Mystic Aqua Blue Healer Star Seed Lineage ~ Sun in Sagittarius * Holding Space for Humanity ~ Sacred Trinity 333
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Star Dreamers of the One Holy Light
Happy New Season today as our local Soularis transitions into the Fire sign of Saggitarrius the Centaur and Archer. Sag is the learned healer whose wisdom creates a bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Get ready for a new adventure as we go on a Vision Quest to seek the Higher Gnosis of Divinity within as we journey through the Spiral of Life and into the Zero Point Still Center as the Source of All That Is.
Let us embrace our True Nature of Buddha Mind of the Awakened One through Self Realization as we come to know thyself beyond all form and concepts and into the Great Mystery of Eternal Life.
We continue to release all that no longer serves our self or our missions and forgive and transform all duality and conflicts into the Knowledge and Truth as we step through the Ascension Portal and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth… A’Ho!
A glorious day today as our local Soularis transitions into the sign of Sagittarius the Archer and Centaur!!
The Sun in Sagittarius marks a time of exploration, optimism, and expansion. Sagittarius, a fire sign, is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, wisdom, and growth. When the Sun moves into this adventurous sign, it highlights themes of freedom, higher learning, and the pursuit of truth. Here’s a breakdown of its significance:
Key Themes of the Sun in Sagittarius
1. Exploration and Adventure
Sagittarius is the zodiac’s traveler, seeking new horizons and experiences.
This period inspires a thirst for adventure, whether through travel, new ideas, or pushing boundaries.
People may feel drawn to expand their physical, intellectual, or spiritual worlds.
2. Optimism and Enthusiasm
The Sun in Sagittarius brings a vibrant, hopeful energy.
It encourages us to see the bigger picture, focusing on possibilities rather than limitations.
Even in challenging times, Sagittarius energy sparks faith and resilience.
3. Higher Learning and Philosophy
Sagittarius rules education, philosophy, and belief systems, emphasizing the pursuit of wisdom and truth.
This is a time for seeking deeper meaning, exploring spiritual paths, or engaging in intellectual growth.
Questioning old beliefs and embracing new perspectives can bring clarity and purpose.
4. Freedom and Independence
Sagittarius values freedom above all, promoting a desire for autonomy and authenticity.
This energy encourages breaking free from restrictions and following one’s true path.
5. Honesty and Directness
Sagittarius is known for its straightforwardness, valuing honesty and integrity.
This influence can inspire candid conversations but may also bring bluntness, requiring balance in communication.
Strengths of the Sun in Sagittarius
Optimistic Energy: A time for dreaming big and believing in possibilities.
Inspiration: Sparks creativity, vision, and passion for pursuing goals.
Generosity: Encourages sharing knowledge, resources, and goodwill with others.
Expansiveness: Opens the mind to diverse cultures, ideas, and philosophies.
Challenges of the Sun in Sagittarius
Restlessness: The desire for freedom and adventure may lead to impatience or a lack of focus.
Over-Optimism: Blind faith or overconfidence can result in overlooked details or risky decisions.
Bluntness: Directness, while refreshing, can sometimes come across as tactless or inconsiderate.
Sagittarius Archetype
The archer, symbolized by a centaur holding a bow and arrow, represents Sagittarius. The arrow points toward the heavens, signifying the quest for higher knowledge and spiritual truth. This archetype reminds us to aim high and remain open to endless possibilities.
How to Harness the Sun in Sagittarius Energy
Explore New Horizons: Take a trip, learn something new, or dive into a topic that fascinates you.
Seek Truth and Wisdom: Reflect on your beliefs, values, and long-term goals.
Stay Optimistic: Focus on opportunities rather than setbacks.
Practice Gratitude: Sagittarius energy thrives on generosity and joy—express thankfulness for the abundance in your life.
The Sun in Sagittarius brings a period of growth, positivity, and discovery. It invites you to step beyond your comfort zone, embrace life’s adventures, and trust in the journey. Under this fiery, expansive influence, we’re reminded to live with purpose, curiosity, and an open heart.
Have a most beautiful and blessed Sagittarius Season!
Much Love and Blessings in the Light. The Eagle and the Condor…A’ho! 🕊🕉🦅
TODAY’S ORACLE. It does feel, at last, that the Universe had a plan. For you, for your life. Welcome this shift with grace and hope. Your steps are being shown. An easiness is coming. Your prayers are answered, as if you worked for months or years to get to that point, to grow, to learn, and eventually Life meets you halfway. You deserve this. You deserve the bountiness, the love, the peace, the alignment, the abundance coming your way. You never gave up, in the energy of it. You asked for the esence of something and you are about to be rewarded. Expect powerful shifts in all areas. New dawn.
The Visit to my Earthly Human Lineage brings more and more of Such Profound realizations…
To See and Experience how my Star Lineage connects and intertwines and is shifting and morphing through its Wisdom body as I meet my Mother and my Daughter in Sacred Trinity 333 at the Circle…this is the work & legacy to pass onto future generations that is happening right in front of my eyes through Us and the eyes of our Unity Conscious Body of the Feminine Principle.
The Child & the Mother Unite again through Unconditional Love within and through the 333 Alchemy of Reconciliation and Letting go…
Powerfully intense magical and transformational incoming energies over the upcoming weeks, providing opportunity to fully release the stories of the old and embody the new
All fear density distortion programs…surfacing for release
Not engaging reacting to old energies, feeling it to heal and releasing all that doesn’t serve one’s highest good and the highest good of all will allow for huge shifts in conciousness/BEing, much clarity peace joy bliss, opportunity to fully release attachments to the human experience and embody one’s divinity, wholeness, mighty I AM presence, Christ/Love and Unity conciousness
Your higher self has already chosen
Releasing control resistance and fear of the unknown and allowing it all to flow will allow for much smoother transition
Paradise is a frequency within
The only way out is in
This freedom ride and lessons will only increase in intensity until all is released
“The difference between the Shadow and the Gift is summed up in one of the sweetest pieces of wisdom ever uttered by any human being. This one is from a Chinese sage, Chuang Tzu, obviously an old friend of Yoda. Take these words in deeply – Easy is Right. Wow, what do you think of that?” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
11/21/24: As we say goodbye to Scorpio today, it’s okay to uplift your spirits in Sagittarius. In fact, it’s important that you do. Your mindset is your top priority right now after the heavy vibes you’ve just traversed. Happiness might feel forced but it’s always waiting for you to receive it. Your Right Action is to remove yourself from the darkness. Don’t forget that you are the alchemist and the master of your energy. Mercury will soon turn retrograde and you’ll want to see where you’re headed. Your light will invite more Light. And that’s the kind of power you want on your side.
Sagittarius Season runs from 21st November to 20th December 2024 and is a crucial time in the ascension journey of all those looking to align with the 5th dimensional frequencies as they continue to soar.
Sagittarius is the only zodiac season fully included in the angelic portal of support which arcs across from 1.11 2024 – 11.1 2025. At this point we are close to the end of the Lightbridge anchoring point at 24.12.24 and therefore it can only be expected that we might witness a time of endings as well as the need to make some challenging personal choices or decisions, as we are really brought to think about upleveling our third dimensional journey to become attuned with that of a higher perspective.
For this reason 24.11.24 is likely to be an energetic signpost by way of which events occurring around you are shown to be significant in how you create a path ahead.
For each one to be able to embody this new mode, inner balance, soul growth and alignment to organic time are required.
This is why we have been working on the three brains.
Pluto and Mars are the creators of this activation in the service of the Divine Magna Mater.
Magna Mater’s matrix is back, awakening her powers which will totally transform all systems of Earth.
Such powers can lift people higher than ever before but also drive people insane if they are not ready because these powers are pushing all systems to a new position so all the oblivion and hidden toxicity and distortion from all traumatic emotions and thoughts will be moving to the surface very fast and abruptly.
We just began after the september equinox interacting with time in new healing ways via the organic currents of time.
In our last group session we underwent a great change of the mental body which was both an exorcism/divine upgrade which reconnected us to the Nous of God and a shielding protection because as it was said, the human mind right now is swimming within a sea of chaotic and impure information mixed with higher rays and living plasma.
The return to the organic current of time is taking place together with the return of the matrix of Magna Mater!
This is the new reality!
What will play out next in the world will be very powerful and transformative and the events of distraction will be plenty.
The next few months will not be an easy ride for the world.
During these times many will depart and the unaware masses will be releasing very frustrating, fearful, incoherent and aggressive thoughts and emotions that they never took the time to responsibly address within the frame of therapy and healing.
For some, the next one year will be also a battle with self destruction, deep disappointment and even suicide tendency as the energies intefering with the human systems and affecting it greatly against the self, will be also very present in order to stop people from attaining self love and understanding which are requirements for them to continue forward.
The retrograde movement of Mars 7 dec – 23 feb will be very powerfully felt as it is connected with all the processes of correction and adjustment of the opening of the orgasmic mode and the return of the matrix of Magna Mater!
This will be a period of different forms of surgery, literally and metaphorically.
The need for surgery usually appears when some kind of inner imbalance has been left unaddressed for a long time whether in the current life time or a previous one.
So the time for correction and restoration is truly here.
The Matrix of Magna Mater has returned and the Spirits of Good are here and are incarnating!
Blessings of Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
We need to do this in order to fulfill OUR MISSION and REASON FOR BEING. We must LEARN how to TRANSMUTER the MISFORTUNE THOUGHTS, WORDS, ACTIONS, and FEELINGS we have CREATED in the PAST. These INCORRECT HUMAN CREATIONS COMPLIMENTS to us through our DAILY EXPERIENCES of LIFE. As these UNALIGNED ENERGY resurfaces, they often wreak havoc on our LIVES and cause us quite a lot of suffering. These negative energy returns do not occur to invade us or punish us, but rather, to give us the opportunity to TRANSLATE them to THEIR ORIGINAL PERFECTION. In other words, THOSE ENERGY are returned to BE RELEASED by LOVE.
Scientifically, we know that destructive energy does not exist. We can’t just saying, cancel, cancel and erase the past. WE ARE BLESSED, meanwhile, because the Earth is in experimentation we are receiving help from ABOVE BEYOND all that has been given thus far to the CHILDREN of GOD in any SYSTEM of the WORLD.
Within the Earth’s natural orbital process known as the PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES, we have entered the AQUARIUS FORCE field. This CONSTELLATION RESONATES WITH THE SEVENTH SOLAR ASPECT OF THE DEITY, the VIOLET FLAME of INFINITE TRANSMUTATION which IS THE PREMIER ACTIVITY of LIGHT on EARTH NOW and won’t be in the next 2000 years.
As we move into Sagittarius, the amplification of the tenth-dimensional waves will reach its peak, as Sagittarius is the sign that helps us in alchemization, becoming illumined beings, and building our tenth-dimensional body, becoming, finally, to continue becoming illumined beings. It is with Sagittarius that we start the process of moving from carbon to crystalline beings, for this Fire sign facilitates the transfiguration and consecutive resurrection process that many of us are now undergoing.
A process that is also awakening in many of you new sensory abilities, as you keep reconnecting with your true selves. Abilities such as telepathy with non-physical beings, as you are now open to contact, animal communication, for animals, have a very precise way of communicating that escapes our physical senses, and many others such as consciousness bilocation, for your divine potential, like you too, is infinite.
For those who are telempathics, especially for those of you with special children, the current energies will amplify our Heart Intelligence, making them even more sensitive to many 3D noises, waves, and emotions. As conscious parents and highly evolved beings already, you will receive instructions on how best to help them in their integration process, remember that the new children do not need so much healing or clearing, although they are all unique, but to be taught learning mechanics, on how to cope with all the 3D anomalies that affect them so much.
For the rest of us, Sagittarian frequencies are meant to propitiate the regeneration of our Diamond template, as new earth’s children already come with their template regenerated, moving from the ashes of the old and embodying our Divinity, becoming the Light being that we are.
It is time now to continue clearing false timelines, Cathar-Essene memories, monadic disconnection, and trauma, for many of you have dwelt in many civilizations and dimensions, experiencing many different painful experiences that your entire monad still carry, and that you, at a physical level shall remove.
Freeing ourselves from anything that is not who we truly are, is what will allow us to move into a new harmonic dimension, for where we are going we cannot coexist with lower frequencies, whether lower thoughts, feelings, memories we carry or any other anomalies that reside in our physical or non-physical bodies.
The current energies are also preparing us to step into the next phase of our ascension journey, after having reconnected to our monad, which as you know ends in the ninth chakra. Our next step towards self-integration is the healing and activation of our tenth-dimensional body.
Our tenth-dimensional chakra is connected to our 8th monadic one, and to the thalamus and hence our 7th-dimensional chakra, which is too linked to our female second chakra and emotional body, through many body meridian lines that together form the totality of our female body system portals.
When we start reconstructing our female energy and all the portals associated with it, the next step towards its completion is to heal and activate our 10th dimensional chakra, which is almost 7 inches above our crown one, and of an intense blue color.
Activating our monadic connection and continuing further into our tenth-dimensional chakra, is what will allow us higher communication with our Divine Selves, and therefore the retrieval of our divine-sensory abilities, for we have accumulated, and mastered many abilities during many of our lifetimes in this, and any other plane within Creation, and it is now time to free ourselves from our 3D mental cage and start embodying our true potential.
As we also continue rehabilitating our DNA strands, we will become more aware of our entire galactic and human history, removing anomalies, retrieving wisdom, and integrating our universal mission.
At a physical level, Sagittarius rules our bone structure as well, especially our femur, and hips. For those of you who are also already immersed in density emancipation or physical ascension, and even more, for those of you who have arthritis or similar conditions, I asked my guides what could be of assistance, as many of you have asked me and unfortunately I cannot respond to all at the moment.
My Guides shared that silica drops, and water therapies, especially hydrotherapy, will work well, although the second depends on how advanced is the condition. Please, take only what resonates, do your research, and remember that you know your body and you have your guidance, the best of all.
Cellular therapies are also of great assistance if you have these conditions, and above all, conscious nutrition especially because with these conditions, plus the physical ascension process, your bone structure needs to receive nutrients and some foods literally poison the bones and body cells, impeding the integration of nutrients.
If any of you are doing other therapies and would like to share in the comments for All who can benefit from it, I would appreciate it immensely.
We are in this conscious shift together, for we are all One moving in the same direction, even though to get there, there are many detours.
Our mission is to continue working on ourselves as the only way to continue anchoring change in the whole. Remaining in our Higher Hearts, in a natural and compassionate space is pivotal, as I always share, for when we remain within judgments or feed Consciousness traps our frequency is linked again to an old timeline and way of being.
We are for the first time recognizing our divinity, removing illusions, and showing others that it is possible to live an integrated and compassionate life.
May you always choose to continue dwelling within divine love and harmony, Beloveds.
Cut away the fears of being trapped. Instead set the intentions to find alternative options. Seek out the solutions intuitively, and through researching externally. It will lead to trying something new more in alignment with the Age of Aquarius.
On Thursday, November 21st, the Sun, the lens through which we shine our Light, is shifting into inspirational, fire sign Sagittarius at 2:56pm EST. For the next month we are focused on freedom, expansion, knowledge, belief systems, higher learning and new horizons! We are on a quest for the future! We feel more enthusiastic and spontaneous!
We are more jovial and optimistic! Today the Sun, newly into Sagittarius, will create a positive sextile connection to Pluto, newly in Aquarius! There is an opportunity to expand into the transformational energies on a mental and spiritual level. So, explore and seek your truth! It is time to travel into a new adventure!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, the lens through which we shine our Light, is shifting into inspirational, fire sign Sagittarius
Sun enters Sagittarius and sextile Pluto in Aquarius – After an intense journey, light floods the landscape. Suddenly we see there’s a whole world out there. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Who are you becoming? Imagine or even take yourself to a new setting. Who are you in this new place? Putting yourself in a new environment stretches what you believe about your capabilities. Climb up high to see the big picture. Engage your sense of humour – it chases away shadows and fills you with bubbling enthusiasm. Laughter is good for the soul and the body.
There is not one truth but many truths. Address those beliefs that try to keep you small, hold you back or limit you. Consider what gives your life meaning, what thrills your heart. Cast off the shackles and set yourself free to explore the possibilities. Hold an empowering vision for your future. Give yourself room to grow.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. We are right in the middle of the Blue Monkey wavespell and finally well clear of the intense squishy bit in between the two Portal Day columns. It’s not over yet mind you.. when we are at the top of the next column – Red Spectral Dragon – the intensity will transform into awesomeness. This is the third wavespell of the notorious Blue Western Castle of Burning. The last wavespell is Yellow Seed which also contains ten Portal days but it is more rewarding than intense; in my personal opinion. The Yellow Seed yields a cornucopia harvest and many good things come out of it. This is day seven of the Monkey wavespell which translates into: Fine tune your intuition, be still and listen for instructions. The seventh day is about trusting your gut instincts. So, if you regularly remember to do this when the Resonant number comes round every 13 days, that’s a great and healthy habit to form. With enough practice we become better at trusting our natural instincts.
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. These instructions that are waiting for you, if you can tune into the right frequency, will lead you to Evolve. ‘Navigation’ is about steering yourself in the right direction once you have understood these instructions. Again, use your intuition and you’ll know just what to do. It’s a great combination of day and number as we always experience more psychic activity whenever we connect to Mother Earth. It’s when our Ego disconnects us, that we lose the ability to navigate.
The Guide today is the Red Moon which symbolizes relaxation. As always when the Moon guides us, we must surrender and relinquish control and trust that things will work out. This laid-back attitude is very good for channeling too, so permit yourself to chill. Really anything can happen when the Moon guides, you’ve just got to be prepared that anything you planned, may not turn out well. In fact, drop all of your plans as things never turn out the way you expect when the Moon guides anyway.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand, the healing energy. We all need healing, the Earth too but today it is especially challenging to get the healing that’s needed so badly. If you are a Blue Hand, your challenge is to evolve, if you are a Red Earth your challenge is to heal. These are opposing energies but together they create wholeness.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents sowing awareness. When in this position, the knowledge being shared, centers around all matters magical. The Yellow Seed is a bit of a know it all. They dabble in this and that and consume information like no one’s business. Luckily for us they love to share this wisdom.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you talk to anyone today, talk to a White Wind. They’ll have a message for you to help you evolve.
BAM – 3 HOLY TRINITY – HEAVENLY SOURCE FLOW supporting us in our quest – great Momentum to GO WITH THE NEW AQUARIAN FLOW!
A much more yin, DIVINELY feminine day today, attuning to the EARTH MAJIK of PACHAMAMA!
Day 7 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence. Today we are asked to BE STILL, LISTEN and attune to the synchronicities which lead us to greater MAJIK and BLISS!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all, to walk through the doorways, offering new pathways and opportunities.
Today we are super sensitive, as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing.
What signals are you receiving?
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which DOUBLES the MAJIK of the MONKEY wavespell today !!
What are you ATTUNED to today? What form of MAJIKAL portal will you manifest?
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the NEW EARTH frequencies, leading to the flow of more MAJIK, opportunities and BLISS in my life ?”.
Divine blessings for attaining Majikal resonance with these NEW EARTH 5D BLISS codes of PACHAMAMA today!
We are ONE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT EARTH -CABAN attunes us to the signs, synchronicities and FLOW of the natural rhythms of Gaia. KIN 137 STRONGLY ATTUNES us to the frequency of NEW EARTH!
This aligns well with the RIGHT TIMING as PLUTO has now entered the sign of AQUARIUS for the next 2 decades! This new frequency will be pulsing forth ensuring we UPGRADE rapidly and align with this NEW WAY of being.
ANCHOR it in your being NOW.
The RESONANT EARTH is very closely bonded with Mother Gaia, and highly attuned to her signals.
CABAN beckons us through our attunement to her rhythms, to be sensitive to the FLOW of great Majik through our Planetary body. Today Gaia gives us the SIGNS of synchronicity and RIGHT TIMING.
What it is to track the MAJIK in your life and all around you, to track the JOY and find your BLISS.
If you have lost the BLISS in your life – go back to your roots and what makes your HEART sing..
Being immersed in the splendour of nature is a quick boost to our BLISS quotient.
It is TIME to reset your BLISS BAROMETER...
Red Resonant Earth reminds us that we are the Children of Gaia, and through our Earth Mother we are all connected. As she feels and senses through us, we too can sense and FEEL through her, as we connect at a much deeper and more empathic level.
Talking to the trees, listening to the wind, sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, soaking in the Solar rays, hearing the choir of birdsong, and feeling the pulsing of Mother Earth’s heartbeat.
The RESONANT EARTH is our GPS system pointing the way forward – our navigation cycle enabling us to EVOLVE into cycles of greater BLISS and fulfillment.
The NEW HU-MANS will be more attuned to the EARTH and all of creation – this is our key to growth. Our ancestors knew this wisdom and imparted it to future generations through their storytelling and prophecies. Sadly current generations have broken the connection with their ancestors and wisdom keepers to their demise, feeling the great separation and disconnection from the land and her EARTH MAJIK. .
NOW is the TIME to reconnect! As we connect and F-E-E-L more deeply, we develop more love, respect and begin to truly honour this beautiful planet we call home. Tune in and be inspired through listening to Gaia’s messages to navigate your path back home to unbounded BLISS.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT MOON – MULUC adds more gentle, feminine, intuitive energies, and a beautiful sensitivity to this day. Added to the resonant tone, this makes today a highly EMPATHIC day, so be sure to channel this into expression through greater compassion for all you connect with.
How DIVINELY PERFECTO that the GODDESS is the higher guide of the RESONANT EARTH – taking charge as we anchor and attune to these new AQUARIAN – 5D energies. A beautiful synergy between the two RED SISTARS blessing us with their GIFTS today.
Your psychic senses are heightened today – so tune in to the messages, signs and signals you are channeling.
The power of the Goddess and her Universal waters allows us to FLOW with the thoughts, ideas and opportunities arising today.
Our focus is on PURIFICATION of our emotional body, particularly through the familial lines and ancestral patterns. We are releasing old patterns of the past, that impede us from obtaining a state of BLISS, and returning to our pure childlike innocence.
The Universal waters of the Goddess really SOOTHE our senses, bathing us in the much needed gentleness we need. Mother GODDESS will cradle our beautiful INNER CHILD back to a state of absolute contentment and GLEE.
Gently FLOW with the energies today, connecting to your inner BLISS, and feel the MAJIK coursing through your body, as everything starts to GLOW and come ALIVE!
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the Stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT WIND– IK works in unison with CABAN to bring us much stronger messages today. The RESONANT WIND – opens a SUPER HIGHWAY connection to Spirit and the natural world.. uninterruptible FLOW!
We have the messages from Mother Earth, echoing and amplified through the whispering wind. Feel the connection to Spirit, to Mother Gaia and to the natural kingdoms. Be an antenna and ALLOW the BLISS to FLOW through you today.
Where are the WINDS of CHANGE guiding you?
Open your mainsail and allow Spirit to be your GPS.. navigating your new path to more JOY and fulfillment.
The great WHITE WIND wants us ALL to unfurl our mainsails in order to allow the WIND to help us SAIL out of the harbour, into new waters and new lands, exploring new adventures.
The sleeping masses are like yachts docked in a safe port. They are firmly ANCHORED to the shore with their ropes curled around the bollards, and their sails are packed away… They are going NOWHERE – because they are too afraid to change and explore the unknown… their FEAR keeps them anchored and trapped.
In contrast the STARBLISS-SUPERNOVA SUNS are in their boats headed out of the harbour, – eager for the NEW ADVENTURES that this oncoming, exciting NEW year of 2025 is bringing.
So far we have been using the mechanical ENGINES of the yachts trying to make forward progress – This could only get us so far, as many boats were stopping and starting, or running out of fuel. They had no NATURAL FLOW to help them GO.
In order to really take off at accelerated speeds we need to unfurl our mainsails, tack a little to the right 45 degrees, and catch the WIND in our sails. Allow the WHITE WIND to take hold, steering us all in the right DIRECTION, out to the vast ocean of opportunities, as we attune to our natural flow.
Sail your boat, connect to mother GAIA, sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being.
Feel yourself in synchronic flow with the cycles and timing of the Natural world. Allow the breath of Spirit to course through your body becoming a Divine conduit, the living bamboo reed. The conduit of FLOW for spiritual evolution.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT SEED – KAN Is the SEED of new potentials through expanded GROWTH. We are all SEED packets with potent LIGHT packets encoded within us.
How wonderful that the SEED/GROWTH and AWARENESS is the hidden agenda, and SUPERPOWER. behind KIN 137 TODAY! This is the dynamic lifter – fertilizer, to catapult our forward propulsion today at WARP SPEED – as Spirit keeps telling me!!!
The YELLOW SEED – NEW GROWTH cycle – is commencing in 7 days time on 28 NOVEMBER 2024 – so GET READY for accelerated GROWTH…
Today we get a TASTER of the YELLOW SEED’s gifts!
KAN enables us to express our creativity today and to cocreate the beautiful gardens of the future. One by one, each sowing our own unique seed, through our unique talents and contributions, until one day our garden has flourished into the GARDEN OF EDEN! A haven filled with ABUNDANCE that we can harvest at will. Collective abundance for all beings.
Tune in to the HIGHEST POTENTIALl revealed to you through CABAN, MULUC and IK to lead you down the path of greatest LIGHT and natural FLOW!
Higher Calling (1111 Hz) | 1 hour handpan music | Malte Marten & Konstantin Rössler
Sail your beautiful yacht to ABUNDANT new lands, where you can SOW new seeds of potential.
Enjoy the NEW opportunities allowing you to S-T-R-E-T-C-H- your WINGS and FLY.
Aho, me hearties!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT HAND – MANIK challenges us to trust in the presence of HEALING. This is revealed as the knowing of the greater vision, to our deepest inner-sense, our child-like nature that is drawn to the Majik of what we can accomplish.
The RESONANT HAND is highly attuned to the HEALING wisdom from Mother Gaia’s treasury of medicinal cures and elixirs. Allow MANIK to navigate your course, to accomplish full restoration and wholeness once again.
FEEL the POWER of Spirit coursing through your veins and allow nature to soothe your soul, healing your ailing techno. stressed body. Open to the FLOW of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, sea, mountains and forests of the natural world to accomplish great healing today!
Enjoy this beautiful gentle NEW DAY beloveds.
STOP, LISTEN, CONNECT and revel in the Majik of synchronicity!
Open your MAINSAILS and invite the WIND to take you to WONDROUS NEW LANDS.
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the NEW EARTH frequencies, leading to the flow of more MAJIK, opportunities and BLISS in my life ?”.
Divine blessings for attaining Majikal resonance with these NEW EARTH 5D BLISS codes of PACHAMAMA today!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for Pluto in Aquarius and the New Golden Age of New Earth Activation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Divine Light of Truth and Adventure,
As the Sun journeys through Sagittarius, the Archer,
We open our hearts to the energy of exploration, wisdom, and faith.
Guide us to aim high, like the arrow seeking the heavens,
To pursue our dreams with courage and confidence,
And to expand our horizons in the spirit of discovery.
Illuminate our path with optimism and joy,
Filling us with the belief that all things are possible
When we trust in the boundless abundance of the Universe.
Grant us the courage to break free from limitations,
To embrace authenticity and the call of our soul’s journey.
Help us to walk this path with integrity, guided by higher truths.
Teach us to see the beauty in diversity and the wisdom in every experience.
May we be open to learning, growing, and sharing our light with others.
We honor the fire of Sagittarius,
A flame that burns bright with passion, freedom, and inspiration.
May it kindle within us a spirit of adventure and generosity,
And a faith that carries us through even the darkest nights.
With gratitude for the wisdom of the Archer,
We step forward boldly,
Ready to explore the infinite possibilities of life.
And so it is. Amen.
This prayer can be used during the Sun in Sagittarius season to align with its vibrant and expansive energy.
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