISION and WISDOM flowing forth today…
IX is the Galactic Shaman, time traveller and wise SAGE who can access information throughout the Galaxy in multi-dimensions… We have an extensive plethora of answers available today from the great AKASHIC LIBRARY… Particularly relevant in providing solutions to our PLANETARY dilemma – OPENING the path for FREEDOM!
The shadow of WHITE WIZARD – (which is today’s lesson) may highlight issues regarding integrity and control. Integrity comes from an intention to be HONEST and true to yourself, and others, and being totally transparent. You are your AUTHENTIC SELF – what you SEE is who you are! Having integrity means that you can be TRUSTED to do what you say you will do, that you are TRUE to your WORD! It also means that your actions are congruent with your feelings and honest INTENTION.
Integrity comes from a deep connection with SELF. It is characterized by a willingness to speak your TRUTH, to address your shadow issues honestly, and to WILLINGLY complete issues with yourself and others.
WHITE WIZARD also reveals issues of control and personal power. Look into your life to see how these issues might be manifesting.
Do you sometimes feel a need to hold on, to control, to have things your way?
Is your personal will combined with a desire for recognition, approval, status, or fame?
Many people in this shadow seem calculating and controlling, using their MINDS without alliance to their HEARTS. This DISCONNECTION from SPIRIT is what has led society astray. When man believes that he is accountable to no-ONE but himself, he digs a deep hole for his soul. GREED, POWER and self-aggrandisement are the traits that SEED corruption, disarray, competition and separation.
The need for control arises when you feel insecure, or no longer connected, to that which creates meaning and satisfaction in your life. The DIVINE PLAN and the experience of ONENESS, felt through the web of CREATION is what connects us all together as sparks of DIVINE SOURCE. AWAKENING to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS fuels our renewed PASSION and our desire to DO GOOD for our PLANET and HU-MAN-KIND, driving our DIVINE purpose.
The GIFT that the WIZARD brings today, is to MANIFEST from your PURE Heart (and the PLANETARY HEART) bringing forth your soul’s yearnings. Being honest and truthful with what you TRULY desire. By connecting to Spirit through your HEART, and holding the highest and purest intentions, you will reap the benefits and MANIFEST your greatest dreams into reality – reaching your FULL PLANETARY POTENTIAL.
The PLANETARY WIZARD will greatly assist HUMANITY in breaking FREE from the evil DREAMSPELL, and casting our NEW enchanting WHITE MAJIK DREAMING, to perfect the creation of our UTOPIAN DREAM!
GAIA is strongly calling all the PLANETARY WIZARDS to unite in their collective VISIONS of UTOPIA today… let’s do it!
Today’s questions are ” How can I AWAKEN my DIVINE WILL – perfecting the MANIFESTATION of my greatest VISION, in order to FLOWER and attain my highest potential?
“How can I use my leadership and influence, to AWAKEN others to the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet,in order to perfect the manifestation of our UTOPIAN timeline? “
Divine blessings for extraordinary GLOBAL AWAKENINGS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥
Connecting with our Star Nations
This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art
Under the luminous glow of the Strawberry Full Moon, We gather in reverence and gratitude. Mother Moon, you who shine so brightly in the Capricorn sky, Guide us with your ancient wisdom and steadfast strength.
As the sweet scent of strawberries fills the air, We honor the abundance of the earth and the fruition of our dreams. Capricorn, wise and enduring, teach us the value of patience, The power of perseverance, and the joy of hard-earned success.
Great Spirit of the Moon, Illuminate our paths with your gentle light. Help us to find balance between our ambitions and our need for rest, Between our work and our play, our dreams and our realities.
May the grounding energy of Capricorn anchor us, Providing stability amidst life’s ever-changing tides. Let this Full Moon be a time of reflection and celebration, A moment to acknowledge our achievements and plant seeds for the future.
Bless us with the courage to climb our highest mountains, The wisdom to know our limits, and the grace to accept them. As we bask in your celestial glow, may we feel connected to the rhythms of the cosmos, To the cycles of the earth, and to the divine energy within and around us.
In this sacred moment, we release what no longer serves us, Making space for new growth, love, and light. We give thanks for the blessings of the Strawberry Full Moon, And for the steadfast guidance of Capricorn’s enduring spirit.
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