StarSeeds Ascension

Blue Rays & StarSeeds Ascension Shift Symptoms Updates ~

NEW MOON in Gemini June 3rd – begin 3 days prior and after

A Brand New Energy Cycle 333 Portals of Transformation & Inner Alchemy for the Sensitive Empaths
~ How to use this Special Magical New Moon

The Blue Ray Water Souls are sensitive empath star seeds who channel their creative force though the sacred divine feminine. You have an innate capacity to feel and connect with Mother Earth and Nature. This is one of your navigating treasures here on Mother Earth Terra, Goddess of the Earth. As sensitive empathy’s who align through the Sacred Divine Feminine, this Moon is a portal to the Celestial heavens that will awaken Cosmic Conscious Awareness in you.
Blue Ray’s and Starseeds empathic sensitive’s of the Christo Sophia Goddess Heart Love
These empathic Souls by virtue of the Christos/Sophia, Goddess are heart based spiritual that allows you to experience the higher forces of Nature around you. Your gifts of intuition and emotions will be amplified during this New moon time to experience the unforeseen levels, sentential beings and dimensions through the Divine rhythms of the Universal wisdom of Power.
This New Moon could be a very transforming gateway of emotional body energy that stimulates creations of evolution for many of the Blue Ray empathy
Even though you cannot see the New Moon the energy is working through your psychic awareness as a powerful portal to your soul that can support your dreams and desires. The new moon is traditionally seen as a time for withdrawal and inward reflection though it will feel more expansion and engaging. The engaging maybe the answers and directions that you implement throughout the summer season that has energy serge till the fall.
New Moon Ascension Energies
Opportunities of ideas and connections may come for you that have not before that could change your life direction, a needed element that surfaces that is now available to you and enhance everything you do.
Euphonies that some of your goals and desires do not fit with where and who you are now. They may now be released effortless, which will expand for more focus of Universal energy to support and make a new way for you.
Emotional sensitive of increase awareness that is uplifting and empowering the higher heart center of your whole being.
Be open for new ways of expressing yourself that you have not been before Blue Ray as you have had a tenancy to hide. Nnew awareness of being is expanding and it will be perfect alignment to match who you are and your vibration. That’s how you know it right for you.
Increase in intuitive and psychic abilities and telepathy
The blue Ray’ Starseed sensitive’s will be compelled to speak your truth and to articulate your feelings in the Venusian way
Increase in spiritual confidence for new insights to launch new projects you didn’t think were possible
Communicating and writing
Events happening at rapid speed
Downloads of expanded ideas, psychic Insights, spiritual insights will reach you the ethereal realm
As many new insights, energies and opportunities will be at times coming through at all once makes sure to honor your sensitive nature and emotional bodies. Take time to meditate, and for sacred solitary time and in Nature to balance the energies and to know what is real and true for you.
The key is gratitude. Thanking all the blessings and opportunities that come and then let go and to see which ones will have more energy empowerment that truly resonating with your soul’s heart joy, that bring Peace and alignment.
Know Your empathy sensitive heart are treasured by the Universes ~ You are beloved. We Love you! I love you!
💙Please Share and thank you just include the credits here💙
Copyright © by Shekina Rose of
– Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL
is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:
Shekina Blue Ray Star born , Peace Emissary and channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet. Shekina has had 3 NDE that activated in her to sing in the miracle frequencies of the Language of Light. She is an Angelic Messenger Language of Light, vocalist, Creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals Sacred technologies & Intuitive empath Sound Healer and Soul Reader
**Experience Shekina Rose Star Language Angelic Harmonics at the Sedona Transformational Cosmic Awakening Sacred Sound Concert ~ June 22 at the Sedona Creative Life Center with Devara Thunderbeat Cosmic Awakening Band Sacred Sound of Transformation
Hear their last performance at Sedona Cosmic Awakening here:…
Are YOU From the BLUE Ray?
Sedona Vortex Cyrstals
**See Gorgeous Sedona Vortex/Language of Light transmission Videos

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dorothy

    I listened to Shekina’s, ‘Are you a Blue Ray’ and cried. I have had a Blue Orb visit me for years. I even captured a photo of him once. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Sandy Bella

    Yay Paul! This site is back online. This website was offline yesterday!!
    I love, love, love this update. I really resonate with the descriptions of Blue Rays however I haven’t experienced an out of this world merging/integration yet with my 5D Blue Ray Higher Self like I did with my 4D Rainbow Self ❤
    Had another amazing mystical experience last night after needing to sleep half of yesterday after my big weekend. I went into altered state where I merged with and became one with the Goddess, Mother Nature again last night. Amazing, amazing. I was taken on a journey where I was one with Mother Nature here on Gaia, the creating of and enjoyment and love for Nature, then out into the Universe where I experienced Mother Nature creating The Universe. Then after experiencing total ecstacy, I was one with both The Nothingness and The All as Mother Nature for quite a while I think. When I started coming out of my altered state, was back on Earth as Mother Nature, weaving our energy, creating Rivers and seeing the life, the fish in the Rivers. Amazing, amazing, amazing night experiencing Mother Nature. I am vibrating high and feeling strongly connected to Mother Nature and feeling very blessed ❤ Am crying. Everything I have been through of late is worth this ❤

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