WE ENTER Scorpio Season Today – The Great Solar Flash ~ STAND IN YOUR LIGHT : HYMN TO SEKHMET-BAST
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Awakened Ascending Warriors of the Galactic Alliance of Light
Just in time for the Eclipse Gateway as Solaris moves into the Water sign of Scorpio today, tomorrow begins our Holy Day of Diwali, the festival of Lights, and the Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon on the 25th, we have massive energetics flowing into this realm from the Great Central Sun, Hunab Ku.
We have multiple pillars of White Light coming in appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 39hz, 45hz, 58hz and a massive blast at 62 hz. 5D+ energetics pulsing in from on High. Pachamama and all her Children of the Sun are getting inundated with these Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Particles of Higher Resonance for our Great Ascension Process.
You may feel an intensity in your cranium and sacrum as the two poles merge as one. This is a type of nuclear fusion as the yin combines with the yang, emptiness merges with form and the Eagle flies with the Condor in Hieros Gamos. Your Skull the Crown Chakra is the north pole and the Root & Sacral Chakras are the south pole of your toroidal electromagnetic field vibrating to the rhythm of Cosmic Consciousness.
All Starseed Ground Crew Cosmonauts are consciously shifting their Assemblage Point on their Luminous Sphere to align with the New Earth “reality” we make the unseen seen and the unreal real. We hold the codes of beauty and bliss in the Secret Queens Chamber in The center of our Heart Chakras. Lighting up the grids of Lemuria with the Whale and Dolphin Songs of purity and innocence. As our internal meridians, grids, dragonlines arise to the fifth dimension so too the external grids and ley lines of Mother Earth rise in synchronic order. The song lines resonate to the tune and tone of freedom for all sentient beings of the Way. The Rainbow Crystal Children laugh to the beat of their own drum and all our Good People of the New Earth Laugh our Way to Freedom
All the Paths we have walked on our Sacred Journey are leading back to the same Source; The Great Mystery. Through the Void we navigate to the Other Shore of Enlightenment as we remove the ignorance from all minds of the simulation with the Unborn Mind of Buddha we resolve all things perfectly, in this Eternal Now…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 13°26′ Libra, Sun at 0°39′ Scorpio
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 1º Scorpio |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 1º Scorpio.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 14º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 14º Libra.
source: https://www.astrologyweekly.com
Tijana Sophia
We are cleaning up consciousness at a RAPID PACE. The speed and ease at which we are rewiring and reconditioning the unconscious mind is phenomenal. Hallelujah! What a glorious and celebratory time.

Ana Maria Shekinah
I am consciously choosing to bring Gods love and light here on Earth. I am choosing to return Divine Feminine Christ light here and now. The Kingdom is here! And so it is

Roberto Nunez

Valerie A. Elster
There’s an energy that feels like “wiping the slate clean” this morning,
The karmic energetic relationships ended a few months ago (in a narrative sense)
Although you might be still:
Recapitulating (summarizing + restating main points)
Soul agreements
As the timelines are NOT fixed in a sense
Time is an illusion..
Timelines are FLUID, they shift based on the collective shift and other variables
Collapsible architecture that encompasses our 3D reality.
Whenever YOU are ready to move into a NEW field outside of ANY past scenarios.
The old programs start running..
SO much love!
source: http://valerieelster.com

Hearing from a lot of different areas, that this show is about to ramp up this week. Its like the meme where they showed 3 billboards all ‘playing in dc this week’. They are in total panic. Either way, do not get triggered but respond as you feel reasonably appropriate in what ever situations come up this next week. The spikes on the Schumann also means a human feels spikes in emotional responses. So try not to get overwhelmed, do not let anger or fear rule.

Linda Li
Rick Jewers
There are no energetic blockages, only remedy, opening, and Upliftment within Each.
We are now almost fully immersed in the Eclipse zone. Buckle up. You are changing and shifting, and your inner transformation is about to be reflected on the external. Navigate things day by day. Things are not always what they seem & more is about to be revealed. Listen to your emotions but don’t jump to conclusions. Time for more awareness & observation. You have all the tools within now to get to your desired outcomes. In all cases, that’s where the Universe wants to try and lead you. This moment is about to be supercharged but in a positive way. Watch events unfold & trust. Nothing that’s meant for you can go by you. Magical developments could be just around the corner. One more veil that was clouding your perception or trajectory is about to be lifted up. Get ready for a few surprises. Trust.
source: sophiegregoire.com

image by Rosa-Maria Marquez
Celia Fenn
Angels, Dolphins and Whales and the Partial Solar Eclipse

Blue Rose Oracles
The beautiful soft heart activating Venusian waves are flowing around the planet as sublime morphogenic fluctuations of light and sound that affect the base line of the planetary heart field are expanding the inner chambers of Gaias own heart temple as she sings these new frequencies into the song lines creating vibratory dimensional gateways through which the creation codes can anchor building wave upon wave of oscillation and vibration forming new holographic layers and morphogenic fields of light and sound.
The Venusian temples of light are reactivating creating the original grid templates which are formed within the filaments of Plasma light waves that are holding the etheric concentric grids in place around the initial grid imprints which formed the most recent holographic layer of our collective incarnational cycle.
As the 5 pointed star rises again to take her place within the celestial spheres returning home to the heart temple of the sun
the planetary quantum field is slowly flowing into a new cosmic rhythm, as outwards flowing spirals of golden light reflect the imprint of the sun the celestial realms are forming new spheres which hold the seed/grid/blueprint of creation through which the next chapter of the planetary holographic blueprint is expanding, crowning and emerging ready to birth and anchor after the deep clearing of old sedimentary layers of illusion are unearthed and cleansed from the old grid matrices during the upcoming eclipse.
The Venusian etheric crystalline temples/stargates are also being reactivated at Uluru, Sedona, Tibet, Mt Shasta, Avalon, Giza, Mt Sinai, South Africa and several other places where the Venusian grid lines intersect forming the holographic sphere and container for Venusian blue petalled grid and it’s original blueprint.
These stargates and temples of light have deep resonance with giant crystals caverns beneath the surface of the planet and the oceanic crystals are emitting a hum/vibrational layer that is now being sung by the whales and dolphins (grid & wisdom keepers) who are infusing the waters with new fractal codes and keys that are changing the structure the water as each droplet mirrors and reflects the next layer of the source creation grid being anchored.
The waters of the planet reflecting the cosmic tides and embryonic womb of the universe, the flow of consciousness, the eternal dreamtime expanding, ebbing and flowing as new realms emerge forming new threads which are spun upon the cosmic loom by the Star grandmother’s who birth fractal patterns and pathways direct from the heart of source into the eternal waters sewing visions into the morphogenic fields which are dreamed into this physical realms through vision, song, words, light, movement and harmony.
We are floating, forming, birthing and visioning from the heart as we all weave this next layer of our collective holographic universal experience into being.
We are each nodal points of light anchoring and forming new pathways and lattices that are creating the opportunity for the Venusian crystalline light grid to energetically form within the physical realm as Gaia holds space within her heart temple for new vibrational sound waves to accompany and guide this expansion and quantum shift into a new holographic blueprint as we move as one collective voice into a deeper level or remembrance and reawakening.
Take only what resonates, use your discernment and follow your own intuition

Aurora Ray
The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts
The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!
For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a “phantom” event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.
The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.
It will cleanse your body and your consciousness of all negative energies.
The light of the solar Flash will eliminate most diseases and illnesses. It will have a positive effect on your DNA and on the evolution of mankind.
The Great Solar Flash is a potential future event that will be caused by the solar system entering a new state of higher consciousness.
The occurrence of this event will be triggered by the Sun entering into a new level of awareness, which will then trigger the Sun’s magnetic field to become aligned with Earth’s field and cause an energetic shift in our solar system. This can happen at any time.
The Solar Flash is a very rare and powerful event that occurs once every 1,500 years. It occurs when the Sun becomes so large that its gravity can no longer hold it in orbit around Earth. The Sun will then explode, greatly expanding its size and sending out lethal radiation throughout the solar system.
The light of the solar Flash will be like nothing you have experienced before—it will be an explosion of light that will fill every dimension of space-time with its healing power.
It’s the only way to avoid a collapse of civilization and the only way to save our planet from pollution and damage.
This solar Flash is an intense one that often brings physical, emotional, and mental changes to allow you to clear old patterns and let go of old beliefs that no longer resonate with you.
It’s a great time to take action on your goals and dreams, as well as to deepen your commitment to your spiritual practice.
This solar Flash can be a difficult time for you if you’ve been holding onto old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you.
For example, if you have been in an abusive relationship for many years but now want out of it, it may be a challenging time for you to let go of the attachment and hurt that happened in that relationship.
This is just an example of how this solar Flash can affect your life depending on how much emotional energy it carries into your reality.
The Solar Flash is a powerful and sacred tool that has been used for thousands of years. It was originally designed to help people who were experiencing difficult times, but it can also help you in your ascension process.
The Great Solar Flash helps in our ascension process by helping us to become more aware of our connection with the Galactic Family and with Mother Earth.
This is also a time for us to remember where we came from, why we are here, and what our purpose is in this life experience on Earth.
The solar Flash can help you communicate with your higher self as well as guide you through the process of ascension.
It will also help you to identify what is blocking you from moving forward in your life so that you can clear these ideas out of your mind and move forward with confidence.
The solar Flash will give you a glimpse into what’s going on around the planet at this moment in time and how it relates to your own personal development. This will help to give you insight into what’s happening in the universe around us at large and also within our own lives.
The Solar Flash is the moment when your Lightbody and the Earth’s aura merge. This is an incredibly powerful moment in our ascension process, as you will be able to feel the Earth’s energy flowing through you.
You will feel how it connects with your own energy field and merges with it, making a complete whole.
At this point, we can safely say that you are truly one with the Earth, for you have become one with Source energy! You are now a walking embodiment of Love and Light, for you have merged with Mother Earth herself.
The Solar Flash is a powerful healing and ascension process. It is the final step of the solar cycle when the Sun reaches its highest point in our sky. This event occurs when the Earth passes through a large patch of plasma, which connects us with higher dimensions.
The Solar Flash is a gift that we can receive when we are ready to ascend and be with our true selves. The best way to prepare for this event is through meditation and by doing the work required for ascension on Earth.
This process helps us release old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve us so that we can move forward with clarity and purpose. We will learn how to live from a place of love rather than fear or resistance. This is why the Solar Flash is such an integral part of our ascension process!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
source: https://thegalacticfederation.com

Karen Lithika

Leah Whitehorse
13 Moon Peace Time
Kin 158-White Lunar Mirror

art by Debbie EM
The Tzolkin Times
Kin 158 ~ White Lunar Mirror
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. The 2nd day of a wavespell is always challenging but don’t fret as it is important to take a look at what holds you back from time to time. Who doesn’t avoid problems and stress? Practice self discipline today and tackle issues you’ve been putting off. The number 2 is kind of a provoking energy. If you resist dealing with problems, your day will not be as easy as if you just dealt with things. You can polarize the situation and remove obstacles that hold you back. Remember, we are in the Red Earth wavespell with its agenda of evolving and so, think about what obstacles need removing that are preventing your progress?
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. The harsh reality can be a shock and when it falls on a ‘Lunar’ day, it’s unforgiving. Brace yourself for some truths you won’t like. Don’t feel sorry for yourself but instead take action to resolve things. Knowing the truth is always better than being kept in the dark. And since we are in this evolutionary wavespell, we must consider that it could be lies that are preventing our progress. If your life is not moving forward at the pace you desire, take a look truthfully at your circumstances. Have you been fooling yourself over the likelihood of something succeeding? Or perhaps there is something that could work out well for you but you have undervalued the chances of it succeeding? The Mirror always offers us a chance to face the truth, if you want to remove obstacles in your life, it’s time to be honest with yourself.
The Guide today is the White Dog which symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. If you have some harsh truths to deliver today make sure it comes from the heart in a loving way. The Dog, when leading can make us feel like we are being dragged along. That’s because the Dog has so much enthusiasm. He also has a lot of tenacity and so today, allow that excitable dog to encourage you to do what must be done.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. If you are a Yellow Star you won’t enjoy today so much. You don’t like the truth if it interferes with your beautiful view of the world. That’s OK, just don’t judge yourself too harshly when you look in the mirror, try to see your inner beauty.
The Occult power is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’ and when in the magical position, the Blue Night is encouraging us all to dream big and to believe in our dreams, so all you dreamers out there, this is your day. How big can you dream?
The Ally is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘Nurturing and Birth’. These kind caring people make great friends to have around today. If the truth has hurt you and you need some nurturing, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.

Christina Papageorgiou

New! Meditation Teacher Training of the Lineage of the Eagle and the Condor

Introduction Video for my Meditation Teacher Program of The Eagle and the Condor Sangha link to Patreon video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meditation-video-73141517
Ancient Egyptian prayers and invocations
Mother of the gods, the One, the Only,
Mistress of the crowns, thou rulest all;
Sekhmet is thy name when thou art wrathful,
Bast, beloved, when thy people call.
Daughter of the Sun, with flame and fury
Flashing from the prow upon the foe;
Safely sails the Boat with thy protection
Passing scatheless where thy fires glow.
Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber
Lies in the darkness till thy light appears.
From thy Throne of Silence send us comfort,
Bast, beloved, banish all our fears.
Mother of the gods, no gods existed
Till thou camest there and gave them life.
Sekhmet of the Boat, the wicked fear thee
Trampling down all evil and all strife.
Mother of the gods, the great, the loved one,
Winged and mighty, unto thee we call,
Naming thee the Comforter, the Ruler,
Bast, beloved, Mother of us all.
Verse transcription by M. A. Murray
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