Frequency Holders of the Sacred Feminine ~ A Shift in the Matrix of Time * Twin Flame Sound String ~ PYRAMID LIGHT PROTECTION
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Conscious Co-Creators of Heavenly Life
Happy 7:17 Portal of the Great Awakening!
After yesterdays massive X Class Solar flare our local Soularis continues to Blaze this realm with Cosmic Rays of Healing and Transformation releasing another 4 C Class Soular Flares and 5 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.05 at 6:39 UTC. We have the 555 Portal activation of the 5 elements and the 369 Code of Nikola Tesla and the Secret Numbers of the Universal One.
We also had major spikes today of higher resonance in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 32 hz, 34, 35 and 36 hz and a big blast of white light at 39 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetic fully anchored in and rising!
Day by day in every way we make our way closer and closer to our Divine Dream realized on Earth. As we seek the Kingdom of Heaven within we journey into the Zero Point Still Center of Pure Awareness and realize our True Nature of the Awakened Mind of Buddha.
All that we have experienced in the past of separation was all part of the illusion of the simulation of the duality game. We have transcended and released all that is not in alignment with our Higher Self to become the Avataric Wayshowers of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Your vision has changed. Your needs have evolved too. You have outgrown parts of your story. Keep acknowledging what’s now true, feeling what you now feel. Each step you take, your next chapter opens more. Trust your instinct and keep walking forward. If you feel pushed toward something, you are right on time. New pieces of your destiny are now coming together.
Intense changes of perceptions and shifts. The energy is clearing you of what’s outgrown — sometimes without respite. Early August, more of the following chapter is activated. Onward to the Lion’s Gate.
Frequency holders of the sacred feminine have materialised the keys and eroded the seals of deception which have hidden their course of existence. The removal of repression from the actualised feminine is now open to flourish and grow, as the lilly which floats on soft waters takes a stand of pride in her own genuine beauty and the adoration of God’s omnipotent field of vision.
In this way the goddess is reconnected within her rightful status as all the workings of the evil creatures have tried to hide, suffocate and annihilate, by pushing her deep into her own shadow and disrespecting her every dignity. Through lost teachings man and woman have been disconnected in every possible aspect and in loosing their sacred connection have been in acceptance of an intermediary who seeks to block truths with hatred and evils of false claims.
And while the dark deception is so far intricately entangled with the history of human nature, no longer will it dictate through falsehoods the interaction between the divine and her children, but instead shall begin the melting of a huge mountain, from earth to ice and so to water, to run and to flow back to the source and to feel, maybe for the first time ever, the freedom of that journey.
7/17/24: You could feel a quickening today that might seem out of place in this heavy month. But The Crab has many moods and occasionally does come out to play. You could be surprised by an invitation or communication out of the blue (maybe even initiate it). Or something could suddenly break free or open channels.
Some of us might get offers we can’t refuse while others finally draw their lines in the sand. It’s a day to claim your creativity, your worthiness, and your freedom. And, as you do, the Universe will be there to support you. In fact, it’s the Universe that’s beckoning you to expand and explore your horizons. And who are you to argue with the Universe?
explore your horizons
THE PERSEIDS BEGIN as Conscious Attachment RISES!
The Power of the 17 is YOURS as the INFINITE surrounds you with KNOWING & ABUNDANCE!
Consider how your week has been flowing and what has been revealing! As the pre-phase of Mercury Retrograde now meets the Perseid Meteor shower in the energy of the 17…INFINITE PRESENCE is affecting Every-thing!
This is the moment to notice what you are noticing and to do so beyond the boundaries of the limitaion of the mind! Everything is becoming “FULL”. And…IT IS…through the fullness that we discover the transformative nature of July that is the MASTERY RISE.
The imminent moments we are all navigating are expansive. This can be intimidating if you carry fear, doubt and hesitancy. With the culminating third meteor shower appearing, the Perseids begin their dance on the 17th. THIS IS the PRECURSOR for the November “moment”…when the Taurids will fly in to our potenitality and CHANGE EVERYTHING!
This moment is calling you to NOTICE the attachments and celebrate that your Conscious Awareness is ready to EXPAND!
ALL of the elders are calling. In just the past week we have had visits and communications from the Cofan of the Amazon, the Canari of the Andes, The Kiche of the Amazon and the Priests from India.
ALL are saying the same thing…THIS IS THE MOMENT for those carrying the consciousness of Divine Mastery Presence to JOY-FULLY MOVE FORWARD.
As you navigate this week and move into the Full moon moment, remembrance of your ANCIENT KNOWING IS YOURS TO RE-CLAIM.
You have done this before and this time you are Consciously AWARE.
At the end of our last group session on Sunday night, I witnessed the most amazing development at the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis!
This was the formation of the matter and antimatter string of this creation in connection to our realm.
I witnessed it unfolding and being established so easily and gracefully.
This string is unbreakable and immovable and once established, there is nothing and no one that can interfere with it.
This is part of the restoration of the Divine Kundalini that we have been undergoing and it is the arrival of great and positive news for the Living Ones!
As I was watching its creation, I felt very happy and thrilled, a pure enthusiasm came from the centre of my heart without any thought involved and I immediately felt reassured that this was done.
I instantly knew that this development was what we were waiting for as it will be of great support and help for the Twin Flame Phoenixes!
We did it!
Last year on the 24th of October, we specifically worked with the group on the Twin Flames Code of the Unshakable.
This work was focused on creating an inner energetic structure and relationship to the Self that could establish stability and steadiness for the Twin Flames so that they could continue unbothered
with all of their processes of restoration and repositioning, in the midst of world chaos as the old structures break and fall away.
After 8 months of continuous work we were finally given the confirmation that the matter and antimatter sound string is anchored in the physical in its wholeness.
This July is pure blessing for everyone who has been aligning to the spiritual guidance and performing the inner work.
The Matter and Anti-matter or Twin Flame Sound String, has finally been established and it is available for everyone who is willing to align to it.
Now the physical bridges can be created and be sure that this is what we will do!!!
Blessings of Establishment!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
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Asara Adams
Energy Update by Adama of Telos
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you will be able to shift your perception of reality.
You will be able to realize how quickly the Illusion is changing, depending on your inner world.
When you begin to heal your inner world, so will your outer world be healed.
More and more aspects of the Ego Illusion will disappear and more and more aspects of God’s Love and Peace will enter your experience.
In truth, you are the embodiment of God’s Love and Peace.
It is only covered by the Ego Mind through keeping you in fear and, more importantly, distracted from finding out about your truth.
However, your awakening from the dream has begun and there is no turning back.
You cannot un-know the truth: You are an embodiment of God’s Love and Peace.
You now know that anything less than Love is fear and is created by the Ego Mind.
Since fear is created by the Ego Mind it is not real, just as the Illusion that the Ego Mind created is not real.
Whatever you have experienced in the past that was unpleasant, was not real. It was part of the Illusion to keep you in fear.
Simply by understanding this truth, you are dissolving it and it has no power over you anymore.
Now, forgiveness can take place and then, a complete forgetting.
It never happened.
This creates the space for God to come to the forefront.
It was in you all along.
It was just forgotten.
Now you are remembering it again.
And so, you are able to make your journey back home to God’s reality.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama!
Channelled through Asara Adams
Dear friends, yesterday’s X1.9 flare was felt strongly by many people around the globe, specially those who are energy sensitives. This is the second X class flare our Sun has generated this week. It’s not surprising though that our Sun is becoming more active during this time window of potent manifestations between the recent 7:7 portal and the upcoming August 8, 8:8:8, Lion’s gate energy portal.
While the energy of the recent 7:7 portal was mostly focused on reawakening to our spiritual truths and building a bridge between our physical existence and the spiritual dimensions, the energy of the upcoming 8:8:8 gateway will be about bringing to life and into the world this new Heaven and Earth reconnection. The 8:8:8 portal this year is further enhanced by the triple appearance of the prosperous vibrations of number 8.
This current period from 7:7 to 8:8:8 can be seen as an energetic bridge between these two powerful yet different fields of lightcodes. During this period we are merging our abilities to anchor heavenly high frequency energies (7:7) and channel them into our physical realities (8:8:8). While the 7:7 lightcodes have a more feminine energetic imprint, the 8:8:8 codes will have a stronger masculine feeling and therefore a more active role in the manifestation process.
As we move through this energetic vortex, many of you will experience incredible synchronicities in your life that will be guiding you to make important decisions that will change the course of your timelines. You may start seeing connections between random events that will open your eyes to new higher perspectives. These synchronicities are meant to assist you in your life’s journey so you can reconnect with your divinely given co-creating abilities.
You may find that during this 7:7 to 8:8:8 period you intuition will be heightened, your deep wishes may come to life, and prosperous new projects will unfold easily if your heart and mind are aligned with your soul’s path. But even if you are not yet fully aligned, you may use this period to go deeper within, listen to your feelings, and connect with this manifesting field of lightcodes. All that matters is that your heart and mind are open to initiate this process of inner alignment. All the rest will come by itself.
When the Sun becomes more active during these special energetic periods, our energy fields become more receptive to the surrounding energies. The solar winds carrying subatomic particles are infused with high frequency information, lightcodes, that interact with our fields and are able to switch on specific “points of Light” within us. As these micro activations take place in our systems, we begin to resonate deeper and better with all celestial energies around us.
Please stay well hydrated during these days of solar activity, and rest as much as needed. This process of energetic transmutation takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself at this time. Allow this process to take you closer to your divinely intended timeline as you release what’s no longer necessary for your journey. The energies of the upcoming full moon during the weekend will further assist with these emotional releases.
For The Geometric Presence Of Shapes Imprinted In Our World Are Multidimensional Tools To Assist The Uprising Of Now
For the Ancient Technology of Past and Present provides clues and insights to integrate and expand light
The Pyramid Light Frequency is an example I am shown. For the Light Workers task is to simply expand and find the finite light connection of the Pyramid Light Frequency
Visualise and Expand The Pyramid Light Frequency, place a pyramid of Light around you to assist in protecting your light field, and grounding the present moment.
To realise our light expansion is reaching new levels of light development.
To FEEL this Light Frequency and higher awareness.
For Tools Are Now Available To Assist The Great Evolutionary Expansion of Now
To vibrationally Feel the importance of landmarks, ancient histories. Their role in the amplification of the present moment.
Know the Keys and Clues are before You.
For your unique journey resides in unlocking your own story of Light Evolution.
It is simply the Light Task of the Light Worker to follow the Light Path.
Practical information and ideas are coming in to help you get moving. You will need to trust your emotions and heightened intuition over fears. Be sure to be calm and grounded so you can access your inner guidance. This will unlock the truth that you deserve to be seen, loved, respected, and happy. Todays advice and guidance is coming from a place of love. Use it to unlock the solutions that are stable, supported, and protected.
On Wednesday, July 17th, the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in nurturing, water sign Cancer is starting to form a positive sextile to Uranus, ruler of eclectic innovation, in focused Taurus. This connection will be exact Thursday morning at 10:00am EDT so we will also experience the effects tomorrow.
This energy provides us with an opportunity… opportunity to raise the energy of love to a higher level, to magnify our intuitive and visionary capabilities, and to authentically express our thoughts and feelings. Connection to home, family and community could provide gifts, solutions and benefits.
Also, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in expansive Sagittarius and today will create connections to Venus, ruler of relationships, and Jupiter, planet of abundance. So, all in all, this day holds the potential for unique and magical opportunities, if we are aware and look for them!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in nurturing, water sign Cancer is starting to form a positive sextile to Uranus
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius trine Sedna in Gemini. Lunar Aspects (Moon in Sagittarius) – Sometimes we have to ask the big questions. Will the world survive AI? Would robots make better rulers? What are our ethics around technology? How will society change as time moves on? What if the brain is just a supercomputer attached by invisible light to a greater mind? As Pluto and Sedna meet for the fourth time in a series of seven connections, this is a cosmic push towards humanity’s transformation and the evolution of consciousness.
For each of us, this is an opportunity to check in. The Universe asks, what are you thinking about? Where does the energy of these thoughts go? What is generating these thoughts? Dig deep. Feel your way to the truth. If life has been at a low ebb, ask yourself what beliefs are you harbouring? What’s the story that you unconsciously repeat over and over again? Raise your frequency. Be generous with your heart. Expand your knowledge. Break the chains of negative thinking. Let life lead you to new paths of discovery.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number 10 and it’s key words are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce.’ The tenth day always reminds me of Lou Reed’s song ‘Perfect Day’. It sums up nicely the energy of the day and usually I find, it puts folk in a good mood.
Today is White Dog and key words associated with it are ‘Love, Heart and Loyalty’. Dogs can be loving and loyal and put 100% of their heart into whatever they are doing. They can also suffer from too much tenacity when they really want something. The number ten combined with White Dog can create a situation where your tenacity is too laser focused. Of course, this depends on yourself and how you are connected to the White Dog. If you have it as an Occult power or Guide or if you are A White Dog, don’t growl at others today because you want something so bad. It’s great to tap into this manifesting energy and it certainly yields results (that’s for anyone)….just be aware that others may get bitten in the process.
Today’s Guide is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. Mirror is always a handy guide because it shows you the truth and gives you clarity. Be honest and this will help make it perfect day.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you were born on a Yellow Sun, then your issues will surface. The Dog is more likely to bite you than anyone else.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey, the most magical sign in the most magical position. Monkey is so well behaved when in the Occult position. He just wants to facilitate magical experiences for everyone!
The Ally is the Red Moon, and these laid-back folk make great friends to have around today. They can remind you to chill if you are feeling too tenacious.
KIN 10 – Manifestation/Perfection/Leader/Authority/New Beginning
Today we have KIN 10 – as WHITE DOG is the 10th tribe in the DREAMSPELL and we have the PLANETARY tone 10.. giving us a 10:10.10 code.
Another HUGE PLANETARY DAY enveloping Nova Gaia with ENDLESS LOVE!!!
Day 10 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell where we are incubating in the Womb of Creation… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!
Today we are focused on perfecting our Manifestation of unconditional LOVE and LOYALTY to our kin and our whole PLANET, as we co create our New LOVE-filled world with our tribe. Sending forth these perfected waves of LOVE throughout our planet to create transformational EVOLUTION .
Huge infusions of LOVE enveloping us all now. THIS is the NEW NORMAL.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Red Dragon Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the nurturance and love that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong, healthy relationships with our cell-ves and our kin today. We have the power to heal and perfect these unions producing incredible happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the Planetary heart of Gaia. As we are all ONE HEART.
Today’s question is “How can we PERFECT the manifestation of a harmonious New World, reflecting endless LOVE and LOYALTY, for all our Planetary kin.
Divine blessings for manifesting PERFECTED loving relationships through our beautiful Planetary family.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY DOG – OC is revealing the TRUTH as to how to PERFECT living our lives with an open HEART through LOVE, LOYALTY, TRUST, COMPASSION and DEVOTION. The focus today is on LOVE and relationships. In particular SELF-LOVE, and your reflection of this in relationships with others, and our Earth Mother – our Pachamama..
Day 10 of RED DRAGON wavespell is highlighting all of these issues and the importance of unconditional LOVE and DEVOTION in our lives. Without LOVE, our life feels meaningless, and we feel like hollow vessels with huge empty caverns inside us, as of course no man is an island.
Humans thrive on social connection and bonding, particularly after being forced into isolation during 2020/21. Hopefully this strain on our families has led us to appreciate our loved ones even more. If your nuclear or biological family is estranged you can feel a closer bonding with our GLOBAL family through our shared trials.
As Charles Dickens wrote “It was the BEST of times, it was the WORST of times.” The paradox is that during VERY TESTING TIMES of SPIRITUAL TRIALS, we are given a HUGE opportunity to PERFECT and heal our familial relationships.
Sadly the past 2 years of trauma, caused a huge division and separation between friends, family members, work colleagues and others. Our TEST was to accept EVERYONE UNCONDITIONALLY and not condemn people for their choices or beliefs (if it did not align with yours).
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is dependent on TOTAL ACCEPTANCE of others, no matter what.. no judgement, just realizing that we are ALL ONE GLOBAL FAMILY.
All this REFLECTION time has hopefully led us to CHERISH our kin, and those relationships we truly value. Building a solid foundation for loving relationships takes time and effort.
HONESTY form the 4 pillars, and
Our own SELF-LOVE and HONOUR, forms the core central pillar, around which the other 4 pillars follow.
These 4 principles produce the foundation of our New World, that we are Manifesting as the PLANETARY Master Builders and Architects of PEACE. If any of these pillars are missing, then the walls crumble, and the whole structure collapses. Like builders we lay these foundations on solid ground and then once our structure is strong and stable, we can reap the benefits of secure and lasting relationships.
Great relationships are built over time, with due consideration, self-reflection and awareness. Consideration for ourselves and the needs of others is the key. Placing your needs above all else is a recipe for disaster. As is self sacrificing and servitude, in valuing others above yourself.
Are your current relationships loving and fulfilling?
What about your relationship with yourself? Are you your own loyal best friend?
If your relationships are crumbling then it is time to get out the plaster and do a repair job. If the damage is too far gone it may be time to bail out of toxic relationships, and start afresh with new prospects.
RED DRAGON provides the energies for new beginnings and new creations, and LOVING NEW TRIBES. The energy is ripe to manifest and create better, more fulfilling, and soul enriching unions and communities.
On NOVA GAIA – all her children will LOVE and RESPECT each other, accepting ALL, with loving kindness...
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is the foundation of our New Earth – total INCLUSION and no more SEPARATION and competition.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY MIRROR ETZNAB is the MIRROR that REFLECTS everything back to you, your INNER state of being, through your relationships with others. As it is a PLANETARY day we are also mindful of all that the state of our WORLD is REFLECTING back to humanity, our COLLECTIVE beliefs, behaviours and matrix.
If we do not like what we SEE in the MIRROR, then we need to make the conscious choice to CHANGE what we are projecting from our INNER state of consciousness. The irony is that we need to hold a higher awareness, in order to utilize and fully understand the perspective that Etznab is revealing.
Too often when we are wounded or trapped in our Egoic games we cannot SEE the TRUTH. The distortion in the MIRROR confuses us and we perpetuate the blame game, projecting our issues and deficiencies onto the other person acting as our Mirror.
This game gets very confusing when neither party is willing to accept responsibility for their insecurities, and the distortion keeps bouncing back and forth between partners, becoming very toxic through the endless reflection. To stop this chaos, a higher level of awareness, self-analysis and observation is needed to SEE through the distortion and realize the TRUTH, otherwise the blame game perpetuates!
In order to release or repair disharmonious relationships, first we must find the WOUND. Once this is detected we can then use compassion, love and nurturing as the healing salve. Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed through ETZNAB today, in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
We can also REFLECT collectively on what is being mirrored to us through the media – be that the FALSE lame stream media – or that which we intuitively perceive as TRUTH… If we do not like the current situation we need to VOW to do BETTER as a collective and ENERGIZE a HIGHER VISION.
We need to BUILD a more LOVING, CARING and NURTURING world – one in which our children and all EARTH’s children, are CHERISHED.. This is what we are PERFECTING now in order to MANIFEST this collective dream… LOVE is ENDLESS and INFINITE so we need our PLANET to reflect LOVE in all continents, on all corners of the GLOBE.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY MOON MULUC is continuing to support the detoxification and purification process today, cleansing all that does not support the manifestation of higher LOVE, in order to increase our FLOW.
The GODDESS is reminding us to SOFTEN our HEARTS to allow more LOVE to FLOW – both inwards from Spirit and our loved ones, and outwardly as we PERFECT the sharing and expression of our LOVE.
An important aspect of LOVE is through NURTURANCE, care and protection... We have a responsibility to PROTECT the innocent, the young, the aged, the sick, the poor, the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, and particularly our beautiful loyal animal companions…
Mother GAIA – also requires our CARE, respect and protection for her planetary body, our natural environment, and the precious resources she bestows upon her children. Call in MULUC and OC to assist you in perfecting this process to finally claim your PURE unencumbered HEART!
The PLANETARY GODDESS is continuing to unleash a GLOBAL WAVE of LOVE that the SOLAR GODDESS – yesterday began PULSING forth. Huge PULSING wave upon wave of LOVE and deliciousness is sweeping our Planet now!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY CHUEN brings forth the much needed energies of MAJIK and PLAY as today’s SUPER-POWER!
You are reminded to connect with your inner Divine Child – that pure INNOCENCE – of your pure soul essence.. The PURITY embodied by the new born babe – that has just entered this world, who is filled with the radiance of Spirit. You are asked to truly LOVE your inner child in order to embody and REFLECT greater LOVE...
4 CHUEN produces great Planetary Majik, quadrupling our MANIFESTATION powers. The Self-Existing tone gives us the SUPERPOWER to manifest our thoughts into FORM...
Fantastic TESLA power today to SHAPE and form our New World, on a foundation of endless LOVE, DEVOTION, LOYALTY and COMPASSION.
Tap into the majik of your PURE HEART to manifest our Planetary desires.. enabling all the PURE HEARTED to UNITE in joy, bliss and harmony, to produce the joyous Planetary playground that we are perfecting.
“The MEEK shall inherit the Earth’
Indeed those Planetary kin who hold the 4 principles as sacred, will form the pillars of this New beautiful harmonious world, returning us to an Era of Innocence.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN AHAU’s power will reveal those relationships that are not based on a “Higher Love” or from an AWAKENED GODLY perspective.
YELLOW SUN brightens the day and thus reveals the darkest shadows. Any of your own shadows, or those of others that are blocking your path to en-LIGHTON-ment will be brought into the “spotlight” today. All shadows will be revealed. All souls are being challenged and tested in our FAITH at this juncture.. we are being forced to CHOOSE which path we resonate with..
The MIRROR is confusing many souls who are LOST and wandering in the darkness of the Hall of Mirrors..
All that they need to do is STOP, and focus on the LIGHT–
then walk in that direction, out of the dark tunnel towards the LIGHT
There is ALWAYS a LIGHT at the END of every tunnel… We just need to TRUST, BELIEVE and have FAITH that ALL is WELL, and that life is steering us to where we need to be.
To reap the gift that AHAU brings today, we need to perfect the powers of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love, to detach from any drama and align with GODLINESS, thus continuing on our HIGHEST evolutionary, destined path.
FIRST SEEK GOD then look around you, to see the team of people walking with you. That is your tribe!
Here comes the SUN!
YELLOW SUN brings forth this blessing today inviting us to return to our INNOCENCE!
FEEL the SUN on your face warming your body…
Feel the wonder of awakening on a SUNNY day, filled with the blue skies of optimism and JOY…
Feel the JOY in the DAWNING of a new DAY and our beautiful RAINBOW NEW WORLD being b-Earth-ed.
Focus on the PERFECTED world that we are collectively MANIFESTING. AHAU is raising our Consciousness today, and gifting our Planetary body with GOD CONSCIOUSNESS –
The return path to SOURCE is through our Heart Portal and our Divine Child. This is the true path of EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT. Our children are leading us back HOME!
Today’s question is “How can we PERFECT the manifestation of a harmonious New World, reflecting endless LOVE and LOYALTY, for all our Planetary kin.
Divine blessings for manifesting PERFECTED loving relationships through our beautiful Planetary family.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Every Planet in this System is held in its orbit by Violet Flame Control, from the Great Central Sun through the Physical Sun. And He is the Violet Ray that holds the Purifying Balance everywhere.
When we are tempted to criticize, censor or condemn circumstances of the outside world, don’t wait for a moment. We only claim enough Cosmic Power of the Consuming Violet Flame to force PURIFICATION to wipe out evil, everywhere and forever.
These decrees will be fully fulfilled no matter how many times we decree them. This is the Liberation from the Consuming Violet Flame that controls and contains all the Blessings of Eternity.
When invoking the Purifying Protection to manifest around us the Holy Fire within which evil cannot enter at this moment, there is nothing to fear.
It is like the Presence of the Sun that surrounds us and makes us grow and strengthen forever. We will get to the point where the Light will be our own Defense and the shadows will not bother us, because we leave them behind and walk forever in the Light.
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