Samhain ~ The Veils are Thin and Magic Abounds ~ The Wheel of the Year Turns ~ Ascension Prayer
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Heavenly Healers of the New Edenic Paradigm
Happy Holy day of Samhain! The ‘Reunion’ of the human race with the Angelic Galactic Races, the physical with the non physical, The Sacred with the Mundane.
Day by day, moment by moment we are transforming into Golden Plasma Electrical Light beings of the New Earth. The Christed Ones living from the heart, being connected to all things through the Divine Love of the all-mighty I Am Presence.
As the veils of amnesia and separation lift we are becoming the Awakened Ones of New Lemuria. The Eyes of our Spirits open for the first time in the story of timelessness as all myths point to this journey through time and space. We are living the Prophecies of the ancients in this time of transition of heaven upon earth. The merging of the two worlds through the Pure Awareness of the Unborn Mind of Buddha, our original clear state of beingness.
The Myth of Freedom is becoming the One True Reality of this Now, as we realize our Sacred Eternal Self atone with Prime Source Creation, the Great Mystery. The ignorance programs are being removed from the simulation as we emanate the Enlightenment Codes of the Master Key of Immortality. This is the age all our Awakened Ancestors and Ascended Masters dreamed into being; We call the New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
As Light Keepers of the New Lemuria and Atlantis merge in Hieros Gamos, the Eagle fly with the Condor to bring all into balance and harmony for our peaceful transition and transformation into and out of the New Earth.
As Gaia ascends we ascend with her. Hand in hand, mind to mind, heart to heart we walk each other in Divine Guidance ….home….Aho!
Right now: Moon at 3°27′ Aquarius, Sun at 8°27′ Scorpio
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A dentist at work.
Sabian Symbol for 9º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 9º Scorpio.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A hindu healer.
Sabian Symbol for 4º Aquarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 4º Aquarius.
Don’t allow repressed anger and bursts of resentment derail you. You have come so far. Let your feelings calm, find peace, respite, healing. You are on the path. More than ever before. Remain focused on the bigger picture, the vision. The Universe is conspiring in your favour. A few hours don’t change the course of the highest You.
“The Wheel of the Year turns and we are come to Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere. The veil between the worlds is the thinnest and air is thick with the air of magic, death and rebirth. The mystical energy flowing at this time is truly otherworldly. This is a time for celebrating and honoring ancestors the dark goddess aspects, the crone and the ancients, ringing in the Celtic new year and a very potent night for working with energy, and powerful divination. It is a powerful night for change and for welcoming in transformation.
The time of Samhain is the time we bid farewell to the God, though temporarily, for he will once again be reborn at Yule. This is a time of reflection over our year past, a time of thin veil between worlds, recalling all those that have went before. A time of remembrance and gratitude for all that we have, all that has past and the lessons. Feast in honor of those that have gone before.
It’s the beginning of the season that turns us inward to reflection, a time of delving deep into shadow-work, much like Inanna that went into the darkness, this is a powerful time of inner journeying.
We Reap What We Sow-The Final Harvest- 31 Oct/ Halloween
Halloween/31Oct meets us bang in the middle of the Venusian Samhain Eclipse gateway!!! It’s the Final Harvest-We Reap What We Sow. So what are you reaping post the Scorpio South Node Samhain Solar Eclipse.
We are currently in the Underworld Tomb -Womb of Transformation, of Death and Rebirth. Venus/ Inanna has begun her ascent, but is still in the underworld. This means that at every step of her ascent She/ We need to revisit our Learnings of the Underworld (Since Sept beginning) to be able to ascend to the next step of the Underworld Labyrinth. Since the undertone here is of Samhain it has much to do with Karmic debts/ woundings/ trauma running through the ancestral bloodline. And Since Scorpio is leading from the fore, the ‘Harvest” here can NOT be reaped from the outside/ external…..whatever your challenges, whatever is repeating itself on loop -If you are looking for the The Keys/ Solution in your outer world via your mental mind you will keep playing on Loop!!
The Keys/ Answers that Scorpio wishes you to find, even if it has to push you off the cliff into a deep deep dive, ARE to be found WITHIN!! The Power To Transform/ Alchemise your problems/ challenges will come from Within You. Your ability , belief and Faith in yourself as an Alchemist of Energy- That is Your Power.The ability to move into your Heart Space Centered and Balanced while a shit show continues to unfold in the outer world , The ability to perceive the limitations and falsities of the ‘way of the majority’ and dive into the inner knowings that spirit is nudging you towards even if it means taking the road less travelled. The ability to dump popular opinions/ solutions and take a risk on what “feels Right”. Scorpio transformation is often depicted by the Scorpio/ Serpent/ Phoenix ascension path. The ability to Transform the Venom/ darkness/ challenges into Medicine/ Solution. If we are indeed midwifing a new golden age blueprint into being,then the Power needs to be birthed from Within….for the New Age Blueprint will NOT be handed over on a Silver Platter!! We will need to Forge It with the Fire of our Inner Knowings and Trust and Belief in our inner Wisdom and Guidance and the Courage to follow it through against all odds.
The Veils are thin and magic abounds tonight.I lit a candle on my altar this morning and a bit later, right in front of me, the tea light “ hopped “ down from the candle holder and landed erect and straight and still lit right in front of an Oracle Card which spoke of our Energetic and Psychic companions assisting us behind the Veils…Spooky much?!?! Totally Halloweeny !!! ….the Veils are Thin and we can easily connect with the Guidance , Wisdom , Healing and Comfort of our Guardians (ancestors, loved ones, departed pets) behind the Veils. Have you felt the warmth and joy of the healing cocoon that they are holding you within?!?!
On October 31st, 2022 (Halloween) the Sun enters, astronomically, the first decan of the Libra constellation represented in the “Akasha” as the (2 of Swords).
The truth is far stranger than the fiction in this case as it is indeed Libra that represents the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead.
On one side of zodiacal Libra is Virgo the world of the living, and on the other side of zodiacal Libra is Scorpio the world of the dieing. Notice that the astrological symbols of both Libra and Scorpio are represented with the symbolism of the “M”. This astrological symbolism was chosen to reference the 14th akashic letter “Mem” (M) — the letter of Ma’at as well as the letter of Water.
Ma’at as we know from our Ancient Egyptian studies is the personification, the Goddess, of “Truth and Justice”. Ma’at in Egyptian literally means truth.
Ma’at is the “Mother of the Crossroads”
— Justice is derived from truth and truthfulness is a quality measured in the heart —-
This is so for two reasons:
1) Libra represents the middle of the zodiac
2) Libra’s Akashic Letter equivalent is “Lamed” (L) — the 12th letter as well as the middle letter of the Akashic Alphabet.
Didn’t we ever ask oourselves the question as to why the 12 sits atop the clock? It’s because the 12 represents the 12th Akashic letter “Lamed” and the zodiac of Libra.
In fact, to the Ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians, Libra (Lamed) was known as the “Nibiru Constellation”.
As is quoted from the “Enuma Elis” —- “To the one who crosses the middle of the sea, “Tiamat” (Ma’at), may their name be “Nibiru”, for it takes up the center of it.”
Again, the 12th Akashic letter representing the zodiac of Libra is “Lamed”. It is interesting to note that if you place two “Lameds” facing each other it creates the perfect shape of a heart What’s even more interesting is that the “Lamed” is the Astrologocal symbol of Saturn denoting the fact that Saturn is exalted in Libra. So it is also true that if you place two astrological symbols of Saturn face to face it also makes the shape of a heart.
As we know, Libra (Lamed) is the dimension highlighted in the “Weighing of the Heart” rite in Ancient Egyptian religion, where the heart of the being was weighed against the feather of truth on the “Scales of Ma’at” .
It is from this Ancient Egyptian religious symbolism that the Celtics and Druids in some ways derived Samhain. From then to now we are left with the morphing we have come to know as Halloween.
And it all makes perfect sense:
Hall of Ween (Halloween)
The Hall of Supposition
“Ween” definition: to think or suppose, to believe, to imagine.
We are welcome to believe in anything we want. If we want we can believe ourself to be or not to be. If we want we can imagine the setting of creation beyond this in some higher dimension as perfect and complete. We are free to suppose the costume we wear isn’t a natural reflection cast from the seat of our soul. We are free to convince ourselves and the rest of the world that this is just a game of hide and seek. After all, the masks we wear are the same masks we place around the entire face of creation. Both masks have but one requirement, that they meet “our narrative”.
What the dimension of Libra and the building block of Lamed is searching for within our hearts is “honesty”. It is not so honest to “believe” that the universe must meet us on our terms. We are honest when we “know” we must meet the universe on its terms. When we refuse this all we are doing is hiding behind the weakness we wish to conceal.
Libra/Lamed, Justice, is actually inviting us to avoid perfectionism. What is perfect is unsurpassable and therefore dead. Libra is the zodiacal “Nibiru point” where the human and the divine meet. This is the foremost dimension where we are called to the ultimate “realization”. The dealing of justice always begins with ourselves. We must first give ourselves what we deserve before we can proclaim what is deserved elsewhere. Lady Justice urges us to evaluate ourselves without any masks before we dare remove the masks of the many!
Lady Justice measures not with eyes but with pieces of evidence bold and obvious. It is this “evidence” that has become the unalterable laws of the Universe. Be not deceived, the truth is not mocked, for whatsoever we sow, that shall we also reap. In order to balance, we must destroy the old to the degree we construct the new. For what is “caused” is given its “effect”.
When I love, I love the other as my self, for in truth we are one love.
If our truth is more important than that of creation then we have not loved and embraced our resistance. Love is not self seeking it is universal in its seeking, always trusting that the universe will find what lives within us.
As within ‘ So without
“Lady Justice stands between two great pillars, symbolizing the fact that nature attains productivity by means of polarity, and demonstrating that innerstanding is always found at the point of equilibrium. The truth is often crucified between two thieves of contradiction.”
— Manly P Hall —
Blue Rose Oracles
As the veils are thinning between realms and dimensions we are called to honour the ancestral wisdom held within our sacred cosmic DNA.
Our blood flows in deep synchronicity & harmony with the universe, the deep vibratory hum of our ancestors courses through our veins, chanting, vibrating and downloading deep sacred mysteries & wisdom accumulated through Karmic cycles, timelines and many incarnations.
We are gifted the expansion and extension of our sensory awareness whilst the veils are thinning, the opportunity to open and receive the deep inlaid mysteries residing within our body of bone & blood so that we may integrate gifts held within the ancestral realm within our energy field and forge a deeper awareness of our connection to the external & internal universe in order to activate the deep ancient well of primal inner knowledge, sacred, sensual mysteries and expand our intuitive senses through reconnecting with our ancestors and recognising our own role as guides and ancestors through our multi dimensionality.
Today marks a turning point within the seasonal shift of energetic frequency upon Gaia and holds echoes of the ancestors who honoured these seasonal and energetic shifts imprinting & co created with the universe to open gateways which held sacred space for the ancestral realm to reconnect with the physical realm.
We are remembering, reawakening and reconnecting with the magical intuitive realms of creation, drawing forth the ancient tribal medicine brought into being by shapeshifting, multidimensional gatekeepers of our ancestral line across the the oceans of time, light codes are steaming through the portals which are opening today so that we may continue to integrate the template upgrades required for the next wave of awakening.
You are the doorway and the key to accessing, honouring, downloading and integrating the sacred mysteries, wisdom and tribal medicine held within the collective field of ancestral consciousness, be open to receive though your physical vessel, extend your sensory awareness to connect at a deeper, ancient, primal level of inner consciousness within, transcend the limitations of your own shadows and release all density, fears and connections which no longer fall into alignment with the divine sovereign being that you are recognising and allowing yourself to embody.
Shed the scripts of duality, separation and disempowerment, integrate the deep inner mysteries, sacred wisdom and ancestral medicine awaiting you, embrace the songs of the ancestral realm rising as an orchestral vibration within your blood and bones, give voice to magic within and create sacred space to transmute and transcend all past wounding.
The Gift of Teamwork is about recognising who belongs in your life. When you meet someone for the first time and they seem familiar to you, it is because their vehicle belongs to your fractal line. Within the greater body, your cells have business together. Taking this further, if you were able to assemble your own true fractal around you, then the dynamics of this team would be nothing short of awesome. There would be total trust within the group, or total love within the family.
The Gene Keys book
“Synarchy means we all lead together! It doesn’t mean that we’re all the same. Not at all. It means that our uniqueness has a place within the orchestra, and instead of just playing a nice tune and being oblivious to all those around us, we begin to play in harmony with everyone.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
You are being held and protected during this transition into New Earth. The consciousness is expanding, strengthening your ability to make wise decisions. This is due to the removal of attachments of energies from your intuitive gifts.
Restoration on this level is providing strong visions and intuition showing you the path forward. You are safe and supported to continue forward into the light of your soul. Nothing on earth or in the galaxy can block this any longer.
Prepare to give birth to your light force and power that is ready to release for your transformation. Open your heart gateway to unlock this mystery, and share your loving spark of light of Creation that you are with the world.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
We are currently experiencing transformative Eclipse Gateway Activations! The portal is open until the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 7-8. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 set it all in motion. Scorpio is the sign of alchemy, as we shed layers of false identities and delusion, unhealed trauma, the hidden unconscious self. While the Eclipse Gateway is active, we are supported in dissolving the hierarchy of ego control within ourselves and in society. It is the heart’s call to become our authentic self.
Watery Scorpio reveals our relationship with power, our connection to power, our shadowy power plays, patterns and actions. While it is disturbing to witness, hidden power grabs are now out in the open. The manipulation is glaringly obvious. The hierarchal house of cards is wobbling.
These Eclipses are electrified by Uranus sitting in Taurus, sending shock waves through the calcified control structures. The Taurus Eclipse is pointing us to a new future. Uranus is the wild card, revolutionary, forward-thinking. Uranus rejects tradition and celebrates originality and individuality. Uranus is associated with technology, innovation, discovery, and all that is progressive.
While the Eclipses join Uranus, we could be surprised by unexpected reversals, shifts and influence in power. Elections during this Eclipse Gateway are energized by Uranus – just look at Brazil. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse occurs on election day in America. Let’s set our vision and intentions for a positive outcome for our global community.
The Scorpio-Taurus Eclipses are shining a spotlight on a new operating system that enhances personal power as a fractal of universal power. It functions as a unified field of consciousness. 2022 is a transitional year as we navigate out of an entrenched hierarchical power system and into the new circular community. The Scorpio Eclipse on Oct 25th catalyzed the global reset, while the upcoming Taurus Eclipse on Nov 8th makes it earth-bound. The Scorpio-Taurus Eclipses are setting up 2023 as a year of bold gestures, facing our fears and living BIG!
There is a timeless feeling in this first week of November with being in between Eclipses, Jupiter moving back into Pisces, and today, Mars turning retrograde. We are feeling stuck, in the middle, outside of time. Perhaps this is because we are making such a big leap.
Eclipses are about timeline alignments, its when the Sun and the Moon line up with their intersected orbits, the Nodes of the Moon. Eclipses can bring a strange feeling of being outside of time. Especially this year, with the Eclipses happening during Scorpio Season.
Mercury has joined the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, and they are lining up getting ready to interact with the South Node of the Moon. The South Node is about what might be holding us back from the past. It’s like a day of the dead parade as one by one Venus, the Sun, and Mercury come to this point, pulling all of the skeletons out of all of the closets to be put on full display.
Indeed, we are in a season of disclosure. The main disclosure being realizing that there have been major forces directly working against us throughout this evolution. We need to stop taking this personally and shaming and blaming ourselves. We have become immobilized. We need to stand up and take back what is ours. Our precious energy from Source should never be wasted or misused. It’s our responsibility to care for ourselves as Source, enough to finally be able to love ourselves enough to honor the God Source within us.
These conjunctions of our personal planets with the South Node of the Moon, is bringing home, whatever we have been trying to hide or run from. This is leading us up to the Total Lunar Eclipse that happens on November 8th, at 16 degrees 1 minute of Taurus. Saturn and Uranus have been in square to each other, but with Saturn now direct, and Uranus still retrograde, they are moving out of this Square. Uranus retrogrades back to 16 degrees Taurus just in time for an exact conjunction with the Moon for this Total Lunar Eclipse, directly opposite of the Sun and Mercury together in Scorpio, and Venus not too far away.
Each of these planets, Venus, the Sun and Mercury will move into an opposition with Uranus and then a square with Saturn. This is bringing this square into perspective and putting pressure on the areas of our lives that have not been able to shift and change. We will start to feel Venus triggering this square next weekend, starting a week of this intense square hitting home in our personal life. Venus triggers this square leading up the the Total Lunar Eclipse, and then the Sun and Mercury will both oppose Uranus and square Saturn just after.
Jupiter has retrograded into Pisces, taking us back into the Piscean Age for a Death and Birth experience. Perfect for Scorpio Eclipse season! Jupiter turns direct on November 24th, and will make his triumphant return into Aries on December 21st. We are landing a new timeline, but that means feeling rather suspended and stuck in time for the next couple of months. The old is not working, and the new isn’t quite here, yet. It’s a time of preparation and re-initiation, says Mars retrograde.
Mars retrograde in Gemini continues to be close in square to Neptune in Pisces, making us feel really confused about who we are and what direction to take. But if we are in the middle of a huge leap, we can’t really navigate while we are being catapulted into the air. We can’t really go anywhere until we land, but within. Buckle up, Buttercup.
This square between Mars and Neptune is harmonized by an unexpected energy with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, in trine to Neptune. This water trine is helping us to flow with the energies and invite the energies to work with us, rather than against us. It’s a great redeeming of the human soul. We are being called back home to Mother in innocence and purity. So that we can start again, in a new way. May it be in Her arms that we land. Happy New Divine Timeline!
Sun in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Neptune retrograde in Pisces and trine Juno in Pisces. Ceres in Virgo trine North Node in Taurus – As we reach Samhain and Halloween in the Northern hemisphere, ghostly impressions float up through the ether. It’s hard to tell what is real and what isn’t. The solar connection to Neptune is as disorientating as it is enchanting. We all need a little magic in our lives, but we also need to be present, connected to Mother Earth, here in consensus reality.
Often the scariest thing of all is to reveal who we are behind the mask. Here I am, in all my vulnerability. Here are my hopes and dreams and wishes. Lift the veil. Oh, the beauty and the horror of it, to be really seen – and the rich, transformative power of it. Part of us shrinks away, longing to be invisible again, safe in the wings.
The apparent vast chasm between me and you and us and them is breached by one great truth. Go back far enough and we’ll find we are all connected, millions of marriages and couplings, filaments of DNA passed on, interwoven soul threads weaving the shape of reality, all singing in our bones. Remember your ancestors, even those whose names have been lost to the mists of time. We are one.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. We are on the 10th day of the Red Earth wavespell with its agenda of evolution. The tenth day is the most perfect day of a wavespell, neither challenging, enduring or intense. Whatever day it’s combined with, it enhances the energy in a pleasant way.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. The Worldbridger provides an opportunity to cross the threshold, journey to another realm or – to another phase of your journey and evolution. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day, this suggests it is the perfect day to cross a bridge. Some folk fear the Worldbridger because of the word death associated with it. This is symbolic however of the Shaman’s death which entails letting go of ego (or anything else weighing you down). Naturally this process elevates one to a higher vibration and that is a worthy threshold to cross indeed.
The Guide today is the White Wizard, the enchanting charmer. When the Wizard is guiding, he is inviting you to follow him to enchanted places. Be open minded today but be aware that you may find yourself under a spell. This is not a bad thing really because we don’t spend enough time exploring enchanted realms. We live in a psychologically tough environment that’s often synthetic and soulless. Visiting enchanted realms helps us take time out from the modern environment and all its stresses.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence and Questioning’. When in a challenging position, Warrior finds it difficult to exert his willpower which can be frustrating. If you are a Warrior, today may be hard on you. Take comfort in knowing it’s just one day and that all things pass eventually. For the rest of us, going on missions today is not ideal and we may struggle with summoning up our willpower.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. When in this magical position, magical visions are possible. Creativity is a keyword for Eagle and often creativity is sparked by magic. May you feel creatively inspired today and make a little magic appear in your life. This is a great day for seeing as mentioned in Carlos Castenda’s books. The concepts he explores in these stories regards the art of seeing what is hidden. This magical Eagle leads us to have visions that enable the art of seeing.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who loves to go exploring and so if you need an adventurous buddy to help you out today, your best bet is a Skywalker. If you are a Red Skywalker, expect to be asked to help out a friend. If you don’t have one handy, be like a Skywalker and be a little daring today and summon up some courage. This will make today much more friendly to you.
A powerful planetary day for building bridges and connections to our New World.
11/2 portal code on ALL HALLOW’S EVE portal.. the veil is very THIN today and DEATH is the focus of this day with the PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER – sealing the store of DEATH on this planet.
What is the true meaning of All Hallows Eve?
Halloween, contraction of All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All Saints’ (or All Hallows’) Day. The celebration marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints on November 1st, and initiates the season of Allhallowtide, which lasts three days and concludes with All Souls’ Day on November2nd, 2022.
Halloween’s origins can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, which was held on November 1 in contemporary calendars. It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits.
Day 10 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we MANIFEST through the Art of Surrendering all attachment to the physical plane. We SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, old ways and old life to MANIFEST a new world. As we LET GO and LET GOD, we become wholly present and receptive to the fantastic opportunities flowing our way. Powerful MANIFESTATION potentials arise today!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA.
A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter!
So precious Planetary Creators, today we LET GO and LET GOD
SURRENDER to the synchronicities and allow our brand new lives and new paths to be revealed. How exciting!!
A great day for connecting with PLANETARY KIN, and communicating your grander VISIONS!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world and old battles, to bridge new worlds and MANIFEST our greatest PLANETARY Destiny?”
Divine blessings for SEALING the DOOR to DEATH, and OPENING the door to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI Seals the store of Death! Absolutely PERFECTO as that is the theme of HALLOWEEN when the doorway to the underworld is flung OPEN… Be VERY careful what you INVOKE or INVITE into your home, body or physical and energetic spaces today. Focus on the LIGHT and higher energies.
The PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER is bringing an ENDING to this form of CELEBRATION… May this be the last ghouly HALLOWEEN on EARTH!! HALLELUJAH –
It is TIME to CELEBRATE the LIVING, on ALL SOUL’S DAY – November 2nd, and also honour our ANCESTORS through ALL SAINTS day. Instead of focusing on DEATH, we need to celebrate the LIFE and contributions of ALL SOUL’S ON EARTH – especially the RAINBOW WARRIORS and STAR BLISS SUNS who are very worthy of this honour.
CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER today! SURRENDER through LISTENING to the cues of RED EARTH to navigate your path to the new life you are seeking. OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW!
Surrender and witness the DEATH of the old – the old ways, old world, old paradigm. The PLANETARY tone combined with the Worldbridger is collapsing the old world today. Every day we see more SIGNS of the demise of the old paradigm.. as it crumbles in its wake we can build a new solid foundation.
WORLDBRIDGER then brings new opportunities for rebuilding, through connection and networking with others. Opportunities to FORGIVE the past and move forwards renewed. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting.
A wonderful code for bringing CONNECTIONS between people – friends and family – coming together to celebrate our NEW WORLD.
CIMI assists us in mending our bridges today, and building new, stronger and better ones with our kin…Repairing what was once broken, and moving into new territory, with a brand new foundation of UNITY and EQUALITY between planetary kin.
Build the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW world you want to be in!
Don’t look back – keep moving FORWARD!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD – IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of heart and mind, through LISTENING to the natural world. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
WHITE WIZARD asks you to OPEN to the wonderful MAJIK available today. Today we can access potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel.
Take a moment to be STILL today amidst all the hustle and bustle, expand your HEART toroidal field – spreading the MAJIK of LOVE on this day of DEATH and decay.. More LOVE is what is needed in our world.
Use your power of enchantment, to forge the beautiful strong loving connections with your kin and remember that we are all united through our Golden Christed Hearts as ONE.
The PLANETARY WIZARD brings forth great White Majik to break FREE from the old DREAM-SPELL and AWAKEN in a new, better DREAM… forgetting the NIGHTMARE and ghouls of the past. We are all weaving a new Planetary DREAM together, as ONE PEOPLE and ONE WORLD.
The power of enchantment can be utilized in your desires and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say
“This or something better, with harm to none.”
Preferably for the benefit of us ALL on a PLANETARY level.
A great day to use our UNIFIED HEARTS to MANIFEST on a PLANETARY level for a better world.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY SKYWALKER – BEN the GALACTIC EXPLORER leads us into new realms, new possibilities and new opportunities. Today we are PERFECTING this co-creation by exploring our physical responsibilities in the world, manifesting the higher potentials of the New Time.
We are surrendering to the total expansion of the Heavens within our heart, in order to build a divine sensitivity to all those worlds ‘out there’ and recognize them as a part of our own ‘consciousness’. Underworld, Upperworld and in between worlds – they are all part of CREATION, focus on the NOW and the reality unfolding before your eyes.
BEN the Angelic Messenger brings forth these signs and messages from other realms and worlds, assisting us in integrating higher frequencies during our awakening to our new selves. It is time to EXPAND our consciousness and our thinking of what is possible for us..
Use this opportunity to bridge Heaven and Earth and experience the common-unities through our immediate families… BLISS starts in our own hearts and home!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE– MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity today, in all directions of time. We have the power to SEE and recognize the historical development of this ALL HALLOW’S EVE celebration – recognizing how we have been deceived as our own energies have been harvested for nefarious agendas.. It is time to reclaim your POWER and channel your energy into CREATION rather than DESTRUCTION.
Trusting in the HIGHEST VISION that has always guided our Ancestors to lead their people into a New World foretold by their prophecies. Knowing that the future cycles have already been “written” in our Planetary Akashic records. VISUALIZING a future where we can celebrate with our families and cherish our connections, with the deepest reverence for each other.
The SELF-EXISTING EAGLE powerfully enables us to manifest our VISIONS into FORM in the physical realm…
If you can IMAGINE it, you can CREATE IT.
As we collectively hold this VISION today, we can manifest BLISS ON EARTH on a PLANETARY level…
Allow BLUE EAGLE to reveal the elevated VISION possible for you and our PLANET today. CLOSE the DOORWAYS to the underworld and walk through the portals leading to BLISS.
SEE THE BIG PICTURE of your NEW life and your Divine Destiny plan. Broaden your Horizons and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings!
LIFE IS GOOD with BLUE EAGLE leading us home.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR– CIB gifts us, with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious, and only accept what is for our HIGHEST good.
What REALITY do you CHOOSE to focus on?????
Staying fearlessly focused on the highest potentials of co-creating the NEW TIME with our tribes. Showing up, being READY and totally committed to accomplishing the NEW. Our free will is guiding us all on our QUEST back to the elegant design of the HARMONIC MATRIX… Reject the lures, games and deception of the ARTIFICIAL CONTROL MATRIX. Do not be FOOLED!
Remember to stay in your higher vibe using your peaceful Spiritual warrior gifts today, and put away the weapons and battle armour. Surrender your sword and ensure your words and actions are benevolent and contribute to greater harmony and PEACE – within you and without.
The most powerful Warriors on this planet are the PEACEMAKERS… not the war mongers! Access the GIFT of CONNECTION that the WORLDBRIDGER brings, through SURRENDERING the battles for the sake of PEACE and HARMONY!
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE today to give you much wisdom to rise above the old ways and close the door to the old world, fearlessly moving forward. HALLELUJAH it is TIME!
So precious Planetary Creators, today we LET GO and LET GOD
SURRENDER to the synchronicities and allow our brand new lives and new paths to be revealed. How exciting!!
A great day for connecting with PLANETARY KIN, and communicating your grander VISIONS!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world and old battles, to bridge new worlds and MANIFEST our greatest PLANETARY Destiny?”
Divine blessings for SEALING the DOOR to DEATH, and OPENING the door to BLISS!
From the Lord God of My Being, I Am that I Am, I desire today to express and renew my deepest Gratitude, for this wonderful opportunity, to present my request to be prepared for my Ascension, with my physical body in this Lifetime.
I ask the Spiritual Hierachy of the Planet and all my Guides, Angels and Masters, to infuse in me, enough faith to continue on my pathway, with great determination, even if I do not see, hear or feel you.I ask that My Beingness be totally drenched in the purity of the Ascension Fire, for total purification, so that only the purity of my Divinity remains. I ask for the courage and the faith needed to maintain this Goal, until the Ascension has become my reality.
I ask for forgiveness for all the errors of the past, and choose from this day on, to live my life, with the Love and Wisdom of my Divine Essence. I ask for the full meaning of the word “Divine Union” be revealed.
I ask for full support and assistance in creating my Spiritual openings and return of my Spiritual gifts. I ask for Divine Union and a greater connection, with all aspects of self, particularly my Beloved I Am Presence, and my Higher Mental Body. I ask that the strength, Grace, Joy and gentleness and the Love be given to me, to pass all tests and challenges, presented to me, and to be taken to the next step and the next, until I Am totally ascended in the Light and free.
I express my deepest Gratitude for the Blessings and the Healing which grace my life each day, and for my Ascension.
With all the Love and my Gratitude, I bow to the Light of My Divinity!
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