You are currently viewing I am Source Sovereign and Free ~ Double Diamond Gateway ~ Floods of Disclosure ~ Healing Monoliths ~ TAURUS SEASON AND THE NEW ENERGIES OF MAY
Liberation of Terra and her Sentient Beings

I am Source Sovereign and Free ~ Double Diamond Gateway ~ Floods of Disclosure ~ Healing Monoliths ~ TAURUS SEASON AND THE NEW ENERGIES OF MAY

I am Source Sovereign and Free ~ Double Diamond Gateway ~ Floods of Disclosure ~ Healing Monoliths ~ TAURUS SEASON AND THE NEW ENERGIES OF MAY



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Heavenly Spirit Guides, Teachers and Leaders of our New Earth Paradigm

We have a major influx of Cosmic Diamond Light flooding this realm from the most High, Infinite Source Creator. Emanating directly from our Great Central Sun, Hunab Ku, through our Stellar Nations and filtered through our local Star Solaris, which acts as a projector of Light and Life onto the Quantum Field of Mother Earth.

As the Light and Codes upgrade and Shift so does our reality. We assist this Pure Awareness of Source with our Intent and Divine Will and Action to guide the Creative Life Force to our Destination of Freedom Earth.

With these massive energies pouring in through today’s 88 portal We are at Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 5.33 storm as a CME passed close to Earth during the early hours of April 26th. The near-miss opened a minor crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. Solar wind blew through the gap to spark a G1-class geomagnetic storm and morning auroras over Canada (

Along with the CMEs we have Solar Flares from the past several days sending Gaia and all her Children of the Sun massive Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light upgrading and activating our Crystalline DNA and Solar Diamond Light bodies for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into New Earth. Our Aurora Nation are with us Now to assist with our Great Ascension Process.

The Crystal Arks are waking up all over the world and coming back online to work with our Starseed Earth Angelics and Humanity to elevate this realm into 5D New Eden manifestation.

Be sure to practice good Self Care with hydration, meditation, grounding into the earth, anchoring and embodying the Higher Light with Breathwork and Mindfulness.

We got this Angels of our Heaven on Earth, you were made for this…A’Ho!









Double diamond gateway showing us exactly what is in alignment💎

…and what is not!
Wheels of Justice / Mirror realm in play.
Be Mindful / Discerning in your reality!
So much love,
Double Diamond Gateway
Double Diamond Gateway
A Word from the Whales
26 April 2024

Planetary miasma clears from aeons of genetic experimentation.

Multi-species genetics undergo processes of harmonization.
Vast reverberations are felt throughout the Cosmos.
Honor these Processes beyond Space and Time.
With Great Love from the Cetacean Collective
All Content is ©️ and and may be freely shared in its original form 🤍
Planetary miasma clears
Planetary miasma clears

The Twin Flame Creator Pairs enter the Void of Genesis Together, as the Breath of God is activated, intentional Creation begins. The first command to the Void of Genesis is to let there be ONLY Light.

Divine Love is the most Sacred Love between two physical vessels that can be experienced so far on this planet it is only through the physical unity that the “Peaceful Home” feeling associated with Divine Love is experienced. Divine Love comes after great discipline and high moral standards, and the more One is able to sustain this state of Being constantly, the feelings begin to go beyond the ” Peaceful Home” feeling.
It is a delicate journey and any impurities can diminish it, it takes great discipline, devotion, and responsibility to carry the Love of Creation. The uncontaminated Divine Love between two is what purifies this realm and that is an ultimate and Divinely serious responsibility. Few are Chosen.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Hieros Gamos
Hieros Gamos
4/26/24: Today brings a strengthening and expansion of the heart… because whether for courage, comfort, compassion, or commitment, you’ll need all it can give you this year. If your head and your heart aren’t in it together, then what you achieve will not bring the satisfaction you seek. It is, after all, the passion behind the action that brings the best results and biggest rewards.
Your Why is your motivation.
Your How is your path.
Your What is your choice.
Your Who is your inspiration.
But your Fire, your Power, your Rightness, and your Presence, are in your heart. The good news is that you cannot overfill a happy heart. It always has more room for the good stuff of life. So, go ahead and pump it up.
expansion of the heart
expansion of the heart



You maybe feeling sleepy as your pineal gland is naturally receiving DMT attuning you to your psychic gifts and abilities and allowing to see beyond distortions. The tectonic plates are charging up the planet, so you might notice a loss of balance as quakes and water will be rising in areas.

We definitely came to shake the systems and the one we should be paying most attention to is all things related to children.

I call for justice for the children now and let the truth reign supreme! 💙🔥

Give your soul grace as power is shifting from darkness to light. This has been unbalanced for eons and that’s changing now. Giving yourself balance, grace and love helps you shift, but also humanity and the planet too. We are all connected through electromagnetic fields and quantum physics proves this. This is how empaths feel collective energy. Feeling is a psychic ability of energy. Hence why dracos fear monger and emotional loosh with sadness or anger. Those are black magic tactics which were taught by the greys and used by reptilians.

They do not own humanity with mind or sexual control. They are not the speaker for the people either. You are the speaker of your soul, you are the controller of your thoughts, and you have a heart they don’t. Rise up in strength with love, acceptance and forgiveness of yourself from all false programs on your consciousness. Integrate and balance yourself in the energy you need now!

Centering in the now allows to quantum shift 🤍

DMT attuning
DMT attuning

This update….. 4/26 444

Floods of disclosure and global events will continue to shift mass consciousness. Inner change is happening within Humans whether they are aware of it or not. Those that are not aware of the energetic shifts in the outer collective realms or within themselves, are having great difficulties.
Gaia Sophia Terra has released many healing Monoliths like needles through her own acupuncture points across the world. More of these larger and smaller will emerge to the surface from her inside to increase the frequency of LOVE which will expel the dark low vibrational beings that have plagued her inside for millennia. Take a look at The Schumann Resonance it is showing spikes of Higher Energy again.
Humans that are becoming more aware of Energy, their own energetic signature, and the intangible elements of our quantum realm. They must learn and adapt to the changes on Earth. Being of higher frequency is just that, it is a frequency!
As Humans become more aware, they cannot be lied to anymore. Energy is the truth. No one can ‘tell you’ that they are of a certain vibration or frequency when you are an expert at feeling and knowing the full spectrum of Energy though your own HEART.
Knowing Feeling Seeing Energy is like any other skill, and it does require PRACTICE.
Humanity is indeed moving into less denser realms, which means you are moving into more energetic realms. The veil is becoming thinner by the day. The spirit world is becoming more interactive with the physical world. Prayers is also Energy Work. You have heard this before, ‘you are Energetic Spiritual Beings’. Prepare for your Energy work and become advanced at it. Your Energy is needed and will be greatly appreciated.
The events will unfold as they should. All timelines will lead to the liberation of Terra and her Sentient Beings. Soulless players are being remove from the 3D reality scene.
It is exciting times! What is also exciting is learning your own abilities and capacities for your personal miracles. The manifestations come into fruition. Reshaping your quantum reality. Seeing the physical changes in your body-vessel. Learning who you truly are knowing this power. And all done with Self Love, Self-forgiveness, and Self-compassion.
This is very exciting, possibly more exciting than what’s going on collectively. Small miracles lead to bigger ones, and before any of this can happen, a shift in belief system must take place.
Embody this Divine Light Aetheric Energy. It is coded in your DNA.
With Love and Grace 💙
I am LOVE , I am PEACE, I am JOY
I am Source Sovereign and Free
Liberation of Terra and her Sentient Beings
Liberation of Terra and her Sentient Beings


Angelic Humans

Heaven on Earth is established when we are streaming our fully Angelic DNA Blueprint. This is what many of us have been doing over the years. When this happens we retrieve the original commissions and teachings of God.
The first and direct insult on the human race was the contamination of our Angelic Human DNA. Very few of us escaped the hybridisation experiments. This is what we are healing. What is occurring now that many have achieved it or are well on their way to fully recovering. This has been no easy task, because in my opinion the war on this human race started with the hit on Angelic Humans but it will finish when they have all been reinstated and recovered. When we have reached mass consciousness of this recovery and this blueprint is installed through energetic earth networks , the whole game changes.
Because those who recover fully from the first insult to their Angelic Blueprint can anchor Heaven on Earth through them. It is then possible for everyone to receive the Miracle. In my work in the Luminaries Mother Mary brought to us the first Miracle. That is our Angelic Human Blueprint.
We were created in the likeness of God; the miracle was made flesh through our human incarnation. We were made manifested through infinite possibilities that where all part of the infinite source of God’s Creation.
The kingdom of God is within. This is all taking place now. I have sat for 3 days writing about it for my Luminaries group. I am crying with what is possible now and what is taking place. I know many of us have been a part of this. I can see the weave of all our parts.
Saffron ✨ 🪽
Ancient Pyramid Codes Activating
Ancient Pyramid Codes Activating

Art Gabriella Goedert✨


Dear friends, as we leave behind the energetically intense month of April, our whole being is getting ready for a new chapter: the Taurus season and the energies of the month of May. With planet mercury now moving forward, this new season will be packed with new projects, consciousness expansion, and earthly prosperity.
The “Taurus season” runs from the end of April until the end of May approximately. Even though there are specific dates, energetic shifts are gradual and energy waves usually get intermixed as we transition from one period into another. This new season offers a chance to stabilize ourselves, to find a new ground, to come back down to earth, and to get comfortable with our earthly journey.
The sign of Taurus is symbolized by the bull, and is usually associated with power, finances, determination, and tenacity. As an earth sign, this inner power is expressed in a steady, solid, and grounded way into our reality. We are moving into an energetic period that will support in a very practical way all the earthly needs we require for our divine journey on earth. This means Taurus season can be a wonderful time for developing and maintaining positive habits, creating daily routines that truly work for you, and staying true to your principles even when challenges present themselves. You already have the big dreams and ideals that were planted during the eclipse season. This is now your chance to put in the steady, persistent work required to make them a reality, no matter how big or small those goals are.
Taurus season is also connected energetically with the planet Venus, which brings an extra layer of support to our emotional and earthly pleasures. Our physical body, as much as our spiritual core, needs to feel loved and protected. As we move into the energies of May, and the vibrations of number 5, we are also moving into a deeper physical experience of our journey. It’s about the whole range of physical sensations we can experience in our lives. Taurus, and the energy of number 5, values the satisfaction and pleasure of a new haircut, or the feeling of warm water against the skin, or the touch of a loved one on our shoulder, or the taste of a sweet and tender strawberry. The three lower energy centers, chakras, will be resonating strongly with our planet during the month of May, making this Taurus season a great time for reconnecting with these more earthly energetic fields.
Taurus season, and the month of May, is not only about hard work and tenacity, it is also a time to enjoy all the physical and sensual aspects of our journey here on Earth. It’s a time for balancing our inner work with the outside world, and reconnecting with the five elements that support our human existence: earth, water, air, fire, and spirit. I’ll be writing more on this topic as we enter the new moth, stay tuned.
Meanwhile, have a wonderful weekend and give yourself the time and rest you need as we adjust to this new energetic chapter. And even though we are already in the presence of the initial energies of May, our bodies are still processing and clearing a lot of information. Listen to your body and stay hydrated. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ




To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Earth offers an abundance of valuable learning and experiences for humanity, challenging us to transcend ingrained beliefs and false perceptions and programmes . Earth is a master class of learning .This is difficult work, It involves each ascending human to see and know them selves at the metaphysical level , beyond what they were made to feel and believe . Everything that is consciously programmed is stored in the human body .
This is why it can also feel challenging in many different and diverse ways . It is the unlearning that will take the longest , as we are clearing out everything from this life we consciously live in, this as well as all other lifetimes here that have also been affected . Everything is stored in our Akash , the storehouse of the Soul’s embodiment ,
Every event in life holds valuable significance and contributes to our overall growth and understanding. Our presence on Earth is planetary and purposeful, providing The ascending with endless opportunities and higher potential for personal and metaphysical development through the lessons and experiences that surround us.
Major shifts are expected to continue throughout this month, as the new earth energy is greatly intensifying with the onset of a 3-day solar storm eruption . As we move toward the end of this month, the frequency and intensity of the incoming energies are expected to increase, leading to significant changes in many Ascending .
For some ascending individuals it may now be necessary to slow down and let the new earth energy work positively for the higher purpose now in place . Taking enough time to rejuvenate, reflecting on past progress, and healing any surface residue from the past self .
This point of the ascension transformational process is about seeking balance and alignment as the old self continues to fade out of the exisiting paradigm , creating space for new beginnings and for the expansion and expression of the true self . Higher self activations are on going for the Ascending Starseeds .
In times of significant transformation, you may lose connections with certain individuals. This is most likely because you are no longer aligned with their inner vibrations, and are now moving forward . This is highly beneficial for your ascension growth , spiritual maturity and metaphysical development. Learning from all experiences and continuing on your conscious journey.
You will eventually connect with others on your path of ascension light, there will be ascension minded others coming in who will share your vibrational frequencies and who will genuinely support you, without ego interference, as you pursue living from a Metaphysical expression here on Ascending loving earth , Ascending collective together with Gaia are celebrating this planetary progression.
In the upcoming days and weeks, you may experience different changes in your physical body due to the recent Solar Eclipse which had a big impact on the electromagnetic field of our planet, this mar lead to changes in your physical and energetic bodies and auric fields ,
Remaining extra hydrated will help prevent headaches, eating when your body needs to this can alleviate nausea, and grounding through deep earth connected exercises will help ease anxiety. The key for us all is to listen to the physical body closely as its needs may now possibly change during these transformational releases , downloads recalibrations , alignments and activations.
There may be the Starseeds at this time currently experiencing a void period feeling placed in the universal womb undergoing shifts in perceptions , truths and reality according to the past actions and choices made . The months of May and June will bring significant changes to all ascending lives with more inevitable endings as well as many new opportunities and beginnings. Whatever changes made now will be essential and required to be led towards the highest soul’s purpose and destiny .
Many Starseeds have already integrated most of their activations in the last few days leading up to this point. They may now be undergoing anither conscious life review, which also occurs at the time of death when the soul leaves the body and returns to Source. However, this life review is different because it focuses on your past and present experiences and interactions with other people while alive on Earth.
This life review greatly assists in the healing of the mental and emotional bodies, nervous system , it highlights lessons learned, higher perceived understanding personal accomplishments, and areas that need improvement. This past life review is an integral part of the ascension process in human form.
Realising that the reality we live in is not as it has been portrayed is not an easy task. The alternative to awakening is to remain asleep and continue to be controlled by others and their false agendas. The ascending are clearing more of the brain fog the cognitive impairment from false perceptions are clearing and healing .This awakens the ascending to more truth with clarity and higher wisdom and understanding .
However, awakening does come at a cost.
It requires questioning all internal beliefs, facing the most uncomfortable truths, and making challenging choices. It requires to feel physical pain at times depending on how much one is clearing at one time .
it also provides the opportunity to break free from external control , heal inner duality and live a fulfilling life guided by higher self in personal choices and your free will to Ascend past the false matrix .
When all of this unlearning is over, we will meet each other anew. Stronger, wiser, connected to source , the higher self expressing the soul’s reflection , living in a truthful reality, able to fully enjoy and appreciate the meaningful in life , holding on to the people , situations , all things that have the greatest value .
The purpose of Lightworkers and Starseed souls is not to avoid darkness. Rather they are here to use the illuminating power of Divine love to transform the darkness into light. They are imbued with divine energy to bring the unique gifts , skill sets and abilities to shift collective consciousness towards love, healing , compassion and unity, despite the challenges that they have faced and may still face.
LightWorker / Starseeds are selfless souls always putting the well being of others first .The LightWorkers / Starseeds however are self love deficient , overcoming this will be their most challenging aspect in this lifetime and are already making incredible progress .This is what is accelerating the collective consciousness on this planet : they are the pillars of light here holding the energy for us all .Together with Gaia and loving Ascension .
The Ascending individuals role on the planet is to fully transform and heal the existing residual aspects of conditioning , this is to inspire the self and to empower others in their conscious awakening and healing journey, promoting higher vibrations of love and compassionate consciousness into the world .
Love, Light and Divine blessings .
In loving and dedicated light worker / Starseed service : Source Inspiration Ascension LightWorkers ©️



Earth is a master class of learning
Earth is a master class of learning





Is The task Before You
For The Human Modality Of Light Is Called To Interact With Other Humans
Shine Your Light Progression, so An Osmotic Crystalline Exchange Can Occur
For The Pathway Of A Wayshower Is To Share And Exchange In Light
Understand The Crystalline Exchange In The physical Form is an integral part in sharing and activating the crystalline pathways of now.
For Cellular Resonance of the Advanced Souls is Upgrading.
Crystalline Exchange of Light Is A Natural Progression of Evolution In Your World.
Enjoy The Path Of Sharing, Exchanging, Uniting In Light.
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love ❤
Arcturian Family
Karen Lithika ❤
On Friday, April 26th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, has now shifted out of the shadows of Scorpio and into the optimism of Sagittarius the Archer. She has already connected with Pluto, the transformer of what is hidden, and now will create a difficult inconjunct with the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, in earth sign Taurus. The Moon rules our subconscious patterns and the Sun rules our conscious expression. Luna is already trying to adjust from Scorpio’s intensity to the brighter outlook of Sagittarius energies.
Now she must also make adjustments to the Sun’s grounded and practical outlook in earth sign Taurus the Bull. This is about expansion into a new and more joyous way of feeling vs. having a more pragmatic and empirical approach. Can we somehow do both? Later in the day the Moon will start to form a positive trine aspect to Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, who just shifted back to direct motion in confident, fire sign Aries. Eventually it appears that the more hopeful and enthusiastic energies will win!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, has now shifted out of the shadows of Scorpio and into the optimism of Sagittarius the Archer
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, has now shifted out of the shadows of Scorpio and into the optimism of Sagittarius the Archer
Sun in Taurus trine Juno in Virgo – Growth potential is dependent on commitment. Reliability, persistence and patience are the materials needed to create a strong foundation and financial security. A new business or project doesn’t need to be built in one day. It takes time to adapt to new developments and adjust to the discipline of a structured schedule. Even if it’s trial and error, congratulate yourself for each step forward. Highlight your skills.
Identity is shaped by the environment, both within and without. In the outer world, do what you can to protect and sustain the place you inhabit. Prize healthy relationships. Plant seeds, literally and metaphorically. Focus on efficiency. Commit to your creativity. Preserve your integrity. Honour your needs. Value your time. Each fulfilled promise to yourself is another rose for your soul’s garden.
Degrees and Time
Sun 06°Ta20′, Juno 06°Vi20′ – 03:17 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – ‘Gather Ye Rosebuds Or Ophelia’ by John William Waterhouse
Gather Ye Rosebuds Or Ophelia
Gather Ye Rosebuds Or Ophelia

Kin 188 ~ Yellow Rhythmic Star

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its key words are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. Rhythmic days remind us to get into a rhythm and organize our lives to restore balance. Put on some music as you tidy your space, pace yourself so you can get it all done and remember…it is very rewarding when you tackle things with a positive attitude. Pat yourself on the back after you complete the tasks that need attention. Equality is a keyword too and that’s because when we get into a rhythm, we restore our equilibrium.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are for shining like a star, appreciating Beauty and indulging in Art. As it is a ‘Rhythmic’ day this suggests that as we beautify our space, as we organize it. See the beauty in balance! When things are balanced they are more elegant. As you go about your day, getting organized and getting into a rhythm, may the process make you feel more beautiful. Its an ideal day for redecorating or beautifying your home.
The Guide today is also Yellow Star and so a double helping of that energy.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth and when in the challenging position, the truth can be hard to find. Be aware of misleading information or someone trying to pull one over your eyes. We may find ourselves so busy with all the organizing, that the truth gets overlooked. You may find it hard to get a reality check today and if you do, you may find the results are not very pretty.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker which symbolizes ‘Space, Wakefulness and Exploring’. When in this magical position the Skywalker shows us – that we need an open mind if we are to understand the mysteries of the Occult. That’s not to say you should believe everything without question but Skywalker invites us to Wake Up and experience a shift in consciousness. The Skywalker encourages us to be braver and so today when in the pursuit of beauty, step outside of your comfort zone. Make bolder choices in color and style and push yourself to be a little more daring.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey who makes a great friend to have around today. They have a great appreciation of beauty and so if you need a hand making your space more beautiful, call upon a Monkey to help you. If you don’t have one that you can call upon, no worries. Monkey is friendly to all today and so expect some magic.
Kin 188
Kin 188


6 LAMAT – KIN 188
26 APRIL 2024
Balancing Art
I seal the store of elegance
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of
26/4/2024 = 8/4/8 = 8/12=8/3=11=2
26- Empowerment through COMPASSION
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
2- Twins/Partners/Alliance/Duality/Cooperation
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 188 – 17=8 Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breath-Outbreath/ 💰✨💰✨💰
8.8.8. triple ABUNDANCE GATE 🌟🌟🌟
The beautiful, diplomatic and PEACE loving DOUBLE STAR🌟🌟 is super EXPANDING this REGAL STAR-GATE today – creating a SUPER WORMHOLE for these incoming high vibe energies to pour forth. We have gorgeous codes and PEACE POWER blessing us today.! We have a DIVINE opportunity to organize for a PEACE filled life and prosperous world today.
A beautiful day for TWIN FLAMES, soul mates and partners to find harmony and BALANCE . 👭💕👬💕👫
This is another LANDMARK day in our Planetary evolution 🎇🎇 . KIN 188 opens the first 🌟STARGATE🌟 enabling the authentic STAR travellers to walk through the doors, as we ORGANIZE for the NEW TIME to be laid and anchored as the TRUE PATH for humanity to follow from this day forth.
9 months ago – KIN 188 aligned with the LION’S GATE PORTAL blessing us with CONFIDENCE, courage and POWER.
18 months ago – KIN 188 occurred on 22 November, 2022 – which was a HUGE passage through the YELLOW STAR – LAMAT gatekeepers.. connecting two very powerful portals… from 22 NOVEMBER to 12 DECEMBER 2022
✨1ST STARGATE✨ 22/11 – 12.12
CODES 18 months ago – 2 Galactic spins for KIN 188
22/11/2022 = 22/2/222 = 22.22.22 = 4/2/6= 4/8=12=3
Today we can link through the majik of the Tzolkin to this point in time.. benefiting from the codes within to fuel our ascension..
Today the RHYTHMIC STAR is organizing our physical realm to anchor the NEW TIME.. then in 20 days time on 16th MAY 2024 we arrive at the 2nd STARGATE transcending TIME opening us to the harmony of the COSMOS.
NOTE: KIN 188 will reveal what needs to be balanced today, for PEACE to REIGN supreme.
Day 6 in the BLUE NIGHT 🌃WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE,, where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are ORGANIZING our physical reality to create SPACE for more ABUNDANCE, BEAUTY and HARMONY to FLOW into our lives through this wonderful DOUBLE STAR-GATE. We are finding greater BALANCE through our connection with the natural BEAUTY in our world. 🌿🌼🌸🏵🌺🌻🌹🍀🍀
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body by clearing and balancing any disharmony in your world.
🌟Today we are organizing our physical reality for balance and equality, creating more BEAUTY and HARMONY. 🌟
A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING, Feng Shui, decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, creativity, painting, drawing, channeling ideas, journaling or reflecting on your GOALS and DREAMS.
It is time to allow your beautiful DREAMS to surface and FLOW through you, bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
Enjoy this BEAUTY 🌹– filled day of divine creativity ✨ as we walk through the 🌟STARGATES🌟 together into the NEW TIME.
ESPAVO – May you play well together, in the GOLDEN fields of your DREAMS.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize my physical reality to bring more BALANCE, HARMONY, ABUNDANCE and BEAUTY into my life?”
“Am I ready to walk through the 🌟STAR🌟GATE🌟 into a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!”
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for finding more BEAUTY, HARMONY and creative SPARKLE✨ in your LIFE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR🌟🌟 – LAMAT is self-guided today so we are DOUBLY blessed with BEAUTY and GRACE! LAMAT is the VENUS✴ STAR of beauty, elegance, grace, harmony and PEACE.
LAMAT is beckoning us to view the world around us through rose coloured 👓 glasses. Shifting the perspective on your life through what is GOOD and BEAUTIFUL.🌹🌹
Connecting with the sights, smells and senses of the nature kingdom enticing you to come and play with the fairies and elementals. Bringing forth the natural kingdom into your home and garden, a vase of fresh flowers, some pots of culinary herbs, some oxygenating plants 🌿 in your bedroom or office, or even a forest mural🌲🌲 or picture in your lounge room!
🌟Surround yourself with BEAUTY🌹 and your LIFE will begin to FEEL more harmonious and balanced. Count the BLESSINGS and the RAINBOWS in your day!🌈🌈
YELLOW STAR🌟 kin are gifted Artists🎨 and artisans, 🏺very crafty and creative with their HANDS. They are BRILLIANT diplomats and PEACE keepers, which is where they really SHINE.🌟
LAMAT STAR 🌟BLISS 💗 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 have undoubtedly held positions as Galactic Ambassadors and Peace Diplomats throughout the GALAXY – as exemplified by Queen/Senator of Naboo – Padme Amidala in Star Wars.
Today with this focus on PEACE and HARMONY in the codes we have an ABUNDANCE of BEAUTY to appreciate and CREATE in our new world.
🌠 LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing and balancing any disharmonious relationships with our kin today. LAMAT🌟 STAR-LIGHT🌠 enables us to FEEL LIGHT and FREE, SHINY and BRIGHT once again. ✨✨
The YELLOW STAR 🌟 ignites your creativity today and unleashes your store house of ✨GOLDEN🌞✨ energy within your solar plexus chakra. Our Planetary Solar Plexus chakra – ULURU is SUPERCHARGED 3 days ago, on the ELECTRIC SERPENT day, and thus our own personal chakra is operating at full capacity now unleashing more confidence, creativity and soul POWER..🎆
LAMAT is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art,🎨 craft, painting, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music. 🎼🎻🎶 All this beautiful energy will lead you to greater balance and harmony within yourself and through your outer reflection in your relations with others.
LAMAT also OPENS the portal to Cosmic ABUNDANCE✨💰💰💰 and combined with the BLUE NIGHT ABUNDANCE wavespell , and LION’S GATE PORTAL it is an absolutely BRILLIANT DAY – to ORGANIZE for greater FLOW from SOURCE to fulfill your EVERY need. 👏🤗
✨✨“I NOW ALLOW GREATER ABUNDANCE💰✨☀ – from expected and unexpected sources – to FLOW effortlessly into my life” AND SO IT IS! 🙏❤🙏❤
Invite the gift of HARMONY into your life by allowing the BEAUTY of Creation to bring more balance, and LIBERATE you through higher LOVE, JOY and BLISS.
✨✨✨ LAMAT invites you to BE THE ARTIST🎨 and PAINT 🖌a better picture 🖼 of your life.
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY🌀🐒 – CHUEN invites us to come out and PLAY! ☺ Discovering the Divine child in each of us. Playing as children, joyfully in the physical expression of this divine MAJIK of creativity. Inviting our kin to come out and PLAY, sharing in the majik that abounds when we gather together.
De-LIGHT-ing in the beauty of the wondrous world around you. Believing in the Majik and Miracles that exist, allowing them to be part of your world. Casting our pretty spells of enchantment over all that we see.
CHUEN brings forth GREAT MAJIK through the STARRY PORTAL of LAMAT bringing more serendipity into your day.💫💫💫 A whimsy majikal flow to carry you away to fields where you can day-DREAM the day away!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY will help us to find a balance between dark and LIGHT, work and PLAY, by extending our perceptions of what is possible for us to experience and create. Trusting in the divine patterns at play that LIBERATE more joy, innocence and beauty in our lives. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit through our innocent child, to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY will help us create a new world filled with DIVINE MAJIK and more PLAY! .
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER✨🏃– BEN enables us to manifest the New Time, by traveling and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
We cannot just float endlessly in a SEA of BLISS with the RAINBOW 🌈🦄UNICORNS!!! (Ha – I WISH!!) 🌈 We must ANCHOR this BLISS through our bodies, on the physical plane.
RED SKYWALKER assists us in SPACE CLEARING 💫 and expanding our physical reality 💥 to allow for more beauty, harmony and greater ABUNDANCE to flow in. Opening doors to other realms and dimensions, new worlds with greater beauty and Majik. BEN shows us that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. 🍥✴🍥✴
EXPAND your concept of your physical reality and REACH for the STARS.🌟🌟🌟 It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet, based on TRUTH, transparency and authenticity.
We ARE becoming the models of the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX and WE CAN bridge the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.💒🌎❤
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR 🌀🔎 ETZNAB as the challenge today, gives us the power of TRUTH, endlessness and REFLECTION. Giving us the gift of accessing the endless order of Creation.
The WHITE MIRROR energy POTENTLY reveals all that needs to be released and stripped away as the old paradigm crumbles and falls.. Allow the walls to CRUMBLE and the old foundations to be destroyed in order to build the NEW, thus enabling us to reorganize our physical environments for more SPACE, balance and greater HARMONY. Elevating our homes and our PLANET to that of sacred temples that uplift us to greater PEACE and fulfillment.
It is TIME for the CITIES of LIGHT to RISE! 🏙✨
The MIRROR REFLECTS and the challenge today, is to witness that REFLECTION in your partner, relationships and external environment.
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY combined with ETZNAB allows you to SEE beyond the smoke and daggers, through the illusion, with CLEAR VISION. All distortions and discordance reflected back to you will be uncovered.. So claim it, heal it and create SPACE for a beautiful new REFLECTION of SELF to grace your world.
ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things, and to hold LOVE AND COMPASSION in our hearts. Allowing ourselves to release into the beauty, letting go of the endless order, and seeing it reflected in nature, all around us. The elegant creation that stirs your heart and uplifts you with joy and BLISS!❤❤❤
Enjoy this BEAUTY 🌹– filled day of divine creativity ✨ as we walk through the 🌟STARGATES🌟 together into the NEW TIME.
ESPAVO – May you play well together, in the GOLDEN fields of your DREAMS.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize my physical reality to bring more BALANCE, HARMONY, ABUNDANCE and BEAUTY into my life?”
“Am I ready to walk through the 🌟STAR🌟GATE🌟 into a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!”
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for finding more BEAUTY, HARMONY and creative SPARKLE✨ in your LIFE!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 NEW on Patreon: Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission 🕉 Buddha Chakras 🔥



In this very special Video transmission Paul White Gold Eagle transmits the Reiki, Healing Universal Life Force, to you as he guides you through a transformative Meditation and Visualization of the Rainbow Dragon Body Energies and Gold Buddha Activation!

“Experience the transformative power of the Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission in this immersive video. 🕉️ Embark on a journey of healing and enlightenment as we harness the ancient wisdom of Buddha Chakras Meditation.

🌈 Feel the fiery energy of the Rainbow Dragon enveloping you, igniting your inner flame of vitality and renewal. Let go of stress and negativity as you immerse yourself in this sacred healing ritual. Join us on this mystical odyssey and awaken to the vibrant colors of your soul’s healing journey.”

🕉️ Namaste 🕉️ The Eagle and the Condor…A’ho! 🕊🕉🦅


CLICK HERE to for the Reiki Healing Transmission


I Am Violet Flame Sacred Mantra

The violet flame revitalizes and invigorates us.
The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy.
By transforming negative thoughts 💜
I AM the violet flame.
In action in me now
I AM the violet flame.
To Light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame.
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God.
Shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power
Freeing every one 💜
I Am Violet Flame Sacred Mantra
I Am Violet Flame Sacred Mantra

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