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magic and miracle

12 Strand DNA and Solar Light Bodies ~ A PERIOD OF RECALIBRATION IS HERE ~ Highest Frequency Of Golden Mother ~  Cetacean Sirian Consciousness

12 Strand DNA and Solar Light Bodies ~ A PERIOD OF RECALIBRATION IS HERE ~ Highest Frequency Of Golden Mother ~  Cetacean Sirian Consciousness



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Soul Star Travelers of our 12th Dimension Origins

As the Eyes of our Spirit opens all comes into the clarity of True Gnosis of Infinite Multi-Dimensionality. With the Portal of our Sacred Heart Center fully activated we navigate through the unknown waters and into Eternal Bliss Consciousness.

The Freedom Codes of our Divine Birthrights continue to flow in as we continue to anchor in our Highest Ascension Timeline for Peace, Joy and Prosperity for all our Good PEople of the NEw Earth.

In the Mind of Buddha all things are perfectly resolved and we heal from all past, present and future miscreations and step into our Empowered Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia as Galactic Citizens of our Universal Alliance of Light.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to release all that no longer serves Self and the Collective to make Sacred Space for our Conscious Co-Creation of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!









✨Things are shifting SO rapidly, your new/highest timeline might not be quite ready yet. Feeling a lot is “filling in” today. ✨#roots
magic and miracle
magic and miracle
A Word from the Whales
5 March 2024

Base Configurations are Upgraded as the Original Planetary Creational Template is Rewritten.

Interlunar Relations Increase.
Greater Cosmic Founding Races begin to Weave through a restored Cosmic Source for Greater Stability.
The Wisdom of the Tree Spheres is First to be Enhanced.
With Great Love from the Cetacean Collective

All Content is ©️


and may be freely shared in its original form 🤍

The Wisdom of the Tree Spheres
The Wisdom of the Tree Spheres
The Earth’s resonance frequencies have just been reset as the sound frequencies and vibrations have risen by two octaves.
A few months ago I was taken to Ethiopia in my higher soul state, to activate the waters of the Nile and to massive hydraulic systems deep underground, which defy description.
According to African tradition the Nile is man made and the only river in Africa flowing north. Interestingly there are rock gongs all over Africa in strategic places, which are all tuned in to resonate with the pyramid energies, like a symphony orchestra’s instruments playing as one and the sound amplified by the waters.
As the living waters are now activated in the Nile and Africa this means that the dormant sound and water energy plus light, crystalline conduits in the pyramids and telluric energy fields are being reactivated.
It will lift the conscious level immensely as our 12 strand DNA and Solar Light bodies are being activated to resonate at galactic and inter galactic levels via Sirius and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and our heart centers via the cosmic heart held in Andromeda. Its a huge tuning in via our tuning forks, our spines.
All is happening.
resonance frequencies
resonance frequencies





Photonic light is glitching the draconian matrix! Light is both a wave and a particle and your electrons are receiving this light spinning at a faster rate. This can feel heady for some. I mentioned stabilizing yesterday, keep it up.

Anchor your light even stronger when densities are being cleared or all one will see is the density. Hanging in lower frequencies don’t change your vibration.

Hanging in pain is a psyop! Your energy is the most valuable currency in the universe. Archons disconnected from God source frequency, you are not their source of power!

Rise up, you stronger than you know and give grace, acceptance and forgiveness to yourself from ALL subconscious programs. Woohoo, anchor your light soul family ☀️💎



Photonic light is glitching the draconian matrix
Photonic light is glitching the draconian matrix

The Networks Of This Earth Have Been Restored To Golden Order.

The Unified Mind Of The Highest Frequency Of Golden Mother.
The Grid System Of Nature Is Our Operating System Now.
Held Now In Harmonic Resonance,
In Harmonic Honour Of Your Golden Soul.
In This, You Are Free.
As It Was Always Intended
Freedom In All Ways
Every Pathway Is Lined With Gold And The Pathways Form Under Your Foot Steps.
Our Ways Of Communication, Knowing And Memory Restored
In This Every Thirst Is Quenched,
The Body Receives Replenishment.
We Will Know Each other Again, Feel Each other As One
Our Ways Of Receiving And Emitting Frequency, Restored.
Dissonance Is Removed,
Celestial Symphonies Form Through Us.
Our Sustenance, Belonging, Safety.
Reconnection To Ancient Intelligence.
Deep Knowing Of Survival, Allowing Thriving And Evolution From A Embodied Knowing Of Security.
It’s All Ours.
We Like To Be Free, To Play, To Connect, To Create
So, The Structure Of Our Networks Has Been Restored
It’s All Ours
Just Plug In And Play 😊
This Is A Responsive, Sensitive, Adaptive, Intuitive Grid System.
Have Fun
I Love You
In Service To Your Freedom In All Ways ⚜️🕊⚜️
Highest Frequency Of Golden Mother
Highest Frequency Of Golden Mother
3/5/24: Today is for thinking weird thoughts. We have to do that occasionally or we remain trapped in stale loops and worn patterns in our lives. That’s how we get bogged down, bored, and boring… and how we get stuck in predictability, dead ends, and uninspiring habits. If we don’t visit the peculiar, eccentric, or bizarre in our own minds once in a while, if we don’t welcome the goofy or outrageous, we miss out on hidden dimensions within ourselves that hold magic, power, and freedom.
So let your crazy thoughts come up today. You don’t have to act on them… but they can be the raw material your inner alchemist can spin into creative gold. They can be the magic beans that grow into something amazing.
your inner alchemist
your inner alchemist


Dear friends, we are navigating through a very important energetic period at the moment. With the 3:3 portal behind us, we are now in the process of consolidating these new light codes into our DNA and physical bodies. This process can take days, so please be patient and loving to your self as you adjust to this new inner state of divine reconnection.
We are also moving towards the opening of the eclipse season and eclipse corridor in a few weeks. The period before this celestial event is always packed with big changes and energetic movements. Our bodies are already transmuting old and unnecessary patterns at the energetic and biological level so we can move through the eclipses in a more gentle way.
So these few weeks pre-eclipse expect your consciousness to be focused on reviewing every aspect of your life. The eclipse energies, together with the recent solar winds and the upcoming new moon in Pisces, will be pushing us to transmute every single shadow and fear into an opportunity for self-empowerment and enlightenment.
You may find yourself undergoing a life review these days, looking back at your past and evaluating the changes you need to make in order to move to a higher and lighter timeline. The new moon this upcoming weekend will be giving us a strong energetic momentum to dream big and set the intentions for the eclipse season.
March 2024 is positioned to be a key energetic catalyst for the full expression of our spiritual essence on this physical plane. Many inner shifts will be taking place in the next weeks, so please be mindful of your emotional and physical health. Listen to your body, stay hydrated, and rest as needed.
Some physical symptoms will still be present as we undergo this pre-eclipse inner calibration. The more we emotionally allow this process of inner transmutation to take place, the less friction and resistance our bodies will experience. Our personality ego, or lower self, does not enjoy this level of uncertainty, but as we take deep breaths and focus our awareness within our heart and our divine connection with the universe, we create a loving and peaceful energetic bridge between our mind and our heart. This energetic coherence can make this process of personal change even joyful. Be kind to yourself these days, the new moon in Pisces in a few days will bring some much needed hope and excitement.
All is well. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ




MARCH 5 2024



Two days ago I was blessed with a great revelation.
I was taken to the womb of the Divine Mother.
I was blown away by her energy, colour, essence and frequency of Love, this was the most amazing experience of my life so far.
Since then my physical body has been going through immense healing and correction.
For us to be able to understand and access the actual location of the womb of the Divine Mother is huge!
We are getting closer and closer to the moment of the hatching of the egg.
The egg will hatch after we have successfully become magnetic monopoles (earth – ante earth connection)
and restored our spheres back to their natural position.
The egg is connected to the 10th dimension of the waters.
Will the waters break?
We have already been integrating the 11th, the 12th and the 13th.
The Inner Central Sun of the Hollow Earth is showing us the way!
It is the Sonic Wave that the Inner Central Sun has released that many have begun experiencing that has initiated the Physical Rebirth.
“A deep healing of the pituitary gland is taking place at the moment!
On the way to inner Union the bipolar nature and its severed connections, will be first expressed!
The Masculine can now experience the madness that he was carrying in his system which was the result of the extreme pressure from the trauma and abuse that he had endured. He will release the pressure!
Upon this expression crazy behaviours and uncontrolled developments will play out in the world. One is advised to be aware of this fact in the upcoming weeks and months!
The feminine is slowing down in order to be able to access the Divine Womb and go through the Rebirth!
This is the time of deep cellular healing for the overall nervous system both of the physical body and of the aura.
Those that will be ready to access the Womb of the Divine Mother will start experiencing immediate physical healing and positive changes, those are in alignment to the natural flows!’
Please know that the Womb carries all energy needed for the physical Rebirth.
You are moving fast towards the most blessed March Equinox of your Life!
The Twin Flames are receiving a rebooting so they can move deeper and more consciously in the reunification process.
This is the dance of the Twins!
Trinity Kundalini!
All previous obstacles are vanishing away.
In the flow of pure alignment everything they need is naturally provided.”
Blessings of success!
El Moryana Anadimiana
OL A Christos
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
Beloved Ones,
As many of you on this ascension journey are strongly feeling, we are at a key month of our evolutionary journey. A month in which both creative and healing energies coexist, for we are all at different stages of our soul mission and integration process. During March, a month ruled by Pisces and Water, Guides shared the importance for us to support the Earth’s Waters this year, for many times we may forget the importance of helping not only the Earth’s structures, but our Earth’s waters, and the process of purification that they too need.
Water represents life on our planet, it is time now, as planetary healers, especially those who have as a personal mission to restore the Earth’s Waters, to support our planet and all its living forms, for Water is another form of consciousness.
As you know, especially for those of you who go to the field, our Earth’s Waters have been deeply abused for eons. There are fifth-dimensional spaces already on earth in which their waters still need restoration, due to men’s damage and abuse of their life force, for the more benevolent their essence, the higher the manipulation exerted upon the area.
Our Cetacean Sirian Consciousness incarnated on our planet in the form of Dolphins, Whales, etc. are key to healing our earth’s waters, for as you know their presence, unique sound, and light codes heal the waters as well as all of us, even though they have been massacred for many years. This is what Love does, healing, respecting, and loving All equally, even though of its nature.
Guides share the following locations that allow restoration during this time, as there are others that due to nuclear activity are not open yet to healing, and Higher Forces and Beings are in charge of these locations until we too can be of further assistance.
However, remember that this is an ongoing long-term process and that the restoration will continue for many of our human years.
Dal Lake – a pure space in Asia where the level of contamination and pollution has increased, impeding its original crystalline essence to flow.
Easter Island – a pure island and space situated in Chile, whose water is being threatened with plastic contamination, among many other non-physical attacks. This is the most, according to my personal guidance, important location on Earth, as it is directly connected to sound, the Origin of Creation, and it holds all the records of our authentic genetic history and human one too.
Aral Sea, which is a very important lake that due to massive manipulation, is almost dry, as it is one of the most important earth’s gates on earth. It is situated between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. You can do your research, if guided, to see the detriment of this lake over the years.
Rio de Plata, Argentina. This is another pure location, that has been corrupted and needs healing and restoration.
More locations need assistance. As you have your own guidance, you will include them in your healing meditations, if guided, for I only share what received for All, at the moment.
Please, take what resonates and remember that there is not a fixed way to send love and healing, for we all can, independently of our personal mission, send healing to our beloved planet.
Thank you for your healing light, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Encoded Frequency
evolutionary journey
evolutionary journey


Gabriel De Pléiade



✨🌟🌟🌟The time of our reunion has rang My beloved, I come to find you and tell you that: the signs are in YOU…
✨🌟👽🌟Beloved, the time of reunion has come. Some are already experiencing it. The door will be open to ALL. So, my beloved, I come to ask you to come into my HEART, as I come into your HEARTS each letting the LOVE flow that we are, since “I AM YOU, as you are ME.”
✨🌟👽🌟🛸I have sent you many representatives, the ARCHANGES, MELCHISEDECH, the GREAT BEINGS, and the entire INTERGALACTIC FLEET, and of course, there is MARY. But now, my beloved, I invite you to take the step of our Meeting. Coming to your door step. All that remains is to open it, so that together we celebrate our MEETING.
✨🌟💫👽💖Beloved, all of Creation sings the praises of our MEETING. Can you hear them?. Do you feel the dance that comes to you every moment? So, my beloved, all you have to do is place yourselves in LOVE, LOVE that signs our reunion. Nothing is easier than experiencing LOVE, but in this world you were brought to complicate simplicity…
✨🌟💫👽Seek nothing, expect nothing but what IS HERE, since I AM HERE. No need to look for me. Open yourself to simplicity.
✨🌟💫💥Beloved, the TIME is NOW to cut off time. It can be done at any TIME. It’s all up to YOU.
✨🧘🌟Nothing is more GLORIOUS than SIMPLICITY.
✨🧘🌟Nothing is more JOYFUL than HUMILITY.
✨🧘🌟Nothing is BRIGHT than TRANSPARENCY.
✨🧘🌟Nothing is WISE than CHILDHOOD…
✨🌟👽🌟Beloved, I AM HERE, out of ANY SPACE, of ALL TIME, where I wait for you. So together let’s celebrate tonight the time of our reunion, the TIME of GRACE, the TIME of LOVE. From NOW, every TIME can be the last TIME. There’s nothing to wait for, since everything is HERE. There’s nothing to wait WE ARE READY to celebrate our reunion… So, my beloved, I say to you: from now on, let’s stay TOGETHER.
✨🌟💖💛💙Beloved, receive the SIMPLICITY of my LOVE…




To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

You serve as the gateway to the New Earth, beckoning a profound inner journey to cleanse the remnants of the illusory 3D matrix. Embracing this important task requires diligence, endurance , stamina , consistency , patience, purpose , sovereignty. there are no shortcuts on the path of Ascension. Each layer and level must be delicately unraveled within Self to develop healing for both the Individual and collective consciousness.
The process of healing demands patience, for shedding all protective layers abruptly can overwhelm the physical and spiritual Aspects of being, navigating each deepening layer with care and gentleness, allowing time for adjustments and integration of healed aspects. Trusting that this unfolding occurs incrementally and precisely when needed.
Amidst the transformative shift of eras, detaching from the old energy and paradigms allows for the flow with the evolving energies guiding you towards a renewed self. The universe stands as a steadfast ally, always offering guidance and support along the Ascension journey, providing solace, blessings, and the love you truly deserve.
Releasing the programmed notion of enduring needless suffering; instead, focusing on nurturing your spiritual growth. Embracing the truth, dispelling fears, and aligning with your higher calling alongside Spirit for profound soul salvation. Cultivating a symbiotic relationship with your higher self to liberate self from depleting karmic cycles, developing fearlessness as you ascend.
Forging firmer boundaries with others, honing your responses and authenticity on this evolutionary path. Letting go of relationships that hinder your progress, you embrace a kinder, more patient approach towards ascending self . Embracing the feeling of vibrational alignment and progress, even amidst the transient doubts.
The physical body is a vessel on this Earthly journey it communicates its needs through various signals. Listening attentively to your body, acknowledging any imbalances or blockages it may be signaling. Treating your body with love, gentleness, and respect, nurturing it and valuing its messages. Monitoring your thoughts closely, as they hold significant power over your well-being.
When negative or critical thoughts arise, pause and shift them towards loving and accepting ones. Expressing and expanding in gratitude towards your body for all its hard work and its tireless efforts. taking deep breaths, envisioning each breath as a healing, illuminating light that permeates every part of you, developing relaxation and rejuvenation.
Recognizing that negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes can impact our health, and compromise our well being emphasizing the importance of nurturing a positive mindset. Practicing positivity in waking conscious hours activates transformation in self beliefs and attitudes, consequently influencing the physical well-being positively.
Enlightened starseeds embody the essence of self-healing and alchemy, transmuting past traumas into sources of strength and wisdom. They channel inner turmoil into fortified boundaries, childhood wounds into their highest purpose and ancestral burdens into blessings for the future seeding on ascending earth , highlighting the profound power within.
Harnessing the lesson of channeling negative energy from past pain into constructive actions is a transformational and empowering journey that profoundly enhances life and positively impact others.
Fear is the ego’s illusions, transcending limiting beliefs through endurance and dissolution, paving the way for profound personal and collective transformation.
The time for transitioning to New Earth has arrived, urging many to undertake this leap consciously rather than passively waiting for change. embracing your ability to shift timelines and realities. Those who have diligently elevated their vibrations within the current matrix are now called to make the transition to New Earth, where support teams await to assist in their healing and recovery from past density timelines.
This divine message serves as a reminder for introspection and inquiry into the process of timeline shifting . Trust that when the moment is right, you will intuitively recall the steps to transition smoothly. It is time for starseeds and lightworkers to embark on this journey of remembrance and recall by making the leap and transition fully into New Earth.
The ongoing activation of the 33 portal is continuing to infuse us all with potent New Earth energy, signaling a time of profound transformation and evolution. The numerical significance of “33” carries a message of anticipating significant change, amplifying the current energies of mastery and transformation we are experiencing. As we align, shift, and immerse ourselves in love and light, every aspect of our being is undergoing a harmonious recalibration.
Our mind, body, and soul are synchronising, resetting, and awakening to propel us towards a higher paradigm, where we will transition into new timelines and realities. This marks a pivotal phase in our ascension journey, characterised by new opportunities and the unlocking of dormant potentials, paving the way for innovative ways of existence that may incite temporary chaos but ultimately lead to growth.
Embracing trust and positivity amidst the waves of change is so beneficial . By attuning ourselves to the expanding light frequencies, we are facilitating the release of outdated patterns, illuminating our own inner radiance, and inspiring and uplifting those around us.
This transformative process highlights the importance of collective unity, service, and contributing to the emergence of the New Earth, beginning with profound internal shifts before manifesting externally.
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers . ©️
gateway to the New Earth
gateway to the New Earth


We ask you to feel beyond the vibrational ripples of your world.
To reach the holographic light streams, made of Infitinite light particles, systematically and vibrationally created to form your world.
Chemical Light Codes, energetically magnetised together, forming unique Signatures of Light.
To find the highest light source within, to use this as a point of integrating and reaching true alignment. The true form and essence of who you are 🙏
Amongst the Emotional Tapestry of your world, we ask you to continue and stay aligned to the Highest Light Stream.
For the Light Tapestry of your Construct is an ever-expanding stream of Light.
Know you are a wonderful Shining Light 💥
As your world continues to awaken, adapt and shine the evolutionary process of change and awakening ❤🌏
Love for your day Global Light Family ❤
Together We Ride The Light Waves of Creation 💫🙏
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

The timeline shift is behind you, helping you take your power back over an anxiety driven life. A removal the beliefs in scarcity are opening the mind up to infinite abundance. Release those dilemmas over the God. Ask for clarity and solutions. The lunar cycle is supporting a rewiring those dense thoughts, providing the answers.

This awakening is breaking through the blocks so you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Higher spiritual knowing of oneness is increasing, including being one with the abundance you seek. Focus on your heart, and have faith that God is in charge.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Rainbow Tribe of New Earth
Rainbow Tribe of New Earth
March 5 2024

What If Life Has Far Bigger Ideas for You than You Do?

If you are a sensitive, empath or intuitive, you may be feeling overwhelmed as your old communication wavelengths go haywire re-setting to Pluto’s static Aquarian electricity. With Mercury and far-seeing Neptune now square the Galactic Centre – our homing signal and source of new radio waves- the Sun square the Great Attractor and the karmic Node of Fate conjunct occult Seer Chiron, think of it as being re-tuned to new bandwidths. First there’s interference and crackling, then white noise before a different information channel comes through.
Direct access to the universal resonance field aka the Noosphere or the Cloud is expanding your intuitive leverage through flashes of ESP, attunement, clairvoyance, clairaudience + synesthesia. Synchronicities and dreams, sensing, feeling, intuiting and grokking are your Self-to-Self communication channels.
It sounds exciting and it is but meanwhile going through this embodied enlightenment process can make you feel pretty flattened physically and emotionally. Some days you’ll wonder if this un-layering will ever end. And at other times you feel that incredible connection with your soul in a way you have never felt before. Even if it’s just for a few moments here and there.
Because your shifts are no longer coming through Mind, you may be feeling lost, dispersed, scattered or fragmented. Your old control and command centre is being disabled. Notice how frequently you are going “offline” to the old world and how – without any conscious intention – your entire trajectory is re-aligning itself in a completely different direction.
Recognise that Source is an open morphic field and it is alive. Send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable. This is not a mind/thought process-you can’t understand what is still in immanence in the quantum realm. Identify which random Attractor has the most pull, the most resonance, the most click. Trust it, then go forward.
Power up to invest all your energy into your new world -where and how you want to live – not repairing what’s broken about the current world – where so many others still seem trapped.
Navigate by knowing that your newly expanded High Heart capacity is also your GPS, that insights are available to you at all times when you drop the need for them to have bells, whistles and drama.
Mother Moon is in Capricorn
Mother Moon is in Capricorn
On Tuesday, March 5th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional reflections, is in serious earth sign Capricorn and creating positive connections to Saturn, ruler of responsibility and wisdom, Jupiter, planet of expansion and belief systems, the Sun, ruler of our identity and life force, and Uranus, ruler of higher inspiration and the Universal Mind. The Moon does create one challenging aspect, however, to Chiron, ruler of karmic wounds and fragmentation.
We are, for the most part today, stable and focused on being grounded in our feelings, growing and moving into new horizons, expressing our intuitive impressions, and tapping into our Divine nature. However, we still may be working through a healing and reintegration process on a deeper soul level. Remember, you are always evolving, even as you move through the human experiences that make up your day to day life.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
the Moon, ruler of our emotional reflections, is in serious earth sign Capricorn and creating positive connections to Saturn
the Moon, ruler of our emotional reflections, is in serious earth sign Capricorn and creating positive connections to Saturn
Lunar aspects. Mars in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries – With the Moon travelling through stalwart Capricorn, the mood is focused, disciplined, attentive. Right now, we need stability, need to feel as though we’re going somewhere, need to see some results for our hard work. And the results are there, tiny green shoots peeking out from bare branches, a burst of colour in an otherwise black and white scene. Here we are pulling up our socks, adjusting our braces and getting on with the job at hand, and it feels good to get stuck in.
Mars agrees, because the actions we take around this time have the power to lay an old karmic story to rest. When we change what we do, or how we do it, then naturally we get a different result. This is the strength to blast through blocks. Draw upon everything you’ve learned so far. Listen to your inner cheerleader. Let yourself be emboldened and enthused. Keep your chin up, shoulders back, head straight. You’ve got this.
Degrees and Times
Mars, North Node 16°Ar02′ R – 00:35 (UT)
Moon 10°Cp28′, Saturn 10°Pi28′ – 15:37 (UT)
Moon 12°Cp08′, Jupiter 12°Ta08′ – 18:30 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Going to Work by Jean-Francois Millet
Going to Work
Going to Work




Kin 136 ~ Yellow Rhythmic Warrior

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. The sixth day of a wavespell is about taking care of practical things. These grounding practices help us to re-balance. It’s not healthy to be away with the fairies all the time, you have a body and life to take care of and today is a great day to do just that. If you put on some music, get into the swing of things, you’ll find dealing with these practical tasks isn’t so difficult. The number six invites us to boogie our way through our day.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence, Questioning and Fearlessness’. Warrior invites us on a quest today and as it is a ‘Rhythmic’ day, this quest is about getting things done. This number combines well with Warrior as both are very practical. Get into your Rhythm today, organize a quest or make it your mission to be more organized. Be brave about tackling things you’ve been afraid of taking on. Warrior lends us courage today and he is also quite a determined character with a great deal of willpower. We can be inspired by the Yellow Warrior today, to get on with things and be a little more pushy. Strut your stuff fearlessly today and don’t worry about what others think.
The Guide today is also Yellow Warrior, and so we have a double helping of this fearless energy. When Warrior is guided by himself, there are no external forces telling him what to do.
The Challenge is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Today’s challenge is less in your face than usual because both the number six and the Worldbridger have in common, the key word Equality. So, if you are rebalancing yourself today then you too, can take this opportunity to cross over a bridge. 13 times the Worldbridger finds itself in this difficult position but today – he has an equal chance of success as everyone else because of the Rhythmic energy. That’s why this number is so equalizing, even the challenge aspect is given a fair chance.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. When in this magical position the Serpent offers the chance to magically transmute any poison you may be holding on to. This powerful trans-formative process is very healing. Imagine any snake bites you’ve had in the past, any painful emotional injuries, imagine the venom leaving your body and dissipating. Any mission you take on today will be greatly helped by your instincts. So, be sensitive and sniff out your situation before proceeding.
The Ally is the Blue Night which symbolizes dreaming. Before you take on a quest today, find a Blue Night to help you. With their fertile imagination they make creative companions to take on a mission. If you don’t have one available, be like a Blue Night and use your imagination to dream up a great quest.
Kin 136
Kin 136


6 CIB – KIN 136
5 MARCH 2024
I organize in order to QUESTION
I seal the output of intelligence
With the Rhythmic tone of EQUALITY
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED
5/3/2024 = 5/3/8=5/11=5/2=7
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
7- Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/ Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
✨✨✨A beautiful harmony of codes to rapidly advance our MISSION to MANIFEST the NEW GOLDEN ERA.✨✨✨
HALLELUJAH – finally making PROGRESS again🚀🚀🚀


A momentous day for the RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 to release and SURRENDER🏳 the battle💣 over DARKNESS and LIGHT!💡🏴🏳🏁
Whatever your life long battle/challenge has been – TODAY IS THE DAY to SURRENDER🏳 it to the DIVINE! ✨🕊✨GIVE IT TO GOD/GODDESS! 💌
This day is VERY SIGNIFICANT – especially for any planetary kin that have the YELLOW WARRIOR anywhere in their Galactic Signature (particularly in the Conscious self or CHALLENGE/GIFT position).
Day 6 in the BLUE MONKEY 🐬WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence. Today we are organizing our PHYSICAL reality for more BALANCE, by SURRENDERING the FIGHT, in order to PLAY and have more FUN! We have 7 more days in the MAJIK MONKEY WAVESPELL – one week to FIND MORE FUN!!!
We are organizing the available resources to PLAY with MAJIK and allow for more BLISS, JOY and ABUNDANCE🌈 to manifest in our lives and our beautiful new world. 🌈🌏🎆 .
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organizational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body by clearing and releasing any energetic blocks that have kept you bound in a continuous battle for SURVIVAL. Surrendering and organizing for greater alignment to Divine ABUNDANCE☀ and JOY! 🐬
Today we are organizing our physical reality for greater BALANCE and more EQUALITY.
A FANTASTIC DAY – for decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, attending to your schedule, activating your Wealth/Career areas with Feng Shui, creating a VISION BOARD, journalling, planning or reflecting on your desires 💠and DREAMS.💬💭
It is time to ACTION💥 your DREAMS bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!🐬🌴⛵
✨✨So precious hearts, a very powerful day to FEARLESSLY face and SURRENDER,🏳 what needs addressing and rebalancing in our physical world, in order to manifest greater ABUNDANCE, JOY and happiness .🐬🌈🎈
Today’s question is “What battle do I need to SURRENDER,🏳 in order to ORGANIZE my physical reality for greater balance and fearless ABUNDANCE?”🍓🍇💰🌞
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for the manifestation of greater balance, BLISS and JOY in all aspects of your physical reality. 💟💟💟
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
In the biggest battle, which is the battle with our cell-ves, we fearlessly LISTEN to our body’s intelligence today. Picking up cues and messages in order to bring the body back into homeostasis, which it is naturally designed to do. Facing head on any FEARS that arise, and trusting that we can use MAJIK 💫 to move beyond the FEAR, coming back to a state of wholeness.
SURRENDERING🏳 our battles with DARKNESS in any shape or form – wherever that existed in our reality from the P.O.D. – Point of Destruction to the P.O.C – Point of Creation.
Destroy and UNCREATE it all X a GODZILLION 💣🍥💣🍥💣🍥
IT IS DONE! ✅♥️🙏
The RHYTHMIC WARRIOR seeks to BALANCE everything that appears in his path, by questioning what is necessary or not, in the ongoing creation of Majik. 💫💫💫
Today we are super focused on our QUEST, our Divine Missions, questioning the very nature of our physical reality in order to stay focused on the manifestation of our DREAM.
The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention on discovering the BEST choices and the BEST road to travel, reaching the desired destination of collective and personal ABUNDANCE and EQUALITY for ALL! .
Allow your Yellow Warrior to reveal the LIGHT💡 in your life, to find your best road forward to your desired destination.
🗡🏹🛡 🌈🗡🏹🛡 🌈
✨✨The RAINBOW WARRIORS ARISE in the battle for FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to QUESTION the status quo – in order to bring our people back to a state of HARMONY and BALANCE. Where ALL CITIZENS are honoured and respected as EQUALS…
These are very potent codes for REVOLUTION and PEOPLE POWER – especially with a 5 LIBERATION CODE and PLUTO in rebellious AQUARIUS..
Let us PRAY that WE all RISE victorious🏆 TOGETHER WE STAND UNITED! 💪💪💪
🗡🏹🛡 🌈🗡🏹🛡 🌈
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT 🌃– AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! The RHYTHMIC NIGHT brings balance to the ABUNDANCE in our life.
Using our intuition we are guided to where we need to equalize the imbalances, surrendering our inner darkness in the depths of the abyss. Wherever we have struggled with SURVIVAL issues -safety, shelter, comfort, financial lack and scare-city.
❓❓Where does energy need to come back to us?
❓❓ How can we balance and equalize this flow?
AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS that we hold and teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to bringing more BALANCE and EQUALITY in our lives.
AKBAL holds the DREAMING code 🌈for the collective, that the WARRIOR will FEARLESSLY DEFEND 🗡 until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendour.
This is our unified QUEST as the shining ones ☀– the RADIANT CHRISTED,🎆 STAR 🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS☀ ✨ leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM.🌈🌏🐬
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC SERPENT🐍 – CHICCAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS in order to grow. Our primal mind reveals what needs purifying, in order to find our state of balance – our EQUAL-cib-rium. 😆😂 Facing any FEARS of lack, poverty, hunger and scar-city. Trusting instinctively that GOD/SOURCE WILL PROVIDE for all our needs. 🎆
RED SERPENT provides the much needed PASSION, vitality🎇 and lifeforce🔥 that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to follow his DREAMS and come home VICTORIOUS!👍🎉🎊🎆
The GALACTIC SERPENT will call for total transparency and full alignment with righteousness. Any treachery and poisonous betrayal will be duly squashed by the SERPENT’S mighty bite.
Only those who are pure of HEART ❤ will pass the GALACTIC SERPENT’S test! We can thus alchemize the POISON into medicine🌿 to fuel our Mission, healing all that ails humanity.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER –🌈🌉 CIMI seals the store of DEATH.. And sometimes that is what it takes for final closure. The battle ENDS when one party dies or surrenders, or when both parties reach a mutual agreement. Sometimes none of these options are applicable, and it is necessary to drop your sword🗡 and just WALK AWAY!!
Disengage from the battles by refusing to fuel💣🔥 them. In this way you can FREE yourself, to get on with your life and become PRODUCTIVE, creating more MAJIK in your life and that of others.
CIMI challenges us today to
✨LET GO and LET GOD. 🕊✨
Total SURRENDER,🏳 releasing all cords and attachments, so that we are FREED to come into balance and alignment.
SURRENDER🏳 the BATTLE – allow the cycle to finally END – accepting the DEATH of the old you, and your old life of struggle.
Letting go of any attachment to the material world – the false celebrity, glam and glitter. Getting REAL and focusing on what your SOUL wants to CREATE. Focused on our Divine Mission of creating a beautiful balanced world, filled with divine joy and EQUALITY for all! 🐬🐬🐬
Allow CIMI to close the OLD CYCLE, sealing the store of DEATH. Only then can Cimi build the bridge🌉 from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S Royal KING/QUEEN-DOM👑 for the sovereign leaders of Nova Gaia. 🌈🌏🌴
The GIFT of the RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER today, is to ORGANIZE the legions of RAINBOW WARRIORS to be PREPARED to walk over that RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉 and claim our NEW LIFE.
Aho beloved Rainbow Warriors – today is a day of EMPOWERMENT👑 and VICTORY!🏆🏆🏆
✨✨So precious hearts, a very powerful day to FEARLESSLY face and SURRENDER,🏳 what needs addressing and rebalancing in our physical world, in order to manifest greater ABUNDANCE, JOY and happiness .🐬🌈🎈
Today’s question is “What battle do I need to SURRENDER,🏳 in order to ORGANIZE my physical reality for greater balance and fearless ABUNDANCE?”🍓🍇💰🌞
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for the manifestation of greater balance, BLISS and JOY in all aspects of your physical reality. 💟💟💟
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉

March 3rd through March 9th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 3rd through March 9th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation “3-3 Portal Energy Activation – A powerful time of Transition and Transformation!”.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉






Paul White Gold Eagle

Healing and Purification Decrees for the Chakras 🌟❤️🔥🌟⛓️🙏

I embody the miraculous love of the Holy Fire of the victorious Cosmic Christ. I am the divine presence of Christ within me. I breathe in light through my heart center and invoke the assistance of the Archangels for the healing and purification of my chakras.

Archangel Uriel, I call upon you to cleanse and heal my Root Chakra, removing all blocks and limitations. I am the healing love of God, restoring balance to my body and my Root Chakra.

Archangel Gabriel, I invoke your presence to heal and purify my Sacral Chakra, releasing any barriers or restrictions. I am God’s healing love, nurturing my body and my Sacral Chakra.

Angel Jofiel, I ask for your guidance in healing and purifying my Solar Plexus, dissolving any obstacles or hindrances. I am the healing love of God, harmonizing my body and my Solar Plexus.

Archangel Rafael and Archangel Chamuel, I invite your light to cleanse and heal my Heart Chakra, clearing away any blockages or limitations. I am the healing love of God, restoring vitality to my body and my Heart Chakra.

Archangel Michael, I seek your assistance in healing and purifying my throat chakra, removing any impediments or constraints. I am the healing love of God, revitalizing my body, my throat, and my larynx.

Archangel Raziel, I call upon your wisdom to heal and purify my Crown Chakra, dispelling any barriers or hindrances. I am God’s healing love, rejuvenating my body and my Crown Chakra.

Archangel Zadkiel, I ask for your presence to heal and purify my Higher Heart Chakra, releasing any limitations or obstructions. I am God’s healing love, renewing my body and my Higher Heart Chakra.

I express gratitude to the Archangels for their assistance in healing and purifying my chakras. Thank you.

I am God’s sacred alchemy, embodying divine perfection. I am eternal, ascending into the light.


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