Friday the 13th: A Portal to Hekate’s Labyrinth ~ The Solar Egg and Golden Embryo ~ Kristallah * Star Water Goddess ~ Keepers of Wisdom and Light
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings New Earth Shamans of Higher Bliss Consciousness
Happy Friday the 13th Portal of Divine Feminine Goddess flowing in and rising up!
We have massive waves of Pure Source Light pouring in as our local Soularis floods this realm with Gamma Rays of Adamantine Light with 4 C Class Flarse and 9 M Class flares in the past 24 hours with the most powerful maxing at M 5.35 at 6:56 UTC.
Pachamama also received many powerful activations all around her Pacific Ring of Fire today with the most powerful magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Japan at 23:03 UTC. All activities are assisting Gaia and all of Humanity in the Return and raising of the New Lemuria like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old scorched earth.
As all veils and layers of separation dissolve and lift, all is being revealed to heal what lies beneath in the dark and to free all Sentient beings from the illusions of the false projections, programs, overlays and interference that have caused suffering and struggle for our Good People for many millennia.
We let go of the past miscreations and enter a New Era of Peace and Prosperity for all sentient beings of the Way. Everything is coming to alignment for this Great Shift of the Ages as we fully transition into the Satya Yuga of the NEw Golden Age of Enlightenment.
As all is being raised in frequency, vibration and resonance we move into Higher States of Ecstatic Bliss Consciousness and together transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be… A’Ho!
Something energetically massive is happening today on planet Earth.. All I can say is wow! I can’t pinpoint the specifics but I hear it is not necessary..yet.. Just breathing in and out..with a big smile..
“Awaken, Star Water Goddess, for the ancient drum beneath the Egyptian pyramid begins to sound. Its rhythmic pulse reverberates through the earth, reaching every crystal buried in the soil. With each beat, the crystals hum, vibrating with purpose, remembering their ancient role as keepers of wisdom and light.
As the drum’s resonance spreads, the Star Water Goddess rises, her essence flowing like sacred rivers through time. The drum and her waters unite, creating a sacred harmony that echoes across dimensions. The Earth awakens, and the crystals shine brighter, guiding humanity back to their true path of healing, creation, and love.“
There is a tsunami of Universal Energy embracing US and Earth from the center of the Galaxy now. It is a reset Light Flow current and the layers of this flow will Not Cease until the mission has completed itself on our Earth plane.
It is going to disrupt the cunningly maneuvered chess game occurring on Earth. This is our time to actively choose to witness the illusion of the drama and BE STILL in our Hearts. The stillness aligns us to the Hearts Coherence and Presence.
Now, In this Eclipse Corridor with a Lunar Eclipse and Equinox on our heels the energies have also begun to bring us the Awareness of our need to Be in Balance, Presence and Union with ALL of OurSelf as we are Quantumly BEcoming…. and turning each away from the personal sense of self… now phasing out.
Flow with the Light Beloveds…its pulsing rhythm is relentless in its pursuit to capture your Heart that you may know for yourself Love above all else. Love for the capital You of Who You Are. It is Love that shall be our support as we gently watch our steps and choices. Have faith and Know.
With Love to All,
Melissa Lyran
We are receiving a ton of plasma right now! Solar waves are here. Symptoms today are UNREAL! TIME FEELS BIZARRE. The solid world is malleable. If you look at something it may not be there when you look back! It’s very glitchy in these energies. But yes this is happening. Memory seems to be very much in the NOW. Dreamlike floaty lucid state. Zero point no time. Eternal now. Quantum state. Collapsing of all suboptimal timelines. Stay present and in the flow. Hydrate, meditate and rest if necessary.
A bit tired today, feeling a bit of heaviness as the wave passes through. It looks like we’re in this giant plasmic flow of exotic particles. There was some major frustration and anger in the mass field earlier these highly charged blasts trigger and irritate people. That’s why is so important to remain calm in high solar activity. I feel other cosmic particles are reaching us from the central sun and beyond. It’s a team effort to raise the consciousness quickly so we can see the truth about who we are and what our potential is. Solar sensitives are really feeling this one!
BE CAREFUL, observe the THINGS that HAPPEN in YOUR PERSONAL LIFE and BE CAREFUL on how you respond to your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS. Next, ask your I AM PRESENCE to show you how you can make this situation better by responding with more LOVE, COMPASSION, and FORGIVENESS.
The DIVINITIES are calling you to start working on your RITUALS, MEDITATIONS, PRAYERS and MAGIC to start moving the Abundance. No more waiting or biting nails. It’s TIME to COLLECT your BLESSINGS!
The DIVINITIES/Your DIVINITIES want to GIVE you everything and want to PROVE something to you. There is an ENERGY working with YOU to make sure you SUCCEED.
The limitations of your world will disappear.
Soon, you will start the process of RECEIVING the BLESSINGS from the UNIVERSE.
The solar egg and Golden Embryo is being Birthed within the aura of many at this time.
The Golden Embryo is Birthed inside the human body and the seeds germinate within the hara complex and activating sun heart to awaken our identity in cosmic Christ consciousness and zero point field , this is also called the solar of Kristallah (sun-heart awakening ).
This solar egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Kristallah or gold child of Cristos avatar and Consciousness within a human body ,also purging out all wounded and the ego aspects that were unseen before , they want to come forth and its important to embrace and listen to them with love because that will give them a chance to release and integrate into eternal when the Golden Embryo is seeded in the solar egg and our inner masculine and feminine , also our inner father and mother ( holy parents ) are being balanced and when mother feels safe enough they merge and birth the Golden Solar Krist Child.
Arise children of the sun , awaken to the song of your celestial heart as there is embracing of the sun within your heart and shine it forth for all to see . Dance in the Golden rays of liquid light and be joyful that now is the time .
9/13/24: This month has the power to escalate and uplift anything. Business, relationships, attitudes, desires, and possibilities are all fair game. If you aren’t feeling the lift yet, look at whatever’s holding you where you are. Maybe it’s habit, complacency, or fear, but it is, for sure, coming from ego identification.
Wobbles are ego issues. Right Action brings you into balance. Right Action means coming into alignment with Presence. And ego can’t live in Presence. Today can shift your perspective out of ego and into Flow and Rightness. This is done through Free Will. Through choice. Choosing the uplift will unstick you. So, choose the path of nonresistance. The way of happiness, prosperity, manifestation, and fulfillment.
Before the Patriarchy demonized Friday the 13th, it was seen as an extremely powerful time to engage in rituals and ceremonies which were held within Sophia Wisdom , Shekhinah Essence and Mary Magdalene Embodiment to transcend into higher octaves of Being.
Friday is associated with Goddess Freya (Venus) the Goddess of Love, Beauty, War , Death, Magic, Divination, Fertility and Abundance.The frequency of 13 comes into being when the frequency of 12 reaches completion and integrates as One ie 12 as One ie the current spiral of Creation has reached its highest potential and a brand New Spiral Of Creation is set into motion, that which transcends the previous frequency of 12.
In other words, when optimal Balance between opposites ( masculine/ feminine, Light/ dark ) that has been achieved via the integration of 12 (12 Flames of the Lemurian Temples/ Shambala, 12 initiates of Sacred Feminine Mystery Circles ) has been achieved , the Union/ Integration into Wholeness/ Completeness further Births a Brand New Frequency distinct from the previous frequency – which is the Frequency of 13- the Transmutational change which initiates radical shift into limitless New Opportunities of Creation ie Ascension/ Enlightenment!!!
So when Friday coincides with no 13 , it brings with it limitless opportunities to move beyond our current tethered reality into higher octaves of Being , Creativity, Magic and Manifestation.
The foundation of this high potential is to be found in the Blood Mysteries of Death and Rebirth and Sacred Sexuality and it has thus been maligned and tarnished by the Patriarchy which fears the enormous Potential and Power it holds. Energy is Neutral.
It is how it is wielded (for good or bad) that makes it positive or negative.We can all use the Energy of this Powerful Frequency of the Divine Feminine to honour the Goddess / Divine Feminine Energies within and without by celebrating Love, Beauty, Pleasure, Sensuality, Sexuality, Fertility, Creativity, Self Worth, Self Empowerment and Magic!!
Today, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. Friday the 13th serves as a portal to access the mystical realm of Hekate’s Labyrinth. This sacred gateway invites you to enter the heart of transformation, where the 13 keys await.
As you step into the labyrinth, Hekate’s guidance will illuminate your path. Confront your deepest fears, desires, and truths, and emerge transformed, reborn, and renewed.
Embrace the magic of this auspicious day. Let the 13 keys unlock the secrets of the universe, and may Hekate’s wisdom be your companion on this journey.
Will you seize this opportunity to enter the labyrinth and unlock the mysteries within?
“Unlocking the Secrets of Hekate’s Labyrinth on this Friday the 13th
As we find ourselves entwined in the mystical threads of Friday the 13th, let us venture into the enigmatic realm of Hekate’s Labyrinth. This sacred place holds the secrets of transformation, growth, and the divine feminine, waiting to be unlocked by those brave enough to navigate its twists and turns.
Hidden within the labyrinth lie the 13 keys, symbolic of the 13 lunar cycles, 13 aspects of the divine feminine, and 13 gates of transformation. These keys hold the power to unlock the mysteries of the universe, reveal the magic within, and guide us through the shadows and into the light.
As we journey through Hekate’s Labyrinth, we are invited to confront our deepest fears, desires, and truths. The 13 keys serve as a reminder that transformation is not a singular event, but a spiral process of growth, decay, and rebirth.
Embrace the mystery and intrigue of Hekate’s Labyrinth on this auspicious day. May the 13 keys guide you through the twists and turns of your journey, illuminating your path with the light of wisdom, intuition, and inner knowing.
As you navigate the labyrinth, remember to:
Reflect on the cycles of your life, honoring the ebbs and flows of growth and transformation.
Embrace the divine feminine within, acknowledging the power and wisdom of the goddess.
Unlock the gates of transformation, embracing change and evolution.
Hekate’s Labyrinth, and let collectively unlock the secrets of the 13 keys. Together, we shall weave a tapestry of transformation, guided by the light of the divine feminine.
Dear friends, after yesterday’s powerful X class solar flare, we have been experiencing a strong geomagnetic storm. Periods of strong G3 storming were observed in the last 24 hours, followed by minor components which are still in effect due to the lingering coronal mass ejection effects.
These energetic fluctuations are acting as a “wake up” call as we approach the eclipse season in a few days. We are just four days away from the opening eclipse, a Supermoon partial eclipse, and the energetic intensity is already building up around us. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be already experiencing these effects as our bodies get ready for the upcoming phase of transformations and closure of past and ancient trauma still stored within our memory DNA structures.
This weekend these sensations may intensify. Sleep disturbances, vivid dreams, mild anxiety and fears of survival may come into our awareness. Joint and skeletal seemingly random pains may be signs of deeply seated emotional toxins being released. Stay well hydrated, rest as needed, and focus on your inner journey. It would also be a great time to focus on detox protocols as we approach the eclipse.
Remember it takes a minimum of three days to integrate solar storms lightcodes and energetic fluctuations. The intensified effects of the Supermoon in Pisces will be showing us with some uncomfortable personal and collective truths that we need to face in order to keep moving forward. Together with the eclipse, this upcoming lunation will be a wonderful opportunity to stop ignoring these inner past blockages and finally get to the heart of them—even if it’s uncomfortable at first.
As we navigate this lunar landscape, our relationships, family ties, and emotional roots will be front and center. The Supermoon Eclipse will shine a light on the areas of our lives that need healing, growth, and renewal. It’s a call to confront our deepest fears, desires, and dreams, and to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient. This rare alignment of the universe is an invitation to surrender, let go, and rebirth into a new era of our lives.
Buckle up, dear ones, for this cosmic ride is about to take us on a journey of a lifetime. Stay tuned for more energy updates. May you have a wonderful weekend, and a luminous Friday 13th. Much love
All these days that lead to this Equinox are very important as they are carrying each and every one through certain and necessary inner processes of preparation for the great reset that this Equinox brings.
This reset is a total synchronisation of the inner Yin and Yang that is meant to bring and establish the correct redirection of the flows in both the Earth and the human Kundalini.
The Self is returning to its True Place!
This is of the utmost importance as this development has the power to affect everything that we are and that we are experiencing.
Upon this redirection of the flows in the Kundalini paths, a new perception will switch on, one that will be able to perceive new frequencies, realities and directions, solutions, choices and possibilities.
In other words the Twin Flames Phoenixes are entering the Free waters of Life!
This is their God given right and privilege.
All Twin Flames Phoenixes have the right to claim their TRUE Self, Home, Destination and Creation.
Expect the death of the old and false personality and its traits, childish demands and choices!
Celebrate it, welcome it!
If you surrender to your True Self and Destination you will be taken through your smooth redirection straight to where you truly belong as an adult creator both inwardly and outwardly!
I have never witnessed such a powerful and deep healing taking place.
Even the most hidden and unseen parts of the self can now be reached, discovered and brought to the Light in the most genius ways via truthful intention.
Focusing with acceptance inwardly on what is still in frustration, fear, pain, lack, anger, insanity etc. without any avoidance, is the key to enjoy this wonderful blessing of salvation and illumination that this energy is bringing.
Even the most difficult and complicated equations of the traumatised, immature and confused parts of the self can now be solved via the brilliance of truth.
The flow of the Holy Grail is being restored via the simplicity of Truth.
Relief will follow this development!
Message for the masculine within all:
“POSIDONIA has awakened.
The Sirens with their sweet deceptive words, charming songs/frequencies, fake care and tempting offers they were misleading the weak masculines who did not know and did not remember themself and were leading them towards wrong directions so that they would not find their way and true home and destination and stay with them in order to satisfy their needs and desires.
There were many bloodthirsty beings like this.
This was a huge part of the fallen reality that is now being revealed and remembered.
The traps of the aquatic world were the most challenging and unseen ones for the soul to recognise and overcome.
The electric Song of the Mother is here to overwrite the songs of the Sirens, bringing salvation to the masculine within all.
Humanity is undergoing its biggest initiation which is part of the initiation into the truth of the Christ Consciousness.
This is called the BAPTISM!
It is the BAPTISM into the True Remembrance of the Waters of Life.
The Waters are running in the body!
The masculine is now swimming in the deep waters of this initiation passing many tests, deaths and purifications at the same time.
The Sirens are here again, only this time in order to be seen and recognised for what they are.
Once he is ready to wake up out of deception and illusion and fully step in the truth of reality in self accountability, love and respect, he will be able to step in his true Self and begin his new course!
Mars and his course are key to this process of awakening and liberation via the Mother’s electric Song.
This is when humanity will experience a fundamental change and the world will never be the same again!
He is the creator of matter and he is shape – shifting reality through his essence and qualities.
He is now being led to clearly see his inner immature trap, distortion and weakness, wake up from the dream and enter the Free waters of Life of the adult Souls.
He will remember and Life will be transformed!”
Blessings of Maturity!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
The mind may be wanting to create restrictions, holding you hostage in painful memories. You’re at the end of that pattern and graduating into your rebirth. This final exam is to take back your power over the thoughts that pull you down emotionally. Sadness, fear, worry, regret – these are not from God. Stop yourself from going backwards by focusing on what you do want instead. Something positive, loving, uplifting, and feels good. Reprogram the mind and embrace who you really are – anointed and Chosen!
On Friday, September 13th, the Moon, ruler of nurturing, is in Capricorn the Goat all day. She will be busy, connecting to Venus, ruler of relationships, Jupiter, planet of new horizons, the Sun, ruler of our identity, Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, Uranus, planet of change, and Neptune, ruler of dreams. Some of these connections are supportive and some are challenging. However, what the energies speak to, is focusing on your goals, being patient as you pursue them, and being your own inner authority.
Also, this is the 13th day of the month….a karmic number in numerology which rules death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration, transmutation and renewal. We are nearing the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse next Tuesday, so the energies are ramping up! Be productive today, both in a 3D sense, and in a higher spiritual sense. Believe in yourself and you will come out on top!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of nurturing, is in Capricorn the Goat
Lunar aspects. Mercury in Virgo quincunx North Node in Aries. Hygeia retrograde in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer and semi-square Jupiter in Gemini – Looking ahead, trying to have faith in the future, trying to believe, stacking hopes upon affirmations, miracle chants, prayers. But the stomach gripes, the inner sceptic unmoved, the inner child wishing for straight answers, a yes or a no because this maybe, maybe, maybe is just too much.
But sometimes we must live with maybe, possibly, someday, perhaps: keep all options open. Sometimes we must allow ourselves a quiet smile and a glint in the eye that says, what if? It’s a delicate dance to satisfy the demands of the present without sacrificing the wishes of the future. Keep an eye on the road. Watch for signs that cue the next chapter and it’s possible contents. Be proactive in protecting your resources. Think ahead to identify what you might need going forwards. Clarify your intentions.
Degrees and Times
Moon 15°Cp38′, Saturn 15°Pi38′ R – 07:53 (BST)
Moon 18°Cp15′, Venus 18°Li15′ – 12:30 (BST)
Mercury 06°Vi43′, North Node 06°Ar43′ R – 14:48 (BST)
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The 3rd day of a wavespell journey is really when we get a kick up the backside. With this boost of energy, we can ‘activate’ our plans and make real progress. This number gives a buzz to whatever day it combines with. The number 3 also represents ‘service’ and therefore we should remember to be of service to others. All this energy buzzing around can easily be tapped into and redirected towards people that need some energy. So, the message here is – don’t keep it all to yourself! Whatever you do with all this energy, expect to be a little burnt out by the end of the day.
Today is ‘Yellow Star’ the glyph that represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. These days are all about appreciating the beauty in the world, in your life and in the people we love. Too often we go about our day taking so much for granted. Every 20 days we have a Yellow Star day, and if every 20 days we stop to appreciate beauty, well that’s a great habit to form. Be a Star if you like and paint a picture, wear outrageous clothes, perform in front of others or simply make your space prettier. Celebrate beauty and art and delight in the wonders of the world. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, light up your environment with pretty lights, activate art through whichever means you like, get a buzz from beauty!
Today’s Guide is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling, Wisdom and Free will’. This suggests that allowing your intuition to guide you today will lead you to beautiful places and experiences. The Yellow Human makes an excellent guide and it’s really good practice to allow your intuition to guide your actions.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’, so look out for lies or misleading information. People who are White Mirrors will find it tough today, try to find some beauty to help you through the day.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. Thinking outside of the box with regards to magic can lead to beautiful adventures. Be a little brave and that will take you down the rabbit hole.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you are one, everyone will find you a very useful friend to have around today. With a magical spark in your eye, Yellow Star days are really good for you. You may like monkeying around but you also have a deep appreciation for beauty and art.
Day 3 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Another PERFECT SYNCHRONIC ALIGNMENT as WORLDBRIDGER is the BRIDGE between 2 realms.. and today we are ACTIVATING the new TIME in this new GOLDEN ERA.
CIMI (Kee-mee) is closing the old cycle to SET US FREE – for more adventure, travel and joie de vivre which signals our FREEDOM and liberation.
WHITE WORLDBRIDGER will anchor our rainbow bridge to our new life and new world. It is time to NETWORK, weave our new webs, find our tribes and go forth to DAZZLE the world with our ideas, creations and manifestations. Put forth these intentions into manifestations and dreams – breaking FREE in order to CREATE and SPARKLE.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! Today we have an incredible surge of POWER to set us FREE to DAY-DREAM as we kickstart this POWER fuelled NEW TIME, filled with PASSION to drive our DIVINE MISSIONS.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s action is to ACTIVATE and it’s focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE to humanity.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with one, to the joy of bonding with all. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY..
Today we have a powerful day for couples, partners and teams, to cooperate – working together as they AWAKEN to higher SERVICE, to create a solid foundation of PEACE in their joint ventures.
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through DIVINE PLANETARY SERVICE as we UNITE as one Collective focused on creating PEACE ON EARTH!.
Today’s question is “How can I bond with others, to be of DIVINE SERVICE, using my creativity to bring more BEAUTY, PEACE and HARMONY into our WORLD!”
Divine blessings for your MAGNIFICENT journey to GALACTIC STAR-DOM though this surreal DREAMY STARRY PORTAL day.
MAY PEACE & HARMONY be with you my beauty filled – Starry broThors and siStars!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
27 moons ago – 3 galactic spins – KIN 68 occurred on the DAY OUT OF TIME – D.O.O.T.
That was a BRILLIANT MAJIKAL POWER packed portal to ACTIVATE the New Harmonic Matrix through the ELECTRIC tone of DIVINE SERVICE on DOOT day.. The DAY we CELEBRATE our LIFE as ART.
TODAY we have a 13/4 code for creating our NEW compassionate Earth. KIN 68 opens the doorway to the NEW HARMONIC TIME where we can CELEBRATE together with our kin. All the numbers align in perfect harmonic SYNCHRONICITY which is the divine signature of the DREAMSPELL GALACTIC CALENDAR.
July 25th of EVERY year marks the Day Out of Time – when we enter the TWILIGHT ZONE of NO-TIME.. This day is the BRIDGE between the END of one GALACTIC YEAR and the commencement of another NEW YEAR.
This day often has a Mystical dreamy quality to it with a feeling of FREEDOM and joy to express yourself through ART and play.
On this day, we are encouraged to PAUSE, STOP and be STILL..
Take TIME OUT of the daily grind, your daily routine and REFLECT on the MIRACLE of CREATION as we journey together on this beautiful BLUE and GREEN paradisiacal planet.
UNITE with friends, family, loved ones, colleagues and even strangers.
Hold each other’s HANDS and embrace with warm loving hugs as the FAMILY OF GAIA. .
Link together loving HEARTS and PEACEFUL MINDS with ONE intention.. to visualize a wonderful NEW CREATION – a loving world with all humanity focused on PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and UNITY.
Today we can ACCESS this mystical DOOT energy through the TIMESPACE continuum as we open a super portal through the ELECTRIC STAR! Very trippy energy seeping through today!!
Take some time to STOP and BE STILL and appreciate the BEAUTY within you and surrounding you..
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR LAMAT Today is a BEAUTY filled DAY! LAMAT is the portal to the STARS. Allowing us to REACH FOR THE STARS and bring forth more LIGHT through our bodies.
LAMAT carries the codes for PEACE, HARMONY and celebrating our LIFE as ART. Expressing TIME as ART through being creative with our kin – to dance, sing, and have a merry day.
The ELECTRIC STAR is THE BEST KIN to come together with our KIN and celebrate TIME=ART.. The quintessential meaning of DOOT day!
YELLOW STAR kin are the diplomats, peacemakers, musicians, Art-ists and beautifiers. They live their lives seeking HARMONY and wonderful relationships.
The ELECTRIC tone ACTIVATES our ART.. and encourages us to BOND together in DIVINE SERVICE as we express our Soul gifts.
The goal on this day is to CELEBRATE our lives as TIME=ART seeking to make our daily lives as an expression of beauty, elegance and all that is GOOD in our world. The UTOPIAN lifestyle where we can SLOW DOWN and smell the roses.
ELECTRIC LAMAT OPENS the DOOR to your NEW LIFE. It is TIME to LIBERATE your STAR-DOM! This is brilliant energy for ACTIVATING your Divine Mission so that you can step up and take centre stage as the beautiful STAR -BLiss SUN that you came here to be.
It is time to RELEASE the old you and your old stale life, no room for lurking in the shadows anymore.. It is time to FREE ourselves from the old Artificial Time Matrix, where we watched the darkness creep into all corners of our beautiful Planet.
Now we must claim our POWER as Galactic Ambassadors of PEACE, BEAUTY, FREEDOM and absolute Divine Sovereignty.
Grab your paintbrush and paint all the new rainbow colours over the mono-chrome depictions on your canvas. We are the ARTISTS and we hold the keys to create this beautiful Elegant New World filled with unlimited love and compassion.
We are FREE to activate HARMONY and come together as a GLOBAL family to celebrate the BEAUTY and elegance that Nova Gaia bestows upon us as our planetary home.
This NEXT chapter will be filled with much JOY, HAPPINESS and prosperity. We must remember to rejoice and appreciate these gifts, and remember to SHARE them with our tribe.
May our DIVINE MISSION embrace UNITY, EQUALITY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE for all our planetary kin, AMEN!
The ELECTRIC STAR – KIN 68 was the higher guide for the 2021/22 GALACTIC YEAR that was The Year of the Yellow ELECTRIC SEED so we are REACTIVATING this POWER today with an ELECTRIC BLAST – as we generate the POWER to create the new FORM for our world.
Today’s code is beckoning us to start the next chapter of SERVICE now, uniting with our kin in DIVINE SERVICE so that we can be fully productive in this new era!
**NOTE: I highly recommend ACTIVATING this ELECTRIC STAR code by using the Mantra today.
Pause and place your left hand on your heart and right hand on your solar plexus/stomach, with your right thumb in your belly button. Take a deep breath and then repeat today’s mantra out LOUD as you pledge your allegiance to DIVINE SERVICE for this next exciting chapter.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN – EB Brings forth WISDOM, FREE WILL and the power of INFLUENCE. EB guides us to raise the bar for our life purpose and operate through DIVINE WILL.
DIVINE WILL and GOD’S PLAN for our planet and our LIFE is ACTIVATED today – how PERFECTO.
YELLOW HUMAN through our FREE WILL bestows upon us the power to consciously CHOOSE a better life for ourselves and our planet.
Choose PEACE not war!
choose BEAUTY
choose LOVE
choose WISDOM
choose UNITY
choose ART
Choose to FEEL Love, Harmony and PEACE in your HE-ART.
Release the power of your EMOTIONS to control you or keep you on the roller coaster. FREE yourself to feel balanced and aligned, no matter what is happening. Elevate your consciousness to that of the DIVINE. Step into your sovereignty as a GOLDEN CHRISTED HU-MAN..
SUPPORT: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY CHUEN is the Divine playful child that reminds us that everything in our world is majikal!
When we LIGHTEN up and RADIATE through laughter and playing with our fellow kin we align with the DIVINE MIND. Take some TIME today to PLAY and experience your MAJIKAL LIFE through FUN!
The ELECTRIC MONKEY will ensure much JOY and spontaneous BLISS unfolds today as we gather with our kin in the most MAJIKAL and carefree way! FUN and PLAY is the order of the day!
The ELECTRIC MONKEY is a divine alchemist and White Magician who powerfully focuses his majik to manifest Divine Will.. He is totally devoted and aligned with SOURCE, intent on anchoring these codes on Earth through his miraculous creations.
This Majikal supporting energy brings forth spontaneous Miracles that will shower us with BLISS when we follow our HE-ART and unite together in our Missions of Divine Service.
Allow the majik to flow through you today, and feel your beauty and grace in our brand New World, filled with wondrous delights for our senses, where Divine White Majik reigns supreme!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SPECTRAL SKYWALKER – BEN in the Spectral phase will dissolve and release anything limiting our full EXPANSION into the LIGHT as fully fledged STAR BEINGS. Kapowwww!!! Atomic bomb EXPLOSIVE power!
Spectral BEN also AMPLIFIES the power of the KIN code – LIBERATING absolute BLISS
BEN is the Angelic Messenger whose mission is to anchor HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Spectral Ben is intent on using his power to dissolve all barriers and obstructions that have blocked or impeded our realization of experiencing and creating BLISS ON EARTH.
This is GOD’s PLAN and the DIVINE WILL is electrically ACTIVATED today for full realization of this DIVINE intention for our Planet.
SKYWALKER leads the way and builds the bridges with his best buddy – CIMI to our New World, filled with new connections and experiences. BEN offers us EXPANSION, opening us to new opportunities and infinite possibilities.
Allow BEN to show you another world, where you can be totally FREE to explore new horizons and know that Harmony and PEACE is the order of this brand new day.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR ETZNAB The old Mirror World and its distortions have dissolved and disappeared like the passing tide. The ELECTRIC tone and Spectral BEN are SMASHING it apart – as it crumbles away into oblivion. The SKY is cleared for a whole new STARscape to be painted.
We have renewed clarity and can see what was previously hidden behind the veil of illusion. Expect many more TRUTHS to be revealed today!
Look beyond the emotional charges and convert this into a surge for finding your new path, free from drama, distortion and limitations. Take the time to REFLECT on the REAL TRUTH of what is, and bond with those beautiful new souls who appear in your looking glass.
What a beautiful picture to behold!
A BRILLIANT SHINING STAR is reflected in your Majik Mirror!
Today’s question is “How can I bond with others, to be of DIVINE SERVICE, using my creativity to bring more BEAUTY, PEACE and HARMONY into our WORLD!”
Divine blessings for your MAGNIFICENT journey to GALACTIC STAR-DOM though this surreal DREAMY STARRY PORTAL day.
MAY PEACE & HARMONY be with you my beauty filled – Starry broThors and siStars!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Friday the 13th very auspicious and lucky day. The 13th of the month the day we celebrate the sacred sister ship of the Rose and our Sacred Divine feminine spirit. Friday the 13th is a very powerful day of Divine Feminine Energy, and prior to patriarchal times it was recognized as a day for celebrating the goddess.
Rose Ray Grid Charger Of Supreme Love Protection
MARY MAGDALENE, has been recognized as the 13TH Apostle, we celebrate this truth awakening in all Women.
I say this prayer with you today with the sacred Rose sisters, and all of you who wish to say this prayer together, the Priestess remembered, our sacred lineage of the Divine feminine spirit.
~ Rose Ray Prayer ~
The Presence of my Being is held sacred with in the Rose Ray, I am the Mother’s Heart of Holy Love unfolding within every breath I take, this Divine Unconditional love, heals all, restores all, bringing forth Peace and the Radiance of my true Nature, I am the Glory of God;s Eternal Love of Creation,
For within me is the healing of the Universe.
I Am awakening in remembrance of my Divine Nature,
Knowing that we are One.
Rose Ray Prayer of MARY MAGDALENE
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