Soul Contracts and Karmic Cycles come to a Final Close! Roseline Grid Activations ~ Stargate Alignment ~ PURPLE FIRE
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Emerald Order of the Holy Grail Lineage of New Avalon
The Kingdoms of the Fire and the Ice come together and unite to melt the barriers, the walls of ice that have kept humanity imprisoned in all slavery systems. The veils of separation of illusion have separated the mundane from the Divine, the false from the real, the Truth from the Lies. The propaganda machines are coming to a halt in these end times of all Suffering.
As all Sentient Beings Unite under the One True Banner of Peace and Prosperity we call in the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres. As the Eagle flies with the Condor merging the Yin with the Yang, the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine, the Kan and Li, Water and Fire, to call in and manifest our Highest True Ascension Timeline of Bliss, Joy and Abundance for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Do not doubt, do not fear, we are legion upon legion of New Earth Angels that are here on Mother Earth Now to dissolve all impediments to our Divine Mission our full Planetary Liberation.
Nothing and no one can stop us. For we are indestructible Diamond Minds of Buddha Consciousness that rose from the Stillness, from the Silence, Empowered by the Light of Mother/ Father God, Infinite Source Creator. With Truth as our Sword and Love and our Shield we walk through the valley of death fearing no evil for all that is not of Love was merely a construct of the little limited mind of man.
In Self Realization of our True Nature of Infinite Life and Light we free ourselves and all of Humanity from the Wheels of Karma and Samsara with the Dharma of the Gnosis of Eternal Life.
With the Diamond Rainbow Rays emanating from the Sun, directly from the Great Central Sun, and the Freedom Codes rising from the Crystalline Core of Pachamama our DNA is being updated, upgraded and restored to our Original Angelic Blueprint as we Walk our Path with Heart being connected to all things as Real Hue-Man Beings of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!
The Preparation for the NEW Must first occur from within!
When We shed All that NO longer serves us. . . Memories. . . Habits. . . and Letting Go of whatever starts to BEcome a mere distraction for excuses. . . We open up to Growth!
What may Prevent us from Changing our Ways. . . Changing our Mindset. . . and most importantly a Change of Heart. . . it is Time to Reevaluate our Situation and Decisions. . .
so that We don’t end up in a cycle of repetitions and unknowingly choosing stagnation instead of Elevation!
Pars Kutay
image: “The Edge of Oblivion”, by Christopher Clark
Be prepared for major release over the next two weeks as Soul Contracts and Karmic cycles come to a final close.
You will be shown very clearly where these releases are happening. Many of you will be feeling this deeply in the Pain Body and will require a lot of self care and rest. Balance and Harmony are anchored in here as the grand scale is stabilized.
Forgiveness is Key
Know that the Universe is in full support of your rise and that new beginnings are on the way
Aurora, a code name by the guardian alliance for ascension of krystalline frequencies, the holographic architecture of diamond plasma liquid light! Aqua showcasing 13D frequencies and rose ray at 15 dimensional frequencies.
Birthing heaven on earth as it’s a state of consciousness and not a place. You are the holy template through your temples of light aka pineal and pituitary glands. What you believe of yourself refracts just like the mirrored hologram. What are you magnetizing!
You are a sacred treasure of creation, may you feel how important you are 💓
Cosmic and gamma rays are emitting positrons from the sun now.
Anti particle and particle collision creates a photon and the sun’s activity of x class flares are releasing this influx of light on your electrical circuit.
Positrons are positive charge that can neutralize negative thoughts or increase photons taking you to a higher frequency.
Headaches, sweating, dizziness and heightened adrenals can be experienced as your electrical wiring is the brain and nervous system. God particles activating within you and galactic stargates aligning for you! This is the time to assist yourself, shift and create new opportunities of soul growth and new soul contracts ✨
guardian alliance for ascension of krystalline frequencies
5/16/24: This month’s numbers can be aggressive and driven… practical, stubborn, and straightforward. The Taurus energy we’re in can also be that way. It can get heavy and hard after a while. Even the great Bull itself can feel testy, overstimulated, or pushed… and bad things happen when it’s pushed.
Today is the break we all need. Whenever you can, slow down and go easy. Take a breath, a bath, a nap, or a stroll. Smell the flowers, the breeze, the coffee and donuts. Just step away… even if it’s only mentally. You won’t miss anything that can’t wait.
Let the day bring something to you instead of trying to take from it.
Dear friends, our geomagnetic field is being stirred by a moderate geomagnetic storm. This is possible related to a coronal mass ejection observed on may 14 and now brushing past our planet. This storm is not as massive as the one we experienced during the last weekend, although some auroras may be seen at higher latitudes if it’s still dark outside where you are located.
Because our energy fields and bodies are still processing and integrating the huge amount of solar information from the recent X flares, this mild geomagnetic storm may still create some disturbances within us. Mild dizziness, lack of concentration, fatigue, ear and visual issues, and headaches may manifest today. Please listen to your body.
We will have to wait and see how solar activity behaves in the next few days. There are new sun spots forming on our Sun’s surface with high possibilities of X flares. Stay tuned.
We are also exactly a week away from the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday 23, known as Vesak Day or “Buddha Day”, in which Buddhists around the world commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Gautama Buddha. All these events according to tradition are believed to have occurred in the full moon. This particular full moon will be packed with lightcodes assisting us in the remembering of our divine essence and universal interconnection, but also to do so in a grateful and joyful way.
Meanwhile, keep taking care of your Self, stay well hydrated, and rest as much as needed. Ground your energy daily to facilitate the integration and reconnection of the solar lightcodes within your body and the earth.
Union Codes : Pleiadian and Sirius Infinity Codes of Creation
Many of the Pleiadian Wise Women that I have worked with also carry the prominent energy of Sirius. It is usually both Pleiadian and Sirius Codes that are activated for them together and that is because the Pleiadian Codes are predominantly the Divine Feminine Energies while the Sirian Codes are more aligned with the Divine Masculine Energies.
We are currently in the Beltane/ Pleiadian period on the Wheel of the Year – a time that celebrates Fertility, Union and Creation riding on the waves of Passion, Desire ,Joy and Sensuality. I have spoken about the Union Codes of the Emerald Light that we have been receiving for the past many weeks. These Union Codes bring into integration and balance the opposing forces of creation to provide a new foundation for the new spiral of Creation.
These integration / Union Codes are not just about integration our own Fire and Water / Masculine and Feminine…etc… but bring in a higher octave of integration of our Pleiadian Dna heritage of “New Earth Seeding” from lifetimes / incarnations/ higher aspects of The Lemurian Legacy,Mayan/ Aztec legacy ,Venusian/ Inanna + Mary Magdalene / Isis legacy of Death/Rebirth/ Resurrection and Transcendence. In my latest cocreation session this was shown as the Silver Serpent / kundalini medicine culminating as The Silver Phoenix !!! All Pleiadian Wise Women carry some form of the Double Infinity Sacred Symbol within their energy fields ,which are now coming online as they “Seed” New Foundations with New Spirals of Creation . This is Serpent Medicine /Womb Heart and Third Eye activation.
It is this Serpent Medicine that activates the Sirius Codes- the Codes of Structure,The Grandmother Spider’s Web of Creation which holds all Sacred Symbols of Geometry. Sacred Geometry via the Sirius Temples of The Great White Brotherhood ( those working with Earth grids, Essenes, Knight Templars, order of Melchizedek ) and The Sound alchemists is activated by the Pleiadian Energy!! Ie the Sirius Sacred Geometry that lays the Foundations ( Web of Creation) is energized/ activated/ animated / brought to Life/light by the Pleiadian Serpent/ Kundalini / womb energy!!
If your Soul blueprint is that of a Sound Alchemist (bringing in new codes of wisdom/ creation via your Throat/ writing- Thoth/ Seshat legacy ),that aspect will not come fully online till the Womb Center is adequately activated by Pleiadian serpent -phoenix energy!!! Goddess Hathor, closely associated with the Pleiades is associated with both womb and sound alchemy as means of creation!!
Many sources claim that our Sun is activated via Alcyone / Pleiades via the Sirian Portal . The Emerald Pleiadian Light infuse and activate the Sirius Sapphire Codes (infinity gateway 8;8) and thus the Blue Green Light Seeds/codes of Creation activate the New Spirals of Creation within our Akashic and Physical realm (and Gaias).
This is the Union / Integration unfolding Now. Union of Pleiadian and Sirian energy Infinity Spirals bridging Spirit and Matter, Divine Heritage into Embodiment … a whole new level of CoCreation!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Pleiadian and Sirius Infinity Codes of Creation
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The Sananda Code asks access to an ancient time when the soul was pure and its intent was pristine.
The Sananda Code is about melting the frozen genetic code and unlocking a vault of knowledge. DNA separation has begun bringing a long forgotten soul oath to the surface.
The Sananda Code is a triggering of a promise to live the light forgetting about time and space and earthly interruption. It is a remembrance that the human DNA and genome structure does not house a death hormone. The very fact that there is not a death hormone says more than one can image. You were born to be immortal. *
The Sananda code is the light matrix that enters via the solar wormholes created every 8 minutes as emanations coming forth from deep space, onto earth via the suns contract with our evolution and our symbiotic relationship with this solar light.
The photonic energy enters the cell membrane and It introduces a new instruction that holds a section of recovery tools to assist a planet in expulsion of dead-end codes .
The energies from deep space must pass thru the sun in order to enter earth’s atmosphere without disruption. Entering the next light grid, and moving thru a solar wormhole which allows redistribution of solar sananda codes. These old programs are keeping earth from entering a portal between the sun and galactic center.
The numerical vibration of Sananda is a 99.
2016 is the vibration of a 9 and all that entails. The number 99 means cosmic and personal completion, The End! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine.
Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have
Words from Sananda
You And Only You Can Make The Shift. Civilization is but a Band-Aid held in place by its own belief system. You cannot fool the Light. Be honest and know yourself. As long as you hold onto struggle as a life raft it will only let you drift in the seas of despair. You Are The Captain Of Your Fate Master Of Your Soul.
Ye are God when thou are poor of spirit and substance, ye are God when filled with the riches of the day, ye are God when left alone to sleep in the night and ye are God when held in the arms of a beloved! Your faith must be sealed and solid as the rock of the mountains, as unfetching as the relentlessness of the seas, shifting only to hold onto and deeper in thine own self.
Unfold your humanness and rest on the wings of truth for you cannot be any thing else but what you are. Falter not in the heat of the situation but commence on the journey into the night of the soul walking along the cliff of the future without seeing but with the lens of the heart.
You sway with every little ripple of personality, spending so much time fighting the dragons, that you are exhausted within your own essence. I am the dragons as I am you, let not that go un-noticed.
For you fight within your own homestead battling the shadows that is created by your very own light.
Strip away what frightens you look deep within the crevices of your soul to see why this music of fear plays in your heart, why you have not received the love that awaits your every caress.
You look for a rescuer one who will ride in upon his mount of steadfastness and swoop you up from the very life that you have created. Even in this fantasy there is a fear of being dropped, let go of, abandoned without a thought. What you seek is not monetary security nor love nor wisdom but it is the knowing that someone is standing up for you in the heavens.
Look For My Reflection in the fullness of your tears. In this experience of life you have chosen to learn and to manifest from the very dust you walk upon. You wanted to remember how to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear with no help from any one. Now you ask for that missing piece of the puzzle.
You think that something is missing, broken, or lost within you, but dear child I knew this day would come and I lovingly hid the missing piece you so seek deep within your heart.
The keys to the kingdom lie within, seek thine own council and the Code of Light will be revealed. Love who you are, love who you will become, love who you were. Do not seek to be loved seek to be love!
Multi-dimensionality is here and with as we expand more and more into the truth of who and what we are, at Soul Level, all the latent abilities and powers, and knowledge of our souls returns.
Our higher communication and transmitters channels are now opening wider than ever before.
With it past, present and future blend into ONE, for indeed the future is already in the here and now. Time as we know it, exists no more.
With all of this the deepest connections with our soul families on Universal and Intergalactic levels are now moving in much higher levels, as I am experiencing more and more.
We can now communicated telepathically and even experience the deepest connection with the Intergalactics again, for the more our consciousness rises, the more we will find that they are indeed already here with us, and we can finally see, hear and interact with them on all levels. Indeed, they never left – we just could not see nor hear them in the 3rd dimensional state. Indeed they never left as they have been here from the very beginning when earth was first created!
Note that huge earth changes are coming in, and with the immensely powerful sun energies now being released, as Divinely master planned, our DNA is activated in much higher levels, with our now Solar Lightbody form and this then the sensation of being liquidized more and more.
Note this will continue, as we now are expanding beyond anything which had been before, and everytime we think we have arrived, the next wave of expansion will be upon us.
All which you seek, is already present within you.
Our capacity to love and experience transcendental love is now opening on much higher levels, and this not just on earthly planes but intergalactic and universal.
Rest is so important and more then this, quietude, more time in nature, as Mother Earth is much larger than we are, and assists us to assimilate these changes as she has already ascended fully into the 5th and 7th dimensional state.
Joy, fun, family, friends, marriage and more are all available. Avoid distractions by staying focused on what you are creating. Continue taking steps to achieve your heart’s desires that are in sight. The power of the Universe is behind you, boosting your life force energy to help accomplish alchemical creations of what you want. The key ingredient is adding love. Love will override any fear that wants to keep you stuck. You are so close to receiving what you have been creating.
On Thursday, May 16th, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in stubborn, earth sign Taurus is forming a challenging square connection to Pluto, the Great Transformer, in future oriented, air sign Aquarius that will be exact at 3:44am Friday morning.
Mercury rules all off the mental realm, including logic, reason, ideas and communications and in the sign of the Bull he is practical, grounded and fixed in his opinions. However, the influence of Pluto, ruler of the energies of death and rebirth, is bringing transition and transformation to what we currently perceive as our reality on this 3rd dimensional plane of existence.
We are being confronted with the possibility that not all is what it seems. We are also being asked to delve into the underworld of our subconscious and root out old beliefs, concepts and convictions that we have held, that may no longer be valid in our newly acquired status of soul growth and evolution.
It is time to be open to a new way of thinking, perceiving and understanding. You, and this life, are much more than meets the eye!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in stubborn, earth sign Taurus is forming a challenging square connection to Pluto
Chiron in Aries square Ceres retrograde in Capricorn. Pallas retrograde re-enters Scorpio – There is strong focus on our healing journey in today’s aspects. Maternal relationships or the relationship we have with food and self-nurture could be a sensitive issue. There may be painful memories, feelings of not being good enough, a sense that our weaknesses are exposed or difficulty with meeting obligations. Old wounds relating to authority figures loom large in the psyche. To resolve the tension, we need to manage our personal healing journey whilst being mindful of our responsibilities in the outer world. There is strength in vulnerability, safety in discipline.
As Pallas retrograde re-enters Scorpio, the instruction is towards introspection. Yes, sometimes it’s uncomfortable and yet there are rich rewards for facing internal blocks and shadows, fears and complexes. However, sometimes we over-complicate, over-analyse, insist on having all the control. Defer to your wise counsellor within. Sit with the dark until you see the stars.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number thirteen and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. It’s the last day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell and we have all been on missions, even those who were not conscious of it. The 13th day is always tough and enduring. There’s a lot to take in and process. The number 13 is powerful but with that power comes a price and it’s not unlucky, just intense and of course that entirely depends on what day it combines with.
Today is the Yellow Star which is the symbol of ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. The ‘Cosmic’ star invites us to ‘Transcend beautifully or Endure for Art’. We can all shine like stars today but it takes effort. This is not a recipe for a laid back chilled out day. Get up, go out and see the beautiful world we all sometimes take for granted. Transcend through the beauty of nature and fill yourself up with some beautiful vibes. We are all stars of the Cosmos! The last day of a wavespell is like the final destination of a journey that had 13 stops along the way. The ‘Yellow Warrior to Yellow Star’ express was a wild ride that brought us here which is quite a beautiful place! How was your trip?
The Guide today is the Yellow Human who has great intuition. When in the guiding position, it is showing us how we can better navigate our own path, by following our natural instincts. So, from the Cosmos download what you need to know so you may sparkle!
The Challenge is the White Mirror which is the symbol of reflecting truth. Don’t believe everything you hear today, take things with a pinch of salt. If you are a Mirror, today will be more enduring for you, than the rest of us. Our challenges are meant to address imbalances and so whatever your challenge is, use that opportunity every 20 days, to face it head on.
The Occult power is Red Skywalker who is the essence of curiosity, adventure and courage. Always the first to be out the door on an impulse, the Skywalker wants to discover and explore and when in this position, it is magic which he is experimenting with. Be bold everyone, it can be fun to discover new things.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you need a friend today, they are great fun to hang out with. Monkeys just love sparkly, shiny things and this is why he adores Yellow Stars. If you are a Blue Monkey, you’ll be in a friendly mood today and willing to lend a helping hand.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 208 = 10 = 1 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority/New Beginnings
An EXPANSIVE day of DIVINE elegance and creativity. Beauty is calling you to walk through the doorways to a better world!
18 moons ago – 2 Galactic spins, KIN 208 occurred on the 12:12 COSMIC STARGATE on 12 DECEMBER 2022…
And so the weary RAINBOW WARRIORS NOW arrive at the SECOND STARGATE
KIN 188 opened the first STARGATE 20 days ago, as the YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR on 26 th APRIL 2024, enabling the authentic STAR travellers to walk through the doors, as we ORGANIZE for the NEW TIME to be laid and anchored as the TRUE PATH for humanity to follow from this day forth.
NOW is the RIGHT TIME for the authentic GALACTIC travellers, to be admitted to the NEW TIME, as GAIA ASCENDS into a STAR pulsing out WAVES of BLISS… very exciting.
Day 13 is the final day in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL, of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path, with a profound intelligence. We are disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today as we close this 13 day journey with CIB, our fearless YELLOW WARRIOR, we hold the pure presence of FEARLESS intelligence. Reflecting upon our place in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation.
We have journeyed FAR, from a place of battling from HARM, to a NEW HARMONY!
Our QUEST led us back to our original Divine state of Harmony and elegance, as part of this beautiful creation. Our Yellow Warrior has fearlessly forged a new path to the new world and now LAMAT OPENS the second door and beckons us to walk through!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality on through this ELEGANT DIVINE PORTAL.
They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure intelligent presence, translating into pure Harmony and beauty. So many DIVINE CODINGS today that you have NO CHOICE but to become a DIVINE SPIRITUAL BEING through OSMOSIS, absorbing these stellar codes into every cell of your being!
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Today we can be still, and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace, through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose in our Harmonic Matrix.
As we can now SEE and REMEMBER our COSMIC ORIGINS we are FREE to soar into new realms – endlessly floating on a SEA of BLISS. Infinite multi-dimensional realms to explore with BEN.
The brave and honourable YELLOW WARRIOR has now completed his QUEST, much stronger and wiser. And now a beautiful new adventure beckons, as we enter this beautiful new world filled with infinite Cosmic LOVE….
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY that enfolds me, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix and ascending into the NEW TIME, through pure Cosmic presence!”
And so we bid adieu to CIB – the courageous YELLOW WARRIOR who has guided our QUEST through this arduous Spiritual initiation.
Through facing our greatest FEARS, and setting a true course to New Earth, finding our true North, to claim our Divine destiny. The RAINBOW WARRIOR comes home VICTORIOUS, finding the Holy Grail within his own precious HEART.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with MULUC the sensitive and intuitive feminine RED MOON Goddess, who will soften us into yielding to her Universal Waters, finding our pure HARMONIC FLOW in this New World we are collectively creating.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your trance-send-dance into pure Harmonic wisdom and FULL COSMIC ethereal PRESENCE!
Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we revel in the pure presence of what such a world of beauty would look and feel like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
This COSMIC STAR-GATE is reflecting the ordered HARMONY, coded into our natural HARMONIC MATRIX. DIVINE CREATOR has a PLAN for GAIA’S ASCENSION and it is absolutely BRILLIANT in every detail!
THY WILL BE DONE and we are all along for the RIDE of our eternal LIVES!
That beautiful world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives.
Our collective consciousness is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into.
Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM. Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS!
Use the portal of LAMAT to call forth (with sincere intention) your Higher Universal Self to merge and unite in your Galactic Mission to humanity.
It is time to CELEBRATE with our COSMIC STAR FAMILY!
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN EB the intelligent and wise Yellow Human beckons us to evolve into our pure Divine presence through alignment with Harmonic wisdom. The COSMIC HU-MAN is the higher guide today and the highest level of the human, – evolving through Divine Wisdom into attaining Cosmic Consciousness..
When the WARRIOR transcends his egoic desires, and aligns with the greater QUEST for humanity, he discovers the Holy Grail within his pure presence, merging into ALL THAT IS.
The COSMIC HU-MAN receives the wisdom from his experience, by aligning his free will to the harmonic path, revealed in the beautiful elegant patterns of creation itself. The fractals, the matrices and the harmonic woven web of interconnectedness, through the web of life itself, as a SPARK of the Divine.
Each spark of the Divine, can in turn influence, and truly impact, the depths of creation, just as a pebble dropped in the ocean creates a ripple effect. It is from this we learn, that when we truly are in HARMONY with the patterns of creation, then we too can influence the movement of those patterns, by co-creating consciously the greatest beauty that there is.
It is in our deepest WISDOM that we are able to influence the HARMONY of the SPHERES, to greater and greater harmonic revelations…pure symphonic music to our ears!
We are collectively orchestrating a New song for Nova Terra, so that we can dance to the rhythm of a new drum!
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY – CHUEN brings forth the presence of pure MAJIK today The infinite MAJIK of CREATION, accessible throughout the vast infinite COSMOS.. The supreme MAJIK of feeling the beauty of being connected, as part of the Harmonic symphony that is being orchestrated on our beautiful planet.
CHUEN is the great Magician, illusionist, trickstar and time traveller.. who can brilliantly utilize and apply the MAJIK flowing from SOURCE through the COSMIC STARGATE today. CHUEN is a MASTER alchemist, and manifests his desired reality through the ART of PLAY. Playing with his kin, pure heartedly in a joyous and beautiful new adventure playground.
As we receive the majikal vision of what is possible for us and our planet, we can endure and transcend the limitations. Holding presence as our pure innocent Divine child, trusting in the MAJIK of our Divine Father to lead the way home again.
Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us, to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER – BEN beckons us to AWAKEN, EXPLORE and EXPAND beyond all perceived limits. The fearless Warrior joins with BEN to lead us bravely to step out of our comfort zone and boldly go into new territory, revealing untold beauty and adventure.
MAGNETIC BEN enables us to attract all that is needed, to elevate our Consciousness, to embody the entire Cosmic web of Creation.
BEN shows us that the SKY’S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is NO LIMIT, in this endless infinite Galaxy of bountiful creation. EXPAND your presence and REACH for the STARS.
It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life, here on our divine planet, anchoring the BLISS through bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR – ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things, and to hold the presence of pure POSITIVE, high vibrational frequencies in our LIGHT bodies. Surrendering to being a pure reflection of pure consciousness!
Allow the YELLOW WARRIOR and ETZNAB to use the sword of TRUTH, to cut away all that is extraneous to the endless order of consciousness. Reflecting the divine patterns of pure unadulterated TRUTH.
The TRUTH shall set you FREE!
The COSMIC MIRROR reveals the path, to ESCAPE the broken glass from the shattering MATRIX.
As we can now SEE and REMEMBER our COSMIC ORIGINS we are FREE to soar into new realms – endlessly floating on a SEA of BLISS. Infinite multi-dimensional realms to explore with BEN.
The brave and honourable YELLOW WARRIOR has now completed his QUEST, much stronger and wiser. And now a beautiful new adventure beckons, as we enter this beautiful new world filled with infinite Cosmic LOVE….
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY that enfolds me, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix and ascending into the NEW TIME, through pure Cosmic presence!”
And so we bid adieu to CIB – the courageous YELLOW WARRIOR who has guided our QUEST through this arduous Spiritual initiation.
Through facing our greatest FEARS, and setting a true course to New Earth, finding our true North, to claim our Divine destiny. The RAINBOW WARRIOR comes home VICTORIOUS, finding the Holy Grail within his own precious HEART.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with MULUC the sensitive and intuitive feminine RED MOON Goddess, who will soften us into yielding to her Universal Waters, finding our pure HARMONIC FLOW in this New World we are collectively creating.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your trance-send-dance into pure Harmonic wisdom and FULL COSMIC ethereal PRESENCE!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of May 12th through May 18th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Take into effect every blessing by whom I call upon in the Holy Self Christ of each and everyone.
Allow the Violet Fire of freedom to roll around the world, saturating the Earth and its inhabitants as well, with increased Christly splendid radiation through I AM, this action of God sustained by heavenly loving hands…
Transmit the causes of the discord here, removing the cause, so that nothing else causes fear.
The absolute liberating power of love lifting whole Earth towards Heaven.
Now the Violet Fire burns bright in the living beauty that is the Light of God Himself.
Who right now and forever sets the world, myself and all life eternally free in Perfect Ascension Masters.
I AM Hilarion
Violet Planet
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