Shamanic Medicine ~ Organic Source Codes Streaming In! Silver Fleet * ATLANTIS AND LEMURIA ARE ALIVE ~ Master Healer Universal Decree
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Great Awakened Meditators of Enlightened Consciousness
As you sit in Meditation your individual Consciousness merges with the Ocean of Consciousness and you realize the one is the many and the many is the one you resolve all things perfectly in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha.
This is your Pure Awareness of your Original Sacred Self beyond all concepts and duality in the Oneness of all Life of the almighty I Am Presence.
Stay anchored in the Present moment of the Infinite Now as we merge all timeliness, realms and dimensions into this One True Ascension Timeline we open the doorway to the Kingdom of Heaven and step over the Threshold into the New Golden Age of 5D Gaia.
As all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 transform from carbon based to crystalline base 12 Strand DNA we make our collective Quantum Leap of Faith into our Highest Trajectory of the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.
I take refuge in the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life…
Shamanic medicine awakens the innate healing power within our bodies, allowing us to rediscover our profound state of holistic well-being. We are embraced by boundless reservoirs of spiritual, energetic, emotional, and physical vitality, guided by the timeless wisdom of the Q’ero shamanic lineage. Together, we journey towards the limitless horizons of our own potential.
Always and forever, “healing” is not about becoming something else — it’s about reclaiming, remembering what’s already within. It’s about sitting deeper within our own souls, befriending the sacred jewel within, and moving in the greater world from there — certainly, it’s never about going anywhere else.
The Earth Is The Jewel Of The Universe
Isabel Garcia Martinez
Although Atlantis and Lemuria have become myths on the surface, the people of Atlantis and Lemuri thrive in their underground cities.
Our Milky Way is divided into 12 sectors. Our Solar System is located in Sector 9 and contains hundreds of other solar systems.
Ashtar Command, also known as Galactic Command, is made up of millions of starships and volunteers from many systems and dimensions in our galaxy.
Galactic Command is part of the Confederation of Planets and protects this sector of the Milky Way. Their purpose is to assist the Earth through this current cycle of Planetary Ascension.
Ashtar is the commander of the Confederation of Planets for our sector. The Silver Fleet controls our Solar System and has a space port inside Mount Shasta. Anton, who comes from Telos, is the name of the commander of the Silver Fleet. It’s mostly the people from the underground cities serving in the Silver Fleet.
We must know who we are. We’re on a Great Galactic Mission. And these Beings travel with us as ONE”.
12/2/24: Finding peace within your power this month means holding space for the unexpected and working with self-mastery to respond to it. It means finding and displaying patience, tolerance, humor, humility, and acceptance. Aggression, force, attitude, and frustration will bring unhappy consequences.
Your Right Action today is to use your energy wisely. If conflict should arise, stop, breathe, and remember that you are the hero you’re looking for… one who values integrity, accountability, and compassion. 2024 isn’t yet done with your lessons. It’s been summoning your power all year. December will be spent polishing it.
Happy December beautiful souls…we made it through the year with our shiny new Lightbodies and our feet firmly on the Earth! Although we still have the 12/12 Portal and the Solstice to navigate it feels as if the energies have already made their statement of intent and we are simply ‘icing the cake’ with guidance from the Higher Realms.
The most significant heavenly movements occurred during November with a lot of fanfare from spiritual aspirants and astrologers, as Pluto shifted from Capricorn into Aquarius for the final time in our (current) lives. The 19th was described to me as the Day of the Golden Dawn as it was celebrated as incredibly special.
What does this mean for us on a physical and spiritual level?
Pluto in Aquarius is a completely new platform of energy that will play out over a significant period. As with all our shifts the results are not as instant or as gratifying as many of us would like them to be.
We are becoming increasingly aware of the antics of the 3D Matrix as it increases its attempts to remain in control and power. In many cases these circumstances have tangible effects on our lives, and this can make it very tricky to always remain in a state of ‘love and light’.
Pluto is providing us with the space, and it is our job to construct our lives efficiently and correctly within the boundaries.
This new space is energetically aligned with 5D and heart-centred living so as we progress through the coming years it will become stronger and more grounded as more of us place our Seeds of Light within the magic garden.
As we move through the 12/12 Portal and into the Solstice the energies are going to take another massive leap. Are you ready? This is now the final push to achieve the Golden Ratio of 50% awakened and 50% unawake…from this point the vibration of the planet will seek the highest timeline, and we will begin to move faster than ever before.
I look forward to seeing you all shining in the Field and I am sending you all so much love from my heart to yours!
Tim Whild.
Blue Rose Oracles
The upgrades that we’re moving through are working in tandem with the old information that’s been cleared from the cells, so you’re going to experience the duality of this process within your emotional body because you are getting ready to hold so much more light.
You are getting ready to embody everything that you’ve been calling in throughout your lifetime.
You’re getting ready to step forward and be the torchbearer of the most beautiful, powerful, and illuminating light for the the collective
These current upgrades are very intense on the physical and energy bodies, and you may have been feeling a sense of lowness, less vitality, and overall exhaustion, particularly around your future, creating anything new, or really placing your energy and focus into something new. You may also have been feeling disconnected.
What is occurring is that we’re collectively going through a huge shift. Mother Earth is ascending into a new bandwidth, and we are all clearing out so much of the old coding, patterns, and programming. In order to do this, we become disconnected so that we can hold the internal space for the old to clear and for the new to anchor.
We’re going through huge crown and brow activations alongside a major higher heart expansion, and as these activations continue to flow, all of your gifts are becoming more potent and activated.
More empathy, you’re feeling more, seeing more, experiencing more of the collective clearing and density as old thought forms clear.
This is deep and powerful work. It really is the groundwork for the next 25 years. You are clearing the way, clearing the pathway. These current activations are very big upgrades, and we’re being guided to dig deep into the old roots and patterns that we no longer want to carry forward, excavate the old versions of ourselves, the old ancestral imprints, and clear through the emotional body and grief layers any old emotions that we’ve been carrying that no longer support us moving forward.
This is a rollercoaster—you’re going to be experiencing so many emotions in one day, high bliss states and then deep emotional purges and clearing. The upgrades that we’re moving through are working in tandem with the old information that’s been cleared from the cells, so you’re going to experience the duality of this process within your emotional body because you are getting ready to hold so much more light.
Dear friends, as we begin this special new month and we continue integrating the energies of the new moon, a less known celestial event is taking place. In the vast expanse of our night sky, there are four stars that have captivated our ancient astrologer/astronomer ancestors: Aldebaran, Regulus, Fomalhaut, and Antares. These “Royal Stars” were thought to be the guardians of the four corners of the sky and gatekeepers to four sacred energy portals. Every year, from December 2-4, the Sun aligns with Antares, unlocking the Antares Stargate.
As the guardian of the western sky and the emerald heart of the Scorpion, Antares holds a special significance. It is believed to be the resting place for souls after they leave the body, where they can temporarily reflect on their life journey before continuing with their evolutionary cosmic journey. Antares has the power to activate our heart chakra energy, unlocking higher wisdom when it comes to love – not just the love we give and receive, but the love that we truly are.
Interestingly, if you look at the constellation of Sagittarius, the Archer’s arrow is pointing directly at Antares. This alignment may be a clue that we should all be aiming to live from the heart, making it our target point in all aspects of life. The energy of the Antares Stargate portal offers us an opportunity to connect with our passions, trust our feelings, and listen to our intuition as we move in this last chapter of the year.
As a powerful guide for living a life filled with passion, pleasure, and purpose, Antares can also facilitate reflection and self-love. Ancient stories say that when our souls rest in Antares, they are guided to look back on their life journey, honoring all they achieved without regret. This energy invites us to do the same here on Earth – to celebrate our journey, let go of regrets, and cherish the love we have shared.
When the Sun crosses Antares, it’s an opportunity to take a life review, not to judge, but to learn to love ourselves more. We can ask ourselves: How can I love myself for my past? How can I love myself for where I am today? How can I show unconditional love to myself? By raising our self-worth, vibration, and acceptance, we can begin to love ourselves more deeply.
To work with the energy of the Antares Stargate Portal, consider taking some time for self-reflection. Review your life journey and find ways to celebrate, honor, and admire all you’ve been through this past year. Write a letter to your inner child, offering loving and supportive messages. Meditate on your heart chakra, practice self-love activities, or write yourself a letter of forgiveness, releasing any regrets or perceived mistakes.
As we embark on this transformative journey through the Antares Stargate Portal, we are simultaneously being infused with the magical energies of December. This sacred month is a time for rebirth, renewal, and celebration. As we align with the heart-centered energies of Antares, we can trust that the universe is supporting us in unlocking our deepest potential.
May the combined energies of the Antares Gateway and the December vibrations guide you into a brighter, more loving, and more radiant version of yourself. May your heart be filled with joy, your spirit be lifted with hope, and your soul be nourished with love as we journey together into the promise of a new year.
Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned for more energy updates as we dive into this new month. Much love
As we step into a whole new creation, on the New Earth, more higher aspects of Creation are being reactivated on multiple levels now.
I was made very aware of the Sun Discs now emitted from Solar Sun as well as the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, that the 72 octaves of sound are being returned, and as these them start to fully anchor in, it is causing all energy and energy systems to resonate with these. I was shown how, all which cannot hold the increased sound frequencies will not be able to exist in the New Earth.
It is so we will feel this intensely now as the old and new are splitting increasingly apart, and with the increased higher heart activations this brings, we are being tuned into the higher levels of Christ/Buddha consciousness, especially in December 2024 and then escalating into 2025.
All sound frequencies and vibrations, work in tandem with the Light and so it is that this is activating a deep remembrance within our souls, as our soul songs awaken and we have access to soul talents, abilities, and so much more, as our creative centers are fully activated, the Divine Feminine within. She holds the Cosmic sound but also the Cosmic Creative force within her, for she birthed all of creation.
All of this is the return of the Age of Love and Miracles. All abiding love.
When we are held in the All-abiding love of the Divine within us and all around us, our heart torus energy fields expand, and this enables us to now tune into all sentient being’s heart centers as well. As we become increasingly heart-tuned-in, we will be able to communicate at far greater levels, heart to heart, soul to soul, as the expanded heart center expands the faculties of the Third Eye and Crown even more.
For The Grand Uprising Of These Light Codes Is What You Are Feeling.
As your world continues to uprise and embrace the true light resonance of the universe.
A subtle yet obvious transition is now appearing in your world.
The presence of higher light integration and stabilisation, provides the following light initiations:
1. Disassociation from the physical form – less requirement to be so integrated in the physical density. A reduced desire to be integrated in the physical reality.
2. A greater sense of quantum presence moving through your light awareness. This is your multidimensional connection to the universe expanding. Resulting in a synchronisation with your light field and the advanced time clock of Gaia. This is the current light trajectory as you are aligning to your multidimensional reality.
3. Lightbody peripheral understanding of the crystalline light of now. This is a natural momentum of the light forces now reaching your world. You become acclimatised with the natural flow of the new earth harmonics.
4. The balance of the physical requirements and the light body relationship will reach a new expanded elevation of disconnection, yet a harmonic convergence of light will light bind this relationship into a new approach of light synthesis.
5. The great travellers of light – we welcome you to the next frontier for humanity. As you become reacquainted with your quantum family.
May this light information assist the great passage of light before you.
Light activations are clearing away conflicts and drama. This light is also supporting you embrace your powerful position as a Light Leader. Ascend Masters are here witnessing your ascension into this Soul Mastery. The First, Second, and Third Waves of Starseeds and Lightworkers are graduating this week into an elevated timeline. Here we will make new connections, learn, grow and heal together.
The week starts with Venus in Capricorn forming a trine to Uranus in Taurus before retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius activates the ongoing sextile between Jupiter in Gemini and Chiron in Aries (Sep 2024-May 2025) and the Sun in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces followed by Venus in Capricorn forming a sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday.
Following the weekend’s New Moon in Sagittarius, we are continuing to set our ‘aim’ on the mark as we receive further information that challenges us to trust our own discernment amidst a flurry of potential interpretations.
It’s possible to be open to ‘the new’ while valuing the tried and true which is where we are left to navigate at the moment as we move through some unfamiliar and uncertain spaces…
But, such are the conditions under which stagnation dies and the ‘blocks’ to progress are revealed and eliminated in alignment with our best interests even if we don’t interpret them in that way at first!
Comfort is overrated when growth is the highest intention.
December 2-9, 2024 – REAWAKEN THE DREAM – SuperNova Astrology Update
Mars in Leo has been in trine with the North Node of the Moon in Aries, and the Sun in Sagittarius this past week. This Fire Trine led up to the powerful Sagittarius New Moon which happened on December 1st. It’s an activation of the creative fires within, which have long been suppressed. Excitement is in the air with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, but Mercury having turned retrograde is putting a damper on the fire. It’s as if we got one good glimpse of the Dream, before it was stolen away again.
Mercury is making three tense squares with Saturn in Pisces, and three oppositions with Jupiter in Gemini during this retrograde cycle. We are coming up to the second set of these transits, just as Jupiter and Saturn begin to come into their generational game changing square which happens exact on December 24th/25th. We start to feel this epic transit on December 4th. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will come into opposition with Jupiter on December 4th/5th, and into square with Saturn on December 7th. The Sun in Sagittarius will also be making a square with Saturn and opposition with Jupiter this week. Mercury retrograde will cross back over the Sun in Sagittarius on December 6th. Mercury and the Sun pass like ships in the night as they take turns triggering this intense T-square. The third and final Mercury square Saturn, opposite Jupiter, will take place in the last week of December. Expect fleeting glimpses of clarity, evidence that the Dream is Re-Awakening within you.
Mars has made it to 6 degrees Leo, where he will turn retrograde on December 7th. Mars will make three oppositions with Pluto, three squares with Black Moon Lilith, three squares with Chiron, and three trines with the North Node of the Moon during this retrograde cycle. We have to take back our power from where we gave it away. Chiron opposite of Black Moon Lilith is bringing forward situations to help us heal these issues, through our interpersonal relationships.
Venus in Capricorn is just completing a T-square with Black Moon Lilith in Libra, and Chiron in Aries. We are figuring out what it means to come back into Feminine Authority, which is the Mother’s Way. It’s about loving, nurturing, honoring, worshiping the Life Giving Force. And then it continues to overflow like a fountain for All. The feminine is asking for us to listen to Her Voice once again. She is calling us home to what really matters. We are humbled in the presence of Her Regenerative Power. We must drop everything and rearrange our lives so that we can tend to Her, by taking care of ourselves. The feminine blooms when those around her are attentive to her needs. She longs to feel wanted and appreciated, and most of all for the Force of Love which represents Her, to be expressed more fully in the world.
The old paradigms and programming must die. Venus will move over into the sign of Aquarius on December 8th, and come into conjunction with Pluto at 0 degrees. It’s a completely new definition of, and relation to, the feminine and masculine within. Venus will come into an opposition with Mars in Leo, just after turning retrograde, at 5 degrees of Leo and Aquarius, on December 8th. This opposition of our Mars and Venus, our masculine and feminine, is setting the stage for this Mars retrograde. It’s about healing our broken parts, in order to come back into the sacred marriage within. This is the opening of our heart, and the birth of a New Paradigm.
We have long been living in a era of suppression. But the lid is about to blow off, as the disgruntled and unappreciated feminine power reawakens and claims back Her rightful access to Creation energy. She has been living in poverty and scarcity. When in truth, she has, in abundance, what every one wants. We all do, if we can stop and listen, to nurture and heal our world by listening and taking care of Her, by taking care of our own body. We must tend to the sacred fires within. Chiron will be exactly opposite of Black Moon Lilith at the end of December, at the same time as the Jupiter Saturn square, bringing an exciting climax to the end of 2024.
Everything is saying that a New World lies ahead. The closer we get, the more dramatic the changes feel that are coming. And yet with this retrograde pause, we are impatient, waiting at the edge of our seat. Mars will transit back into Cancer on January 7th, and turn direct on February 24th at 17 degrees Cancer. He will return to 6 degrees Leo, exiting retrograde shadow, on May 2nd. And we all move into New Territory. Then we have a dual retrograde with Venus and Mercury, in conjunction to Neptune, in the signs of Pisces and Aries, the End and the Beginning of the Zodiac. Indeed, we are rebirthing the Christ Consciousness Timeline.
On Monday, December 2nd, beautiful Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in focused Capricorn, is in a positive trine connection with Uranus, ruler of freedom, in stable Taurus. Both Capricorn and Taurus are of the astrological Earth element which is practical, grounded, detail-oriented, persevering, honest, reliable, logical and pragmatic.
Yet, Uranus rules the energies of liberation, change, redirection, inspiration, individuality and independence. The Divine Feminine is embracing these energies today! Immerse yourself in what creates that sense of “freedom” for you!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in focused Capricorn, is in a positive trine connection with Uranus
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius trine Chiron retrograde in Aries. Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus – Venus in Capricorn gains pleasure from hard work, a reputation as a good boss, the success of a business close to her heart. Today’s trine to innovative Uranus suggests that we try new methods to gain personal satisfaction in both our work and relationships. Upgrade to experience improvements. Ensure there is enough space in partnerships for each party to learn and grow. Change up your routine. Delight in the surprises that life can bring. Innovate to accumulate. Dare to flout convention when necessary.
With Mercury retrograde also in conversation with maverick Chiron, it’s a day to embrace and celebrate our differences whilst recognising our similarities. Pay attention to your inner voice. Use healing words, mantras and affirmations. Sing songs that make you feel triumphant and inspired. Raise your voice for those who are marginalised. Talk about what makes you feel whole.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 19°Sg20′ R, Chiron 19°Ar20′ R – 06:16 (UT)
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Command and Radiance’. We are now on the fifth day of the Yellow Seed wavespell which contains ten Portal days in a row. When you combine the energy of the number five with a Portal day the result is a very dynamic day! This only occurs 4 times in the Tzolkin. The number five packs a punch for sure and we can all benefit from that power today if we assume ‘Command’. The fifth day of a wavespell radiates power!
Today is Yellow Star and it represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. If you don’t notice the beauty all around you today, then shame on you. Open your eyes and let them feast on art, beautiful smiles, a sunrise, your loved ones etc etc. It’s not rocket science and it’s not hard work. If you simply appreciate this beautiful place and reach deeper within yourself, you’ll be surprised what a profound effect it can have. Be Empowered by Beauty is the message today. Remember that this Portal day energy ramps things up a notch or two. It’s a Five Star day!
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior who invites us to follow him on a mission. The Warrior is intelligent and asks lots of questions, this desire for more information will inspire us all to get more motivated and encourage us to make it our mission to find some beauty.
The Challenge today is the White Mirror which represents Reflecting Truth. It may be difficult today to see the truth because we shall be dazzled by all the pretty things. The truth can be ugly sometimes but it’s OK to indulge in escapism from time to time and put the truth on hold. If you are a White Mirror today could be quite tricky. That Yellow Star is very empowered and so, your only course of action is to follow the sparkles. You too can indulge in Art and Beautify your world.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the bold and brave explorer. When in the Occult position Skywalker is inviting us to think outside the box, on a magical level. Skywalker has a very open mind which is what it takes to really see things from all angles. Explore with your mind today, you may be surprised what a beautiful experience that can be. There is more to this world than meets the eye. Skywalker understands this and he is always trying to get us to expand our consciousness and WAKE up!
The Ally is the Blue Monkey who is a very misunderstood character. One of Monkey’s most endearing characteristics is his love of Beauty. People born on Monkey days are best friends with Yellow Star because they get star struck. If you want to hang out with someone fun today, get hold of a Monkey. If you are a Monkey, you’ll be very popular today. If you don’t have one you can hang out with, be more like a Monkey today and have some fun monkey around.
KIN 148 = 13 = 4 Form/Structure/Foundation Constructing NEW EARTH code.
Our second GAP day and Day 5 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of awakening, flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into our Highest potential.
Today we are painting a new picture for our planet, focusing our power on creating the most BEAUTY filled world that we can!
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited POWER.
Today’s GAP energies supercharges the OVERTONE POWER – full RADIANCE to SHINE BRIGHTLY dear Star – BLISS- SUPERNOVA SUNS!
TODAY’S energy of the YELLOW STAR combined with the OVERTONE tone of RADIANCE, together in the YELLOW SEED Wavespell of AWAKENING to the LIGHT, is astoundingly beautiful! Triple YELLOW focused energy for accelerated RIPENING.
So beautiful in fact that I am quoting the words of a true Artist of the Dreamspell, SISTAR Vasumi Zjika who explains this day so eloquently “The Overtone works with SPIRITUAL power… in New Zealand Maori language we have a specific name for this which resonates most powerfully… The word is MANA – meaning the power which comes from SPIRIT, which radiates and gives one the glow of SPIRIT… and today is a day of Mana…A day of Mana where our FEARLESS creativity is what EMPOWERS the New Time, reflecting yesterday’s access to the intuitive dreaming mind, bringing forth the knowledge of the New Time.
The divine beauty of nature and our connectedness to it, that allows us to paint or write about the beauty of the harmony of this planet and its geometric patterning of consciousness… The sacred patterns of rocks laying on the sand… of fingers passing over strings… the interconnectedness of all life in the sacred geometry of elegant beauty. ” AND SO IT IS!
Whatever it is you need, dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, to move forward FEARLESSLY in this beautiful 5D reality,
Open your arms and receive from the STARS, from the HEAVENS and from the EARTH, all that is needed to SHINE as BRIGHTLY as you possibly can!
Today is THE BEST day for a Wedding, celebration, romantic liaison, family outing, creating ART, smelling the roses and appreciating all the BEAUTY in our world.
Grace and gratitude are the order of the day! Giving abundant thanks for this beautiful day, paving the way, for our beauty filled future!
May we all WALK the BEAUTY WAY. AMEN
Today’s question is “How can I FEARLESSLY focus on EMPOWERING the most BEAUTIFUL World possible?”
Divine blessings for painting the most BEAUTIFUL picture on your Canvas today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR – LAMAT The star glyph of LAMAT is a PORTAL to the Cosmos, which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond. The DREAMSPELL is our navigational compass, revealing the codes needed to attain PLANETARY ASCENSION.!
LAMAT carries the codes for PEACE, HARMONY and celebrating our LIFE as ART. Yesterday we were defining our DREAM, today we are PAINTING IT on our blank canvas!
LAMAT is the ARTIST, DIPLOMAT and PEACEMAKER exemplified by beautiful romantic and peace loving LIBRAN souls.. Our quest for PEACE on NEW EARTH is very strongly empowered today through these codes.
LAMAT is reminding us to EXPRESS TIME as ART through being creative with our kin – to dance, sing, paint, draw and have a BEAUTY filled day. It is time to become the ARTIST of your DREAMS!
LAMAT is also a portal to ABUNDANCE and today’s 8/11 universal month code is releasing a FLOOD of prosperity flowing from SOURCE to support you on your journey forward.. Remember to give GRATITUDE for all the blessings flowing freely forth NOW! AMEN
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW OVERTONE WARRIOR -CIB Underneath the Artificial Time Matrix program,(with which we HAD been indoctrinated), we all have the capacity to create great BEAUTY from the depths of our pure souls.Every single SOUL has this innate ability, by detaching from the busy-ness we can access our GOD GIVEN gifts and talents to CREATE our ART.
CIB assists us to FEARLESSLY find our ART today, through connecting to our MAJIK within, to uncover WHAT IT IS.
The OVERTONE WARRIOR – is the true RAINBOW WARRIOR whose quest is to manifest the beautiful UTOPIAN RAINBOW world of splendour.. The OVERTONE WARRIOR is focused on PEACE, BEAUTY and HARMONY.
CIB bodes us to use our power well, and focus all our collective energies towards FEARLESS BEAUTY, FEARLESS HARMONY and FEARLESS PEACE into the most beautiful world we can IMAGINE and therefore MANIFEST into existence.
Let us SAY a PRAYER of gratitude to all our indigenous ancestors from all the lands of GAIA – who have modeled the peaceful life – walking the BEAUTY WAY, living in harmony and appreciation of nature in communities.. This is the way of the future.
Today I will walk out, today everything negative will leave me
I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body.
I will have a light body, I will be happy forever, nothing will hinder me.
I walk with beauty before me.
I walk with beauty behind me.
I walk with beauty below me.
I walk with beauty above me.
I walk with beauty around me.
My words will be beautiful.
In beauty all day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons, may I walk.
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.
With beauty before me may I walk.
With beauty behind me may I walk.
With beauty below me may I walk.
With beauty above me may I walk.
With beauty all around me may I walk
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
My words will be beautiful…
WALKING IN BEAUTY Closing Prayer from the Navajo Way Blessing Ceremony
NOTE: The Navajo concept of hózhó – this word means “the beauty way” or “walking in beauty” and implies having balance and harmony in life. The Chinese tradition of Tao/Dao (or way) has a similar meaning.
SUPPORT: BLUE OVERTONE MONKEY – CHUEN is the Divine playful child, that reminds us that everything in our world is MAJIKAL! When we LIGHTEN up and RADIATE through laughter and playing with our fellow kin, we align with the DIVINE.
BLUE MONKEY enables us to MANIFEST joy in our cells, through playing with and trusting in the MAJIK of CREATION to Manifest this wondrous New World.
Allow this Divinely Creative Majik to flow through you today and feel your BEAUTY and grace in our brand New World, filled with wondrous delights for our senses, where Majik reigns supreme! There is GREAT MAJIK afoot today!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR SKYWALKER – BEN leads the way pulsing through the portals opened by LAMAT,,opening us UP to new opportunities and infinite possibilities, expanding our LIGHT PACKETS gifted by the YELLOW STAR.
Allow BEN to show you another world where you can be totally FREE to explore new horizons, and know that Harmony and PEACE is the order of this brand new day. Let us all cocreate together and bring the Pillars of Heaven down to unite with the pillars of Earth co creating BLISS ON EARTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE OVERTONE MIRROR – ETZNAB opens the doorways in the Hall of Mirrors for the Cosmic energies to flood through the STARGATES and portals from ENDLESS realms. The old Mirror World and its distortions have dissolved and disappeared like the passing tide. There is ENDLESS BEAUTY now through infinite dimensions of existence.
We have renewed clarity and can see what was previously hidden behind the veil of illusion. The old TIME IS MONEY, Artificial time matrix is OVER!!! This is not the true reflection of our perfect Universe, but simply an outmoded, and soon to be forgotten, remnant of an old matrix crumbling in ashes.
See past the illusion and hold your focus on a BEAUTIFUL world, filled with endless love, beauty and harmony in all your relations. It is TIME to hold a new and higher perspective for what is possible for HU-MAN-ity and our planet!.
Whatever it is you need, dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, to move forward FEARLESSLY in this beautiful 5D reality,
Open your arms and receive from the STARS, from the HEAVENS and from the EARTH, all that is needed to SHINE as BRIGHTLY as you possibly can!
Today is THE BEST day for a Wedding, celebration, romantic liaison, family outing, creating ART, smelling the roses and appreciating all the BEAUTY in our world.
Grace and gratitude are the order of the day! Giving abundant thanks for this beautiful day, paving the way, for our beauty filled future!
May we all WALK the BEAUTY WAY. AMEN
Today’s question is “How can I FEARLESSLY focus on EMPOWERING the most BEAUTIFUL World possible?”
Divine blessings for painting the most BEAUTIFUL picture on your Canvas today!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 1st through 7th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Sagittarius
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Today 12/2 until 2/12 a cosmic window opens for us to realign to our divinity, continue repatterning our 12th dimensional template, removing the old and all mental programs destined to control our consciousness. It is an important passage to continue retrieving freedom, especially at this time of great distraction but also of something no one could ever take away from us, family, unconditional love, and compassion, which is our natural state of being all year, not just during this season.
Values that we shall foment at every single moment, and that artificial intelligence and other mind control programs try to eradicate from us. The 12/12 portal represents the cusp of all the integration work we have done for the year. It is the peak of balancing polarities, activating our diamond hara line, and our earth star chakra, between other activations we have experienced this year.
It is time to continue building our 12th-dimensional bodies, moving now into the reconnection of our tenth-dimensional chakra after retrieving the connection to our monad.
At this time and always, remaining in our Higher Compassionate Hearts, for us and All, for we are All One Family, is pivotal to continue stabilizing the fifth-dimensional frequency, already anchored in many of Earth’s locations and, above all, in many of us first.
I share a universal decree for all of you who are guided to continue reaffirming your choice of ascending, removing all that is inorganic and false, through the power of word, of your unique voice, intention, and command.
As always modify at will, as you are your own master healer.
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