Star Councils of Light: 2018 Sound Healing/Activation
by Solara An-Ra
SOUND HEALING/ACTIVATION EXERCISE:Step 1: We ask you to tune into this ability now by listening to a piece of music, and noticing the effect that it has on you. Is your auric field expanding or contracting while you listen? Do you feel yourself grounding or centering – or are you being lifted into a higher vibration – or both? Do you feel your emotions raising towards happiness or descending into fear? This is your first task in this lesson: to learn how to tune in when listening to a piece of music, and to observe carefully how your emotions and energy are being affected by the sound. It is a meditation on sound, as such – Step 2: When you have found one or more pieces of music that you like and find uplifting, close your eyes and see if you can perceive any colour or shapes being created by the sounds. It is possible to open your inner vision through your intention, and actually see wave lengths, vibration, sacred geometry or colour that is being generated by or which a part of the music. This is a natural skill of yours, you have simply not been encouraged to do it. Try this exercise when in a group, or with your children, and see what comes up – you will be encouraged in your efforts as several of you experience similar shapes and colours being created by the music. In this process you will be remembering your ancient Atlantean skills with sound – learning how to see and feel sound, rather than only hear it. Step 3: Now you are ready to use sound as a healing or activating force. You can train yourself to do this if you are willing to put in some practise, and if you allow yourself to feel a sense of excitement when reading our words. Trust that you have this ability, and you are already more than half-way to its manifestation! Begin by experimenting with making your own sounds – both through toning with your own voice, and through playing instruments and singing bowls. It matters not if this is the first time you have ever tried this. Let go of your self-consciousness, and move into the sounds. This exercise requires open-ness, a sense of freedom and experimentation. You can begin with the intention of using sounds to open, balance, or reconnect specific chakras – or to bring light/colour/energy into parts of your body that are out of alignment. Do not expect to get the right sound immediately – just relax your mouth, let it change shape as the sounds come out, and experiment. Continue to open your inner vision to see the vibrations, waves, shapes and colours that are created by or present within the sounds. |
Perhaps the most awesome context in which you can use these sound skills are in healing any aspect of your 3-D world – and in particular, the aspects of your natural world which have been polluted, resulting in the suffering of physical beings – plant, mineral, animal and human beings included. You can, individually or in groups, focus on dissolving pollution or contamination in specific areas. Even the pollution of the collective unconscious, which holds thought forms and beliefs harmful to our society can be transmuted into the light through sound. If you are inspired to work with sound in this way, you will be guided as to when and how to chant/sing/tone out to that part of the world, holding a clear vision of the pollution being dissolved through the sound that is being used. Even a few minutes of sounding, coupled with a crystal clear intention, can effect a change for the good! What is essential is that the sound is produced with an open and happy heart, and with an absolute trust that the healing is possible – with the attitude that the desired result is, in fact, already in progress. It is this passion; this trust; this optimism which allows the magic to unfold. This is of course true in the process of manifesting every aspect of your lives. It is your attitude which is all-important, and the degree to which you decide to trust the unfolding process. When you resist change and focus on what you do not desire, so you unfailingly create more of the same. Same-old; same-old. When you embrace the future with optimism, action, open-heart and the desire to be of service, your progress is unfailing, and the magic unfolds! This is what we wish for each one of you dear souls in this unfolding year – that magic becomes the fabric of your reality. With love love love, |

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