Protectors of Shamballa and the Rainbow Body Holders ~ PLEIADIAN PORTAL * MULTIDIMENSIONAL EYE EXPANSION ~ Unification through the Heart Space
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Water and Fire Dragon Nations of the Axis Mundi Earth
Every challenge we face, every obstacle along the way become catalysts for great change in our lives and in the world. In the holographic nature of the universe everything is a reflection of Infinite Source Creator and the mind is the mirror.
When we realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind we Return to our Natural Awakened State of Pure Awareness and become conscious co creators of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
As we flow with the balance of the five elements and harmonize with the Tao we live from the Still Center of Divine Neutrality and embody the Freedom Codes of our Higher Self made manifest.
With the Power of our Intent and Divine Will we hold our visions of our Pristine Edenic Earth Timeline and bridge the two shores to usher in our Golden Age of Eternal Life.
In these final days of the piscean age we release and let go all that no longer serves self and humanity and heal all wounds and trauma and clear all karma from all timelines and lifetimes we heal all bodies to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun to transform into Crystalline 5d Rainbow Bodies of Terra Nova Gaia… A’Ho!
A soul who has found their sacred jewel and their own power is not only *spiritual*, only *intellectual* or only successful in the *physical* or only *sexually* blossomed… it is All. Multi-dimensional…
These, were mind constructs.
A soul revealed is limitless in its power. Infinite… shining everywhere in all directions. No boxes. All dimensions
PLEIADIAN PORTAL ~ Nov 17-19th, 2024
When our sun reaches 25, 26, and 27 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio in the galaxy, the Earth and the Sun align perfectly with the Pleiades. This occurs in May when the Pleiades is conjunct with the Sun in Taurus, and in November when the Pleiades is opposite the Sun in Scorpio. This alignment activates the Pleiadian energy signature, which is the archetype of the divine feminine energy.
As the Pleiades is in direct opposition to the Sun and its solar masculine energy, it creates a powerful surge of energy that carries galactic energies, Pleiadian light codes, and transmissions to assist humanity with the next stage of the ascension process – unification through the heart space.
The Pleiadian portal of November 2024 is delivering advanced activations of the heart and solar plexus centers, as well as solar diamond light codes. As the Lord of Karma Saturn Stationed Direct on the same day as Taurus Full Moon (Nov 15th), this is Amplifying the Energy of Closing of Major Karmic Energetic Patterns and Cycles, on the Personal and Collective levels and the Quantum Leap in Consciousness for many, bringing the New Opportunities, New Beginnings, and Higher Fréquencies.
This year, Saturn started its “Backwards Dance” in the Spiritual, Psychic sign of Pisces on June 29th, calling us to walk away from the Linear energy of the Creating Structures through just Action, highlighting the Energy of Reconnection with our Soul, Connection with the Divine, and Creating Through Alignment. This Saturn RX also Highlighted setting Firm Boundaries, as well as Commitment to our Soul Journey and Mission.
11/17/24: Manmade systems are only incorruptible when they’re fully transparent. We also must become more transparent before we can accept our own empowerment and fully express the spiritual within us. These tumultuous times are requiring us to face, resolve, and heal what has too long clouded our inherent crystalline channels.
Today gives you strength to shed conditioned responses to current events and see how these events are actually moving you from a karmic sleep state into more clarity… and an invigorating and revitalizing transparency. The clearer you are, the brighter the Divine can shine itself into the world through you.
Is in your hands entirely. What you see outside is a complete reflection of what is going on within you.
Go deep within and verify this TRUTH. Sit within the beautiful silence of your awesome Source, Holy Spirit and listen, and observe your outer life from afar and see where the Truth is revealing itself to you with great clarity. Make all the adjustments you need to re-align yourself with Source, and watch it gradually manifest in your outer life. There is a little delay sometimes between the intention and manifestation, keep the faith strong, FEEL it as perfect as you can. Let no doubts creep in, you have got this. FEEL it, KNOW it and IT WILL BE. Feel the joy, peace, of your success!
When you think only loving thoughts, you physically alter your inner DNA structured, lifting your overall vibrational frequency. When you associate with the illusory world you also alter your DNA structures, lowering your vibration and frequency. Be aware constantly… ‘Every fearful thought merely delays the moment of your release and the restoration of your perfect peace.’ – Jeshua. The Way of Mastery.
We are here, NOW, to overcome our weaknesses, to grow stronger within and to spiritually evolve by aligning ourselves 100% with Source within. This is simple, and is not difficult. It is easy to achieve. What we do, affects everyone, for we are All Sparks from Source and therefore, interconnected.
Your choice for spiritual growth is unique. Follow your soul, it knows the way. Go within frequently and be guided moment by moment by Source. Use meditation, mindfulness and be compassionate and filled with peace, and loving kindness at all times. Some will,choose to ascend rapidly to other dimensions, many have returned to give those left behind a helping hand, assist them to awaken from their trancelike state of sleep.
There is no darkness, when you choose to BE LOVING, in all your thoughts, words and deeds. Be against no-one, no-thing. Love All. When you choose a better, loving way, you change your outer life completely, for you reflect only what is shining from within – DIVINE LOVE FROM SOURCE.
There is much help at hand from Ascended Masters, Archangels, and others from your home galaxies. Feel their love and the light they are infusing into us all, assisting us in this Mission to lift the frequency of All Life here on Earth in readiness for her final transfiguration. The energies from today, the 12th through to the 22nd will help strengthen your inner resolve to HOLD THE FREQUENCY HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Bless all, heal all. Only Divine Love is Real, all else is illusion and false. Only Divine Love can heal.
You have the choice be Divine Love or be faux, false, delusion.
I choose DIVINE LOVE! Will you join me? Affirm you are ready to assist ALL without judgement.
All timelines/branches that were created as a reaction anomaly from the interference in the continuum of time, were dead end timelines anyway.
This is why they are now being undone/erased.
Since we were living through an anomaly, this would take place at a point anyway.
Now everything falls back to the main trunk of the flow of time.
This correction runs deep through all layers of the human system and is affecting the information that was carried and distributed via the nervous system, slowly changing human consciousness
and repositioning it to its true place.
Remember that this anomaly had pushed human consciousness out of its true position and state.
This whole process is a main part of the restoration of the divine Kundalini.
This great correction of time in the physical began back on December 2022 Solstice when Jupiter was at the 0⁰ degree of Aries and time was set back to its organic flow from the realm of Saturn.
This caused a wave effect that moved through the different realms between then and now, reaching the very moment that we could address the healing of the King’s Heart in the physical.
This is what made this correction possible and we are now officially experiencing this great correction collectively which is taking us back to inner truth, remembrance, restoration and reconciliation.
The healing of the King’s heart will have a positive and healing effect on all true hearts.
This correction will feel like an inner journey of revelation like no other.
The human system is undergoing deep transformation.
The mind, soul and body trinity might experience weird phenomena like glitches, forgetfulness, tiredness, sleepiness or insomnia and vertigo or nausea etc., as it is trying to adjust to the correction.
The books have been revealed and delivered to the forerunners who are consciously doing the work.
This is a godly correction like no other.
Everything false and illusionary will fall back to nothing and everything true will rise out of nothing!
Many will be driven almost in a state of hypnosis to redirect themselves, their paths, doings and choices.
This will be coming from the effect of the main flow of time on them.
Whole realities and lives will be gone and new ones will be opened and seen.
Many sleeping ones will awake.
Nothing will remain the same after this.
A true blessing is unfolding.
During these days you might have different memories coming up you might think or dream of old friends, places, stories, acquaintances, lovers, departed loved ones etc.
or you might have glimpses of your future self and stories.
This phase of reading through the time capsule is like a rewind and forward as everyone is undergoing some kind of repositioning.
Many things might not make sense but alignment to what is true is the essential intention that can bring one into this correction.
The great correction of time is also restoring the human torus field back to its original state so we are witnessing a huge expansion and strengthening taking place in it.
This is the second phase of the Twin Flames Code of stability and steadiness which is all about the great restoration of the strings of sound.
Resting is important during these hours as the human system is undergoing deep transformation.
A big part of us is dying and we want to have a good death.
If we have a good death we will also have a good birth!
A good death is part of the art of living!
Our upcoming group session is exactly when Pluto enters Aquarius.
This will be our second birth and the moment when earth will switch on its organic mode which is the second phase of the return of the Ruby Diamond and all lost frequencies and the switching of the main motherboard which took place on March 23rd 2023!
Via a series of processes, we will also perform the same orgasmic switching in our own systems.
This is part of the Twin Flames Eros Chronicles and it is totally happening!
What a glorious moment this will be!
Blessings of a good death!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
For Our Eyes Are Antennas Of Light, Attuning To The Light Synthesis In Every Moment.
To realise the subtle transformation when your eyes interpret Light, integrated within your consciousness.
We ask you to take a step beyond your current understanding. Expand your light to see a holistic view of the process. Layer this experience with the view of Light Expansion.
See the internal workings of your eyes and become aware of the natural processes.
As you choose this level of focus, expand this sensitivity to every cell, to become truly integrated in your own awareness.
For Light and Colour are expanding, an upgraded language to interpret. It simply requires your multidimensional light field to absorb the higher light codes, to move through to your physical conscious form.
The true awareness to your eyes will assist your higher light vision. Connect to colours and feel a higher light connection with your eyes, hands, feel your light body integrating.
I Awaken To The Crystalline Presence Of Light Within My Eyes. The Great Transmutation Of Light – Signalling The Third Eye- Pineal-Crown Connection.
I Expand In Light
Know you are doing wonderfully well xo
Sending waves of cosmic love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
The Pluto in Capricorn timeline from 2008 helped us heal the Family Tree, inner child, and restore Masculine Feminine partnership in preparation for this new Age of Aquarius.
It came with many challenges that were holding us back from our potentials. Your efforts through those difficulties have cleared away the entire Piscean Age of struggle and duality. Much knowledge was learned, including how powerful you really are.
Now we can apply it all to the Pluto in Aquarius timeline, where us New Earth Leaders can share our messages, light, and wisdom with the world. Divine support, protection, safety, pleasure, and love are filling your cup so you can successfully lead in ascended mastery. Now we can grow and blossom into all that is being offered with Pluto in Aquarius.
Pluto moving into Aquarius on November 19th is opening the doors to many upgrades. These include more Light Body expansions that are aligning you to receive love, abundance, healing, and happiness.
Anything in the way of receiving your personal happiness will surface to heal. This may be forgiveness, closure, and making peace with the past.
It is a cleansing process we are all experiencing in our own personal way. Hold space and be patient with your own timeline of releasing and healing.
Once ready, a new understanding will become accessible for you to make new choices and adjustments from. Keep your target on the higher timeline during this week of healing and aligning from the past.
Ra James
We have a lot of energies streaming in right now from our Central Sun. Earth and our Sun are now aligned with the Pleiades. We are in the November Pleiadian Alignment until the 23rd. This means we are receiving a huge influx of Pleiadian Energies during this time. This alignment occurs twice a year. The November Alignment occurs when the Pleiades is opposite the Sun. That means this week will be bringing a lot of solar energy with it.
These energies are especially powerful for clearing and integrating your karma. The November alignment is a time to connect with the Stars. We are receiving a lot of Galactic Energies right now. We receive many powerful upgrades and activations from the Pleiades star system. Expect major DNA upgrades. Expect to receive a lot of spiritual downloads. These are powerful energies for healing and activating your heart chakra. This week is powerful for helping you to heal anything coming up for you at this time.
These are powerful energies to help you to move forward on your path. They are great for releasing deeper wounds and fears that you’re still holding on too. We are receiving a lot of light from Alcyone right now. Alcyone is the brightest star of the Pleiades. We are able to tap into a lot of Pleiadian energies from now until next month’s Winter Solstice…
On Sunday, November 17th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in inspirational Sagittarius is starting to form an opposition to Jupiter, ruler of new horizons, in curious Gemini which will be exact on Monday, November 18th at 3:55am EST. This is the first of three oppositions that will occur, through the end of December, because of a retrograde motion that Mercury will begin on Monday, November 25th. Together these two can expand into new thoughts, ideas and perspectives. New information, communication, messages and networking is a part of this energy.
Be careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly as Sagittarius and Gemini are both mutable signs, meaning they are prone to vacillation, change and redirection on a mental level. Brainstorming and finding new solutions to situations and circumstances is also highlighted. Our minds will be very active for the next six weeks. Do what you can to stay grounded and centered. Try to get extra rest as this energy can keep us awake at night with all the mental activity that will be going on. At the very least, this can be a time that is exciting, creative, colorful and intellectually busy.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in inspirational Sagittarius is starting to form an opposition to Jupiter
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus retrograde in Taurus – Nerves are still jangling after the electric Full Moon earlier this week. It’s like we’re walking around in rubber shoes on thick carpet, picking up static, releasing it at the next unsuspecting passer-by. A spark, a crackle – everyone jumps! High frequency information pours in from the cosmos. We’re on edge, mind leaping to the most bizarre conclusions. Everything feels odd and we’re on the lookout for stranger danger.
Deep in Scorpio waters, we humans long to feel a profound bond, a sense of connection, warmth, union. We also need to feel that we’re in control. But Uranus is God mind, an intelligence of a higher order, cold, impersonal, untouchable and utterly unpredictable. We can’t control what happens out there in the world. There will always be wild cards, lightning bolts and curve balls. These are extraordinary times. Be open to change. Allow for new growth, curious flowers, strange trees. Embrace eccentricity. Break the pattern.
We will have an opportunity to awaken our inner Shaman and dive into the intense work that comes with these next four days. Welcome to the FOURTH PLUSE of the 20-day Ascension Portal, which runs from 11.17.24 to 11.20.24. They are the days of 3 BEN, 4 IX, 5 MEN, and 6 CIB in the Yucatec Mayan Calendar.
This fourth phase will activate our solar plexus from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate our throat chakra through the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days will begin with an activation called the pillars of light. It is where the Earth’s energy will begin to knit together with the energy from the great central sun. This phase will also be embedded with timeless shamanic-like wisdom. We will have access to higher forms of natural forces from the cosmos and be able to anchor them into a more usable form on Earth. This is also where the real work will really start to kick in. Complex human relationships could feel unwieldy as we soar with a broader vision and clarity about our service in the world. We will gain new boundaries that rise to a higher standard. This will trigger a more honest self-confidence, assisting us with being comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. During these days, we can learn to foster authentic community if focused upon.
There is a simple way to assist with the deep work coming with these solar plexus days. You can’t be in your crowded and worried head when you hum! When you hum, you create a clear space in your mind and you will drop down into your heart. Humming can help us self regulate so we feel less anxious and overwhelmed when processing intense energies.
Here is a link to a sacred little humming song I like to use that is not attached to any religion to get you going.
But please pick a song that speaks to you or make one up in the moment. What this does is give us a little vacation when we are facing intense energies, and it can put things in a higher perspective. We are not ourselves when we feel triggered. When we become triggered, this is the universe telling us where the work is that needs to be done. The trick is not taking action while we are triggered. Humming gets even better when you get out in nature and hum your LOVE into the EARTH…. This simple work will clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and put you back in touch with the soul of the world and the God within you.
FOURTH PULSE – For the ascending Throat Chakra use Amber Cashmere Oil.(And / or with) For the descending Earth / Universal Chakra use Nile Flower Oil.
These 4 days remind me of a time of no time, a place between what was and what will be. It can be a bridge, a turning point, and an incredibly complex time that can bring up ripples of ancient history to the surface that want to be healed. This is a time and place where we can flip the narrative to support the magic and soul of the collective world. With this in mind…. I added this beautiful post below that a dear sister sent me recently. It hits right on point.
“The Mayan people call this the “Time of No Time.” From here on, we’re on Earth time. Mother Earth is shaking to her core. It’s a time of madness, disconnection, and hyper-individualism. It’s also a time when new energies are coming into the world, and people are growing new skin. The Mayan vision says that we in the West will find safe harbor only if we can journey past a wall of mirrors.
The mirrors will surely drive us mad—unless we have a strong heart. Some mirrors delude us with an infinity of reflections of our vanity and shadows. Others paralyze us with our terror and rage, feeding an empire that manufactures our fear into resignation. But the empire has no roots and it’s toppling all around us. In this time everyone is called to take a stand. Everyone is called to be a leader.
To get beyond the wall of mirrors, the final challenge is to pass through a tiny door. To do this, we must make ourselves very, very small. To be very humble. Then we must burrow down into the Earth, where indigenous consciousness lives. On the other side is a clear pond. There, for the first time, we’ll be able to see our true reflection…”
~ Robbie Warren
Get an instant PDF download of the Mayan Calendar for the equinox cycle 2023-24 that also shows the 20 core day Ascension Portal. It is free.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Blue Monkey wavespell. Certainly, Monkey can be tricky. Especially during these first few days as we are positioned right in the middle of the two Portal day columns. This is a powerful but intense time and it won’t let up until we get to Red Spectral Dragon in 8 day’s time. However, the number 3 is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs in. There’s so much energy available to tap into and that comes in very handy, if you make use of it.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore’. The Skywalker loves to go on adventures and this curiosity is quite catching. We may feel compelled to follow the pied piper today or go on a Magical Mystery tour. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, today is perfect for activating an adventure and also expanding your mind. Think outside the box today and be a little daring. It doesn’t hurt sometimes to surprise yourself. The Skywalker encourages us to be more bold and when combined with this energetic number 3, well that could lead to a very electrifying adventure indeed.
The Guide today is the Red Earth, the symbol of evolution and when in this guiding position, it can only mean one thing: Your Electric adventures today are guiding you towards progress in your life!
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night has a big imagination and loves to dream away the day. It’s hard to get out of the door when you are having a party in your head but for dreams to come true you must wake up. One of the key words for Red Skywalker is Wakefulness and so if you are a Blue Night – today is your wake-up call.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star. As I have mentioned before, look to the Occult power to see where the strength of a day lies. As in a person, the Occult power symbolizes the magical and often hidden aspect of the character, their ace up their sleeve. Well, today’s ace is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. This suggests that when on your adventure today, remember to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, the beauty in those you encounter and the beauty of your life. Indulge in art, wear elegant clothes and of course shine like a star. Yellow Star is also Blue Monkey’s best buddy and so this helps us because we’re in the Blue Monkey wavespell!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger who invites all to cross the bridge to a new adventure. If you need a partner in crime today, a White Worldbridger is your best bet.
A very POTENTLY EXPANSIVE DAY, full throttle maximum acceleration to ACTIVATE HEAVEN on EARTH
Day 3 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, JOY, Spontaneity, Bliss, Play, Merriment and a return to Innocence.
Today we ACTIVATE the JOY and BLISS. This is best expressed through EXPLORING the Majik that lies dormant within us, and around us. Using the ELECTRIC tone to IGNITE the SPARK to create more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in our lives.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative genius energy – TESLA POWER. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the SKYWALKER, BLUE MONKEY, and MAJIK codes today, adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, That is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today we bond together through the power of MAJIK to ignite joy and BLISS, lifting the vibe of our entire PLANET!
MONKEY FUN-EEE BUSINESS is the order of the day!
It’s TIME to PLAY together with our kin!
NOTE: ELECTRIC energy is very volatile and combustible which can lead to short fused interactions today, particularly with the cheeky monkey energies…. especially as it is an EMOTIONAL realm tone….
BE AWARE that people may be easily triggered on these days….. Remember to DIRECT this energy into creative and inventive projects so you can fully utilize the POWER available to LIGHT UP our world!
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH as a legacy for future generations?
A great day to VISUALIZE the HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to meditate or swim with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER BEN coupled with the ELECTRIC tone means you are outwardly driven to ex-press your e-motions of JOY, BLISS, HAPPINESS and excitation through the creative element today. Ecstatic BLISS EXPANSION
Today is a divine day to explore SPACE – other dimensions and NEW HORIZONS, that bring you greater happiness, contentment and bliss. BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmo adding to the EXPANSION of JOY!
Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities! This is our birthright as beautiful RADIANT STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNSThe more expanded you go, the more deeply you can EARTH.
Today we expand, expand, expand and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize great BLISS, floating endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS.
It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully AWAKENED STAR BLISS SJPERNOVA SUNS, bringing Heaven to Earth.
The ELECTRIC tone plus the SKYWALKER is UBER ACTIVATING us to BOND with our kin in united ecstasy, to realize BLISS ON EARTH. This collective Mission will be felt very strongly today!
But the stars do shine
In promising salvation, is near this time
Can you FEEL it now
So brothers and sisters, show we know how
Now tell me
Can you feel it, (tell me can you feel it) can you feel it, can you feel it
(Hey, hey, tell me, can you see what’s going down? Open up your mind)
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it
Go forth and WALK THE SKIES on all levels today, deep into the earth realms and even high out in the stars and multi-Universe.
All this can be experienced through your own bodies and consciousness without leaving home! No rocket required!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC EARTH – CABAN’s coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Allow yourself to be DE-LIGHT-ed today with the majikal synchronicities appearing around you, and even materializing before your EYES!
Our MAJIK MONKEY is all BLISSED up and READY to PLAY – so watch for the cues he is giving you with CABAN to navigate your way to greater BLISS. The GATE to MAJIKAL 5D is blasted OPEN today!
Today we are listening, to find the PERFECT TIMING that IGNITES the MAJIK in our lives.
Energy expressed in right timing, can ACTIVATE those around us to express, as well, creating a domino effect of joy filled creation. This creates a feeling of WAKEFULNESS and a FLOW of euphoric BLISS, through the EXPANSION of our consciousness. Navigating our path through greater realms of experiencing this infinite BLISS, and then grounding it back into Mother Gaia.
BOOM! This code can sweep you off your feet beloveds!!!
ELECTRIC CABAN as today’s Higher Guide, IGNITES and ACTIVATES GAIA’S POWER GRID . VOLCANOES may erupt as the electrical current flows through her veins/meridians.. Pyramids are ACTIVATED and there is much energy to be harnessed for the betterment of all.
Use this POWER to ACTIVATE your DIVINE NEW EARTH MISSION and GAIA will surely partner with you.
For all those STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who have been patiently waiting EONS for the RIGHT TIME – NOW IS THE BLISS TIME – so HOP TO IT!!
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI the best buddy of BEN, of course, is joining the Galactic GIGGLE party today. BEN, CIMI and CHUEN are riding on the MAJIK carpet together, to take us to new worlds and dimensions in our happy adventuring through the space/time continuum.
Jumping into other worlds to build the EXCITATION that leads to expression. To GET EXCITED by everything NEW. New opportunities, new knowledge, new adventures and new higher potentials.
Worldbridger enhances networking and CONNECTION – bonding with your soul tribe, divine partner and colleagues destined to walk beside you.. EYES wide open today.
The name of the game today is building EXCITATION so that it becomes CONTAGIOUS and spreads, creating even greater JOY, BLISS and HAPPINESS. Building energy and EXPANDING, touching more souls to AWAKEN to the greater experience of JOY.
All riding through the portals together, bringing forth the codes needed to create even more MAJIK and MIRACLES in our lives.
“NOTHING is more EXCITING than an IDEA whose TIME has come!” VICTOR HUGO
NOTE: KIN 146 – 3 CIMI is the Galactic signature of ELON MUSK – so as today’S SUPPORT we have more rocket fuel IGNITION to ACTIVATE our projects – people, resources, money, inspiration, majik – whatever is needed for your MISSION will MAJIKALLY APPEAR! NO LIMITS!
We also have a 17/6 legacy day with the 9 day total – super ACTIVATING your Divine Mission.. very potent supporting codes with this ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER!
KIN 146 is a G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal – which is BLASTING open the veil today on this SUPER POWERFUL rocket fuelled day!
In EXACTLY 13 days time on 30 NOVEMBER 2024, it will be the DAY of the ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER which BLASTS OPEN the next row of 10 GAP days in a ROW – during the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL…
3 CIMI is bridging this span today as the first bridge opening the way to access these resources to reach your HIGHEST potential flowering.
Hip hip hoo- RAY!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR LAMAT is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE party today! LAMAT is the STAR of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. ANOTHER PORTAL CODE!!!
LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and CHUEN, to flow through, on their majik carpet, RIDING on the Superhighways of the Cosmos.
The SPECTRAL STAR – also operates on the emotional plane, dissolving, releasing and finally LIBERATING more energy. So anything that has restricted our BLISS will be dissolved so that we can fully LIBERATE more spontaneous JOY in our lives.
Today we are releasing the pure beauty, creativity, harmony and ABUNDANCE on this 8.8.8 gate – that we have discovered through our joy filled exploration.
LAMAT shines her STARLIGHT on our capacity to co-create together the highest potential beauty and Harmony for our planet. To focus primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT– AKBAL is the challenge that strengthens us today. AKBAL rules the deep subconscious inner realms. As it is a day of JOY, BLISS, CREATIVITY and outwardly expression, our challenge today is not to delve too deeply into the abyss, but rather to SUPERCHARGE our happiness quotient.
ACTIVELY CHOOSE to explore the outer realms and world around us. Igniting our inner creative spark, through the guidance of our intuition, to navigate our way, welcoming more ABUNDANCE in our lives. Therefore building the basis for more MAJIK to flow.
The BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT -is the MAJIKAL GENIE who very powerfully ACTIVATES our greatest DREAMS today! Seek out those kin holding the same DREAM and bond in SERVICE to ignite those DREAMS.
Today is a great day for manifesting MAJIK and fuelling our dreams and desires, to create a BLISS filled, beautiful life of constant flowing JOY.
A life we all truly deserve! The collective dream of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS!
So beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, go forth and IGNITE the MAJIK so that it may GROW and E-X-P-A-N-D and continually grant all your wishes.
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH as a legacy for future generations?
A great day to VISUALIZE the HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to meditate or swim with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for Pluto in Aquarius and the New Golden Age of New Earth Activation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Activation and Decree of the Violet Light Tube of Transmutation and Purification
In the name of the I am that I am,
I invoke the Violet Flame of transmutation and purification,
To get wrapped in a Violet Light Tube,
that purifies and uplifts all energies around me .
(Visualize a column of intense purple light descending from on top and enveloping you completely, creating a shield of protection and transmutation around you. )
I am the Violet Flame that transmutes and purifies,
Disintegrating all negative energy,
Raising every particle of my being to Divine vibration.
Nothing not in perfect harmony can cross this Tube of Light
For I am the Divine Presence in manifestation,
And everything that touches this Light is transformed into love, peace and harmony.
(Breathe deeply and visualize the purple light purifying your energy field, bringing peace and serenity. )
Gratitude to Violet Flame and my Higher Self
For his protection, healing and upliftment.
May the Violet Light continue to guide me and transmute all that I need to release.
i am light, i am love, i am the violet flame in action.
That’s right it’s done!
This decree can be repeated daily to strengthen protection and transmutation along your journey. Remember to intensely visualize the Violet Light Tube as you perform the practice, feeling the transformation and elevation of the energies around you.
Activation and Decree of the Violet Light Tube of Transmutation and Purification
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