HER LOVE IS HERE ~ The New Twin Flame Orbit is on * Pleiadian Renegade ~ Timelines are Fluid
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Time Crystal Keepers of the New Era of Total Freedom
As we enter the New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity we break through and free humanity from all false time loops and cycles of suffering never to fall from Grace again. This will be an infinite reality of timelessness and agelessness for this New Age we enter is in the fully awakened state of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
We now commence our Path of Freedom for all life from all repeat patterns of suffering and illusion and step into the final phases of our Ascension Process to anchor 5D New Earth into the Zero Point of the spacetime continuum in this Now of Buddha Mind.
We had more Higher Resonance Peaks in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 10 hz, 26 hz and 27 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetic fully anchored into the Core of Gaia and rising!
Pachamama also received a very powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Vanuatu at 1:47 UTC encoded with our 73 into the 37 Code of Heaven on Earth.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 Returned on mission to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun for this greatest Shift of all Ages. As we tap into the Power of Silence within and the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things we transform our Self and in turn the world into Crystalline Beacons of Light of our Galactic Liberation Command of the Almighty I Am Presence.
In these final days of the false 3d matrix continue to live from your heart, stay present and mindful as we navigate these unknown waters into the other shore of Enlightenment as Rainbow Bridges of Heaven and Earth.
We cannot fail in this Divine Mission, for Love is the Source and the Goal, our True Destiny, and Victory is always with the Light. Together we Rise in Unity Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Ank-Ra-La-Tumi ~ Eternal Mastery of the Sun ~ by Raeline Brady
A call to All Solar Sovereigns –
I have been offering these processes and protocols freely each Solstice Season for over 2 decades as a call to Galactivate for personal and planetary upliftment especially during Solstice Stand Still alchemy.
Time to stir the magic and spread the joy
I am recommending this process during the Solstice 21st, 3 day stand Still phase till the Sun is on the move again on 24th December .
You can attune with these protocols at sunrise, midday and/or sunset or when you intuitively feel to in your localised time zone.
Re-mem-ber: Intent is powerful, so hold this whilst anchoring and alchemising for the whole of humanity and all beings residing on and within the Earth.
The turnover phase of the planet’s ellipses are readjusting their spin. This sacred rite of the passage of the Sun ~ as an act of exchange – a change over of the earth guardians through sovereignty is again upon us.
The handing over of the sceptres of the High Priest & Priestess as a Guardian of the Earth on behalf of the One and only Sun King holds true.
At this time the Ank’Ra’La’Tumi sceptre, carries within, the Galactic Key Encodements, downloaded into in its shaft.
This occurs both personally and planetary and is a part of our innate Rod and staff technology that exists within us.
As the Key to all Key Codes within spins, it is recalibrating and releasing the time locks that were set in place all over this planet as a protective function since the last Great Fall
of Atlantis and Lemuria.
As we integrate collective grief, betrayal and catastrophobia, we re-mem-ber, put back the dis~member~ed parts of self unto SELF.
In this way, the grand global galactic doorways to Love, Power and Wisdom are reabsorbed, and the True Earth Reality is made manifest to All as a grand global awakening of Divine Love.
Know as this occurs on a planetary level we too are afforded the opportunity to open this function within our own Solar Body as a Solar Keychain. Unlocking greater trust, responsibility, innate abilities and potential in working with the organic worlds and realms of Nature.
Ank’Ra’La’Tumi ~ The Key code for Becoming a Stargate:
“As a wisdom keeper you must not exceed or live up to your own expectations, but release the notion and need for expectations as a whole.
For in expectancy lies the concept of -“shoulds and should nots” as an attachment to controlling the timing of one’s fate / destiny. Meaning to say as a 3D constraint.”
The Earth is entering into a phase of flux, which is known by the Wisdom Keepers as frenetic timing. This is likened to being shaken free from constraints that no longer serve.
As you continue to let go and shed old layers of outmoded dross, you are encouraged to relinquish any ideas that hold tight, as an idea is simply that, just an idea.
Stillness in movement is the key, being in the world but not of it is the lesson, surrender for surrender’s sake and no other cause.
Miraculously finding yourself in the free flow of Organic Now Time – spontaneously open to receiving and disceminating in accordance with Divine Will.
Mantra Meditation
Mantra: Ankh-Ra-La-Tumi
Meaning: One who has attained Eternal Mastery of the Sun.
Sung in the key of the heart and the melody of the soul.
Ank’Ra’La’Tumi ~ Explanation and Function
This symbol is utilised to convert and invert any and all the calendars and time zones of our planet.
The frequency of the symbol integrates maleficent matrices, artificial timelines and introduced coding of entropy and decay to that of signature patterning of eternalite frequency matching as Pura Lingua Codex – Pure Language of Eterna Vida – Eternal Life .
State aloud: True Self In Union with the Divine Godforce Integrate.
This is the Serpent Holders Key – The key of the star Ophiuchus – the 13th house is as the 12 as 1 principle of the Star Law / Lore of One via our Galactic Centre
This is a sceptre utilised as a key to unlock the Logos calendar – a solar, lunar stellar calendar unified as one, and is not governed by linear constructs of time, but pertains to spherical consciousness and which govern cyclical clocks of spiralic time pertaining to natural cycles of lesser and greater consciousness that release divine frequency patterns and ordering pertaining to Galactic Consciousness
Ankara-La-Tumi contains the essence of Galactic principles.
It activates sub-atomic structure.
The Earth’s atoms are emerging with the gene-tone memory, that is the sound held within our gene~tic make up.
This shaft of this symbol holds the seed code that impregnated this Earth Star at its primordial state of inception.
This key lies dormant in all living beings.
Your life is golden Your life is a key
We hold this key in our form, and the external use of this symbol provides the necessary propulsion to awaken this primordial state within.
I also feel that this symbol represents a route one can follow along the pathways of the true Tree of Life to consciously attain physical immortality.
I sense that this is tied in with Enochian Kabhala through the Keys of Enoch.
Visualisation 1. This is achieved by drawing down
Ank’Ra’La’Tumi symbol into ones own form as if overlaying the head and spinal column.
It activates through the breath as it is overlaid over the chest and solar plexus area or over the whole form so the two circles cover the base and the heart chakra ~ as a galactic heart womb gate
Intone Ank’Ra’La’Tumi mantra 3 times
Now breath out the energy of the symbol as a blessing, intending that this changes any and all inorganic imprinting and overwriting held in your fields and forms.
So that entropy and decay may be now restored to that of the Divine Ordering patterns of Eternal Life.
When maleficent matrices and ‘introduced time lines are manipulated through inorganic inversion and conversion, the resultant action / reaction cycle manifests as a holding pattern of entropy and decay.
When we intend, decree and hold through our Pure Organic state of BE~ing, We enter into a Sacred Free FLow with Source and our Source Coded Self.
Our precious Personal and Planetary DNA /RNA have been so hijacked and phase lock looped by inauthentic matter reversals
In which glitches are continuously occurring within the RNA communication pathways of our Earthly body and RNA pathways of the Earth, namely our personal and planetary song lines.
These processes supports us in freeing up the lower astral trapping mechanisms of the Caged Effect, returning us to a natural state of dimensional fluidity
Biological inversion in linear scope – an inversion is a chromosome rearrangement in which a segment of a chromosome is reversed end to end.
Inversion in mathematics measures how much a sequence is out of its natural order.
Pure Lingua – Mathematics, the pure language.
In a vertical axis figure 8 eight infinity pattern time is looping back on itself – simultaneously go back, go forward and bring it into Zero Point now.
I repeat: Ank-Ra-La-Tumi – meaning ‘Eternal Mastery of the Sun’, holds the seed coda that impregnated this Earth Star at its primordial state of being.
This seed key lies dormant in all living beings
We hold this key in our form, and the external use of this symbol provides the necessary propulsion to awaken this primordial state within and without.
Time is not the annihilator of humanity ~ ignorance of time, space, dimensions and matter is
Time is only relative when you are identifying with matter
Only then is matter relevant
Be as Masters of Time
“There is no time like no-time………….. Say it like a mantra!”
Tidor ~ Andromeda Galaxy
Visualisation 2:
Through this exercise one can assist in aligning all solar forces within and without
5 Suns Ignition Process:
Visualise the Ank-Ra-La-Tumi symbol over your auric sheath,
Now ask for this to be linked to the five suns.
These are:
1. The Great Central Sun
2. The sun of our solar system
3. The sun within us, solar plexus.
4. Central sun within our Inner Earth core centre.
5. The sun within all matter ~ All atoms and photonic structure
1. Breath in deeply
2. hold breath
a: Intend that you now have access to a connection with the great central sun (sun behind our sun)
b: The sun of our solar system
c: The sun within – solar plexus
d: The sun within the core centre of the Earth (Shambhalla)
e:The sun within all atoms and matter.
4. Align these sacred fires to the sacred fire within your own form.
5. Visualise Ank Ra La Tumi symbol over body.
6. Breathe the 5 fires into the environment and say the mantra Ank Ra La Tumi x 5 times.
7. Now intend that what is expelled through your breath is seeding, sowing and signaturising nature with the gene-tone memory, returning the codes that generate eternalite frequencies Gene-Isis
In 3D consciousness one perceives genesis as a one off event. However, outside of linear time Gene~Isis is experienced as perpetually occurring
Eternal Mastery of the Sun Ank’Ra’La Tumi blessings
There are infinite versions/timelines for each reality. You will anchor yourself, and experience the one which you align to vibrationally.
Meditation with focus on the heart center strengthens one’s connection with the Soul Self, aligning you to the highest possible timeline.
Timelines are fluid. Which means certain aspects of the other/lower timelines can pop up, until one is firmly anchored into the higher realities.
ASTRAL Realm Resolving MULTIPLE Timelines
Maryann Rada
Since when do you think you are not sane to think we come? We have come before, and you did not think it so odd…. We are simply humans. We sometimes need to remind you of your own divinity, but that is as far as we’ll go with that. Suffice it to say we are as you are, both human, with a spark of the divine. We are planning a visit to your planet, and we thought it would be a good idea to review our plans with you, as much as we can without spoiling the surprise.
We don’t want to do that, as it would ruin the fun. The know-it-alls need something up their sleeves, even if it’s only the joker and not the ace of hearts. We have that card in our hand, anyway. We have a few cards up our sleeves, too. Some interesting times are on the way, that’s for sure.
excerpt from “Pleiadian Renegade: Thoughts of Higher Magnitude” by Maryann Rada
TODAY’S ENERGY. The way you see things has changed. Think back to June 2024. Your view or experience of something that was foundational then has permanently been transmuted. You are not in between timelines anymore. You are anchoring yourself into the new one, each day more. Shedding a few more little things, completing, starting 2025 fresh. Free. Approach these last days of 2024 with calmness and gratitude. You did your best. You learned so much. Your sense of self-worth has tremendously grown. Faith. The best is yet to come.
Divine timing course corrects our “”Soul Light”” to transcend time manipulation and live true to its destiny… just before the butterfly emerges….
Healing and cutting to the truth, 1-Flint, 16 to 28 December 2024… 16 Dec is the midpoint of the 18 day long 140th NIGHT of the 9th Wave, a time of rest, healing and dreaming the new…
……in terms of time, nothing that happens in time is random, everything in time happens for a reason, and this creates purpose…… we can understand this in the “timing code” of the sacred calendar of Creation that the Maya and many other cultures of Central America work with, it is a Divine calendar aligned to the biological growth in nature, and it is aligned to our human spiritual evolution……
for the Maya civilisation it was and still is very important, it is central to there consciousness, it helps them to be in balance with nature…… so this is also a tool we can understand and use to bring balance to our lives now, after all we come from nature, so it is important to be in resonance with Mother Nature and by this be one with the evolution of Mother Earth …. ……..we are all Star Seeds of Divine Time and we hold cosmic memory and are here to grow as Creation in human form……
It is all Creations processes that create life in Divine timing and this is what the Divine Calendar works with….. Divine time is Divine, it is the Universal Source Creator’s timing code of the Creation of the Universe and it can not be forced or manipulated….. if time is manipulated or forced it is created in a way that is not sacred and is off center from Divine time, and things then happen prematurely or without the souls “consenting” Light, in other words because of this we loose parts of our soul LIGHT if we are not living true and whole, and not aligned to natures divine timing….
we unconsciously give parts of our soul away because we are manipulated by a system that is off beat from Divine Universal Time……. that is why we need to do the inner spiritual healing work, reclaiming our soul, and realign with nature and by this heal and course correct our soul to live true to its universal memory and Divine destiny…. these 13 days are all about cutting to the truth, healing, and choosing a better path….. we are in the last stage inside the chrysalis before the butterfly appears fully and starts to fly from 28/29 Dec, the middle of the 260 day Tzolkin calendar, a time of revelation and seeing things for what they are…
To manifest a new way of being, you must first master a new way of thinking. True transformation begins in the mind, where old patterns, beliefs, and limitations must be gently dismantled to create space for fresh perspectives and higher understanding. The journey toward authentic being requires a conscious shift—a commitment to align your thoughts with the energy of possibility, purpose, and truth.
When you change the way you think, you change the way you perceive yourself, others, and the world. This shift opens the door to a deeper connection with your soul’s essence, allowing your actions, emotions, and decisions to flow from a place of alignment. To be is to embody the wisdom and clarity that come from this new way of thinking. It is not merely about doing or achieving, but about living fully in harmony with your higher self.
First Innerstand that Your entire physical Vessel is evolving to be more Crystalline Based. This involves prior carbon based cells in the body to be upgraded in the Crystalline Proportion to be able to exist in a higher vibratory reality, and this includes the teeth and jaw area.
The transformation of the teeth and bone undergo a slightly different upgrading process than the soft tissue, and this area of the Vessel in alignment with the Ascension is currently being worked on and felt by many.
What to do to alleviate the symptoms and discomfort is to be informed of what is actually transpiring and as a Cocreator, by changing Your thoughts and focus towards the discomfort, equipped with this knowledge, You are actually able to expedite the transitioning into the Crystalline of the teeth and bones. The diet is also important by including more Photonic Light enhanced foods, like vegetables and fruits that grow ABOVE ground and in the Sun Light. “Eat from the vine”.
12/16/24: Expecting others to uphold our beliefs and opinions is an invitation to conflict… and an underpinning of Old Earth. Today (a day of falling towers and profound revelations) shows us that our beliefs and opinions are actually “personal myths” (Carl Jung). Loosely constructed hodgepodges of influences and personal experiences that we mold into tentative belief systems.
But if you understand that beliefs and opinions are simply energy forms that you maintain… and that you can adapt and adjust as needed… you have found another powerful key to freedom and self-mastery. The rest of this month will be filled with opportunities to assess your personal myth… and make you stronger and better prepared for 2025.
“Prepare for the biggest wave of Love that is arriving now. It is through this wave that the rescuing of the Starseed aspects will take place and the Living Children will be exiting their personal hells. The Divine Parents are here for all the Children!
The new Twin Flame orbit is on
so those ready will be entering it One by One at their own time! This is the orbit of LOVE and all creations in it will be in the name of the 5D Holy Trinity and in alignment to 555!
So it is!
All changes in One’s life are in Divine timing to the Higher Plan.
They are meant to be trusted and welcomed as the Divine Will and Providence has great plans for each and every Living Child.
It is only One’s fear, resistance, past belief system and shadow self that could make things difficult for them.
Slow down and try to Iet go of any wish to control Life and others and invite the Love of the Great Mother in your Heart!
This Love will heal you and take you where you are meant to be, in your true position inside the Flow of your Own organic Being and Life!
Be present within you and support this process in any way you can!
Act upon your spiritual guidance, receive support and allow your cleansing and restoration to take place!
Listen to your messages, enjoy this ride back to LOVE and allow to receive your Goddess given gifts!”
All distractions that are taking place right now in the world will continue as they are aiming to take attention away from what is truly taking place!
The return of the Magna Mater Matrix
and the rescue, liberation and upliftment of the Living Children!
Blessings of TRUE LOVE!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
Dear friends, the current period between the 12:12 portal (December 12) and the 12:21 Winter/Summer Solstice (December 21) is a potent and transformative time. This gateway to higher frequencies, activated by the 12:12:12:12 portal, amplifies spiritual awakening and DNA upgrades, inviting us to introspect, self-reflect, and connect with the divine.
As the energies of the recent Full Moon in Gemini keep integrating within us, a burst of mental clarity, communication, and networking energies is being released. As the moon wanes, we’re encouraged to release outdated thought patterns, mental clutter, and unnecessary connections, making space for new growth and renewal for the upcoming year.
With Mercury stationing direct on December 15, communication, travel, and mental agility improve, supporting clear expression, effective problem-solving, and innovative thinking. This shift enables us to express ourselves authentically and communicate effectively, amplifying our ability to connect with others and navigate life’s challenges.
As these energies converge, we experience an acceleration of spiritual growth, propelled by the 12:12 portal’s activation of higher frequencies and the Solstice energies. This potent combination sparks creativity, inspiring new idea and empowering us to tap into our inner multidimensional wisdom and manifest our heart based desires into the physical world.
However, as we integrate these energies, we may experience a few physical and emotional recalibrations. Some possible signs may include:
– Fatigue, exhaustion, or lethargy as our bodies adjust to the increased frequencies
– Vivid dreams, insomnia, or disrupted sleep patterns as our minds process and integrate the new energies
– Emotional turbulence, mood swings, or heightened sensitivity as we release old patterns and emotions
– Physical sensations such as headaches, dizziness, or lightheadedness as our bodies adapt to the shifting energies
– Increased sensitivity to light, sound, or other environmental stimuli as our senses become more acute
– Digestive issues, or changes in appetite as our bodies adjust to the new frequencies
To harness these energies and prepare for the Solstice, it’s essential to focus on introspection and self-reflection. Take time to explore your thoughts, emotions, and desires, clarifying your intentions for the coming year. Try to identify and release old patterns, letting go of outdated thought forms, mental clutter, and unnecessary connections, making space for new growth and renewal.
Nurture your creativity and innovation by engaging in activities that inspire you, exploring new ideas, and encouraging innovative thinking. Connect with nature and spirit, honoring the cycles of the seasons and amplifying your spiritual growth and awakening. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this time, allowing your body and mind to adjust to the shifting energies. Prioritize self-care, rest when needed, and stay hydrated to support your physical and emotional well-being.
By embracing these energies and focusing on personal growth, release, and renewal, you’ll be well-prepared to harness the transformative power of the Solstice and embark on a renewed journey into the new year. As the solstice approaches, expect a profound sense of transformation, renewal, and rebirth, setting the stage for a brighter, more awakened future.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update, I’ll be focusing on the energetic nature of the new 2025 frequencies that are already flowing into our consciousness and energy fields.
AN ACCELERATION of your ASCENSION ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light
Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Thank you for speaking with us, and thank you for this Transmission.
As more of the infinite Light of the Prime Creator reaches the Earth, the process of ascension for humanity has been significantly accelerated. This influx of divine energy is impacting on the way individuals perceive time and their surroundings. Everything in your perspective seems to be moving at an astonishing pace, with days seemingly flying by. Many individuals are feeling the loss of missing time, as if hours and even days have slipped away unnoticed. This sensation is due to the rapid shifts occurring in your consciousness. Your reality is changing very quickly, evolving in ways that you may not fully comprehend.
The acceleration of the energies surrounding you is to ensure Humanity’s awakening. This awakening is an eminent part of the ascension that is currently taking place.
For those who are just beginning to awaken to their spiritual potential and the deeper truths of existence, their spiritual journey is also being quickened remarkably. This acceleration allows them to confront and clear the negative energies and emotional blockages at a very fast pace. As they engage in this process of release, they create ample space for Love and Light to enter their hearts and minds.
This influx of positive energy is working, like a domino effect, throughout the Human collective.
As these newly awakened individuals experience rapid changes in awareness and perception, it can be overwhelming at first. They are receiving an information overload. For many in the past, this has been when cognitive dissonance sets in, and they literally chose not to see truth. However, for those newly awakened in these moments, they are having to face truth head on, without having the chance to choose to not see it. Disclosure is now becoming mainstream, and with your technologies of today, the Human collective can connect with each other anywhere at any time, discovering the truth for themselves.
For those who are in Awareness, the rapid changes you are experiencing can evoke a range of emotions. These emotions range from excitement and anticipation to confusion and an underlying sense of urgency. Remember to keep it simple, Just be Love. Express through your Thoughts, words and actions, the Vibrations of Love, Care, Compassion, Gratitude, Giving, Forgiveness, and Unity.
It is crucial to understand that it doesn’t take intense spiritual teachings or rigorous practices to ascend to higher states of consciousness. Instead, what is truly required is Love in your Heart, a genuine love that radiates warmth and compassion towards oneself and others. The more you can embody the essence of a loving and caring being, the faster you will ascend along this spiritual journey. This is a message that has been echoed by countless spiritual teachers throughout your history, each one emphasizing the same fundamental truth. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. These timeless principles serve as guiding lights, reminding you of the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of treating each other with kindness and respect.
These are the true teachings of spirituality, distilled into simple yet profound concepts that resonate deeply within the human experience. This knowing, this innate understanding of love and compassion, is already within you, waiting to be awakened and expressed. Even a newborn baby can love. You entered Earth with Unconditional Love already within you. It is a part of your very essence, a core aspect of what it means to be human. Humanity has literally been programmed, throughout your life, to feed the ego. You have learned to separate yourselves. It’s time to step back into the Love that you came to Earth with.
As you embark on this journey of inner-discovery and growth, remember that the power to transform your life and the lives of those around you lies in your ability to love unconditionally. Embrace this truth, and let it guide your actions, thoughts, and interactions. In doing so, you will not only elevate your own spirit but also contribute to the collective awakening of humanity, creating a ripple effect of love and positivity that transcends boundaries and unites you all.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com.
The Portal to the Infinite of all Creation is open. Take time to breath in the light and activate the energies from within. These energies are very physical, yet happening on a Quantum level at Quantum speed. Today the energies are raising your physical vibration higher into the New Earth timeline. Confidence and charisma are supporting worthiness to receive. Use your creator consciousness make life happen for you as the Leader of your own Life.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
A Decision
Tanaaz ~ Forever Conscious
Sun Aligns with Galactic Center
The center of our Milky Way is believed to sit at around 27 degrees of Sagittarius and from December 18th to the 20th, the Sun will dance along this supercharged place in the cosmos. In astrology, the Sun represents the core of who we are. It represents what makes us feel alive and what makes us feel most like ourselves. It represents the essence of our soul and what gifts we have come to shine out into the world.
During this time, as the Sun is activated by the energies of the Galactic Center, we are going to be called to align with the truth of who we are.
We are going to be called to tune into our true essence and our true calling and to think about ways we can bring this to the world.
For all of us, our ultimate purpose in this life is to bring our unique music, our unique song, our unique expression into this world.
For all of us, our purpose is to just be ourselves and to work on sharing that self with the world.
All of us are consciousness expressing ourselves as human, and all of us, as the little balls of consciousness that we are, are needed in this world.
All of us serve a role and fulfill a purpose, even if it is not clear to us what that may be.
We are each a thread in a tapestry, and each one of us helps to make the bigger picture. All of us help to create the reality we experience on this Earth. And all of us are just as important and just as special.
The tapestry just wouldn’t be the same without you. Life just wouldn’t be the same without you. You think you are just one person, but your energy is like a piece of music that flows in harmony with all the others, and without you, the song just wouldn’t be the same.
As the Sun dances with the Galactic Center, and galactic waves stream down to Earth, it’s the perfect time to step into your power, to know you are stronger than any fears you may have, and to remember just how worthy and special you are.
Your calling in this life is to shine your light on the world in whatever way resonates with you at this particular time in your life.
There are no wrong ways to shine, for even if you don’t feel particularly sparkly right now, you still glow.
Know that even though you are afraid, even though you may not be feeling up for it, your light still shines. No fear, no grief, no pain, no amount of trama can dim your light.
Don’t force or pressure yourself to be anything other than exactly who you are and what you feel in this moment. For when you embrace and accept the moment you are in, your light shines, your rhythm plays in the exact harmony that it’s meant to.
As the Sun crosses the Galactic Center, it helps to activate our soul, to awaken us deeper, and to remind us that there is so much more to this life that we can see or even really fathom.
Saggitarius is the sign of the adventurer and the wanderer, and even though we have physical lives to lead on earth, who’s to say what our soul gets up to when we are dreaming? Who’s to say where our soul goes or what adventures it has!
You are far more powerful than you realize and as the Sun merges with the Galactic energies, I hope you are able to tune in to just how special you are, just how needed you are, and just how beautiful your music makes the world. Thank you for being you. Thank you for shining your light in the way that you do. Whatever way you show up is enough.
Fear can’t stop you for you are more powerful than it, you just have to realize that you are. Under the Galactic Sun energies, stand tall and proud, and repeat to yourself- “I can do anything,” for these words are truer than you realize.
December 16-23, 2024 – GREAT PRESENCE – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are just coming off of a powerful Gemini Full Moon, bringing forward all that is within us, which has long been suppressed. With Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, we are trying to reclaim the Dream. So much potential sits brewing in the SuperNova Soul, we are about to burst at the seams.
This Full Moon in Gemini happened not too far out of square with Neptune in Pisces. The Sun will come into exact square with Neptune on December 19th. The Sun represents our identity. To fully step into the Dream, we need to face who we really our in our Spiritual Power.
This tense square of ego Death moving into Spiritual Purpose, will take us up through the Solstice which happens on December 21st. The Solstice is a rebirth of the Sun, and this year, it is a spiritual rebirth for SuperNovas and All. Sun square Neptune is pulling us over all obstacles to settle confidently into our True Spiritual Selves.
Mercury turns direct on December 16th at 6 degrees Sagittarius. We are taking back the dream of Human Spiritual Evolution. SuperNovas have been so lost, hidden and blocked from their true spiritual identity and gifts. This Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is about re-aligning with our Optimal Timeline. There is so much more to this Story, and Mercury is climbing the mountain, in order to get a better view. Be open to insights and clarifications on your future path as Mercury makes his way through Sagittarius for the third time.
Mercury will come into his third and final square with Saturn in Pisces on December 27th and opposition with Jupiter on December 28th. This is just after the exact square between Saturn and Jupiter which happens on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This square is about turning the wheel of time, and getting out of the old trauma stories for good. Jupiter in Gemini says that expressing our Deeper Truths out in the world, is what is necessary to move forward. Living in True Spiritual Presence breaks the spell of the lower matrix.
A powerful time of disclosure is indicated with Black Moon Lilith in Libra coming into opposition with Chiron in Aries. They will be exactly opposite of each other for this whole week. Black Moon Lilith is about deep hidden secrets. In Libra, it’s very dark truths about our inappropriate relationships with lower entities. These must be exposed, in order, in order for us to take back our Power and to turn the wheel of time.
We are poised on the edge of a New World, as Pluto sits at 0 degrees Aquarius. Pluto will move to 1 degree of Aquarius on December 30th. The Nodes of the Moon are finishing up their time in the signs of Aries and Libra. The North Node just moved to 2 degrees Aries, coming into sextile to Pluto. This puts the South Node in Libra into a trine with Pluto. It’s a complete breakdown of all we thought was True, but at least it’s harmonized.
The North Node in Aries is about taking back our Power from where we gave it away. Are we getting the message? Spiritual Autonomy is required to move into the Aquarian Age. We can’t step into the Golden Age and leak it out to lower forces. We must claim Sovereignty in our energetic field. That’s what the South Node in Libra is about. Loyalties to lower entities has kept us handicapped and playing small. We have been preyed upon and fed upon long enough.
It takes understanding of the power we have within us, in order to claim it. This is the journey we are on. Everyday, waking up more to who we really are. Nothing can stand in the way of our True Human Authority. As we stand up and claim our forward evolution, we are only waiting on ourselves, to remember, and feel worthy of our Massive Spiritual Abundance. It’s all getting worked out, as we stand on the edge of the Mountain. We pause, in order to gain a better perspective of what is really going on.
This is a time of inward preparation. Let yourself dream and vision. We are learning to co-create with Mother Earth once again. Step up, out of the old clothes and stories, and receive your Soul Rebirth. The more confused you are about who you are and where you are going, the more power is within you that has been suppressed. The deeper the hidden treasures, the more precious they become. Now it’s time to receive and unwrap your Great Presence.
On Monday, December 16th, we have the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, in emotional, water sign Cancer in a positive trine connection to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in intuitive, water sign Pisces. Luna will also create a challenging square aspect to Chiron, ruler of spiritual wounds, in bold, fire sign Aries. After the energies of the Full Moon this past weekend, we now are a bit more calm and self-reflective.
In this waning moon cycle, the last one of 2024, we are releasing and letting go of unconscious patterns and dissonant feelings that are ready to be purged from our psyche. Yes, we do this throughout the year, but this time our soul is desiring to heal all that it can before we move into a new cycle and the new year 2025. Memories from childhood, and past lives……karma from the past, and other lifetimes, are being set free, absolved, transformed and transmuted……as much as our soul is ready to allow.
So, take some quiet time today and call in the healers of the light to assist with the spiritual healing that is guided.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, in emotional, water sign Cancer in a positive trine connection to Saturn
Lunar aspects – Monday morning is quiet, absorbing the messages floating through the ether after yesterday, hunkering down, grabbing food, nesting, gestating. The world out there may feel hard around the edges, too many demands, too much required. Stop the world I want to get off!
But Saturn is here to help, an anchor in a stormy sea. Maybe it’s the voice of your grandmother, a long-lost uncle, a loved one from long ago. Some old wisdom bubbles up from deep within. Perhaps it’s a repeated phrase, a family mantra to keep you strong and centred. And if there is nothing, only the tug of the tide that threatens to crack you open, then put your hand on your heart and remind yourself ‘I’m safe’.
You are safe.
Degrees and Times
Moon 02°Cn48′, North Node 02°Ar48′ R, South Node 02°Ar48′ R – 00:07 (UT)
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its key words are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. This is the 6th day of the Red Earth wavespell. Day 6 is all about getting organized and sorting out your life. Take care of bills, housework, shopping etc; To be balanced one must walk the talk AND take care of business at the same time. We are spiritual beings of course but with a body and a life that needs to be taken care of. Being practical is an important grounding ritual that frees up your mind for more interesting things…so get it done. We are in the wavespell of evolution and each day in the wavespell is like a stepping stone. Today, you can make real progress with your evolution if you address what needs balancing.
Today is White Wind and its key words are ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. Today is the perfect day for organizing communication. Send a letter, organize a protest, hold a meeting or facilitate a workshop. Think about how your life could be better organized and think about how better you could express your needs. Connecting to spirit is another aspect of the White Wind….write a message on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow or say it out loud… spirit hears your messages but sometimes you have to speak up! If you are a White Wind you’ll enjoy good conversations today. For the rest of us, don’t miss the chance to speak your mind or read a good book. Expressing yourself through writing is another ideal activity for today, and of course singing or reciting poetry.
The Guide today is also White Wind and so a double helping of this chatty energy.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human. The Human has much wisdom to share but on White Wind days they struggle to be heard. Yellow Humans need to be pushed sometimes to communicate, so if you are one, try harder today to get your message across, it’ll be worth the effort. If you know a Yellow Human, try to coax out of them what they are feeling. They don’t always step forward and speak up.
The Occult power today is the Blue Storm which represents ‘Cataclysm, Self-Generation and Energy’. Whenever Storm is in this position expect magical changes to occur. Some folk fear the Storm but it often changes our lives in incredible ways. If you are a Blue Storm, take advantage of being in the Occult power position. The Storm is awesome for regeneration and when occupying this spot, this can lead to opportunities to regenerate our energy levels.
The Ally is the Red Earth which is also the wavespell we are in. It is always helpful when this occurs as the Ally and wavespell agenda – align positively. And if you know a Red Earth, even better…they can be a great help today offering support and friendship. If you don’t know one, just focus on your evolution.
Today’s code is a SUPER POWERFUL double dose of guidance from Spirit seeking to bring more BALANCE into our world. KIN 162 is a very potent influence blowing DIRECTLY through the PEARLY GATES today.
We also have a 9.9. DIVINE DESTINY code today and a 16 TOWER code. SPIRIT is powerfully communicating through this HOLY day – beckoning us to GET READY for sudden changes to our path of DESTINY!
Day 6 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are LISTENING, communicating, and BREATHING LIFE and Spirit into our physical bodies (HOW DIVINELY PERFECTO on this HOLY DAY of COMPLETION and change of direction), in order to organize for greater balance in our physical realities.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
NOTE: We are on day 6 of the wavespell which activates the CHRIST frequency.. HEAVEN is calling us today!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body by using your BREATH to clear and balance any energetic blocks in your body, and our world, in order to come into greater ALIGNMENT with SPIRIT. A great day for Yoga, Qi Gong, walking, dancing, singing mantras, and playing WIND instruments!
Today we are organizing our physical reality for greater BALANCE and EQUALITY.
A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING and FENG SHUI, decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, channeling ideas, journaling or reflecting on your desires and DREAMS. It is time to allow your DREAMS to surface and FLOW through you, bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
Today’s question is “How can I allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through me, bringing more balance and equality into my LIFE and our WORLD?”
“Am I willing and able to become a Divine conduit for Spirit and the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?”
Divine blessings for brilliant revelations, today through this DIVINE HOLY DAY.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin it was Sunday 31 March 2024 which was
EASTER SON/SUN-DAY is a day of RESURRECTION and REBIRTH – NEW BEGINNINGS as we RISE from the ashes defying DEATH and transforming ourselves into something NEW.. In order to do so we need to BREAK out of the confines of the OLD BOX – paradigm and limiting concept of ourselves and our reality..
Very fittingly 18 moons ago – 2 GALACTIC SPINs – we also had a day of LIBERATION – rising up and claiming our NEW SELVES..It was JULY 14, 2024 which of course was the FRENCH INDEPENDENCE DAY.
On that day we also had a 5.5 LIBERATION PORTAL on BASTILLE DAY!!! BOOM!!
Lots of FREEDOM codes to LIBERATE our NEW DIVINE SELVES beloveds.
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIND -IK DOUBLE WIND POWER today with a 9.9 DIVINE DESTINY, coupled with RED EARTH, so lots of signs and messages appearing to guide your path through this TRIFECTA of messengers. Recalibrate your GPS for your new DIVINE PATH unfolding now.
Stop, be STILL and LISTEN to the whisperings of the Great White Wind. Great SPIRIT is communicating LOUD and CLEAR through the crystalline grid of consciousness. Each person is a hollow vessel to channel and universalize this FORCE, through their being so tune in and allow the messages to FLOW.
The VOICE of SPIRIT, through the DIVINE PLAN for humanity, WILL be amplified today, as Divine Will is communicated and broadcast on the Earth plane.
Take some time to be STILL and connect with SPIRIT today – listen for the messages or ASK for GUIDANCE = what is next for me SPIRIT? How can I be of greater service to my fellow man?
The 5.5. LIBERATION code from BASTILLE DAY – a revolutionary day – promises to FREE us through the Will of Spirit.. HALLELUJAH!
Spirit will make it very CLEAR as to the TRUE path, to follow for the highest good of ALL. Any “voices” from sources “other than God/Goddess/Source” will fall on “deaf EARS” – so that the people of Earth can finally attune to the ONE and only DIVINE CHANNEL required to guide our evolutionary path out of this dark EPOCH and into the LIGHT!
And how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
And how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Blowin` In The Wind lyrics Songwriter: Bob Dylan
Tune in and LISTEN to this station of PURE LOVE & LIGHT for your instructions – There are many messages queued to come through – for those willing to be STILL and LISTEN. Many ideas, projects, inventions, healing technologies, systems and solutions – waiting to be received and ACTIONED upon..
It is a brilliant day for planetary kin to come together, to network, to communicate, to create, to meditate, to channel, to laugh, dance and sing. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART to the voice of spirit.
FULL KUDOS and DIVINE GRATITUDE to all those perceptive souls who have heeded the call of Spirit and ACTED upon the guidance, by spontaneously ACTING upon the INSPIRATION received. They are LISTENING to their souls and allowing Spirit to guide them to WHERE they need to be, to make a difference to humanity in these evolutionary times.
MAJIK IS HAPPENING and it is truly GLORIOUS to witness.
SUPPORT: RED RHYTHMIC EARTH – CABAN… DOUBLE EARTH MAJIK and SYNCHRONICITY today through the SUPPORT energies and day 6 of the WAVESPELL. Lots of TALKING today from DOUBLE PACHAMAMA and DOUBLE SPIRIT – WHITE WIND… seriously STRONG VOICES in our HEADS to navigate a NEW WAY of being.
CABAN works in unison with WHITE WIND, to facilitate greater connection to Pachamama and this grand Ascension cycle, that Spirit is guiding us through. Stand barefoot on the EARTH today and LISTEN to her rhythm as we breathe and dance, and begin to sing her song , dancing upon her songlines.
Connect with Pachamama and FEEL her heartbeat beneath your feet coursing up through your body.
MOTHER I feel you under my feet.
As we channel Spirit’s messages we need to communicate these ideas to others, in order to facilitate much needed change, and anchor the new social systems upon our planet. First we must LISTEN to the SIGNS and look for the synchronicities, navigating our way forward to our BRILLIANT new fun filled, BLISSful future. Discerning the cycles and awakening to Gaia’s rumblings in our collective evolution.
The RHYTHMIC EARTH and WIND are brilliant allies in communicating HOW we can return to equilibrium… so LISTEN and organize for this to happen.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE GALACTIC STORM – CAUAC Today we can receive revolutionary ideas from Spirit that serve to activate change – especially through the previous 5.5. LIBERATION CODE on BASTILLE DAY – French Independence Day! – .
The GALACTIC STORM will really stir up the MUD to facilitate rapid transformation through this HOLY day of RESURRECTION!!
The GALACTIC STORM is in full resonance with the FRENCH principles of “Liberté, Égalité, Paix and Fraternité – LIBERTY, EQUALITY, PEACE and BROTHERHOOD. These ideals are based on the principles of TRUTH, honesty, integrity, authenticity and EQUALITY which is the AGENDA of the GALACTIC STORM – ensuring ALL people receive EQUAL benefit.
All INCLUSIVE from now on – UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS here we come
Allow the change we experience through breathing the dance of LIFE in our physical bodies. As the STORM generates tremendous energy we can catalyze this in order to surge forwards, purified and cleansed, partaking in much merriment. Accepting our roles in these transformational times as the ‘Agents of Change” – leading the way for others to follow, trusting in the Divine Plan and the process of transformation.
BLUE STORM is a kindred ally for the WHITE WIND heralding forth potent WINDS OF CHANGE… Allow this beautiful breeze to carry you to your new destination, long before it becomes a HURRICANE!!
Are you in full alignment with the DIVINE PLAN for YOURSELF and humanity?
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC HUMAN – EB challenges us today to ALIGN with Divine Will, allowing our will to dance with spirit. To surrender the will of our bodies, to the call of Spirit. In doing so, we become strengthened. Releasing the need to plan and force a path with your limited MIND, not knowing the greater picture that Spirit has in store for us all.
Today we use our wisdom to make better choices, and communicate our wisdom to our planetary kin, to manifest the brightest outcome for our PLANET.
YELLOW HUMAN enables us to look to the wisdom of the ancient ones, the wise ones and the prophets, who knew the best ways to seed a beautiful new consciousness based on cooperative living in our Common-unities.
Surrender to the Will of the Divine to uncover your roadmap for your next evolutionary chapter.
Today’s question is “How can I allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through me, bringing more balance and equality into my LIFE and our WORLD?”
“Am I willing and able to become a Divine conduit for Spirit and the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?”
Divine blessings for brilliant revelations, today through this DIVINE HOLY DAY.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 15th through 21st 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony for the Full Moon in Gemini and leads a Guided Meditation for the December Solstice.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Decree of the I Am: Strength, Courage and Overcome
“I am the Divine Presence in action.
I Am the strength that dwells within me, sustaining me through all challenges.
I am the courage that transcends all fear and doubt.
I am the overcomer that transforms any obstacle into learning and victory.
I call upon divine energy to flow through my being now
Strengthening my body, mind and spirit
I Am the flame of divine power that shines brightly within me.
Nothing is greater than the power of the I Am that dwells in my heart.
I am resilient, I am confident,
I Am Fully Capable Of Overcoming All Barriers.
With gratitude, I accept the light, strength and courage of the Divine in my life.
That’s it, that’s how it will be, because I Am, We Are
Strength, Courage and Overcome
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