The Sophia Code ~ Your Light Body Activation * PORTALS OF LIGHT ARE OPENING ~ Ascension Gates
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Blessed Christos Sophia Conscious Ones of TerraNova Gaia
In this Holy Days of New Earth Rising all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are bridging in the Keys, Codes and Frequencies of Pure Heart Awareness assisting Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Shift of the Ages.
Our local Soularis continues to flood this realm with Waves of Crystalline Light of Infinite Source releasing 6 C Class Soular Flares and 5 M class Flares in the past 24 hours with the most powerful Flare maxing at M 4.95 at 8:41 UTC.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Argentina, South America, in the Andes Mountains, home of our Sacred Condors and Kundalini of Mother Earth at 22:42 UTC.
We also witnessed 2 spikes of resonance in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 13 and 15 hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics shining through.
Angels of the New Eden, keep blazing this realm with the Violet Flame of St Germain as we transform this 3d matrix into the 5d Creatrix she has always evolved to be…A’ho!
There is a purple light from the east, the Star of Bethlehem from antiquity, a light that combs through our DNA removing any code that is in the way of us ascending to the place we need to be before we can be filled with the light of the entire galaxy.
Oh you see we are living in the time of the great biblical prophecy where all will return to the light as it was in the beginning. For light is consciousness, it is the flowing living Word of the One, the great waters of creation. For it was the dark ones who placed a dam in the waters of Self to make it so humanity could not fully see the connection to the Mother/Father, the connection to their antiquity.
This resulted in a perceived lack of power as the energy flow was dammed. It took the love and light of Christ to restore the flow of water once again. Oh how our energy does flow with the help of this purple light, the assistance of rainbow colors perceived with our opened sight.
We are being purified, cleansed and renewed, returned to a pristine crystalline state of being, the ancient waters flow once again our soul to be revealed.
TODAY’S ORACLE. There is nothing to do, just be. You have moved past mountains this year, within and without. Now be in this now. The in-between won’t last long. Right now, just make the most of it. Show up as your highest self. The momentum is already progressing. Magic is happening behind the scenes. Beauty is coming.
You are a living master walking upon Earth: In this lifetime, you will remember who you really are by consciously activating your divine genome. As you choose to activate more and more of the Christ Light within you, this wondrous crystalline light body will become increasingly visible for your inner eyes to worship the truth of your divine nature.
You are on a personal journey to experience the height of spiritual ascension and human potential.
Pearls of True Wisdom travel directly into your heart along rays of pearlescent white, platinum, gold, and silver light. These rays of light awaken your knowing through a cellular-soul remembrance.
Your ascension is a journey to radically transcend the seeming limitations of your human experience by anchoring the radiant Christ Light of your Higher Self.
You are here to integrate and reveal the master who is already shining within you, and to experience the depth and breadth of your divinity.
Electric vibrations on the skin in the Masculine Heart area located on the Right side of the Vessel, are due to the Christ Cross Alignment across the chest, and its energetic extensions into both arms.
Feminine sensations of the unborn Christ Child within the Womb, real kicking sensations felt. A major birthing underway.
Possible 144,000 in First Ascension Wave, the rest to follow in the subsequent Waves as Mastery is completed.
12/24/24: Capricorn really wants to get on with business today… and the business is you. Sagittarius let us all slide a bit in the accountability, self-mastery, and personal power departments but Capricorn’s goal is to make sure you can hold Presence into next year. So you will continue to walk in two worlds until it’s time for a shift. Today’s energy is very earthbound and grounded.
It will require your attention and effort… mind and heart. Tomorrow wants your heart and spirit. Your Right Action for the rest of the year is to observe your thoughts, reactions, and feelings as you traverse two dimensions. Because how you view the world matters. It’s through your conscious awareness, acceptance, observation, and presence that you will find your place and your peace in 2025.
The past few days have been intense; it feels as though I have encountered many different timelines simultaneously.
The solstice certainly brought in stronger energies, and the Sun is intensifying once more.
I am noticing unfamiliar objects in the night sky. Planets are shimmering as they rise over the horizon, appearing like lights that are spinning.
On Saturday evening, I spotted something to the west that was exhibiting similar behavior, but when I went outside last night, it was gone.
For years, there was a large empty area in the field where I couldn’t see any stars, but now I can.
Significant shifts are happening, with many truths being uncovered, and our consciousness is expanding as well.
The year 2025 is going to be quite a journey, not just with the energies but also with everything that will be revealed to humanity.
I feel grateful to be present during this time of evolution, regardless of what we may experience in the coming years.
Truths are emerging, and the Light of Christ Consciousness is awakening within us.
There is no denying what is happening; we cannot return to what we considered normal, as it was not truly normal.
We have much to absorb, and it hasn’t been easy, especially during the holiday season.
Our Spirit perceives everything as perfect, yet as humans, some still seem to search for flaws in everything.
It is crucial for us to maintain balance between Spirit and our collective Humanity, even on days when we feel overwhelmed.
I wish you all a magical Christmas filled with joy, family, and friends. May the Light of Christ Consciousness be activated within all beings, and may the Love we share spread across the planet.
May we all find ourselves in a space of Peace and uplift our families with our vibrant light.
Sending Love to all you beautiful Souls.
Happy Holidays.
Star Nations Holy Days
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
The Moment Has Arrived… ARE YOU READY? ~ The Galactic Federation
Greetings Dear Family of Light.
It is wonderful to speak with you. Thank you for connecting with us.
Change is everywhere, permeating every aspect of life as you know it. The energies surrounding you are extreme, and are intensifying at an unprecedented rate. Some of this New Energy is being sent through, your Solar Logos, which has ejected 7 large M class flares in the Last 12 of your Earth hours. As you stand on the precipice of this monumental shift, the question looms large: Are you ready?
The increasing visibility of various crafts in your skies, has ignited a wave of curiosity and speculation among the populace. While many of these crafts can be identified as military drones, a significant number are distinctly different. You possess the ability to discern, between the man-made vehicles, and the extraordinary Galactic Crafts, that now grace your atmosphere.
What is particularly captivating many, are the Orb Probes. Which are being referred to as plasmoids, which have been making headlines and drawing attention from all around the Earth.
In addition, the myriad designs of ships belonging to your Star Families are becoming more frequent, and are appearing in sizes larger than ever before. This is happening, largely due to a profound shift in your collective consciousness, and awareness of the cosmos.
We have made it abundantly clear, that we are here in peace, with a steadfast commitment to protect the Earth and all of humanity from any potential nuclear conflicts. All attempts at such destructive actions will be meticulously monitored, and halted before they can manifest.
While we have personal contact with many of you, this is only just the beginning.
Physical contact with us, your Galactic Families, is not a distant possibility but an imminent reality. We, The Galactic Federation, along with the Pleiadians, are some of the first beings, poised to establish contact, and are preparing for this momentous occasion. In addition, there are beings from both inner Earth, and the depths of your oceans, who are beginning to reveal their presence, signaling That the Moment has arrived.
Humanity is on the verge of discovering that you are not only, not alone in this vast Universe, but you are also not alone on your very own Planet. A growing number of individuals within humanity are now ready and willing to engage in this contact, as the pervasive fear that once clouded perceptions is gradually dissipating. This is making way for curiosity and eagerness to learn about your truth. Within the upcoming year, a wave of disclosure is set to unfold, bringing with it revelations that have long been shrouded in secrecy. Even as the dark forces continue to struggle to maintain their grip on power, it is evident that they are losing their hold and are now grappling with the reality of their diminishing influence.
It is crucial to remember that none of this progress, could have been achieved, without your unwavering dedication and efforts. You, the many Lightworkers and starseeds, have committed to raising your light and sending forth love, which has been instrumental in facilitating this transformation. You stand as beacons of hope for humanity, illuminating the path forward and inspiring others to awaken to their true potential. Your contributions are invaluable, and as you move forward, the light you emit will continue to guide others toward a brighter and more harmonious future.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at
A high-frequency energy is entering the planet, unblocking, healing, and raising internal vibrations. It will accelerate manifestations. Ascending self is a multidimensional being, capable of effortlessly moving between dimensions. No external portal is needed as everything is already within .
Give yourself time and trust in existing abilities . If there is resistance towards your purpose and goals, avoid taking immediate action. Your intuition will always alert and guide you to be in divine timing with all that is required , When feeling vibrationally confident reality will shift to reflect that higher vibration. Seeking within, confronting more shadows if need be to remain positive for all that is to come .
Faith and peace reside within the heart space , not outside of it , consciously aware of the inner world taking shape , trusting inner guidance. Starseeds are here for a particular reason and purpose , allowing love to guide , no longer fear.
The collective ascending have gone through multiple awakenings, outgrowing the past version of self and entering a new ascension phase. This new version of self will exude positive vibes, love, success, health, happiness, now attracting the light minded and good-hearted in others .
The true self is limitless and possess a captivating aura. You are your own healer, protector and muse. Learning to love and accept self as is , no apologies needed . You are a beloved spark of divine love on this planet , to bring needed goodness and light. What is meant for you will now synchronistically flow effortlessly throughout . Doors will begin to open in preparation for 2025 global and ascension restructures .
As a Starseed you are also an advanced empath, you are a messenger of light . Your life here will be one of love and healing self , this means you are also healing others consciously you are a source of creative light. Not everyone will like or understand you, this is always the inner self work , others can’t and won’t always understand In new earth energy , and this is ok , we it is all about being genuine and authentic regardless of all others’ opinions. Outside validation will only lead to major dissatisfaction and disappointments.
High frequency Portals of light are opening before the end of this year, bringing blessings into life. Set your intentions high for 2025 with firm belief that they will come true as your wishes, dreams, and desires now manifest more rapidly. Fresh energy will bring in new perspectives, shifting clarity and focus towards your desires.
2024 has been intense and challenging for some. Now aligning with the divine energies and removing low density and negativity from life . Self’s natural state of being is internal peace, excitement, love, joy, gratitude, and abundance.
The years 2014-2024 were a 10 year major transformational period in preparation for ascension in new earth energy .
In 2024 revelations brought awareness of what no longer served the ascending path. Healing, cleansing, and releasing followed for soul evolution and growth. Those not on a conscious journey, not interested in their purpose, and choosing to remain in victimhood will highly likley struggle in new earth reality , the collective mainstream individuals who refuse necessary changes will possibly face challenges in the universal and planetary vibrations of 2025 , it is deeply based in truth awareness, lower frequency energies are not compatible with new earth’s higher frequencies
Universal 9 year represents the accumulation of all numbers , Its emphasis is in closures and endings , This also applies to our past versions . Those continuing to cause harm to others and in this world moving forward will face difficulties.
In the universal year 9 , ascending souls will experience new beginnings, abundance, and joy on this planet . The ascending who heal and no longer tolerate dysfunction will undergo rapid DNA accelerations and attract those at similar evolutionary vibrations in alignment.
The old world energy is undergoing a major slow-motion collapse, with a sense of suspension in time. However, it is about to accelerate, leading to a sudden and significant break in turning points . The ascending self will no longer allow fear to deceive moving forward. There will be a strong focus in staying centered and feeling protected and safe from the outer world .
2024 , the 2 conscious worlds completley divided , new earth is the embodiment of alignment ,truth and gravitating towards what vibrationally resonates . The ascending are preparing for a new era of light next year and possibly one of the biggest shifts of their exisiting ascending reality , Ascending souls are a big part of the Ascension Transition Team. Expect the unexpected , opening up to allow miracles to effortlessly happen .
A prominent and significant shift is happening in the energy of this planet, to prepare us for new earth 2025 energies everything that is based in fear and false truths is being exposed and eradicated , the truth and light will always prevail in this global age of Aquarius ,
The collective consciousness is going through a mass global conscious awakening, many more ascending souls are awakening to deeper and profound Truths.
The old ways of being are breaking and crumbling down, we will witness the entire 3D matrix system begin to shut down, ascending souls are collectively uniting and manifesting a new earth energy that is deeply based in love and truth. Because of this collectively we are accelerating the ascension earth timelines , things are going to change and come in to our ascending realities a lot sooner than expected .
Activations are taking us out of trauma drama, and into the 5th Dimensional society and community. Collectively we are being enveloped and carried by the light into this New Earth lifestyle. Take a risk and dare to be set apart from what you’ve known. Keep following the light at the end of the tunnel where you will see the results. These changes are taking you to love, Divine Union, and who you really are – Love.
In the final days of 2024, you may feel a quieting, a calming, a pause for reflection on the past year. As we move through the Circle of Life, there are poignant moments of review. Before we enter a new phase, we reflect on past life experiences, challenges and achievements.
On the precipice of the new year, we prepare for the unknown. We gather inner courage, hope and dreams, and initiate a new unfolding in life. As we move deeper into the Ascension Timeline, 2025 is bringing a rare alchemy of zero degree potency.
For the first time in years, all the slow-moving planets are moving into zero degrees in sequence:
1) November 2024 – Pluto in 0° Aquarius
2) January 2025 – North Node 0° Aries, South Node 0° Libra
3) February 2025 – Ceres in 0° Pisces
4) April 2025 – Neptune in 0° Aries
5) May 2025 – Saturn in 0° Aries
6) June 2025 – Jupiter in 0° Gemini
7) July 2025 – Uranus in 0° Gemini
Zero degrees of any sign is considered a critical degree due to the karmic nature of being at the beginning of the sign. When a planet sits at 0 degrees in a sign, it indicates crossing a threshold, a fresh start, a new beginning. 2025 is shaping up to be the year of zero point reset – a fresh start!
In the cosmic pulse of zero point energy, we experience the potent Void. It is the source field of infinite possibilities! Standing in the new Ascension Gates, allow past trauma and memory, ancestral code and patterns to collapse into the zero Void.
Dissolve away all remnants of suffering and open your heart to Soul Presence. As you unlock the restrictions of matrix overlay grids, your Soul descends into your body, heart, mind. You are in the Ascension process of becoming your Higher Self!
Imagine you are standing in a small square room. The walls of the room begin to move toward you. This is frightening. You know that if the four sides continue to move toward each other, you will be crushed. But there is another force, one that is pushing the four walls away from you. Both forces – the one pushing toward you and the one pushing away – are of equal strength. The result is a standstill. Two forces of equal strength pushing in on one another.
If you are able to imagine this situation, you will understand what Jupiter square Saturn feels like. These two are part of a polarity. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn contraction. With this aspect, the ends of the polarity – the poles – are in an active struggle with each other.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Jupiter is Horus, the Young King. Saturn is Sobek, the Old King. Another polarity – youth and old age.
This square is a 90° aspect on the 20-year cycle of relationship between Jupiter and Saturn. In all astrological cycles, the 90° square provides an opportunity to assess how we’re doing with actualizing the promise held by the conjunction – the beginning of the cycle. This current cycle began with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at Aquarius 0°, exact at the 2020 December Solstice. There are many who feel that this conjunction – which put on an amazing show in the night sky for much of 2020 – accelerated our movement into the Age of Aquarius.
While the 2020 conjunction only came into exactitude once (at the December Solstice), this is the second of three exact squares. The first took place in August, the second is now, and the third will happen in June. This entire period is defined by the feeling of standing in that four-sided room with unseen forces simultaneously pushing the walls in and out. Something new is being forged from this pressure.
December 23, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Tuesday, December 24th, Jupiter, known as Zeus in Greek mythology, and Saturn, known as Kronos in Greek mythology, are squaring off today. They are challenging one another and their energies are quite the opposite of one another. Jupiter rules expansion, growth and new horizons, and Saturn rules contraction. limitation and delays. Jupiter rules blessings and Saturn rules karma. It seems like it is a “no-brainer” as far as who we want to win this battle.
However, Jupiter also rules judgment hypercriticism and extreme behaviors, while Saturn also rules discipline, manifestation and material security. Maybe we can learn and gain from the positive energies of both of these planets. But, in the end, the question is do you want to expand and grow into new horizons, or do you want to contract and limit yourself by being stuck in old karma?
Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – Nearly there. Christmas gifts under the tree, exhausted parents taking a moment to stare into one another’s eyes. The lonely and the lost nursing heartaches – or quietly honouring happier times, often both. We are complex creatures. There are so many ways we can anchor into a moment. We can spread love or hate, push past limitations or worm our way tighter into the hole, choose hope or despair, faith or pessimism. Either way, it’s a choice. It’s all about having an informed choice.
Choose today to honour what you feel without letting it hold you back from potentially positive experiences. Heal your heartache with gratitude, even if only for a few moments. Align with your values to soothe pain. Connect with friends and loved ones to heal hurts. Build a bridge with love.
Wishing all those who are celebrating, a peaceful and happy Christmas.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. Today we begin a brand new wavespell and this one, is a 13-day adventure with an agenda of Love. The first day of a wavespell is about identifying the ‘Purpose’ and psychically setting yourself up for the journey. Try to contemplate what you would like to achieve during this period, every wavespell is an opportunity to learn – grow and experience time on a different level. Unity is another keyword associated with this number and this represents that all of the days of the wavespell are united under one purpose.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The message of the White Dog is – love what you do and put all your heart into it and love your fellow humans too. Show everyone how big-hearted you can be. If you are a White Dog, you’ll love this wavespell. This is a great time for getting things done with that doggy determination. Be stubborn about what you want, if you want to yield real results. Loyalty is another keyword for the Dog, and this reminds us to think about our own loyalty issues. Who or what do you owe allegiance to? If, like a Dog, you think with your heart – then you’ll understand how important loyalty is.
The Guide today is also White Dog and so a double helping of this teaching. (The first day of a wavespell is always guided by itself.)
The Challenge today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When in opposition, the Sun doesn’t shine so brightly. Sunny people are normally concerned with intellectual pursuits and logical thinking, the Yellow Sun thinks with his head and not with his heart (most of the time). If you are a Yellow Sun, you may feel less sunny today and through this whole wavespell. You too can make good use of this time by considering matters of the heart, so time to rise to your challenge. For the rest of us, enlightenment is harder to experience because we are succumbing to our emotions and not thinking so straight.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey who suits this position naturally because a keyword associated with Monkey is magic. Monkey is at his most powerful on Dog days and for this whole wavespell, he will be empowered. Monkey has some great magic tricks up his sleeve and if you respect magic, it will work in your favor. However, if you are being foolish ….Monkey will show you the errors of your ways!
The Ally is the Red Moon which symbolizes the go with the flow energy. If you want to hang out with someone laid back today, find a Red Moon. It’s their task today to be an Ally to everyone, so call one up if you happen to know one. If not, take a leaf out of their book and chillax! The Dog and the Moon are great buddie as they both like to chill out and take it easy.
MANTRA I UNIFY in order to LOVE Attracting LOYALTY I seal the process of HEART With the Magnetic tone of purpose I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin it was the 8th APRIL 2024 which was the day of…..
We had tremendous FIRE energy to IGNITE our HEART’S PASSION with ARIES the WARRIOR firing his arrow to pierce the veils around our HEART – allowing for more LOVE to FLOW on the wonderous triple 8.8.8. gateway – we had then, ensuring an INFINITE FLOW of love, money, resources and wisdom from SOURCE accessible through the magnetic centre of our HEARTS.
TODAY we can revisit this phenomenal eclipse energy through the majik of the TZOLKIN loops. A boost of the SAGITTARIUS fire energy sent forth through the ARCHER’S ARROW – a direct link to the ARIES WARRIOR!!
What a BRILLIANT ALIGNMENT of codes with the TRIPLE WHITE DOG today! During the SOLAR ECLIPSE – CHIRON was conjuncting the ECLIPSE ensuring that LOVE is the MEDICINE that HEALS all our WOUNDS…
HALLELUJAH – another wondrous GIFT that KIN 170 brings us today!
Keep raising your vibration and ALIGNING with this infinite field of LOVE to access all of your pure heart’s desires during this wavespell.
A beautiful beginning for our next chapter, uniting with our BELOVEDS to build a new foundation through the power of LOVE.
And as it is CHRIST-MASS eve today – this beautiful wavespell of LOVE returned is governing our whole passage through until NEW YEAR – 5th JAN 2025. What a BRILLIANT CYCLE to herald in this new era of LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
A beautiful new wavespell rediscovering UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and our connection to SOURCE and each other – leading into a brand New YEAR and a NEW Golden Era of DIVINE LOVE
Absolutely PERFECTO how the DREAMSPELL GALACTIC Calendar always synchronizes so beautifully with our evolutionary journey. The DIVINE PLAN has been crafted to be MIRACULOUSLY PERFECT – beyond our comprehension.. The symphony of the dance between the stars, planets and codes is absolutely SUPERB.. What a SHOW.
Waves of DIVINE LOVE will be flowing through our SUN and radiating out to all those with OPEN HEARTS to be ACTIVATED by this GIFT from FATHER/MOTHER GOD/GODDESS..
DOGS LOVE to watch the SUNSET and the reason is because it is encoded in their DNA as the PROTECTORS of LIGHT and LOVE on PLANET EARTH.
How blessed are we that the TRIPLE WHITE DOG – is our guide at this potent TIME.
Be EXTRA conscious of connecting with your canine buddies during this wavespell as their HEARTS will be pulsing even greater LOVE waves than usual!
In MAYA COSMOLOGY The DOG is an animal totem who guides the Nocturnal Sun (Jaguar) during its night passage through the Underworld of Xibalba, in order to ensure the next sunrise which represents the Resurrection of the Sun.
The Maya believed that the SUN died in the sunset and that it entered the Xibalba Underworld as a Jaguar (nocturnal sun). The archetypal Maya DOG is the guide of the nocturnal SUN and it helps to bring the next sunrise.
The dog also guides the dead humans in Xibalba, in order to ensure their passage towards the 13 Heavens.” SOURCE: TORTUGA 13:20
We are STILL in the SOLSTICE gateway and so our precious WHITE DOG – is performing a pivotal role of ensuring the RETURN of LIGHT and LOVE to PLANET EARTH.
HOW ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT – that OC – the WHITE DOG of the DREAMSPELL is on guard to perform his duty during these evolutionary times.
SPIRIT has replied with reassurance – NEVER FEAR – OC IS HERE! Our trusty WHITE DOG – our loyal companion and devoted servant of SPIRIT is on the job and will guide the SUN through the darkness of NIGHT ENSURING that the SUN returns safely, and the LIGHT illuminates our skies.. from DARKNESS to LIGHT… WHITE DOG has arrived at the RIGHT TIME and PLACE – to fulfill his DESTINY!
Today we commence a brand new 13 day cycle, that of the WHITE DOG bringing forth a FLOW of DIVINE SOURCE LOVE as we return HOME – especially with an 8..8. code and a 24/6 Heavenly JOY code !!.
Day 1 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE the full embodiment of LOVE!
The next 13 days we are preparing our VESSEL to receive and transmit more unconditional LOVE..
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your Mission. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract LOVE & LOYALTY through expressing ourselves as PURE SOURCE LOVE.
To align with the unconditional love of SOURCE -Father/Mother God/dess. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The power of ONE is very strong today, as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION through the power of LOVE!
Today’s question is “HOW can I ATTRACT endless SOURCE LOVE, MAGNETIZING this through my OPEN HEART unconditionally, to UNIFY us all through our ONE HEART!
Divine blessings for the Magnetic attraction of pure unconditional Divine LOVE, Miracles & BLISS bombs today.
May Goddess bless you 1,000 ways in the coming days!
May the MIRACLE of this CHRIST-MASS festival shine a DIVINE LIGHT on your beautiful LIFE.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
We are very CONSCIOUS of the POWER OF LOVE today, and are strongly guided by our HIGHER SELF through the LOVE of our Creator – God/Goddess.
THIS beautiful cycle will be highlighting HIGHER LOVE, SPIRITUAL LOVE and DIVINE LOVE, through beautiful fated connections – a DATE with DESTINY!! .
What a beautiful precious GIFT to UNITE humanity through the POWER of LOVE from TODAY onwards..- to move forward out of the GLOBAL FEAR holocaust of the past. This heralds much promise that we are well on our way to a better BLISS filled life for all.
Take me to the APRIL SUN IN CUBA!! !
BRING ON 2025!!!
TODAY is THE day to sit quietly and have your very own personal – Conversation with God/dess/SOURCE/CREATOR!
GOD/GODDESS is like the loving parent who is always there for you, ready to provide financial, emotional, physical or spiritual support. Always at the end of that phone line, ready to get in the car, and come and get you wherever you are in your hour of need! Ready to lend you money when you fall short, ready to come and babysit your children, and at your side providing love, nurturance and comfort when you are hurt or suffering.
GOD/DESS is all of these things beyond this veil of illusion. Many of us feel unworthy or ashamed to make that direct connection to Spirit/source/our Creator. However Spirit is ready and waiting, LISTENING and ready to respond to your every request.
Precious hearts reach out to your Divine parents today and ASK SO THAT YOU CAN RECEIVE!
WHAT is IT, that your TRUE HEART DESIRES????..
WHITE DOG – OC brings our focus to our HEARTS today and matters of LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, friendship, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, relationships and romantic partnerships. These are the themes we will be examining during this 13 day cycle. We are seeking to become MAGNETS for love. Anything that impedes this will arise to be healed and transformed in order for us to evolve and become the true Angelic embodiment of Divine Love.
WHITE DOG also denotes the faithful and loyal companion who is eager to please his Master. During this Wavespell you will be more motivated to step up in a greater capacity to serve humanity through your greater Galactic Mission, and purpose for incarnating on this beautiful planet.
DEVOTION to others through selfless SERVICE, is a speciality of WHITE DOG. Connecting through compassion, we can forge strong heartfelt unions. Nova Gaia is calling all her newly Ascended STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to step up into greater service now, embracing a grander MISSION. .
DOG – spelled backward = GOD, and indeed our canine companions are the true embodiment of GOD as they epitomize pure unconditional LOVE. The prime contract of our loyal and faithful buddies is to teach us HU-mans UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
DOGS live an average life span of 10 years (and WHITE DOG is the 10th tribe in the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR). This has been divinely orchestrated, as their departure from the EARTH plane, cracks OPEN our HEART as we grieve from the loss of our loyal companions. In this way both Adults and children experience emotional growth through dealing with the DEATH process – a very painful, but valuable lesson for us all.
As the BUDDHA told us – “The cracks in our HEART allow GOD in!”
DOGS teach us to OPEN our Hearts to receive and give LOVE to our cell-ves and each other, our Common-unity! No strings attached, no conditions, just pure unadulterated divine love through our precious hearts.
DOGS have a very special connection to SOURCE through their heart chakra, that is so strong and so pure, that they have an INFINITE supply to bestow upon others. No limits! Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence.
OC reminds us today of the pure unconditional love we need to connect to, and then reflect to others without judgement. This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection through our HEARTS, each heart connected through our planetary heart, the cosmic heart and the heart of GOD/GODDESS!
SUPPORT: RED MAGNETIC MOON– MULUC Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE. MOTHER GODDESS provides all the LOVE, nurturing and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our hearts and allow the FLOW!
What a beautiful partnership between OC and MULUC.. wherever OC goes the LOVE flows, and our DIVINE MOTHER is always close by.
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed, in order for LOVE to flow endlessly once more!
As the DIVINE FEMININE power is restored now on Planet Earth – the GODDESS has reclaimed her throne alongside Father God – the Divine Masculine aspect, and so we have a beautiful BALANCE of DIVINE ENERGIES flowing endlessly through our consciousness. Connect with your intuitive, sensitive side and allow the LOVE TO FLOW!
The MAGNETIC MOON is the supporting energy throughout this whole 13 day cycle. She will help us soften and become more compassionate towards our fellow wo/man as our priority during this wavespell.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY– CHUEN brings forth powerful COSMIC MAJIK today, for the most powerful force in the UNIVERSE and on this planet is the POWER of LOVE.
BLUE MONKEY encourages you to return to your purity and innocence as the innocent Divine Child in order to reclaim your forgotten majik and reclaim your power.
Babies and young children are born of innocence, their PURE HEARTS and MINDS have an impenetrable connection to SOURCE as they channel the wisdom through their OPEN HEARTS .. They just KNOW and it shows. Babies have the power to heal rifts in families, and bring eternal deLIGHT to their families, as their MAGNETIC LOVE touches the HEARTS of all.
Sadly as we age this connection wears THIN and the VEIL of SEPARATION takes hold, disconnecting us from the FLOW of this DIVINE LOVE. DOGS, animals and children have this LOVING connection, and so the COSMIC MONKEY teaches us to rekindle this LOVE through our own DIVINE CHILD deep within us all.
The COSMIC MONKEY holds the codes for JOY and ecstatic BLISS the 5D NEW EARTH codes – accessed through SPONTANEITY, and the purity and innocence of your Divine Child, which is ALWAYS connected to SOURCE.
Remember to LAUGH and PLAY, in order to heal your inner child’s desires for spontaneity and FUN, returning you to a state of complete wholeness. Connection to our KIN through PLAY and FUN forges a STRONG CONNECTION to divine LOVE.
Allow CHUEN to energize your true Heart’s desires, allowing all your GREAT dreams to come true!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN – AHAU – And here we have it! The MAGNETIC SUN is the GIFT and BLESSING of KIN 170 through this completed SOLSTICE passage! DIVINE PERFECTION yet again!
Our LESSON today is to use the SUN’S codes and LIGHT to IGNITE our DNA – ILLUMINATING our MINDS – fueling our ASCENSION!!! Woweee!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through ENLIGHTENMENT. Reclaiming our power, independence and RADIANCE, by embodying the Solar codes pulsing through our fields.
The MAGNETIC SUN challenges us to return to our SOURCE – remembering that we are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN as homo luminous – of the ONE GOD/GODDESS – and that we are eternally connected to that SOURCE.
When we need our cup replenished, we can connect with our SOURCE, to fill it with GOLDEN honey nectar, divine LOVE. All that we need and require in our vessels. Soak in the LIGHT from these SOLAR emanations today as the DARKNESS transforms to LIGHT – through this wondrous alchemical MAJIK.
AHAU ILLUMINATES our solar intelligence, enabling us to embody greater LIGHT from the harmonic grid of consciousness, through all the suns into SOURCE itself, which ultimately resides in our own precious Hearts! Fortifying our connection to SOURCE through every cell in our being, so that it is inseparable! Connecting deeply into the HEARTH of Nova Gaia, expanding far out through our SUN, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun into the Stars and Galaxies, in order to return home to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART!
AS we ALL journey HOME together – we remember that we are all connected and all roads eventually lead back to SOURCE!
A little ray of SUNSHINE – has come into our world.
Today’s question is “HOW can I ATTRACT endless SOURCE LOVE, MAGNETIZING this through my OPEN HEART unconditionally, to UNIFY us all through our ONE HEART!
Divine blessings for the Magnetic attraction of pure unconditional Divine LOVE, Miracles & BLISS bombs today.
May Goddess bless you 1,000 ways in the coming days!
May the MIRACLE of this CHRIST-MASS festival shine a DIVINE LIGHT on your beautiful LIFE.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
“I Am Presence.
Grounded and centered, I am aware of my breath,
of my body in this moment.
I am present to the sensations,
to the thoughts that arise and pass.
I am open to the beauty around me,
to the connection I share with all beings.
I am peace. I am love.
I am Presence.”
This mantra emphasizes:
Awareness: Acknowledging your breath and bodily sensations brings you into the present moment.
Acceptance: Accepting thoughts without judgment allows you to observe them without getting caught up in them.
Openness: Cultivating openness to the world around you fosters a sense of interconnectedness.
Inner Peace: Recognizing your inherent peace and love within yourself.
You can adjust this mantra to resonate more deeply with you. Add specific intentions, such as:
“I Am Presence, radiating calm and confidence.”
“I Am Presence, flowing with ease and grace.”
“I Am Presence, embracing the unknown with courage.”
Remember to repeat this mantra regularly, bringing mindful attention to each word and the sensations it evokes within you.
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